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georger 247
So you deny what Geoff Gray wrote in his New Yorker
article of Oct 2007?
You deny all of the young men visiting, being
brought to, or living at the bungalo and other places
with Kenny - all documented by Gray?
Neither you or DECODED even mention any of this -
Are you now going to have another REVISION and
write Kenny in as Gay - with gayness being part of
the motivation for the Cooper hijacking? The gay
man who was mad with a grudge against straight
A carnival game inventor could write that script?
Lastly your denial and claim I am lying about a radio
program - while you know damned well its real - is
just like your claim I am lying about Geoff Gray's
remarks. That is a low blow and a very cheap shot
for a guy to make knowing full well the probability is
Georger is NOT lying, has the evidence, .... hell you
may even know the facts yourself and just be
playing with all of us! Wouldnt that be typical?
Blevins it is you who has no credibility here or
elsewhere, by almost universal acclaim!
What do you gain by such bottom feeding tactics
which destroy anychance of credibility you might
have had? Or, does credibility just have no value
in this for you at all, and this is all some kind of
game for you? Toying with history and people's
lives including our lives here?
What is your excuse?
The radio program existed and still exists! The
producer and show host exist. I have talked to them.
I have their written statements. Make no mistake
about this, Mr. RobertMBlevins.
Moreover none of this is new to Gray and Porteous!
They knew all about it in 2009 and I have
statements they made!
This is a "done deal", Mr. Blevins.
What's your excuse?
Geoff Gray's 2007 article in New Yorker speaks
clearly for itself. No mystery there and a well written
factual article, as it appears at this juncture. Nothing
so far that contradicts Geoff's article - which you
ignored completely!
So beyond me, who are you going to blame and call
a liar now? Mr. Porteous? Are you now going to claim
he steared you in the wrong direction and gave you
faulty information about Kenny's life!? I can
contradict that in an instant because, Mr. Porteous
was already on record BEFORE you even existed in
this debacle.
The contrivance is yours, Mr. Blevins, and nobody
elses. Unless you now want to claim stupidity or a
"conspiracy" with someone else to make things
up ....
Remember, Mr. Blevins, you tried to convince the
FBI your story had credibility and got up their backs
when they would not 'investigate' according to your
claims and concepts/theories. You put a public
burden on the FBI with your junk . . . not to mention
the American public, us, and Dropzone.
You went on national tv with your suppositions!
And you are calling "me" a liar over a radio program
that has existed for generations in which Lyle
Christiansen appeared?
There may even be a document where you reared
up suddenly out of nowhere in 2009, and speaking
for everyone apparently, (people didnt even know
who RobertMBlevins was!), and you denied Lyle had
ever retracted anything anywhere ... so nothing I am
saying is even news to you, is it!
Why are you being coy now asking what radio
program? Claiming I am a liar. What game are
you playing now with this sudden lsos of memory!?
Thats a pretty tall order for people to swallow,
Mr. RobertMBlevins.
You rose up and issued written denials in 2009
saying Lyle had never-ever retracted anything, in
any venue, and now you are here asking 'what radio
program is Georger lying about' ?
Whats your next revision of the previous revision,
of the revision before that, and the one before it!?
377 22
Georger wrote:
QuoteShould we not just admit Cooper had an FAA Ham
Radio license and knew the King of Jordan and 377!
You are slipping Geoger.

The FCC isssues ham licenses, not the FAA, but you knew that being an Amateur Radio licensee yourself. Lately the FCC is spending a lot of effort appealing the reversal of their ridiculous $550,000.00 Janet Jackson "wardrobe malfunction" fine levied against CBS. Don't they have anything better to do?
How do they calculate the fine? Why not $500 or $30,000 or $11,234.99 ?How do you quantify perceived obscenity? I bet they have an entire staff of sociologists, accountants and statisticians devoted to that crucial task. After all, the public must be protected from glimpses of bare breasts at all costs.
mrshutter45 21
QuoteGeorger wrote:
QuoteShould we not just admit Cooper had an FAA Ham
Radio license and knew the King of Jordan and 377!
You are slipping Geoger.
The FCC isssues ham licenses, not the FAA, but you knew that being an Amateur Radio licensee yourself. Lately the FCC is spending a lot of effort appealing the reversal of their ridiculous $550,000.00 Janet Jackson "wardrobe malfunction" fine levied against CBS. Don't they have anything better to do?
How do they calculate the fine? Why not $500 or $30,000 or $11,234.99 ?How do you quantify perceived obscenity? I bet they have an entire staff of sociologists, accountants and statisticians devoted to that crucial task. After all, the public must be protected from glimpses of bare breasts at all costs.
back in the 70's the FCC didn't play, my dad got me a TRC-30 23 channe CB and I met a guy called the green hornet, this guy had a browning tube type two piece unit with a VFO so he could go lower and high freq wise, had a blackcat 2000 watt amplifier with a wilson quad antena about 75 feet up, they went on his property and took every single piece of equipment he had. I can't remember if he got a fine or not.
now a days I think they could care less, I have a Royce 40 channel with a Heathkit sb-200 and a varmit 150 as a kicker and would bet the FCC wouldn't do anything even if someone complained.
georger 247
QuoteQuoteGeorger wrote:
QuoteShould we not just admit Cooper had an FAA Ham
Radio license and knew the King of Jordan and 377!
You are slipping Geoger.
The FCC isssues ham licenses, not the FAA, but you knew that being an Amateur Radio licensee yourself. Lately the FCC is spending a lot of effort appealing the reversal of their ridiculous $550,000.00 Janet Jackson "wardrobe malfunction" fine levied against CBS. Don't they have anything better to do?
How do they calculate the fine? Why not $500 or $30,000 or $11,234.99 ?How do you quantify perceived obscenity? I bet they have an entire staff of sociologists, accountants and statisticians devoted to that crucial task. After all, the public must be protected from glimpses of bare breasts at all costs.
back in the 70's the FCC didn't play, my dad got me a TRC-30 23 channe CB and I met a guy called the green hornet, this guy had a browning tube type two piece unit with a VFO so he could go lower and high freq wise, had a blackcat 2000 watt amplifier with a wilson quad antena about 75 feet up, they went on his property and took every single piece of equipment he had. I can't remember if he got a fine or not.
now a days I think they could care less, I have a Royce 40 channel with a Heathkit sb-200 and a varmit 150 as a kicker and would bet the FCC wouldn't do anything even if someone complained.
Remember the Tempo-I ?
mrshutter45 21
QuoteQuoteQuoteGeorger wrote:
QuoteShould we not just admit Cooper had an FAA Ham
Radio license and knew the King of Jordan and 377!
You are slipping Geoger.
The FCC isssues ham licenses, not the FAA, but you knew that being an Amateur Radio licensee yourself. Lately the FCC is spending a lot of effort appealing the reversal of their ridiculous $550,000.00 Janet Jackson "wardrobe malfunction" fine levied against CBS. Don't they have anything better to do?
How do they calculate the fine? Why not $500 or $30,000 or $11,234.99 ?How do you quantify perceived obscenity? I bet they have an entire staff of sociologists, accountants and statisticians devoted to that crucial task. After all, the public must be protected from glimpses of bare breasts at all costs.
back in the 70's the FCC didn't play, my dad got me a TRC-30 23 channe CB and I met a guy called the green hornet, this guy had a browning tube type two piece unit with a VFO so he could go lower and high freq wise, had a blackcat 2000 watt amplifier with a wilson quad antena about 75 feet up, they went on his property and took every single piece of equipment he had. I can't remember if he got a fine or not.
now a days I think they could care less, I have a Royce 40 channel with a Heathkit sb-200 and a varmit 150 as a kicker and would bet the FCC wouldn't do anything even if someone complained.
Remember the Tempo-I ?
not ringing a bell?
CBs are still made Jo, but their popularity has hugely declined.
I did the post and it went POOF!
Remember the battery Cooper had. Could that have powered a CB or walking talkie on the ground?
Remember the attached picture - one sent to me by the ex-wife after a conversation about her making him a special belt with straps and pockets. The belt also had a straps that worked like suspender.
Note this picture she sent me after that communication. When I showed it to my daughter - she said "What does he have on under his jacket". The wife did NOT mention his wearing such an appliance in the photo and I wonder HOW or WHY he looked so STOCKY! I just thought it was the photo - because the pic was supposedly made around 1970, but other snaps she sent of the same time period show a flat ab and muscular arms.
As she described it to me it had suspender like straps that crossed in the back and the belt was wide with secure pocket. My mind was saying Tool Belt, but she indicated it had pockets and was made out of canvas and not for tools. She never told me why he had her make such an item.
Duane had told me about this item his wife made for him and then yrs later she tells me the same story. Neither explained the purpose of the appliance.
Will try one more time - 1970 approx pic is attached. Note I have other pics of Duane before and after that which show him as having muscular arms and a reasonable abdomen. The kidney did NOT enlarge to a noticeable stage until much later around 1980 it started being noticeable when he did not have a jacket on.
The distribution of the appearance of his abdomen and upper chest are ODD in the photo attached - NOT remotely near photos taken before and after.
377 22
This guy needs to be investigated
See attached.
georger 247
QuoteQuoteQuoteQuoteGeorger wrote:
QuoteShould we not just admit Cooper had an FAA Ham
Radio license and knew the King of Jordan and 377!
You are slipping Geoger.
The FCC isssues ham licenses, not the FAA, but you knew that being an Amateur Radio licensee yourself. Lately the FCC is spending a lot of effort appealing the reversal of their ridiculous $550,000.00 Janet Jackson "wardrobe malfunction" fine levied against CBS. Don't they have anything better to do?
How do they calculate the fine? Why not $500 or $30,000 or $11,234.99 ?How do you quantify perceived obscenity? I bet they have an entire staff of sociologists, accountants and statisticians devoted to that crucial task. After all, the public must be protected from glimpses of bare breasts at all costs.
back in the 70's the FCC didn't play, my dad got me a TRC-30 23 channe CB and I met a guy called the green hornet, this guy had a browning tube type two piece unit with a VFO so he could go lower and high freq wise, had a blackcat 2000 watt amplifier with a wilson quad antena about 75 feet up, they went on his property and took every single piece of equipment he had. I can't remember if he got a fine or not.
now a days I think they could care less, I have a Royce 40 channel with a Heathkit sb-200 and a varmit 150 as a kicker and would bet the FCC wouldn't do anything even if someone complained.
Remember the Tempo-I ?
not ringing a bell?
You could slide right into 11 mtrs with them from 10
meters - - they were a favorite of CBers and truckers
around here.
One guy west of here on a hilltop had a tower up
with a four quad array and a 2000 watt linear. The
FCC came into to town and took it all. He was a
supervisor in Uiversity Maint. He moved his family
out to the UI Oakdale Campus and set it all up
again. The university shut him down there.
377 22
QuoteAs she described it to me it had suspender like straps that crossed in the back and the belt was wide with secure pocket. My mind was saying Tool Belt, but she indicated it had pockets and was made out of canvas and not for tools. She never told me why he had her make such an item
Might it have been a "booster rig"? These items, usually homemade, were worn by professional shoplifters to conceal pilfered items. When I worked in a public defenders office it was hell to get good plea bargain deals on shoplifters apprehended with booster rigs because the DA saw them as professionals. In some cases they were charged with burglary rather than shoplifting because the rig showed that they entered the store intending to commit a theft. It is not a permissive entry when you enter with the intent of stealing rarther than shopping.
That makes more sense than trying to explain it as a radionavigation apparatus.
mrshutter45 21
QuoteQuoteQuoteQuoteQuoteGeorger wrote:
QuoteShould we not just admit Cooper had an FAA Ham
Radio license and knew the King of Jordan and 377!
You are slipping Geoger.
The FCC isssues ham licenses, not the FAA, but you knew that being an Amateur Radio licensee yourself. Lately the FCC is spending a lot of effort appealing the reversal of their ridiculous $550,000.00 Janet Jackson "wardrobe malfunction" fine levied against CBS. Don't they have anything better to do?
How do they calculate the fine? Why not $500 or $30,000 or $11,234.99 ?How do you quantify perceived obscenity? I bet they have an entire staff of sociologists, accountants and statisticians devoted to that crucial task. After all, the public must be protected from glimpses of bare breasts at all costs.
back in the 70's the FCC didn't play, my dad got me a TRC-30 23 channe CB and I met a guy called the green hornet, this guy had a browning tube type two piece unit with a VFO so he could go lower and high freq wise, had a blackcat 2000 watt amplifier with a wilson quad antena about 75 feet up, they went on his property and took every single piece of equipment he had. I can't remember if he got a fine or not.
now a days I think they could care less, I have a Royce 40 channel with a Heathkit sb-200 and a varmit 150 as a kicker and would bet the FCC wouldn't do anything even if someone complained.
Remember the Tempo-I ?
not ringing a bell?
You could slide right into 11 mtrs with them from 10
meters - - they were a favorite of CBers and truckers
around here.
One guy west of here on a hilltop had a tower up
with a four quad array and a 2000 watt linear. The
FCC came into to town and took it all. He was a
supervisor in Uiversity Maint. He moved his family
out to the UI Oakdale Campus and set it all up
again. The university shut him down there.
Hmmm never heard that term, we used a VFO (Variable-frequency oscillator) and the one I had could go down to 10 meters, my amps had to be tuned to 11 to work just never heard of a tempo-I, my buddy could also tap into the PLL circuit chip and get tons of channels from a washington made CB.
mine was very similar to this pic below
I haven't turned mine on in years, I use to love shooting skip on Sundays, talked all over the country and down in the Islands South of Florida.
377 22
QuoteRemember the Tempo-I
not ringing a bell?
You could slide right into 11 mtrs with them from 10
meters - - they were a favorite of CBers and truckers
around here.
Early model Yaesu FT 101s were even better. Had 11M
as a stock band. Swan (Siltronix) made a model 1011 that was super easy to put on 11M as it had an 11M receive only feature that was easily opened up to enable trasmit.
mrshutter45 21
QuoteG wrote
QuoteRemember the Tempo-I
not ringing a bell?
You could slide right into 11 mtrs with them from 10
meters - - they were a favorite of CBers and truckers
around here.
Early model Yaesu FT 101s were even better. Had 11M
as a stock band. Swan (Siltronix) made a model 1011 that was super easy to put on 11M as it had an 11M receive only feature that was easily opened up to enable trasmit.
that's a good amp for sure, I never used one but heard a lot about them, I have 3 amps the sb-200 I have a Maverick 250 with ten tubes and my little Varmit 150 two tubes, any amp with tubes always has a better modulation than the new circuit board amps which give a tin can affect while talking. they call the power chips pills if i'm not mistaken.
377 22
Quotethey call the power chips pills if i'm not mistaken.
yes, and the King of Pill Amps is DAVE:
Dave is reportedly a ham. Dave doesnt care too much about output filters. Dave thinks the FCC can go ---- themselves.
Some truckers are running 8KW CBs using Dave's amps. They run two huge Niehoff alternators and connect the amp with 0/0 welding cable, really. I saw photos of such an installation. The trucker had trouble with corona discharge melting the tip of his antenna. Dave also makes the GOD ROD CB antenna.
I am surprised BK hasnt chimed in on this CB stuff. He seems like someone who'd be part of that scene.
I am planning a future jump using a late 60s CB walkie talkie just to show what might have been possible.
Go ahead and take your shot G. I am wearing a Kevlar jumpsuit.
mrshutter45 21
Ah yes, the Dave amps, bringing it all back now, Henry and Drake are good amps as well, gotta mixture of memory and just getting out of the Hospital because the Kidney stone came back with vengeance this time,
also forgot about the tractor named after me
georger 247
QuoteMr shutter wrote
Quotethey call the power chips pills if i'm not mistaken.
yes, and the King of Pill Amps is DAVE:
Dave is reportedly a ham. Dave doesnt care too much about output filters. Dave thinks the FCC can go ---- themselves.
Some truckers are running 8KW CBs using Dave's amps. They run two huge Niehoff alternators and connect the amp with 0/0 welding cable, really. I saw photos of such an installation. The trucker had trouble with corona discharge melting the tip of his antenna. Dave also makes the GOD ROD CB antenna.
I am surprised BK hasnt chimed in on this CB stuff. He seems like someone who'd be part of that scene.
I am planning a future jump using a late 60s CB walkie talkie just to show what might have been possible.
Go ahead and take your shot G. I am wearing a Kevlar jumpsuit.
Funny. One out is enough then you're home free -

Jo has the page screwed up again ? Super long/wide.

Part-II to "Kenny was Gay" comes later tonight.
Then we may have some folks drop by Dropzone
on Wednesday, if all goes well.
One day at a time.
BTW: thanks for correcting me on FAA/FCC. I about
crapped when I looked back. Yep a senior moment
for sure - damn. But I appreciated your correction.
Who is WE? Just to be correct about this and avoid
any future misunderstanding you will claim you
never said ...
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