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You are right. Nepal, not Tibet. But I didn't research Petersen through a magazine article, but through his own words, a bio he provided when he ran for a board position in the Windsor Unified School District in California. An excerpt...note dates given, jobs worked, and possible witnesses. (Highlights in bold are mine)

Lol....I give up. Follow closely.
What is the title of of the "bio"?

fwiw...The website that you linked has been posted on dropzone several times in reference to Sheridan Peterson. The "article" that Peterson wrote for the Sonoma County League of Women Voters is his autobiography. It is titled "Home Coming". http://www.smartvoter.org/2006/11/07/ca/sn/vote/peterson_s/paper3.html.

I see your point, but I also see the logic in 377's take on it.

However, my point was and remains - facts may be inconvenient or otherwise irrelevant to whatever point you are trying to make, but, jeez, if you're gonna put something out there that can be so easily checked, then check it. Otherwise just say you don't know.
It makes it so much easier and might give you more credibility when concerning facts that do matter. Now, go outside and play. :)
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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You say:
He would be remembered and there
would be documents subtantiating his travel to and
presence in Nepal. That is the reality of this matter.


The travel documents of 1971 were your passport and nothing else was kept of the record of leaving a country and returning to the country. So, if Sheridan wanted to show no record of leaving Nepal and returning after the DB Caper, he could get a replacement passport and travel to Portland and back on it with the only written record being on the replacement passport. He then chucks the replacement and produces the original for the FBI to look at showing he never left Nepal to do the DB Caper.

Today, that would not work as we have many computers that track when you leave and return using a passport. An alternate plan would have been to travel on a fake passport (easy to get in Asia for a few bucks).

Bob Sailshaw sailshaw@aol.com

PS1 Checking out the 40 year old alibi would be certainly more difficult than just checking the DNA from the four letters and their stamps/envelope flaps (the ones sent to the news papers right after NORJACK).

PS2 Big Jim Whittaker is a friend of mine and I could set up a lunch with he and Bruce Smith at my YC to discuss Nepal and Sheridan's story and the ends and outs of back in 1971.

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You say:
He would be remembered and there
would be documents subtantiating his travel to and
presence in Nepal. That is the reality of this matter.


The travel documents of 1971 were your passport and nothing else was kept of the record of leaving a country and returning to the country. So, if Sheridan wanted to show no record of leaving Nepal and returning after the DB Caper, he could get a replacement passport and travel to Portland and back on it with the only written record being on the replacement passport. He then chucks the replacement and produces the original for the FBI to look at showing he never left Nepal to do the DB Caper.

... just like going to Cassey's and buying a six pack.
(with a sheet over yourself for months!)

Have it your way - you will anyway, despite the facts
and experience of others (not to mention Nepal changing its border arrangements in 1971!).

Cooper promoters always stand alone, against the

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Regarding the Military Record:


We have the detailed records from the NAVY with a bad conduct discharge - we have a very detailed record.

I have the letters HIS Mother received in reply to letters sent by her and their attorney trying to get the charges DROPPED from the NAVY.

SOMEHOW Duane was able to get into the ARMY, but when they found out about the Bad Conduct from the NAVY - he was then discharged from the ARMY as an UNDESIRABLE....but none of the papers on the Army are available just the fact he was there and originally had an open end date for discharge - ONLY after 2001 was there a close date added.

I was NOT trying to get BENEFITS. I was investigating my husbands past, but YOU WILL DO ANYTHING you can do OR SAY to make that enquiry look BAD!


YOU ARE A REAL JERK and as FAR as I am CONCERN - on the LOW end of the HUMAN RACE. YOU continue to throw out INSULTING ASSUMPTIONS to make it sound like I was trying to get BENEFITS and that Duane was SOME KIND OF ANIMAL. You are the ANIMAL here - you continue to attack honest hard work to obtain facts about the past of Duane L. Weber.

WHY DON'T you spend this kind of TIME MAKING ENQUIRIES into your OWN SUSPECT instead of trying to drive your opinion regarding Weber into the ground?[

This is the 3rd to 5th time you have attacked me on this very same thing. IN FACT every time I have mention the records!


Robbie stated:


I imagine that both the Army, Navy, and any other federal organization that had contact with Duane weber, would just like to forget that they had ever heard of him.

What do you have on your suspect?

Robbie stated:

Based on the information that you have provided, there is no expectation that Duane would be eligible for any benefits as a veteran, so the Veterans Administration would have absolutely minimal records on him, or maybe none at all.

Have I said ONE WORD about trying to get benefits?

Robbie stated:

You are barking up the wrong tree when you try to get detailed military service records on Duane from the VA, assuming any exist in the first place.

DO you ACTUALLY READ the post you reply to?

Jo, YOU need to read both your posts and the posts you are replying to.

I did NOT say that you were trying to get any benefits from the Veterans Administration.

You apparently do not understand that the Veterans Administration and the military services are completely different organizations. If a veteran does not make any claims with the Veterans Administration, then the VA may not have any paperwork on him.

Since Duane's enlistment in the Army was fraudulent, and he was soon discovered and booted out of the Army, then there may be only very limited paperwork on him. And that paperwork would probably be at the military records facility in St. Louis, Missouri.

It is probably a legal question if Duane was actually in the Army in the first place in view of his fraud.

But don't blame the FBI, VA, Army, or any other governmental agency for a problem that Duane brought upon himself.


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There’s no evidence that Kenny was a smoker. No pictures or ‘signs’ in his facial expression (whatever the ‘F’ that means). Remember the utter confusion and discourse caused when Lyle sent a picture of his father in WWI regalia? How refined can one’s photo interpretation skills regarding a smoker vs a non-smoker be when they can’t ID their suspect in a photo?

Then there’s the photo of some guy singing in a bar which is astonishingly captioned as ‘Kenny’ when Helen Keller could tell that was not the case.

Next contestant, sign in please.

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Helen Jones did NOT know the brand; she said he smoked the cigarettes with the coupons. That narrows it down to around 30 brands. Where’s a photo with Kenny smoking or with a cigarette? Your witnesses have proven to be a bunch of Clydesdale drivers and liars. You must have a photo of this chain smoking fiend with a smoldering butt. There must be a picture of Kenny’s butt somewhere, perhaps Bernie would know?

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You want credit for being able to spot some sort of ‘as of yet to be identified’ sign of Sheridan’s “Smoker’s Face”, but can’t tell a picture of Kenny or the difference between a WWI uniform and one from WWII? Everything you have been called out for that was wrong is ALWAYS trivial. She didn’t mean Camels because of the coupons? Wonder why she needed to go think (DB Cooper internet search) about that at home before her epiphany? Get BSed much? Yes.

Dan Cooper comic, Scott talking to Cooper, Northwest Airlines always going on strike…. Wrong, wrong, wrong! Then they become trivial where you insisted on the opposite earlier. Robert99 tells you the photo is NOT Kenny and you argue that it is. Georger tells you that Lyle said he never believed Kenny was Cooper on 920 AM, and rather than crosscheck the data and thank georger, you declare it is crap and it doesn’t matter anyway. What is the point? You fool only yourself.

Good to see you admit that you think that center photo is Kenny. So much for your ability to spot “Smokers Face”. You WILL regret that statement AND the image will become trivial along with all the other crap you have tried to shovel. Look at the photo….just look. Two wimpy creampuffs and a guy with a square jaw and shoulder and different hair line (as in he has one). You are going to eat it on this one also.

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What I said is 100% accurate- “Northwest Airlines never went on strike”.

Remember you are mister semantics who loves to bend the truth till it screams. You now never cared what Lyle said on the radio? That wasn’t the case when georger first brought it up, you cared a lot. It was only when it became obvious that Lyle did in fact say those things that you sprung the rarely used trivia statement.

If screwing up Captain Scott’s conversation (as if to appear as a lie) is such a small issue, then why did you deny, deflect and blame it on Skipp? Sounds like you were dodging responsibility for fabricating that entire tale. Just like the woman who suddenly remembers the cigarettes as Raleighs, and how she drove at break-neck speed while unsuccessfully trying to suppress her tears and audible cries, savagely jumping a curb and locking up all four wheels to deliver this breathless message. What a complete pile of Captain Scott talking to Cooper again. This is a 40 year old piece of well ass raped history, which has no associated urgency, unless you are a drama queen.

I surprised you’re not following the Sheridan story. It progresses just like the Kenny BS.

Sheridan’s DNA doesn’t match the tie – The tie was put on by Cooper’s girlfriend.

Sheridan was in Nepal—That was a made up alibi.

People can confirm if Sheridan was in Nepal—Sheridan had an extra passport.

See? It never stops, it never stops. Logic meets fantasy and fabrication every time. So you want evidence of Sheridan’s smoking? Here it is—Sheridan was publically anti-tobacco, but smoked as part of his Cooper disguise. See how easy it is to play the DBC game? No facts or sources needed, just create your reality and then embellish and repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat, snack, repeat, repeat, repeat.

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Perhaps the FAT LADY is going to be singing pretty soon! You Think?

The Cooper Saga is coming to an end VERY soon and it could NOT come soon enough for me - I am tired.

So many twists and turns and so many yrs, but perserverance usually pays off.

No, I haven't put Weber in a chute! But I think the CASE is OVER!
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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That same idiot historian told you that Dan Cooper comics were in Shemya in 1951, correct? If yes, then he’s impeached as a total douche bag. You might want to use this type of filtration in your research.

Additionally, Northwest Orient Airlines was used as a whipping boy, for being hijacked by Kenny because of all the strikes according to this genius ‘historian’. Well surprise, surprise, surprise…. Mr. History blew it again.

Kenny should have had a diamond cutting, hard-on for the organization which caused all those strikes which would be……. THE APFA! That’s who goes on strike, not the damned airline. No airline has ever gone on strike and the idea is stupid. Did GM or Ford go on strike? Some historian you were talking to, what a total loser. Kenny should have been robbing the APFA HQ and not Northwest. It’s almost like someone is trying to force this story to work, where it simply doesn’t fit. No one in aviation would claim their airline was on strike, never. Except for the monster-tards, but they don’t ‘get it’ about life in general.

You were given the email of the ‘DJ’ and the radio station to check out georger’s story and became weak for some strange reason. If that is true, I would want to know, but then I’m just looking for the truth.

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As far as the radio interview, it's not MY job to prove other people's allegations unless I am investigating that allegation, i.e. a supposed radio interview from 2007 where Lyle may have said this or that. It's the job of the person making the allegation. That should be obvious. If you were really looking for the truth, you would go to the source, not me.

Well it IS your job. You are the AUTHOR of BLAST -
yes? If a source pops up and says he has iron clad
proof Kenny was in DesMoines on Nov 24, 1971
and supplies you with the names, addresses, and
telephone numbers - then it is your job to confirm or
deny. - No ?

Instead, you called Lyle, we presume (or you said)
and came back with a denial saying 'Lyle doesnt
remember doing such a program', after you earlier
speech: 'Lyle never said any such thing - and I
speak for Lyle because: I have a contract with Lyle'

You cant have your cake and our cake, and Lyle's
cake, and all the cake in the world, and eat it all

This part of what Geoff Gray meant by 'cant be

In other words, get off the grift.

On the other hand, it is good you are so open about
your dishonesty. This puts you in a different
catagory. I suppose your next line will be: "Sure I
lie and distort and misdirect and redirect ... the ends
justify the means!" Dictators all have the same
speech, and come back for more cake the next day
as if nothing happened. All is fair in love and books
and movie scripts - while preaching truth and calling
everyone else liars, on an average IQ no less!

And you WILL have a COMEBACK as you always do,
needing the last word as if that helps.


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You say:
Has anyone questioned whether Sheridan was a smoker? Pictures of him smiling do not show a guy with any sign that he ever smoked cigarettes. Just a thought.

My answer is yes a heavy smoker when at my home for a month and ten years before NORJACK. He agreed to smoke outside in the stairwell to keep the smoke outside my home.

Could he hurt someone? He was a machine gunner in the Marines during WWII on Iwa Jima. He could kill then and the threat on the skyjacked plane was only a threat. The bomb was a fake and he did the caper just for his own way of "beating the system" and the thrill of the perfect crime and to show he was clever enough to do it and to write his great American novel of how it was done (he was an English major in College and they usually have a desire to write the great American novel). I think his whole Nepal trip was to make the perfect alibi as far away from the scene of the crime as possible.

The planning that went into NORJACK was complete and over a long period of time to gather the necessary information for the caper. He thought of everything except DNA which was not used in those days by the FBI. That is why it is necessary that the FBI check out the DNA under the stamps/envelope flaps of the four letters. The DNA has been preserved under the stamps and envelope flaps for all these years. This is the last opportunity for the FBI to solve the case and so easy to do at a cost of less than $1,000 for the lab work. Sheridan learned in the Marines that only a well planned operation can be a success.

Bob Sailshaw

PS Sheridan is the only suspect with the needed experience and right height (6ft 1") and Olive (not a sun tan) complexion.

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well, I still have the "X" chute question......

How many jumpers here are comfortable jumping without a reserve chute?

would you do this exact jump without a reserve chute?

was Cooper that stupid by taking the chute with the "X" and not knowing? he did destroy the good one?
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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alen G Cook wrote:
Thanks, Sluggo, and I hope that your health is on the mend.

A brief comment to make regarding the upcoming book about Kenny Christianson as D.B. Cooper. I don't want to make any statements about Skipp Porteus abilities, because I consider him a friend, a colleague in the business, and a competent professional. However, I long-ago discounted any connections between Kenny Christianson and D.B. Cooper. To make that assumption is a huge leap based on no tangible evidence. Kenny Christianson's involvement would require real scrutiny of a potential "insider's job." The airline world is a small community, especially back in 1971. Airline crews were on the move and ran across other company employees on a continual basis. The real D.B. Cooper would not possibly hope to get away clean if he worked with other employees of the same company. [Remember: Alice Hancock, Florence Schafner and Tina Mucklow were flying this route during November 1971 and they all were eye-witnesses].

The second thing is this: I was speaking on the air with radio host Mike Fitzsimmons (920 AM Spokane, WA) in November 2007, discussing the Cooper case. Mike got Lyle Christianson on the show and we debated about his brother being Cooper. I asked Lyle if Kenny ever made a confession to ANYONE about being Cooper. Lyle said no. Apparently, Lyle based his sole belief on his brother being the one because Kenny muttered that "he had a secret to devulge," He just couldn't say what the secret was. The real D.B. Cooper would have made a confession to someone. That is the basis for beginning an investigation. Additionally, Lyle made it pretty clear during our debate that he thought it "would be neat to have a movie made about his brother being D.B. Cooper."

Several months later during a chat with Skipp Porteus, Skipp told me that Kenny Christianson's secret was probably that he was gay. Even a cursory examination of Geoff Gray's article from October 2007, leaves you with the impression that Kenny Christianson was involved with young men (maybe even under-aged young men.
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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RobertMBlevins in typical succinct and clear diction wrote regarding the source of the Dan Cooper comic:

“No, the historian at NWA did NOT say he saw the comic at Shemya. He said it was possible that a foreign comic could have ended up there……”

It’s all so clear now with this fine mesh research. It was “possible” for a “foreign” (presume not the same for domestic?) comic to have been at Shemya. Very different from the previous claim that there was Dan Cooper comics in the day room on Shemya. Where did that crap come from? The person who told you that must be ridiculed and taunted, for being such an epic ass munch. Since it was NOT the NWA historian, then who was it? Name of the source must be published so the overdue punishment can be delivered. Who made you humiliate and debase yourself RobertMBlevins? You must want revenge for the way you were used like a piece of comfort station tissue, and thrown on the floor as a final insult. He used you as nothing more than some sort of tool for his own perverse jollies.

You must remember that Marla used the same comic, except she accurately represented a time window in which it could have been in her uncle’s room. She was being honest and accurate as a LIVING, first hand, witness to the existence of the Dan Cooper comic. Much better than some second hand recall of some ‘cigarette coupons’ as evidence. This in comparison to the PUBLISHED and VERIFIED statement that Dan Cooper comics were on Shemya in 1951, where Kenny worked, which turns out to be one of many “fluid inaccuracies” (read BS).

Who told you about Dan Cooper comics on Shemya? Name this loser.

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No...it is NOT my job to prove your allegations with your (LOL) 'ironclad proof'. That is your job. I can't believe you are still going with that phony Geoff Gray quote, as well. Yada yada yada. You never provided any proof of that either...:S.

You cant handle the truth.

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I was trying to find the interview but came up empty, I found this from Sluggo's site, the comments at the bottom is what I posted, don't know if they are really who they say they are since they are just comments!

just thought I would post it.

"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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So ummm….. Who said there were Dan Cooper comics on Shemya? Don’t you want this person punished and disgraced, as he so richly deserves?

Give his name, he obviously lied or suffered some massive head trauma in the past. Do you want other ineffective authors to fall victim to the same person? I think not.

As with the strikes, NONE of them were by Northwest Airlines, but mechanics, pilots and flight attendant unions. Kenny should have been angered by the unions and NOT Northwest Airlines. The association with Northwest being the blame for strikes is lame and desperate, while becoming pathetic once the relationships are finally pointed out. Just like the Dan Cooper comics NOT being on Shemya. Someone either blew it (as a source) or someone just made all this up out of whole cloth. Which is it?

I would imagine RobertMBlevins would want to contact 920 AM, and investigate the interview using his unflappable expertise and find out if Lyle said he never thought Kenny was Cooper. Imagine all the endless gloating RobertMBlevins could wage against georger! How many times has RobertMBlevins claimed to be the FIRST person to suggest Cooper walked backwards down the stairs? Thousands and thousands? Here’s some winning lottery numbers: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,…… see what a clever boy? If any of those numbers come up, it will be ME who suggested them first. Gosh I’m cool.

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Later, when I confronted Georger on this supposed quote, he tried to blame it off on someone else.

"If I'd observed all the rules, I'd never have got anywhere..."

Marilyn Monroe

Your attempts to deny and re-interpret what I said...
It is what it is. It is what it was. And you are what
you are ... as evidence in two years of your posts in
this thread. A legend in his own mind -

Coming from the fool who told us there were 'optical
illusions in an airplane cabin' trying to change
physics to squeak Christiansen in ...

Nice try Marilyn. Keep playing the Fool.

Give Mike Fitzsimmons a call - he will set you
straight! :D

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Later, when I confronted Georger on this supposed quote, he tried to blame it off on someone else.

"If I'd observed all the rules, I'd never have got anywhere..."

Marilyn Monroe

Your attempts to deny and re-interpret what I said...
It is what it is. It is what it was.

Coming from the fool who told us there were 'optical
illusions in an airplane cabin' trying to change
physics to squeak Christiansen in ...

Nice try Marilyn. Keep playing the Fool.

Give Mike Fitzsimmons a call - he will set you
straight! :D

is it possible we have this wrong about the high heels, maybe KC was wearing them, this could explain why they had to look up at him B|;):ph34r:
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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'Who said the Cooper comic was on Shemya?'

Guilty as charged. Early on in the investigation, I made a real leap of logic that turned out NOT to be logical. .


That is the under-statement of your whole tenure at

UP" !

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Later, when I confronted Georger on this supposed quote, he tried to blame it off on someone else.

"If I'd observed all the rules, I'd never have got anywhere..."

Marilyn Monroe

Your attempts to deny and re-interpret what I said...
It is what it is. It is what it was.

Coming from the fool who told us there were 'optical
illusions in an airplane cabin' trying to change
physics to squeak Christiansen in ...

Nice try Marilyn. Keep playing the Fool.

Give Mike Fitzsimmons a call - he will set you
straight! :D

is it possible we have this wrong about the high heels, maybe KC was wearing them, this could explain why they had to look up at him B|;):ph34r:

a lot of high heels on short people here !


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Later, when I confronted Georger on this supposed quote, he tried to blame it off on someone else.

"If I'd observed all the rules, I'd never have got anywhere..."

Marilyn Monroe

Your attempts to deny and re-interpret what I said...
It is what it is. It is what it was.

Coming from the fool who told us there were 'optical
illusions in an airplane cabin' trying to change
physics to squeak Christiansen in ...

Nice try Marilyn. Keep playing the Fool.

Give Mike Fitzsimmons a call - he will set you
straight! :D

is it possible we have this wrong about the high heels, maybe KC was wearing them, this could explain why they had to look up at him B|;):ph34r:

a lot of high heels on short people here !


and coke bottle glasses B|
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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'Who said the Cooper comic was on Shemya?'

Guilty as charged. Early on in the investigation, I made a real leap of logic that turned out NOT to be logical. .


That is the under-statement of your whole tenure at

UP" !

I'm going to quote your post for the record, because at this point if you end with a timeout because of it...you definitely deserve it. I don't have a problem with you questioning points on Christiansen. That's normal. I do have a problem with you simply attacking the messenger, something you are famous for. If Quade were to ask me whether you should be banned, (yeah, I know he wouldn't) I would still say NO. Believe it or not, I still think you are a positive contributor to this thread, but you need to get past your personal issues against me. We can just assume you don't like me and move on.

Thats ALWAYS your last resort - Georger being

Won't call Mike Fitzsimmons, but will call me a liar -
won't call Gray, but will call me a liar - finally admits
he made mistakes after months of arguing not -

Then claims its personal on "my" end - ! ? :S
Since when is anyone responsible for your
obsessions and posts?

Same old same old. Play it again, Sam.

It's personal with you Blevins and nobody else,
you're the one obsessed with this subject and
people here, and the rest of this forum and
everyone in it - are irrelevant in your obsession.

"A legend in his own mind." (Sluggo)

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well, I still have the "X" chute question......

How many jumpers here are comfortable jumping without a reserve chute?

would you do this exact jump without a reserve chute?

was Cooper that stupid by taking the chute with the "X" and not knowing? he did destroy the good one?

Really DUMB questions after I GIVE you the true answers!! Repeating the same thing over and over and expecting a different answer. Beyond belief, Banded Badger Baloney.

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