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I want to see a picture of this 'trench' or drain field they talk about. There WAS nothing like that there when I was there in 2001 with the TV crew - if there was SUCH a thing - surely it is on the film!

Here is a photo of the "retention ditch" which Jerry
Thomas pointed out during the CS team's work.
The large red arrow points to the ditch.

If you have read my posts you know I cant see
any evidence of this ditch until some time around
1979 maybe ... but it is definately there by the mid
1980s. See that photo attached.

There's no point in going over things 900 times.

I know I am dumb, but these are aerials and I can't find the gate and the house and the tree line, the fence and the old parking area on these.

What would have been the purpose of this trench and when was the trench there - surely the Fazio's provided some information.

Second hand thru JT is far from accurate - if the trench was NOT discussed by the FAZIO's to the more reputable members of the team it means shit. I speak from EXPERIENCE in regards to that. He has repeatedly called me that which he should calleth himself.

If that ditch was NOT there until 1980 what would it have to do with the money find. That soil from that ditch is a completely different medium than the beach soil - isn't it.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Take down your political opinions - leave them be until AFTER the election - remember Quade's Warning!

TO ALL: when you quote his statements - that is the same as your posting them. I think perhaps you guys need to take them down while you can! Blevins will NOT be the only one to get banned.

I think you will find Quade more concerned when the "usuals" slip out of the asylum and post in other threads. At least here, there is containment.

Besides, Robert was right, the all caps lock screaming post wasn't his.

He just called it out.

An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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It is nice to see we have a few trying to use real Evidence, Science, Fact, and Reality, in the investigation.

It is nice to see actual experts in a field or two getting a chance to speak and eliminate the flotsam and jetsam that had clouded the thread up so badly.

An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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GEORGER! You are whistling to the choir. IF that money had been on that beach prior to the late FALL of 1979 it would have been found or uncovered by cattle ?

Thats an old idea in this thread - according to the Fazio the cattle were never allowed on the beach,
period, ever.

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This woman told the FBI about the places he stopped in 1979, but she had NO idea she was the first person to ever explain how the money got on Tena's bar.
She had NO idea what she was doing - just telling what her husband told her and what her husband did on that trip.


How many posts have you made to this thread stating that you did NOT know what was in the paper bag you allege that Duane threw into the Columbia River?

If you remain true to your posting style, you will now probably deny ever making a post about a paper bag, deny that you posted the above quote, etc..


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Georger wrote

Thats an old idea in this thread - according to the Fazio the cattle were never allowed on the beach,
period, ever

You are a cattle guy G so I wont dispute your expertise but cows have a way of ignoring travel restrictions.

I was driving on Highway 1 (coast route) north of the Russian River in CA. I am a conservative driver and try to drive slow on curvy roads where a bicylist or someone making a wide turn might be in my lane just around the bend. I came around one turn and slammed on my brakes HARD. I got to see how well my ABS worked. A big herd of cows was occupying both lanes.

I said MOVE. They said MOOOOO.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Things end up on the banks by the same vector as any other body of water... by virtue of wind pushing anything in the water toward one bank or another. If the water is higher during water release from Bonneville .. debris will end up higher on the banks. If the water is really high it will ne hung up in what is called strainers.... that is brush along the banks that catches lots of floating debris.


High water and floods put a lot more debris in the water.. it makes for "interesting" boating in the winter...I have replaced a lot of props over the years that have hit debris... and fixed more a one hull that has hit a floating deadhead[:/]

Thanks Amazon. This is progress. You have
added "wind" to hydrology. That makes sense, is
also new!

Now. (a) Is there any main hydrological (flow) route
onto Tena Bar, from the main channel? (b) Do/did
things flow through the inside channel by Catapillar
Island onto the Fazio property? Who or what keeps
that inside channel free of debris? I assume boat
owners would want that?

You have mentioned the flood in 1996 several times.
Was that greater in the T-Bar area than the floods
of 71, 76, and at the end of drought in 1978 going
into 1979?


It happens almost yearly in May to June but that is the melting snow freshet that occurs anually... here is an example.
http://www.brucesussman.com/heavy-rain-flooding/columbia-river-hits-flood-stage-expect-more-bridge-lifts-between-portland-and-vancouver/ Typically those floods are a reaction to very high temperatures in May or June in the Columbia Rivers drainiage across a large area of the NW.. causing a lot of the snowmelt to occur in a very short period of time, allowing all the water to let loose at once.

Notice the brush along the river.. those are what I( and most water people) call "strainers" the picture is taken from upstream of the I-5 Bridge... its also not a real "FLOOD" like the 1996 even which I think was the largest since the 1948 event that took out the city of Vanport where Jantzen Beach and PIR and is now. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vanport,_Oregon

There is water flow in the small channel that is at Kadows Marina.. but even when the water is high its not flowing thru that small channel all that fast... Frenchmens Bar to the south forces most of the water into the main stream... by design. There are wing dams there that keep the flow slowed down and that makes Frenchmans Bar a "point bar" occuring on the inside curve of the river. ( there are hudreds of wing dams along the main channel of the Columbia.) Some small junk flows in and usually its just pushed out behind the boat so it can mozey on down the channel.:ph34r:

The Winter floods are a different beastie. Some years we get enough cold weather to allow for snow or ice storms to blanket not only the mountains with a lot of snow but also the lowlands. I have seen that stick around for a couple weeks adding more and more snow... then a warm air mass with a lot of rain hits... melting all the snow and adding the rain into the melt as well. That was the Feb 1996 event. I was living in the Portland Area at the time... http://www.cnn.com/US/9602/flooding/update/index.html


The others..... just also rans ;)

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Georger wrote


Thats an old idea in this thread - according to the Fazio the cattle were never allowed on the beach,
period, ever

You are a cattle guy G so I wont dispute your expertise but cows have a way of ignoring travel restrictions.

I was driving on Highway 1 (coast route) north of the Russian River in CA. I am a conservative driver and try to drive slow on curvy roads where a bicylist or someone making a wide turn might be in my lane just around the bend. I came around one turn and slammed on my brakes HARD. I got to see how well my ABS worked. A big herd of cows was occupying both lanes.

I said MOVE. They said MOOOOO.


I know the former Chair of Animal Husbandry at U
Wash. well, who knew the Fazios and has been at
their farm numerous times. He told me the Fazio
never allowed their cattle to get to the beachfront,
in fact there were regulations against that, plus its
hazardous for the cattle. This was later confirmed by
the Fazios and their neighbors. Moreover the cattle
had apparently always been quartered on the far
eastern pasture of the Fazio property, when not in
the holding area which is directly in front of that
pasture, that area being far away from the beach-
front area; and still a retention ditch went in some
time in the late 1970s to early 1980s (due to new
agri regulations) precisely to keep any agri runoff
from flowing down to the beachfront, from that area
used to agri purposes. These practices seem to
have been evolving and in place by the early 1970s.
And in fact Tom's money analysis seemed to show
no strong association with agri or livestock chemicals;
which surprised me a little. I had expected Tom
would find a clear-strong association but apparently

We discussed all of this earlier in the thread. BTW,
cattle would make quick work of any money bag
or even bundles of exposed bills, left in their vicinity.
That I can guarantee 1000%. Cattle are very curious
creatures and territorial; nothing left in their environ-
ment goes unoticed by a factor of mere minutes.

I think the Fazios were responsible people in this
matter - that is their reputation. They have always
run a very nice facility by all accounts and cared well
for their animals - photos back that up. I wish now I
had spent more time meeting and getting to know
the Fazios - except for one brief phone call I relied
on others to interface for me, the former Chair of AH
at UWash being one of those...

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Things end up on the banks by the same vector as any other body of water... by virtue of wind pushing anything in the water toward one bank or another. If the water is higher during water release from Bonneville .. debris will end up higher on the banks. If the water is really high it will ne hung up in what is called strainers.... that is brush along the banks that catches lots of floating debris.


High water and floods put a lot more debris in the water.. it makes for "interesting" boating in the winter...I have replaced a lot of props over the years that have hit debris... and fixed more a one hull that has hit a floating deadhead[:/]

Thanks Amazon. This is progress. You have
added "wind" to hydrology. That makes sense, is
also new!

Now. (a) Is there any main hydrological (flow) route
onto Tena Bar, from the main channel? (b) Do/did
things flow through the inside channel by Catapillar
Island onto the Fazio property? Who or what keeps
that inside channel free of debris? I assume boat
owners would want that?

You have mentioned the flood in 1996 several times.
Was that greater in the T-Bar area than the floods
of 71, 76, and at the end of drought in 1978 going
into 1979?


It happens almost yearly in May to June but that is the melting snow freshet that occurs anually... here is an example.
http://www.brucesussman.com/heavy-rain-flooding/columbia-river-hits-flood-stage-expect-more-bridge-lifts-between-portland-and-vancouver/ Typically those floods are a reaction to very high temperatures in May or June in the Columbia Rivers drainiage across a large area of the NW.. causing a lot of the snowmelt to occur in a very short period of time, allowing all the water to let loose at once.

Notice the brush along the river.. those are what I( and most water people) call "strainers" the picture is taken from upstream of the I-5 Bridge... its also not a real "FLOOD" like the 1996 even which I think was the largest since the 1948 event that took out the city of Vanport where Jantzen Beach and PIR and is now. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vanport,_Oregon

There is water flow in the small channel that is at Kadows Marina.. but even when the water is high its not flowing thru that small channel all that fast... Frenchmens Bar to the south forces most of the water into the main stream... by design. There are wing dams there that keep the flow slowed down and that makes Frenchmans Bar a "point bar" occuring on the inside curve of the river. ( there are hudreds of wing dams along the main channel of the Columbia.) Some small junk flows in and usually its just pushed out behind the boat so it can mozey on down the channel.:ph34r:

The Winter floods are a different beastie. Some years we get enough cold weather to allow for snow or ice storms to blanket not only the mountains with a lot of snow but also the lowlands. I have seen that stick around for a couple weeks adding more and more snow... then a warm air mass with a lot of rain hits... melting all the snow and adding the rain into the melt as well. That was the Feb 1996 event. I was living in the Portland Area at the time... http://www.cnn.com/US/9602/flooding/update/index.html


The others..... just also rans ;)

Great post!! Will read this in-depth tonight when I
have the time to digest it. Thanks.

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Does anyone have specifics on Jerry's Washougal washdown experiment? Who found his item at Tena Bar. What was it. Where was it released?

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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The glaring problem with washdown has always been the same: The Amount of the Money Found, and The Fact That We Know the Bills Were Packaged in Individual Bundles.

Fact/Primary/original Source? This is not a smartass response. I asked this earlier and still want to know. If it's been posted before i forgot.
How do we know for sure that there were 3 "bundles" individually "packaged".
As opposed to three or five individual packets bundled together by bands or other fashion.
Where/what is the primary source for this information?
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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I still don't understand why the idea the money floated down some creek and/or river and washed up (without possible dredging) is even being discussed.

Common sense: If this had actually happened, HOW did approximately three bundles of the money stay together for this trip. A few bills, okay. MOST of the money, again okay (maybe the bag was there and disintegrated), but with no other evidence being found at the site I favor only two possibilities:

Dredged to the spot, part of the same load of spoils.

Planted by human hands.

This is a most difficult debate because there is evidence FOR and AGAINST both of these scenarios. I have favored planting, yes. But lately I've had my doubts, mostly due to some of the evidence people have presented. However, there is almost no evidence to support a Magic Washdown Theory. Ditches and creeks, here and there, summer or winter, flood or non-flood. Three bundles stay together miles from their source. It's harder to believe than the Magic Bullet in the Kennedy Assassination.

The glaring problem with washdown has always been the same: The Amount of the Money Found, and The Fact That We Know the Bills Were Packaged in Individual Bundles.

Secondary problem: The location of the bills puts them far off the generally accepted (See: FBI version) line of the flight path.

I know you've heard this before, but I think there is truth in it: That damn money created more questions than any possible answers it offers.

Blevins, Common sense would also tell you that the money wouldn't stay together if it went through a dredge.

The money being found at Tena Bar creates questions only for those who hold to certain ideas that the find at this location doesn't support.

To repeat for the jillionith time, the money find at Tena Bar is a separate, independent, and valid data point. You don't have to dream up a magic scenario for getting it there. Just believe your eyes!


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thats the Ticccie... someone Miracled that money there..... Where the Gunny.

Oh for your viewing enjoyment.. here are some flood vids

Downtown Portland... on the Willamette.. FEB 1996. Dumps into the Columbia Right across from our favorite area


Video from around the Portland area.. St Helens is a few miles downriver..


Christmas 1964..


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GEORGER! You are whistling to the choir. IF that money had been on that beach prior to the late FALL of 1979 it would have been found or uncovered by cattle ?

Thats an old idea in this thread - according to the Fazio the cattle were never allowed on the beach,
period, ever.

Just who are you relying on for that information - JT?

Did YOU actually hear one of the Fazio's make that statement. Well, a statement the one who was with us in 2001 stated differently. I listened to the conversations going on but did NOT know enough to participate.

Do YOU have a video or recording of FAZIO saying that ?
Surely I did NOT understand a lot of what they were talking about - but I was walking with Mr. H and Mr. Fazio - What you are claiming is NOT what I heard, but then I was under a lot of stress with the filming - I just wish I had had someone with ME to record the conversations.

The cattle being on the beach WAS discussed and if YOU are just repeating something JT told you - better back it up with a recording or with a written statement from Mr. Fazio (I don't know which one was with us and I didn't know their names).

I would think if the cattle where on the beach it would have been for short periods of supervised time on a river, because I have known cattle to go into a pond (I personally helped my father pull cattle out of our pond on 2 occasions - one was dead).

Why they went into the pond I do not know.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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This woman told the FBI about the places he stopped in 1979, but she had NO idea she was the first person to ever explain how the money got on Tena's bar.
She had NO idea what she was doing - just telling what her husband told her and what her husband did on that trip.


How many posts have you made to this thread stating that you did NOT know what was in the paper bag you allege that Duane threw into the Columbia River?

If you remain true to your posting style, you will now probably deny ever making a post about a paper bag, deny that you posted the above quote, etc..


NOPE! My stating he threw a paper bag into the water at the Red Lion - no I knew not what was in the bag.

His going down to the water at a place I now know to be Tena's bar - whatever he had was small enough to fit in the jacket pocket of his windbreaker.

I will quote my STATEMENT one MORE time for you.

"This woman told the FBI about the places he stopped in 1979, but she had NO idea she was the first person to ever explain how the money got on Tena's bar.
She had NO idea what she was doing - just telling what her husband told her and what her husband did on that trip."

That statement does NOT say I saw him put money into the water or on the beach. Did I say I saw him put money in the water or on the beach? YOU pick at my words and you do this deliberately! My story unknowingly showed how the money got to Tena's bar - and something I witnessed.

I was explaining that my story was the first story to EXPLAIN the money ending up on Tena's bar.

Why don't YOU stop trying to pick my words apart and LISTEN to what YOU KNOW I am saying! I am not a professional writer just a woman recalling a trip made in 1979. I have gone to a great deal of expense that I could not really afford to do - to go back to WA with my own money in 2010 - to sort all of the crap out. JT had twisted and turned everything I said or tried to say. 2010 was the FIRST time in my life I ever drove on hilly or mountaineous terrain and the first time I was behind the wheel of a car in WA.

If you are NOT aware - I made that trip while I knew I could still do it. Today - I would not be able to do it. I had to see some of this for myself and what I saw brought me home with even more convictions. I had been told I was here when I was there by parties who wanted to distort what I was telling for their own benefit - WHY? I will NEVER know, because I probably won't be around someday when the truths are know.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I know the former Chair of Animal Husbandry at U
Wash. well, who knew the Fazios and has been at their farm numerous times. He told me the Fazio never allowed their cattle to get to the beachfront,
in fact there were regulations against that, plus its
hazardous for the cattle. This was later confirmed by the Fazios and their neighbors.

When did THAT regulation go into effect? There was discussion about the cattle being on the beach at some point. When I do not know. For how Long I do not know. Since the beach was used by fishermen and the public the cattle being there would have been limited and as I have said before supervised. No one has ever said the cattle where kept there or quartered there.

Did you or Tom explore where the money could have been before it presented itself on the beach in 1980? So how did cattle become any part of the money find? Pehaps it came for a happen chance statement made by the Fazio's themselves or a reporters statement like so many others that has been twisted until it does not resemble the truth in anyway what so ever.

Cattle were DEFINITELY part of the conversation in 2001, but just a statement made in passing. Perhaps that is why you expected Tom to include cattle in his analysis.


Cattle would make quick work of any money bag
or even bundles of exposed bills, left in their vicinity.

They will chase RED jeans - I learned that the hard way!

Raised on a farm with the first herd of white face angus in Ky - I will vouch for that. There is another guy who claimed he had the first herd - something my brother told me was debatable since that man bought a Bull for stud purposes from my father. I also remembered Daddy wanting to get RID of that Bull - he managed to GET OUT one time to many...and tore done one fence to many!

Does WA ever have droughts?
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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GEORGER! You are whistling to the choir. IF that money had been on that beach prior to the late FALL of 1979 it would have been found or uncovered by cattle ?

Thats an old idea in this thread - according to the Fazio the cattle were never allowed on the beach,
period, ever.

Just who are you relying on for that information - JT?

Did YOU actually hear one of the Fazio's make that statement. Well, a statement the one who was with us in 2001 stated differently. I listened to the conversations going on but did NOT know enough to participate.

Do YOU have a video or recording of FAZIO saying that ?
Surely I did NOT understand a lot of what they were talking about - but I was walking with Mr. H and Mr. Fazio - What you are claiming is NOT what I heard, but then I was under a lot of stress with the filming - I just wish I had had someone with ME to record the conversations.

The cattle being on the beach WAS discussed and if YOU are just repeating something JT told you - better back it up with a recording or with a written statement from Mr. Fazio (I don't know which one was with us and I didn't know their names).

I would think if the cattle where on the beach it would have been for short periods of supervised time on a river, because I have known cattle to go into a pond (I personally helped my father pull cattle out of our pond on 2 occasions - one was dead).

Why they went into the pond I do not know.

I never thought to interview you!

So, did you ever see cattle on the Fazio beach?
Do you have information about this subject?

Yes or No.

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This woman told the FBI about the places he stopped in 1979, but she had NO idea she was the first person to ever explain how the money got on Tena's bar.
She had NO idea what she was doing - just telling what her husband told her and what her husband did on that trip.


How many posts have you made to this thread stating that you did NOT know what was in the paper bag you allege that Duane threw into the Columbia River?

If you remain true to your posting style, you will now probably deny ever making a post about a paper bag, deny that you posted the above quote, etc..


NOPE! My stating he threw a paper bag into the water at the Red Lion - no I knew not what was in the bag.

His going down to the water at a place I now know to be Tena's bar - whatever he had was small enough to fit in the jacket pocket of his windbreaker.

I will quote my STATEMENT one MORE time for you.

"This woman told the FBI about the places he stopped in 1979, but she had NO idea she was the first person to ever explain how the money got on Tena's bar.
She had NO idea what she was doing - just telling what her husband told her and what her husband did on that trip."

That statement does NOT say I saw him put money into the water or on the beach. Did I say I saw him put money in the water or on the beach? YOU pick at my words and you do this deliberately! My story unknowingly showed how the money got to Tena's bar - and something I witnessed.

I was explaining that my story was the first story to EXPLAIN the money ending up on Tena's bar.

Why don't YOU stop trying to pick my words apart and LISTEN to what YOU KNOW I am saying! I am not a professional writer just a woman recalling a trip made in 1979. I have gone to a great deal of expense that I could not really afford to do - to go back to WA with my own money in 2010 - to sort all of the crap out. JT had twisted and turned everything I said or tried to say. 2010 was the FIRST time in my life I ever drove on hilly or mountaineous terrain and the first time I was behind the wheel of a car in WA.

If you are NOT aware - I made that trip while I knew I could still do it. Today - I would not be able to do it. I had to see some of this for myself and what I saw brought me home with even more convictions. I had been told I was here when I was there by parties who wanted to distort what I was telling for their own benefit - WHY? I will NEVER know, because I probably won't be around someday when the truths are know.

Jo, Your irrefutable logic stumps me at times. You are saying that you did not see any money. And you are also saying that you were the first to explain to the FBI how the money got to Tena Bar.

To repeat, you didn't see any money in Duane's paper bag or elsewhere. But you then explained to the FBI how the money later found at Tena Bar got there. Is this story consistent?

And 2010 was the FIRST time that you EVER drove on hilly or mountainous terrain? Have you ever driven in Kentucky?


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MeyerLouie says in part:



Your credibility just went down the drain with that all-cap statement.

You know that, right?

Don't think so Blevins. The fact that I don't have much use for the contributions of Tom Kaye or Barack Obama has nothing to do with credibility. You love both, so I'm not surprised you're disappointed by my opinion.

You, on the other hand, are the last person on this forum to criticize anyone abouth 'credibility.' Simply put, you don't have any! Your lack of credibility is why you are such a venom magnet. You regularly say things, without really thinking, off the top of your head, that are either untrue, ludicrous, unfounded, and/or unsubstantiated. Maybe you ought to try thinking about what you are about to say before you say it. I have said repeatedly that you constantly confuse your assumptions with reality. So many people here react so negatively to you -- don't you think there might be something to it? If just one person had a problem with your credibility, I would wonder. But it's several people, so there just might be something to it. Ya think! MeyerLouie

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Take down your political opinions - leave them be until AFTER the election - remember Quade's Warning!

TO ALL: when you quote his statements - that is the same as your posting them. I think perhaps you guys need to take them down while you can! Blevins will NOT be the only one to get banned.


I read you loud and clear, I have never before, up to this point, made any political statements, and I won't from now on. My political statement was meant to illustrate and strengthen the argument I was making. I surely could have used a different example to drive home my point. I won't do it again. Sorry to all.

Meyer Louie

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"Being right or wrong about something has nothing to do with credibility"

say what????
being wrong has a lot to do with credibility, just ask any weatherman or Geraldo Rivera.

being right has a lot to do with credibility, just ask any judge or Police officer!
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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Come on, Smokin99. It's common case history that the money was delivered in rubber-banded packets of slightly varying sizes to the hijacker. One hundred bundles of twenty-dollar bills, with some containing a hundred twenties, others containing a bit less, others a bit more. The slight variations in size were done purposely to make the hijacker believe the numbers had not been recorded. Total amount delivered: $200,000. Even the FBI has said this was the case.

Well if it's common case history, it should be fairly easy for you to cite original source. That's all I'm asking.
I could give you a long list of stuff that's been said on this forum as fact that turned out to be anything but because people just assume that urban legends are accurate and repeat.
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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If "Project 305" announced that the "pressure bump" time was off by 5 minutes putting the possible LZ miles away from where they thought and then people start checking our data and find out that the speed and wind direction was wrong what do you think would happen to Project 305's credibility?

during the Blevins/Georger postings you will notice not many respond to Georger being negative as they do yours, you keep saying G is losing his credibility?? and yet you fail to look in the mirror to see anything wrong within yourself! I don't know G personally but find his knowledge way above yours or mine, to date I have no reason to put Georger's credibility under fire. your not proving this one way or another by stating this in your arguments with him.
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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RobertMBlevins begs with:

Please tell me where I LIED about something on this thread.”

RobertMBlevins published a book with the following then pretends to forget:

Captain Scott walked down the narrow aisle scanning the passengers as if looking for a friend, as not to alarm anyone. Captain Scott sat next to Cooper and asked ‘What’s this about a bomb?’”

And who crafted this steaming pile of shit? Considering that Captain Scott NEVER left the cockpit:

Is this the truth or a lie?

Was telling Bruce Smith this was how the Co-pilot told the story the truth or a lie?

Was claiming that you were confused by phones and emails the truth or a lie?

Is claiming that only 30 copies of this were sold make it OK to lie, as long as it is only to 30 or less people?

Is this a lie?

What’s the name of the despicable person who made up this garbage?

Shouldn’t this type of person not only attract, but receive venom?

Gosh, I wonder if by asking for one example, where RobertMBlevins lied, was meant rhetorically or simply as an example of an opus magnum offering of irony? That is asking for just ‘one’ lie, when there is a bumper crop of, blue ribbon whoppers, to display at the Deception and Self Delusion Pavilion at the State of Confusion Fair. Hmmm…. I dunno, I’m not smart enough to figure that out. Sure was good to be all polite while this malignant data tumor grew and grew, instead of using some antibiotics (aka: venom) to kill this virus before the patient ended up in an iron lung.

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