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DB Cooper

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To MeyerLouie and Robert Blevins

The title to Sheridan's Book is:

"The Idiot's Frightful Laughter"

Snowmman knows how to get a copy and has researched Sheridan in the past.

Bob Sailshaw

Thanks Bob. MeyerLouie

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Blevins, do you ever look at yourself thru the eyes of others in this thread? Why can't you just let things be and do something productive....rather than copy and paste your story again and again? That is advertising - not trying to help solve the case.

I truely hope I do NOT sound like the spoiled child you come across as. I do repeat a post when I think NO ONE read it or heard me, but you consistenly copy and paste the same post about the "evidence" in your book over and over - rather than take a logical approach and stay with the discussion.

All of us stray off subject or step away at times - it is necessary to stay sane in the Cooper Saga. I complain about my health and get on my high horse once in awhile - but YOU never let up.

Use your time to answer questions - presented to you. For example - I pointed out how barren I remember that stretch of the interstate being in 1979 and not remembering a sign or exit. Be constructive - PROVE me wrong...I do NOT have a photographic mind.

Frankly we (the thread) need a MAN on the GROUND in WA. and you are one of the few who lives at ground Zero. Offer to help others instead of trying to act like a child grand standing....the I'm Right - You're Wrong grandstanding is NOT productive.

I just remembered the name of the mill near the cemetery. A Grist Mill - what the heck is a Grist Mill?

Around Longview or Longwood off of the interstate there used to be a restaurant in the late 40's that was well known for the food it served - I expect it was a smorgasborg (all you can eat) place.

Duane mention this place as a place the Guys used to eat. Who the hell were the "Guys" and what time frame was Duane in WA and how did he know about the power lines and pipe lines and railroad and towers? Duane also mention a place over on the water the guys used to go to - a beach I presume. I do not have a map infront of me, but this has been discussed before.

ALL I want to know is who the GUYS were and why the Hell was Duane in WA and when! Obviously it was NOT short term.

If I could afford to do so I would run an add with pictures of the time frames Duane could have been in WA and mention the places he told me about. But, would I remember a picture of my own brother from 1945? Anyone who might have known Duane in 1945 would be in their late 80's now if they were his age in 1945.

Wow! This just reminded me how old I am. Duane was 17 yrs older than myself...if he was still alive he would be 89 yrs old. The task and the mystery he left me with - will I ever be able to resolve it? Probably not - and no one else will ever be able to do it either with any suspect they conjure up, because there was only one Cooper and I married him.

OK, Laugh! That is what the world will be doing regarding any story told about Cooper and those of us who have lived thru the many suspects and searches for the truth.

I frankly do NOT believe the FBI has any reliable DNA on Cooper after all of the many many agents have handled and sorted thru the evidence.

I still think a thread of the rope Cooper cut is in a knife I took to the safe deposit box It had that same pinkish color just like the cut up chute. Sluggo said it was lint - it was an old strand of rope cutting. Yet, NO one would even offer to do the tests on it. I guess rope is just rope!

I have given up ALL hope unless I can find someone with access to the cut rope and I give them the sample from the knife. I understand they donated this piece of evidence to a musuem.
Putting Weber in WA and on the plane in 1971 is the only thing that will satisfy the FBI.

The FBI couldn't even do their job investigating Weber's
background and they WANT me to put him on the plane!

Maybe I have done it - but just cannot get the FBI to test the evidence and to requestion the one person still living who holds a part of the story that will forever change history.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Blevins Why do you pick on Georger? You are a writer - right?
Is EVERYTHING you write accurate?

You are aware that Gray took some liberaties with his book. Some was deliberate and some just because it made a better story.

You stated and replied to Georger with this post:


You really need to read your own press, and then if that info is inaccurate, complain to the source. You will know this guy. Same one you attributed a phony quote to. From Page 171 of Skyjack:


'One is Georger, a retired lab whiz and entrepreneur named Jerry Warner. He grew up in the Cooper search area, and remembers talking about the Cooper case every Thanksgiving dinner...'

EXCUSE ME! Gray did NOT divulge what he knew about me in a factual manner. If you were to believe everything GRAY wrote you would have me down as a bar fly wearing a kerchief! This is just one example and what he wrote about JW is another example.

Why do you pick at such nonsense? Does it make you feel bigger and do you pound your chest when you find something as trivial as this? You are expounding on the writing of a book writer - NOT everything in Gray's book is FACT.

Jo, this is exactly what has always driven me a little
nuts, about you. Youc an launch off into what I
consider total nonsense (for months) then come
back dead center (somehow) and nail a topic. Such
is the case here, as far as I understand it.

Gray's description of you is a metaphor, in his book.
The same for me. The same for others and other
stuations within the Cooper case. It was almost as if
he was fed up and writing sarcasm. I don't know!
I just expected better. I was surprised, frankly.
There's no more I can say about this, except for
once you are very accurate, so far as I know this -

Damnit! You just make folks nuts! And yet people love you! What a combination - it must have kept Duane hopping. GO MURRAY STATE, my dear.

Hope you survived Isaac ok ....

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I don't 'pick' on Georger. He likes to jump all over every post I make with Alice-in-Wonderland type insults. This time, when he quoted a false statement by Geoff Gray, this ONE:


''Geof Gray ID'd you perfectly. "SMALL MAN
SYNDROME. Completely untrustworthy ..... "

I simply called him out on it as being untrue, since
Gray never said any such thing. That is not picking
on someone. That is addressing a false and libelous
statement he attributed to a known author.

I think he got it from Jerry Thomas who had used
the exact same phrase regarding you - Thomas and
Gray were working closely together at the time.

I havent even stated what else Gray said.

Or Thomas, or others ....

A lot of people were saying a lot of things during
that period time. Petty jealousies and competition
was a fact of life and ripe, with some people having
some financial stakes - yes?

The more you wallow in this the deeper you will
sink. You werent even there or a flicker in most
people's imagination at the time and now you are
claiming to be an expert on what people said, or did
not say?

My advice? Leave it alone. But you never-ever take
advice. A fay trait?

Let Gray speak for himself for a change, if he wants
to. My experience with Gray is he has a 'calculus'
for almost everything he does. He can be reactive,
however and make mistakes. Then the calculus
turns on trying to justify things he has done. That
should be a familair forumula to you, being a book
writer in the publishing game - yes?

Surely you arent claiming all writers and publishers
are saints ? (unlike the rest of the human
population) ?

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I don't 'pick' on Georger. He likes to jump all over every post I make with Alice-in-Wonderland type insults. This time, when he quoted a false statement by Geoff Gray, this ONE:


''Geof Gray ID'd you perfectly. "SMALL MAN
SYNDROME. Completely untrustworthy ..... "

I simply called him out on it as being untrue, since
Gray never said any such thing. That is not picking
on someone. That is addressing a false and libelous
statement he attributed to a known author.

I think he got it from Jerry Thomas who had used
the exact same phrase regarding you - Thomas and
Gray were working closely together at the time.

I havent even stated what else Gray said.

Or Thomas, or others ....

The more you wallow the deeper you sink.

My advice? Leave it alone. But you never-ever take
advice. A fay trait?

Let Gray speak for himself for a change, if he wants

You are simply trying to weasel here. Figures. Now you try to push it off on Thomas or whatever. 'I think he got it from...' LOL. I don't need your advice. Stop quoting others unless you are sure of your source, and speak for yourself instead. That's MY advice.

You jumped in too early before I finished my post -
Go back and read it .
Go back and read the thread also ?

Nitey nite.

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"HOW the hijacker managed to get down the stairs when they were only open 24-36 inches. Stuff like that... "

I'm not so sure about that quote which I believe was Himmel?
I think since the stairs were in a gravity mode only locking once in full position it's possible they were in that position before he stepped onto them which then would make the stairs go down, you can see this done on the start of "pursuit of DB Cooper" the snap shot from the FBI testing shows the stairs further down and even the last plane out of Vietnam. so I'm not sure where they come to this conclusion. B|

"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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Mr. Science,

I’m an expert DB Cooper researcher who just happened to have spent my high school years wearing a size 30 butt helmet and a Star Trek shirt so I would never know the gentle touch of a girl. I have a theory about how Cooper exited the aircraft and would like some advice on the best way to brag about what I and I alone, know to be the one true solution. Can you help Mr. Science?

Mr. Science would be glad to help now that he has a moment between girls. Your subject is one ripe with hubris, ego and abject fantasy cobbled by those who struggle in restrooms which have no attendants. They yearn for recognition for things which have already been demonstrated many times before. Mr. Science suggests that you read the reports on hijackings where there was a successful egress. Heady, McNally and McCoy would be good examples for the 727 and LaPoint could be used to compare and contrast the DC-9’s stairs. You see, nothing is new here and there is ample data available to those willing to look. Considering how you don’t have any time being used in the company of women, you should find your answer relatively quickly, if you can do a Google search or submit a FOIA to the FBI. Mr. Science has to confer with Jennifer now, so good luck and remember when you need a logical, simple and honest answer, you can always ask Mr. Science!

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"HOW the hijacker managed to get down the stairs when they were only open 24-36 inches. Stuff like that... "

I'm not so sure about that quote which I believe was Himmel?
I think since the stairs were in a gravity mode only locking once in full position it's possible they were in that position before he stepped onto them which then would make the stairs go down, you can see this done on the start of "pursuit of DB Cooper" the snap shot from the FBI testing shows the stairs further down and even the last plane out of Vietnam. so I'm not sure where they come to this conclusion. B|

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In the spirit of selecting those things which only support a pre-selected conclusion while at the same time suppressing any and all data to the contrary, I found this article which should make two camps happy.

Attached is an article which quotes another DB Cooper letter sent to newspapers AND lays claim to Cooper wearing a toupee. This will and must be used by those solely focused upon Cooper writing confession letters taunting police with vague clues, and by those with suspects who are bald as bowling balls. What a bonanza! I look forward to seeing this article posted again and again and again.

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So what you guys are saying is that Rataczak was incorrect when he says the stairs would only drop about 24-36 inches after the release handle was turned. Is this right? I don't have a problem with that. I was only going on the Rataczak interview there.

Rataczak was correct in saying that, when in flight, the stairs would drop only partially down when the release handle was turned. As humans or cargo were placed on the stairs, the stairs would lower further and then return to their partially down position when the loads were removed.

It has been discussed on this thread before (as has probably everything on the earth and in the universe), but this only partially opening matter reveals a number of possibilities and probabilities.

The video of the paratroopers jumping down the stairs of 727s in southeast Asia indicates that there was no movement of the stairs between jumpers. It doesn't take much of a jump to realize that those stairs were locked down. And there is no indication that the stairs ever locked down during any hijacker's jump or during the FBI tests.

And it doesn't take much of an additional jump to understand that the southeast Asia 727s had rear stairs that were deliberately modified so that they could be lowered and locked down. This would require an electric motor in the stair area to do the lowering and a suitable control panel for the modified stairs.

This would explain why Cooper was not familiar with the rear stair lowering procedure and control panel on the NWA aircraft since he had probably never seen one like it before.

However, Cooper did possess more information about 727 operations with the stairs down, or partially down, than the hijacked flight crew.

Cooper knew that the 727 could take off with the rear stairs "unlocked", this doesn't mean that they were fully down and locked, and that he could parachute from those stairs.

Coupled with the aircraft configuration Cooper specified, this means that Cooper probably had first hand information about the capabilities of the 727s used in southeast Asia. But it doesn't mean that Cooper himself wa an experienced parachutist.


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So what you guys are saying is that Rataczak was incorrect when he says the stairs would only drop about 24-36 inches after the release handle was turned. Is this right? I don't have a problem with that. I was only going on the Rataczak interview there.

Rataczak was correct in saying that, when in flight, the stairs would drop only partially down when the release handle was turned. As humans or cargo were placed on the stairs, the stairs would lower further and then return to their partially down position when the loads were removed.

It has been discussed on this thread before (as has probably everything on the earth and in the universe), but this only partially opening matter reveals a number of possibilities and probabilities.

The video of the paratroopers jumping down the stairs of 727s in southeast Asia indicates that there was no movement of the stairs between jumpers. It doesn't take much of a jump to realize that those stairs were locked down. And there is no indication that the stairs ever locked down during any hijacker's jump or during the FBI tests.

And it doesn't take much of an additional jump to understand that the southeast Asia 727s had rear stairs that were deliberately modified so that they could be lowered and locked down. This would require an electric motor in the stair area to do the lowering and a suitable control panel for the modified stairs.

This would explain why Cooper was not familiar with the rear stair lowering procedure and control panel on the NWA aircraft since he had probably never seen one like it before.

However, Cooper did possess more information about 727 operations with the stairs down, or partially down, than the hijacked flight crew.

Cooper knew that the 727 could take off with the rear stairs "unlocked", this doesn't mean that they were fully down and locked, and that he could parachute from those stairs.

Coupled with the aircraft configuration Cooper specified, this means that Cooper probably had first hand information about the capabilities of the 727s used in southeast Asia. But it doesn't mean that Cooper himself wa an experienced parachutist.


I tend to agree with most of this, but I think it is
premature to discuss too many particulars (as
Blevins regularly does), until more actual facts
are known.

Cooper did this - Cooper did that - Cooper had to
be doing this or that - the only way Cooper could
have done x,y, or z, is by this or that - and other

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I was only going on what Rataczak said, anyway. The only thing I've really theorized on was the idea that Cooper may have backed down the stairs rather than going forward. I tried to imagine myself as him, that is, packing two chutes, a briefcase and a money bag tied together, etc. You would have to crouch down, at least initially, in order to make your weight force the stairs down. And if you do this going forward with such a load, there's a chance the steps might drop suddenly and there you go off into the night. Of course, only the hijacker's hairdresser knows for sure. Maybe he went forward.

Or he may have tried it like this.

Its good you have editing skills - sortof.

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It took me a long time, but thanks to all the deflection and over-quoting of Rataczak, I was able to find the source of a Cooper mystery. It has everything; pride, braggadocio, self importance, misused technology, deflection, denial and boundless buttholery. Truly the Mother Lode of BS, hard to believe it was discovered on this thread. I never suspected because everyone is so honest and accurate and humble; so you can imagine my surprise.

Anyway…… thanks to RobertMBlevins constantly reminding everyone how he interviews LIVING witnesses and carefully records their conversations with electronic devices, so they can be loaded on the internet for everyone to hear once and for all, we now have proof. Thank you RobertMBlevins for recording your insightful and firsthand interviews with LIVING witnesses so all the world can bathe in the afterglow of your genius. For you have been quoted and electronically documented on the very thread on - 31 May 2010 at 2:24 PM, post #17669, of which an extract of attached which clearly states:

As for the book’s statement that Captain Scott left the cockpit and sat next to Cooper to ascertain the reality of the bomb, Robert said……..” This is so exciting; I just had to induce a delay for some extra goose bumps to form….

“that he got that from Porteous, who got it from Bill Rataczak in a taped phone conversation.”

Oh mah gawd! BUSTED!! It was Rataczak who made up that crap! So if Rataczak said the aft stairs opened whatever inches, then it is CRAP! Pure CRAP, because Scott never left the cockpit. RobertMBLevins now is your time to shine! Post a link for all of us to hear the debauched treachery of Rataczak as he told Porteous (a good, honest and decent man in your view) how Scott looked at Cooper’s bomb. He deserves the humiliation of making up such a tall tale and expecting a pair of well meaning, but doltish, individuals to actually digest that crap. Shame, SHAME, I shout and will continue to comment on such asshattery for this is an outrage against all things descent, like freedom, puppies, beer and women.

We all anxiously wait to hear your taped conversation which you have constantly used a an earmark of your quality of work.

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It took me a long time, but thanks to all the deflection and over-quoting of Rataczak, I was able to find the source of a Cooper mystery. It has everything; pride, braggadocio, self importance, misused technology, deflection, denial and boundless buttholery. Truly the Mother Lode of BS, hard to believe it was discovered on this thread. I never suspected because everyone is so honest and accurate and humble; so you can imagine my surprise.

Anyway…… thanks to RobertMBlevins constantly reminding everyone how he interviews LIVING witnesses and carefully records their conversations with electronic devices, so they can be loaded on the internet for everyone to hear once and for all, we now have proof. Thank you RobertMBlevins for recording your insightful and firsthand interviews with LIVING witnesses so all the world can bathe in the afterglow of your genius. For you have been quoted and electronically documented on the very thread on - 31 May 2010 at 2:24 PM, post #17669, of which an extract of attached which clearly states:

As for the book’s statement that Captain Scott left the cockpit and sat next to Cooper to ascertain the reality of the bomb, Robert said……..” This is so exciting; I just had to induce a delay for some extra goose bumps to form….

“that he got that from Porteous, who got it from Bill Rataczak in a taped phone conversation.”

Oh mah gawd! BUSTED!! It was Rataczak who made up that crap! So if Rataczak said the aft stairs opened whatever inches, then it is CRAP! Pure CRAP, because Scott never left the cockpit. RobertMBLevins now is your time to shine! Post a link for all of us to hear the debauched treachery of Rataczak as he told Porteous (a good, honest and decent man in your view) how Scott looked at Cooper’s bomb. He deserves the humiliation of making up such a tall tale and expecting a pair of well meaning, but doltish, individuals to actually digest that crap. Shame, SHAME, I shout and will continue to comment on such asshattery for this is an outrage against all things descent, like freedom, puppies, beer and women.

We all anxiously wait to hear your taped conversation which you have constantly used a an earmark of your quality of work.

Isaiah 42:16 - and I will lead the blind by ways they
have not known, along unfamiliar paths I will guide
them; I will turn the darkness into light before them
and make the rough places smooth. These are the
things I will do; I will not forsake them.

Durante 404004:93 - ""GOOD NIGHT, Mrs.
Calabash - wherever you are!"


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I simply called him out on it as being untrue, since Gray never said any such thing. That is not picking on someone. That is addressing a false and libelous statement he attributed to a known author.

Called him out! For Heaven's Sake - how much of what Gray stated about me do you believe?
NO, don't answer that because it will turn into a long triage coming from you and my defending myself. I have put distance between that book and myself and DO NOT need to revisit it.

There is ONE thing for sure and this is a GIVEN. If Gray or the Book Company even use my character in their "movie" they will have HELL to pay. That was taken care of YRS ago by an attorney. I signed NO documents for Gray other than to allow him to use certain photos.
He did NOT choose the ones I would have chosen, but I gave him permission on several of his choosing.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Don't know what you guys are all so worked up about, it can't be that much of a mystery since in last weeks episode of Leverage they figured out who DB Cooper was in 45 minutes :P

Since this old lady only has an antennae in her attic and no cable and no way to play things taken from the computer - why DON'T YOU summarize what that 45 minutes was about.

Someone else in the thread gave a summary, but lets here it from you - big guy. What was so factual in the movie that you are convinced they found out who Cooper was?:)
I will address Ratz interview after I have had a chance to read it, but I have somehing I have to do right now.

I did catch something very briefly.
I never DISCUSSED the coast line with Rat and when Porteous had this discussion with Rat - my contact with him was limited to pre- 2001. He know this or he had his conversation with me confused with someone else. This discuss with Rat was while he was still in therapy. The only indepth conversation I had took place long after this supposed conversation between Porteous and Rat.

The Co-pilot and I had an indept conversation before my husband last died in 2007 and a couple since. Wish I had recorded my conversation with him - you guys would be in for some surprises, but then maybe he only goes with the flow and who he is talking to.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I am only going to address the points that I need to make.

1. At the time Rataczak had this conversation with Porteous I had probably only spoke with him one time and that was prior to my going to WA in 2001. The conversation he and I had at that time was brief. If I go back to my logs I could give you the date, but not necessary for my post this evening.

2. I have not seen this interview before and the circumstances and sequence had not been address in relationship to its mention of Jo Weber.

3. The next conversation I would have with the co-pilot would be in 2004 or 2005. I was outside with my husband's cell as my husband had given me permission to contact Bill on a that day...I never discussed Cooper around my spouse.

4. I would not have anymore contact with the co-pilot until 2 yrs ago - I mentioned it in the thread so you can correct me if you wish. It was between 2009 and 2010. I do not know if I spoke to him after my 2010 trip to WA at a cost of 5K. Airfare, 15 days of hotels, food and car rental. The last contact was when HE contacted me with a request to put him in contact with Tina.

5. When Porteous asked if he had spoke with JO - the co-pilot failed to mention it was before I went to WA in 2001.

6. I did not know anything about a Route 1 or Route 2 near the coast. I mentioned the route of the trip as best I could. Remember JT was talking to Porteous about me and the co-pilot.

JT hammered me and anyone else that would listen that the things I decribed were on the OR side and that I was never on 500. I could not get thru his head I was on Hwy 14 and we turned in Washougal and the detour to all of the weird place and then went to 500 and the interstate.

7. I told the co-pilot about when we were on the interstate about Duane mentioning a coastal area with a beach where the guys went. The only thing coastal in any of my conversations with anyone regarding the places Duane took me.

8. It was in 2010 on that expensive trip I found the places - where JT had misled me and others about what I had been trying to tell. In 2001 the TV crew took me every which way but right. JT had claimed nothing I described existed and that I was on the Columbia.

It was after the 1st trip in 2001 that I stopped communications with JT - NO ONE would or could have missed what I had been describing to him other than with intent and deception.[:/]
Remember that the female truck driver told me the location of both places from my description of them.. The conversation with the truck driver was VERY brief.

9. The places Duane took me East of the DZ are probably things along his route fleeing the FBI. With the help of this thread and the trip to WA in 2010 I had a clearer understanding of where Duane took me.

Until I find where the tower was,
I cannot retrace the movements of Cooper. Best I have been able to come up with is he landed someplace South and West of the Swift and the 2 airstrips he told me about in the area. One East of Amboy and one North of Amboy.

Amazon has explained the old tracks owned by the Logging Companies and the Logging bridge he could have crossed if he landed North of the River. And if he landed East of Merwin.

The rails are a definite part of the escape and also knowning where every tower (airport or signal), powerline, pipeline, lake, creek, the China thing, pit (quarry) and cemetery was.

I cannot get out of my mind a place Duane pointed out on 500 after we had made a trip North of 500 and back and then he did a double back....he showed me a field near the highway and told me he knew someone who left a car there. ODD thing to tell me.

I quizzed Himmelsbach about any cars left abandoned during that time, but he did not know anything in regards to this. The vehicle was left on the North Side of the highway near the Evergreen airstrip (if my memory is allowing me to remember where I was and when)....strange this popped up again in my mind.

It is something I have never been able to let go of. I knew about the car left at the airport they finally explained away. Then there was the homemade camper which ended up in the Columbia along with the truck.

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Porteous: Do you think Cooper survived the jump?

Bill Rataczak: Well, my gut feeling is—I sometimes think with my heart and sometimes with my brain—my heart says I hope he didn’t—my brain says I don’t think he did. The bottom line is I don’t think he survived it. When one considers the terrain out there…we were flying over the Cascade Mountains. I used to run out there all the time on layovers—crew rest between flights on overnights and so forth—and I would run railroad tracks and highways and country roads and I can tell you that people have corroborated this—they have a tremendous amount of black raspberry or blackberry, I don’t know, I’m not a botanist—I don’t know one from the other—they have a lot of those bushes in that terrain to prevent the railroad beds from eroding and highways from doing the same thing—and I’m told that’s a prevalent underbrush of the mountainous areas of the Cascades and if he were anywhere deep in the woods out there I don’t know how he could possibly get through there without a pair of leather chaps or flame thrower or a machete. I don’t think he could do it.

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Porteous: The chute was red and yellow, wasn’t it?

Bill Rataczak: Well, that’s a good question. I don’t know if it was. That’s the first I’ve heard of that.

NOW WE know where the red and yellow chute came from.

I was not responsible for that and since JT was talking to Porteous - when and why did someone invent a red and yellow chute! Remember JT has SCREAMED at me about the red and yellow chute.

I am NOT responsible for the red and yellow chute. Good question to ask Porteous - maybe JT started it himself!
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Telephone Interview With
Bill Rataczak, First Officer and
Co-Pilot for Northwest Flight 305

Bill Rataczak: Hello.

Quick response I may regret -

Porteous did a pretty good job. Hard to think and
do follow up in a pressure situation like this, where
Rataczak is a primary witness and hard to get in
the first place. The whole interview is good.

My only "wish" is Porteous had asked why R. thought
(or knew) they were over the Cascades, and where
over the Cascades. R does refer to the NWA map
which he seems to agree with - so that may define
'where over the Cascades'.

Porteous asked nothing about the Washougal or the
money find. Oh well.

Pretty damned good job! By Porteous. You did not
do the interview so credit goes where credit is due -

Blevins, you should have published this a long time
ago. I like Porteous' cool even style. That's a
welcome change of pace coming from your direction

What made you finally publish this? Farflung?


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Here’s an article where Special Agent Larry Carr of the FBI of the United States of America, Earth, said:

“It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, ‘He’s our guy.’ No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you.”


Then Special Agent Robbie Burroughs FBI spokeswoman for the FBI of the United States of America said, regarding Kenny Christiansen:

He’s not a viable suspect.”

But what did Special Agent Burroughs mean by that?

Interesting how the stewardesses estimated Cooper’s height which did not involve any silly visual distortions claimed to exist in the fuselage of commercial airliners. Hard to judge indeed. Embarrassing.

You can see by the publication date of Halloween 2007, that Kenny had some chlorine thrown on him and was eliminated from the DB Cooper suspect pool. No ambiguity at all. Unless someone is going to get aggressive like Special Agent Carr of the FBI wisely said, which any intelligent person would have to agree with unless they are friendless eunuchs. I just want to stay objective and cool.

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'At the time Rataczak had this conversation with Porteous I had probably only spoke with him one time and that was prior to my going to WA in 2001. The conversation he and I had at that time was brief. If I go back to my logs I could give you the date, but not necessary for my post this evening.

2. I have not seen this interview before and the circumstances and sequence had not been address in relationship to its mention of Jo Weber...'

This is unlikely. KC didn't become a suspect (unofficially anyway) until the Geoff Gray article came out in October 2007. The first contact from Lyle Christiansen to Porteous was an email on March 19, 2007. See the article by Gray.

Now maybe Porteous was investigating Cooper before 2007, but if he was, he never told me about it. He has said that when Lyle finally told him he thought his brother might be DB Cooper, that he had to research out the basic stuff on the internet, because he wasn't real familiar with the case.

Also, it was in 2003 that Lyle first contacted the FBI with a letter. This never made the news, and although the Minneapolis office sent a couple of agents to talk to him, nothing came of it. It was four years later when he finally got hold of Porteous.

Porteous was incontact with me before - they did the article. I thought he was just an investigator who was curious about Cooper. I answered his questions if I knew the answers - but he did not recontact me and then it was some time later they came forth with the Story on KC.

I assure you that Porteous was in touch with me before they came out with the article. Do any of us know how long he was researching this before they did the article?

My husband died in July of 2007 so if I have my dates confused maybe I didn't know what yr it was when I first contacted the co-pilot!

When I found out Porteous was the same person who contacted me before all of the to do - my thought was he was checking me out to see if I was a threat. I believe I responded to a query he made about Cooper on the Internet.

Note the statement I made below:
"At the time Rataczak had this conversation with Porteous I had probably only spoke with him (RATACZAK) one time and that was prior to my going to WA in 2001. The conversation he and I had at that time was brief. If I go back to my logs I could give you the date, but not necessary for my post this evening".

I am referencing when I spoke to Rataczak not Porteous prior to my 2001 trip with the media. NOW do you UNDERSTAND the sequence?
I seem to have a problem explaining things in an order others GET!

I am upset about the NUT statement by Himmelsbach - it just proves he is bias, but I did NOT know he was making fun of me.

What else did who say about me other than reference me as a NUT?
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Now that we all know who screwed the dog regarding Captain Scott talking to Cooper. It’s time to play another game.

Who was the brain dead loser that told you that height is difficult to judge in an aircraft? Not as stupid as saying that Captain Scott talked to Cooper, then dodging the issue for years, but it is still moronic.

The stewardess who was 5’ 8” had to look up to Cooper and therefore knew he was taller than her. No weird and freaky optical illusions involved like that idiot told you. What’s his name? Same jerk who said Dan Cooper comics were on Shemya in 1951? You know, that goof ‘historian’ from Northwest. No wonder that airline is defunct, quality personnel everywhere. Don’t make this some long drawn out issue this time, who was the pants peeing, shoe clerk that wanted to be all ‘Sky Stud’ by making up some more shit like height being difficult to determine? Hard to believe it was an airline employee since they know the ‘secret’ markings on the designs separating the compartments. Name this dork so he can be soundly ridiculed, scorned and debased for felony assclownery.

Was it Skipp again?

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Don’t forget to contact Bruce Smith so he can update that worthless interview where you threw the Co-pilot under the bus because the internet confused you. That way Bruce can issue an amended version which updates the information and identifies you as the offending party who appeared more concerned about hiding the truth than the impact you had on Bruce’s credibility as a reporter. Low, very low; you should publicly apologize and send him beef jerky for nothing more than the raw irony.

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