Pat71 0 #35626 November 17, 2012 D B Cooper was Colonel Hugh Gordon Waite. He was a paratrooper. He spoke French. He was a native of Oregon and is buried in Portland. He was an avid photographer and used a camera with a titanium shutter that would leave shard traces of titanium on the clip on tie he wore. There are pictures at his daughters web site of him wearing that tie. DB Cooper has never been identified because he lived after the crime. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Farflung 0 #35627 November 17, 2012 RobertMBlevins states from the comfort of his parallel universe: “No shards. Never came forward until now? Fishermen, always got a whopper of a story, LOL. Without proof, it goes into the Cooper Fable Vault.” Damn right sheriff! NO PROOF it is pure fable and fiction. Nothing more, you are a man of conviction. RobertMBlevins reinforces his point with: “Let's face it, anyone could say today that they found a few shards…” That’s for sure, ANYONE could say that. Just like anyone could say they were the first to drive four Clydesdales abreast, and without confirmation, only the most gullible and least intelligent would ever believe such a preposterous statement. Without proof, Dan Cooper comics would be in the ‘dayroom in Shemya in 1951’. Such detail to include the ‘dayroom’ because when something is pure bullshit, you might as well toss away the dignity, and make up a whole story around a pile of fiction. LOL is right RobertMBlevins, you can only laugh and ridicule such dense and unaware conduct. Even more humorous when the exact same thing has been committed by the person throwing stones. Try and follow this whopper. Someone decided the Cooper lore vault needed some more compost, so they fabricated a magical pile of tree stumps, which contained a bag of twenties, found by a couple kids! Can you believe that someone was so lacking in self respect, that they repeated that one? Evidence you ask? NONE. Not one bill, shard, fragment, photo, police report, news article, names of the kids, names of their parents, nada, nuthin, zip. Not one piece of verification. But there was a single person who told the story. Yep, and the reason it’s true is because she lives in Boulder, Colorado (I still have no clue what that’s supposed to mean, but is has been repeated 29 times) and is married to a cop (I still have no clue what that’s supposed to mean, repeated 29 times also). That’s supposed to be evidence, oh my god, talk about LOL. But it gets better, well better if you have a sense of irony, but not much better if you believe these things or are the source, then it’s worse, you will probably deny and deflect any association. So I guess I was premature in assuming that it gets better, it gets more weirder, would have been more accurate. So this shop owner, who never saw the ‘stump money’, wasn’t a witness to the find, didn’t own the property, wasn’t associated with the area at that time, BUT (and this is a huge BUT) had never met the woman from Boulder, Colorado…. AND told the same story! There’s your venom-proof, proof right there! Yep, some shop owner repeats some lore, and rather than being identified as blatant hearsay, it metastasizes into being proof that the bag of twenties, found in the magical stump forest, actually happened. LOL indeed. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #35628 November 17, 2012 QuoteQuoteIt was in Colorado Duane found she had been using pot and this little sencario was his way of putting an end to it The Duane Weber Drug Rehab Method: here child, lets smoke some dope together. Odd... I am truly glad he took care of you and loved you Jo. That way you have some good memories to neutralize the bad ones left by a sociopathic liar, con man and thief. I've been thinking about Duane's arrest record. I defended accused criminals for years. Junkies get arrested all the time because they steal and when they are high their judgement is shot. They are easy pickings for cops. Even the junkies didn't have 26 arrests. I was trying to recall the highest number of arrests any of my clients had and I can't recall any higher than 14. 26 arrests... Was there something in jail that Duane craved? 377 As of recent your posts regarding me are SICK! If other parents handled the pot situation the way Duane did - there would be far fewer 50 yr olds out there hooked on the stuff and worse! Unless you have done a successful parenting job yourself - DON'T MAKE negative remarks about HOW other's handled such events in the 70's. 26 arrests? I don't know where you got that information from - but, I have NOT been provided with such information from the FBI or legal sources. DO NOT in any way suggest Weber had a drug problem OR you will find YOURSELF in court. Never sully Duane's name with drugs. THAT is something he DID NOT DO. He tried pot and even used it for a short time and even I tried it one time - one time was all it took for me. NEVER insenutate someone is a drug user unless you have proof otherwise. The young man who told Duane that his "step-daughter" was doing some bad things was only looking out for her best interest. (TODAY IT WOULD BE ADMIRABLE FOR FRIENDS OF DRUG USERS TO CONTACT THE PARENTS). I never knew how Duane obtained those nickel bags - PERHAPS - he asked the young man how she was getting the pot or who was providing the pot....maybe he went to the source. Knowing Duane that is exactly what he did. If I had ever known this would become an issue with you of all people I would never have mentioned it. GO TO HELL! Beginning to think you are connected to the PAST or have knowledge of the PAST - after all you do live in CA - right there where his parents lived and his brother lived and where there was a woman who claimed she was pregnant with Duane's child. Your Remark! "Was there something in jail Duane craved." THAT was uncalled for and unethical - and you know it. No Duane was not bisexual if that is what you are "hinting" at. I was not born yesterday. IN FACT - I have a story to tell you, but NOT on the thread. Duane went into the system as a young man....I even suggested a couple of yrs back he may have been "raped" and then provided shelter as he aged for other young prisoners. Duane was Tall and he could look very very ominous and mean. There were 2 guys I met from Duane's past but, the vibration from the individuals was of admiration and gratitude. One thanked him for all he did for him and I did not understand what that was all about. I did not suspect a prison factor as I knew nothing about Duane having been in prison until 1990 and then only learned about a few months in Jefferson and as John Collins. I would not know about the other prisons until yrs after I contacted the FBI. Remember they DENIED Duane was in certain "prisons". They chose the wrong prisons to base this claim upon - because they had no idea what the hell I knew and/or had found about Duane's past...I didn't find this stuff (a brilliant young man who came to my aid found the 'stuff' BEFORE it disappeared from the criminal files and the prison files). FBI needs to EXPLAIN this to the public!Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #35629 November 17, 2012 Jo, Nothing in my post says Duane was a drug addict, and by the way pot is not addictive in the way that opiates are. Believe it or not some cons prefer prison to outside and do stupid things to get back in. I was suggesting that Duane might have been one of those people. Prison is the VERY LAST place a drug addict wants to go. Sure, drugs are available but quantities are very limited, prices are extremely high, and they can test you anytime they wish. So calm down. I make you sick? OK, so be it. Live in your persistent delusion that Duane, the lying thieving sociopath, was a decent person, fine parent, a positive contributor to society... And that he successfully executed on of the most daring and innovative crimes of the 20th century. If Duane Weber turns out to be DB Cooper I will shoot clean and cook a real crow. They abound in my neighborhood and a pellet gun is pretty quiet. I will then eat it. For real. And if you think it is good parenting to offer illegal drugs to your kids you are so out of it that I don't know how to respond effectively. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #35630 November 17, 2012 Jo wroteQuoteDO NOT in any way suggest Weber had a drug problem OR you will find YOURSELF in court. So sue me Jo. Lets say you could prove that I damaged Duane's reputation with a defamatory statement. The burden of proof for damages is on the plaintiff. Good luck on that one Jo. Do you think you could convince a jury that his reputation was worth fifty cents? If you could you have missed your calling as a trial lawyer. Damaging Duane's reputation is legally similar to running into a parked derelict stripped out vandalized wreck of a car. Sure, the owner could sue you but the damages would be "de minimus" as the law books say. You rant more about lawsuits than anyone on the forum. You'd better have a big stack of DBC twenties if you think you can finance litigation. Lawyers will strip your purse faster than Duane ever did with any of his victims. I like you Jo but I do not think Duane was a good guy. I worked with over 100 "Duanes". Most of them had a "Jo" who swore that their mate was different from all the other crooks. You see Duane as a basically benevolent person and at times even a hero. I don't share your opinion of his character or his abilities. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Farflung 0 #35631 November 17, 2012 I should have expected the tragedy to spread into the very fabric that is America. Apparently when the flagship of Hostess went down, it took Twinkies, Ding Dongs, Ho-Hos and the very gluten that binds this once great nation- Wonder Bread. That’s right, Wonder Bread is but some more collateral damage brought on by debt laden Twinks, Dongs and Hos. Will this be the last of the bad news? NO! For anyone who has had the good fortune to travel the nation (before $4 gas), and explore the diverse landscapes, histories and cuisines; you will no doubt be familiar with the Center Sanctum of Sauce, the Mecca of Mmmm, that little giant called Arthur Bryant of Kansas, City. For decades men, women and children…. little children Mandrake…. have gathered to feast upon barbecue, which has clearly been rubbed by the very hand of God, before being served with Bryant’s own sauce and…. I hope I can finish….. and…. Wonder Bread, to create the perfect, All American munch. Now that Wonder Bread is gone, we might as well remove the torch from the hand of liberty, pull the chair out from under Whistler’s Mother and convert the Grand Canyon to landfill. I tried to rush to the grocery and stock up on hundreds and hundreds of loaves, but some low life hoarders already stripped the shelves bare. Now it looks like Russia and I thought we won the cold war, more like a Pyrrhic victory without the wonder of Wonder. I don’t know what could possibly bring me out of this funk (Marla?). Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrshutter45 21 #35632 November 17, 2012 Jo said: 26 arrests? I don't know where you got that information from - but, I have NOT been provided with such information from the FBI or legal sources. Jo, how can you not see what we said a month ago as well as Agent Carr said about Duane. Carr told you this: Jo, the arrest is in the system (the only way the arrests get into the system is if the arresting authority forwards the prints and charging info) and I am looking at it right now. On 06/27/1976 Duane was arrested by the Jasksonville (Fl) Sheriff's Office for Carrying Concealed Firearm, Receiving Stolen Property and DWI. JSO case number 76-278392. The prints were forwarded to the FBI just like all of the other 26 arrests under his various alias names. I now have and will keep at my desk the file on Duane. There are over 500 hundred pages in the file; his tax returns, court filings, interviews with relatives, results of the lab tests........ and so on. If you want more answers to your questions I have them."It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #35633 November 18, 2012 QuoteJo said: 26 arrests? I don't know where you got that information from - but, I have NOT been provided with such information from the FBI or legal sources. Jo, how can you not see what we said a month ago as well as Agent Carr said about Duane. Carr told you this: Jo, the arrest is in the system (the only way the arrests get into the system is if the arresting authority forwards the prints and charging info) and I am looking at it right now. On 06/27/1976 Duane was arrested by the Jasksonville (Fl) Sheriff's Office for Carrying Concealed Firearm, Receiving Stolen Property and DWI. JSO case number 76-278392. The prints were forwarded to the FBI just like all of the other 26 arrests under his various alias names. I now have and will keep at my desk the file on Duane. There are over 500 hundred pages in the file; his tax returns, court filings, interviews with relatives, results of the lab tests........ and so on. If you want more answers to your questions I have them. Most of the records Carr and the FBI has were generated from my home and by Doug and records we found. Duane was arrested in Jacksonville and had a gun? Why didn't Carr provide me with this and an explanation. Duane was an Insurance Agent - so this arrest sure must have been WHITE WASHED some way! I knew he had been arrested in Jacksonville for DRUNK DRIVING and possession of a gun (something that occurred when his step son was injured in Fl, but I didn't know Duane was a felon- he disclosed the DUI to me after he met me in 1977. Explain to me HOW a convicted felon with a gun and having committed another robbery managed to WALK away from that without going BACK to prison? Carr made a lot of claims on this thread he could NOT BACK UP! And when asked to produce his proof could NOT or would not do so. At least 80 % of the information in 500 pages was not generated by the FBI.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #35634 November 18, 2012 Georger I actually agree with your post even if I do not understand every point you are trying to make. Am I understanding Geoff did NOT have access to FBI files? I actually wondered about that at the time. Carr was in the thread claiming 500 pages and most of that was generated by Doug and myself. The arrest records - why did the FBI not share with me WHY they thought Duane was not Cooper. Quote When Tom says “This is business now,” I think he's talking about the integrity and independence of the CS Team and its work product vis-a-vis its mandate with the FBI, and confidentiality, and not some external financial-business plan the team had. It was Geoff and Crown Publishing with the "Business plan", right from the start! Geoff's account above is a 'minimalist' accounting of all that actually happened over a period of time, not some single transaction as he portrays it, to his distinct advantage! Because, there was no "Titanium Sponge" that had been found and identified at that point as an all- encompassing fact. Geoff was wrong. Geoff's statement is a miss-identification and spreading of false incomplete information, just as he was wrong about "two types of silver in the money", etc etc etc. Never mind his breaking of confidences ... it merely defines the different missions Tom vs. Gray were on and the conflict between their missions. Geoff is a book writer - not a forensic researcher. Confidentiality was at stake and Geoff/Crown Pub. very clearly violated those protocols for the sake having something to make a book with, to sell. All under the hubris of Geoff Gray being a 'REPORTER"? The financial "business" was with Geoff and Crown Publishing; so far as I know the CS Team had no financial plans at all. Its all history now. Had Geoff Gray/Crown Publihsing not had some kind of official or semi-official relationship with the FBI, to write some kind of offcial history? of the DB Cooper case, been given acces to FBI files etc., none of this would have come up at all and the CS Team would have had no reason to comunicate with writer, Mr. Gray, at all. Why was private book writer Geoff Gray given access to FBI files at all? That whole thing is fucked up - Tom and his CS Team performed their mission. Book writer Geoff Gray/Crown Publishing wrote their damned book! So, if you want to know if the chute is silk or nylon or cheescloth, ask the accountant at Crown Publishing or Geoff Grays's girlfriend, or RobertMBlevins esq. ! Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #35635 November 18, 2012 Below statements made by Blevins: I have a couple of final points, and they regard this case in general, as well as the many people who have worked on it: 1) Name one person or organization that hasn't made a mistake along the way while investigating the case. Or to reverse this, got everything right. If they had gotten everything right, the case would probably be solved by now. 2) Just because one item might be wrong, doesn't mean EVERYTHING is wrong. And in the case of things that have nothing to do with the identity of the hijacker, or solving the case, those 'wrong' items can be discounted anyway. They are off-point. Underlined is the first sensible statement you have made in a long time (at least it was not repeating all of this stuff we get agitated into repeating). We is both yourself Blevins and myself Jo. Problem with so much of what you have - is that it borderlines coercion of information. Not that you were pressing them. but you gave your subjects too much leading information...which resulted in their making claims they knew you could not disprove or prove. Elderly people sometime are easily led. You did NOT start out to do this on purpose - I think it was just your eagerness to create a story. The Cooper puzzle is just a large quamire of he said and she said. The Cooper Story sucks you in like QUICKSAND. The more one struggles the faster quicksand pulls them down into the bog. I chill and then someone makes a derogatory statement - and I am on the defensive again. For instance - this so called 500 pages Carr claimed to have...just how much was actually produced and found by the FBI on Weber. NOT MUCH! Not one soul could explain the 1976 arrest. How would a convicted felon with that many arrests and conviction who was working as an insurance agent - have avoided prosecution? 27 arrests, multiple prison files and in 1976 he a working life insurance agent and has a gun - NO one walked away from this in 1976 without some connections. Perhaps I should just leave tonight with that question of a lot of good citizens might ponder over. I realize that 377 had some kind of retort regarding this back a couple or yrs or so, but []this really smells funny!Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrshutter45 21 #35636 November 18, 2012 Jo, I don't really care who got information from who, the information the FBI has must be different than what you have? what does Duane having a gun and released from the fuzz have to do with this crime? who is Doug? why is his word better than Carr or the FBI? I try real hard to follow this, but, you jump from comment to comment t I have a very bad past that I am not proud of and Duane fits it very well, 99% of DZ approves this as well as the FBI, what does this tell you? I don't put any hatred into my findings and yet you reply with them? why is ok for you to say you know how the money got to the banks and yet Marla is full of shit? Duane's record tells a different story from outside of your view? according to records, Marla is the niece of DB Cooper? KC is DB Cooper? LD Cooper is DB Cooper? Gossett is Cooper? McCoy is Cooper? List is Cooper? Dayton is Cooper? Mayfield is Cooper? Coffelt is Cooper? all of these "stories" are all the same, they fail to put them on the plane or show any physical evidence!"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #35637 November 18, 2012 Duane Weber is a mystery even to me - a woman who shared his life for 18 yrs. When you stated his reputation was not worth fifty cents - you could not be more wrong. Duane touch a lot of lives for the better and he harmed a lot of lives. His employers praised him and so did his friends. An ex-wife hated his guts and he hated hers - strange union I thought. Another wife loved him even when they separated. I tried to understand this strange union from 1962 to 1972 - and I talked to her from 1997 until her death in 2004. As one of her family said - she had a Jeykl / Hyde personality. I thought this VERY strange when the same expression was used to describe another individual related to another Cooper was like we were talking about the same person. 377 stated: "You see Duane as a basically benevolent person and at times even a hero. I don't share your opinion of his character or his abilities". There are many in the past of Duane Weber who did consider him a hero. One young man - loved him, but also hated him. I will never forget the heart wrenching story I was told many yrs ago by this young man who was torn by his loyalty another person and to Duane, but also his resentment of both because of how the relationship harmed his life. Because of his fragil "situation" I stopped contacting him as it was not a good thing to do. I felt his torment - that first conversation which he instigated, left me crying for him and what he lived thru. He had contacted me because he wanted to help, but he could not get past his own emotional pain. Perhaps someday he will heal - but, I will never know, because I no longer have any contact with him and his family I often look at and HOPE they are doing well. What a beautiful family - and what a wonderful person. I pushed for more than he could offer and had to back away for his sake and the sake of his family. (He found me thru this thread and initiated the contact). I vowed then that should there ever be any profit to be derived from my search that a Secret Santa would make a special delivery. I do not expect that to happen in my life time, but at least he is in my thoughts and I actually have tears running down my face right now. I feel his pain.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrshutter45 21 #35638 November 18, 2012 Jo says: "Duane Weber is a mystery even to me" how can you defend someone you don't know? this is what the FBI has been saying as well as everyone one this thread has been saying Jo, hate to tell you? the bottom line Jo was this....If you want more answers to your questions I have them.?????"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #35639 November 18, 2012 Quote I don't put any hatred into my findings and yet you reply with them? I do not put hatred into my findings. Since you don't know who Doug is then YOU have NO IDEA about the past 18 yrs of my life. I state how the money got to the river banks because I was with my husband on a trip in 1979. Marla was not with her uncle and the areas she claimed did NOT put the money in the river on on the banks. Her story was seriously faulted from get go. Mrsshutter stated: Quote Duane's record tells a different story from outside of your view? Well, have you read those records and touched those records Carr claimed to have. If he had a list of Duane's arrests and convictions - why did he not share them with me? What do you know about Duane's record other than what has been stated on this thread. Are you privey to the details of his arrest records and prison records. I have the prison records except for Jefferson.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #35640 November 18, 2012 QuoteGeorger I actually agree with your post even if I do not understand every point you are trying to make. Am I understanding Geoff did NOT have access to FBI files? I actually wondered about that at the time. No. Geoff WAS given access to FBI files. At least thats my understanding ... Are you a Notre Dame fan? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrshutter45 21 #35641 November 18, 2012 Jo, I can get Duane's past if I want to, but there is no reason for this request! should I need to do this with your 17 years of Experience? I thought you would have this down pat??? this kind of falls under a "twisty butt" clause (insert theme from (Jeopardy)"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #35642 November 18, 2012 Quote Are you a Notre Dame fan? Georger - I think you addressed that question to the wrong person? Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #35643 November 18, 2012 QuoteJo, I can get Duane's past if I want to, but there is no reason for this request! Not sure I am understanding your posts tonight - what are you drinking? Obviously you do not have the records nor access to them. Go back and read my postings. I requested them and I am the only next of kin - but a no GO. Either the FBI has these 500 pages or they don't. It has been clearly stated in the last 6 yrs in the thread what I have and what I do not. I am only interested in the arrest, charges and convictions and time spent in jail or prison along with the DATES. I want all arrests listed and locations regardless of what the outcome was. Unless you are FBI or law enforcement I doubt U have access. I have attempted to obtain them and with no success. I have knowledge of several arrests. Starting with Florida - 1942 - JAX (Navy). Not 26.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrshutter45 21 #35644 November 18, 2012 Quoteseems Duane had lots of different names as I thought. I found this post from Carr I'll vouch for the Collins name for Jo, Weber used the following names: Duane Weber Duane L Weber Duane Lorin Weber Duane Larin Weber Duane Loren Weber John Collins John Chalk Collins John Claudin Collins John Claudian Collins He also used different dates of birth and Socials. Weber was arrested 26 times under the various names provided (arrests that were submitted to the FBI, there could have been more but for minor offenses) starting on 12/22/1942 and ending on 06/27/1976. All 26 arrest would have been processed by the sheriff's department were the arrest occurred or the United States Marshal Service (he committed a few federal crimes). One set of prints would have been maintained by the local arresting authority the other copy sent to the FBI. When the FBI receives the prints they create a "Master Set" of prints related to each person that prints are submitted for. If there are multiple sets for one person, the techs will use the best prints from each set to make one best Master Set. The odds that Weber was able to have someone on the inside of the FBI to alter this process is not a reality. Someone suggested comparing all prints taken from Weber (AKA) et al to those recovered from flight 305. All of the prints are at the FBI, or at least the 26 I referenced. a later post by Carr: Jo, the arrest is in the system (the only way the arrests get into the system is if the arresting authority forwards the prints and charging info) and I am looking at it right now. On 06/27/1976 Duane was arrested by the Jasksonville (Fl) Sheriff's Office for Carrying Concealed Firearm, Receiving Stolen Property and DWI. JSO case number 76-278392. The prints were forwarded to the FBI just like all of the other 26 arrests under his various alias names. Jo, I have located the investigative file on Duane which is chalk full of information that i am willing to provide you, I'll start with this: On July 24 1997 our lab received the hand printed memo you have made mention of, Duane's resume and a set of your fingerprints for elimination. On 11/06/1998, the lab reported that there were 19 prints of value discovered on the resume, of which 5 were yours. The remaining 14 prints of value were compared to the known prints of Duane Weber with negative results (meaning they didn't belong to Duane). The 14 unknown prints from the resume where compared to the unknown latent prints recovered from flight 305 with negative results. The known prints of Duane Weber where compared to those of the unknown latent prints recovered from flight 305 with negative results. No prints of comparison value were recovered from the hand printed memo you supplied. I now have and will keep at my desk the file on Duane. There are over 500 hundred pages in the file; his tax returns, court filings, interviews with relatives, results of the lab tests........ and so on. If you want more answers to your questions I have them. 500 pages doesn't sound like a "quick botched investigation" I guesd I'm drinking the "whine" of the un-fine!"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #35645 November 18, 2012 Quote who is Doug? why is his word better than Carr or the FBI? Duane's record tells a different story from outside of your view? UNTIL you actually see the records that statement is invalid. My records and personal accountings from individuals in Duane's past told a different story than the FBI's. Y 1998 The FBI dismissed Duane with a letter based only on prints 2 yrs + after they came to my home. A strange letter dated July 30, 1998 stateS the known prints of Duane Lorin Weber were compared and none of the prints associated with this investigation were found to be identical with any of the fingerprints found on the Northwest flight and subsequent fingerprints possible associated with this matter received at a LATER DATE. Another DETAIL I have NEVER REVEALED until tonight. QUESTION what other prints did they find associated with the crime at a later date. Perhaps those from letters mailed from those claiming to be Cooper. The letter goes on to state - "In light of the above results, no further investigation is being conducted by the FBI concering Duane Lorin Weber and any possible connectiion to this investigation. 2000 The FBI denies Weber was ever in McNeil or the Army (guess who managed to obtain these records - Doug). We found lots of other things - and the were contrary to what the FBI claimed so I went Public, but for 4 yrs I did nothing, but put faith into the FBI only to find they had done nothing. 2001 The FBI then has to fess up and put up (only then did they start getting their act together). They actually had to confront Doug - but, I stayed out of this. 2003 The FBI requested DNA - after I had remarried and had little of his stuff left that I was willing to part with. What I offered I told them I did not think there would be DNA or prints - I am a cleaning fantatic and the items had been touched and use by others and some I did NOT know if Duane ever used. Now you GUY know the rest of the story! It would be several yrs before they returned the items I gave to them - sure as hell glad I didn't let them have a very expensive watch nor his everyday watch (the only way they will get DNA from those will be to swab or take the DNA in my presence and then hand those items back to me at that time. The items will not leave my visual range....this is how much I trust the FBI at this time. The prior items where NOT returned until 2007.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrshutter45 21 #35646 November 18, 2012 Basically you are saying, I'm wrong, DZ is wrong, Marla is wrong, The FBI is wrong??? everyone but you and Duane right? can we conclude this now? see a pattern anywhere?"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #35647 November 18, 2012 Quote When the FBI receives the prints they create a "Master Set" of prints related to each person that prints are submitted for. If there are multiple sets for one person, the techs will use the best prints from each set to make one best Master Set. That paragraph was later found to be deceptive and inaccurate as the productions of the Master Sets was not completed until the 80's and some individual never made it into the system. Duane Fell in that cusp - It was a PUZZLE why they used the 1944 prints from McNeil a prison they later claimed he had not resided in - only passed thru. DON't U SEE a PROBLEM with THAT! QuoteThe odds that Weber was able to have someone on the inside of the FBI to alter this process is not a reality. Someone suggested comparing all prints taken from Weber (AKA) et al to those recovered from flight 305. All of the prints are at the FBI, or at least the 26 I referenced. This was CARR babbling off the top of his head. To my Knowledge -This was NEVER done. The story about prints being changed within the Jefferson Prison circulated for yrs with in the system - one prisoner supposedly wrote a story about this - but I did not find him until 3 months after he died. The story was never confirmed. QuoteOn 11/06/1998, the lab reported that there were 19 prints of value discovered on the resume, of which 5 were yours. The remaining 14 prints of value were compared to the known prints of Duane Weber with negative results (meaning they didn't belong to Duane). Do YOU not find that ODD that Duane's prints were NOT on that resume!results.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrshutter45 21 #35648 November 18, 2012 ???????????????"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #35649 November 18, 2012 QuoteBasically you are saying, I'm wrong, DZ is wrong, Marla is wrong, The FBI is wrong??? everyone but you and Duane right? can we conclude this now? see a pattern anywhere? I doubt Marla is right. I know the FBI made some mistakes in their investigation of Weber - I have pointed them out and I have contacted them for clarification of the very things we just talked about - but the were NOT forthcoming. Fingerprints - Cooper was print phobic - if we can believe what Geoffry wrote. I do believe that to be true. Now do YOU see a pattern? The FBI was contacted about a letter I received regarding Eugene and an individual who was there....long before Marla ever mentioned Santa and Eugene. If the DNA on that matches the DNA on the tie - well, then I have a watch the FBI can swab for DNA. Strange that all things go to Eugene. DL, Santa, Tina Mucklow and XXXX. This was probably the weirdest part of this whole thing I have experienced. I didn't make it up because I had a letter about it from around 2001 or 2002. I provided the date to the FBI and the information provided within. It was a puzzle or perhaps just a coincidence - I don't know.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrshutter45 21 #35650 November 18, 2012 "Obviously you do not have the records nor access to them. Go back and read my postings. I requested them and I am the only next of kin - but a no GO. " a background check is a very simple task, this will give you every single arrest made, as for the prints you keep saying they have the wrong ones? what would make the difference in your belief? you will only respond by stating Cooper was print phobic? you offered $100 for something to do with Marla and then turn around and state you don't have the money to check on the employment records of Duane's brother? you seem to always put some sort of clause in everything you say, go to the Public Library and use there computer since you can only afford dial up? take the $100 you offered on Marla and get a full background check on Duane or his brother? 17 years and you have not done anything really? you argue with us being wrong, you argue and complain about the FBI being wrong, how about Jo being wrong? it seems that when you are confronted and things don't match up you get the "Knoss virus" it doesn't paint a pretty picture Jo!"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites