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DB Cooper

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If somebody posted it earlier...then a lot of people wasted their time bandying around Peterson as a suspect in the case. There are so many details given in his bio with dates that it would be easy to check out his alibi. And we already know he was questioned by the FBI. Big waste of everyone's time here. Unless you believe he came to the Northwest rather suddenly from the other side of the world, put on a suit, and decided to rip off NWA for a couple of hundred thousand dollars, and then head back. That's a round trip of over 14,000 miles.

On the other hand, maybe he fit all of that in somehow in between the two kids, the wife, the baby delivery, and writing an 800+ page novel. :S

I knew it. I warned about it.

Warnng! Inquisition to follow.

Pull out the rack. Pull out the tongs. The calipers,
scrapers, and devices of ultimate torture.

Quatrains from Blevins are a foreboding!

- Laisser le inqusition commencer -

Bolding!? I will obey!

The difference between us is that I generally will address the issue (whether Peterson was the hijacker, for example) rather than tossing out cute French phrases and dire 'warnings'.

However, since you like French, I have one for YOU:

'Ce sont les tonneaux vides qui font le plus de bruit...'

I dont speak french; only write it! Sorry your Ness.
I must recline on my dog and racoon and the fish
they found. This is so taxing!

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You say: "If you believe the bio, I think you can toss him out as a suspect."

That is his perfect alibi that he was in Nepal and could not have done the DB Caper.

That is why getting the DNA from the stamps/envelope flaps of the four letters to the newspapers and comparing with what the FBI has on file for Sheridan and if it is a match, that shows he was at the scene of the crime at the time of the caper and not in Nepal. He could have taken a flight to Portland and back to Nepal using a passport replacement (copy) so the trip would not show on his normal passport.

We need the FBI to compare the DNA from the four letters with Sheridan's.

Bob Sailshaw

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:) Duane's brother (John) and his wife T--- belonged to the same church as Tosaw and the same Boat Club. John personally knew Tosaw and was in contact with Tosaw prior to my visit with John in 2004. John had something to tell me privately that evening - as John and his sister (Duane's sister) had had a conversation regarding Duane (the baby brother).

Remember - Duane and John had not seen each other in 38 yrs when they talked to each other about 10 days before Duane died in 1995. T--- who was John's wife arranged the phone call and allowed 2 brothers to reconnect if only during the last few days of Duane's life.

The family records state that John ordered Duane out of Mom Weber's home with a baseball bat (John did not remember this himself) so he had taken it from Mom Weber's journals. This was after Duane Weber was released from SanQuentin and until I see the actual date - it could have been before the St. Pete incident when Weber claimed his occupation as "Crook". But according to John the incident was dated AFTER the St. Pete article. This is WHY I question and ask the FBI to state where Duane was from the time of his arrest in St. Pete until 1960 when he was admitted to the Canon City, Co. prison. Duane had purportedly taken some things from Mom Weber according to John.

John's lovely and reputatable wife would NOT lie regarding a connecting relationship with Tosaw. John asked me at the dinner table that night if I knew who Tosaw was and I said yes. I explained I had a couple of conversations with Tosaw and that we did NOT agree on Cooper.
John asked me if I knew Tosaw was a private investigator and I do not remember my reply.

John had been in touch with Tosaw and had something to tell me in private. During dinner John was sitting next to me at the table when we got the call from the hospital that Duane's sister had had a heart attack. She knew John was going to share some private information with me that evening.

John was basically deaf and the only way we where going to be able to communicate was with his amplifier in his office that evening. He was able to understand what I was saying at the table as he was seated next me on his good side. I looked directly at him as we spoke during dinner. We were able to have some conversation at the table. My current spouse who is now deceased was with me on that visit.

Found with John's memoirs was purportedly a statement claiming Duane had parachute training. The heir did not think it was necessary to share this with me or the FBI. How John came by this information I do not know. Just the fact that John told me Tosaw was a private investigator I put 2 and 2 together. The fact that he knew Tosaw and Tosaw was ground zero at the dinner table. I did NOT know Tosaw was a private investigator until that night in CA sitting at the table with John...if had read he was it just didn't mean anything to me.

I thought Tosaw was an attorney and Cooper sleuth who wrote a book about his search for Cooper's remains and or money ...that is until that evening in early 2004.

After finding out that Cook had access to Tosaw's research - I quizzed Cook about anything that might have been in Tosaw's records regarding Duane Weber. I probably have actual copies of the emails we exchanged.

Pure Speculation:

Since the sister was only instructed to provide Cook - Cooper related information and research, it could be she did not connect an enquiry from John Weber with the suspect Duane Weber or was unaware of him. Client/Attorney relationships. The sister (who I mistakenly thought was Tosaw's wife) was friends with John's wife T--- and John thru church organizations and clubs they all belonged to. T--- spoke fondly of both.

John mentioned a bible study group during this conversation.

I shared this story with a mouth piece at the Seattle FBI office in 2004 by phone, but the FBI never responded. Also shared with Agent Carr, but the FBI dismissed Weber in 1998 per "fingerprints" taken from the McNeil file. How does one compare prints with a 1945 file the FBI was claiming did not exist?

Yet, in 2000 this same agent claimed Duane only passed thru McNeil (but, 2 hours prior to the conversation in Mar of 2000 the same FBI agent had told me Duane was not a resident of McNeil).

And you guys wonder why I continue to fight this battle?

[:/]The FBI has lied to me more than once or perhaps misplaced their information or had MORE important matters to attend to.

Why do I continue to fight this battle:
1st - It is a matter of right and wrong.
2ed It is a matter of being lied to or "misinformed" by those whose salaries are paid for by our tax dollars pay.

Instead the FBI ALLOWS others to twist my story into something unbelievable. I have been called a liar, a fantasy story teller and just about everything else in the book. I have been screamed at and coerced by individuals. What I have experienced NO one should ever have to experience ever again. But as long as our government remains corrupted by "secrets and mistakes from the past" no one will ever be heard.

Had it not have been for my actually being LIED to by FBI agents - and finding the truths in black and white documents they claimed did NOT exist, no one would ever have known the truth.

REMEMBER - no one has ever been able to obtain the Jefferson file and Carr had access to that file before it was condensed to a state online record with the backups destroyed. If it was ever a part of the investigation - the FBI should have a copy of the original in their Cooper file.

Do any of you know how many hours and days and how much money was expended to attempt to obtain that file in the same format as the other prison files?

Each official contacted provided a different answer and then Carr announces in the thread it can be obtained on the computer. Yea, after they destroyed the actually files. No explanation was provided and those who did obtain limited information.

WHY Weber was Commuted as John C. Collins? Then WHY did the FBI go looking for him months after his release? How did he just SLIP out of their reach and HOW did he start to build his life as Duane Weber again....why were they looking for Weber and went so far as to send agents to CO seeking him?

This was when he and his wife and her children fled to N.Orleans...and then ended up in GA. Working under the name he was born with and had an extensive prison record under. Was he just hiding in Plane Site?

What did WEBER do for the government or what did they promise him that was not delivered? What besides his learning about his hereditary condition caused Weber to go to great extremes....was he suicidal in 1971 or just taking what he had been promised. The FBI covering up the past of WEBER gave birth to the "covert" theory.

I gave the FBI every opportunity in the past 17 yrs to provide me with rational explanations - but was not even told the truth about Weber's past much less their offering a "logical" explanation backed up with records to prove Weber was NOT Cooper.

Instead I and others have had to obtain records - and these records make the FBI files on Weber a sham.

If the FBI had proof Weber was NOT Cooper - it would have been so easy to make me go away and not have used up 17 yrs of my life trying to unravel - their misguided and incorrect information.

No widow should ever have to use 17 yrs of her life and her meager income to find things the FBI should have found and provided as proof the suspect could not have committed the crime in question.

If there was NOTHING to hide about the past of Weber - why did they NOT make ALL of his background available to the widow and with her permission to the media? What they have done flies in the face of common decency and courtesy.

This is a corrupt government and it is time to make changes. The plain everyday citizen never stood a chance. Time to go to the polls and make some changes....but, the last 17 yrs I have experience says it is TOO LATE....America is drowning in secrets and corruption and inadequate politicians and federal/government employees who are unable to think things through.

MY vote will not count - I will not live to see any changes made - we are too imbedded in corruption and incompetence at every government level. This same incompetence is also responsible for the financial position America is drowning in.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Skipp the same person who had Captain Scott talking to Cooper and thought Paradise Point Park was the ultimate hide out for Bernie and Kenny to not have buttseks, is going to search for Sheridan? How droll, how very, very droll. I guess your reservations about working with someone you have never met and is on the opposite coast has passed for some reason. Is it because you are ‘stuck’ in a five year contract in the role of his bitch or equally subservient position(s)? It’s just typically inconsistent and weird.

Just like how Sheridan was certainly the author of the Playboy letter because it has mention of “The system that beats the system” and somehow mentions a black tie, although that remains visible to just one person. But now the number of letters has suddenly swollen to four (me so surprised) in something that should not be viewed as a Hail Mary play by someone who is utterly checked out and desperate enough to squander resources on wild assed guesses. Please, don’t let the cat out of the bag that the FBI has dozens and dozens of Cooper letters, the nation is in enough financial trouble.

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***'That is his perfect alibi that he was in Nepal and could not have done the DB Caper...'

And if you couple that with everything else in his life, I would say it's a DAMN GOOD alibi. IMHO you are wasting your time trying to link Sheridan to the hijacking, although obtaining DNA profiles from those stamps couldn't hurt. They could compare them to a real suspect (if anyone is found) later. :)
I've having Porteous run down Sheridan's location, which I believe is in the Santa Rosa, CA area, maybe Windsor. I'm going to offer to publish his book for free and give him all the royalties. After reviewing what the book is about, maybe it IS time his story is heard. I hope he's still alive, and if he isn't, perhaps we can obtain the rights and the ms from a relative. That's how we did the re-issue of Pilot Down, Presumed Dead by Marjorie Phleger.

Why not just ask Bruce?
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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Took me less than a minute to find it. Some researchers you 'experts' are. Next time you want to tell me how to do a Google search, or a 'search box,' you'll let me know, right? B|

Also found the book. It's a novel, and its premise is a protest of the Vietnam War.
All 826 pages of it. It really isn't in print anymore, not in the traditional way. Peterson also registered at Amazon once and did a few book reviews.

You don't say.

lol....no offense, really - but just when I think you've got the market locked on hubris, you rise to new heights. :D

but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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I don't why you keep coming back to the sex angle regarding Kenny and Bernie Geestman when there is absolutely no evidence to support this. Ever taken a REAL look at what happened AFTER they returned that week? It is about money, a lot of it. To Bernie's sister, to the house, and whatever else. And a lot of friggin' lies regarding same.

You speak so butch!

And they ask 'why the denial'.

Come out of the closet 'Estelle'.

[from yours above]
'I just don't know why you keep coming back...
there is absolutely no evidence to support this....
Ever taken a REAL look....
It is about money, a lot of it.....
And a lot of friggin' lies ... ' (That thingy)

Either you are a friggin Valley Girl or you are an
Eskimow walrus in heat! All the same, the
phraseology and semantics are the same.
Strange confluence. And it was you thought the
trailer angle up and still like it! You like trailers!

Thus, the denial. Its from the heart. Small world of
convergence is what it is!

Blevins you are the hat in the closet!

That's my theory.

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Here’s some logic which could only exist and survive on this thread because it isn’t burdened with the frailties of the sting brought on by embarrassment or the loss of dignity.

Try and follow along with this logic path ripped from the pages of DB Cooper:

A. The DNA on the tie may not be Cooper’s but his wife or girlfriend who helped dress him.

B. The Playboy Letter mentions a black tie and was sent to the newspaper BEFORE the black tie was public knowledge. I’ve got boners!

C. The DNA from the Playboy Letter should be compared to Sheridan Peterson since he used the phrase ‘The system that beats the system’ and no doubt sent the letter which hints about the black tie! You’re a dead man with this sort of investigative prowess Sheridan or should I say Dan?

See what happened? It’s only three statements which were delivered separately by someone who is playing the role of ‘truth seeker’ and turbo genius. Lemme break it down….. Hammer time.

Well, if the DNA on the tie is from a wife, then it can’t be Sheridan because his wife was in Nepal. Or perhaps during Sheridan’s brief re-entry into the US with his duplicate passport, he meets a woman who becomes his girlfriend, who helped dress him before the caper, where he leaves and she never sees him again (cough, oh my god can anyone be this thick? Cough, cough).

The tie MUST be Cooper’s since the Playboy Letter mentions a black tie so it is now inextricably linked via this warped logic. But the DNA on the tie isn’t Cooper’s so that doesn’t matter, but the tie does belong to Sheridan because he mentioned it in the letter he sent to Playboy which will have his DNA on the stamp or envelope seal because Cooper DID lick his own stamps.

Unless the DNA on the letter DOESN’T match Sheridan, then he had someone else lick them. But Sheridan IS DB Cooper.

Yep, the integrity of this thread has maintained a level of ridicule and scorn which is most certainly deserved, if it was delivered at an order of magnitude greater than in the past.

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Took me less than a minute to find it. Some researchers you 'experts' are. Next time you want to tell me how to do a Google search, or a 'search box,' you'll let me know, right? B|

Also found the book. It's a novel, and its premise is a protest of the Vietnam War.
All 826 pages of it. It really isn't in print anymore, not in the traditional way. Peterson also registered at Amazon once and did a few book reviews.

just when I think you've got the market locked on hubris, you rise to new heights. :D

Because he can!

Its in his genes. Complete with quotes from Marilyn
Monroe no less.

Gag me with a silver spoon. Be nice. Be gentle. He
hates me. Heez a hater. Oh my.

Porteous is sohhhhh butch! I just-must have control.
I just must have the final word. Im best. Build a
taller ladder .... to scale ...... prejudice.

It's been there the whole time.

The metaphor of the trailer is no mystery!


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Skipp the same person who had Captain Scott talking to Cooper and thought Paradise Point Park was the ultimate hide out for Bernie and Kenny to not have buttseks, is going to search for But now the number of letters has suddenly swollen to four (me so surprised) in something that should not be viewed as a Hail Mary play by someone who is utterly checked out and desperate enough to squander resources on wild assed guesses. Please, don’t let the cat out of the bag that the FBI has dozens and dozens of Cooper letters, the nation is in enough financial trouble.

Paradise Point Park was first mention by me when I mentioned a park the GUYS used to go to off of the Interstate going to Seattle. I didn't know the name of the park. but explained it was off of the highway on the West side before we got to the Lewis River. This was in my original communications with Mr. Himmelsbach. I did speak with Porteous, but it was limited and I do not remember what we spoke about. It was before Gray did his article - about Christansen.
Porteous had contacted me and I responded to him - by email. He was just someone who was interested in the Cooper case and was an investigator. He did tell me he had a suspect.

Duane had pointed to the East and mentioned the power lines running parallel and then he made a comment about covert that ran under the highway to a park - a park the boys use to stay at. I had NO idea this was Paradise Point until I was informed yrs later of this and located it on a map.

This did not have any association to Cooper - just something Duane pointed out to me on that trip. I never knew who the GUYS were - but, Duane knew the area like the back of his hand. This was before I ever had any knowledge of KC.

It meant nothing to me other than someone had access to the stories I had told about our trip to WA in 1979 and I made the connections only after I learned about KC and the story Gray wrote.

I do NOT believe Paradise Point had anything to do with Cooper or his jump. It did have something to do with Weber.
It was shortly after that comment he talked about a cemetary to our right before we got to the Lewis River and at the same time mentione knowing a woman who used to own a store in a town over the bridge in Or. A place he would take me to on our way back from Seattle to Vancouver. The same town he took me to a old shop and told me he used to know the woman who owned the shop (it was an antiques and furniture repair shop).

It was this same town in which he spoke about an auto shop and the man with couple of sons he knew. This turned place turned out to be the Cooper's Auto Repair and the one of the first places the FBI investigated because one of the sons was a jumper. Strange isn't it.

I do NOT make this stuff up. I have my recordings and written words I wrote in the early days of my contacting the FBI. 4 yrs before I went to WA in 2001 with a production crew. I knew little to nothing about D.B.Cooper and therefore it did NOT even cross my mind why Duane showed me certain places and told me about so many things.

Sluggo surmised that Duane had gone to WA after the fact with individuals looking for Cooper or his money. Since I know Duane Weber's where-abouts from 1971 to 1978 - Sluggo's theory did not cut mustard. Sluggo is well aware of this story (regarding Duane's knowledge of WA) and he and I agreed to disagree.

There was another wife from 1972 to 1976 who did NOT want to have anyone contact her and hated Weber's gut. She called him every name in the book and if the things she told me were true than she had every right to do so. I do not know if the FBI was ever able to talk to her or if they even attempted to do so.

You guys have to understand there are individuals I have not spoke about as they did NOT want to be involved and I have respected their wishes. I only had 2 or 3 conversations with her and they were limited at her request. Outside of the computer and the FBI - I have tried not to interfer with the lives of individuals who were adversely affected by the existence of Duane Weber. He was a part of their life they wanted to forget and so I gave them their privacy.

I never asked or knew if the FBI ever spoke to some of these individuals. That was their JOB.

Some of the individuals in Duane's past were willing to talk about him. Tommy Gunn told me that Duane knew people in high places and that if I wanted to be around to play with my grandkids to leave it be. I used to know his threat word for word, but time is taking it toll on my memory.

Remember I did NOT have a computer until 2000 and I had to learn how to use it. Everything prior to that was in writing and on a word processor or recorded or logged in my planner. I also kept all of the phone record from that time frame.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Paradise Point Park was first mention by me when I mentioned a park the GUYS used to go to off of the Interstate going to Seattle.

Oooo Ooooo you may be right! Holy Crap.

And long ago pre-Blevins if I'm correct? (thats a

Then its a case of plagarism as well as fit.

Can this get any better?

What happens in Paradise Point stays in Paradise
Point, or does it?

Jesus Jo! You may have scored a breakthrough?

What a coincidence. I actually remember your posts
about this but cant put a date to your posts,
without doing a search ... tell us more please.


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I would like to revisit the possibility that Colonel Hugh Gordon Waite is DB Cooper. Colonel Waite has an uncanny resemblance to Cooper. Colonel Waite was from Oregon, and is buried in Portland. Colonel Waite was a paratrooper that served in Korea and Vietnam. He was an avid photographer that used a camera that had a pure titanium shutter and was state of the art. There were pure Ti parts found on the tie according to sources.

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I would like to revisit the possibility that Colonel Hugh Gordon Waite is DB Cooper. Colonel Waite has an uncanny resemblance to Cooper. Colonel Waite was from Oregon, and is buried in Portland. Colonel Waite was a paratrooper that served in Korea and Vietnam. He was an avid photographer that used a camera that had a pure titanium shutter and was state of the art. There were pure Ti parts found on the tie according to sources.


more pleez. pure Ti shutter.

where did he hail from?

welcome.. I hope.

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Paradise Point Park was first mention by me when I mentioned a park the GUYS used to go to off of the Interstate going to Seattle.

Oooo Ooooo you may be right! Holy Crap.

And long ago pre-Blevins if I'm correct? (thats a

Then its a case of plagarism as well as fit.

Can this get any better?

What happens in Paradise Point stays in Paradise
Point, or does it?

Jesus Jo! You may have scored a breakthrough?

What a coincidence.

;)Oh Geeze Georger, this is old information. I know I was the first to mention this - but, it was just something pointed out by Weber. It would be a few yrs into my talking to Himmelsbach that I learned the name of the park was Paradise Park. Duane just said it was a place the Guys used to go to - never knew who the Guys where. Don't mock me because I can support every bit of this in my notes and writings - and they pre-date Porteous and Blevins.

I am not trying to SCORE a break through - just finally letting out the things I have not spoke publically about in this thread. I do believe I mentioned Paradise Park by name after I found out where it was, but that was in another thread - I believe Unsolved Mysteries...pre Blevins, pre Porteous....might have been 101. I do know I have things dated before 2000 where I mentioned Duane talking about a covert and a park (were the guy hung out on weekends), the parallel power lines to our east and then an old cemetary and an old mill (have no idea what kind of mill). All before we got to the Lewis River.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Oooo Ooooo you may be right! Holy Crap.

And long ago pre-Blevins if I'm correct? (thats a

Then its a case of plagarism as well as fit.

Can this get any better?


Georger my mention of this was pre 2001. After I made my trip to WA I called Jerry. He and I had had many arguments on the phone with his twisting and turning everything I told him.

I called him after that trip and virtually let him have it and severed all contacts with him until he came to this thread.

One of the major arguments he and I had was about a covert.
He kept confusing the points of interest Duane had pointed out on the trip. The first place was above Washougal - the place Duane made the only comment about Cooper on that entire trip.

The first one was a tributary that ran into a lake or what I thought at that time was a river. I did not consider this first location a covert, but a tributary.

The location on the Interstate is the one that went under the highway to the park. Jerry could never separate the two different places - he can be a very very mean person.

The story about the covert running under the highway is NOT where Duane said "That's where Cooper walked out of the woods".

Your post made me remember some more of what was said about this location on the Interstate. It is very late for me and I am very tired, but I had to come back and make this clear and to add what your post caused me to remember. I am not going back to the logs regarding this - so it is entirely coming from memory.

Duane did make a comment about that covert. He mentioned knowing someone who hid something on the West side of it, just after he mentioned the parallel power lines to the west and before he mentioned the park. Then he mentioned the park and a place the guys used to go.

Jerry took this to be the place I was referring to as the one where Duane made a remark about it being the place Cooper walked out of the woods. JT never understood they were 2 separate places. When JT makes his mind up to something there is no way you can win and I stopped ALL communications with him except a letter, I sent that was a farce. because I was furious with him and the misdirection he gave to the crew.

So I assure you this was discussed prior to 1996 and before 2001 with Himmelsbach and with JT. JT did NOT get anything right as far as locations and what was said when....Hell, I did NOT have a map of the area other than what was in a book of which 97% was fiction.

I have tried my best and so have certain others to trace an old WA tag. One that belonged on a homemade camper - the DVD would only provide initials and unless I could come up with the name - NO DICE. I used all of the names we had in association with Weber and we got no where.

I will state this WA Tag was in the possession of an unlikely individual and we could NOT understand it. Did it mean anything - perhaps not, but it belonged to a homemade camper out of WA dated prior to the skyjacking!

Just useless information that goes no where.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Paradise Point is one of the most visited parks for RV's and campers in SW Washington who travel I-5. Since you are FROM that area, you should know this already. It's a stone's throw (literally) from Interstate 5 and sits on a river with boating access. Everyone who has ever zipped up I-5 between Seattle and Portland has seen the exit sign for it. To say it's 'popular' is an understatement.

Stange Blevins for I do NOT remember a sign when I was in WA in 1979 with Duane Weber.
I do NOT believe there was an exit sign in 1979.

Ask the highway dept when a sign was put up at an exit - I don't even remember an exit near that point in 1979. But, who am I - just an old woman who is accused of telling the biggest whopper ever told!

I do not have a photographic mind and I was NOT looking for signs, but I do remember that area as being relative bare in Sept of 1979.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Since you are FROM that area, you should know this already.

It's a stone's throw (literally) from Interstate 5 and sits on a river with boating access. Everyone who has ever zipped up I-5 between Seattle and Portland has seen the exit sign for it. To say it's 'popular' is an understatement.


Why do you keep insisting I am?


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Georger my mention of this was pre 2001. After I made my trip to WA I called Jerry. He and I had had many arguments on the phone with his twisting and turning everything I told him.


I remember it the same way.

Not sure how popular the park was in 71. Im not
from the State of Washington. Im not from the
State of Washington. Im not from the State of
Washington. Im not from the State of Washington.
Im not from the State of Washington. Im not from
the State of Washington. Im not from the State of
Washington. Im not from the State of Washington.
Im not from the State of Washington.

Thanks Jo.

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Since you are FROM that area, you should know this already.

It's a stone's throw (literally) from Interstate 5 and sits on a river with boating access. Everyone who has ever zipped up I-5 between Seattle and Portland has seen the exit sign for it. To say it's 'popular' is an understatement.


Why do you keep insisting I am?


You really need to read your own press, and then if that info is inaccurate, complain to the source. You will know this guy. Same one you attributed a phony quote to. From Page 171 of Skyjack:


'One is Georger, a retired lab whiz and entrepreneur named Jerry Warner. He grew up in the Cooper search area, and remembers talking about the Cooper case every Thanksgiving dinner...'

Its a wildly erroneous statement from a book writer,
your friend and associate, you claim, or pretend,
Geoff Gray. Gray must be shitting his pants at your
intrusion into his life!

So you are both full of shit!

Its really good you are bringing out the truth of so
many people! People like yourself, Geoff Gray, etal.
Keep up the fine work.

The telling point: you use Geoff Gray's made up shit
over the living source - me - right here! That defines
you and everything you are, as only you could do.
The puzzle is why in the face of so much
overwhelming evidence.

You like to disrupt and stalk people I guess.

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Since you are FROM that area, you should know this already.

It's a stone's throw (literally) from Interstate 5 and sits on a river with boating access. Everyone who has ever zipped up I-5 between Seattle and Portland has seen the exit sign for it. To say it's 'popular' is an understatement.


Why do you keep insisting I am?


You really need to read your own press, and then if that info is inaccurate, complain to the source. You will know this guy. Same one you attributed a phony quote to. From Page 171 of Skyjack:


'One is Georger, a retired lab whiz and entrepreneur named Jerry Warner. He grew up in the Cooper search area, and remembers talking about the Cooper case every Thanksgiving dinner...'

Its a wildly erroneous statement from a book writer,
your friend and associate, Geoff Gray.

So you are both full of shit!

Its really good you are bringing out the truth of so
many people! People like yourself, Geoff Gray, etal.
Keep up the fine work.

Let me get this straight for the record. How Geoff Gray described you in the quote above from his book is inaccurate? You have never lived in Washington State? He's misquoted you on discussing the case around the Thanksgiving table while living in or around the search area of the hijacking when you were younger?

Are you saying that Gray made it all up? There are only two possibilities here. Either you told him those things to impress him and he included them in the book, or he lied. Which is it?

not worth a reply -

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Since you are FROM that area, you should know this already.

It's a stone's throw (literally) from Interstate 5 and sits on a river with boating access. Everyone who has ever zipped up I-5 between Seattle and Portland has seen the exit sign for it. To say it's 'popular' is an understatement.


Why do you keep insisting I am?


You really need to read your own press, and then if that info is inaccurate, complain to the source. You will know this guy. Same one you attributed a phony quote to. From Page 171 of Skyjack:


'One is Georger, a retired lab whiz and entrepreneur named Jerry Warner. He grew up in the Cooper search area, and remembers talking about the Cooper case every Thanksgiving dinner...'

Its a wildly erroneous statement from a book writer,
your friend and associate, Geoff Gray.

So you are both full of shit!

Its really good you are bringing out the truth of so
many people! People like yourself, Geoff Gray, etal.
Keep up the fine work.

Let me get this straight for the record. How Geoff Gray described you in the quote above from his book is inaccurate? You have never lived in Washington State? He's misquoted you on discussing the case around the Thanksgiving table while living in or around the search area of the hijacking when you were younger?

Are you saying that Gray made it all up? There are only two possibilities here. Either you told him those things to impress him and he included them in the book, or he lied. Which is it?

not worth a reply -

you are a sicko.

It was a legitimate question all the way. Read your own quotes.

If you are asking if I still have family in law
enforcement in Washiongton, the answer is yes.
I think I will give them a call and mention your


Consider it done.

Nighty nite- stalker.

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'One is Georger, a retired lab whiz and entrepreneur named Jerry Warner. He grew up in the Cooper search area, and remembers talking about the Cooper case every Thanksgiving dinner...'

You seem to be a stickler for the truth, right? You've gone on about it enough, that's for sure.

Well, so am I.

Your reliance on the "nonsensical" like the above
proves you dont know or care about the difference
between truth - and persecution.

Otherwise, you would have paid no attention to Gray
at all, like you used to not do, until it met your
current need after failing again, like you always do!

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