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Farflung 0
Thank you for your endless service in the perversion and destruction of accurate information, History Molester; Mr. Science thinks he can offer some help.
Your first assertion that icing will affect an engine’s performance is exquisitely inaccurate. Of course there is carburetor icing, which will hamper performance but most are thinking structural icing during February snow storms in Iowa, at least Mr. Science is thinking that, at least I’m thinking. Ice simply accumulates on the airfoil and will reduce lift or make the plane overweight all the while the engine can be producing maximum horsepower.
The coin toss did not involve Waylon Jennings at all. Mr. Science understands that Richie Valens asked the Cricket named Tommy Allsup for his seat on the plane, and settled it with a coin toss.
Mr. Science is endlessly amazed at how stories are manipulated and morphed via poor record keeping, lack of attention to detail or full frontal, unashamed incompetence.
The magical tour call the “Winter Dance Party” is what Mr. Science would label an epic, non-stop, pooch screwing with lashings of blind stupidity. Mr. Science looked at the itinerary and is convinced it was scheduled by one of the expert map readers from this very thread, as there is nothing resembling logic, reason or the slightest hint of efficiency of movement. Mr. Science senses that someone’s loser friend or relative was hired to schedule the tour locations (‘Surf’ Ballroom in Iowa….. Moorhead Armory?).
The day before the crash, the drummer Carl Bunch was hospitalized with what may have been frostbite from a broken bus heater. Mr. Science knows that the companion to incompetence is always the opposite of quality. Along with a mind bending route, during winter in the Midwest, a couple of decrepit busses were rented for the tour and were incapable of producing heat or being repaired. The solution was to fly to the winter haven of Fargo, North Dakota, and arrive around 3 AM because that’s when everything is guaranteed to be closed. Rather than spending the night in a competently heated motel room, then departing the next morning, a marginal decision was made and facilitated by some supporting players who could have pulled the plug at any time. Mr. Science has noticed that the ‘root cause’ of most aircraft crashes, is away from the airplane and hours earlier. Mr. Science wonders (not) what the body clock of a 21 year old from Iowa would be doing on the average evening, around midnight? Considering the ad hoc nature of the charter, Mr. Science is hard pressed to believe that the commercial pilot received adequate crew rest and this exacerbated his vulnerability to vertigo (special disorientation).
Mr. Science does questions why no one has ever investigated just what sort of music was being performed that night. Here’s a direct quote of the disturbing lyrics:
“All of my love
All of my kissin'
You don't know what you've been a-missin'
Oh boy, when you're with me
Oh boy, the world can see
That you, were meant, for me”
Mr. Science has supplied many facts which can be warped and mutated to the point, that what happened that night can be crafted into a total work of fiction. So enjoy all the fodder History Molester as I look forward to your future works. In the mean time, if you ever need a logical, simple and honest answer you can always, ask Mr. Science!
QuoteJust yesterday you were claiming that you could see the rivets in the airframe. Now you are claiming you could see the "panels". I don't know what you consider a "panel" to be, but in real life it is much larger than a rivet. Did you back away from the aircraft?
PANELS AND RIVETS - I do NOT know the technical names but those panels that you see riveted all around on the bottom of the planes. Hell if I could see the props - I could see the damn plane panels and rivets! This is when I wish I had a phone with a camera. A lot of good that would do - I have a problem figuring out simple things about a simple phone - like how to erase messages. I just hand it to a kid and tell him to erase the messages because I do not open them anyway.
Robert99 50
QuoteThe Buddy Holly crash has been studied extensively since it happened more than fifty years ago. Today, many people believe that the Sperry F-3 Gyro had a hand in the accident somehow.
Pilot Peterson had passed his written exam for instruments, but had not been certified, although he did have some time on instruments. Attached is a portion of the CAB report, done as a GIF image.
I have the complete report in PDF, but I don't think I can actually attach it at DZ.
Note near the bottom of the extract where the CAB also mentions the gyro. Admittedly, there is more than one school of thought on what caused the crash. There was no icing, and the engine was running at cruise when it hit the ground, so this rules out engine failure.
And why didn't Peterson notice from the altimeter that they were decending at fifty feet per second? And why was he in the middle of a right turn? One school thinks he simply wasn't watching the altimeter, but relying more on the Sperry, since he may have believed (from the Sperry) that they were ascending anyway. This theory is the most popular. One thing that is almost certain is that no one in that aircraft could see anything by looking out the windows. Too dark, snow, no ground lights, etc.
Basically put, there are too many causes of the accident to list here. But I don't think you can blame the Sperry artifical horizon simply because the pilot didn't have any experience with it.
In today's phrasing, this would be described as a "controlled [more or less controlled, anyway] flight into the terrain".
Fifty feet per second is 3000 feet per minute that the aircraft was descending at impact. That is a high rate of descent for that type of aircraft. Unless the pilot reduced engine power, the airspeed would be increasing rapidly, the noise level going up real fast, etc..
The pilot simply lost "spatial orientation" [a term Farflung mentions in an earlier post]. He apparently fixated on the artifical horizon and neglected to cross-check his other instruments. The end result was that he didn't know what the airplane was doing.
It doesn't make any difference if they could not see the ground, lights on the ground, or anything at all outside the aircraft. If you are going to fly on instruments then the ones you need to use are the ones on the instrument panel.
Farflung 0
georger 247
QuoteDear Mr Science: I never said the engine was subject to icing, although I suppose if the weather was cold enough it could have affected the carb. I said it was a MYTH. (See quote)
Quote'The biggest myth (although it's easily debunked by the official Civil Aeronautics Board report) was that the fuel line in the Beechcraft Bonanza froze in the cold weather, causing the plane to lose power and crash. Another story is that ice formed on the wings and brought down the plane. This isn't true, of course, since the engine was running at normal cruising revolutions when it struck the ground, and no evidence of icing was found...'
Never said Waylon was the coin-tosser in the article, either. I don't even mention the coin toss. I merely put up a link to a YouTube video at the end of the article where Tommy Allsup discusses the coin flip with Valens. The reason I put up a photo of Waylon Jennings and Holly onstage was simply because I liked the pic of the two of them together.
Robert99 disagrees with himself:Quote'Basically put, there are too many causes of the accident to list here. But I don't think you can blame the Sperry artifical horizon simply because the pilot didn't have any experience with it...'
Quote'The pilot simply lost "spatial orientation" [a term Farflung mentions in an earlier post]. He apparently fixated on the artifical horizon and neglected to cross-check his other instruments. The end result was that he didn't know what the airplane was doing...'
If he was fixated on the Sperry and not watching the other instruments...and he was unfamiliar with it...then how can you NOT blame that as a major cause?
See 'Cab4' attachment below. The CAB thought it was a major cause, since the other instruments would be fluctuating.
Hmmm. Are you an expert in these matters or are
you just quoting from articles/reports as if you were
an expert? Surely there are other reports and
findings, by different people. How would you know
who is the expert and who is not? Or do you just
have a knack for "truth" no matter the subject or
the report, or the people involved?
Would you be open to having your genome studied?
So that the world could benefit from your remarkable
Most people have to study for at least 1 hour to know
the Sperry-thingie at all. Either you are a pilot and
know this 'thingie' from personal experience, or, ...
well I hate to think of the alternatives! You could be
the key to somebody's future.
Your post was a little vague - didn't know if it was about Cooper or whatever.
I only came to the thread tonight to make an announcement. I have received NO response from the FBI on anything I have mentioned in this thread nor do they even acknowdge anything I say - ready to launch some activity I hope will produce some results.
I am NOT going to sit here and do the nothing - NOT one more day. I am accomplishing NOTHING on this thread, so I will do what I do best - seek out and go to the people who CAN help me. This means I have to make a public fool out of myself again, but I hope not.
There are SPECIFIC things about WEBER's Past I requested from the FBI - so I will take these one by one and ATTACK in any way I can. Look out Oklahoma and Nebraska Tornata Jo is on the way.
The FBI has banked on my dieing before I could prove anything that might prove the FBI was shoveling CRAP to the public regarding Cooper and the past of Weber. NO, I am not going public in the way you guys might imagine. I am beyond making a spectacle of myself, but if I can prove just ONE thing I have told the FBI about Weber's past - then that alone will get the attention of the public and then the FBI will need to explain WHY they miss this one thing. Something I begged CARR and prior agents to investigate and something they could have done with NO problem at all...even in 1998 before they sent me a letter dismissing Duane based on "finger prints".
J0 needs answers to some simple things she has put before the FBI in the last 17 yrs and she intends to TRY!
SO WHAT! Everyone thinks I am a NUT and OFF my rocker anyway.
Ever seen an OLD woman get mad and make her last stand? Well, as I said I compare it to a tornado (which will probably blow itselfs out without doing any damage - by damage I mean not being productive). AT least I will have DONE all I could DO to get the FBI to take a simple look see into certain aspects of the past of the man I knew as Duane L. Weber.
Duane L. Weber lived a good life from 1977 until his death in 1996, so it is NOT Duane L. Weber's past, but the past of John C. Collins...that needs answers. The FBI did NOT even check into the drivers license Duane Weber managed to obtain in 1990 nor investigate WHY he needed that ID. Carr dissed me on this as did other agents.
Because Carr nor the other agents would NOT look into this aspect, I will get the information the only way I know how. I could NOT prove I was the widow of John C. Collins and the FBI refused to give me the information I needed to do so - the JEFFERSON file. It may be too late, but I am going to try!
Oh by the WAY I won't need the Jefferson file the FBI so astutely prevented me from obtaining - there is a BACK DOOR! Might be to late to use this "tool" , but at this stage something is better than nothing! I don't have the money or the time to go through the legal process....which I could not do without the Jefferson file.
The Jefferson file was the only proof available Duane L. Weber and John C. Collins were one and the same.
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