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I won't post anything that would reveal Farfs identity to Blevins, but if Blevins is wondering if Farf has the chops to opine on matters aeronautical, the answer is yes. He's flown some big ugly stuff Blevins.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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A symposium was already scheduled in Tacoma.

And there it is! I would have posted it earlier but
decided to let the fanbois schlep on and on and on
in their righteous certainty of oblivion agenda.

You will notice nobody informed Mr. Obvious. Gray
doesn't want anything to do with - Mr. Obvious. A
number of people are planning to attend and if all
goes as some hope, there may be some breaking
news just prior. Fanbois should stay tuned or miss
out - again!

Geoff Gray comes through again, while others
have nothing better to do than bottom feed on the

At this point, a neutral party (LIKE ME!) standing
back and watching all of these MACHINATIONS as
various parties literally compete for central position,
or some piece of control, have to wonder WTF is
going on! Several things are 100% obvious.

(a) All major parties now operant in the Cooper
Maldum Fornax has one or more major detractions,
deficits, and hurdles to overcome; if not from one
major gaf or another in the long history of people
Coopering, then merely because of wear-and-tear in
the social game of Coopering itself. Occam would
seem to predict that sooner or later the whole
Cooper beach will be barren and lifeless just from
the death in the Cooper Wars - alone. Global
Warming on Planet Cooper has taken its toll.

(b) There is a strong cheer leading element of
unreality to all Cooper Symposia backed by book
writers and publishing houses and the various
promoters of Cooper suspects and their advertising
agencies!. I can think of 30 different ways to spend
a weekend better, in Paris or clsoer to home in the
alley beside our local grocery store!

(c) These symposia are all being held in Washington
State! Why not hold one in Guam ?

(d) Will Gayla (former beauty queen) be there in her
red dress replacing Marla?

(e) Will the FBI sanction this symposium by
releasing new data, or is this just one more
promotion making promises it can never keep?

(f) Will all feuds and pending Court actions be
suspended so people can look each other in the
face long enough to say "Howdy" - and discuss
colors of Coolaide?

(g) Will Geoff Gray jump four Clydesdales abreast
on his Avendi motor scooter?

(h) Will Tom Kaye throw his SEM off the roof of the
building (to be shown on Letterman) ?

(i) Will the Oregon Ducks Defensive Line attend all
sweaty, in a direct appeal to Cooper fan psychology?

(j) Will Geestman and "That Woman" attend?

(k) Will the menu include Moose and Salmon?

so many questions - so little time until the next Cooper Symposium in 2014.



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(k) Will the menu include Moose and Salmon?

so many questions - so little time until the next Cooper Symposium in 2014.

Georger, I appreciate your posting up the information, but the date is 2013, not 2014.

Yepper Blev. Think about it. I know yer slow.
Maybe reedthe postie! Think about it.

so many questions - so much Mr. Obvious
so little time until the NEXT Cooper Symposium in

Hey Blev. Are you going to pass a photo of Gray
and Bruce around to the Security people?

Just remember. It is HIS symposium, not yours.
Dont take ownership tooooooooo sooooon!

Even though undoubtedly - you will play a MAJOR
role - already!

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A symposium was already scheduled in Tacoma.

This is great, but it doesn't help us this year, 2012. It would be nice to maybe meet up with a lot of people at the Ariel Days celebration this year. I'll keep an eye out for you..... MeyerLouie

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Mr Reasonable says:

I think whenever researchers gather to explore the case, a meeting of the minds if you will, that this is a good thing.

I fully support it.

Funny. I thought that's what Dropzone was all about.
Boy was I naive.

Here's a taste!

RobertMBlevins Re: [mrshutter45] DUANE'S FAMOUS PAPER BAG

Nov 7, 2012, 7:44 AM
My information is that you grew up near the area of the alleged dropzone. I don't know where you were actually born, though. I got this solely from page 171 of Gray's book. So if this is not true, you should ask Geoff Gray to make an edit on his book so he will discontinue putting out false information about you.
Why split hairs?

Nov 6, 2012, 1:49 AM Re: [MeyerLouie] END OF DISCUSSION
Being right or wrong about something has nothing to do with credibility. Please tell me where I LIED about something on this thread. That would speak to credibility. I may not get it right sometimes, but I won't lie to you to make a point, or to forward an agenda. People have to be able to depend on something when they read your posts on the internet. And the biggest one of all is whether you are LYING. Once you go there, nothing else you might have to say matters.
The Cooper case is not important enough to me to trash my principles in that regard. You can believe THAT.

Nov 4, 2012, 10:07 PM Re: [georger] Retention Trench
What political? Quade already warned me about that. Yack, yack, yack. I never thought of you and Farflung as whiners until just about now. As far as Farf goes, he doesn't even have the courage to reveal his true identity even after all those posts and cute pics. LOL, even I have the guts to say who I am. This makes the guys on Seal Team Six somewhat tougher and more straightforward than HE is. They took out Bin Laden and went public.

*Posts musical interlude to shut out whining.*

Nov 4, 2012, 11:42 PM Re: [MeyerLouie] END OF DISCUSSION
Your credibility just went down the drain with that all-cap statement. You know that, right

Nov 4, 2012, 11:53 PM Re: [georger] END OF DISCUSSION
'Hello...(hello)...is there anybody IN there...' You understand this concept, right? (*laughs*)
(link) Pink Floyd

Nov 3, 2012, 1:17 AM Re: [Robert99] END OF DISCUSSION

Imagination. More interviews with criminals in prison than I can list. An innate ability to determine when people are feeding me Oscar Meyer or giving me the truth. Knowing when something doesn't smell right and then checking. Keeping records, videos, voice recordings, and notes. Admitting when you're wrong, moving on, trying to do better. Push people a bit when you know they are either hiding something or bullsh$!$ing you.

I even cut through the crap on a war criminal once. He was guilty as sin.

Nov 1, 2012, 11:22 PM Re: [georger] Independent Tests, Not the Government

Its obvious you only have a sixth grade education. 'Hello...(hello)...is there anybody IN there...

Oct 31, 2012, 1:38 AM Re: [georger] Alternative Possibility For The Holy Twenties

Sometimes I consider this discussion much like The Village on the television show The Prisoner, with someone occasionally playing the role of Patrick McGoohan. Some folks play the role of the guy they kept replacing to try and break McGoohan.
________________________________________ Quote
'I am not a number, I am a free man...'

Oct 28, 2012, 2:53 PM Re: [georger] Comments from Gray's Book on Kaye's Work

I don't have to go back and 'read the thread'. I only had to read your latest insulting post. That post, and my response to it, is one of the reasons why I say your credibility has suffered. It's a guess, but I think sometimes you just get so furious that you say things without thinking about them. Let's face it, your bitterness and anger are so obvious that they practically flow off the screen in liquid form.

So...okay. Did you or did you not post up something at DZ that Kaye wanted kept confidential? And is THIS the reason you were not included (or decided not to attend) the trip to Tena Bar? Don't waffle. It's either true...or Geoff Gray is lying. Which is it?

Note for Future Reference: I don't mind the insults, but when you start dragging other people into them, and making allegations about lawsuits, etc. you can bet I will respond.

Oct 28, 2012, 5:29 PM What HE said...

Listen to the Flying Monkey. Before he came along, I thought Captain Scott had drinks and a smoke with Cooper and that the Columbia River flowed uphill...

Oct 25, 2012, 7:03 PM Re: [mrshutter45] CB radio used in Cooper jump?

How many guesses do I get to your real identity? Guess number one: Greg McFarland.

Oct 25, 2012, 7:03 PM Re: [mrshutter45] CB radio used in Cooper jump?

Georger and his picture efforts comparing KC to the sketch: One is a sketch of a person's face. The other is an actual photograph of a person. Sketches and photos are not the same even of the same person.

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A symposium was already scheduled in Tacoma.

And there it is! I would have posted it earlier but
decided to let the fanbois schlep on and on and on
in their righteous certainty of oblivion agenda.

You will notice nobody informed Mr. Obvious. Gray
doesn't want anything to do with - Mr. Obvious. A
number of people are planning to attend and if all
goes as some hope, there may be some breaking
news just prior. Fanbois should stay tuned or miss
out - again!

Geoff Gray comes through again, while others
have nothing better to do than bottom feed on the

At this point, a neutral party (LIKE ME!) standing
back and watching all of these MACHINATIONS as
various parties literally compete for central position,
or some piece of control, have to wonder WTF is
going on! Several things are 100% obvious.

(a) All major parties now operant in the Cooper
Maldum Fornax has one or more major detractions,
deficits, and hurdles to overcome; if not from one
major gaf or another in the long history of people
Coopering, then merely because of wear-and-tear in
the social game of Coopering itself. Occam would
seem to predict that sooner or later the whole
Cooper beach will be barren and lifeless just from
the death in the Cooper Wars - alone. Global
Warming on Planet Cooper has taken its toll.

(b) There is a strong cheer leading element of
unreality to all Cooper Symposia backed by book
writers and publishing houses and the various
promoters of Cooper suspects and their advertising
agencies!. I can think of 30 different ways to spend
a weekend better, in Paris or clsoer to home in the
alley beside our local grocery store!

(c) These symposia are all being held in Washington
State! Why not hold one in Guam ?

(d) Will Gayla (former beauty queen) be there in her
red dress replacing Marla?

(e) Will the FBI sanction this symposium by
releasing new data, or is this just one more
promotion making promises it can never keep?

(f) Will all feuds and pending Court actions be
suspended so people can look each other in the
face long enough to say "Howdy" - and discuss
colors of Coolaide?

(g) Will Geoff Gray jump four Clydesdales abreast
on his Avendi motor scooter?

(h) Will Tom Kaye throw his SEM off the roof of the
building (to be shown on Letterman) ?

(i) Will the Oregon Ducks Defensive Line attend all
sweaty, in a direct appeal to Cooper fan psychology?

(j) Will Geestman and "That Woman" attend?

(k) Will the menu include Moose and Salmon?

so many questions - so little time until the next Cooper Symposium in 2014.

Knock it all you want Georger -- I guess this means we won't be seeing you there. But a DBC Symposium can be a good thing -- GG's in Portland last year was great. Some people came from hundreds and hundeds of miles to be there. It's a great way to see faces instead of just someone's words on a forum. You learn new stuff just bumping elbows that you wouldn't otherwise get -- even when you think you know it all. Maybe even you and Blevins can sit and have a beer -- oh wait, that's a 'before hell freezes over' kind of thing, sorry. MeyerLouie



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(k) Will the menu include Moose and Salmon?

so many questions - so little time until the next Cooper Symposium in 2014.

Georger, I appreciate your posting up the information, but the date is 2013, not 2014.

Yepper Blev. Think about it. I know yer slow.
Maybe reedthe postie! Think about it.

so many questions - so much Mr. Obvious
so little time until the NEXT Cooper Symposium in

Hey Blev. Are you going to pass a photo of Gray
and Bruce around to the Security people?

Just remember. It is HIS symposium, not yours.
Dont take ownership tooooooooo sooooon!

Even though undoubtedly - you will play a MAJOR
role - already!

Sorry to burst your bubble, but I can't make it to the symposium. I already said why. I'm sure it will be a fun event for all who attend. And the WSH Museum is the perfect place for it, since they will have the Cooper display going. Later, when the event gets closer, I will put up a page about the symposium at the AB website. I think whenever researchers gather to explore the case, a meeting of the minds if you will, that this is a good thing.

I fully support it. If by saying 'You will play a major role,' you mean negativity about it, don't hold your breath. YOU are the one making fun of it, not me. The Star Trek vid was just humor. Actually, I think it will be a big success, much bigger than the last one. If Gray thought this up because he realized that the Wash. St. History Museum was also doing the display...that is genius. Not only will he get the people who come for the symposium...but a built in crowd from the museum visitors. Great idea.

Besides, Gray's effort now takes me off the hook for next August, and we can do our regular program like last year. This is a big load off my shoulders.

Are you serious Blevins? Say you aren't as arrogant as you are coming off with that last paragraph above. You were never on the hook, Blevins. No one signed up with you. Are you kidding??

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A symposium was already scheduled in Tacoma.

This is great, but it doesn't help us this year, 2012. It would be nice to maybe meet up with a lot of people at the Ariel Days celebration this year. I'll keep an eye out for you..... MeyerLouie

Or you could take a community college course in
Decartes, Galois, and Probability Theory.

Just stay tuned. There are people with plans yet this
year - if the food drive and emergency shelter holds
up! We didnt count on Sandy on the east coast, or
Myers/Dvorak on the west coast! Seriously.

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A symposium was already scheduled in Tacoma.

This is great, but it doesn't help us this year, 2012. It would be nice to maybe meet up with a lot of people at the Ariel Days celebration this year. I'll keep an eye out for you..... MeyerLouie

Or you could take a community college course in
Decartes, Galois, and Probability Theory.

Just stay tuned. There are people with plans yet this
year - if the food drive and emergency shelter holds
up! We didnt count on Sandy on the east coast, or
Myers/Dvorak on the west coast! Seriously.

:oNow for the REAL Scoop!

Get it STRAIGHT from the source:

It's true that we're going to have another Cooper Symposium in 2013, but as for who is speaking I have no idea. Geoffry is NOT the organizer - just helping Doug Kenck-Crispin, who will be the Symposium chair.

This yr 2012 Doug will be doing a "Movie night" in Portland.
In a couple weeks. The source indicates Marla may speak during this....but, this is NOT part of the symposium in 2013 in anyway.

This is totally separate and has NOTHING to do with the symposium in 2013. It has been suggested the thread has two very separate or false sources .

The source is not aware any Lab work has come back on Uncle L.D., but it was also noted that the FBI does not have good samples to test against.

A statement/ posed by the source
"Unfortunately, feels like the very beginning".

Also the source states:

" appreciate your efforts towards the case. Nobody has worked it quite like you have..."

This is just an example of who knows what and that we get a lot of misleading information on this thread - WHY? I don't know. Just someone wanting to stir-up or agitate the posters or to discourage the poster. Pehaps false information is provided by sources that just want the DZ thread to go-away.

Go to the HORSES mouth for the real Scoop. Tomorrow I will contact the OTHER source.

What some of you do NOT realize is that I have been at this long enough that I am able to contact the sources. There is ONE party on this thread who knows I have done this more than once to unravel some controversaries.

When my help is needed regarding separating a rumor from a truth - I do what I have always done - PICK UP the DAMN PHONE or make a personal email to those who are able to communicate in that manner.

Some of these individuals do NOT think Weber was Cooper, but that does NOT stop us from exchanging polite conversations, information or emails in an unbaised manner. Most like myself only want the truth - regardless of how it comes down.

Those who are doing what they do only for publicity or money - I stay away from....I usually make one or two contacts with new names that come up regarding suspects or new information, but do NOT engage them to any extent.

I wondered why in the world Georger brought up Dan Dvorak.
Some of you may not know he was. Dvorak is a guy who like others kept trying to figure out who Cooper was and he zeroed in on Ted Mayfield....I thought he was walking a fine line when he made his move and should have approached it in a much more reserved manner.

Dvorak's arguments about Mayfield actions and re-actions during the after math of the Skyjack are what triggered his interest in this specific suspect.
Ted Mayfield was not a suspect until Dvorak came along.

I thought his case against Ted was pretty flimsy, but as good as anyone elses at that time. Let's put it this way - Mayfield was a hell of a better suspect than Uncle Cooper. Mayfield had a record and he made some other mistakes over the yrs - but, he had gotten past those when Dvorak put him through a lot of CRAP that was unnecessary and an invasion of his private life.

If you have a suspect - first you contact the FBI. You do not contact radio programs, TV programs, book writers or media.
From 1996 until 2000 - I stayed within the realm of the FBI and then when I started to talk to the public and to the media - only then did the FBI speak and that was AFTER I went public and only because they made serious errors in their background check of Weber - so what else did they miss?
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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:oNow for the REAL Scoop!


Dont anyone ever under-estimate this lady.

Thanks for your great post!

Here's a link and Marla will be central in this and
present an update on the case ... read it here:


Maybe we could get Marla back for a few nights here.


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Mr. Science, you are worshiped by women across the world, and rightfully so, we all agree to that, but can you spare some time from making the planet like heaven, for a few dozen more women, by answering this:

How did the Cooper money get to Tena Bar. I await your simple, honest answer. I'll sleep better once I have it. Signed 377.

Mr. Science will gladly answer the question so yet another person can sleep better, just like the several dozen women which will have to gleefully continue to worship me, while I compose this simple, honest response.

Mr. Science begins with the least complex model first, then adds various components, as required, until he has a logical super model. Mr. Science understands that most have never been around a super model, but that doesn’t impede them from making such a vapid claim. Mr. Science tries to ask probing questions, but is met with pissy responses and must ultimately resort to using numerous, blind and external sources for data gathering. For some odd reason, their data NEVER matches that gleaned from this fine thread.

Mr. Science is told the mighty Columbia flows at a rate of 1 to 3 feet per second making a trip from V-23 to Tena Bar, consume less than one day to complete. Mr. Science has used a super computer, with facial recognition software, which ran in the Iditarod, along with a team from the Rand Corporation, to determine that there may (just may) be enough of a time gap, between November 1971 and February 1980, for that money to have completed that voyage. Mr. Science advises caution on this subject, as there are many, many, many more probable solutions involving: international travel, milk cans, candy-less garbage jettisoned into the Columbia, burial as a diversion, electric underpants, Kennedy assassins and some truly weird stuff to consider, before the option of water transport, with a single touch point, in a navigable waterway.

Mr. Science has abandoned any fantasy of this thread serving as a portal to anything resembling reality or accuracy, since the simplest question about the science of dredging, cover a spectrum of the bottom containing nothing but sand to this:


St. Helens is less than a dozen miles downstream from Tena Bar. Mr. Science can’t understand why this subject contains so much data contention and transient information. Mr. Science also doesn’t understand what compels a person to manufacture information or events, which simply have not taken place. Mr. Science has not had this problem researching the Sand Creek Massacre, Trappist Ale brewing techniques, Excelsior-Henderson parts reproduction, or the disappearance of the Anasazi. Mr. Science knows this subject attracts abject wackos, and a great number of them, but doesn’t know why.

Mr. Science has resigned himself to allowing this subject to continue to soak in the ultimate cleanser known as time. For the river of information on DB Cooper, makes the burning Cuyahoga River from 1970, appear clear, pure and sweet. Accurate history is extremely difficult to obtain with the presence of good information, or impossible when created with the inclusion of fabricated information, spawning Sasquatch hunters, UFO Alien chasers and blundering fools, aimlessly wandering the woods of Washington. The latter actually producing a legacy of ridicule, which they will invest a lifetime legitimizing, by serving as a constant ‘keeper of crap information’ until they die. Then there may be a chance to recover some worthwhile data, free of interference, or rabid repeating, where all others have long abandoned the subject. There are after all, over a dozen organizations dedicated to the study of Sasquatch. And they take themselves deadly serious.

Mr. Science sees money on a river’s edge. Mr. Science sees an airway used to cross the same river, which was the last point the money was observed. Mr. Science knows rivers flow downhill. Mr. Science knows Tena Bar is downhill from V-23. Mr. Science has presented the most simple and honest answer to how the money got to Tena Bar.

Mr. Science at no point said anyone would ‘like’ the answer, or that it is correct, just the most simple and without manufactured data, therefore honest. Mr. Science does not know how to nail Jell-O to the wall nor does Mr. Science have the faintest clue if jeans can possibly, ever, in a ba-jillion years, make a woman look fat. Yet Mr. Science is constantly forced into environments where Jell-O carpentry and fashion critique are required, in spite of Mr. Science’s avoidance.

There you have it 377. A simple and honest answer, with full attribution as to the cause and circumstance of the Tena Bar money deposit in the bank. Mr. Science was happy to answer your question about river systems and their complex nature.

Don’t ever assume you will have to experience a bad night’s sleep, if you ever need a logical, simple and honest answer, you can always: Ask Mr. Science!

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Thank you Mr. Science. I will sleep better tonight.

So we have Mr. Science, Ms. Drama, Mr. Bipolar, Mr. Radio and others to whom we can turn for different flavored answers to the deep questions that Norjack raises.

I like Mr. Science's answer. It's clean, simple, honest, just as he promised. Logic isn't especially pleasurable or fun, but if that's what I seek, it abounds elsewhere.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Reading the news has convinced me that the country is filled with CEOs, and directors of the CIA who had sudden lapses of judgment, although they are senior in age and experience. Hmmm…. me so confused, it’s almost as if they spent a lifetime, having that behavior being facilitated, rather than the proper checks and balances being put in place. Oh well, I’m too stupid to figure that one out.

But when some captain of industry or government royal family member isn’t violating some federal law or ethics, there seems to be a constant stream of announcements about the latest i-phone, touch pad or communications device, to make jerks, look even jerkier. I can’t recall when there was an announcement about the revised edition of the Republic by Plato being released, or the most efficient route to engage in some selfless activity. Oh well.

But I did find the self absorbed and self important getting a pimp slap from an unlikely source:


Funny to see such ‘self proclaimed experts’ having to face those that repair, create or manufacture, what is being critiqued with such verbose, self assured expertise, and with an openly displaced sense of outrage.

“Let’s see….. what does America make?”

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What's the big deal about General Betrayus?

It's typical for adoring syncophant biographers to kiss celeb butt. Betrayus just took it forward a bit.

It's just sex. Doesn't affect drone assassinations or any of that important CIA bidness.

I am surprised Sheridan Peterson hasn't opined about the scandal. He despises military hypocrisy and all three letter agencies.

And Jo... my my my. Calling Marla Cooper Ms "Twisty Butt". Where on Earth did you come up with that one? I checked with my Kentucky linguist and she says that isn't Marion County country slang.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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RobertMBlevins mentions some ‘Colonel’ that had a wall filled with awards and diplomas from his days in the service. I know these well…. too well….. way, way too well. They are called “I love ME” walls, and are universally viewed as odd. Wasn’t the full time job working in the military enough of a reminder of your heroic exploits, which hundreds of thousands have gone through as well? Nope, gotta advertise with an “I love ME” wall, veteran license plate, retired sticker on the windshield of every vehicle, large branch of service emblem decal on the rear window, strange vernacular like PX and BX, all the while looking for any opportunity to insert your war hero story, into any and every conversation. And- they- don’t- know- who- they- are.

At least there are a few giggles for those that know what it’s like, getting stuck having to listen to one of these guys, who are the very definition of stuck:


377, it is about sex with the director of the CIA. And about divorce laws and keeping who you are boning a secret from your wife. In fact, terrorist organizations and drug cartels know that Americans aren’t allowed to kill their wives for poor performance. The Russian’s knew this all too well, and usually supplied the women for these self delusional, losers, who think they are irresistible, burning, hunks of love, just like their mommies told them. That’s when operations are compromised, names are leaked and the security of the country becomes more at risk than it was without a CIA. Just one foreign agent threatening him with disclosure could, and presumably would, cause this to happen. He should lose a hell of a lot more than his job over this. But people think it’s about the salacious stuff and not what is one step downstream. Hey! NASCAR!

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Farf wrote

The Russian’s knew this all too well, and usually supplied the women for these self delusional, losers, who think they are irresistible, burning, hunks of love, just like their mommies told them. That’s when operations are compromised, names are leaked and the security of the country becomes more at risk than it was without a CIA

A senior scientist working at a CIA satellite maker company was seduced at a Euro scientific conference by a hot Russian minx. When the photos were shown to him and the squeeze applied he just laughed. Their intel was stale. His wife had died a few months ago. He dutifully reported the liaison to company security and DISCO. Nothing serious happened. Who said there are no free lunches?

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Marla wrote this on her FB page:

Marla Wynn Cooper I will be in Oregon from Nov 11-18th. I'm scheduled at the Kick Ass Oregon History event at Portland's Hollywood Theater. I won't be at Ariel this year :(
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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Marla wrote this on her FB page:

Marla Wynn Cooper I will be in Oregon from Nov 11-18th. I'm scheduled at the Kick Ass Oregon History event at Portland's Hollywood Theater. I won't be at Ariel this year :(

Well, well didn't I tell you twisty butt is all about exposure. She thinks she is hot $$ and I think she is CHEAP - JUST what NEW "stuff" is she going to talk about. Perhaps the FBI needs to attend - you think!

New stuff? She can't even get her SHIT together on the OLD stuff.
Wonder if she had her dearly beloved Uncles headstone corrected.

I sure wish some one from the forum was going - someone smart enough and capable enough to stand up to her.

No not FarFlungs - he would be trying to figure out how to get her to his room.

377 - is a good candidate, but I am sure his wife would not approve.

Georger - he like myself is too verbal

Jo - Definitely not!
Draw a blank just getting up in a classroom.

Marla has had time to fine tune her story after lofting here and other places to get her FACTS correct. Watch what I am saying. She will take things I and others have written about and the thread has discussed and make them part of her story.

Wonder if she has corrected her Uncles headstone?

Sure wish we had a rep from the thread whose knowledge of the crime and tenacity would expose her more than she has been exposed. Considering her taste in clothing she doesn't need anymore exposure:ph34r:.[/sly]
Sorry Sorry, I just couldn't help myself.

SafeCrack - great candidate and he could and would tear her theory or story all to pieces, but he has not kept up to date with her antics. Plus he might bore the audience getting around to what he is saying - I am sure anyone coming to see Twisty Butt is not there for an education regarding the history of Cooper!

MrShutter - he is new to the case and not a good candidate for lack of history to put her on the spot.

MyerLouie- Again relative new to the Cooper groups, but seems like a logical kind of person. Don't know enough about him to voice an opinion one way or another.

Sluggo - hell, we do not even know if he is alive.

Bruce - nope, he has moved on and sometimes is very biased with his opinions, but who knows what Twistty Butt would do to his male ego. I will add he is a very intelligent person and his interest was genuine.

The FBI agent she she took for a fall. Maybe some of the old FBI agents who have actually RESEARCHED the case and do not have an agenda.

Lastly - SANTA CLAUS.;):)He didn't remember Lana, but she was there! Maybe he has self imposed amnesia regarding his female elves. She left him something to remember her by.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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What's the big deal about General Betrayus?

It's typical for adoring syncophant biographers to kiss celeb butt. Betrayus just took it forward a bit.

It's just sex. Doesn't affect drone assassinations or any of that important CIA bidness.

I am surprised Sheridan Peterson hasn't opined about the scandal. He despises military hypocrisy and all three letter agencies.

And Jo... my my my. Calling Marla Cooper Ms "Twisty Butt". Where on Earth did you come up with that one? I checked with my Kentucky linguist and she says that isn't Marion County country slang.


Young man - I have been around! Left KY at the ripe old age of 19. Married for 11 yrs to a man who CHASED Twisty Butts like Marla. Single for 7 yrs and then married a man I didn't actually know (Duane Weber) and was married to him for 17 yrs. WOW! How naive can one be.

Last time was a charm - but our time together was very limited. Mr. Cancer made sure we only had a few yrs together - but, I will remember his touch and his voice and his eyes and his love for me forever and ever. My only regret was that he and I did not meet when we both married for the 1st time and that our 4 girls could not have be his and mine.
He had 2 by a first marriage and I had 2 by my first marriage - all girls and all stairsteps in ages. The are 53, 52, 51 and 50 - we sure would have been a busy couple. We even resembled each other in our senior pictures.
One of his daughters looks like my 2 daughters. I was looking at a picture of her and thought it was a picture of my own daughter.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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We sit in our homes warm and snug with food in the refrigerator, but in Sandy's devasting path people are suffering.

Ask yourself what YOU can do to help.

Anyone knowing a woman from 65 to 75 who lives with her family in Sandy's path whose home has been destroyed....and the family needs to get her out of harms way. I will offer transportation to my home and safe haven until the family conditions can be restored to something resembling an atmosphere the person would be able to go back to.

The winters here are similar to a N.Y. Spring or Fall from now until the end of March. I keep my home cool - around 71 degrees.
Would prefer an individual who is also Celiacs. The information MUST be verifiable (preferably thru a church) and with NO criminal record. I do not know how medical treatment will be handled in situations like this.

Since I am celiacs it would be easier if that individual is also celiacs as our diets are very very restricted. Would not be able to handle anyone with serious medical problems or disabilites.
A woman whose health will be in jeopardy if she remains in area.

I have Unlimited long distance so she will be able to communicate with the family any time she wants to do so. Remember I live in an area that is NOT close to medical facilities or shopping. Someone who likes their privacy, but whose health would be endangered by staying in a home that needs to be restored or is uninhabitable. As Bruce suggested someone (preferable Jewish) as my personal beliefs fall more into that category or with no denominational connections. No smoking in the house or car and NO DRINKING.

I asked myself what can I do - aid is pouring into the areas, but the seniors who may have to remain there may be endangered by the elements while their family makes the essential repairs.

Would NOT be able to tolerate children. My home provides a private bath and bedroom for this person - best they be a neat freak like myself and have a tolerable amount of intelligence or education.

This refuge is all I can offer and they could stay until late Spring when the weather breaks in the area and then they would rejoin their family. If the person needs counseling to deal with the lost I am sure we could find someone in the area to offer this at no charge.

All of you know I am not the best technology wise so they will have to settle with the Dial-up and I have an old analog TV.

There is a small library extension not far from me, but NOTHING is in walking distance.

I deplore sending money when I do NOT know how it will be used.
We experienced things like this after hurricanes in the south, but SANDY will go down in the history books as the most costly and destructive storm in history.

I feel we have stepped over the cusp of what is yet to come and everyone needs to help - because even though some of you feel righteously safe - you never know when you might be the one out there in need of assistance.

Having a senior in one's home will only handicap the recovery process for the family. I ask that anyone knowing a source for finding these individuals to please contact me by my regular email.

OFF SUBJECT - so what the HELL at least it is not the HELL these individuals are currently experiencing. DO WHAT you can do to help. The stories of losses are just beginning - and also the scam artists will be working over time.

This is my answer to WHAT CAN I DO?
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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RobertMBlevins asks with a loaded, therefore worthless question:

You hate vets or something?”

Yes RobertMBlevins, I hate vets. Wow, you really smoked me out with that one. Instead of taking anything as a cautionary warning (four Clydesdales, Captain Scott, comic books) you always manage to find a way to travel the road more ignorant.

Gee whillakers, he worked on the “Raptor”!!! I’ve got bonerz! He must be a real hero going from flying military planes, and being in control of procurement of planes in the military to….. could it be?.... is there such magnanimity?... could such generosity truly exist?.... to ‘consulting’ for a defense contractor! I’ve got more bonerz!

I’ve got to clear the Mother Teresa shrine, to make room for a retired colonel who somehow found the ability to work at a defense contractor. This explains how this fine aircraft was so supremely, efficiently and effectively produced, just in time for our greatest threat…… North Korea!

So YOU want some background on ME, right Sparky? Wanna guess who worked on the Raptor before it was called that, or the F-22, or the YF-22? Hmmmm? Getting that cold shiver up your spine again? Big world out there, real big.

So I’m, working for a company that the government funds to pretend to work. I get the job of sourcing some widget and find a few qualified vendors. Boss says (retired Col) I need to look at some different company called XYZ, so I look him dead in the eye, and I say, yes sir, I’ll get right on it.

After talking to this company, I still don’t see the advantage. Meanwhile his secretary is all excited about the cruise she is going on, and can leave as soon as I submit XYZ to make the dumaflager, because the companies I selected were in districts, which already voted for defense funding, she says. So I did what any MAN would do, I put my foot down, and signed the recommendation for XYZ to manufacture the left spiral dumaflager, but made sure I picked the best manufacturer of powder puffs, so I could tend to the new vagina I had developed. This was in the mid 80’s. Wow, 195 planes in a mere 27 years!

Here’s my rationalization for such cowardly conduct. I quit! Just like a man, I quit just as soon as I found a higher paying job, I quit, to stop squandering tax dollars, four months later, after cashing eight more paychecks, I quit, like a heroic many, man. So perhaps, there are two sides to a coin, and one of them is what you are told, with the other being shame and disgust. Ever consider that?

In case you weren’t reading the earlier comments today Mr. Current Events, the CEO of Lockheed-Martin, maker of the Raptor, resigned because he couldn’t keep his pants up at work. You must really worship the CEO of the company that built (past tense since it’s been CANXed) the F-22. I think he’s pretty lonely right now, perhaps you could give him a call or send a fruit bowl and let him know how you feel.

So you all glad to know a little more about me? I love me walls or shrines to ones self? Good to know this one is in his bedroom because, that makes it sooooo much better. DO you think about or review what you are posting in ‘defense (?)’ of someone? Cus ya missed the bowl on that one. But you’re right, I hate vets with a passion, so you got that going for you.

You clearly hate Marla. I like girls, but you don’t have to be attracted to females, free country. I just think you could show some manners once in a while and be polite, but since you hate women that’s not gonna happen.

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