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DB Cooper

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"Briefcase? No way to prove it was The One Used."

just found it strange how they said it could be the one! and never go any further without checking the manufacture of the case, just ended there when they said this could be the briefcase (deep music inserted)

let's say that these guys are right about Lyle admitting it was a hoax, possibly Lyle talked Geesman into going along with his story and that it why he was so evasive on certain questions.

also on the show you were pretty darn sure KC is Cooper, here you say he might be but not sure etc etc.
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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Blevins Said:


On points that have nothing to do with KC, it has been the same thing. Let me give you a good example. A while back, Galen Cook posted some pictures of suspect Bill Gossett at the Coast to Coast AM radio website. I noticed that most of the pictures he presented were of Gossett years before the hijacking..all except ONE. And that one was taken less than 18 months after the hijacking. It shows an overweight guy who looks nothing like Cooper, or at least the official sketch. I pointed out that the guy was overweight and looked nothing like the sketch. I also mentioned in passing that he had hairy arms. Instead of addressing the fact that the picture looked nothing like Cooper, most of the people here made fun of the fact I mentioned the guy had hairy arms, and ignored the obvious non-resemblence to the hijacker.

Here's where you lose folks:
You say that Gossett's picture looks nothing like the official sketch of Cooper. (The sketch, I might add, that was made from eye-witness testimony). The same eye witness testimony, I might add, that you deride when it comes to things like eye color, height, and hair - or lack thereof for Kenny. You can't have it both ways.

Additionally - there you go again with the revisionist history. You did make a big deal out of the hairy arms as well as his weight gain. It was pointed out to you that the hijacker's arms (hairy or otherwise) were covered, and, as such, were never in the equation...

AND….as far as I know - no one ever posited in earnest, that he put on weight to disguise himself (get real). It was pointed out, however, that it takes a heck of lot less time than 18 months to gain or lose significant weight.

Pictures are subjective. For example. There are pictures of Gossett that resemble the sketch to me. On the other hand there is also a picture of Kenny that favors the sketch; however, I do not think the one of him that you believe was taken in late 71, early 72 bears a great resemblance. It is the other one - the one of him in the plane. BTW...I don't think anyone has ever answered the question that I asked - when was it taken? And which picture was shown to Flo?

Blevins also said...

I came right out and said that this showed Galen Cook was misleading people by presenting much earlier pictures, when in reality Gossett looked nothing like Cooper close to the time of the hijacking. Some folks said maybe he just put on all that weight to disguise himself, i.e. to change his appearance. My response: How about a picture of Gossett from 1971, then? Or an FOIA request to see Gossett's duty log records on the week of the hijacking? Laughed off. This is why I think some people live to discuss the case, but shy away from actually solving it, or at least eliminating suspects.

Show me where you were laughed off at suggesting that Cook get Gossett's duty records. (And I'm not talking about your running feuds).

I don't think that is a bad idea at all and I'll bet others here feel the same -
My only question is - since We don't really hear from Cook on these matters - how do you know that he hasn't already checked this?

Blevins said...

There also seems to be a problem here with actual witness testimony from living people. More people accept the idea that Gossett supposedly told a judge he was Cooper...but that this statement can't be proven because the judge is dead now, and while he was alive he didn't comment on it. Yet people give that supposed statement a lot of credibility.

Who gives this credibility? What people? Read the thread - I'll wager that you will find MANY more posts that challenge Gossett than accept. You make the false assumption that because people challenge Kenny, that they automatically believe everything else. Cook doesn't get as much attention because, like Geoff Gray, he decided (for some weird and strange reason) :S not to preview all his stuff on this thread. I'm sure if he were here posting his 25 reasons in perpetuity, he'd get challenged pretty quickly. As it is we'll just have to wait for his book.

Lol...It'll be better for you if you just face your demons head on. Twelve steps and all that. Face it - you're addicted and, even worse, you want your guy to be the last one left standing.
Nothing wrong with that - but when one puts their 95% on one guy - combined with a rather inflated sense of self - well let's just say that you're flying right about where the missile is aimed. :)
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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Meant to add about the duty logs...

Pointing out that something is most likely futile and/or probably does not exist is NOT the same thing as "laughing it off".
The general mode of this thread is that when someone is told something can't be found - or is not likely to be obtainable - there is a subsequent run on the search engines to try and prove it can. :)

but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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"I agree, someone should check the briefcase"

I'm positive it's not, just strange how it was written into the show almost like a prop because that should of been the first thing they checked and by glossing over it tells me something is fishy B|

I just can't get past the bald head, no pictures of him with his rug nothing, too short and not that I know his personality but he looks like a creme puff of a guy, could be wrong but he just doesn't sit well with me as Cooper.

the picture of him coming in thru the door seems to be a gag pic if you ask me, he has a pilots briefcase and what ever he has in the bag is not that heavy because he is holding the bag with his thumb and index finger, not much weight in the bag "for the gag" IMO.

didn't know Geesman didn't know Lyle? even though KC amd G were long time buddies?

"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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RobertMBlevins asks:

“What exactly is Lyle Christiansen supposed to have 'made up' regarding his brother?”

Farflung answers:

THAT KENNY WAS DB COOPER, when he knew it was pure BS.

Hope this clears things up now that we have moved away from the silly and totally fabricated subject of Kenny being Cooper. I’m sure the good people at 920 AM already told you all of this, so I don’t want to repeat as if we are talking about hairy arms.

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Well, the Christmas picture has a date stamped on it by the developer: 'Feb 72'. The wreath on the door means it was more likely taken the previous December. We know where and when it was taken, but not by WHOM. This is because we also know Christiansen lived alone at J-3, the Rainier View apartments.

I think it's time to move on with this KC stuff...if we don't...Georger, Farf, and Skyjack are going to go ballistic, and truth be known I don't blame them. I realize most of you reading this don't think KC is a viable suspect. Fine, I will accept that and maybe we should discuss something else.

If the above (about the picture) is in response to my question, then you missed the question.

Pictures are subjective. For example. There are pictures of Gossett that resemble the sketch to me. On the other hand there is also a picture of Kenny that favors the sketch; however, I do not think the one of him that you believe was taken in late 71, early 72 bears a great resemblance. It is the other one - the one of him in the plane. BTW...I don't think anyone has ever answered the question that I asked - when was it taken? And which picture was shown to Flo?
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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"Really? Lyle said his brother was DB Cooper? And how would he know this exactly?"

Lyle implies this with the words KC told him before he died, plus the whole time decoded is at his house he is implying KC is Cooper?

moot or not he is saying his brother is Cooper
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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"Jefferson" is a Prison, yes?

Those records are not compatible with Military Service Records, but I imagine a daily log of accountability is kept some where with the Prisoner Conduct reports. But I have never been in a prison, so wouldn't know for fact.

Military Training is on the Service Members Discharge papers (today called a DD214, you may remember the discussion about this previously)

If Duane had Military Parachute Training, it would be annotated on that discharge paperwork. Well any suspect for that matter.


Access millitary records try this name Wavy Greene - NOT sure of the spelling! Was there a Wavy Greene in Ft. Benning at any time from 1943 until 1966?

NO, I am NOT playing a game and this is in dead earnest.

As for the prison records after so many yrs - they destroy the detail records...could be a number in between, but it is something I let go - since the FBI made sure I could not access the records - not even file photo of Weber / Collins in the files of Jefferson from 1966 to 1968. I believe the cut off date is 40 yrs. This date is counted from their last encarceration.

Go back and note the YR. Carr told me I could get them on line.
That date was AFTER the detail files had been destroyed.

I am keeping out of the Blevins thing and other suspects such as Gossett (note that Cook is very very quiet). He took a phone call on a TV program and hence like the KC thing another Cooper suspect was written about.

At least Cook is not in a thread making a TOTAL fool out of himself. Wonder what will happen to these guys WHEN the real Cooper is identified? Both have gone to great extents to prove their suspect was Cooper, but I know neither one of them were Dan Cooper.

I heard by the grapevine today there will NOT be a symposium on Cooper this yr. BUT, perhaps the FBI will be making an annoucement of their own by Nov 2012. I have been told by other sources it will be 2013 before the FBI makes any declarations or statements regarding Cooper.

I do not believe the individual who told me the above actually has any inside information - so take it for what it is worth - hearsay! I do know I have heard somewhere something about 43 yrs before certain files can be opened to the public and perhaps not even then. Depends on the security level involved.

We are all aware that the military has SECRET files NO one might ever see and those go back to WW11. I believe everything about WW1 has been made public or just buried and forgotten. There is a method to the madness of the disclosure laws - how so very unfortunate for some who have to live with these secrets and never be able to talk about them.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I was NEVER told where this reference to hairy arms came from. Why? I mean there’s no way I would ever make such an observation, but RobertMBlevins kept bringing it up again and again and again annnnnd again with pounding regularity; until someone asked ‘What’s up with that?’

Then it got all quiet on that subject too (Just like Lyle telling lies on the radio). Why? I’m not the only one that noticed and was equally repulsed and disgusted, by some whacko fetish for men’s hairy arms. I’ve never considered, let alone constantly harped about a man’s hairy arms. Hey, what is up with that?

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"Really? Lyle said his brother was DB Cooper? And how would he know this exactly?"

Lyle implies this with the words KC told him before he died, plus the whole time decoded is at his house he is implying KC is Cooper?

moot or not he is saying his brother is Cooper

Well, sure. He certainly thinks his brother is Cooper. But he never said his brother WAS Cooper, and that he knew this for sure. Subtle difference, but important. The only possible thing he could have made up would be the alleged deathbed statement, and to me that is nearly worthless unless Kenny said it in front of multiple witnesses. But since Kenny didn't say exactly WHAT he should tell his brother, it is useless, even if you accept that Kenny said that.

Remember that it was Lyle who provided Kenny's letters home talking about being broke, being unhappy with NWA, and Lyle was the (*surprise!*) recipient of a huge estate no one suspected was coming. But even after all that, it wasn't until years later when he saw the Cooper tv show that he began to wonder, and that's when he called the FBI.

This is all semantics and mind-games you are
playing. You want Proof ?

_ You don’t speak for LC nor can you!

_ You don’t speak for Geoff Gray nor can you!

_ You don’t speak for Porteous, nor can you!

_You do not OWN the KC story. You are just one
voice and you do not represent or speak for anyone
else but yourself, and you can't even do that

_ You do not speak for the staff of Decoded!

_ It will not be you who decides the merit of your
work and claims, but the world, Buckaroo!

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RobertMBlevins channels Bill Clinton with:

“Well, sure. He certainly thinks his brother is Cooper. But he never said his brother WAS Cooper, and that he knew this for sure.”

From farce to parse, every time.

It's called 'a fact,' as opposed to your non-linked, non-proven, so-called 'radio interview' that supposedly proves Lyle confessed to something he never knew in the first place. (SEE: 'Lyle Christiansen knew his brother was Cooper') He never did, he doesn't now, (neither do I) so your point is without merit.

Give it up, man. Lyle Christiansen never claimed his brother was Cooper. He just said he THOUGHT he could be Cooper.

gong! wrong! ding dong! drum rimshot!

"He just said he thought it would make a good
story" - that is what he said!

Stop lying and making shit up.

You are not Lyle and you do not speak for Lyle and
his family - God only knows what shit you have
planted in the old man's head by now, with your
Cooper JIHAD!


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RobertMBlevins channels Bill Clinton with:

“Well, sure. He certainly thinks his brother is Cooper. But he never said his brother WAS Cooper, and that he knew this for sure.”

From farce to parse, every time.

It's called 'a fact,' as opposed to your non-linked, non-proven, so-called 'radio interview' that supposedly proves Lyle confessed to something he never knew in the first place. (SEE: 'Lyle Christiansen knew his brother was Cooper') He never did, he doesn't now, (neither do I) so your point is without merit.

Give it up, man. Lyle Christiansen never claimed his brother was Cooper. He just said he THOUGHT he could be Cooper. Believe it or not, there is a big difference. Did he tell anyone HOW Kenny pulled it off? This would indicate he was working on a hoax. Anyone can say they think a family member was Cooper, like Marla for example. Proving it is another story.

Georger says in part:

'This is all semantics and mind-games you are
playing. You want Proof ?

_ You don’t speak for LC nor can you!

(Actually, I CAN speak for him. We have a contract with Lyle. You are free to question himself, though.)

_ You don’t speak for Geoff Gray nor can you!

(Correct. I merely responded to your phony quote, the one where you said he stated I had 'little man syndrome and was completely untrustworthy...' Prove he said that, or stick it in your hip pocket, please.)

_ You don’t speak for Porteous, nor can you!

(Actually, I can. I have a contract with him also, and he allows me to make statements on his behalf. If you want to ask him about it, his email is public: skippporteousAT Gmail Dot Com)

_You do not OWN the KC story. You are just one
voice and you do not represent or speak for anyone
else but yourself, and you can't even do that

(Actually, I DO own the rights to the KC story, along with all the files, pictures, and letters.)

_ You do not speak for the staff of Decoded!

(True enough. I have quoted them from emails they've sent me from time to time, though. Quotes are allowed. You can verify them by contacting them at their Facebook pages.)

__It will not be you who decides the merit of your
work and claims, but the world, Buckaroo!

(We agree on this completely. I never expected anything else.)


So you have a CONTRACT with Lyle and OWN HIM!
Is his family aware of that fact? The 80+ year old
man. Thus you have the legal righ to speak for
Lyle! ??? REALLY?

This shit just gets thicker and thicker....

You have contract with Porteous and speak for him!

You own the RIGHTS to the KC story! ? Really! ???

So, it is about ownership, control, and MONEY!
No fucking wonder you have taken over Dropzone to
peddle your wares -



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RobertMBlevins channels Bill Clinton with:

“Well, sure. He certainly thinks his brother is Cooper. But he never said his brother WAS Cooper, and that he knew this for sure.”

From farce to parse, every time.

It's called 'a fact,' as opposed to your non-linked, non-proven, so-called 'radio interview' that supposedly proves Lyle confessed to something he never knew in the first place. (SEE: 'Lyle Christiansen knew his brother was Cooper') He never did, he doesn't now, (neither do I) so your point is without merit.

Give it up, man. Lyle Christiansen never claimed his brother was Cooper. He just said he THOUGHT he could be Cooper.

gong! wrong! ding dong! drum rimshot!

"He just said he thought it would make a good
story" - that is what he said!

Stop lying and making shit up.

You are not Lyle and you do not speak for Lyle and
his family - God only knows what shit you have
planted in the old man's head by now, with your
Cooper JIHAD!


Boy, are you angry. (*laughs*) But then I'm not the one who is claiming a radio interview, and quoting content without any proof, am I?

That would be YOU. Should I file that in the same category as your phony Geoff Gray quote? Just wondering.

more mind games -

you talk the talk -

isnt Lyle getting a little old for your kind of bottom
feeding games? Who watches over the old man's
interests - you and Gayla and AB Books?

I mean your behavior here on this forum is not
good form, Mr. Blevins. Have you treated old Lyle
similarly? What does Lyle do if he reaches a point
where he has had enough of your calamity and
wants out !? Are you going to hold his feet to the fire
to save your contract wth him ?

Welcome to Reality Hotel, Buckaroo Blevins!

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Reposting this post because it seemed to have gotten lost because of the conversation I interjected it into, but I do suggest you guys read this.
Do NOT believe how far Blevins has gone and others:



"Jefferson" is a Prison, yes?

Those records are not compatible with Military Service Records, but I imagine a daily log of accountability is kept some where with the Prisoner Conduct reports. But I have never been in a prison, so wouldn't know for fact.

Military Training is on the Service Members Discharge papers (today called a DD214, you may remember the discussion about this previously)

If Duane had Military Parachute Training, it would be annotated on that discharge paperwork. Well any suspect for that matter.


Access millitary records try this name Wavy Greene - NOT sure of the spelling! Was there a Wavy Greene in Ft. Benning at any time from 1943 until 1966?

NO, I am NOT playing a game and this is in dead earnest.

As for the prison records after so many yrs - they destroy the detail records...could be a number in between, but it is something I let go - since the FBI made sure I could not access the records - not even file photo of Weber / Collins in the files of Jefferson from 1966 to 1968. I believe the cut off date is 40 yrs. This date is counted from their last encarceration.

Go back and note the YR. Carr told me I could get them on line.
That date was AFTER the detail files had been destroyed.

I am keeping out of the Blevins thing and other suspects such as Gossett (note that Cook is very very quiet). He took a phone call on a TV program and hence like the KC thing another Cooper suspect was written about.

At least Cook is not in a thread making a TOTAL fool out of himself. Wonder what will happen to these guys WHEN the real Cooper is identified? Both have gone to great extents to prove their suspect was Cooper, but I know neither one of them were Dan Cooper.

I heard by the grapevine today there will NOT be a symposium on Cooper this yr. BUT, perhaps the FBI will be making an annoucement of their own by Nov 2012. I have been told by other sources it will be 2013 before the FBI makes any declarations or statements regarding Cooper.

I do not believe the individual who told me the above actually has any inside information - so take it for what it is worth - hearsay! I do know I heard somewhere something about 43 yrs before certain files can be opened to the public and perhaps not even then. Depends on the security level involved.

We are all aware that the military has SECRET files NO one might ever see and those go back to WW11. I believe everything about WW1 has been made public or just buried and forgotten. There is a method to the madness of the disclosure laws - how so very unfortunate for some who have to live with these secrets and never be able to talk about them.

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Reposting this post because it seemed to have gotten lost because of the conversation I interjected it into, but I do suggest you guys read this.
Do NOT believe how far Blevins has gone and others:

Why dont you give Lyle Christiansen a call and see
how he is surviving all of this Blevins chaos ? Maybe
Lyle would tell you his take on his brother -

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Okay...after reading your last two responses I've come to two conclusions:

1) You have lost it.

2) You WANT to get banned from Dropzone.

Look at what you've written. You're like an animal trapped in a corner and desperately trying to fight his way out, somehow, anyhow. Instead of refuting the things I've said, you resort to insults, profanity, and personal attacks.

Never thought I'd say this, but I'm disappointed in you. Not surprised, really...but disappointed.

more mind games -

you dont have a contract with and own and run
Dropzone - thank God!

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I will have to dig out the copy of his ID card later, the one with his thumbprint. I think I posted it somewhere on this thread a while back. Until then, here's this:


'On May 25th 1944, six days before high school graduation, and a year before World War II ended, he enlisted in the United States Army.
He was stationed in Fort Snelling, Minnesota. There he took a series of intelligence exams. He was sent to school in Brookings, South Dakota where he studied advanced algebra and trigonometry for eighteen weeks. He then signed up to become a Paratrooper. On December 19th 1944 he was transferred to Fort Leavenworth in Kansas where he went through rigorous physical training followed by basic training in Camp Hood, Texas, which included rifle training. Next came Fort Benning, Georgia where he joined the Company E Third Parachute Training Regiment...'

EDIT: Don't have the ID card. I looked. Skipp sent a portion of his discharge papers, which have his right thumbprint on them. But it's only a partial shot of the document, mostly sent to me because of the thumbprint. I will have to ask Porteous to send a copy of the entire document.

Blevins, Where did you, or Porteous, get the above information? The sequence of those assignments doesn't make sense.

Typically, after being sworn in, enlistees would spend a week or two at an Army post, Fort Snelling in this instance, taking various mental examinations, and being issued their uniform and personal clothing.

After that, they would immediately be moved to another unit at Fort Snelling, or another Army post, for basic training.

Instead, you have KC undergoing 18 weeks of studying "Advanced Algebra" and "Trigonometry" at Brookings, SD. What was the purpose of this specific training?

Having gotten up to speed in algebra and trigonometry, KC then decides to become a paratrooper. However, before that can come to pass, he is assigned to Fort Leavenworth, KS for "rigorous physical training".

Then about six months after he entered the Army, KC starts basic training, which included rifle training, at Camp Hood, Texas. Based on my personal experience and that of a number of people I know, basic training involved lots and lots of rigorous physical training and rifle training plus training with machine guns, grenades, rocket launchers, hand to hand combat, bayonet practice, and a number of other fun things that I have probably forgotten.

So about eight months after he entered the Army, KC finally makes it to Fort Benning, GA for paratrooper training. Assuming he made it through that training, he would have had about nine months military service upon completion of paratrooper training.

Now just exactly what did he do with that training during the remainder of his military service? What was his military job? What units did he serve with? When did he get out of the military?

If you have any answers to the above, please post them here.


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Now just exactly what did he do with that training during the remainder of his military service? What was his military job? What units did he serve with? When did he get out of the military?

If you have any answers to the above, please post them here.


That's what Ive wondered about also - what theatre
did he serve in while in active duty? Where and what
engagements did he jump in, if any? I think?
Blevins did post something a long time ago from a
letter KC wrote from overseas? while in the military
but I dont remember the details...

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I did contace Lyle after the Gray Story came out, but don't have a clue where in all of this chaos I put the number. After we spoke he sent me the same photo that Blevins has use of the guys singing - how I knew who each one of the was as he labeled the back of the photo. Don't know if I kept the envelope with the address.

Since he and I are in the same age category - you are right - he might talk to me, but I would like to find a way to record the conversation so any thing I relay will be accurate. Anyone go any ideas how I can do that as I use a cordless and the equipment I had only worked with a land line.

I think the man would be honest with me as he was on the phone.
This was long before Blevins entered the picture and got to his mind. He just might provide details to me just because of who I am and my age category.
Get me his phone number to me in an email and I will take a stab at it. Some where I have it but that was yrs ago and I am NOT capable of digging thur all of these multiple files. I don't even know where the picture is he send me but it was a large pic.

I am game - and we know he will talk to me if he remembers me...I just want to be able to record it so I can relay whatever he says accurately. This just might be what it will take to shut Blevins up - he probably has no knowledge of the stuff Blevins is rambling on and on about.

I won't play any mind games with him - just honest old folk talk in something he has a stake in. I do remember his talking about his getting a letter to that movie maker, but remember little of what he told me.

I would be the most likely to get him to open up - at least I think so and it could shut up a lot of what Blevins rattles on and on and on about.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I can find out more on this, and I will through the available documents. This much I can tell you right now: Kenny joined, he was in the paratroops, and ended up serving in Occupied Japan. Those are facts.

The rest I will obtain ASAP.

On a personal note, I have to do a bunch of stuff before I fly down to Phoenix on this coming Thursday. My mother fell a while back, broke her hip, went to the hospital, then the rehab place, and now she's home. I have to get down there and visit her and Dad this week. I promise I will get All The Stuff on KC's service details after I return. I will send Porteous a message tomorrow. He has those.

I have the letters, and the originals on the pictures, and the documents. But I don't have the KC military stuff. Only a general text-only run up and a partial discharge paper with his thumbprint.

I do have KC's SSN, birthdate, and place of birth. But I've never tried to get any additional records using them. If you think those things would open some document doors, let me know how and I will be happy to try.

Jo you have mail -

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The FBI had copies of Duane's military and navy records in 1998 when they sent me a letter stating Duane Weber was ruled out per fingerprints.

In March of 2000 - this SAME FBI agent told me my husband was never in the Army and told me the number belonged to WAVY GREENE. This is when the agent told me someone had come into the room and he would call me back. He had quoted the Navy Number back to me - they had a copy of the actual papers and yet he maintained the number belonged to Wavy Greene.

When he calls back in 2 hours he claimed he had a number wrong.
Now he is just catching that 3 yrs after they dismissed Duane based on his prints. I quized him about how could they have actually have investigated Duane if they made that kind of mistake. Why did they no consult me when the number came up NOT belonging to Duane Weber...yet, they knew my information was correct. End of conversation!

The agent had NO idea I HAD the records because a GOOD investigative Reporter had walked me thru the process with the VA...the Army number I used was the one on the letter to his mom...which the FBI obtained in 1996. I had the documents in black and white just as the FBI had....or supposedly had.

I need to know if Wavy Greene's Army number was only one digit off from Duane's Army number and if Wavy Greene actually served in the Army at ANY TIME or close enough they could confuse Duane Weber and Wavy Green.

The FBI had copies of the letters to and from Camp Siebert and they had the VA papers - so how did they make this kind of mistake or WAS it a Mistake? They made an actual copy of the letter with this information on it i9n 1996 when they came to my home.

Now you know WHY I need to know about WAVY GREENE (as I have stated I do NOT know how the name was spelled). Wavie or Wavy /Greene or Green. I need to know if this AGENT actually made a mistake or what?

It has caused me to QUESTION the FBI ever since that day in March of 2000 and I have the bill on the phone call...and a recording.

This is the only reason I went PUBLIC in 2000 - after finding the FBI had obviously NOT investigated Duane L. Weber.

The Wavy Green was the RED flag and WHY the FBI lost it's credibility as far as Duane Weber was concerned. Sloppy investigation from get go and they will NOT admit their mistake.
Perhaps it is time for me to GO PUBLIC again with the recording and the papers --- and WHO the hell was WAVY GREEN? How and When did the FBI make this kind of mistake...for one woman and one journalist to prove otherwise 3 yrs later.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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