smokin99 0 #33951 August 30, 2012 Quote .... With all those mens and their huge equipments just mauling and clawing at the bed, of the river, would anything have been noticed by the glistening mens? They were likely contracted to strip everything on that island bare (oh my)..... lol.....look cleavage! Finally.... a Farflung collage I can put on my refrigerator but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #33952 August 30, 2012 Robert 99 stated: The only real error I could find in this article was the mention of Cooper 'scooping up the cigarette butts and notes. Jo Comments: IF THAT is the ONLY ERROR you could find in the article YOU need to go back to 1971 and start your investigation of Cooper ALL OVER again. Are you SURE it was Florence who sat next to Cooper and was shown the "bomb"? Tina has been known to describe the "bomb" and I was under the impression Florence was only in receipt of a note - when Cooper said "Miss, I have a bomb". This writer even miss quotes Florence. "She took one look and decided that Mr. Cooper and his briefcase were not some holiday prank". Are you sure that is an accurate accounting of what Florence said or is that media liberty? Writers liberties such as this phrase "to Seattle, back south toward Portland through a raging storm - and then, when Cooper jumped from the jet's rear door two miles above the Washington-Oregon border, squarely into the history books as an authentic American legend". Who claimed it was 2 miles? By the way I have personally spoke to Larry Finegold and I have exchanged information with him regarding Cooper - Sluggo will vouch for this as he saw the letters. Cooper Switch???? Does he not mean Cooper something else. "As the plane circled over Seattle, Rataczak quickly learned he was not dealing with a novice". Oh Really - have YOU Robert99 spoke to the co-pilot about this remark? "Like an artillery commander confidently giving orders on a complex fire mission, Cooper told Rataczak that after the money and parachutes had been delivered, he wanted the pilot to head south from Seattle. To reduce the pressure of air or gas within (a chamber or vehicle, for example). the cabin, fly no higher than 10,000 feet, leave the landing gear down, set flaps at 15 degrees and leave the rear door open. With the exception of the door, which had to be closed for takeoff, he got everything he asked for". That was NOT a quote from the co-pilot above. Before you Robt99 endorse this article as statement of truths - please TALK to the co-pilot. "I was thinking, this guy knows a lot about the airplane,'' Rataczak, now a 57-year-old captain and still flying for Northwest, said the other day. "With the gear down and the flaps at 15 degrees, it limits us to about 175 miles an hour. So I wondered, could he really equate flaps-at-15 with 175? The guy's no dummy.'' Now the above quote actually came from the co-pilot and it does NOT support the other paragraph the writer give the Co-pilot credit for. Rataczak thought that "maybe the hijacker was going to take a few of the flight crew with him and then, in horror, he thought, what if the FBI decided to summarily end the hijack by sabotaging all four parachutes". Now again can you verifiy that what the co-pilot 'thought'. The co-pilot was warned by ground control and authorities Cooper might be taking someone with him...this has all been discussed in the thread. "We really got concerned with the possibility that we were going to get bogus parachutes,'' Rataczak said. "Cooper ordered the flight crew to get the "airstairs'' over to the plane. Given his constant use of aviation jargon, the crew thought he may have worked for Boeing or was a pilot. Finally, the hijacker released the passengers." If a person worked in maintaince or delivered good to the plane - they would know this terminology. "The hijacker sent stewardess Tina Mucklow up to the cockpit, then started negotiating with Rataczak on where to take the plane." Now Really - he sent her to the cockpit - did she go to the cockpit? "But Cooper, smelling something wrong, told the co-pilot to file a new flight plan - down Victor-23, an inland airway that goes south along Interstate 5 toward Portland, then on to Reno". Oh Really? - Cooper actually told the pilot to fly Vector 23. NOT likely. ***Preparing to make his unscheduled departure from Flight 305, Cooper carefully scooped up his cigarette butts, made sure he had all his handwritten notes.*** OH REALLY! The co-pilot really said that? Tina was the only one who could see Cooper on the end - she made NO mention of this scooping up his cigarette butts, but then who is to say that is not what happened? Only Tina knows. Why don't you ask Tina - her number is now public knowledge not due to media and writers such as yourself. (Maybe she has had it changed). "The F-106 drivers never saw him,'' Rataczak said. ``It was blacker than the ace of spades out there. They just saw a flash of light from us and then he just vanished.'' NOW REALLY that is what the co-pilot said? "A small submarine searched nearby Lake Merwin." Now that is one subject rarely talked about. I exchanged many emails with him, but I haven't heard from him in a long long time. His Email address was deleted from my files, but I still have his emails on file.... I made HARD Copies. Never depend on a computer - it can be attacked and/or erased deliberately or accidently. Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #33953 August 30, 2012 Quote Robert99 "The Idiot's Frightfull Laughter" My conclusion is that Sheridan even thought of himself as an Idiot for doing the Caper and during the jump he remembers laughing all the way to the ground but it was Frightfull due to the danger of a night jump into bad weather and not too certain about the landing spot. Bob Sailshaw Bob do you ACTUALLY believe what you just wrote above? Have you read Sheridan's Book? Whew! Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #33954 August 30, 2012 QuoteQuoteQuote Does anyone know what happened to Tosaw's papers after his death? Robert99 QuoteI have never been in contact with Cook. I have never seen a post on this thread from Cook. I suppose that you are accusing me of undermining you in some fashion. Well, Jo, life can be a bitch at times when you are posting nonsense about the balloon bombs, finding non-existent codes in Duane's service number(s), and so forth. Forget about keeping the two 99s straight. But it would be nice if you spent some time trying to keep the two Jo Webers straight. Robert99 WELL Mr. High and Mighty. Seems like Georger has already explained what I tried to tell you. Cook and Tosaw were friends. I need to read the thread before I post to someone like you. You do not understand the simplest of concepts...and you do not have a sense of humor - WHAT a grump! I have dial-up and I answer the post as I read them. I do not read the post to the end and then go back to make replies. Most of the information about the Balloon Bombs was censored and little made it to the papers until much later. Cook did NOT use his name and he according to an email sent to me made 2 posts. YES, I have had lots of emails from Cook! Not recently though. He likes puppets - he used many of us to post what he wanted to be known - that made us puppets and why I refer to Cook as the Puppet Master. I was not the only puppet. You only undermine yourself - not me. If the code as given to a newspaper is NON - EXISTENT then you PROVE IT! What is wrong you couldn't figure out the code? Well, if I have been set-up with the CODE - who would have a purpose in doing that? WHY would someone do that? How could they possibly know I could unravel the numbers? I didn't make the damn code up!Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites skyjack71 0 #33955 August 30, 2012 QuoteOne of the reasons I am doing the reconstruction, I can run 99's path and then turn on the lites (daytime)and really see whats around the plane, I'm able to see 360 around the outside of the plane above and below ya never know what might pop up? Nothing perhaps but I will have learned a lot while doing this! the question is...why not? WHY NOT! Love that expression!Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Robert99 50 #33956 August 30, 2012 Quote Robert 99 stated: The only real error I could find in this article was the mention of Cooper 'scooping up the cigarette butts and notes. Jo Comments: IF THAT is the ONLY ERROR you could find in the article YOU need to go back to 1971 and start your investigation of Cooper ALL OVER again. Are you SURE it was Florence who sat next to Cooper and was shown the "bomb"? Tina has been known to describe the "bomb" and I was under the impression Florence was only in receipt of a note - when Cooper said "Miss, I have a bomb". This writer even miss quotes Florence. "She took one look and decided that Mr. Cooper and his briefcase were not some holiday prank". Are you sure that is an accurate accounting of what Florence said or is that media liberty? Writers liberties such as this phrase "to Seattle, back south toward Portland through a raging storm - and then, when Cooper jumped from the jet's rear door two miles above the Washington-Oregon border, squarely into the history books as an authentic American legend". Who claimed it was 2 miles? By the way I have personally spoke to Larry Finegold and I have exchanged information with him regarding Cooper - Sluggo will vouch for this as he saw the letters. Cooper Switch???? Does he not mean Cooper something else. "As the plane circled over Seattle, Rataczak quickly learned he was not dealing with a novice". Oh Really - have YOU Robert99 spoke to the co-pilot about this remark? "Like an artillery commander confidently giving orders on a complex fire mission, Cooper told Rataczak that after the money and parachutes had been delivered, he wanted the pilot to head south from Seattle. To reduce the pressure of air or gas within (a chamber or vehicle, for example). the cabin, fly no higher than 10,000 feet, leave the landing gear down, set flaps at 15 degrees and leave the rear door open. With the exception of the door, which had to be closed for takeoff, he got everything he asked for". That was NOT a quote from the co-pilot above. Before you Robt99 endorse this article as statement of truths - please TALK to the co-pilot. "I was thinking, this guy knows a lot about the airplane,'' Rataczak, now a 57-year-old captain and still flying for Northwest, said the other day. "With the gear down and the flaps at 15 degrees, it limits us to about 175 miles an hour. So I wondered, could he really equate flaps-at-15 with 175? The guy's no dummy.'' Now the above quote actually came from the co-pilot and it does NOT support the other paragraph the writer give the Co-pilot credit for. Rataczak thought that "maybe the hijacker was going to take a few of the flight crew with him and then, in horror, he thought, what if the FBI decided to summarily end the hijack by sabotaging all four parachutes". Now again can you verifiy that what the co-pilot 'thought'. The co-pilot was warned by ground control and authorities Cooper might be taking someone with him...this has all been discussed in the thread. "We really got concerned with the possibility that we were going to get bogus parachutes,'' Rataczak said. "Cooper ordered the flight crew to get the "airstairs'' over to the plane. Given his constant use of aviation jargon, the crew thought he may have worked for Boeing or was a pilot. Finally, the hijacker released the passengers." If a person worked in maintaince or delivered good to the plane - they would know this terminology. "The hijacker sent stewardess Tina Mucklow up to the cockpit, then started negotiating with Rataczak on where to take the plane." Now Really - he sent her to the cockpit - did she go to the cockpit? "But Cooper, smelling something wrong, told the co-pilot to file a new flight plan - down Victor-23, an inland airway that goes south along Interstate 5 toward Portland, then on to Reno". Oh Really? - Cooper actually told the pilot to fly Vector 23. NOT likely. ***Preparing to make his unscheduled departure from Flight 305, Cooper carefully scooped up his cigarette butts, made sure he had all his handwritten notes.*** OH REALLY! The co-pilot really said that? Tina was the only one who could see Cooper on the end - she made NO mention of this scooping up his cigarette butts, but then who is to say that is not what happened? Only Tina knows. Why don't you ask Tina - her number is now public knowledge not due to media and writers such as yourself. (Maybe she has had it changed). "The F-106 drivers never saw him,'' Rataczak said. ``It was blacker than the ace of spades out there. They just saw a flash of light from us and then he just vanished.'' NOW REALLY that is what the co-pilot said? "A small submarine searched nearby Lake Merwin." Now that is one subject rarely talked about. I exchanged many emails with him, but I haven't heard from him in a long long time. His Email address was deleted from my files, but I still have his emails on file.... I made HARD Copies. Never depend on a computer - it can be attacked and/or erased deliberately or accidently. JO! THE QUOTES THAT YOU MAKE ABOVE AND ATTRIBUTE TO ME WERE MADE BY ROBERTMBLEVINS! PRESUMABLY, YOU ARE REFERRING TO THE ARTICLE THAT BLEVINS LINKED THAT APPEARED IN THE SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE! MY ONLY COMMENT ON THAT ARTICLE WAS TO POINT OUT THAT TOSAW BELIEVED THAT COOPER HAD LANDED NEAR THE POINT WHERE THE MONEY WAS LATER FOUND! NOW HAVE YOU GOT THAT STRAIGHT!!!!!? Robert99 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 377 22 #33957 August 30, 2012 QuoteI’m sure 377 and about a thousand other jumpers could relate just what they were exposed to as they jumped from a DC-9. I’ve been at the aft of a C-130 with the ramp down and can say I have experienced more wind and noise on this thread. But I’m sure someone will feel the need to portray the experience as something so unique, that they are the only ones on Earth to possess such expertise. Made 1 DC 9 jump and many C 130 jumps. Noise was no big deal at all. Didn't seem much different from any other jump from an acoustic standpoint. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Robert99 50 #33958 August 30, 2012 QuoteQuoteQuoteQuote Does anyone know what happened to Tosaw's papers after his death? Robert99 QuoteI have never been in contact with Cook. I have never seen a post on this thread from Cook. I suppose that you are accusing me of undermining you in some fashion. Well, Jo, life can be a bitch at times when you are posting nonsense about the balloon bombs, finding non-existent codes in Duane's service number(s), and so forth. Forget about keeping the two 99s straight. But it would be nice if you spent some time trying to keep the two Jo Webers straight. Robert99 WELL Mr. High and Mighty. Seems like Georger has already explained what I tried to tell you. Cook and Tosaw were friends. I need to read the thread before I post to someone like you. You do not understand the simplest of concepts...and you do not have a sense of humor - WHAT a grump! I have dial-up and I answer the post as I read them. I do not read the post to the end and then go back to make replies. Most of the information about the Balloon Bombs was censored and little made it to the papers until much later. Cook did NOT use his name and he according to an email sent to me made 2 posts. YES, I have had lots of emails from Cook! Not recently though. He likes puppets - he used many of us to post what he wanted to be known - that made us puppets and why I refer to Cook as the Puppet Master. I was not the only puppet. You only undermine yourself - not me. If the code as given to a newspaper is NON - EXISTENT then you PROVE IT! What is wrong you couldn't figure out the code? Well, if I have been set-up with the CODE - who would have a purpose in doing that? WHY would someone do that? How could they possibly know I could unravel the numbers? I didn't make the damn code up! Jo, Just forget about the balloon bombs. Even when they were flying directly over our heads, my 4th and 5th grade classmates and I didn't get excited about them. We could see them, we were informed about them by the government, and they were common knowledge. And there was no panic whatsoever. You want me to prove that the "codes" were non-existent. In other words, you want me to prove a negative. I'll do that just as soon as I get my perpetual motion machine perfected. Robert99 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites skyjack71 0 #33959 August 30, 2012 18 1939 Experimental Jumps, 3/4" cassette, undated Go find it yourself. Information so buried even the FBI couldn't find it. I am tired of trying to figure out who is who and keeping all of the Roberts and 99's separated. There is only one Jo - Skyjack71. Been trying to find the article on the Balloons in my old files - it is here and that article told it the way it really was. It is NO longer available online (go figure), but I made a HARD copy of it. Sent to me yrs and yrs is real and not a fake. Right now I am going to bed because I have a Dr.s appt "today" or rather this afternoon thank you.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites sailshaw 0 #33960 August 30, 2012 Jo: You say " Bob do you ACTUALLY believe what you just wrote above? Have you read Sheridan's Book?" ----------------------------------------------------------------- Yes, I know that it came to me as I was sleeping and is a possible answer as to what the title of Sheridan's book really ment. Snowmman has a different idea about the title, that it was contained in a book written in French. Could this be the connection to the Dan Cooper funny book also in French and that Sheridan could understand French? On reading Sheridan's book, the answer is yes and many times as it has information about Sheridan and what he did. I have only read Part I (339 pages) and I don't think Part II is done or out yet but suspect it will describe how the DB Caper was done. Bob Sailshaw Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites mrshutter45 21 #33961 August 30, 2012 Jo, are you saying Rataczak said the plane wouldn't go any faster than 175 mph not knots with 15 degree flaps? the plane was not pressurized, this was the reason he said 10,000. I'm a little confused as to what you are stating?"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites skyjack71 0 #33962 August 31, 2012 QuoteJo, are you saying Rataczak said the plane wouldn't go any faster than 175 mph not knots with 15 degree flaps? the plane was not pressurized, this was the reason he said 10,000. I'm a little confused as to what you are stating? I believe you are referring to my quoting an article NOT a personal conversation between the co-pilot and myself. I know little to nothing about airplanes other than what I have learned on this thread and flying commercial and in small private planes. The co-pilot and I discussed things related to the incident, but we never went into details about the mph or flaps. They were below 10,000 ft from the ground on more than one occasion.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites skyjack71 0 #33963 August 31, 2012 Quote [one of my 1st cousins and Tosaw's brother Mike attended the same college and played football together during WWII] Duane's brother (John) and his wife T--- belonged to the same church as Tosaw and the same Boat Club. John personally knew Tosaw and was in contact with Tosaw prior to my visit with John in 2004. John had something to tell me privately that evening - as John and his sister (Duane's sister) had had a conversation regarding Duane (the baby brother). Remember - Duane and John had not seen each other in 38 yrs when they talked to each other about 10 days before Duane died in 1995. T--- who was John's wife arranged the phone call and allowed 2 brothers to reconnect if only during the last few days of Duane's life. The family records state that John ordered Duane out of Mom Weber's home with a baseball bat (John did not remember this himself) so he had taken it from Mom Weber's journals. This was after Duane Weber was released from SanQuentin and until I see the actual date - it could have been before the St. Pete incident when Weber claimed his occupation as "Crook". But according to John the incident was dated AFTER the St. Pete article. This is WHY I question and ask the FBI to state where Duane was from the time of his arrest in St. Pete until 1960 when he was admitted to the Canon City, Co. prison. Duane had purportedly taken some things from Mom Weber according to John. John's lovely and reputatable wife would NOT lie regarding a connecting relationship with Tosaw. John asked me at the dinner table that night if I knew who Tosaw was and I said yes. I explained I had a couple of conversations with Tosaw and that we did NOT agree on Cooper. John asked me if I knew Tosaw was a private investigator and I do not remember my reply. John had been in touch with Tosaw and had something to tell me in private. During dinner John was sitting next to me at the table when we got the call from the hospital that Duane's sister had had a heart attack. She knew John was going to share some private information with me that evening. John was basically deaf and the only way we where going to be able to communicate was with his amplifier in his office that evening. He was able to understand what I was saying at the table as he was seated next me on his good side. I looked directly at him as we spoke during dinner. We were able to have some conversation at the table. My current spouse who is now deceased was with me on that visit. Found with John's memoirs was purportedly a statement claiming Duane had parachute training. The heir did not think it was necessary to share this with me or the FBI. How John came by this information I do not know. Just the fact that John told me Tosaw was a private investigator I put 2 and 2 together. The fact that he knew Tosaw and Tosaw was ground zero at the dinner table. I did NOT know Tosaw was a private investigator until that night in CA sitting at the table with John...if had read he was it just didn't mean anything to me. I thought Tosaw was an attorney and Cooper sleuth who wrote a book about his search for Cooper's remains and or money ...that is until that evening in early 2004. After finding out that Cook had access to Tosaw's research - I quizzed Cook about anything that might have been in Tosaw's records regarding Duane Weber. I probably have actual copies of the emails we exchanged. Pure Speculation: Since the sister was only instructed to provide Cook - Cooper related information and research, it could be she did not connect an enquiry from John Weber with the suspect Duane Weber or was unaware of him. Client/Attorney relationships. The sister (who I mistakenly thought was Tosaw's wife) was friends with John's wife T--- and John thru church organizations and clubs they all belonged to. T--- spoke fondly of both. John mentioned a bible study group during this conversation.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites skyjack71 0 #33964 August 31, 2012 My relationship with Cook goes WAY back. He does not even know I know ALL of this. Without going to the logs prior to 2000 I cannot readily call the name he provided me as early as 1998. I was concerned about this man and the phone number was one of those throw aways. This man kept trying to extract information from me - wanting to know what I knew. Frankly the conversations frightened me and I had someone do a little investigating. This man found me BEFORE 2000 when I went public. He was providing me with another name and declaring a suspect and then another suspect. Finally I called him out on the phone one night and he was going to have to provide me with a name and address - his goal was to find Tina's location. He harassed me for 4 yrs about Tina's location...then in 2004 he sent me a letter with the cut out of a college annual claiming the man in the pic was Cooper. Well, it was in a conversation after that letter that Cook and I had a shouting match over the phone. He had been shocked to find out I knew the location of the phone number - but he was still not telling me any truths...but promised to with the letter. I refused to divulge Tina's location. He could not seem to understand that somethings in life are not negotiable due to principle...I made a promise and I was keeping that promise. If you guys will recall my tag for Galen Cook was Sneaky Snake. Finally when he realized it was better to be my friend than my enemy - we made peace - sort of. Well, he was still the Sneaky Snake playing me for all he could get out of me.. I would NOT bulge. Then he started talking Straight (as straight as Galen can talk). This only happened after he found out I knew MORE about him than he could fathom a old woman learning about him. Hence he became Glacier Boy to me - he just did NOT know how I came by the infomation I confronted him with. Long story short. Galen is your friend until you provide him with information he seeks. He knew he LIFTED the fingerprint story off of what I told about Duane's dream regarding the fingerprints and the fact we lived in Denver at the time of the dream in 1978. Bear in mind I was talking about the dream from day one and anything else I knew that Duane stated that could be connected to WA or Cooper or jumping. Galen was out there listening and gleaning what he could. I hold NO ill will toward Cook other than WHAT he did to Tina. Unfortunately I was the one who provided him with the CLUE of how to find her. So many idiots out there feeding of the garbage they are fed. I was cracking up back when you guys had one of the group claiming that he had Tina spouse's phone number and address and made it public on the forum. AS all of you should know by now that was NOT her ex-husbands name. Hell, maybe it was him and he changed his name. At any rate someone claimed they actually talked to the man. This is when Cook started to RESPECT me a little. I fed him something - that led him to the divorce records of Tina and HOW I knew the man was NOT Tina's ex. Hell, maybe he was. I was helping him without violating the vow I made not to divulge the location and contact information of Tina. Well, you guys know the outcome of that. He then found her and then he committed an unspicable act...he pretended to be one of the guys off the street with a problem and then he took secret pictures of her which he made public....even using Bruce, but Bruce does not see it that way. Then Grey actually makes her location public in a book. Now do you guys know WHY I don't go public with all of this CRAP. Well, most of us are dead or almost dead - no one can hurt us anymore than we have been hurt. BUT, none of us want to spend our valuable time being made fun of or used by the vicious the Examiner or others. It seems there are NO limits to what someone will do to have the Cooper Story or to be the one who caught Cooper, but they can't get the FBI to co-operate. The FBI only chases the most unlikely stories -what they know will not ID Cooper. The FBI never chased the decent leads they received in the early yrs...OR DID THEY? I am talking about the leads that came in from the various prisons claiming Cooper had been a resident there. I am also talking about a group the FBI all but ignored in regards to Coffelt. Hell, Coffelt was not Cooper, but I think he knew who might have been...he just didn't know his real name. I am tired, but I have some things I need to finish and this is part of it. Bear ALL - Expose ALL and Take ALL. In other words stop worring about who gets hurt as other have made me sound crazy, delusional, off my rocker bar fly, a liar, teller of fantasy stories and now someone wants to make a comedy out of the story. Place your BETs Now! Dan Cooper was never D.B. Cooper! Everyone has ignored all of the logical reasons Cooper chose the name Cooper to begin with - I assure you it was NOT off the top of his head. Thru out this thread I have throw out the logical - but, only one of them is WHY Cooper was the chosen name for the jump. Cooper expected to die - he did NOT expect to live.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites MeyerLouie 5 #33965 August 31, 2012 On reading Sheridan's book, the answer is yes and many times as it has information about Sheridan and what he did. I have only read Part I (339 pages) and I don't think Part II is done or out yet but suspect it will describe how the DB Caper was done. Bob Sailshaw _________________________________________________ Bob, Do you know how I might get a copy of the Sheridan book? MeyerLouie Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites sailshaw 0 #33966 August 31, 2012 To MeyerLouie and Robert Blevins The title to Sheridan's Book is: "The Idiot's Frightful Laughter" Snowmman knows how to get a copy and has researched Sheridan in the past. Bob Sailshaw Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites matthewcline 0 #33967 August 31, 2012 1 miles equals 5280 feet, two miles 10, 560 feet. So the A/C was ~ 2 miles high (MSL), close enough for an article to not be "wrong" with out being "right". Matt PS: This post is factually correct and has nothing to the one following. Before you get all cranky, you know who.An Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Farflung 0 #33968 August 31, 2012 I notice there is a propensity for the ground pounders to use MPH and miles based upon what they presumably see from their Prius or Chevy Cruze. In the interest of accuracy and because the two rarely mix (WX reports), I’ve generously crafted an explanation. You’re welcome. Way, way back in time, someone who would be referred to as having too much time on his hands or having ‘no life’, decided to measure the planet. By then the state sponsored concentration camps and gallows were closed to those who dare suggest the Earth was spherical, which allowed this advancement of science. He cut the sphere in half and named the incision, the equator leaving a northern and southern hemisphere. Each hemisphere was festooned with 90 degrees of latitude from the equator to the pole which was at the apex of the halves. Each degree was subdivided into 60 minutes which has a 1:1 exchange rate with a nautical mile or roughly 6076.12 feet. A foot is 12 inches long just like every foot you’ll meet, except a woman’s, which is always a dainty little size 6. Now there is a standard measure which can be used when traversing Earth. Speeds based upon this measurement are called Knots which is slang that makes someone who is already cool, even cooler. The nautical mile was shortened to mile because humans are lazy when they speak, and develop jargon to ease communications or feel superior. So flying due north at 120 knots will take 30 minutes to travel 1 degree or 60 nautical miles. See how easy? So when I see knots and MPH being used interchangeably, a little piece of me is amused just before it dies. Same for miles being mixed with nautical miles. So where did it go so horribly wrong? As usual you can bet there was some royalty involved in this one. So like 9,000 years ago some queen in England wanted to invent her own mile and declared it would be eight furlongs or you should find yourself with a hemp necktie. Being loyal (obsequious), the church and subjects agreed to this measurement and used it thus creating a parallel universe of miles. Oh thanks your highness, love ya queenie, just luuuuuuuv yah! Kissy, kissy, muah, muah! (bitch) So the Colonies use this statute mile to mark and measure what would become the greatest nation the world has ever witnessed, and it was all done sans royalty. Cuz Americans don’t have a royal family, except for the Kardashians. While inventing wheat thrashers to feed the world and light bulbs so they could see what they were eating, we took a break from being awesome, and invented airplanes. Just after the first flight, the Wright brothers decided they needed someone to operate these aircraft. They decided to use ‘Cool and hunky men that were honest and humble chick magnets’ but shortened the name to - pilot. They naturally used the nautical mile for distance measure and knots for velocity. Then there were around 50 or 60 years of unpolluted and continuous coolness, experienced and enjoyed by all in the field of aviation. Then some marketing genius decided to put an end to that shit, and try to attract people to aviation who couldn’t handle a different measurement system. Enter MPH in the cockpit. We may not have royalty, but that doesn’t stop us from making royal screw ups. Now we have MPH on the airspeed indicator so the wannabe can be comforted that it’s just like his car, except time won’t match the nautical miles on aviation charts and DME is a nautical measure with slant range. Calgon take me away. Now the cockpit has some visual clutter with the airspeed indicator chocked with rings and arcs which have to be converted in some utterly unnecessary mental gymnastics. All this so Mr. ‘Works at some job where he secretly prays for the early arrival of sweet death’ guy, can brag how his Cessna does 110. Never mind that it’s 110 MPH because that’s a larger number than 95 knots and that’s what’s important, having the ‘bigger one’. So there you have it in a nutshell, the painful evolution of the mini-mile and how it has been misapplied in aviation. The number nine is pronounced ‘niner’ as not to be confused with the German word for ‘NO’, and because niner sounds cool to say and chicks dig it. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites georger 247 #33969 August 31, 2012 QuoteRobertMBlevins quoted a source with: “Retired FBI agent Fuhrman (sic) was there and we talked about how the money at Tena Bar might actually support the idea the hijacker survived the jump, and guess what...wait for it...don't faint now...he AGREED with my concept that finding three bundles of the money together in the exact same spot, with nothing else being found might be evidence that the money was a plant. If you don't believe me, you can ask him yourself. He's the agent who interviewed the witnesses in Seattle, the passengers.” Once again another Cooper expert is leading their efforts with their chin. I’ll assume (assuming here) that “RETIRED FBI AGENT” Fuhrman is one, Mark Fuhrman; who is the former LAPD detective who perjured himself during the O. J. Simpson trial. He was never in the FBI, which in turn makes it difficult to ‘retire’ from the organization. But as has always been the case, RobertMBlevins was rendered ‘title blind’ and used a clear piece of deception to lead with his statement. Check his statement by calling the former “FBI” agent yourself, or the Northwest historian who said Dan Cooper comics were on Shemya in 1951, or ask the woman who was the ‘First to drive four Clydesdales abreast', or ask the woman who is married to a cop from Boulder, or ask the ‘CEO’ of AB Seattle who is ‘Chief’ of a tribe of zero, it never stops, he never learns. So someone posing (a poser) as an FBI agent agreed with RobertMBlevins and that is the proof he wants to flaunt like Captain Scott talking to Cooper during the flight according to another quality RobertMBlevins find. Just like everything else there will be denial, deflection and bet your britches….. minimization to follow what was clearly embellishment, deception, inflation and third degree buttholery. His name is Fuhriman not Fuhrman. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites georger 247 #33970 August 31, 2012 QuoteTo MeyerLouie and Robert Blevins The title to Sheridan's Book is: "The Idiot's Frightful Laughter" Snowmman knows how to get a copy and has researched Sheridan in the past. Bob Sailshaw I guess he-mans and special-needs-persons cant see or use the search box . Better to tough it out with special requests, special attention, demands! From this a special relationship and brotherhood can be claimed. And pouding their hams into the soft air of the Maldum Fornax, sure of a personal miracle, allows claims of certainty and expertise, from the mythical trailerhood - Warnng! Inquisition to follow. The metaphor of the trailer continues to secure special rights & privelegs, sold and denied after the next hanging and gutting in the dark of the night - who needs a search box when they have supposed secret cell phone numbers, that a blind man could follow. It all comes clean in the search box. Use it. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites skyjack71 0 #33971 September 1, 2012 QuoteTo MeyerLouie and Robert Blevins The title to Sheridan's Book is: "The Idiot's Frightful Laughter" Snowmman knows how to get a copy and has researched Sheridan in the past. Bob Sailshaw I read the book ONLINE - Snowmman posted a link to it long long ago. This is what happens when people do not read the thread.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Farflung 0 #33972 September 1, 2012 I think this information on Sheridan was posted by someone earlier, if only there was a way to check….. must reach search dialog…… strength fading fast….. keyboard difficult to arrrrrhhhhhghhhhghhh…slsdhd$@%#@ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites georger 247 #33973 September 1, 2012 Quote If somebody posted it earlier...then a lot of people wasted their time bandying around Peterson as a suspect in the case. There are so many details given in his bio with dates that it would be easy to check out his alibi. And we already know he was questioned by the FBI. Big waste of everyone's time here. Unless you believe he came to the Northwest rather suddenly from the other side of the world, put on a suit, and decided to rip off NWA for a couple of hundred thousand dollars, and then head back. That's a round trip of over 14,000 miles. On the other hand, maybe he fit all of that in somehow in between the two kids, the wife, the baby delivery, and writing an 800+ page novel. I knew it. I warned about it. Warnng! Inquisition to follow. Pull out the rack. Pull out the tongs. The calipers, scrapers, and devices of diversion stretching, diminishment, broadening, lengthening, twisting, and other devices of torture and instruction and command.. Quatrains from Blevins are always a foreboding! - Laisser le inqusition commencer - Me Bolding!? Sheesh. Only Blevins and Jo are allowed to BOLD. I will obey! Silly me. I forgot who was in charge here. Its FUHRIMAN, not FUHRMAN. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Farflung 0 #33974 September 1, 2012 I believe that was georger’s point regarding the use of the search box. Here we are on a thread with thirty five thousand comments on the subject of DB Cooper, with every sane and lunatic theory assembled for all the world to review, should the world be so starved for a cerebral aneurysm. So with all the investigative genius and self proclaimed research abilities, why can’t anyone find the title of Sheridan’s book, the URL to the book or his autobiography written for an unsuccessful run for public office? It would seem that would have been quite simple to obtain. That is all. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites georger 247 #33975 September 1, 2012 Quote I believe that was georger’s point regarding the use of the search box. Here we are on a thread with thirty five thousand comments on the subject of DB Cooper, with every sane and lunatic theory assembled for all the world to review, should the world be so starved for a cerebral aneurysm. So with all the investigative genius and self proclaimed research abilities, why can’t anyone find the title of Sheridan’s book, the URL to the book or his autobiography written for an unsuccessful run for public office? It would seem that would have been quite simple to obtain. That is all. Good point. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Prev 1354 1355 1356 1357 1358 1359 1360 1361 1362 1363 1364 Next Page 1359 of 2578 Join the conversation You can post now and register later. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. Note: Your post will require moderator approval before it will be visible. Reply to this topic... × Pasted as rich text. 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skyjack71 0 #33955 August 30, 2012 QuoteOne of the reasons I am doing the reconstruction, I can run 99's path and then turn on the lites (daytime)and really see whats around the plane, I'm able to see 360 around the outside of the plane above and below ya never know what might pop up? Nothing perhaps but I will have learned a lot while doing this! the question is...why not? WHY NOT! Love that expression!Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Robert99 50 #33956 August 30, 2012 Quote Robert 99 stated: The only real error I could find in this article was the mention of Cooper 'scooping up the cigarette butts and notes. Jo Comments: IF THAT is the ONLY ERROR you could find in the article YOU need to go back to 1971 and start your investigation of Cooper ALL OVER again. Are you SURE it was Florence who sat next to Cooper and was shown the "bomb"? Tina has been known to describe the "bomb" and I was under the impression Florence was only in receipt of a note - when Cooper said "Miss, I have a bomb". This writer even miss quotes Florence. "She took one look and decided that Mr. Cooper and his briefcase were not some holiday prank". Are you sure that is an accurate accounting of what Florence said or is that media liberty? Writers liberties such as this phrase "to Seattle, back south toward Portland through a raging storm - and then, when Cooper jumped from the jet's rear door two miles above the Washington-Oregon border, squarely into the history books as an authentic American legend". Who claimed it was 2 miles? By the way I have personally spoke to Larry Finegold and I have exchanged information with him regarding Cooper - Sluggo will vouch for this as he saw the letters. Cooper Switch???? Does he not mean Cooper something else. "As the plane circled over Seattle, Rataczak quickly learned he was not dealing with a novice". Oh Really - have YOU Robert99 spoke to the co-pilot about this remark? "Like an artillery commander confidently giving orders on a complex fire mission, Cooper told Rataczak that after the money and parachutes had been delivered, he wanted the pilot to head south from Seattle. To reduce the pressure of air or gas within (a chamber or vehicle, for example). the cabin, fly no higher than 10,000 feet, leave the landing gear down, set flaps at 15 degrees and leave the rear door open. With the exception of the door, which had to be closed for takeoff, he got everything he asked for". That was NOT a quote from the co-pilot above. Before you Robt99 endorse this article as statement of truths - please TALK to the co-pilot. "I was thinking, this guy knows a lot about the airplane,'' Rataczak, now a 57-year-old captain and still flying for Northwest, said the other day. "With the gear down and the flaps at 15 degrees, it limits us to about 175 miles an hour. So I wondered, could he really equate flaps-at-15 with 175? The guy's no dummy.'' Now the above quote actually came from the co-pilot and it does NOT support the other paragraph the writer give the Co-pilot credit for. Rataczak thought that "maybe the hijacker was going to take a few of the flight crew with him and then, in horror, he thought, what if the FBI decided to summarily end the hijack by sabotaging all four parachutes". Now again can you verifiy that what the co-pilot 'thought'. The co-pilot was warned by ground control and authorities Cooper might be taking someone with him...this has all been discussed in the thread. "We really got concerned with the possibility that we were going to get bogus parachutes,'' Rataczak said. "Cooper ordered the flight crew to get the "airstairs'' over to the plane. Given his constant use of aviation jargon, the crew thought he may have worked for Boeing or was a pilot. Finally, the hijacker released the passengers." If a person worked in maintaince or delivered good to the plane - they would know this terminology. "The hijacker sent stewardess Tina Mucklow up to the cockpit, then started negotiating with Rataczak on where to take the plane." Now Really - he sent her to the cockpit - did she go to the cockpit? "But Cooper, smelling something wrong, told the co-pilot to file a new flight plan - down Victor-23, an inland airway that goes south along Interstate 5 toward Portland, then on to Reno". Oh Really? - Cooper actually told the pilot to fly Vector 23. NOT likely. ***Preparing to make his unscheduled departure from Flight 305, Cooper carefully scooped up his cigarette butts, made sure he had all his handwritten notes.*** OH REALLY! The co-pilot really said that? Tina was the only one who could see Cooper on the end - she made NO mention of this scooping up his cigarette butts, but then who is to say that is not what happened? Only Tina knows. Why don't you ask Tina - her number is now public knowledge not due to media and writers such as yourself. (Maybe she has had it changed). "The F-106 drivers never saw him,'' Rataczak said. ``It was blacker than the ace of spades out there. They just saw a flash of light from us and then he just vanished.'' NOW REALLY that is what the co-pilot said? "A small submarine searched nearby Lake Merwin." Now that is one subject rarely talked about. I exchanged many emails with him, but I haven't heard from him in a long long time. His Email address was deleted from my files, but I still have his emails on file.... I made HARD Copies. Never depend on a computer - it can be attacked and/or erased deliberately or accidently. JO! THE QUOTES THAT YOU MAKE ABOVE AND ATTRIBUTE TO ME WERE MADE BY ROBERTMBLEVINS! PRESUMABLY, YOU ARE REFERRING TO THE ARTICLE THAT BLEVINS LINKED THAT APPEARED IN THE SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE! MY ONLY COMMENT ON THAT ARTICLE WAS TO POINT OUT THAT TOSAW BELIEVED THAT COOPER HAD LANDED NEAR THE POINT WHERE THE MONEY WAS LATER FOUND! NOW HAVE YOU GOT THAT STRAIGHT!!!!!? Robert99 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #33957 August 30, 2012 QuoteI’m sure 377 and about a thousand other jumpers could relate just what they were exposed to as they jumped from a DC-9. I’ve been at the aft of a C-130 with the ramp down and can say I have experienced more wind and noise on this thread. But I’m sure someone will feel the need to portray the experience as something so unique, that they are the only ones on Earth to possess such expertise. Made 1 DC 9 jump and many C 130 jumps. Noise was no big deal at all. Didn't seem much different from any other jump from an acoustic standpoint. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Robert99 50 #33958 August 30, 2012 QuoteQuoteQuoteQuote Does anyone know what happened to Tosaw's papers after his death? Robert99 QuoteI have never been in contact with Cook. I have never seen a post on this thread from Cook. I suppose that you are accusing me of undermining you in some fashion. Well, Jo, life can be a bitch at times when you are posting nonsense about the balloon bombs, finding non-existent codes in Duane's service number(s), and so forth. Forget about keeping the two 99s straight. But it would be nice if you spent some time trying to keep the two Jo Webers straight. Robert99 WELL Mr. High and Mighty. Seems like Georger has already explained what I tried to tell you. Cook and Tosaw were friends. I need to read the thread before I post to someone like you. You do not understand the simplest of concepts...and you do not have a sense of humor - WHAT a grump! I have dial-up and I answer the post as I read them. I do not read the post to the end and then go back to make replies. Most of the information about the Balloon Bombs was censored and little made it to the papers until much later. Cook did NOT use his name and he according to an email sent to me made 2 posts. YES, I have had lots of emails from Cook! Not recently though. He likes puppets - he used many of us to post what he wanted to be known - that made us puppets and why I refer to Cook as the Puppet Master. I was not the only puppet. You only undermine yourself - not me. If the code as given to a newspaper is NON - EXISTENT then you PROVE IT! What is wrong you couldn't figure out the code? Well, if I have been set-up with the CODE - who would have a purpose in doing that? WHY would someone do that? How could they possibly know I could unravel the numbers? I didn't make the damn code up! Jo, Just forget about the balloon bombs. Even when they were flying directly over our heads, my 4th and 5th grade classmates and I didn't get excited about them. We could see them, we were informed about them by the government, and they were common knowledge. And there was no panic whatsoever. You want me to prove that the "codes" were non-existent. In other words, you want me to prove a negative. I'll do that just as soon as I get my perpetual motion machine perfected. Robert99 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites skyjack71 0 #33959 August 30, 2012 18 1939 Experimental Jumps, 3/4" cassette, undated Go find it yourself. Information so buried even the FBI couldn't find it. I am tired of trying to figure out who is who and keeping all of the Roberts and 99's separated. There is only one Jo - Skyjack71. Been trying to find the article on the Balloons in my old files - it is here and that article told it the way it really was. It is NO longer available online (go figure), but I made a HARD copy of it. Sent to me yrs and yrs is real and not a fake. Right now I am going to bed because I have a Dr.s appt "today" or rather this afternoon thank you.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites sailshaw 0 #33960 August 30, 2012 Jo: You say " Bob do you ACTUALLY believe what you just wrote above? Have you read Sheridan's Book?" ----------------------------------------------------------------- Yes, I know that it came to me as I was sleeping and is a possible answer as to what the title of Sheridan's book really ment. Snowmman has a different idea about the title, that it was contained in a book written in French. Could this be the connection to the Dan Cooper funny book also in French and that Sheridan could understand French? On reading Sheridan's book, the answer is yes and many times as it has information about Sheridan and what he did. I have only read Part I (339 pages) and I don't think Part II is done or out yet but suspect it will describe how the DB Caper was done. Bob Sailshaw Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites mrshutter45 21 #33961 August 30, 2012 Jo, are you saying Rataczak said the plane wouldn't go any faster than 175 mph not knots with 15 degree flaps? the plane was not pressurized, this was the reason he said 10,000. I'm a little confused as to what you are stating?"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites skyjack71 0 #33962 August 31, 2012 QuoteJo, are you saying Rataczak said the plane wouldn't go any faster than 175 mph not knots with 15 degree flaps? the plane was not pressurized, this was the reason he said 10,000. I'm a little confused as to what you are stating? I believe you are referring to my quoting an article NOT a personal conversation between the co-pilot and myself. I know little to nothing about airplanes other than what I have learned on this thread and flying commercial and in small private planes. The co-pilot and I discussed things related to the incident, but we never went into details about the mph or flaps. They were below 10,000 ft from the ground on more than one occasion.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites skyjack71 0 #33963 August 31, 2012 Quote [one of my 1st cousins and Tosaw's brother Mike attended the same college and played football together during WWII] Duane's brother (John) and his wife T--- belonged to the same church as Tosaw and the same Boat Club. John personally knew Tosaw and was in contact with Tosaw prior to my visit with John in 2004. John had something to tell me privately that evening - as John and his sister (Duane's sister) had had a conversation regarding Duane (the baby brother). Remember - Duane and John had not seen each other in 38 yrs when they talked to each other about 10 days before Duane died in 1995. T--- who was John's wife arranged the phone call and allowed 2 brothers to reconnect if only during the last few days of Duane's life. The family records state that John ordered Duane out of Mom Weber's home with a baseball bat (John did not remember this himself) so he had taken it from Mom Weber's journals. This was after Duane Weber was released from SanQuentin and until I see the actual date - it could have been before the St. Pete incident when Weber claimed his occupation as "Crook". But according to John the incident was dated AFTER the St. Pete article. This is WHY I question and ask the FBI to state where Duane was from the time of his arrest in St. Pete until 1960 when he was admitted to the Canon City, Co. prison. Duane had purportedly taken some things from Mom Weber according to John. John's lovely and reputatable wife would NOT lie regarding a connecting relationship with Tosaw. John asked me at the dinner table that night if I knew who Tosaw was and I said yes. I explained I had a couple of conversations with Tosaw and that we did NOT agree on Cooper. John asked me if I knew Tosaw was a private investigator and I do not remember my reply. John had been in touch with Tosaw and had something to tell me in private. During dinner John was sitting next to me at the table when we got the call from the hospital that Duane's sister had had a heart attack. She knew John was going to share some private information with me that evening. John was basically deaf and the only way we where going to be able to communicate was with his amplifier in his office that evening. He was able to understand what I was saying at the table as he was seated next me on his good side. I looked directly at him as we spoke during dinner. We were able to have some conversation at the table. My current spouse who is now deceased was with me on that visit. Found with John's memoirs was purportedly a statement claiming Duane had parachute training. The heir did not think it was necessary to share this with me or the FBI. How John came by this information I do not know. Just the fact that John told me Tosaw was a private investigator I put 2 and 2 together. The fact that he knew Tosaw and Tosaw was ground zero at the dinner table. I did NOT know Tosaw was a private investigator until that night in CA sitting at the table with John...if had read he was it just didn't mean anything to me. I thought Tosaw was an attorney and Cooper sleuth who wrote a book about his search for Cooper's remains and or money ...that is until that evening in early 2004. After finding out that Cook had access to Tosaw's research - I quizzed Cook about anything that might have been in Tosaw's records regarding Duane Weber. I probably have actual copies of the emails we exchanged. Pure Speculation: Since the sister was only instructed to provide Cook - Cooper related information and research, it could be she did not connect an enquiry from John Weber with the suspect Duane Weber or was unaware of him. Client/Attorney relationships. The sister (who I mistakenly thought was Tosaw's wife) was friends with John's wife T--- and John thru church organizations and clubs they all belonged to. T--- spoke fondly of both. John mentioned a bible study group during this conversation.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites skyjack71 0 #33964 August 31, 2012 My relationship with Cook goes WAY back. He does not even know I know ALL of this. Without going to the logs prior to 2000 I cannot readily call the name he provided me as early as 1998. I was concerned about this man and the phone number was one of those throw aways. This man kept trying to extract information from me - wanting to know what I knew. Frankly the conversations frightened me and I had someone do a little investigating. This man found me BEFORE 2000 when I went public. He was providing me with another name and declaring a suspect and then another suspect. Finally I called him out on the phone one night and he was going to have to provide me with a name and address - his goal was to find Tina's location. He harassed me for 4 yrs about Tina's location...then in 2004 he sent me a letter with the cut out of a college annual claiming the man in the pic was Cooper. Well, it was in a conversation after that letter that Cook and I had a shouting match over the phone. He had been shocked to find out I knew the location of the phone number - but he was still not telling me any truths...but promised to with the letter. I refused to divulge Tina's location. He could not seem to understand that somethings in life are not negotiable due to principle...I made a promise and I was keeping that promise. If you guys will recall my tag for Galen Cook was Sneaky Snake. Finally when he realized it was better to be my friend than my enemy - we made peace - sort of. Well, he was still the Sneaky Snake playing me for all he could get out of me.. I would NOT bulge. Then he started talking Straight (as straight as Galen can talk). This only happened after he found out I knew MORE about him than he could fathom a old woman learning about him. Hence he became Glacier Boy to me - he just did NOT know how I came by the infomation I confronted him with. Long story short. Galen is your friend until you provide him with information he seeks. He knew he LIFTED the fingerprint story off of what I told about Duane's dream regarding the fingerprints and the fact we lived in Denver at the time of the dream in 1978. Bear in mind I was talking about the dream from day one and anything else I knew that Duane stated that could be connected to WA or Cooper or jumping. Galen was out there listening and gleaning what he could. I hold NO ill will toward Cook other than WHAT he did to Tina. Unfortunately I was the one who provided him with the CLUE of how to find her. So many idiots out there feeding of the garbage they are fed. I was cracking up back when you guys had one of the group claiming that he had Tina spouse's phone number and address and made it public on the forum. AS all of you should know by now that was NOT her ex-husbands name. Hell, maybe it was him and he changed his name. At any rate someone claimed they actually talked to the man. This is when Cook started to RESPECT me a little. I fed him something - that led him to the divorce records of Tina and HOW I knew the man was NOT Tina's ex. Hell, maybe he was. I was helping him without violating the vow I made not to divulge the location and contact information of Tina. Well, you guys know the outcome of that. He then found her and then he committed an unspicable act...he pretended to be one of the guys off the street with a problem and then he took secret pictures of her which he made public....even using Bruce, but Bruce does not see it that way. Then Grey actually makes her location public in a book. Now do you guys know WHY I don't go public with all of this CRAP. Well, most of us are dead or almost dead - no one can hurt us anymore than we have been hurt. BUT, none of us want to spend our valuable time being made fun of or used by the vicious the Examiner or others. It seems there are NO limits to what someone will do to have the Cooper Story or to be the one who caught Cooper, but they can't get the FBI to co-operate. The FBI only chases the most unlikely stories -what they know will not ID Cooper. The FBI never chased the decent leads they received in the early yrs...OR DID THEY? I am talking about the leads that came in from the various prisons claiming Cooper had been a resident there. I am also talking about a group the FBI all but ignored in regards to Coffelt. Hell, Coffelt was not Cooper, but I think he knew who might have been...he just didn't know his real name. I am tired, but I have some things I need to finish and this is part of it. Bear ALL - Expose ALL and Take ALL. In other words stop worring about who gets hurt as other have made me sound crazy, delusional, off my rocker bar fly, a liar, teller of fantasy stories and now someone wants to make a comedy out of the story. Place your BETs Now! Dan Cooper was never D.B. Cooper! Everyone has ignored all of the logical reasons Cooper chose the name Cooper to begin with - I assure you it was NOT off the top of his head. Thru out this thread I have throw out the logical - but, only one of them is WHY Cooper was the chosen name for the jump. Cooper expected to die - he did NOT expect to live.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites MeyerLouie 5 #33965 August 31, 2012 On reading Sheridan's book, the answer is yes and many times as it has information about Sheridan and what he did. I have only read Part I (339 pages) and I don't think Part II is done or out yet but suspect it will describe how the DB Caper was done. Bob Sailshaw _________________________________________________ Bob, Do you know how I might get a copy of the Sheridan book? MeyerLouie Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites sailshaw 0 #33966 August 31, 2012 To MeyerLouie and Robert Blevins The title to Sheridan's Book is: "The Idiot's Frightful Laughter" Snowmman knows how to get a copy and has researched Sheridan in the past. Bob Sailshaw Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites matthewcline 0 #33967 August 31, 2012 1 miles equals 5280 feet, two miles 10, 560 feet. So the A/C was ~ 2 miles high (MSL), close enough for an article to not be "wrong" with out being "right". Matt PS: This post is factually correct and has nothing to the one following. Before you get all cranky, you know who.An Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Farflung 0 #33968 August 31, 2012 I notice there is a propensity for the ground pounders to use MPH and miles based upon what they presumably see from their Prius or Chevy Cruze. In the interest of accuracy and because the two rarely mix (WX reports), I’ve generously crafted an explanation. You’re welcome. Way, way back in time, someone who would be referred to as having too much time on his hands or having ‘no life’, decided to measure the planet. By then the state sponsored concentration camps and gallows were closed to those who dare suggest the Earth was spherical, which allowed this advancement of science. He cut the sphere in half and named the incision, the equator leaving a northern and southern hemisphere. Each hemisphere was festooned with 90 degrees of latitude from the equator to the pole which was at the apex of the halves. Each degree was subdivided into 60 minutes which has a 1:1 exchange rate with a nautical mile or roughly 6076.12 feet. A foot is 12 inches long just like every foot you’ll meet, except a woman’s, which is always a dainty little size 6. Now there is a standard measure which can be used when traversing Earth. Speeds based upon this measurement are called Knots which is slang that makes someone who is already cool, even cooler. The nautical mile was shortened to mile because humans are lazy when they speak, and develop jargon to ease communications or feel superior. So flying due north at 120 knots will take 30 minutes to travel 1 degree or 60 nautical miles. See how easy? So when I see knots and MPH being used interchangeably, a little piece of me is amused just before it dies. Same for miles being mixed with nautical miles. So where did it go so horribly wrong? As usual you can bet there was some royalty involved in this one. So like 9,000 years ago some queen in England wanted to invent her own mile and declared it would be eight furlongs or you should find yourself with a hemp necktie. Being loyal (obsequious), the church and subjects agreed to this measurement and used it thus creating a parallel universe of miles. Oh thanks your highness, love ya queenie, just luuuuuuuv yah! Kissy, kissy, muah, muah! (bitch) So the Colonies use this statute mile to mark and measure what would become the greatest nation the world has ever witnessed, and it was all done sans royalty. Cuz Americans don’t have a royal family, except for the Kardashians. While inventing wheat thrashers to feed the world and light bulbs so they could see what they were eating, we took a break from being awesome, and invented airplanes. Just after the first flight, the Wright brothers decided they needed someone to operate these aircraft. They decided to use ‘Cool and hunky men that were honest and humble chick magnets’ but shortened the name to - pilot. They naturally used the nautical mile for distance measure and knots for velocity. Then there were around 50 or 60 years of unpolluted and continuous coolness, experienced and enjoyed by all in the field of aviation. Then some marketing genius decided to put an end to that shit, and try to attract people to aviation who couldn’t handle a different measurement system. Enter MPH in the cockpit. We may not have royalty, but that doesn’t stop us from making royal screw ups. Now we have MPH on the airspeed indicator so the wannabe can be comforted that it’s just like his car, except time won’t match the nautical miles on aviation charts and DME is a nautical measure with slant range. Calgon take me away. Now the cockpit has some visual clutter with the airspeed indicator chocked with rings and arcs which have to be converted in some utterly unnecessary mental gymnastics. All this so Mr. ‘Works at some job where he secretly prays for the early arrival of sweet death’ guy, can brag how his Cessna does 110. Never mind that it’s 110 MPH because that’s a larger number than 95 knots and that’s what’s important, having the ‘bigger one’. So there you have it in a nutshell, the painful evolution of the mini-mile and how it has been misapplied in aviation. The number nine is pronounced ‘niner’ as not to be confused with the German word for ‘NO’, and because niner sounds cool to say and chicks dig it. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites georger 247 #33969 August 31, 2012 QuoteRobertMBlevins quoted a source with: “Retired FBI agent Fuhrman (sic) was there and we talked about how the money at Tena Bar might actually support the idea the hijacker survived the jump, and guess what...wait for it...don't faint now...he AGREED with my concept that finding three bundles of the money together in the exact same spot, with nothing else being found might be evidence that the money was a plant. If you don't believe me, you can ask him yourself. He's the agent who interviewed the witnesses in Seattle, the passengers.” Once again another Cooper expert is leading their efforts with their chin. I’ll assume (assuming here) that “RETIRED FBI AGENT” Fuhrman is one, Mark Fuhrman; who is the former LAPD detective who perjured himself during the O. J. Simpson trial. He was never in the FBI, which in turn makes it difficult to ‘retire’ from the organization. But as has always been the case, RobertMBlevins was rendered ‘title blind’ and used a clear piece of deception to lead with his statement. Check his statement by calling the former “FBI” agent yourself, or the Northwest historian who said Dan Cooper comics were on Shemya in 1951, or ask the woman who was the ‘First to drive four Clydesdales abreast', or ask the woman who is married to a cop from Boulder, or ask the ‘CEO’ of AB Seattle who is ‘Chief’ of a tribe of zero, it never stops, he never learns. So someone posing (a poser) as an FBI agent agreed with RobertMBlevins and that is the proof he wants to flaunt like Captain Scott talking to Cooper during the flight according to another quality RobertMBlevins find. Just like everything else there will be denial, deflection and bet your britches….. minimization to follow what was clearly embellishment, deception, inflation and third degree buttholery. His name is Fuhriman not Fuhrman. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites georger 247 #33970 August 31, 2012 QuoteTo MeyerLouie and Robert Blevins The title to Sheridan's Book is: "The Idiot's Frightful Laughter" Snowmman knows how to get a copy and has researched Sheridan in the past. Bob Sailshaw I guess he-mans and special-needs-persons cant see or use the search box . Better to tough it out with special requests, special attention, demands! From this a special relationship and brotherhood can be claimed. And pouding their hams into the soft air of the Maldum Fornax, sure of a personal miracle, allows claims of certainty and expertise, from the mythical trailerhood - Warnng! Inquisition to follow. The metaphor of the trailer continues to secure special rights & privelegs, sold and denied after the next hanging and gutting in the dark of the night - who needs a search box when they have supposed secret cell phone numbers, that a blind man could follow. It all comes clean in the search box. Use it. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites skyjack71 0 #33971 September 1, 2012 QuoteTo MeyerLouie and Robert Blevins The title to Sheridan's Book is: "The Idiot's Frightful Laughter" Snowmman knows how to get a copy and has researched Sheridan in the past. Bob Sailshaw I read the book ONLINE - Snowmman posted a link to it long long ago. This is what happens when people do not read the thread.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Farflung 0 #33972 September 1, 2012 I think this information on Sheridan was posted by someone earlier, if only there was a way to check….. must reach search dialog…… strength fading fast….. keyboard difficult to arrrrrhhhhhghhhhghhh…slsdhd$@%#@ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites georger 247 #33973 September 1, 2012 Quote If somebody posted it earlier...then a lot of people wasted their time bandying around Peterson as a suspect in the case. There are so many details given in his bio with dates that it would be easy to check out his alibi. And we already know he was questioned by the FBI. Big waste of everyone's time here. Unless you believe he came to the Northwest rather suddenly from the other side of the world, put on a suit, and decided to rip off NWA for a couple of hundred thousand dollars, and then head back. That's a round trip of over 14,000 miles. On the other hand, maybe he fit all of that in somehow in between the two kids, the wife, the baby delivery, and writing an 800+ page novel. I knew it. I warned about it. Warnng! Inquisition to follow. Pull out the rack. Pull out the tongs. The calipers, scrapers, and devices of diversion stretching, diminishment, broadening, lengthening, twisting, and other devices of torture and instruction and command.. Quatrains from Blevins are always a foreboding! - Laisser le inqusition commencer - Me Bolding!? Sheesh. Only Blevins and Jo are allowed to BOLD. I will obey! Silly me. I forgot who was in charge here. Its FUHRIMAN, not FUHRMAN. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Farflung 0 #33974 September 1, 2012 I believe that was georger’s point regarding the use of the search box. Here we are on a thread with thirty five thousand comments on the subject of DB Cooper, with every sane and lunatic theory assembled for all the world to review, should the world be so starved for a cerebral aneurysm. So with all the investigative genius and self proclaimed research abilities, why can’t anyone find the title of Sheridan’s book, the URL to the book or his autobiography written for an unsuccessful run for public office? It would seem that would have been quite simple to obtain. That is all. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites georger 247 #33975 September 1, 2012 Quote I believe that was georger’s point regarding the use of the search box. Here we are on a thread with thirty five thousand comments on the subject of DB Cooper, with every sane and lunatic theory assembled for all the world to review, should the world be so starved for a cerebral aneurysm. So with all the investigative genius and self proclaimed research abilities, why can’t anyone find the title of Sheridan’s book, the URL to the book or his autobiography written for an unsuccessful run for public office? It would seem that would have been quite simple to obtain. That is all. Good point. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Prev 1354 1355 1356 1357 1358 1359 1360 1361 1362 1363 1364 Next Page 1359 of 2578 Join the conversation You can post now and register later. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. Note: Your post will require moderator approval before it will be visible. Reply to this topic... × Pasted as rich text. 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skyjack71 0 #33959 August 30, 2012 18 1939 Experimental Jumps, 3/4" cassette, undated Go find it yourself. Information so buried even the FBI couldn't find it. I am tired of trying to figure out who is who and keeping all of the Roberts and 99's separated. There is only one Jo - Skyjack71. Been trying to find the article on the Balloons in my old files - it is here and that article told it the way it really was. It is NO longer available online (go figure), but I made a HARD copy of it. Sent to me yrs and yrs is real and not a fake. Right now I am going to bed because I have a Dr.s appt "today" or rather this afternoon thank you.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sailshaw 0 #33960 August 30, 2012 Jo: You say " Bob do you ACTUALLY believe what you just wrote above? Have you read Sheridan's Book?" ----------------------------------------------------------------- Yes, I know that it came to me as I was sleeping and is a possible answer as to what the title of Sheridan's book really ment. Snowmman has a different idea about the title, that it was contained in a book written in French. Could this be the connection to the Dan Cooper funny book also in French and that Sheridan could understand French? On reading Sheridan's book, the answer is yes and many times as it has information about Sheridan and what he did. I have only read Part I (339 pages) and I don't think Part II is done or out yet but suspect it will describe how the DB Caper was done. Bob Sailshaw Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrshutter45 21 #33961 August 30, 2012 Jo, are you saying Rataczak said the plane wouldn't go any faster than 175 mph not knots with 15 degree flaps? the plane was not pressurized, this was the reason he said 10,000. I'm a little confused as to what you are stating?"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #33962 August 31, 2012 QuoteJo, are you saying Rataczak said the plane wouldn't go any faster than 175 mph not knots with 15 degree flaps? the plane was not pressurized, this was the reason he said 10,000. I'm a little confused as to what you are stating? I believe you are referring to my quoting an article NOT a personal conversation between the co-pilot and myself. I know little to nothing about airplanes other than what I have learned on this thread and flying commercial and in small private planes. The co-pilot and I discussed things related to the incident, but we never went into details about the mph or flaps. They were below 10,000 ft from the ground on more than one occasion.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #33963 August 31, 2012 Quote [one of my 1st cousins and Tosaw's brother Mike attended the same college and played football together during WWII] Duane's brother (John) and his wife T--- belonged to the same church as Tosaw and the same Boat Club. John personally knew Tosaw and was in contact with Tosaw prior to my visit with John in 2004. John had something to tell me privately that evening - as John and his sister (Duane's sister) had had a conversation regarding Duane (the baby brother). Remember - Duane and John had not seen each other in 38 yrs when they talked to each other about 10 days before Duane died in 1995. T--- who was John's wife arranged the phone call and allowed 2 brothers to reconnect if only during the last few days of Duane's life. The family records state that John ordered Duane out of Mom Weber's home with a baseball bat (John did not remember this himself) so he had taken it from Mom Weber's journals. This was after Duane Weber was released from SanQuentin and until I see the actual date - it could have been before the St. Pete incident when Weber claimed his occupation as "Crook". But according to John the incident was dated AFTER the St. Pete article. This is WHY I question and ask the FBI to state where Duane was from the time of his arrest in St. Pete until 1960 when he was admitted to the Canon City, Co. prison. Duane had purportedly taken some things from Mom Weber according to John. John's lovely and reputatable wife would NOT lie regarding a connecting relationship with Tosaw. John asked me at the dinner table that night if I knew who Tosaw was and I said yes. I explained I had a couple of conversations with Tosaw and that we did NOT agree on Cooper. John asked me if I knew Tosaw was a private investigator and I do not remember my reply. John had been in touch with Tosaw and had something to tell me in private. During dinner John was sitting next to me at the table when we got the call from the hospital that Duane's sister had had a heart attack. She knew John was going to share some private information with me that evening. John was basically deaf and the only way we where going to be able to communicate was with his amplifier in his office that evening. He was able to understand what I was saying at the table as he was seated next me on his good side. I looked directly at him as we spoke during dinner. We were able to have some conversation at the table. My current spouse who is now deceased was with me on that visit. Found with John's memoirs was purportedly a statement claiming Duane had parachute training. The heir did not think it was necessary to share this with me or the FBI. How John came by this information I do not know. Just the fact that John told me Tosaw was a private investigator I put 2 and 2 together. The fact that he knew Tosaw and Tosaw was ground zero at the dinner table. I did NOT know Tosaw was a private investigator until that night in CA sitting at the table with John...if had read he was it just didn't mean anything to me. I thought Tosaw was an attorney and Cooper sleuth who wrote a book about his search for Cooper's remains and or money ...that is until that evening in early 2004. After finding out that Cook had access to Tosaw's research - I quizzed Cook about anything that might have been in Tosaw's records regarding Duane Weber. I probably have actual copies of the emails we exchanged. Pure Speculation: Since the sister was only instructed to provide Cook - Cooper related information and research, it could be she did not connect an enquiry from John Weber with the suspect Duane Weber or was unaware of him. Client/Attorney relationships. The sister (who I mistakenly thought was Tosaw's wife) was friends with John's wife T--- and John thru church organizations and clubs they all belonged to. T--- spoke fondly of both. John mentioned a bible study group during this conversation.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #33964 August 31, 2012 My relationship with Cook goes WAY back. He does not even know I know ALL of this. Without going to the logs prior to 2000 I cannot readily call the name he provided me as early as 1998. I was concerned about this man and the phone number was one of those throw aways. This man kept trying to extract information from me - wanting to know what I knew. Frankly the conversations frightened me and I had someone do a little investigating. This man found me BEFORE 2000 when I went public. He was providing me with another name and declaring a suspect and then another suspect. Finally I called him out on the phone one night and he was going to have to provide me with a name and address - his goal was to find Tina's location. He harassed me for 4 yrs about Tina's location...then in 2004 he sent me a letter with the cut out of a college annual claiming the man in the pic was Cooper. Well, it was in a conversation after that letter that Cook and I had a shouting match over the phone. He had been shocked to find out I knew the location of the phone number - but he was still not telling me any truths...but promised to with the letter. I refused to divulge Tina's location. He could not seem to understand that somethings in life are not negotiable due to principle...I made a promise and I was keeping that promise. If you guys will recall my tag for Galen Cook was Sneaky Snake. Finally when he realized it was better to be my friend than my enemy - we made peace - sort of. Well, he was still the Sneaky Snake playing me for all he could get out of me.. I would NOT bulge. Then he started talking Straight (as straight as Galen can talk). This only happened after he found out I knew MORE about him than he could fathom a old woman learning about him. Hence he became Glacier Boy to me - he just did NOT know how I came by the infomation I confronted him with. Long story short. Galen is your friend until you provide him with information he seeks. He knew he LIFTED the fingerprint story off of what I told about Duane's dream regarding the fingerprints and the fact we lived in Denver at the time of the dream in 1978. Bear in mind I was talking about the dream from day one and anything else I knew that Duane stated that could be connected to WA or Cooper or jumping. Galen was out there listening and gleaning what he could. I hold NO ill will toward Cook other than WHAT he did to Tina. Unfortunately I was the one who provided him with the CLUE of how to find her. So many idiots out there feeding of the garbage they are fed. I was cracking up back when you guys had one of the group claiming that he had Tina spouse's phone number and address and made it public on the forum. AS all of you should know by now that was NOT her ex-husbands name. Hell, maybe it was him and he changed his name. At any rate someone claimed they actually talked to the man. This is when Cook started to RESPECT me a little. I fed him something - that led him to the divorce records of Tina and HOW I knew the man was NOT Tina's ex. Hell, maybe he was. I was helping him without violating the vow I made not to divulge the location and contact information of Tina. Well, you guys know the outcome of that. He then found her and then he committed an unspicable act...he pretended to be one of the guys off the street with a problem and then he took secret pictures of her which he made public....even using Bruce, but Bruce does not see it that way. Then Grey actually makes her location public in a book. Now do you guys know WHY I don't go public with all of this CRAP. Well, most of us are dead or almost dead - no one can hurt us anymore than we have been hurt. BUT, none of us want to spend our valuable time being made fun of or used by the vicious the Examiner or others. It seems there are NO limits to what someone will do to have the Cooper Story or to be the one who caught Cooper, but they can't get the FBI to co-operate. The FBI only chases the most unlikely stories -what they know will not ID Cooper. The FBI never chased the decent leads they received in the early yrs...OR DID THEY? I am talking about the leads that came in from the various prisons claiming Cooper had been a resident there. I am also talking about a group the FBI all but ignored in regards to Coffelt. Hell, Coffelt was not Cooper, but I think he knew who might have been...he just didn't know his real name. I am tired, but I have some things I need to finish and this is part of it. Bear ALL - Expose ALL and Take ALL. In other words stop worring about who gets hurt as other have made me sound crazy, delusional, off my rocker bar fly, a liar, teller of fantasy stories and now someone wants to make a comedy out of the story. Place your BETs Now! Dan Cooper was never D.B. Cooper! Everyone has ignored all of the logical reasons Cooper chose the name Cooper to begin with - I assure you it was NOT off the top of his head. Thru out this thread I have throw out the logical - but, only one of them is WHY Cooper was the chosen name for the jump. Cooper expected to die - he did NOT expect to live.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MeyerLouie 5 #33965 August 31, 2012 On reading Sheridan's book, the answer is yes and many times as it has information about Sheridan and what he did. I have only read Part I (339 pages) and I don't think Part II is done or out yet but suspect it will describe how the DB Caper was done. Bob Sailshaw _________________________________________________ Bob, Do you know how I might get a copy of the Sheridan book? MeyerLouie Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sailshaw 0 #33966 August 31, 2012 To MeyerLouie and Robert Blevins The title to Sheridan's Book is: "The Idiot's Frightful Laughter" Snowmman knows how to get a copy and has researched Sheridan in the past. Bob Sailshaw Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
matthewcline 0 #33967 August 31, 2012 1 miles equals 5280 feet, two miles 10, 560 feet. So the A/C was ~ 2 miles high (MSL), close enough for an article to not be "wrong" with out being "right". Matt PS: This post is factually correct and has nothing to the one following. Before you get all cranky, you know who.An Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Farflung 0 #33968 August 31, 2012 I notice there is a propensity for the ground pounders to use MPH and miles based upon what they presumably see from their Prius or Chevy Cruze. In the interest of accuracy and because the two rarely mix (WX reports), I’ve generously crafted an explanation. You’re welcome. Way, way back in time, someone who would be referred to as having too much time on his hands or having ‘no life’, decided to measure the planet. By then the state sponsored concentration camps and gallows were closed to those who dare suggest the Earth was spherical, which allowed this advancement of science. He cut the sphere in half and named the incision, the equator leaving a northern and southern hemisphere. Each hemisphere was festooned with 90 degrees of latitude from the equator to the pole which was at the apex of the halves. Each degree was subdivided into 60 minutes which has a 1:1 exchange rate with a nautical mile or roughly 6076.12 feet. A foot is 12 inches long just like every foot you’ll meet, except a woman’s, which is always a dainty little size 6. Now there is a standard measure which can be used when traversing Earth. Speeds based upon this measurement are called Knots which is slang that makes someone who is already cool, even cooler. The nautical mile was shortened to mile because humans are lazy when they speak, and develop jargon to ease communications or feel superior. So flying due north at 120 knots will take 30 minutes to travel 1 degree or 60 nautical miles. See how easy? So when I see knots and MPH being used interchangeably, a little piece of me is amused just before it dies. Same for miles being mixed with nautical miles. So where did it go so horribly wrong? As usual you can bet there was some royalty involved in this one. So like 9,000 years ago some queen in England wanted to invent her own mile and declared it would be eight furlongs or you should find yourself with a hemp necktie. Being loyal (obsequious), the church and subjects agreed to this measurement and used it thus creating a parallel universe of miles. Oh thanks your highness, love ya queenie, just luuuuuuuv yah! Kissy, kissy, muah, muah! (bitch) So the Colonies use this statute mile to mark and measure what would become the greatest nation the world has ever witnessed, and it was all done sans royalty. Cuz Americans don’t have a royal family, except for the Kardashians. While inventing wheat thrashers to feed the world and light bulbs so they could see what they were eating, we took a break from being awesome, and invented airplanes. Just after the first flight, the Wright brothers decided they needed someone to operate these aircraft. They decided to use ‘Cool and hunky men that were honest and humble chick magnets’ but shortened the name to - pilot. They naturally used the nautical mile for distance measure and knots for velocity. Then there were around 50 or 60 years of unpolluted and continuous coolness, experienced and enjoyed by all in the field of aviation. Then some marketing genius decided to put an end to that shit, and try to attract people to aviation who couldn’t handle a different measurement system. Enter MPH in the cockpit. We may not have royalty, but that doesn’t stop us from making royal screw ups. Now we have MPH on the airspeed indicator so the wannabe can be comforted that it’s just like his car, except time won’t match the nautical miles on aviation charts and DME is a nautical measure with slant range. Calgon take me away. Now the cockpit has some visual clutter with the airspeed indicator chocked with rings and arcs which have to be converted in some utterly unnecessary mental gymnastics. All this so Mr. ‘Works at some job where he secretly prays for the early arrival of sweet death’ guy, can brag how his Cessna does 110. Never mind that it’s 110 MPH because that’s a larger number than 95 knots and that’s what’s important, having the ‘bigger one’. So there you have it in a nutshell, the painful evolution of the mini-mile and how it has been misapplied in aviation. The number nine is pronounced ‘niner’ as not to be confused with the German word for ‘NO’, and because niner sounds cool to say and chicks dig it. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #33969 August 31, 2012 QuoteRobertMBlevins quoted a source with: “Retired FBI agent Fuhrman (sic) was there and we talked about how the money at Tena Bar might actually support the idea the hijacker survived the jump, and guess what...wait for it...don't faint now...he AGREED with my concept that finding three bundles of the money together in the exact same spot, with nothing else being found might be evidence that the money was a plant. If you don't believe me, you can ask him yourself. He's the agent who interviewed the witnesses in Seattle, the passengers.” Once again another Cooper expert is leading their efforts with their chin. I’ll assume (assuming here) that “RETIRED FBI AGENT” Fuhrman is one, Mark Fuhrman; who is the former LAPD detective who perjured himself during the O. J. Simpson trial. He was never in the FBI, which in turn makes it difficult to ‘retire’ from the organization. But as has always been the case, RobertMBlevins was rendered ‘title blind’ and used a clear piece of deception to lead with his statement. Check his statement by calling the former “FBI” agent yourself, or the Northwest historian who said Dan Cooper comics were on Shemya in 1951, or ask the woman who was the ‘First to drive four Clydesdales abreast', or ask the woman who is married to a cop from Boulder, or ask the ‘CEO’ of AB Seattle who is ‘Chief’ of a tribe of zero, it never stops, he never learns. So someone posing (a poser) as an FBI agent agreed with RobertMBlevins and that is the proof he wants to flaunt like Captain Scott talking to Cooper during the flight according to another quality RobertMBlevins find. Just like everything else there will be denial, deflection and bet your britches….. minimization to follow what was clearly embellishment, deception, inflation and third degree buttholery. His name is Fuhriman not Fuhrman. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #33970 August 31, 2012 QuoteTo MeyerLouie and Robert Blevins The title to Sheridan's Book is: "The Idiot's Frightful Laughter" Snowmman knows how to get a copy and has researched Sheridan in the past. Bob Sailshaw I guess he-mans and special-needs-persons cant see or use the search box . Better to tough it out with special requests, special attention, demands! From this a special relationship and brotherhood can be claimed. And pouding their hams into the soft air of the Maldum Fornax, sure of a personal miracle, allows claims of certainty and expertise, from the mythical trailerhood - Warnng! Inquisition to follow. The metaphor of the trailer continues to secure special rights & privelegs, sold and denied after the next hanging and gutting in the dark of the night - who needs a search box when they have supposed secret cell phone numbers, that a blind man could follow. It all comes clean in the search box. Use it. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #33971 September 1, 2012 QuoteTo MeyerLouie and Robert Blevins The title to Sheridan's Book is: "The Idiot's Frightful Laughter" Snowmman knows how to get a copy and has researched Sheridan in the past. Bob Sailshaw I read the book ONLINE - Snowmman posted a link to it long long ago. This is what happens when people do not read the thread.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Farflung 0 #33972 September 1, 2012 I think this information on Sheridan was posted by someone earlier, if only there was a way to check….. must reach search dialog…… strength fading fast….. keyboard difficult to arrrrrhhhhhghhhhghhh…slsdhd$@%#@ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #33973 September 1, 2012 Quote If somebody posted it earlier...then a lot of people wasted their time bandying around Peterson as a suspect in the case. There are so many details given in his bio with dates that it would be easy to check out his alibi. And we already know he was questioned by the FBI. Big waste of everyone's time here. Unless you believe he came to the Northwest rather suddenly from the other side of the world, put on a suit, and decided to rip off NWA for a couple of hundred thousand dollars, and then head back. That's a round trip of over 14,000 miles. On the other hand, maybe he fit all of that in somehow in between the two kids, the wife, the baby delivery, and writing an 800+ page novel. I knew it. I warned about it. Warnng! Inquisition to follow. Pull out the rack. Pull out the tongs. The calipers, scrapers, and devices of diversion stretching, diminishment, broadening, lengthening, twisting, and other devices of torture and instruction and command.. Quatrains from Blevins are always a foreboding! - Laisser le inqusition commencer - Me Bolding!? Sheesh. Only Blevins and Jo are allowed to BOLD. I will obey! Silly me. I forgot who was in charge here. Its FUHRIMAN, not FUHRMAN. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Farflung 0 #33974 September 1, 2012 I believe that was georger’s point regarding the use of the search box. Here we are on a thread with thirty five thousand comments on the subject of DB Cooper, with every sane and lunatic theory assembled for all the world to review, should the world be so starved for a cerebral aneurysm. So with all the investigative genius and self proclaimed research abilities, why can’t anyone find the title of Sheridan’s book, the URL to the book or his autobiography written for an unsuccessful run for public office? It would seem that would have been quite simple to obtain. That is all. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #33975 September 1, 2012 Quote I believe that was georger’s point regarding the use of the search box. Here we are on a thread with thirty five thousand comments on the subject of DB Cooper, with every sane and lunatic theory assembled for all the world to review, should the world be so starved for a cerebral aneurysm. So with all the investigative genius and self proclaimed research abilities, why can’t anyone find the title of Sheridan’s book, the URL to the book or his autobiography written for an unsuccessful run for public office? It would seem that would have been quite simple to obtain. That is all. Good point. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites