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I have just as much a right to present evidence against a suspect as you do. My research may not lead to the conclusion that Christiansen was Cooper, but I do keep good records. All interviews were voice-recorded and catalogued. Some are on video. I kept extensive notes. I have copies of all the offered documents and pictures. Yes, there are a few reserved from open posting on the internet.
You are right Blevins, you have just as much right to post your beliefs and opinions as anyone else here. But every time you open your mouth, Georger goes beserk, and several others continue to question your premises and conclusions. Your story is a broken record, same ol' thing, over and over again, ad nauseum. Don't you think there might really be something to all this criticism directed at you? Insanity is to continue to do the same ol' thing but expect different results.
Well, you make some good points, and frankly I think I have presented some reasonable evidence that makes Kenny Christiansen's life at least interesting. However, I stopped taking Georger's comments seriously some time ago. When people get personal, no matter what you post, simply because they don't like you...then you tend to take them less seriously as an amateur investigator in the Cooper case.
On points that have nothing to do with KC, it has been the same thing. Let me give you a good example. A while back, Galen Cook posted some pictures of suspect Bill Gossett at the Coast to Coast AM radio website. I noticed that most of the pictures he presented were of Gossett years before the hijacking..all except ONE. And that one was taken less than 18 months after the hijacking. It shows an overweight guy who looks nothing like Cooper, or at least the official sketch. I pointed out that the guy was overweight and looked nothing like the sketch. I also mentioned in passing that he had hairy arms. Instead of addressing the fact that the picture looked nothing like Cooper, most of the people here made fun of the fact I mentioned the guy had hairy arms, and ignored the obvious non-resemblence to the hijacker.
I came right out and said that this showed Galen Cook was misleading people by presenting much earlier pictures, when in reality Gossett looked nothing like Cooper close to the time of the hijacking. Some folks said maybe he just put on all that weight to disguise himself, i.e. to change his appearance. My response: How about a picture of Gossett from 1971, then? Or an FOIA request to see Gossett's duty log records on the week of the hijacking? Laughed off. This is why I think some people live to discuss the case, but shy away from actually solving it, or at least eliminating suspects.
There also seems to be a problem here with actual witness testimony from living people. More people accept the idea that Gossett supposedly told a judge he was Cooper...but that this statement can't be proven because the judge is dead now, and while he was alive he didn't comment on it. Yet people give that supposed statement a lot of credibility.
I don't create conspiracies or hide identities. Because I gave out the names of the witnesses, and said who 'Dawn J' really was (Bernie Geestman's sister) it would be reletively easy for anyone to check out these people on their own.
Another point: I constantly have to remind people here that I don't know, and cannot prove that KC is the hijacker. And...that I am open to the idea of another suspect. If you think about it, this has to be true. Even though there is a certain amount of circumstantial evidence that brings Kenny into the spotlight, there is no way to prove it, and the odds are he WASN'T the guy. I mean...if you were to bet on it. It could even be someone who escaped notice completely and has never been on the suspect list.
I think it's time to move on, too. On Kenny, that is...unless something new comes up. I've presented everything I have on him (although, yes...I am withholding a couple of small things as a control, like the FBI does, which I think makes sense). Look, even I get tired of talking about him. You've seen everything, and like people tell me here, you can go back on this thread and you'll eventually find everything. There are also the Newsvine articles and the book, yes.
Since everything has been presented on KC, it is time to go somewhere else on this thread. Geez...people stop me in the aisle at Fred Meyers and Safeway here in Auburn. Or on the street. Auburn isn't that big, and being on the planning committee for Auburn Days, and landing in the local paper so many times, and the deal with History Channel and Comcast Sports ('Adrenaline Hunter') my face around this town is well-known. My voice wears out answering peoples' questions LOL. I do try to be polite, though.
So yes. Let's move on. If I discover anything new or significant on KC, then I will post it, but anything else would be a rerun. It's probably boring to readers here, and certainly is to me.![]()
Blevins, you really are insane. I guess that's the burden you celebrities have to bear. I don't have to go back on this thread and find everything you've posted, because you re-post everything all over again every time you post. All that old information, TMI ... and it always stays current. It's the gift that keeps on giving. Thanks Blevins, and I mean that from the heart of my bottom. I guess I'm done here, or I'll start sounding like a broken record! MeyerLouie
georger 247
QuoteApology? You're kidding, right?
Georger says in part:Quote'Rather than fetch the quote I will quote you as saying: "Kenny told his friends he had made a lot of money from the airline". Yes?
My spirits perked when you said this, and my alter
ego went: "Viola!". Not "working for the airline", but
"from the airline" ... which may be a vital distinction.
Maybe Kenny's associates you interviewed gave a
fairly exact rendition of what Kenny told them ...
"from the airline" not "working for the airline".
Letme cut to the chase. "From the airline" could
mean Kenny was using his employment with the
airline to enagge in activities (to make money)
otherwise not available to the average person
who does not makes trips around the world in an
airplane - everymonth?...'
I'm glad that perked your spirits. But, uh...Kenny was DEAD at the time I did the interviews, so except for written material (like letters) I can't quote him exactly. Those are MY words, not Christiansen's. You are still dealing in reality, correct? Cheese hasn't slid off the cracker?
He told his friends he made a lot of money working for the airline.
Not true, of course, but he liked to say it.
Well I am speculating KC might have been using his
station/opportunities vis-a-vis his job to make extra
money beyond his wages.
Having a job like his was full of opportunities for
enhancement and exploitation, for anyone
passionate about "making a buck" (Geof's quote of
Now that Ive had one more hour of personal abuse
from you - with no Moderator to do a damned thing
about it! - I will retire for the evening.
"If I'd observed all the rules, I'd never have got anywhere..."
Marilyn Monroe
Farflung 0
Kenny is 100% verified, not DB Cooper and should have never entered the arena, if not for such lax inclusion requirements; like using gravity. At least this loser was eliminated thanks to the people at 920 AM radio. Thank you for exposing this fraud and hoax.
Farflung 0
YOU asked for a station and a “DJ”, that’s right, you asked for the name of a “DJ”. I supplied BOTH.
You can email him and interview a LIVING witness, which is your specialty; or quiver in the corner, while squatting in a puddle of orange, which is also your forte.
You choose. I’ll accurately predict.
Farflung 0
Lyle said Kenny isn’t the guy, so should you. You don’t know Kenny better than Lyle (his LIVING brother) and he says that Kenny isn’t Cooper and that’s the end of that silly story. It’s time to bag and tag the sorry ass story of Kenny now. He’s dead you know. We all agree on that.
You should verify what was broadcast on 920 AM by LIVING people in 2007. But you won’t. Because of fear and shame you feel. I’d be embarrassed too, but that’s why I don’t engage in that behavior, so I don’t have to make up….then cover for more lies than I can remember. Like hairy arms. Why would that piss someone off? Oh yeah, because they lied about it and got caught. Ha ha.
BobKnoss 0
mrshutter45 21
QuoteWelcome to the world of reality, Farf. You might make it yet. Bleep is a write-off. Bought-off screw-off.
you have been a joke ever since you typed your first words, it's funny how you knock other people without looking in the mirror first!
Those records are not compatible with Military Service Records, but I imagine a daily log of accountability is kept some where with the Prisoner Conduct reports. But I have never been in a prison, so wouldn't know for fact.
Military Training is on the Service Members Discharge papers (today called a DD214, you may remember the discussion about this previously)
If Duane had Military Parachute Training, it would be annotated on that discharge paperwork. Well any suspect for that matter.
So, start being safe, first!!!
Farflung 0
Now is the time for RobertMBlevins to begin repairs to people he has mercilessly attacked and debased while knowing full well that Kenny was never a viable suspect. Time to send some fruit baskets, dried meats, and sprays of flowers; perhaps tastefully arranged to spell out some sort of half hearted apology. Retribution will not be kind to any delays on this perfidy which you gleefully participated in, while knowing it was all a scam from day one. What total shame you must be experiencing along with humiliation which can only be quenched by changing your name and moving to Uruguay. At least that’s what a man would do.
It has been told, now the guilty must be punished and ridiculed. So it is written, so it shall be done.
mrshutter45 21
mrshutter45 21
they never looked into the "briefcase" of where or when it was made?
still nobody answers what should be pretty easy to find when the money was deposited into his account
they also claim the money was found 40 miles from the jump site? more like 16 to19 miles!!!
was not a bad investigation but I think it was all for show and ratings.
Thank You,
So, start being safe, first!!!
"If I'd observed all the rules, I'd never have got anywhere..."
Marilyn Monroe
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