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DB Cooper

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Robert, do you know when this photo of KC was taken? can you prove his age at the time of the photo? these are things you
need to know before producing them as evidence.

is it fair to keep showing pictures of suspects 10-15 years younger than what they really looked like in 1971? I don't
know if this is the case here, but we have seen this on other suspects. it's ok to show pictures of the suspect, but, it's not ok
to use younger pictures for resemblance to the sketches. the sketches are of a man in his mid to late 40's not 20's or 30's

I have been trying to find a program I saw years ago about photo overlay's, if not mistaken it was about the lady they claimed
was Amelia Earhart, they said it was more of a trick than evidence because it bleeds the two making them look very similar.

this is interesting http://www.mor-tv.com/Billy-The-Kid-Or-Lookalike/-/13431468/5135418/-/bdb5k6/-/index.html
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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Robert, do you know when this photo of KC was taken? can you prove his age at the time of the photo? these are things you
need to know before producing them as evidence.

is it fair to keep showing pictures of suspects 10-15 years younger than what they really looked like in 1971? I don't
know if this is the case here, but we have seen this on other suspects. it's ok to show pictures of the suspect, but, it's not ok
to use younger pictures for resemblance to the sketches. the sketches are of a man in his mid to late 40's not 20's or 30's

I have been trying to find a program I saw years ago about photo overlay's, if not mistaken it was about the lady they claimed
was Amelia Earhart, they said it was more of a trick than evidence because it bleeds the two making them look very similar.

this is interesting http://www.mor-tv.com/Billy-The-Kid-Or-Lookalike/-/13431468/5135418/-/bdb5k6/-/index.html

Yours are the same questions Ive had about KC's
age in these photos -

Anyone can do an overlay - lots of free software on
the net to do that. Its not rocket science.

Also something Bruice asked about years ago, never
address by RMB either, quote at Mountain News:

BruceSmith49 says: September 6, 2011 at 1:46 pm

"It is my understanding that Christiansen continued to fly with NWO for twenty years after the Cooper incident, which makes his being DB improbable. Further, I suspect that KC found a way to monetize his twice-monthly trips to Asia in ways that had nothing to do with skyjacking an airplane. I’ve encouraged the investigators and authors who write about KC to look more comprehensively at their suspect, but they seemed more fixated on Hollywood than Tokyo."

Of course we know now that Blevins is only trolling
here (to disrupt) so we're never going to get any of
these questions answered, just more trolling.
KC should probably be boycotted ... to save the

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here is the closet I could get to making a sketch B|
all of his his is on his eyebrows ;)

These isophotes (contour lines) of mine are a
common technique: 2d pixel density "graphs" in the
x-y axis after binning pixels in the photo or graphic
examined. The result are numerical files which can
be compared. Fits files.

But Blevins has a valid point; the same point
everyone has addressed through the years, ie. the
reliability of the FBI sketch(es). Every sponsor of a
candidate has used that hedge. Ckret tried to
address it, to no avail of course as Blevins is quick
to exploit.

But it was Blevins brought this all up citing the
Porteous overlays and a "perfect match" between
FBI sketch and Kenny photo; then Blevins schleps
the other direction criticising sketches vs photos!
Its just another example of his redirections even
when it is him starting the whole discussion - its just
more anarchy he can derail the thread with.

That said, I would take dna or finger prints over
sketches any day! Nobody has ever addressed the
lack of a match for any of the finger prints found.
That fact may indicate Cooper was never in any
place where he was finger printed for his prints to
wind up 'in the system'.

Were all employees of Boeing and NWO finger
printed, automatically upon employment? We
assume all military were printed and would be in
'the system' ? I always felt Ckret left many holes
in explaining the print dilemma ? And I dont recall
he ever came right out and said: 'There were holes
in the system Cooper could have fallen through...'

Of 52+ prints found I dont recall Ckret even
saying 'some of the prints were matched' ... maybe
I missed that, but one would think out of 52+ prints
some got identified and matched up ? All the FBI
had to do was ask known passengers to give their
prints for comparison.

I seem to remember Snowmman even asking Ckret
about this, but it just never got addressed with so
many other posts happening atthe time. Jo for one
was posting reams each day here, just as she still
does - every time Ckret would come back he would
comment it was taking him hours to read and catch
up! Funny. :D

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Mr. Shutter wrote

Roger that 377, but I would have to say before 1974, that is when I first go into it, Dad bought us a Radio Shack TRC-30A and added a D 104 mic to it, this radio had 4 watts.

Ahh, the revered D 104 ic, I know it well.

If you have the black Night Eagle limited edition D 104 they fetch a BIG price these days.

If Marla's uncle was DBC then the walkie talkies used would be super collectable. By her description, they were probably Midland brand. Wonder what happened to them? There must be MILLIONS of old CBs in attics and garages, gathering dust. I see them at garage sales once in a while, priced as low as a dollar.

I do have one authentic Cooper relic, a genuine Tena Bar twenty. I don't want to diminish its status by displaying an alleged DBC CB walkie talkie type next to it, not just yet.

I've been doing some research trying to find the gear used by the MAC COG jumpers to find each other on the ground at night in the N Viet Nam jungle. I've found quite a bit of info on gear used to find downed pilots, and even have a working example of a hand held 243.0 MHz DF, but the special ops jumpers used something else, allegedly some low freq transistor radios and beacons. The N Viet military were always listening on 243.0 MHz hoping to capture downed US pilots before they could be rescued. 243.0 MHz is the freq used by bailout beacons. Its an international military aircraft distress freq.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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I still have a royce 40 ch with SSB "Alien echo board" and a black night K eagle D-104 hooked up to a Marverick 250
10 tube amplifier, haven't used it in a couple years. I just sold my Heathkit SB-220 with two 500Z tubes and foot pedal
key. was using a Varmit 150 to drive it. kicking a lot of power!

The Maverick will dead key about 225 and swing to 500 with a whistle B|

"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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Mr. Shutter wrote


Roger that 377, but I would have to say before 1974, that is when I first go into it, Dad bought us a Radio Shack TRC-30A and added a D 104 mic to it, this radio had 4 watts.

Ahh, the revered D 104 ic, I know it well.

If you have the black Night Eagle limited edition D 104 they fetch a BIG price these days.

If Marla's uncle was DBC then the walkie talkies used would be super collectable. By her description, they were probably Midland brand. Wonder what happened to them? There must be MILLIONS of old CBs in attics and garages, gathering dust. I see them at garage sales once in a while, priced as low as a dollar.

I do have one authentic Cooper relic, a genuine Tena Bar twenty. I don't want to diminish its status by displaying an alleged DBC CB walkie talkie type next to it, not just yet.

I've been doing some research trying to find the gear used by the MAC COG jumpers to find each other on the ground at night in the N Viet Nam jungle. I've found quite a bit of info on gear used to find downed pilots, and even have a working example of a hand held 243.0 MHz DF, but the special ops jumpers used something else, allegedly some low freq transistor radios and beacons. The N Viet military were always listening on 243.0 MHz hoping to capture downed US pilots before they could be rescued. 243.0 MHz is the freq used by bailout beacons. Its an international military aircraft distress freq.


"I've been doing some research trying to find the gear used by the MAC COG jumpers"

are you reffering to these guys? http://www.modernforces.com/SOG_halo_1.htm
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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"I've been doing some research trying to find the gear used by the MAC COG jumpers"

are you reffering to these guys? http://www.modernforces.com/SOG_halo_1.htm

Yes, my typo, COG was supposed to be SOG

Note the highlighted text below:


Once on the ground, problems continued to mount. The drop zone turned out to be buried under six inches of water, and when Newman set up his homing device, it shorted out. Worse, the Combat Skyspot navigational system, supposedly highly accurate, had put the team a dozen kilometers off its intended target.

I am just guessing, but I think the homing device may have been a simple transmitter that operated on or near the AM broadcast band. Ordinary transistor radios with ferrite bar internal antennas make pretty good DFs, but they have 180 degree bearing ambiguity. The ambiguity can be resolved by noting if the strength of the received signal increases or decreases as you walk the bearing. One account of MAC SOG gear talked about Sony radios, so maybe this is what was used to gather after landing. Again, just a guess.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Were all employees of Boeing and NWO finger
printed, automatically upon employment? We
assume all military were printed and would be in
'the system' ? I always felt Ckret left many holes
in explaining the print dilemma ? And I dont recall
he ever came right out and said: 'There were holes
in the system Cooper could have fallen through...'

There should be someone on this thread who can answer the question as it pertains to Boeing and NWA. My personal guess is that they were ALL automatically finger printed but that those prints, depending on the individuals job, were not necessairly put into the FBI's national database although they may have been checked with the appropriate local law enforcement agencies.

But if the individuals job required a security clearance, then they would definitely be finger printed and those prints would end up at the FBI. Anyone working on a project that involved the CIA would certainly have their prints on file at the FBI (and/or CIA).

In my personal case, my prints have probably been on file at the FBI since about the age of 16. They were submitted to the USAF as a requirement for flying on military aircraft at that tender age (among other things, they help identify bodies in case of accidents).

Also, in the early years of the Korean War, all civilian pilots in the United States were required to get an "Airman's Identification Card" which required a full finger printing and a passport type picture. And you had to show up live and breathing at the appropriate then CAA (or what ever preceeded the FAA) office with the finger print card and picture in order to get the card. These cards were discontinued after about five years.

Also, I was fingerprinted in the military and, as a civilian engineer in DOD, was fingerprinted ever time I changed employing agencies. Upon retiring from DOD, I was issued an ID card that said, among other things, "Retired".


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Honestly, never heard so much gobblety-gook from so many cover-up artists. Time to poke my nose in for another review. You are all singing turkey tunes at the moon. You beat down a poor old lady with a secret. Jo, your secret is true, it is real and these guys are supposed to keep you occupied. Duane Weber trained for jumping out of the back of a 727 in my front yard (apartments) during the summer of 1968 for the express purpose of executing Project Norjack. Project Norjack was used as a political leverage ploy to spur Air Piracy Conventions in the Hauge, Japan and Montreal and to leverage Congress to pass air safety standards. They refused, Nixon enacted an Executive order based on Norjack, and we all lived happily ever after. This is what really happened, the details are in my notes and more of the story continues in McCoy's writings. Jo has the truth, she just won't accept it because she does not like it. Bite me. Them's the facts, Ma'am.

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Honestly, never heard so much gobblety-gook from so many cover-up artists. Time to poke my nose in for another review. You are all singing turkey tunes at the moon. You beat down a poor old lady with a secret. Jo, your secret is true, it is real and these guys are supposed to keep you occupied. Duane Weber trained for jumping out of the back of a 727 in my front yard (apartments) during the summer of 1968 for the express purpose of executing Project Norjack. Project Norjack was used as a political leverage ploy to spur Air Piracy Conventions in the Hauge, Japan and Montreal and to leverage Congress to pass air safety standards. They refused, Nixon enacted an Executive order based on Norjack, and we all lived happily ever after. This is what really happened, the details are in my notes and more of the story continues in McCoy's writings. Jo has the truth, she just won't accept it because she does not like it. Bite me. Them's the facts, Ma'am.

Bob, do us all a favor and stay in the background and await your demise, we don't need anymore of your lies, including trying to pass yourself off as a College dropout! your credibility is zero! worse than the ones under fire now!

people are watching you and you know it, that's why you are "laying low" go away Bob!!
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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To Mrshutter45

Your simulation was not able to put in the actual glow in the sky above Vancouver and Portland cities. The g;ow and the flight time was all DB needed to know when to jump. I believe his plan was to jump where he did and probably had his car parked within 10 to 20 miles of where he jumped. I also believe he was gone by mid-night and well on his way and all before the FBI could respond on a Thanksgiving weekend. All this was by plan and his planning was perfect and that is why it worked so well. The only thing he could not have planned was the future use of DNA by the FBI. That is why the DNA under the stamps/envelope flaps of the four letters written to the newspapers is so important in this case as it will match the DNA the FBI has from Sheridan Peterson. That will blow the "perfect alibi" of Peterson that he was in Nepal. He could be jailed for just not telling the truth to the FBI but it could blow open the whole case. As I have said before, this is the Smoking Gun in the case and the DNA under the stamps/envelope flaps could prove it.

I hope the FBI has sent the envelopes in to their lab by now as this is the only remaining evidence that has yet to be explored in the case. Good luck FBI and solve this case finally.

Bob Sailshaw

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To Mrshutter45

Your simulation was not able to put in the actual glow in the sky above Vancouver and Portland cities. The g;ow and the flight time was all DB needed to know when to jump. I believe his plan was to jump where he did and probably had his car parked within 10 to 20 miles of where he jumped. I also believe he was gone by mid-night and well on his way and all before the FBI could respond on a Thanksgiving weekend. All this was by plan and his planning was perfect and that is why it worked so well. The only thing he could not have planned was the future use of DNA by the FBI. That is why the DNA under the stamps/envelope flaps of the four letters written to the newspapers is so important in this case as it will match the DNA the FBI has from Sheridan Peterson. That will blow the "perfect alibi" of Peterson that he was in Nepal. He could be jailed for just not telling the truth to the FBI but it could blow open the whole case. As I have said before, this is the Smoking Gun in the case and the DNA under the stamps/envelope flaps could prove it.

I hope the FBI has sent the envelopes in to their lab by now as this is the only remaining evidence that has yet to be explored in the case. Good luck FBI and solve this case finally.

Bob Sailshaw

that is true, but pretty close in my book, didn't Rataczak or Scott claim they couldn't see the city lights? I doubt they would lock him up after this long and given his age....
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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that is true, but pretty close in my book, didn't Rataczak or Scott claim they couldn't see the city lights? I doubt they would lock him up after this long and given his age....

From Interviewer of Rat Interview No.3:

quote: "Rataczak says they didn’t really know their
exact location but he did see lights from his position
on the right which he later explained meant he ‘was
seeing either Portland or Vancouver coming into
view.’ That is where Agent Carr gets his quote, I
think. That is in the file notes."

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that is true, but pretty close in my book, didn't Rataczak or Scott claim they couldn't see the city lights? I doubt they would lock him up after this long and given his age....

From Interviewer of Rat Interview No.3:

quote: "Rataczak says they didn’t really know their
exact location but he did see lights from his position
on the right which he later explained meant he ‘was
seeing either Portland or Vancouver coming into
view.’ That is where Agent Carr gets his quote, I
think. That is in the file notes."

so basically it was broken clouds as I showed allowing some light to come through?
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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Jo, you are saying that in the early 1990s, while watching a video made in the late 1960s - 25 years earlier, Duane told you that it was safer to jump from the rear stairs than out a side door.

NO time or energy to go back and SEE if that is how I said it. After 1990 (because he had already started diaylsis) we were watching a program on TV.
Evidently it was some kind of Documentary.

When this clip came on - Duane NEVER said it was safer to jump from that EXIT - AND I HOPE I did NOT say it that WAY. YOU have a very distorted way of reading every post I make.

Perhaps you should pick up the phone and call me. I speak better than I write (on a good day). IT WAS MY OPINION that he would have THOUGHT if safer if that was WHAT he had been EXPOSED to and he WAS exposed to the BOEING.

He seemed anxious to view this program in the living room as he usually watched a smaller TV from the bedroom. He did tell me something at that time, but I do NOT remember what it was - the expression on his face I will NOT forget.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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If you READ the post I made THIS is WHAT IT SAID! PLEASE STOP TWISTING MY WORDS. if YOU are GOING to use MY words PLEASE COPY my post prior to YOUR opinion of what I said.

This IS EXACTLY what someone with an AGENDA does to discredit other posters - MAKING that poster sound LIKE a liar.

QUOTE: My post below on the subject you TWISTED:

"Perhaps - but, he wanted to jump from the aft stairs because he felt that was SAFER! Remember Cooper may have been in association with military pilots - and Weber was WELL AWARE the 727 could be jumped as 377 will tell you. For yrs I told these guys the plane was used during some exercises in the late 60's but NO one believed me until
SNOWMMAN found the very clip that Duane was watching when he made the statement. It was a specific thing and was aired during the yrs of 1990 to 1994 because I remembered were he was sitting when the clip was on a TV program. Again - Jo's memory is pretty DAMN good. Bet Snowmman could even find the date the clip was shown in a documentary of TV.

The above is what I said. I did NOT say Duane made that statement.

THOSE tactics are the kinds of TACTICS used by Detective cross-examining a suspect. TWIST the story to see if THEY can CROSS up the suspect and then RECORD those WORDS as the words USED by the suspect. THESE kind of interrogators are the worse kind and you ACT just like that!

READ my words
"SNOWMMAN found the very clip that Duane was watching when he made the statement"

Exactly what statement DO you think I was referring to - I was referring to his knowledge of the Boeing and the FACT he knew it could be jump from the BELLY and the fact that he told me about when the BOEING was introduced to the public....

I do not remember if this is when he told me about the paint and his family involvement - but could have been. The brother yrs later did NOT dispute this when he and I were talking.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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that is true, but pretty close in my book, didn't Rataczak or Scott claim they couldn't see the city lights? I doubt they would lock him up after this long and given his age....

From Interviewer of Rat Interview No.3:

quote: "Rataczak says they didn’t really know their
exact location but he did see lights from his position
on the right which he later explained meant he ‘was
seeing either Portland or Vancouver coming into
view.’ That is where Agent Carr gets his quote, I
think. That is in the file notes."

NOTE that Rataczak states on his right and remember he was piloting the plane from the right side! In the co-pilots seat!

If he SAW the lights of Vancouver or Portland they were EAST of the SUPPOSE route at that time and this corresponds with WHAT he stated to ME on the PHONE many yrs ago!
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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And does 377 know how Weber became "WELL AWARE" that the 727 could be jumped from the rear stairs?

And you claim that when Weber was passing all this information to you, he did not mention D.B. Cooper and all the 727 hijackings? How could he have failed to do that?

[:/]Then around 1983 when we moved to Virginia - there was a mention of Cooper when he showed me where McCoy was killed.

:(When Norjack came out he did NOT mention Cooper. When he obtained the book I asked if I could read it after he finished - and I had asked him what it was about - he just said "Nothing you would be interested in just an old hijacking" I assume semi-trucks.

[:/]Later the book was in the office and I reminded him I wanted to read it. THEN it disappears and lo and behold he claims one of the guys in the office wanted to read it. I NEVER GOT to READ THAT BOOK - hell he could NOT allow me to read it - HE had to keep me ignorant...(IF I had read that book We would NOT be looking for Cooper today).

:|He was aware of what he had said in WA in 1979 and he was AWARE that I was aware of the money find in 1980 , but buriend in my memery (He knew I did NOT forget things).

:SRemember he made sure I DID not see the TV special I had planned to see in 1980 and we went OUT with some people I had never met on a week-day night...My discussion with the woman was to apologize for not being very good company because there was a program I wanted to see on TV (then as now I rarely watched TV because of my work). I had to book appts in the evenings on the phone from 5 PM until 8:30 PM.

>:(He was afraid I would put it all together if I read the book and his vague mentions of Cooper.

After he made the decision to remove himself for the kidney machine - he tells me "I'm Dann Coooper" and I did know what the hell he was talking about - he had made sure I had little to NO exposure to D.B.Cooper information. Remember we lived in the SO and the anniversaries of the Jump were rarely mentioned.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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that is true, but pretty close in my book, didn't Rataczak or Scott claim they couldn't see the city lights? I doubt they would lock him up after this long and given his age....

From Interviewer of Rat Interview No.3:

quote: "Rataczak says they didn’t really know their
exact location but he did see lights from his position
on the right which he later explained meant he ‘was
seeing either Portland or Vancouver coming into
view.’ That is where Agent Carr gets his quote, I
think. That is in the file notes."

so basically it was broken clouds as I showed allowing some light to come through?

I would rather have it straight from Rataczak
himself. That's the bottom line for me. Either he
did or he didn't. And he wasn't alone in the cockpit.
Why this has become so 'unknown' is totally beyond
me, except perhaps that the crew thought Cooper
had already bailed, in which case we are talking
about an event (crossing the Columbia) which
happened further south and later in time, in which
case seeing the light of Vancouver-Portland might
not be a big deal - ? I just dont know - Im
speculating. But my quote from the interview is
real and documented (in hand in black and white
on paper, signed, sealed, and delivered).

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