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My question on Cook was perfectly legitimate.

Call me stupid (again) but I'm going to stick with the idea that this is a legit question.

So, you are saying there shouold no more Galen
Cook info posted at Dropzone unless posted by

Is that what you are DEMANDING?

Then who next will you chase off or demand leave
by whatever means ?

Meyer Louie?
(Bob Knoss has already been nullified)
Jo Weber?

Make your list of who should not be here known.

No need to post a 2000 word reply -


Because Mr. Cook is not going to come here
himself, which you already knew before your latest
rants against Galen Cook and Bruce etal.

Am I one of Cook's shills, according to you?

Are you a shill for Porteous (and Geooff Gray or Tom
Kaye) who you are posting for?

My question is "perfectly legitimate" to use your
words above.

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Smokin99: Those people you named didn't use a shill at Dropzone, as Cook does.

Big difference between doing that, and choosing not to post.

Hello???...Hello??? Rein in your green eyed monster.
Did Galen Cook ask Bruce Smith to come on Dropzone and post as his proxy?????
That would be the question you should ask before making your asinine assumptions.

In order to "use a shill" you have to be an active participant.
From what I am reading from Bruce - he has conversations with Galen and then chooses --- on his own-- to post those conversations.

Perhaps Bruce Smith can enlighten us as to whether Galen Cook is "using" him as a "shill".

Smokin99: Why don't we cut through the baloney and see what brand of mustard is being used on the sandwich?

Smith has claimed that the reason Cook doesn't post on his own is because he was banned by Quade. If this is not true, wouldn't you like to see Cook post up his own case? And wouldn't you like to know WHY Cook said that?

Let's just say for a moment that Cook told Bruce Smith he was banned and Smith has no idea whether it's true. I'm simply asking if it is. And if it ISN'T true, then Cook should post for himself, instead of using the Mountain News and Bruce as a platform while being able to dodge questions at the same time. I'm not perfect, but I only LOOK stupid.

Robert, I get that you want Cook to post here, but you are just making a lot of suppositions - While definitely not perfect, maybe you don't look stupid - just a little obtuse at times. :)
First, I'm not defending Galen Cook's Cooper - just saying that the fact of posting here or not means absolutely nothing.
Second, I don't think that Bruce Smith said that Cook told him he was banned. Read the post. Maybe, just maybe, Bruce came to this conclusion on his own. But, even if he did - to say that Cook is posting by proxy is making a bit of a leap.
Like I said...ask Bruce - He's a big boy. He can tell you real quick whether he is being "used" by Galen Cook. Or being used by Barb Dayton's writers. Or Sheridan Peterson. (I think he's linked to a story about Barb and Sheridan before)

Bruce can speak for himself but seems like he's just about the mystery and ALL of the folks surrounding it. I enjoy reading his blog.
Hey - I hope he is inspired by Cook and saves some of the juice for the book. What's that old saying? Why buy the cow when the milk is free. :)
Anyway - don't let it keep you up at night.
Happy Thanksgiving and don't forget to tell Grandma how beautiful she is. :)
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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Point of Order: Many of Smith's posts regarding Galen Cook begin this way, or similarly:


'Galen asked me to say...'

I've attached a current picture of myself so you can recognize me if you come to Ariel. :)
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone.

Is there a toe tag at the other end????
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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Why is Bruce being Cook's mouthpiece on the forum? It's strange -- what's the real motivation? MeyerLouie

whats the 'motivation' for anyone posting here?


I prefer to think of myself as a conduit for information, and some mighty fine tidbits come from Galen, so I share.

As for Galen posting directly, he got bounced out of the forum a few years back for indiscretions of which I have long forgotten the details. I think he chided Larry Carr excessively over some DZ post. '08? '09?

When the planets align and the tide is in, Galen calls and we talk. Some times I write it all down, and after that sometimes I post.

Dang I like you Bruce Smith. You're kinda of out there with some stuff, but I think you basically put forth a genuine, honest article. Even when they close the door on you, you always manage to come up with something to write about anyway.
I love to read your stuff..so keep it coming.
And btw, I will be looking forward to my percentage of the lotto winnings. 7 27. :)

Let's see, let's do the math and figure your winnings.

WA Lotto says their lottery for 11.24.12 is pegged at $2.1 miilion this morning, with a cash pay-out of $1.0 million. They're posting an asterisk next to that number, so I guess the actually cash amount will be higher. Then subtract the 35% the feddie-teddies at the IRS will take. That makes about $650,000 for us to divvy up. I'm using the "7" and "27," so your one-third cut is about $214,500 or so. Plus, you've said some really nice things about me in this post, so I'll put all the loose change in the packet for ya, too!

As for Jo, since she inspired me to do all of this, I'll give her half my share, minus the yellow Prius that she said she'd buy me if she ever won the lottery.....(and the gas card)....and the plane tix to FLA so we can go car-shopping...

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Smokin99: Those people you named didn't use a shill at Dropzone, as Cook does.

Big difference between doing that, and choosing not to post.

Hello???...Hello??? Rein in your green eyed monster.
Did Galen Cook ask Bruce Smith to come on Dropzone and post as his proxy?????
That would be the question you should ask before making your asinine assumptions.

In order to "use a shill" you have to be an active participant.
From what I am reading from Bruce - he has conversations with Galen and then chooses --- on his own-- to post those conversations.

Perhaps Bruce Smith can enlighten us as to whether Galen Cook is "using" him as a "shill".

GALEN DID ask me to POST things and I do NOT think he has changed that MUCH! At times he made me look good. I insisted that it could NOT be his wording as someone might pick-up on it. I would then reword most of them to appear to be my wording. I probably did this a dozen times. I have all of his OLD emails so I could go back and find them, but it hardly seems worth it to satisfy what many already know.

ALL of this to do by Blevins over NOTHING is absurd!. Galen's story to Bruce and to me about making a couple of post and getting banned - are the same.

I don't think Galen or anyone else cares either way. I don't. Most of the time the information he provided me was GOOD, but he would ask me to post it for him. My rule was - I would get into the post the jest of what he had to say....but NOT identify the source.

All that mattered was what he wanted posted got said!

Never could find the couple of posts he supposedly made that got him banned. Maybe he just like to talk thru others - so if it doesn't pan-out - it doesn't come thru as he said. Can then always state it was a mis-interpretation by the poster.

Attention Blevins:

WHO CARES! Blevins your eyes must really be GREEN! What's the big deal. I was used to suggest topics or to provide information and I didn't care. Are you upset he did NOT put some of those tidbits out there for you?

Just about the only posts you make that are NOT KC repetitions are when you talk about yourself or make a big to do over something like this. GET over IT! Interesting to talk about it and for others to be aware, but this is ridiculous.

Why in the HELL does anyone need to see a picture of you - we see it everyday on this thread. First you are going to Ariel and then you aren't - you are a damn YO YO.

If you were NOT looking for publicity and to be noticed...why make statements like that? You have always been kind to me so it is hard for me to say these things...but, you need to be aware of your image.

ME - just that crazy ole woman who keeps insisting her husband was Cooper. It is hard not to make rebuttal posts - so this is the Stubborn Mule trying to talk sense to the Banty Rooster.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Nothing like Thanksgiving in America. Well, I suppose Canada celebrates it too, but as Americans we assume the rest of the planet is doing the exact same thing, because we are the center of the universe. We’ve got the hubris to name something the ‘World Series’ even though it only includes the USA and its Fifty-First State. So why not do the same with Thanksgiving?

There must be something in our DNA which has secretly evolved over the years which is a Thanksgiving marker. I’ve talked with people from places across the nation, and was shocked to discover what similar activities were practiced, when we have differing dialects, religions, and climates.

For many years, I was convinced that certain foods were federally regulated and only allowed to be consumed on Thanksgiving. Enter the ‘garnish plate’.

This oblong delight was pulled out of the ‘good china’ cabinet for two days a year. It was specifically designed to hold those wonders like olives, carrot sticks, celery filled with some orangey cheese and random pimento pieces, radishes, red, yellow and green bell peppers and broccoli. Now admit it, you’ve got one too.

Here’s where the Thanksgiving DNA kicks in. For some reason, kids were compelled to put the olives on their fingertips in order to make eating them more of a fashion statement. Of course we would try to outdo one another by increasing the number of olives our hands could hold, while adding a radish as a sort of red monocle. This would continue until someone had some assistance being outfitted with ten olives on their fingers, and two radish eyes, which would have everyone doing that adult attracting giggling, which ended in some light corporal punishment, and a speech about children in China starving.

Meanwhile our kitchen was a cacophony of lids clanking, oven door springs moaning, the clink of the Coldspot’s latch, and the rhythmic hiss of a long abandoned appliance called a pressure cooker. The women were locked in a silent battle of demonstrating how they are superior cooks, while pretending that they do this every day. The men would tend the fire, talk about the virtues of multi weight motor oil and begin to drink. I would reflect on how the way I ate olives and radishes would somehow satisfy some Chinese kid.

Time for dinner! Now things went into a hyper-speed form of surreal machinations which were repeated at each and every gathering without fail or exception.

Among the first to appear at the table, which was extended with a couple leafs, and a great amount of effort by my father, and even more supervision by my mother, was the cranberry sauce. Yep, we called it sauce even though it was more of a gelatin in mauve. So little effort was put into this particular deception, that it sill maintained its original cylindrical form, and the concentric rings of ribs, stamped into the can to maintain structural integrity. There was a spoon next to this food item which appeared to be packed in an invisible can, because we were classy.

The table would fill with more and more until it was time to begin eating. This would kick off with some banter about how it all looks so good and how us kids need to appreciate how hard our mothers worked and how lucky we were. Thanks mom! We would chant while handing around the bowls, plates and invisibly canned berries. Then just before that first bite was about to be enjoyed….. We forgot to say grace! Someone would announce. Well that would be in alignment with the preceding ten months, but this was about appearances so we tacitly played along.

Now we could officially eat. Time to chow down before Act II of the Thanksgiving dinner theatre, and without fail my aunt would ask…. “Is there sage in the stuffing?” To which my mother would anticipate and fail with “yes, but only a little”. Then my aunt would say “well there’s too much”. Then the air would fill with buzzes and clicks, which I would later appreciate as a sign, that I was becoming a man, because I don’t recall what those two women went on about for the next five or ten minutes.

Here we all are eating and either enjoying the splendor that is sage in the dressing or avoiding the dish as offensive. Everyone consumed the stuffing like it was the last thing to eat on Earth, including my aunt. But just before the irony had time to penetrate, my mother would gasp, drop her fork on the plate, and in a whispered shout say, ‘THE ROLLS!’

It was at that precise moment that a plume of visible smoke began to leak out of the oven. My mother would remove a tray of jet black, Parker House rolls, and set them on the counter. Ahhh, the burnt offering to the gods is now complete. This happened every year, e-v-e-r-y year.

We had enough food for Job and the incineration of some bread product was inconsequential. Cuz next is dessert. Now this part of the meal was virtually infallible for the simple reason it was prepared a day earlier and away from scrutiny. This included some true works of art like the standard pumpkin from our field, lemon meringue, Honey almond (pronounced – Ahh-mund the ‘L’ is silent, look it up bitches) from our apiaries and trees, Pecan (pronounced PEE-CAN because we are white trash), and my personal nemesis -Rhubarb from the boiling pits of hell.

Every year my grandmother would bake a rhubarb pie. She would also give us candy in the form of horehound drops. Those were some tough as nails people who could call rhubarb and horehound a treat. Oh, don’t know what they are? Count yourself as lucky since there’s a reason the grocery shelves aren’t stocked with these delights. First is the horehound, which has a name which should serve as a warning and tastes just as you are imagining right now. Next is rhubarb, which has been described as tasting like strawberries. I don’t know who started that cruel rumor, but it would be more accurate to say rhubarb tastes like it came out of a horehound. But this is why God gave man fire.

Us kids would thank grandma for the horehound, and stroll over to the fireplace and toss it into the crackling flames, from whence it was spawned. We also discovered that rhubarb would be consumed by the very same flames, when discreetly delivered with an adroitly handled fork. For each plate with pumpkin and pecan, also had to have a ‘sliver’ of grandma’s rhubarb pie. Fond memories to be sure.

Now that the meal was over, there was the energy sapping wrestling matches in the living room, where the younger of the clan would have their wrists clasped by a much older sibling or cousin, and be scolded to “Stop hitting yourself”, “Why are you hitting yourself?” Which by law must continue, until someone is caught by an adult, or tears begin to stream down the face of the recipient.

I realize there is nothing notable about my Thanksgivings or the conduct of family behind the veneer of normalcy, but it feels good to recall the Norman Rockwellian Thanksgivings from the past, and share those magic moments.



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As for Jo, since she inspired me to do all of this, I'll give her half my share, minus the yellow Prius that she said she'd buy me if she ever won the lottery.....(and the gas card)....and the plane tix to FLA so we can go car-shopping...

The car was if I hit the Power Ball which last night was the 1st time I had ever played Power Ball. Didn't even understand how to fill out the card. There was nothing on the news last night or in the paper so I do not know if someone hit the 250 million. If they did surely it would have been on the news.

Was watching the news and it is Skyjack Eve and on a whim got in my car and went to play some Cooper numbers.

The regular Lotto I play on Saturday, it is the same numbers Duane played once a wk after we moved here. Had to do a new one once in awhile and then they changed the game adding another number - so I had to pick the sixth number on the 5 plays.

Depending on public transportation as far in the booney as you live has to be really really tough. I even wish there was some way to provide you a vehicle without winning the lottery, but just not in the budget.

We can all dream and make wishes. At my age if I were to hit a biggie - why not do things for those who have touched my life. No one has to look very far to find someone who needs assistance....they are all around us. I do what I can do. One guy who was drifting thru my area I put in-touch with someone who needed the very skills he had.

I met the guy I referred him to thru Cooper World.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Ahem, a posting from Galen:


Happy Thanksgiving. Really laughing hard at the conspiracy buffs on the DZ, as you and I now have our own conspiracy going on ... :):)

here are a few facts to my favorite shill (:)), just in case you want to help clear the air at the DZ and give a few more good laughs. to those in need.

Galen Cook says Happy T-Giving to everyone at the DZ, with the several facts stated below:

1. I was forever banned at the DZ in 2008, for getting in Larry Carr's face. Since then, Larry Carr and I have communicated regularily via e-mail and the phone and have let bygones be bygones.

2. Bruce Smith is a friend and a trusted journalist, and he must feel that I can be trusted too, as he has confirmed my findings in the past.

3. I personally like Jo Weber, although I wish she would quit sending me so many personal e-mails and voice calls to my private line. Attorneys bill by the hour, and my bill to Jo is going to be huge.

4. Both Larry Carr and Curtis Eng have told me that Duane Weber and Kenneth Christianson were ruled-out as suspects. No reason for the FBI or myself to comment further, as that matter is resolved.

5. I'm loving life in the turkey fryer, which incidentally, is where I do my best investigative work.

Good day to all!

Galen Cook

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Ahem, a posting from Galen:


Happy Thanksgiving. Really laughing hard at the conspiracy buffs on the DZ, as you and I now have our own conspiracy going on ... :):)

here are a few facts to my favorite shill (:)), just in case you want to help clear the air at the DZ and give a few more good laughs. to those in need.

Galen Cook says Happy T-Giving to everyone at the DZ, with the several facts stated below:

1. I was forever banned at the DZ in 2008, for getting in Larry Carr's face. Since then, Larry Carr and I have communicated regularily via e-mail and the phone and have let bygones be bygones.

2. Bruce Smith is a friend and a trusted journalist, and he must feel that I can be trusted too, as he has confirmed my findings in the past.

3. I personally like Jo Weber, although I wish she would quit sending me so many personal e-mails and voice calls to my private line. Attorneys bill by the hour, and my bill to Jo is going to be huge.

4. Both Larry Carr and Curtis Eng have told me that Duane Weber and Kenneth Christianson were ruled-out as suspects. No reason for the FBI or myself to comment further, as that matter is resolved.

5. I'm loving life in the turkey fryer, which incidentally, is where I do my best investigative work.

Good day to all!

Galen Cook

My sympathies go out to Jo and Lyle, and his shill
Blevins. And thus, I am moved to song! An old favorite: ;)

The Campptown ladies sing this song,
Doo-da, Doo-da
The Camptown racetrack's five miles long
Oh, de doo-da day

Goin' to run all night
Goin' to run all day
I bet my money on a bob-tailed nag
Somebody bet on the gray

Oh, the long tailed filly and the big black horse,
Doo-da, doo-da
Come to a mud hole and they all cut across,
Oh, de doo-da day

Goin' to run all night
Goin' to run all day
I bet my money on a bob-tailed nag
Somebody bet on the gray

I went down there with my hat caved in,
Doo-da, doo-da
I came back home with a pocket full of tin
Oh, de doo-da day

Goin' to run all night
Goin' to run all day
I bet my money on a bob-tailed nag
Somebody bet on the gray

Longer Version

The Camptown ladies sing this song
Doo-dah! Doo-dah!
The Camptown racetrack's five miles long
Oh! doo-dah day!

Goin' to run all night
Goin' to run all day
I bet my money on a bob-tailed nag
Somebody bet on the gray

I come down there with my hat caved in
Doo-dah! doo-dah!
I go back home with a pocket full of tin
Oh! de doo-dah day!

Goin' to run all night
Goin' to run all day
I bet my money on a bob-tailed nag
Somebody bet on the gray

The long tail filly and the big black hoss
Doo-dah! Doo-dah!
They fly the track and they both cut across
Oh! de doo-dah day!

Goin' to run all night
Goin' to run all day
I bet my money on a bob-tailed nag
Somebody bet on the gray

The blind hoss sticken in a big mud hole
Doo-dah! doo-dah!
Can’t touch bottom with a ten foot pole
Oh! de doo-dah day!

Goin' to run all night
Goin' to run all day
I bet my money on a bob-tailed nag
Somebody bet on the gray

Old muley cow come on to the track
Doo-dah! Doo-dah!
The bob-tail fling her over his back
Oh! de doo-dah day!

Goin' to run all night
Goin' to run all day
I bet my money on a bob-tailed nag
Somebody bet on the gray

Then fly along like a rail-road car
Doo-dah! doo-dah!
Runnin’ a race with a shootin’ star
Oh! de doo-dah day!

Goin' to run all night
Goin' to run all day
I bet my money on a bob-tailed nag
Somebody bet on the gray

See them flyin’ on a ten mile heat
Doo-dah! Doo-dah!
Round the race track, then repeat
Oh! doo-dah day!

Goin' to run all night
Goin' to run all day
I bet my money on a bob-tailed nag
Somebody bet on the gray

I win my money on the bob-tail nag
Doo-dah! doo-dah!
I keep my money in an old tow-bag
Oh! de doo-dah day!

Goin' to run all night
Goin' to run all day
I bet my money on a bob-tailed nag
Somebody bet on the Geoff Gray

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Ahem, a posting from Galen:


Happy Thanksgiving. Really laughing hard at the conspiracy buffs on the DZ, as you and I now have our own conspiracy going on ... :):)

here are a few facts to my favorite shill (:)), just in case you want to help clear the air at the DZ and give a few more good laughs. to those in need.

Galen Cook says Happy T-Giving to everyone at the DZ, with the several facts stated below:

1. I was forever banned at the DZ in 2008, for getting in Larry Carr's face. Since then, Larry Carr and I have communicated regularily via e-mail and the phone and have let bygones be bygones.

2. Bruce Smith is a friend and a trusted journalist, and he must feel that I can be trusted too, as he has confirmed my findings in the past.

3. I personally like Jo Weber, although I wish she would quit sending me so many personal e-mails and voice calls to my private line. Attorneys bill by the hour, and my bill to Jo is going to be huge.

4. Both Larry Carr and Curtis Eng have told me that Duane Weber and Kenneth Christianson were ruled-out as suspects. No reason for the FBI or myself to comment further, as that matter is resolved.

5. I'm loving life in the turkey fryer, which incidentally, is where I do my best investigative work.

Good day to all!

Galen Cook

Well I guess that cleared that up.

Not sure if #4 qualifies as a drive-by shooting or a hit and run, but I suspect we will hear more on that topic soon.

eta.....lol.. that was quick. That's what happens when you leave your computer in mid post.
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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Galen Cook says Happy T-Giving to everyone at the DZ, with the several facts stated below:

1. I was forever banned at the DZ in 2008, for getting in Larry Carr's face. Since then, Larry Carr and I have communicated regularily via e-mail and the phone and have let bygones be bygones.

2. Bruce Smith is a friend and a trusted journalist, and he must feel that I can be trusted too, as he has confirmed my findings in the past.

3. I personally like Jo Weber, although I wish she would quit sending me so many personal e-mails and voice calls to my private line. Attorneys bill by the hour, and my bill to Jo is going to be huge.

4. Both Larry Carr and Curtis Eng have told me that Duane Weber and Kenneth Christianson were ruled-out as suspects. No reason for the FBI or myself to comment further, as that matter is resolved.

5. I'm loving life in the turkey fryer, which incidentally, is where I do my best investigative work.

Good day to all!

Galen Cook


:)I have sent you ONE email this yr. Last yr WE EXCHANGED multiple emails because of my trip to WA and this was a 2 way street....you wanted to meet me in WA in 2010, but I had a lot of ground to cover and we could not arrange a time suitable for both of us as it would have caused me to loose too much valuable time. When you were in Vancouver I was in The Dalles and Goldendale.

Like yourself I have put a lot of time and money into this.

Your emails to me in 2011 are multiple and I made replies and you replied back. I saved everyone of them and they are on disk and on my saved email in a file under your name.

Yes, I have recently called you because a young man who contacted me MANY MANY yrs ago wants to get in contact with you. I left you messages in regard to this. He was raised on that river and has followed and investigated the Skyjacking on his own all of these yrs. You don't know him and you have never met him!

It might well benefit you to talk to him. He is very intelligent and very knowledgable of the case - perhaps you might learn something from him.

Perhaps I need to send a certified letter to Curtis Eng as there are THINGS he does not know. IF Duane has been RULED out - then it was based on a letter dated in 1998 and was based on prints ONLY. There is a lot they DID not investigate about Duane Weber.

Perhaps I should charge you a Consulting FEE as you learned much of what you acquired on the case from me as these emails were NOT all about Duane. I have hard copies of the emails from before I learned to save them in on an email file and on the computer.

YOU first contacted me around 2003 - but, I would have to verify that with the written documents. Since I am currently on a pretty heavy pain pill and I am looking at my 4 th surgery - that is a little difficult at this time.

I still have the LETTER you sent with a pic of your "so called" suspect - and then your phone call to me when you were IRATE (actually ballistic) because you claimed I was going to give you Tina's contact information in exchange for your revealing your suspect (long long before Gossett). When I saw the picture from a College Album - I knew you did NOT have a suspect.

That letter is dated in 2004!

I have saved ALL of the email EXCHANGES since GET GO. I think you would find some of them a little embarassing as they validate the exchange of information on some issues,you then later used regarding your new suspect. Some of them came from a time I was playing with the covert aspect and the underworld thing. You were also playing with multiple theories.
I explored as many dead ends as you did - probably more.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Baloney Alert:

Galen Cook says in part:


4. 'Both Larry Carr and Curtis Eng have told me that Duane Weber and Kenneth Christianson were ruled-out as suspects. No reason for the FBI or myself to comment further, as that matter is resolved...'

In two phone calls and two different emails from the Seattle FBI over the last 16 months, they have said this regarding Kenny Christiansen:

1) That Christiansen has NEVER been investigated by the FBI. Reason given: They don't think he fits the description close enough to warrant the cost of such an investigation.

2) That some agents in the Seattle office believe Christiansen is a good suspect, while others believe there are better suspects.

3) That Christiansen has NOT been eliminated by the Seattle FBI as a suspect. To be fair, neither has William Gossett.

PS: I have these emails saved, of course.

There are two other concerns I have. First, Quade usually bans anyone permanently who posts for someone else who has already been banned. He did this to Gayla, after an incident a while back where she tried to stick up for me on some point or another. (I was on a temporary suspension)

Second, if Cook is now going to put himself forward as an official media rep/spokesperson for the FBI, and start putting words into the agents' mouths...then he should offer proof of those agents' statements.

April Foooolz!

You are living proof that you can't outsource Rock n
Roll or Honey Boo-Boo.

Again try you - Honey Boo Boo.

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Farflung wrote

it sill maintained its original cylindrical form, and the concentric rings of ribs, stamped into the can to maintain structural integrity. There was a spoon next to this food item which appeared to be packed in an invisible can, because we were classy.

My mom used the same cranberry "recipe". I too recall the can molded red cylinder.

I ate a lot of yellowfin tuna sashimi. It was just the pre dinner appetizer. The trace amounts of Cesium and Mercury could become an issue when consumption is high.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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I read Georger's posts and considered them thoroughly. Especially the complete quote of the lyrics from Camptown Races.

April Fool.

Truth be known, I mostly skip over them these days. Most make little or no sense.

Try cranberry sauce in a potato canon - that makes
sense ... unless you are a zombie!

Or, you could apologise to zombie-kind?

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Yep, we called it sauce even though it was more of a gelatin in mauve.

I've never thought about it, but we did too. So I looked on a can and that's what the Ocean Spray folks call it also. I'll have to look that one up.

Great Thanksgiving post. Everything is pretty much as you described it with a couple of regional substitutions.

The rolls were either burnt or -- just forgot to put them in the oven to start with.
About the only thing you left off was that funky fruit salad thing that always showed up - sometimes in a mold, sometimes just a can of fruit cocktail in some whipped creme. I don't recall ever seeing that particular dish outside of Thanksgiving and family reunions. :)
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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Like yourself I have put a lot of time and money into this.

April Foooolz!

Georger instead of messin around - just what are you trying to say! I have put a lot of money plus 18 yrs into this - I don't have a lot to show for it because I couldn't afford Private Investigators or hire people to search the river and do tests on money.

I know the FBI was supposed to have the prints and DNA on DL in April and we never heard one word. She was in Wa this past wk-end telling her story at some club.

I also had a story to tell about Duane's connection to Eugene thru his step-daughter...but, the FBI did NOT acknowledge what I told them and from my source they never checked it out (this source was NOT FBI).

I offered up a letter sent to me to validate the story about Eugene, but no one was interested. I think I smell a SET UP! Are they going to announce that the prints and DNA on the old suitcase with the toothbrush and some other incidentals left in Eugene by a certain party are a match with Cooper.

IF that happens I have the only valid source of Duane's DNA there is - his watch which I have never cleaned - I just put it away. It was handled by others but the cells in the expandable band would be excellent sources of DNA for Duane Weber and probably the only DNA.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Don't know that I ever heard this longer version: Exactly what are you trying to say? Sounds like you are aware of something you can't talk about.

The blind hoss sticken in a big mud hole
Can’t touch bottom with a ten foot pole

I keep my money in an old tow-bag

Goin' to run all night
Goin' to run all day
I bet my money on a bob-tailed nag
Somebody bet on the Geoff Gray

I bet some of the posters did NOT read your entire post!

Vickie's Dad - no one would be able to prove it WAS not him. No one and it would be the one no one would bet on. He would be the Gray. An old tow and a ten foot pole (ten foot hole).

Now I am making a story out of your little puzzle.

I can see the HEAD LINES now

Cooper's remains have been found by JT! The man who searched for Cooper for 40 yrs.
The remains match Vickie's father.

A little bird told JT there was a grave with 2 bodies in it and probably a chute - so JT goes out and digs up the body and places it where it would soon discovered and ID'd.

Source - Mr Fiction.

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Smokin99 recalls and reminds with:

About the only thing you left off was that funky fruit salad thing that always showed up - sometimes in a mold, sometimes just a can of fruit cocktail in some whipped creme. I don't recall ever seeing that particular dish outside of Thanksgiving and family reunions.”

How could I have forgotten that culinary miracle from the past?

And why doesn’t something all of us know about have a name? Would you pass the…… (What did we say?). I don’t even recall asking for the stuff, but it most certainly was on my plate at every Thanksgiving. How could this much time have gone by, and I’ve never pondered the mystery side-dish which made a predictable appearance every November and December?

The version I was subjected to was a ‘fusion’ of a Waldorf salad, Christmas fruit salad and frozen salad. I don’t even remember who made the thing, and perhaps it did not originate from terrestrial means. Walnuts, grapes and little marshmallows were but a sample of the aggregate which was bonded with what I recall as, ooze-y Twinkie filling.

One summer we had a family get together at a county park. For some reason, it was decided who would make certain items with the addition of a ‘fun potluck’, side-dish, which would be a ‘surprise’. So the grills were stocked with charcoal which was fanned to the perfect amount of heat with hamburgers, hot dogs and chicken as main courses. The picnic tables were covered with that red checked fabric or gingham, because we were classy. The metal Coleman coolers were filled with sodas and homemade ice from quart milk cartons (to save money, I know). Who’s the victim here? Well, would you believe that out of our entire tribe of closeted Martha Stewarts and Paula Deens, the surprise side dish, save one, was Deviled eggs? I mean hundreds and hundreds of Deviled eggs, on multicolored platters, absolutely covering an entire picnic table, from stem to stern.

It looked so good on paper adding some danger and excitement to a summer picnic. I remember people walking by the table and doing triple takes and pointing. Some I believe even scooped up their children to give them a better look at our embryonic masterpiece, or to protect them from the degenerates who would collectively commit such an act. If you ever planned on advertising who inspired the ‘Addams Family’, I can’t think of a better beacon than, 32 square feet of blaze yellow filled egg halves, lovingly placed on a fire engine red table cloth.

As was the fashion at the time, we acted like it was normal and put our best face forward. The kids were encouraged to ‘hurry up’ and consume a platter to make room for the single non-Deviled egg item which was a 12 quart pot of pork and beans. To this day, I’m still not sure how this could have been viewed as a good idea or a way to attenuate the freakish nature of an egg covered, public table.

In any event, we were doing normal person in the park things when a ranger comes over and says hello. It was just a nice person being nice and he walked away. But that’s not what the adults thought. “Do you think he noticed the eggs?” was asked as if we had just committed some crime other than being felony dorks. “I don’t think so, he didn’t say anything” was the whistling passed the graveyard response. Now how anyone could miss our piece of edible folk art is a mystery to me, but the elders felt as if they had pulled off the perfect crime and swore everyone to eternal secrecy. An oath, which I have clearly and repeatedly violated.

Between the Beatles ‘Magical Mystery Tour’ album and John Waters’ ‘Pink Flamingos’, I have to wonder if we weren’t the only people to have experienced some bizarre egg-centric trauma. Considering how eternally cool and wealthy everyone else is, I suppose I’ll never find out. Coo-coo-key- choo; Babs, Babs.

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A picnic with a table full of deviled eggs. That sounds like something out of a Coen Bros movie.

As for the bread buttering corn......one of the parts of the movie "War Games" that always struck me - they are sitting at the table - and Dad starts slathering a slice of bread with butter and then proceeds to roll his corn in it. Only time I ever saw that particular practice.

Various remembrances: my family always called the sliced bread that came in a bag "light" bread instead of "white" bread.

We lived kinda of in the country - party line phones, dirt roads, You could walk down the road or in the back of the house and have your pick of green plums, mayhaws, figs, peaches, blackberries and muscadines. Just watch out for snakes.

We never ate salads - if it didn't come out of the ground in the immediate vicinity we didn't eat that particular vegetable - and we didn't grow lettuce. First time i had a salad was at 15 years of age - I went to a restaurant (first time for that too). I thought that dressing was that stuff you had on Thanksgiving with turkey. Little did I know that people put that on lettuce and called it a salad. Also the first time i sat at a meal where there were two forks. :)
But we ate vegetables -- as long as they were cabbage, greens, tomatoes, corn, okra (nas-ty), squash, beans and peas. I always swore that i would NEVER make my children pick and shell peas on a hot summer day with gnats swarming all over the place when they could be swimming at the blue hole.

I remember peanut boils, daddy killing chickens with a swing of his arm, and hog slaughters (I still have an inch and 1/2 long scar on the top of my foot from when I was "helping" cut wood for the fire. Ax comes down on my foot instead of the wood. I remember my daddy carrying me and running through the woods to the house...me bleeding everywhere. I don't remember a hospital visit - the scar is wide so doesn't look like any stitches were used - I'm sure my mother doctored it up and then I probably got in trouble for "playing" with an ax and not being more like my older sisters and acting like a little girl ought to.
Generally, if you got hurt it was because you were doing something you weren't supposed to be. So after getting attention to the injury, you got your punishment for acting the fool. Kinda made you just want to bleed to death instead of going home to face mama. :)

but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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We've hammered out most of the details on the Ariel documentary I will be shooting tomorrow. I thought the best way to explain everything would be through a list:

1) This video is not about yours truly, Blast, or about book-selling. It's about interviews, color, and what actually goes on from start to finish at the annual gathering. I will only appear on the video a very minimal time.

2) I have a rather loose shooting script. On the way down, some color shots, a few comments.

3) Interviews, some very short, others longer, with pretty much anyone who wants to talk Cooper or present their fave suspect. I'm especially interested in hearing from the locals in Ariel. As I said before, known 'Cooper Royalty' folks like Bruce Smith, Galen Cook, 377, or anyone heavily 'into' Cooper publicly on websites will be asked to sign AB's standard Appearance Release. If you can't do this, I can't use you in the video. And yes...even if I've had my differences with you, I don't have a problem with you going on the vid. Just because we may disagree doesn't mean I hate you. As the saying goes, 'everyone got an opinion...'

4) General: What goes on in Ariel at different times during the day and into the evening.

5) Interview with Dona Elliot about the history of Ariel, and some stories from past gatherings. Some coverage of special items of interest she has for sale, such as Ha Ha Ha, etc. I think she's the only one who actually has copies these days.

6) Whatever else looks interesting enough to shoot. One item definitely on the list is the Look-Alike contest.

7) After editing, adding titles/credits, some background music to certain shots, etc. the video will be made available at CreateSpace via Amazon. You'll have to search it out on our website, or over at Amazon. The links will NOT be posted at Dropzone. (Advertising rules)

8) A shorter preview version will be posted up at YouTube.

9) If you want to be interviewed or have something to say, you can talk to me tomorrow at Ariel after 11AM, or email me today at adventurebooksofseattleATgmailDOTCOM. (Although that address sounds company-generic, in reality I am the only one who has access.)

10) If you have any suggestions for shots, feel free to volunteer your ideas on Saturday, if you are planning to attend.

11) I may not drive home that night. The weather is crap anyway, and I might be tired. So I will be shooting late.

12) I will be the guy in the Huskies baseball hat wearing a heavy blue coat with a hood...

"If I'd observed all the rules, I'd never have got anywhere..."

Marilyn Monroe

One person's trash, is another person's trash.


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Wonder how many actually go to Ariel. Would also like to know if Dona Elliot has any of the flyers I sent to her yrs ago - posted.

Especially interested in if she had the one with the 5 BOYS posted. The identity of 3 of them is known and those 3 went to WA from Camio in 1944 or 1945.

One was known to have jumping experience - the one who wore the boots and carried his guitar everywhere with him. Duane told me about this guy, but just said he knew the others ---he did not identify himself as the 5th guy - second from the right looking at the pic. I believe Duane was the one using another name, but they would also know him by the name of Dusty....and the 2 names given in the written script with the photo.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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