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DB Cooper

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It might be difficult…. It might be a cinch…. It might be somewhat non-committal, in a direct fashion which could confirm the unknown, as I have said many times before.

Judging someone’s “true” height (as opposed to judging their false height) within the confines of an airliner cabin, might be difficult.

I base this on absolutely no empirical data from flight crews, NWA historians, the first woman to drive four Clydesdales abreast or the wife of a Boulder cop, but pure and unashamed, wishful thinking. So there!

So how high is a transvestite flight attendant?

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well, I still have the "X" chute question......

How many jumpers here are comfortable jumping without a reserve chute?

would you do this exact jump without a reserve chute?

was Cooper that stupid by taking the chute with the "X" and not knowing? he did destroy the good one?

Really DUMB questions after I GIVE you the true answers!! Repeating the same thing over and over and expecting a different answer. Beyond belief, Banded Badger Baloney.

Bob you know absolutely nothing about the truth, answer the questions I asked one page back....truth boy!!!!

or maybe talk about your friend Dave Haapala and his father Bernie!!

Bob look here
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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Judging someone’s “true” height (as oppose to judging their false height) within the confines of an airliner cabin, might be difficult.

So the witnesses who said DB Cooper was over six foot tall were wrong because it is difficult to judge a “true” height in an airliner. Well OK then.

But that doesn’t matter because Kenny lied about his height on his driver’s license and on his military records for reasons unknown. Presumably an indicator of just how long he’s been plotting this crime! Yes, since his days in the Army and long before he hated the constantly striking Northwest Orient Airlines because the airline was always on strike, he pre-lied about his height. Clever boy that Kenny.

RobertMBlevins has claimed to have scientifically measured Kenny (without sources of course) by comparing a photo of Kenny’s father (who is 5’ 11”, even though RobertMBlevins could not ID Kenny’s father in a photo from WWI) where Kenny towers over his old man, making Kenny at least 6’ tall. Of course this photographic analysis remains hidden from scrutiny for reasons unknown, but the 99s did a comparison of Kenny’s height to a door hinge and arrived at 5’ 8” to 5’ 10” with sources.

Once again, if Kenny is 5’8” or 6’3” makes no difference because all are claimed and witnesses are unreliable about height but very good at identifying cigarette brands by coupons. Yeah, I’ll buy a little of that action.

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Perhaps the FAT LADY is going to be singing pretty soon! You Think?

The Cooper Saga is coming to an end VERY soon and it could NOT come soon enough for me - I am tired.

So many twists and turns and so many yrs, but perserverance usually pays off.

No, I haven't put Weber in a chute! But I think the CASE is OVER!

Jo, If you are threatening to blow the lid off this thread then feel free to do so.

The Cooper saga will continue for some time. The Duane Weber saga ended long ago, but you didn't notice.

So let the FAT lady sing.


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well, I still have the "X" chute question......

How many jumpers here are comfortable jumping without a reserve chute?

would you do this exact jump without a reserve chute?

was Cooper that stupid by taking the chute with the "X" and not knowing? he did destroy the good one?

I have made a coupe of jumps with out a reserve, one into combat even.

I would do this jump, why not?

If he didn't open the "X" chute and didn't know it was a dummy, yeah, he be a dummy too.

@ Jo, you question has been answered, a few times now, so I will move on.

An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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Farflung says in part:


'RobertMBlevins has claimed to have scientifically measured Kenny (without sources of course) by comparing a photo of Kenny’s father (who is 5’ 11”, even though RobertMBlevins could not ID Kenny’s father in a photo from WWI) where Kenny towers over his old man, making Kenny at least 6’ tall. Of course this photographic analysis remains hidden from scrutiny for reasons unknown, but the 99s did a comparison of Kenny’s height to a door hinge and arrived at 5’ 8” to 5’ 10” with sources.

Once again, if Kenny is 5’8” or 6’3” makes no difference because all are claimed and witnesses are unreliable about height but very good at identifying cigarette brands by coupons. Yeah, I’ll buy a little of that action...'

I don't remember using Kenny's father's pictures to compare height to Christiansen himself. By 'the 99's' I'll assume you mean the female pilot organization did a measurement based on pictures? Hard to figure you out sometimes. The one time we tried to do a measurement ourselves was by going to the apartment in Sumner, WA where Kenny lived at the time of the hijacking, and trying to use the famous Christmas picture as a comparison. Results were inconclusive. Kenny was probably five-eight to five-nine in his stocking feet.

The REAL information regarding the height of the hijacker...the only legit source...is the testimony of the actual witnesses to Cooper. Here's some of what they said, according to Geoff Gray:

The stews agreed on the age: Mid-forties. Tina said Cooper's height was five ten to six feet. Flo Schaffner said no shorter than six feet. Flo also says his hair was black, while Tina said brown. All three stews selected different profiles from the FBI's Facial Identification Catalog. Flo went with KK5-1, Alice Hancock with KA3-9. Both went with different combinations on the other factors, such as eyebrows, cheek and cheekbones, and mouth.

And what about the other witnesses? Not exactly on the same page, either:

George Labissioniere, a lawyer, got a good look at Cooper because of Cooper's trips to the bathroom. No older than 35, he said.

Cord Spreckel said the hijacker had a square jaw, while Bill Mitchell, the college guy, said the chin sagged. Spreckle says the hijacker was about fifty.

Robert Gregory thought perhaps Cooper's hair was 'marcelled,' created by hot irons. Gregory, who owned a paint company and prided himself on an attention to detail, says the suit was not brown or black, but a russet color. He thought the hair may have been dyed. How tall? Gregory pegged the hijacker at no more than five foot nine.

It's plain that there were conflicting reports on the hijacker's description.

On the matter of Helen Jones saying that Kenny smoked Raleigh cigarettes, she was sure on this point. In her original interview, she named Camels as Kenny's brand (she is a former smoker) but later realized she had named her own brand. She then drove up to find me in Bonney Lake to correct her mistake. Jones really liked Kenny, and almost tossed me out the door initially for even hinting that Kenny might have been Cooper. One of the last things she told me was this:

'How could he (Kenny) have done such a thing...' (hijacked 305)

I didn't really have an answer for her.

"If I'd observed all the rules, I'd never have got anywhere..."

Marilyn Monroe

Calculate the height of the image of the person on
the negative (620/220/35mm etc) by multiplying the
image size on the negative by the fraction of the
print height of the person. If you dont have the
negative you do the calculation using the focal
length of the camera lens and estimating the
distance of the subject from the camera -

The ratio of the focal length of the lens to the
distance to the person equals the ratio of the image
height to the actual height.

The answer will be as accurate as the combined
errors in the measurements you put in.



There you have it. Pretty simple for a guy with as much physics as you have -

Quade could do this!

BTW to do dimensional comparisons using the photo
alone you need to do a 'rectified' image first which
means 'angular corrections' ... then compare ratios.

For example, doorways are a standard size. This
one measures ~498 pixels at the floor whereas \
Kenny measures about 986 pixels - thats a ratio of
498/986 = 1:1.98 ... knowing the width of a
doorway you multiply that number by x1.98 which is
36x1.98 = or about 5ft 10" in shoes assuming a 36"
doorway, and using an unrectified image. You could
add about a 1-2% error just to be safe.

Move on -:o

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well, I still have the "X" chute question......

How many jumpers here are comfortable jumping without a reserve chute?

would you do this exact jump without a reserve chute?

was Cooper that stupid by taking the chute with the "X" and not knowing? he did destroy the good one?

I have made a coupe of jumps with out a reserve, one into combat even.

I would do this jump, why not?

If he didn't open the "X" chute and didn't know it was a dummy, yeah, he be a dummy too.

@ Jo, you question has been answered, a few times now, so I will move on.


thanks Matt, I wanted to see how many people would jump without the reserve and see if it was considered stupid,nutz etc etc to jump without it.

the "X" chute I was wondering if he really was aware of what he had or just didn't know until later (if he made it) or found out when he pulled it B| just seems really strange that he would destroy the good one, but if it is done in moderation I guess it doesn't matter if he took it or not....Hmmm still the question remains....

Knoss...I realize that you already went over this with Rataczak (TOG)....so butt out!
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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I will not bother to reply to any of the garbage Blevins has posted nor to the critics.

Today has been a HARD day and I called the FBI, but could only leave a message.

Then I just sat down and cried my heart out - IT IS OVER.

I am not going to even try to explain what I have found or what I am talking about. I have harped about something for yrs and I kept trying to find more information, but it evaded me.

None of YOU have walked in my shoes with the knowledge I had regarding Weber and with what has transpired on this day in Sept of 2012 - my convictions are enforced.

Will the FBI even return my call or spend a few hours regarding what I have to say - I don't know and right now I don't care? I found what I needed to find so my own heart and mind could rest in peace....

Not sure it is my health or the excitement of the potential in what I learned today...but, I am very tired.

Matt you were wrong to poke at me and NOT answer my questions - only showed what you were made of and projected your negative agenda regarding the Wavy Greene part of this. Pehaps showed u up for what you really are.

Blevins - just put down your pen and walk away before you make an ever bigger fool out of yourself....it is OVER.

To those of you who have been kind ThanK You. Even Blevins has been Kind to me - he for some reason never attacked me.

As for BK - GO TO HELL! If you had NOT got in my way and in the way of the FBI this would have been over yrs ago.

Going to go to bed after I finish crying - not because of bad new.
I have to sleep on what I have and try to figure out just how to proceed to project the information in a format that some of the Cooper xxxxx's can digest. Not in the thread and I do not expect the FBI to act on anything I have to say - but, it is time to do what has to be done and time is running out....so much to do and so little time to do it in.

Knoss is the biggest fool out there. Gray had enough sense to crawl into the rabbit hole with the Tomato cans and the Sheridan promoters will be eating crow.

Good Night.

377 now is the time to make that phone call if you are ever going to do it! You posted a picture several times - that I had a sense of familiarity about, but you never explained the significance of the pic. You know what the pic was - POST it again!
I need to see it one more time.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Robert99 claimed that the times from the transcripts have problems at the start, so far it looks like Robert is correct!
I have been working on this project for several months now testing the ability of the simulator and found it it be pretty
realistic to "real flight" I have done test after test of the GPS and coordinates and found them to be as accurate as any
normal GPS. the maps I have on board also match for any Vector's I need to follow (V23) is matching up as well. I
have tested the accuracy of altitude many times even went as far as to run through the Space needle and was close
to the top with a altitude of 594, space needle is 608, the antenna or point of the needle was above me.

I check the Longitude & Latitude and found them to be accurate (with in a hundred feet or so) I put the plane on auto
pilot at 160 Knots and flew for 1 minute and flew 3 miles as Tom Kaye indicated with his calculations, I tested this
many times for sccuracy.

my Flight Engineer (Hominid) has been the best thing to this operation by keeping me with in the proper stats needed
to make the project work. he has done a outstanding job helping me with this project.

I ran two more tests today from take off to 14 miles out (DME)
I also found (Hominid) acually found the best take off time to be 7:36:33

Take off 7:36:33 jump on V23 with a average speed of 195 knots, it took 5:40 (7:41:40) seconds to reach 14 miles
out of SEA..

I then took off again at and average speed of 175 knots and the time was 6:30 (7:42:30)

I found the best time to match the slots at 7:36:33 take off time with a average speed of 180/190 until 7:40:37 then
backing down to a speed of about 160 making the 19 miles out at 7:43:30 at this point I go to 30 degree flaps.
the gear down of course! the next slot is at 7:51 flaps are now back to 15 degree's and start the climb to 10,000
my fuel flow average is about 4000 to 4500 at 160 gear down and flaps at 15, I level off at 10K and now have a
speed of 170/180 knots, coordinates around N46* 42.04 W122* 40.27 at 7:54 which seems to fit the path. at around
7:57:30 make the turn at Toledo/Maylay getting past by a little over one minute. this is where the project has ended
to date, I am now working on the 7:59 mark to 8:05.

we are still in the "testing stage" so nothing has been confirmed as of yet!

Robert I would like your take about the 7:54 mark, I belive you said something was wrong with this time as well?
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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Let’s try something totally scientific. Like the elevation of a roof line.

As anyone can see, by comparing these bald heads, against the roof line in the background. Kenny is at least two inches shorter than RobertMBlevins. There is simply no argument as this is science. Kenny was a little wimpy creampuff. This is confirmed and verified by living witnesses.

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Let’s try something totally scientific. Like the elevation of a roof line.

As anyone can see, by comparing these bald heads, against the roof line in the background. Kenny is at least two inches shorter than RobertMBlevins. There is simply no argument as this is science. Kenny was a little wimpy creampuff. This is confirmed and verified by living witnesses.

Farflung, It is even worse than you say.

Note that Blevins apparently doesn't have any shoes on, just his socks. Also note that both of his heels are very close to the door threshold.

KC does have shoes on and is at least one-half step inside the door threshold. Those shoes should add about one-half inch to his height and would need to be substracted from his height for a direct comparison with Blevins.

KC's distance inside the door would move him closer to the camera and give the appearance that he was taller. I'll leave the estimation of how much taller to others.

But it is now almost certain that KC screwed up and gave the Department of Motor Vehicles something close to his real height, which is certainly going to be not more than 5 feet 8 inches.


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Gee then I guess you missed the part in the building code about the height requirements for light switches? Bzzzzt. Yes.

How about something like 43 to 48 inches? I’m sure you know the NEC and measured the switch elevation in J-3, since you’re all about quality and accuracy. Like estimating height in a fuselage being so friggin hard because you say so. I know I can’t do it.

You’re very open to external verification of your data and theories, no matter what dark recess they may originate.

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For the record, I don't believe either one of your claims, i.e. your Gray quote on my honesty, and your statement on what Lyle may or may not have said in an old radio interview. It is not my job to check your empty allegations, but YOUR job to prove such allegations, since YOU were the one who said them.

PICK-UP the DAMN phone and Call LYLE. He goes to surgery in a week or so - you have a small window to verify YOUR source.

There are NO allegation by anyone - just pure truths from MORE than ONE source. Your 1st and only real source is Lyle and yet U have not even spoke to him in quiet some time. Well, have you?

Sorry Blevins I like you because you have always been respectful of me, but you have used some of your "key witnesses" in a way I do NOT respect. You have led them even if you think you did not do so. It is easy to "plant" knowingly or unknowingly false memories into the mind of some seniors when questioned about events and memories of long ago. I venture to say if you released the recording you claim to have of all of your interviews or even if you replayed them - you will hear yourself LEADING them by asking leading questions.

Sorry, this is just something that had to be said, because I do NOT
like countering someone who has been nice and very polite to me. This is one of the hardest post I have had to make.

You need to back off a little.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Blevins you stated;


If you're going to quote me, get it right. I said it 'might be difficult to judge someone's true height within the confines of an airliner cabin, rather than out in the open...' Besides, unless you are ready to call Geoff Gray a liar, he says that according to the FBI witness reports he was allowed to view, the height of the hijacker ranged from maybe five-nine to over six feet, depending on who was being interviewed. So what's the truth?

With this one statement alone let me explain something to you.
Gray like yourself is a writer and he took liberties. I know this for a FACT because things he stated me I have scolded and ranted about to Gray himself.

He made me sound like a bar pick-up wearing a kerchief. Never wore a kerchief in my life and I was NOT in a pick-up bar, but a bar attached to the restuarant. I went there because I had been used to nice places and at that time could barely support myself and my daughter. I wanted to feel good about myself and remember how things used to be in my life. I was dressed very classy as the management job I had left required I wear the high end clothing we sold - and I loved that outfit.

Gray made it sound like I lived in the STICKS. Although I do live in a little known coastal treasure and a little laid back - it is not in the STICKS.

Gray engarnished many things in his book - just like you did, therefore do NOT take his book as GOSPEL.

Note that Cook was in the studio and Lyle was on the phone for that interview. Cook is an attorney and although he also takes liberties and uses other information - he has NOT written his book. What would you put on the table if Cook produced a recording of that program?

NOT one of us needs to call anyone to verify that radio program - YOU do! You have spent a lot of time arguing your point when ALL you need to do is pick up the DAMN phone! Talk to the commentator, talk to your subject, talk to Cook! Maybe Cook recorded it - he likes TV and radio talk programs.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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OK, so this is kinda goof-ball, but it- just- might- work!

Were the light switches measured in J3 and the “Stunt Apartment” as has been claimed? The world may never know, but I do know this. The standardized measurements between the two apartments would be the light switch cover and the strike plate center on the door. I know, it’s so exciting and boner-y.

So I blew up the images of the strike plate in the jamb and the switch plates to epic proportions so they could be compared. Then I crafted a measuring tool for each image based upon the height of the switch plate which was halved from units I humbly named Farfs. No different than Fahrenheit getting degrees or a couple Roman dictators getting months named after them. So each cover plate represents a ‘Farf’ and the distance from the bottom of the switch plate to the center of the door strike plate was measured. Each image used their respective cover plates to offset any distortions.

As you can see, J3 has a total distance of 1.5 Farfs with the ‘composite’ unidentified apartment, having a full two Farfs of distance from the switch plate to the strike plate. The implications are staggering for this fledgling measurement system which men fear, and women desire.

Since the distance in the RobertMBlevins image is half a Farf, higher than in J3, that would induce a delta of 2.25 of your inches in the favor of Kenny. Oh my gawd! That means that using the light switch and the door striker as references that Kenny is half a Farf (2.25 inches) shorter than RobertMBlevins for an aggregate answer of 5’ 8 ¼ “.

There you have it, yet another dynamic bit of validation using open source techniques and processes. I’ll give everyone some time to rub down their goose bumps after viewing this treasure trove of photo measurement. You’re welcome.

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Gee then I guess you missed the part in the building code about the height requirements for light switches? Bzzzzt. Yes.

How about something like 43 to 48 inches? I’m sure you know the NEC and measured the switch elevation in J-3, since you’re all about quality and accuracy. Like estimating height in a fuselage being so friggin hard because you say so. I know I can’t do it.

You’re very open to external verification of your data and theories, no matter what dark recess they may originate.

It was a casual, non-scientific effort, mostly done because we were curious, and had limited access to KC's old apartment. Yes...we measured the distances between the light switch and the floor, and between the center of the switch and the top of the jamb on both units. Big deal. It was easy to see Kenny was probably shorter than I am. Already said that...

Blevins I dont fault your effort at matching in fact
what you did is better than the average person
might do - that aside .... what type of camera was
Your photo of you taken with? Do you happen to
know what the lens was and its focal length? Was
it a digital camera (cmos or ccd) or film camera
(35mm) or quick shot like one buys at a drug store?

I just need the camera info if you know it - of your
photo of you.

Im assuming Kenny's photo was taken with a 620
Brownie or something at f/8-f/12 fixed lens, if you
know that?

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Let’s try something totally scientific. Like the elevation of a roof line.

As anyone can see, by comparing these bald heads, against the roof line in the background. Kenny is at least two inches shorter than RobertMBlevins. There is simply no argument as this is science. Kenny was a little wimpy creampuff. This is confirmed and verified by living witnesses.

I think the scales are different - two different
cameras with different focal ratios (f# lenses).
That changes the magification, apparent size, and
depth of fields in the two photos, so they arent
strictly comparable. The switch plate in the Blevins
photo is 28pixel high ... and 23pixels high in the
Kenny photo, reflecting a difference in cameras, ie

Within each photo however where dimensions are
comparable, isnt the standard switch plate 4.5" H
x 2.75" W. You can estimate Kenny's height in
each photo using the switch plate height as a ruler.

I tried this and Kenny comes out about 5'6-7".

I also tried a rectified photo attached and Kenny
comes out a little over 5'6" vs the first estimate
of 5' 10", using 36" as the standard door frame
width ...

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Was unable to make out who was claiming what so just using the reply and them MY opinion.


And what about the other witnesses? Not exactly on the same page, either:

George Labissioniere, a lawyer, got a good look at Cooper because of Cooper's trips to the bathroom. No older than 35, he said.

Exactly where did YOU get that info. Definitely NOT from Labissioniere himself! IF that is what he told the FBI at the time of the initial interviews after the crime - he CHANGED it.

You do know I exchanged communications with this attorney by phone and letter?

Maybe you need to take a vacation to FLorida.


Bill Mitchell, the college guy, said the chin sagged.

Mitchell was the closest to Cooper and across from him. He said nothing about a sagging chin to me. He saw mostly a profile and noted what he thought was socks or long johns sticking out from under his pants. PROOF Cooper WAS not wearing BOOTS.

I also spoke with Mitchell and found him thru his daughter who was at a university. He viewed the few pictures I had at that time, but I didn't realize the witnesses mostly saw side views and not Cooper's face dead on.
My mistake 12 yrs ago not sending out profile photos.


Robert Gregory thought perhaps Cooper's hair was 'marcelled,' created by hot irons. Gregory, who owned a paint company and prided himself on an attention to detail, says the suit was not brown or black, but a russet color. He thought the hair may have been dyed. How tall? Gregory pegged the hijacker at no more than five foot nine.

This is information provided to Gray and not to the FBI. YOU do know that Duane's hair was very wavy - and just as this man described. As Duane aged and grayed - the waves relaxed. :)
I believe Gray may have taken some LIBERTIES in his interpretation of Gregory's description. Writers do those kind of things.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I believe the “Ivory” plastic switch plate is 4 ½ inches give or take 1/8th. That’s one good thing about Kenny’s apartment being shabby, you won’t have to worry about decorator plates or odd dimensions.

My “Roof Line” attempt was done with the finest of Kentucky Windage and nothing more. I’m sure your measurements will be more refined since my software won’t even let me normalize pixels. At least the pump is running and this mystery of Kenny’s height can probably be narrowed to something resembling reason. Using the plate as a measure is a good technique since there are so many other unknowns, variables and road apples tossed into the mix.

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I believe the “Ivory” plastic switch plate is 4 ½ inches give or take 1/8th. That’s one good thing about Kenny’s apartment being shabby, you won’t have to worry about decorator plates or odd dimensions.

My “Roof Line” attempt was done with the finest of Kentucky Windage and nothing more. I’m sure your measurements will be more refined since my software won’t even let me normalize pixels. At least the pump is running and this mystery of Kenny’s height can probably be narrowed to something resembling reason. Using the plate as a measure is a good technique since there are so many other unknowns, variables and road apples tossed into the mix.

Pass the Kentucky Windage over!

I think 5'6" to 5'8" and no more is a good estimate
and if Blevins is happy with that ... Im happy!:D

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Sony digital. DSC- V-1. 5.1 megapixel. An oldie but a goodie. Look...there isn't any real mystery here. Kenny's license and Army records say the same thing. He was five eight. I am five ten and a half. I only did the comparison for something to do while I was at the apartments waiting for the manager to get Kenny's original rental app from the main office. I appreciate your effort, though.

I may even have one of those in my closet crap!

Im just assuming Kenny's photo was pre-digital,
620 or 35mm ??? Im goign to look up the specs
on the Sony digital. DSC- V-1. 5.1 for the hell of it -

I CAN accept 5'8" and not a centimeter more.
You said in his stocking feet as I recall...

PS: You need to call Lyle after his surgery or
Fitzsimmons and get the staight dope.

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Sony digital. DSC- V-1. 5.1 megapixel. An oldie but a goodie. Look...there isn't any real mystery here. Kenny's license and Army records say the same thing. He was five eight. I am five ten and a half. I only did the comparison for something to do while I was at the apartments waiting for the manager to get Kenny's original rental app from the main office. I appreciate your effort, though.

Well that is a nice lens as are all of these Carl Zeiss
branded designs. Your lens is f2.8-4/7-28 (4x
zoom). Olympus etc followed the same lens design
paying nice royalties to Zeiss. So your camera is
f2.8 focused at infinity, with zoom clicks (3) to bring
it to f/4, f/7, and f/28. Each successive zoom click
crops the image accordingly, to a smaller frame with
the smallest frame at maximum magnification at

Now, looking at Far's double photo the scale of the
two photos begins to make sense in terms of the
different cameras used. Im betting whoever took
your photo zommed in to frame you in the door
something like what Kenny's photo portrays, ie
same relative scale. And in order to do that with your
camera the operator hit the second zoom click and
thought 'that looks right, same scale", and took
your photo. So your photo is at around f/7.

Kenny's photo was probably f/8 being an old Brownie
620 fixed lens f/5.6-f/8 or Kodak 35mm shot at f/8.

That would explain why the scales in these photos is
roughly the same, except for the differences
Farflung noted.


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Jo, I do not "poke" at you, you just take every question personally.

There are many "Wavy Greenes", but it is not my job to prove Weber is Cooper, it is my job to call into question things I see or think are wrong.

I also see no "revelation" in Duane's fraudulent enlistment to the Army. He got caught before he could do much, so if there is a record, and it survived the fires in the warehouse, it would be pretty thin. But I also think the Navy record, IMO, would be thin, but to you it may be in "great detail".

I hope last night you found the evidence that proves us all wrong, and is the true story.

I never said he couldn't be Cooper, just doubt he was, as I have not seen any direct evidence that makes the logical leap.

An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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RobertMBlevins offers yet another example of Cooper research logic with:

On the matter of Helen Jones saying that Kenny smoked Raleigh cigarettes, she was sure on this point. In her original interview, she named Camels as Kenny's brand (she is a former smoker) but later realized she had named her own brand. She then drove up to find me in Bonney Lake to correct her mistake.”

They were absolutely, positively, assuredly and without douchebaggery aforethought; Camel cigarettes. And that’s my final answer!

So Helen Jones (her real name) is an awesome source because she said that Kenny smoked Camels in her ‘original interview’, which was a general bio on some Northwest purser with an unknown author. Weird, but my suspension of disbelief hasn’t been pressed into an Atomic Wedgie yet.

Since Helen Jones is not a three alarm wacko, she goes home and thinks about this interview which she was “sure on this point” until she wasn’t sure on the point. Then she….. picked up the phone…. No, no… she hacked out a brief email that said ‘It was Raleighs NOT Camels, sincerely Helen”; nope not that either. This banal piece of information about some obscure person and the brand of cigarettes he smoked somehow grew to epic levels, while she was fermenting at home. It’s off to the Bat-shit-crazy-mobile and a drive to Bonney Lake where there is video being shot, this must be fixed! But she didn’t know this was about DB Cooper? Ummmm….. now my suspension of disbelief isn’t so happy anymore.

Does every Cooper story have to be packed with drama and behaviors which only exist on TV or in the movies? I mean really, who drives to Bonney Lake to change the brand of smokes? It is pure BS.

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