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Quick response I may regret -
Porteous did a pretty good job. Hard to think and
do follow up in a pressure situation like this, where
Rataczak is a primary witness and hard to get in
the first place. The whole interview is good.
Why do you say the co-pilot is a hard to get an interview with? At times I think you are in the know with the FBI and then other times you seem to be completely out of the loop.
I wish there was a way to PM you because I want to propose something to you - if I can pull it off. You come across as both bias and objective and that is good. You know you can open your pm for me and then close it again if you think I do anything inappropriate...,,
I can use your private email account or you can set up another email address - which you can delete at any time...just how I would receive this would be impossible unless you open your PM's to me for a couple of exchanges. Your Call.
By the way this involves the CO-pilot. Not going to make public what is going thru my mind right now.
mrshutter45 21
Farflung 0
“Those pics you refer to were of Kenny's father. Lyle Christiansen sent them and neglected to tell me they were NOT of Kenny.”
You do realize that you are admitting that you can’t identify a picture of Kenny when you actually know what he looks like? Your other pictures of Kenny (with pipe, singing in a bar) I would bet are NOT him either. No resemblance at all, but someone ‘sane’ must have convinced you otherwise.
So if you can’t ID a picture of Kenny, how is Florence, Alice or she who stokes the fires my loins- Tina, supposed to be able to ID Kenny as Cooper, forty years later? Seems unfair putting them on the spot and over quoting what they say. But linear activity is a stranger round these here parts.

What I do wonder about is this guy Porteous, in
connection to Blevins.
And Geoff Gray, in connection to Blevins.
Is Blevins just some lone wolf out on a 'toot'
or does he have actual company in this debacle?
Or is this all comedy, as some new leverage to
get into the FBI's pants?
He's lost the credibility and intelligence angle.
What's left? Comedy and Pity?
Because I seriously doubt one person could come up
with much less generater all of this this "shit". How
many people are actively involved in writing scripts
for Blevins, behind the scenes, at AB Books?
No single person has the stamina to be doing what
Ole' Blev is doing, under one name?
There is something rotten in Denmark here.
Dont think for one second Blevins is doing all of this

ME THINKS Blevins doing what he is doing at this stage of the game - HAS ALL the EAR MARKS of his working with a production contract! He is pushing all the wrong button way too hard!
QuoteHmmmmm (see photo)

Am I miss remembering Cooper went to the bath room?
Is this not when Alice was face to face with Cooper as he returned from the bathroom? Did she not note how he carried the briefcase? She noted something else also, but I thought this was something Gray extricated from her mind or made up. Hell, for all I know - anything he said about Alice might have been created or altered!
P.S. to Smokin99 - I think you are dead on with this statement "Who knows, maybe, we are kidding ourselves and they really couldn't care less about this case. I hope that's not the case".

![[:/] [:/]](/uploads/emoticons/dry.png)

The FBI only wants to flush this case and the embarassment down the toilet. If it is never solved - then they have protected their integrity. If one little old woman did it they would never live it down!

How many times have you posted Kenny’s bank statement (10 -12 examples)? You must be exhausted dragging out that irrelevant image of a bank balance of $200,000, over a quarter century after the crime. Is one to assume that Kenny spent none of the money on his wild spending spree with the four breasted woman?
Why do all questions about source references require so many revisions and restatements that it makes the Treaty of Versailles look like a bid on eBay for a Beanie Baby? Is it because the only path of thought is the one you are laying out and as long as there is quiet compliance, then you are happy and feel accomplished? You may have sold yourself a bill of goods there RobertMBlevins.
Do you think I would have a ‘special’ interest in this phenomenon involving the mind altering effect the interior of an aircraft may have on height estimation? I certainly don’t know everything, but as soon as the man with a pile of crap in front of him asks me what sort of bread I would like, it is time to go on a diet; a starvation diet.
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