377 22 #35451 November 7, 2012 Farf wrote (about the effects of Blevins alleged plagarism) QuoteI need to shower in scalding alcohol, with a wire brush, to wash the shame of having read about such filthy conduct. You just pinned the perversity meter Farflung. Flat out pegged it and bent the needle. It no longer has enough dynamic range to handle your input. I'll have to adjust the input voltage divider or preamp gain. Another good poster though, and I am sure no copyrighted images were used in its production. Besides there is always the fair use defense if you erred. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #35452 November 7, 2012 QuoteG writesQuoteGeorger responds: Blevins, reach down and see if you are missing some parts. Now reach up and see if the thing with hair on it is there? You might have to pull your head out of your ass to do this test. Georger, I know you can be more civil than that. Don't get yourself another ban. What is the unit of venom attraction force? EMU, Gauss, Gilberts, Maxwells, etc somehow do not seem appropriate. The flux density is high, thats for sure. 377 Like Blevins and Jo and Knoss, you are making a whole mountain range out of a molehill - here! Suck it up. Stop filing for appeals! The subject of this thread is: DB Cooper. Not RobertMBlevins, Jo Weber, Bob Knoss ... or radios! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #35453 November 7, 2012 Lets assume Cooper died in the jump. Lets even assume the improbable water landing. Amazon, you 've lived on the river. You've seen it in action and get a feel for how the system handles debris. Speculate about Cooper splashing as a no pull or even under an open canopy. The body will decompose, but the rig won't. Where do you think it wold end up? Buried in bottom sediment? Washed downstream? Dredged up and buried in spoils? 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Farflung 0 #35454 November 7, 2012 377 acknowledges: “You just pinned the perversity meter Farflung. Flat out pegged it and bent the needle. It no longer has enough dynamic range to handle your input. I'll have to adjust the input voltage divider or preamp gain.” Yet I feel I have failed at communicating the un-holy soiling, I’ve experienced from these treacherous beings, combined with a sense of exiting the bath, in worse repair than when I entered. Is there no remedy? What does it take to blunt the acrid stench of being around plagiarists, thieves and amateur panty sniffers? Alcohol, chiva or some radical rhinoplasty? Here I thought the ‘Thief with a heart’ fantasy was the apex of delusional and rationalized absurdity. Wrong again. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amazon 7 #35455 November 7, 2012 Quote Lets assume Cooper died in the jump. Lets even assume the improbable water landing. Amazon, you 've lived on the river. You've seen it in action and get a feel for how the system handles debris. Speculate about Cooper splashing as a no pull or even under an open canopy. The body will decompose, but the rig won't. Where do you think it wold end up? Buried in bottom sediment? Washed downstream? Dredged up and buried in spoils? 377 I dont care what he had on as a no pull... the body would bloat... and he would have ended up on a bank along the river stinking up the place... Floaters are found all the time. The bottom sediment in the main stem is sand... not gravel.. not rock... billions of tons of sand. The river took a real good flushing during the Bretz floods thousands of years ago... and sand was the main component that moved after that. The last 120 years has seen humans trying to make the river do what they want it to.. and not always succesfully. I dont think he got anywhere near the Columbia except for in a car driving away Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MeyerLouie 5 #35456 November 7, 2012 QuoteQuoteRobertMBlevins begs with: “Please tell me where I LIED about something on this thread.” Farflung: I will address your comments. QuoteRobertMBlevins published a book with the following then pretends to forget: “Captain Scott walked down the narrow aisle scanning the passengers as if looking for a friend, as not to alarm anyone. Captain Scott sat next to Cooper and asked ‘What’s this about a bomb?’” And who crafted this steaming pile of shit? Considering that Captain Scott NEVER left the cockpit: Is this the truth or a lie? Robert: Yes, that was in the first edition of the book. That book was pulled, revised, re-edited, and 12,000 words and several additional chapters added. ------------------------------------------------------------ SO BLEVINS, I GUESS IT'S JUST A MISTAKE NOW. NO LIES, JUS HONEST MISTAKES. YOU JUST CAN'T HELP YOURSELF, CAN YOU? YOU JUST KEEP DIGGING A BIGGER AND BIGGER HOLE FOR YOURSELF. MAKE YOUR POSTS NO LONGER THAN 3-SENTENCE PARAGRAPHS. THAT WAY, THERE IS LESS CHANCE FOR YOU TO GET CAUGHT WITH YOUR FOOT IN YOUR MOUTH. MeyerLouie ___________________________________________________ QuoteWas telling Bruce Smith this was how the Co-pilot told the story the truth or a lie? Robert: I don't recall telling Bruce Smith this. If you are referring to his so-called 'interview,' it was a poor excuse for an interview. He became a bit hostile when I refused to give him the names of the witnesses. I may have even told him this to blow him off. The only place he published that 'interview' was at Dropzone. I think the mistaken reference to Scott happened because of a mix-up between Skipp Porteous and myself. If you read the Credits and Acknowledgements page on Blast, you'll notice an entire page of names and organizations I had to work with to do the book. I do remember warning Porteous that I thought the original book had flaws. Farflung: Was claiming that you were confused by phones and emails the truth or a lie? Robert: Truth. I have over 300 emails from Porteous, and then there were all the OTHERS, from people like the head editor for the Reno Gazette, a couple of NWA historians, the list goes on. Meanwhile, I was busy traveling all over the Northwest trying to get to the bottom of the story on Christiansen. You think doing all that without a single mistake is easy? (*laughs*) You try it. Farflung: Is claiming that only 30 copies of this were sold make it OK to lie, as long as it is only to 30 or less people? Robert: A lie is when you deliberately make something up that you know is not true. The Scott reference was a mistake. There is a difference. It was one of the reasons I canceled publication of the book. Farflung: What’s the name of the despicable person who made up this garbage? Shouldn’t this type of person not only attract, but receive venom? Robert: Personal decision by people to do that. But on the other hand, many of these same people ignore the witness testimony, the documents, the lies by Geestman, and the other evidence. In any case, if you write a Cooper book and you decide to say you are fairly sure your guy was THE guy...then expect some heat. Cause you will get it. On the other side of the coin, I get a lot of supportive emails and sometimes people ask legit questions. I made Blast a free download and more than 1,500 people took advantage. Normally, I would make about $3,100 on those sales. It's obvious I'm not involved in the Cooper case to make a buck. Anyone can get a copy free if they ask. Farflung: Gosh, I wonder if by asking for one example, where RobertMBlevins lied, was meant rhetorically or simply as an example of an opus magnum offering of irony? That is asking for just ‘one’ lie, when there is a bumper crop of, blue ribbon whoppers, to display at the Deception and Self Delusion Pavilion at the State of Confusion Fair. Hmmm…. I dunno, I’m not smart enough to figure that out. Sure was good to be all polite while this malignant data tumor grew and grew, instead of using some antibiotics (aka: venom) to kill this virus before the patient ended up in an iron lung. Robert: Now I have some questions for YOU: Why did Bernie Geestman tell History Channel that he thought KC could be the hijacker, when multiple witnesses place him WITH Christiansen the entire week of the hijacking? Was Geestman lying about being gone to sea with Foss Tugs ten to eleven months the year of the hijacking? (Hint: They say he wasn't) Was Geestman lying when he said he knew nothing about the arrangements on the 5K loan to his sister, or the purchase of Kenny's house...when he asked for the loan and delivered it...and the house was purchased from one of his best friends? (Ann and Joe Grimes of Puyallup, WA) Was Geestman's sister lying when she said she and some of her friends suspected KC was the hijacker from the start? Was she lying when she ID'd the tie tack before she knew its significance? Was she lying when she told Marisa Kagan at History Channel that she was sticking by everything she said previously? Was Helen Jones lying when she said Kenny smoked Raleigh cigarettes, and that Kenny admitted to her six weeks after the hijacking that he was with Geestman at the time of the hijacking? Was Carolyn Tyner lying when she said that the story was true about a plastic bag of 20's being found on the hill just out back of Kenny's house a few months after his death? Multiple Choice Question: Which one of these two people is lying: Bernie, who immediately pointed to his ex Margaret as being involved with Kenny in the hijacking? Or is it Margaret, who in six interviews pointed to her ex Bernie as being involved? (In her last interview, she admits on video and digital audio recorder that Kenny could have been involved) Why did Kenneth 'Mac' McWilliams, the guy who was left the lot out back of Kenny's house, disappear after he gave an interview to Geoff Gray in 2007? When he heard from his apartment manager in Yakima that Porteous was trying to contact him, he moved out just three days later. He gave Porteous as the reason and knew exactly who Porteous was, since he obviously knew about the Geoff Gray article. No one knows where he is now. (Mac is the guy who did personal care for Kenny as he was dying. The house itself was left to Carolyn Tyner and her then-husband Robin. McWilliams sold the trees off the lot as soon as probate cleared, then the lot itself, and moved away.) Was the West One bank in Sumner lying when they presented Lyle Christiansen with over $200,000 after Kenny's death? (Maybe they were just in a giving mood) Was Geestman telling the truth on Decoded when he claimed that Kenny left Shemya before he did? Don't bother to answer that one. Yes, he lied. Kenny was there for at least two years AFTER Geestman went back to Seattle. Here's the difference between a lie and an error: If I say that Scott and the hijacker spoke, and it turns out I was wrong about that, that's an error. This is obvious because the actions of the crew on 305 have been fairly well documented. If I tell you that Margaret Geestman admitted to me outright that she knew absolutely that Christiansen was the hijacker and that her ex and she were involved in money laundering with him...that would be a lie. Was SA Fred Gutt at the Seattle FBI lying when he said this to me in an email: Quote'Although some here in the office believe Christiansen is a good suspect, others believe there may be better suspects...' Or this: Quote'The D.B. Cooper investigation remains open and has not been solved. Accordingly, the FBI does not have definitive proof that Kenneth Peter Christiansen was NOT the skyjacker D.B. Cooper. Your understanding that “the Bureau’s official position is that he was not the guy” is incorrect; no one has been officially ruled out...' Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MeyerLouie 5 #35457 November 8, 2012 QuoteFarf wrote about BlevinsQuoteSure was good to be all polite while this malignant data tumor grew and grew, instead of using some antibiotics (aka: venom) to kill this virus before the patient ended up in an iron lung. I dont think antibiotics or even venom is effective against viruses. Perhaps a retrovirus is what you are looking for, but they come with their own set of very scary problems. Viruses can be killed by burning, but then the host is toast. Even burning at the stake wont kill prions. Quarantine is probably the best answer Farf. I feel I must be missing some critical thinking section in my brain. I just dont see Blevins the way everyone else does. Sure he is repetitive and mercurial at times (off again on again about symposiums and his future presence on the forum), but he says Kenny=DBC isnt certain and he gives away his book FREE. I met him at the Ariel Tavern and he seemed like a decent guy, does a lot of work to help kids get interested in reading etc. Tom Kaye turned out to be a good guy too, even if you disagree with some of his conclusions. He may not have a science degree but he is sharp and logical. ------------------------------------------------------------ WITHOUT A SCIENCE DEGREE, YOU DON'T HAVE ANY CREDENTIALS, PERIOD, SHARP, SMART, LOGICAL OR OTHERWISE. TK ADMITTED HE SCREWED UP WITH THE SILVER/COOPER BILLS ANALYSIS -- THE FBI USES SILVER AND OTHER COMPOUNDS FOR LIFTING FINGERPRINTS OFF OF BILLS. ALSO, THE TITANIUM HE FOUND WAS POSSIBLY FROM THE TIE CLIP ITSELF (IF I'M READING GG'S EXPLANATION IN SKYJACK CORRECTLY). THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS SPENT (HIS OWN MONEY THANK GOODNESS), AND TK COMES UP EMPTY. THE GOOK ON THE TIE WAS JUST GOOK. A REAL SCIENTIST PROBABLY WOULDN'T HAVE MADE SUCH BASIC, RIDICULOUS BLUNDERS SUCH AS THESE. IF YOU DON'T HAVE THE PROPER EDUCATION AND TRAINING IN SCIENTIFIC INQUIRY, YOU ARE NOT GOING TO BE CREDIBLE, PERIOD. AND I HAVEN'T EVEN NENTIONED TK'S WIMPY WRITE-UPS AND CONCLUSTIONS--DON'T GET ME STARTED. HOW ABOUT ENTRUSTING SOMEONE WITH REAL CREDENTIALS IN SCIECE -- WE HAVE ONE RIGHT HERE ON THIS FORUM, AND I THINK YOU WHO I AM TALKING ABOUT? ------------------------------------------------------------ I found in talking with him that a lot gets taken out of context, e.g. his comments about a ship dragging DBC money upstream. He doesnt think that actually happened, he was just asked for any explanation of how money could ever go upstream. ------------------------------------------------------------ IT'S LIKE CELEBRITIES MAKING RIDICULOUS COMMENTS PUBLICLY THEN LATER HAVING TO RETRACT AND APOLOGIZE. IF YOU DON'T WANT TO BE TAKEN OUT OF CONTEXT, OR IF THERE'S ANY POSSIBILITY THAT IT COULD HAPPEN -- THEN DON'T SAY IT. IT TAKES SOME SAVVY AND THOUGHT TO THINK ABOUTTHE CONSEQUENCES BEFORE THE FACT. 377, YOU SOUND LIKE A LAWYER. MeyerLouie ------------------------------------------------------------ BTW, what about the titanium Tom found on the tie, has that very interesting subject just died? ------------------------------------------------------------ AS STATED EARLIER, DIDNT' GG INDICATE THAT THE TITANIUM COULD HAVE COME FROM THE TIE CLASP ITSELF? MeyerLouie ------------------------------------------------------------ Anyone who can keep an ancient scanning electron microscope running without factory support gets points from me. Tom does that. His friend Al owns and maintains one too. It isnt easy and involves, among other things, component level troubleshooting on circuit boards. ------------------------------------------------------------ OKAY, TK IS A BRIGHT, SMART GUY -- HE MAY EVEN BE A GENIUS... BUT THAT DOESN'T MAKE HIM A CREDENTIALED SCIENTIST. MeyerLouie ----------------------------------------------------------- Carol's presentation on Dan Cooper comics was so well done, I just wish I had a video. I wish Geoff would convene another symposium, but I guess we need some new DBC news or we will mostly be rehashing old stuff. Polyanna signing off. 377 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #35458 November 8, 2012 Georger Stated: QuoteMoreover, I know the Fazio did not always have cattle. And it wasn't a dairy operation (ever) so far as I know. Just a feeding and selling operation - quick turn-around. And there was a pasture directly north of the holding-feeding area. That pasture is on every photo I have sometimes with cattle on that grazing area... cattle can't be held in a feeding area forever, they need a pasture to bed down in ... The pasture had a road and fences between it and the house and river. One STATEMENT you made above I have high lighted in BOLD. It explains my STATEMENT about access to lots of water before going to market. A wet enviroment for more than short periods is bad for the hooves and causes lots of diseases - so it is a given the cattle would ONLY have been there for a very short periods of time. I posted and then deleted several more post off subject about life on the farm and the multiple sources of spring fed water that abounded on the land. Memories - Memories of growing up on a farm something the children of today will never experience - nor did my children.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #35459 November 8, 2012 377 stated: how can you honestly say this without any evidence other than Duane hiding things. you also claimed a few pages back that he told you it was a candy wrapper and not trash. Jo States: What he threw out way up the highway on a bridge that goes over to OR and then our trip back over that bridge - is the point he threw out what he told me was a candy wrapper - didn't make sense - we had no candy. That bridge is a long ways away from Vancouver. ================ 377 stated: why would a person hide money along a bank like Hansel and Gretel right back in the same area of the crime? where was Duane living at the time of these events? why not burn the money, shred it, put it a foundation of a apartment complex??? Jo States: He wasn't hiding money he was disposing of damaged money - I have made myself clear on this for a long time. I do NOT believe Cooper took his entire bounty with him in 1971. I have repeatedly talked about his disappearance for 5 1/2 hours in The Dalles and then again in Seattle! How was he supposed to burn money in a motel room or in an areas that someone might report, but he did NOT want that money on him. That is of course theory on MY part and not fact. ===================== 377 stated: you have been at this 17 years and have little to show, you have been on the computer long enough to learn how to search properly and failed at that as well. Jo States: I do not live in WA and I just do not have the know how to do computer searches and I have dial-up. I loose my connection several times during the time I am on every night. I like paper and libraries, but unfortunately I have not lived near a good library in many many yrs. As for verifying the brothers background - I have tried, but I am NO good on the computer. I do NOT know how to get the details and when they sites come up and ask for a credit card - I stop! I do not use a credit card on a computer because the one time I did for a background check - it took me several months to get them to stop charging my card EVERY month. =================== 377 said: I'm positive that if Duane was Cooper he would have kept some of the money just as a trophy! Jo replies: Yes, I think so and he was trying to tell me about something in the van - but I found nothing - remember? Then the man who bought the van calls me and tell me he found my husbands wallet. He gave me 2 different stories about WHERE he found the wallet and WHAT was in it. The FBI did NOT drill him on this and it was 2 yrs after the fact before they went to see him. ===================== 377 said: who is say that Duane wasn't picking something up vs hiding something? Jo States: What the hell would he be picking up along the river - I actually saw on 2 of the occasions something go INTO the river. You don't use a shovel on the river to "pick-up" something - there were NO houses in the area. When he disappeared in The Dalles and Seattle he may have been PICKING up something! I don't know - I was not with him for 11 hours of that trip. Regardless of what you guys think about me - I think I have done a pretty damn good bit of research and I had to get it all the hard way other than some of the things you guys found for me. With the brother's history even his remaining family several times removed doesn't know his complete background other than he WORKED for Boeing during the war and then after the war. John never had children. I do not know his last wife's maiden name who also predeceased him. I never knew the name of his first wife. Again no children by either wife.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amazon 7 #35460 November 8, 2012 Quote I posted and then deleted several more post off subject about life on the farm and the multiple sources of spring fed water that abounded on the land. Memories - Memories of growing up on a farm something the children of today will never experience - nor did my children. I remember my first visit to some relatives who had a dairy. The whole place was wet with urine and feces during the wet season.. and was an unforgettable affront to every last one of my olfactory receptors. The entire place reeked and I could not escape from that horrid agrarian experience for 4 days. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #35461 November 8, 2012 Quote The fact that the source of Captain Scott leaving the cockpit being a long lived ordeal is certainly no secret. I’ve asked for clarification on numerous occasions and was constantly deflected with some oblique answer which avoided revealing a source. Skyjack71 could have spoken up at any time but chose to remain silent on this subject, even though she now claims to have been in possession of the ‘truth’ as she states it now. I did state this before and it is somewhere in this thread where I talked about it before. It is definitely in my conversations with other individuals. GO back to my first posts about HA HA HA by D.B.Cooper - remember the book was sent to me with NO return adress and I never found out who sent it. It was mailed locally and by whom I will never know! NOR will I know why! Quote RobertMBlevins has claimed that he was confused by phones, got it from Rataczak in taped conversations and from other sources but NEVER made mention of the book HA-HA-HA. Not once. Up to and including not being mentioned in his book either. Now skyjack71 wants to claim that she was in contact with Porteous (of course, who doesn’t’ she contact immediately?) and told him about the book HA-HA-HA in some ‘email’. In fact, the passage which was published in Blevins’ book, according to skyjack71- “comes right off the pages of that book”. In other words, skyjack71 has identified one of the most clear cut cases of plagiarism I’ve seen. that book. Jo STATES: Excuse me that does NOT make Blevins quilty of plagurism - it mean he took some one elses word for information and did NOT check it out. Porteous was the one with the first knowled of Ha Ha Ha. Your beef is NOT with Blevins but with Porteous!Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #35462 November 8, 2012 Quote I remember my first visit to some relatives who had a dairy. The whole place was wet with urine and feces during the wet season.. and was an unforgettable affront to every last one of my olfactory receptors. The entire place reeked and I could not escape from that horrid agrarian experience for 4 days. Come on Amazon surely it was not that bad or am I the tom boy here. I though you were. Did you ever milk a cow with th cafe trying to get her share at the same time.. Then there was always the BARN Cats waiting for their serving. Then just about thr time you have taken all the milk she has to offer - she kicks the bucket...those last pulls on the tits gets a little iffy. Sorry I just remember ths fun times. I loved the farm and which I could go back and finish my life right there. ' I don't want to die in a hospital bed all drugged up. Get me drunk and take me to the barn - let me slide sdown the loose hay and kid a cat or two for butting intio my bussines. To sleep on the top floor with the windown open and whatch and listen to the sound of the night - the way god intended it. To touch the soft tender area above the calf nose and what her playful eyes.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MeyerLouie 5 #35463 November 8, 2012 Quote I suppose I should answer some questions by Farflung: I don't recall telling Bruce Smith that the Scott info came from the taped phone interview of Rataczak. That interview was already published in its entirety, even in the first edition of Blast, and there is no mention of it. Porteous, being a reletive newbie to the Cooper Thing when we started the investigation into KC, probably sent it to me in an email. Truth is, I had so many things coming to me at that time (pictures, documents, messages from Porteous, Lyle, others) that I just plain FORGOT where it came from. But it was pulled ASAP when I found out it wasn't true. Porteous didn't even know who DB Cooper was when Lyle Christiansen finally dropped the bomb on him. He had to Google it. I knew just the very basic stuff practically everyone in WA state does about the case, who is over the age of forty or so. (Amazingly, many people here under 25 don't even recognize the name anymore) Encouraging Kids to Read: I do four basic things. 1) About once a year, (depends on number of submissions we receive) we publish the best novel by a US writer who is under the age of 18 at the time of their submission. We call it the Young Writers Project. There is absolutely no cost to the student winner and they get signed to our standard contract. (Co-signed by parent or guardian, of course) 2) During the year, we collect hardback childrens' books with the dust covers and give them away to low-income kids at Christmastime. 3) We work with the Auburn Office of Communities in Schools, a national organization dedicated to improving education. Director Arlene Pierini is our contact there. This year, a special category for the Young Writers has been created for kids solely in the Auburn School District. We are working this program through Mrs. Pierini. 4) I sometimes speak to groups of kids in the Auburn area about publishing, the writing biz in its different forms, where the markets are, etc. On my Newsvine bio page it says: Quote 'Kids need books or they turn out at less than their potential. Ask any teacher...' This is one of the down sides of anonymity for you. It's hard to check on things when you want to hide under a rock all the time. When people get criticized, it's considered polite to at least ID yourself a bit, or give your background. THAT creates credibility for the critic. For example, if a fifth-grader from Kankakee, Illinois wrote me and said the last three books I edited were done badly, I might not pay attention. But if an editor from Random House told me this...well, you can see where this is going. Quote 'It wants to hide inside an imitation...' Kurt Russell, The Thing From your posts, I suspect you know what you are doing when you climb into the cockpit of an airplane, maybe even a military jet. I actually think this is cool. One of our cleaning customers is a retired Eagle driver who now consults on the Raptor program. The major artwork in his home is...you guessed it...busts of eagles, paintings of eagles, and pictures of F-15's. He was a squadron commander. Maybe you are as cool as he is, who knows? But then no one REALLY knows one way or another, do they? ------------------------------------------------------------ Blevins, you've gotten spunkier, you don't take no crap off anybody anymore. I get after you sometimes, but I applaud your efforts to get kids to read and write. It's vitally important, and that little nudge of encouragement in a kids' life can change that life -- I'm living proof of that. I re-read Blast (and Skyjack and Norjack this past week -- yeah I know, I must have too much time on my hands). I tried to read with an open mind -- I learned new things, now that I know many of the players and I've studied the case extra hard this past year -- since the Symposium. I noticed you and Porteous called the bomb a "fake bomb." Why are you calling fake -- is there any evidence of that? Also, it's too bad you didn't get one of those 20s the kid found under the tree stump in Bonney Lake -- that might have answered a lot of questions, huh? Also, Twisp is in the Methow Valley, common folks pronounce it MET-how' -- just like it's spelled. You may have the proper and correct pronunciation, 'MEE-tow,' but most folks in Eastern Washington don't pronounce it that way. I grew up not too far from Twisp. Everyone my whole life pronounced it 'MET-how'. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Farflung 0 #35464 November 8, 2012 RobertMBlevins updates with version 8 or 9: “I don't recall telling Bruce Smith that the Scott info came from the taped phone interview of Rataczak. That interview was already published in its entirety, even in the first edition of Blast, and there is no mention of it. Porteous, being a reletive newbie to the Cooper Thing when we started the investigation into KC, probably sent it to me in an email.” Farflung answers: I most certainly quoted verbatim who said what and when; several times. You have been nothing but evasive on the subject, which of course, draws MORE attention to it. You AND Porteous were (that’s right past tense) “co-authors” on a book about the TRUE story of DB Cooper. What’s the point of joining your awesome forces if neither of you are cross checking each other, AND are additionally handicapped by not employing a fact checker, or if you did, they are simply the world’s worst, or perhaps deceased? RobertMBlevins clarifies with: “Truth is, I had so many things coming to me at that time (pictures, documents, messages from Porteous, Lyle, others) that I just plain FORGOT where it came from.” Farflung ponders: Then why didn’t you simply say that the FIRST time you were asked about the source? (insert long incredulous pause) (insert another one) (OK, one more) Apparently you are confessing to being so disorganized, overwhelmed and saturated with constant BS messages from Porteous, that you sacrificed an audit trail, validation and accuracy while claiming to write NON-FICTION. Non-fiction means it doesn’t originate deep from where you sit, unless of course, the book is in fact about things you found deep in your ass, then it would be fine. Actually I’m seeing a way to kill two birds with ‘Blast” here. RobertMBlevins adds: “But it was pulled ASAP when I found out it wasn't true.” Farflung asks: What was the ‘source’ of you finding out it wasn’t true? Should I brace for another dozen, iterations and you having to deal with too many messages from Porteous? RobertMBlevins continues to astonish with: “Porteous didn't even know who DB Cooper was when Lyle Christiansen finally dropped the bomb on him. He had to Google it. I knew just the very basic stuff practically everyone in WA state does about the case, who is over the age of forty or so. (Amazingly, many people here under 25 don't even recognize the name anymore)” Farflung awaits the end of the world while asking: So you DIDN’T fact check a statement from a notorious, know-nothing on the subject, and are actually surprised at some of the ‘push back’ you are getting in regard to a piece of history? Where do you people come from? Why not write a book on Custer where he kicks those Indian’s asses? Or how about one where Apollo 13 actually walked on the moon, and that’s been the gubberment cubber-up all along? Why this burning desire to ass rape history? RobertMBlevins predictably blathers about: “Encouraging Kids to Read” Farflung answers: I’ve never asked about that diverting, non-sequitur subject which holds no relevance to anything DB Cooper, and I never will. Silly, shameless and self serving, self promotion. RobertMBlevins oddly continues: “This is one of the down sides of anonymity for you. It's hard to check on things when you choose to hide under a rock all the time.” Farflung states and asks: Considering that my long established habit is to provide attribution and sources to my claims, there would be absolutely no value add, to disclosing my name, as I’m not part of the story AND not trying to be part of the story. What would you do with my name RobertMBlevins? I can only imagine two possibilities: One would involve engaging in identity theft by collecting and distributing my personal data. You will probably deny this. The second option, and it may run concurrently to the first, is you wanting to contact me for purposes of auto-erotic gratification. I’m certainly not interested in being the focal point of fantasy, which facilitates your masturbation. I hope you can appreciate how disturbing I find the very suggestion, and how your constant demands for my private information must only be for that purpose. Please respect my often repeated wishes and keep your depraved, homosexual fantasies to yourself. I’m not so naïve to actually believe that you haven’t been doing this all along while using, god knows what, as some sort of ‘Farflung surrogate’. I simply don’t need your constant demands for my private information, under the guise of it being used for something as absurd as data validation. Something which I’m a lifelong advocate of, and constantly practice. How dare you use something like data validation as a Trojan Horse, because you just want to Drop Trou and spank your little monkey. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amazon 7 #35465 November 8, 2012 Quote Quote I remember my first visit to some relatives who had a dairy. The whole place was wet with urine and feces during the wet season.. and was an unforgettable affront to every last one of my olfactory receptors. The entire place reeked and I could not escape from that horrid agrarian experience for 4 days. Come on Amazon surely it was not that bad or am I the tom boy here. I though you were. Did you ever milk a cow with th cafe trying to get her share at the same time.. Then there was always the BARN Cats waiting for their serving. Then just about thr time you have taken all the milk she has to offer - she kicks the bucket...those last pulls on the tits gets a little iffy. Sorry I just remember ths fun times. I loved the farm and which I could go back and finish my life right there. ' I don't want to die in a hospital bed all drugged up. Get me drunk and take me to the barn - let me slide sdown the loose hay and kid a cat or two for butting intio my bussines. To sleep on the top floor with the windown open and whatch and listen to the sound of the night - the way god intended it. To touch the soft tender area above the calf nose and what her playful eyes. I grew up in the small city near the shore of Lake Michigan.. and when the weekend rolled around we were usally fishing and boating(fresh air). Even in my earliest memories no such oderiferous places existed. Summer vacation usually meant a trip to Florida to visit relatives near the ocean and more sailing and boating( fresh sea air) with a drive thru the Great Smokey Mountains on the way( MORE fresh air).. NONE of the places we ever went to before that first dairy trip had that noxious quality to it. Most places I grew up had very nice clean air and water. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #35466 November 8, 2012 Jo, I never said any of that. You have mixed up your sources. 377 Quote 377 stated: how can you honestly say this without any evidence other than Duane hiding things. you also claimed a few pages back that he told you it was a candy wrapper and not trash. Jo States: What he threw out way up the highway on a bridge that goes over to OR and then our trip back over that bridge - is the point he threw out what he told me was a candy wrapper - didn't make sense - we had no candy. That bridge is a long ways away from Vancouver. ================ 377 stated: why would a person hide money along a bank like Hansel and Gretel right back in the same area of the crime? where was Duane living at the time of these events? why not burn the money, shred it, put it a foundation of a apartment complex??? Jo States: He wasn't hiding money he was disposing of damaged money - I have made myself clear on this for a long time. I do NOT believe Cooper took his entire bounty with him in 1971. I have repeatedly talked about his disappearance for 5 1/2 hours in The Dalles and then again in Seattle! How was he supposed to burn money in a motel room or in an areas that someone might report, but he did NOT want that money on him. That is of course theory on MY part and not fact. ===================== 377 stated: you have been at this 17 years and have little to show, you have been on the computer long enough to learn how to search properly and failed at that as well. Jo States: I do not live in WA and I just do not have the know how to do computer searches and I have dial-up. I loose my connection several times during the time I am on every night. I like paper and libraries, but unfortunately I have not lived near a good library in many many yrs. As for verifying the brothers background - I have tried, but I am NO good on the computer. I do NOT know how to get the details and when they sites come up and ask for a credit card - I stop! I do not use a credit card on a computer because the one time I did for a background check - it took me several months to get them to stop charging my card EVERY month. =================== 377 said: I'm positive that if Duane was Cooper he would have kept some of the money just as a trophy! Jo replies: Yes, I think so and he was trying to tell me about something in the van - but I found nothing - remember? Then the man who bought the van calls me and tell me he found my husbands wallet. He gave me 2 different stories about WHERE he found the wallet and WHAT was in it. The FBI did NOT drill him on this and it was 2 yrs after the fact before they went to see him. ===================== 377 said: who is say that Duane wasn't picking something up vs hiding something? Jo States: What the hell would he be picking up along the river - I actually saw on 2 of the occasions something go INTO the river. You don't use a shovel on the river to "pick-up" something - there were NO houses in the area. When he disappeared in The Dalles and Seattle he may have been PICKING up something! I don't know - I was not with him for 11 hours of that trip. Regardless of what you guys think about me - I think I have done a pretty damn good bit of research and I had to get it all the hard way other than some of the things you guys found for me. With the brother's history even his remaining family several times removed doesn't know his complete background other than he WORKED for Boeing during the war and then after the war. John never had children. I do not know his last wife's maiden name who also predeceased him. I never knew the name of his first wife. Again no children by either wife.2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #35467 November 8, 2012 Quote Quote I posted and then deleted several more post off subject about life on the farm and the multiple sources of spring fed water that abounded on the land. Memories - Memories of growing up on a farm something the children of today will never experience - nor did my children. I remember my first visit to some relatives who had a dairy. The whole place was wet with urine and feces during the wet season.. and was an unforgettable affront to every last one of my olfactory receptors. The entire place reeked and I could not escape from that horrid agrarian experience for 4 days. A dairy farm smells like a perfume shop compared to a pig farm. I've spent some time around both kinds of farms in KY. The pig farm was really well run and clean. The owners family had an immaculate house right on the farm. The stench was overwhelming on a hot day yet they lived right in the midst of it. They told me that after a while "you just get used to it". Kinda like the ability of some to dwell comfortably in this forum. Farflung, though, has not acclimated. He still holds his nose. A buddy who flew C 141 transports in and out of Viet Nam told me that the worst smells are leaking body bags. The Army got some with defective gas tight zippers. It was so bad that the cockpit crew had to go on oxygen. If Cooper cratered on land would the decay stench be detectable over any significant distance? I would guess that trained dogs are pretty good at finding decaying bodies. It just bugs me that the small DBC stuff was found (money and placard) and there isnt even a trace of the big stuff. Anyone know what happened to Jerry Thomas? He used to such a regular here. Any news on Sluggo? My emails have not been answered which worries me. My friends in commercial fishing are worried about Cesium levels in Albacore tuna caught off the US West Coast. Low doses so far, but bad effect on market appeal. The contamination comes from the leaking Japanese reactors at Fukushima. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amazon 7 #35468 November 8, 2012 Quote If Cooper cratered on land would the decay stench be detectable over any significant distance? I would guess that trained dogs are pretty good at finding decaying bodies Oh yeah, it WOULD have been noticed during the search right after he might have cratered in the night.. but CERTAINLY the next spring as things warmed up. Even humans with our lesser ability to smell carrion than other animals do would be able to smell that……. that smell always kinda sticks with you too.If the canopy was open.. it would have been found hanging in a tree somewhere.. and if he cratered... well the buzzards and other critters would certainly have found him the next spring. How long did the search teams traverse the area again??? I am thinking that even a week or so.. even in November and December would be enough to be very noticeable downwind.. unless he was in an area high enough to be covered with snow. Most of that area on the west side of the Cascades and the Western Cascades group of mountains like Silver Star Peak’s west flanks, just do not maintain snow for long unless you are way up on the mountain. Snow levels vary a lot in the winter depending on what direction the airmass is moving from, if its from the West or South it is WET, lots of rain. If the airmass is moving from the East or from the North it is sometimes cold enough for the snow level to drop down to valley level, but it usually gets back to a westerly flow very quickly and the snow level goes back up to 2000 to 3000 ft or so. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #35469 November 8, 2012 So, unlike money and a placard, a body outgasses. The decay byproducts can be detected at a distance. A body on land should have been found, but it wasn't... or at least it wasnt reported. No body, no canopy, no harness or container. Bodies from aviation accidents usually get found, eventually e.g. the Russian guy vwho cratered off DZ at Perris, Steve Fosset, the missing jumper at Byron CA. Maybe DBC made it out alive. I sure hope he did. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #35470 November 8, 2012 QuoteSo, unlike money and a placard, a body outgasses. The decay byproducts can be detected at a distance. A body on land should have been found, but it wasn't... or at least it wasnt reported. No body, no canopy, no harness or container. Bodies from aviation accidents usually get found, eventually e.g. the Russian guy vwho cratered off DZ at Perris, Steve Fosset, the missing jumper at Byron CA. Maybe DBC made it out alive. I sure hope he did. 377 Yes. Its a lot like the outgassing and decay here at Dropzone, isn't it! The worse the stench, the more unhealthy, the more you revel and defend it on the Theory of Persoanl Liberty for you, but not others? You sure hope DB Cooper got away. ! Do you say that in front of Judges, Mr. Attorney !? Do you think this is a game for uninvolved spectators, like yourself and RobertMBlevins? Something to add to your collection of trophies? I can assure you, that wasn't how it was on Nov 24th 1971 and in the days following. How nice you have your "hobbies", at no expense to others - Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Farflung 0 #35471 November 8, 2012 Here’s something that will have everyone crying, on their knees, tears streaming and hands clenched in fists of rage….. What does this have to do with Cooper?! http://dms.ntsb.gov/aviation/AccidentReports/ayhvhqf3ii3foqyedbl35y551/D11082012120000.pdf This happens every now and then where someone who isn’t famous goes missing and there is a shuddering yawn delivered. I know, can’t be in America. Anyway, this happened in 2003 and involved a Beechcraft Bonanza and two people who took off from refueling at Mesa, Arizona and took off…. Wait for it…… little longer….. and was NEVER seen again! Holy crap, this sounds like a job for Captain Conspiracy and Sergeant Stupid! But they’re busy now. So which of the self proclaimed experts will find an entire aircraft with two bodies first! This will be an exciting exercise where the expertise already claimed by so many can be displayed like an exhibition football game. Could there be titanium, cow piss, candy wrappers or buried money? Who knows? An anxious internet waits with bated breath and stuff. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amazon 7 #35472 November 8, 2012 QuoteSo, unlike money and a placard, a body outgasses. The decay byproducts can be detected at a distance. A body on land should have been found, but it wasn't... or at least it wasnt reported. No body, no canopy, no harness or container. Bodies from aviation accidents usually get found, eventually e.g. the Russian guy vwho cratered off DZ at Perris, Steve Fosset, the missing jumper at Byron CA. Maybe DBC made it out alive. I sure hope he did. 377 Oh yeah.. I can remember a VERY old crash from a fighter out of Geiger Field in the 1950's... never found. Eventually a forest ranger on horseback in the Okanogan Highlands NW of Spokane found the pilot in the 1970's.. still in his ejection seat. Th pilot of course was looking a tad worse for wear and then everything was recovered and removed from the remote site. Then there is this one...http://pacaeropress.websitetoolbox.com/post?id=2542529 Quote10 Nov 1962 USAF F102A 1 PAX Paine AF Base to Local The F102A left on a training flight over the Olympics when it vanished. Radar tracked the aircraft to a point NW of Shelton in Grays County. The three week search failed to find any trace of the missing jet. A faint beeper was heard in the search area during the first three days of the search but the source could not be pinpointed. On 14 May 1965, loggers found a parachute and harness in a tall pine tree north of Shelton. It appeared that whoever was in the harness cut himself free and lowered himself to the ground. However, it could not be proved that the harness belonged to the missing pilot, a captain with 11 years service. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Robert99 50 #35473 November 8, 2012 QuoteSo, unlike money and a placard, a body outgasses. The decay byproducts can be detected at a distance. A body on land should have been found, but it wasn't... or at least it wasnt reported. No body, no canopy, no harness or container. Bodies from aviation accidents usually get found, eventually e.g. the Russian guy vwho cratered off DZ at Perris, Steve Fosset, the missing jumper at Byron CA. Maybe DBC made it out alive. I sure hope he did. 377 From what I saw in the media, the mortal remains found of Steve Fosset were extremely limited. They found enough bone for a DNA test but that was all. "The following may not be suitable for sensitive adults or small children!" In instances where people, such as pilots, disappear in a wilderness area that has man eating animals, such as bears, cougars, etc. on the loose, then the searchers might check with the local wild life professionals to see if they have tagged any of those animals. If some of the wild life has been tagged, and their location is recorded frequently by GPS or other means, then the travels of the animals can be determined. And if an animal has been spending an unusual amount of time after the individuals disappearance at a new location, then that is the place for the searchers to start. This may be a morbid though but it could be effective. Robert99 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Farflung 0 #35474 November 8, 2012 Here’s another mystery from last year. I know, so exciting. http://dms.ntsb.gov/aviation/AccidentReports/g03tt245dcnonf3d24iiybet1/Q11082012120000.pdf Yep, another missing airplane and person somewhere in the Grand Canyon. But this does have intrigue, skullduggery and sex! Here’s the deal about this Sad Sack. He’s got girl problems, in that his girlfriend is giving him grief. That bitch! So he goes home to find some comfort and understanding with his wife, but instead of being righteous, she wigs! That bitch! You’ve got to feel sorry for him as he’s already a double victim of women lacking the type of compassion men seek, yet cannot find. So he sets his plan in motion. He calls the girlfriend and says, you just wait and see, happy now Sweetie Pants….. happy….. happy? Just watch the news and you’ll see what you did Pookie-face, you’ll see! I sent you my package, look for my package! I hope you’re happy now…. Well are you? (click) Then he bolts to the airport and cranks his plane, then takes off before the tower opens. He flies, like a man on a mission, to the Grand Canyon Airport. It’s located near the biggest hole in the world, and must have had some coded attraction or mysterious draw after fighting it out with two women. Then he gasses up, but only buys ten gallons. Hey, have you seen the prices lately? They are killer high. But he takes off and goes over the canyon and does rolls and airplane pirouettes and what not, all the while being tracked by radar. Then…… wait for it…… more…… can you stand it…… he vanishes never to be seen again! My goodness, but the Southwest appears to be littered with airplanes and bodies which are missing. Who will find this airplane and pilot? Sasquatch, Kennedy Conspiracy MIBs or DBC thread search experts and deep thinkers? I know where my money is. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amazon 7 #35475 November 8, 2012 How many hunters are out a huntin and loggers out a clear cutting the trees are wandering around out there near the Grand Canyon again Farf??? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites