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DB Cooper

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Its hard for me to get beyond the dress and the circumstances surrounding the jump. From a logical standpoint, he did not dress for a jump in the cold night sky of November and the possibility of landing in rough terrain. I can't see this as being intelligent on his part. There are only two things as of now I can argue that undermine intelligence:

1. Poor dress for jumping out of a 727 at 10,000 feet doing 175mph and landing who the hell knows. The unforseen problems with the aftstairs lend to the idea that his timing was interrupted.

2. Not asking for any certain denomination of money

What everyone misses is what you can't see. Duane had on TWO PAIR of thermal underwear under his BYU-like street attire. I contend he had his boots somehow, perhaps in a chute. And who says the terrain was rough? I tell you the terrain was almost pastureland not forest.

And the note asking for 20's was never turned in because it had other things on the note that spilled the beans. (Actually written by Richard Floyd McCoy, Jr.) But, what do I know. I was just there to witness what really happened. Not intended as a crime, but a civil demonstration of what COULD happen. Tricky Dicky used it to his advantage for a slightly different purpose. To leverage his Executive order on aircraft safety. It is all a matter of record. Look it up. Ask the key players. Use your head.

Sheep. That's what I see. Sheep and turkeys.

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you seem to have "missed" taking your medication again!!

Nope. Two vitamin C, two tylenol, one lopressor, and a shot of 2%. Like clockwork. You didn't miss your chance for another "put down", did you. Always harassing, always attacking, always wrong. Perfect score. You should change your screen name to mrzero4Ø.

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It will take me a week or so to scan all the docs and pics and add the explanatory captions, then the whole package goes to Thomas Eng via registered mail. Whether they will even consider it, I haven't a clue. Figured it was about time I tried, though

So...just curious...if he calls you back and tells you that they don't need any of that stuff because they actually have already checked Kenny's fingerprints/DNA previously sent in and he's been eliminated as a suspect - what will your response be?

Well, that would certainly be a surprise, since in one phone call they made to me, and in two additional emails...they have said they have NEVER investigated Christiansen. The only contact ever made between the FBI and anyone involved with Christiansen was when two agents out of the Minneapolis office talked to Lyle Christiansen briefly at Lyle's house. And that was many years ago, even before the Geoff Gray NYM article in '07.

No, they haven't checked KC's DNA or his prints. That is a fact. I'm hoping maybe after they read the report and see the available evidence they will. I'm going to drop another thing with my comments here: Although I have posted just about everything here at Dropzone that we know about Christiansen, I did hold back on a couple of items, and those are included in the report. They were discovered after the revised edition of the book came out in January 2011. Not case-breaking necessarily...but important.

But to answer your question, if the Seattle FBI reviews the report and the evidentiary documents, and gives me a solid reason why Kenny isn't the hijacker, something you can hang your hat on that refutes the witness testimony and the evidence, then I will accept that and move on. I had to try, though.

To tell you the truth, if they put Helen Jones, Mrs Geestman, Jones' daughter, and Geestman's sister Dawn in one room...and Mr Geestman in the other...they will probably get to the truth rather quickly. What that truth is for sure, I don't know.

What I DO know is that all those lies by Bernie Geestman need to be addressed once and for all. If the FBI moves forward on this, they will probably speak to Foss Tugs, check his employment record with Boeing and NWA, examine the document on the sale of Kenny's house and adjoining lot, talk to Ann Grimes about the details on the house sale, query him on that 5K loan he got from Kenny so his sister and her kids could move out of his house, and then ask him why he told Decoded he thought Kenny could be the hijacker...when those people in the next room say he was WITH Kenny at the time of the hijacking.


'Luuuuucy.....you got some 'splainin to do!'

I should have done this a year ago instead of arguing points at Dropzone.

LOL Robert - Your making this way too complicated.

I didn't say that they had checked anything - I said IF they come back and say that they have checked them and no match --- or, OKAY, IF they decide to check them based on your report, and THEN they say that they have eliminated KC. Not by interviewing Bernie or Helen or wives, or sisters, or daughters - just the exclusionary evidence that the FBI has supposedly used to exclude others.

Look - the FBI could probably care less what you, I, or others really think of their conclusions. I'm just curious and it's a simple question: Will you accept that KC is excluded based on a no-match to the fingerprints/DNA that the FBI has?
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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"Will you accept that KC is excluded based on a no-match to the fingerprints/DNA that the FBI has? "

I don't know if any accept this, Marla and Jo both claim the DNA might not be Coopers, which could be true, same for the fingerprints. giant loop hole B|

"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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I think Georger is a closet Blevins fan. EVIDENCE: He reposts my posts in their entirety, even after they've fallen to the wayside on a previous page. Thanks for the bump, buddy...and yeah...I'll watch out for that fog. (*laughs*)

He will probably think twice about that action and edit the whole thing out. [:/] I should have kept my mouth shut.

Amazon: You could do worse than Amazon.com

I have done lots better... :)

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"Will you accept that KC is excluded based on a no-match to the fingerprints/DNA that the FBI has? "

I don't know if any accept this, Marla and Jo both claim the DNA might not be Coopers, which could be true, same for the fingerprints. giant loop hole B|

Bingo....Kind of what I'm getting at.
The simple fact is, unless they get a MATCH (and maybe not even then if the match is for the other guy), I'd wager that every one will fall back on that loophole - in other words no one will accept that their guy is excluded even if the FBI says that are. :)
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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in other words no one will accept that their guy is excluded even if the FBI says that are. :)

That's the key to everything which passes for
Cooper "research". 99% of what gets posted here is
just "nullification" ... of other people's opinions and

I have yet to see any candidate offered by anyone,
who wasnt deadly serious about it, for whatever

Beyond that most of these people arent even
interested in the Cooper matter! Thus it goes round
and round and round always orbiting the same

This leaves no room for any serious work on the
Cooper case. It would be instantly NULLIFIED by
Blevins or Jo or some other .............

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While I appreciate the FBI doing the public involvement thing, I'm also not entirely convinced that they, the FBI agents, are just turning over every thing to citizens sleuths, authors, or journalists.

I'll go even further to say that I'm not entirely convinced that any given current FBI agent is even necessarily aware of everything that had been collected or done in this case.

Just an opinion based on a lot of little things that are reported (but then how much of that can you believe). I think we're in an infinite loop. :)

but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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Robert99 asks:


'LOL Robert - Your making this way too complicated.

I didn't say that they had checked anything - I said IF they come back and say that they have checked them and no match --- or, OKAY, IF they decide to check them based on your report, and THEN they say that they have eliminated KC. Not by interviewing Bernie or Helen or wives, or sisters, or daughters - just the exclusionary evidence that the FBI has supposedly used to exclude others.

Look - the FBI could probably care less what you, I, or others really think of their conclusions. I'm just curious and it's a simple question: Will you accept that KC is excluded based on a no-match to the fingerprints/DNA that the FBI has?...'

It's a loaded question, Robert99. And I'm not dodging you on it. But it's difficult to answer because first, no one knows if any of the 66 or so prints actually belongs to the hijacker. Second, the DNA sample itself is suspect. There is much debate about it because of the age of the sample at the time it was taken, that multiple people have handled the tie during the years before DNA came along, and other factors.

Outside of the FBI, no one really knows how viable the sample taken is, or what results they were able to obtain from that sample. They can't even tell you for sure it belongs to the hijacker. I've never based the case for Christiansen on DNA, but on other evidence gathered outside of the FBI's investigation. I have always believed that if the case were eventually solved, it would be by witnesses who could fill in the blanks sufficiently to satisfy the FBI that indeed, they had their man. This evidence is important, and cannot be written off with a 'what if'. It needs to be checked.

You may be putting the cart before the horse, anyway. The reality is that if the FBI decides to take any action at all on my report, that they would do an investigation based on that report...before moving on to any DNA comparisons.

Let me put it this way. If they investigated the witnesses and examined the photos and docs...and found alternate answers to them...and then move on to DNA/print comparisons without a match...then yes, I would accept the results and relegate KC to the list of people eliminated as possibly being Cooper. In fact, they wouldn't even have to do the print comparisons or DNA to satisfy me. Let's face it, if I'm wrong on the evidence regarding Kenny, then I have no case at all.

You and your machinations are not even a blip on
the bottom of their waste baskets.

And if anything, in a moment's pause, they are
probably glad you are here fucking things up for

Some people have actually speculated you might be
an FBI agent sent here to fuck everyone up!


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Robert99 asks:


'LOL Robert - Your making this way too complicated.

I didn't say that they had checked anything - I said IF they come back and say that they have checked them and no match --- or, OKAY, IF they decide to check them based on your report, and THEN they say that they have eliminated KC. Not by interviewing Bernie or Helen or wives, or sisters, or daughters - just the exclusionary evidence that the FBI has supposedly used to exclude others.

Look - the FBI could probably care less what you, I, or others really think of their conclusions. I'm just curious and it's a simple question: Will you accept that KC is excluded based on a no-match to the fingerprints/DNA that the FBI has?...'

It's a loaded question, Robert99. And I'm not dodging you on it. But it's difficult to answer because first, no one knows if any of the 66 or so prints actually belongs to the hijacker. Second, the DNA sample itself is suspect. There is much debate about it because of the age of the sample at the time it was taken, that multiple people have handled the tie during the years before DNA came along, and other factors.

Outside of the FBI, no one really knows how viable the sample taken is, or what results they were able to obtain from that sample. They can't even tell you for sure it belongs to the hijacker. I've never based the case for Christiansen on DNA, but on other evidence gathered outside of the FBI's investigation. I have always believed that if the case were eventually solved, it would be by witnesses who could fill in the blanks sufficiently to satisfy the FBI that indeed, they had their man. This evidence is important, and cannot be written off with a 'what if'. It needs to be checked.

You may be putting the cart before the horse, anyway. The reality is that if the FBI decides to take any action at all on my report, that they would do an investigation based on that report...before moving on to any DNA comparisons.

Let me put it this way. If they investigated the witnesses and examined the photos and docs...and found alternate answers to them...and then move on to DNA/print comparisons without a match...then yes, I would accept the results and relegate KC to the list of people eliminated as possibly being Cooper. In fact, they wouldn't even have to do the print comparisons or DNA to satisfy me. Let's face it, if I'm wrong on the evidence regarding Kenny, then I have no case at all.

First of all - You know I wasn't just talking about DNA - I can't imagine that they would put resources on DNA as a first step for anyone. But I would imagine that if they did anything first it would be a comparison of prints - not interviews or DNA.

It's Smokin not Robert, but what I was getting at, as I noted in my response to Mr Shutter, is that, rightly or wrongly, unless there is a positive match, everyone is still gonna fault the evidence that they THINK the FBI has when it comes to excluding their suspect.
So pretty much, the answer is no. You didn't need to cage your response in relation to how viable you think the evidence is - we've all beat on that dead horse. ;)
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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Robert99 asks:


'LOL Robert - Your making this way too complicated.

I didn't say that they had checked anything - I said IF they come back and say that they have checked them and no match --- or, OKAY, IF they decide to check them based on your report, and THEN they say that they have eliminated KC. Not by interviewing Bernie or Helen or wives, or sisters, or daughters - just the exclusionary evidence that the FBI has supposedly used to exclude others.

Look - the FBI could probably care less what you, I, or others really think of their conclusions. I'm just curious and it's a simple question: Will you accept that KC is excluded based on a no-match to the fingerprints/DNA that the FBI has?...'

It's a loaded question, Robert99. And I'm not dodging you on it. But it's difficult to answer because first, no one knows if any of the 66 or so prints actually belongs to the hijacker. Second, the DNA sample itself is suspect. There is much debate about it because of the age of the sample at the time it was taken, that multiple people have handled the tie during the years before DNA came along, and other factors.

Outside of the FBI, no one really knows how viable the sample taken is, or what results they were able to obtain from that sample. They can't even tell you for sure it belongs to the hijacker. I've never based the case for Christiansen on DNA, but on other evidence gathered outside of the FBI's investigation. I have always believed that if the case were eventually solved, it would be by witnesses who could fill in the blanks sufficiently to satisfy the FBI that indeed, they had their man. This evidence is important, and cannot be written off with a 'what if'. It needs to be checked.

You may be putting the cart before the horse, anyway. The reality is that if the FBI decides to take any action at all on my report, that they would do an investigation based on that report...before moving on to any DNA comparisons.

Let me put it this way. If they investigated the witnesses and examined the photos and docs...and found alternate answers to them...and then move on to DNA/print comparisons without a match...then yes, I would accept the results and relegate KC to the list of people eliminated as possibly being Cooper. In fact, they wouldn't even have to do the print comparisons or DNA to satisfy me. Let's face it, if I'm wrong on the evidence regarding Kenny, then I have no case at all.

Blevins, I don't know where you are coming from or where you are going, but I did not ask any of the things as you claim above. Maybe Georger is right about your FBI connection.>:(


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'Blevins, I don't know where you are coming from or where you are going, but I did not ask any of the things as you claim above. Maybe Georger is right about your FBI connection.


Post corrected to SMOKIN99, thank you. Sometimes it gets confusing because users on this thread are fairly free with the Quote function, and the two of you have '99' in your usernames...

"Just because you fail once doesn't mean you're gonna fail at everything..."

Marilyn Monroe

Yes. Gets confusing. '99' 'gg' 'bb' 'dd', '99', 'gg'
'pp', 'bb', '99', '66', 'gg' ...

Say hello to Ken in our Seattle office. >:(

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Georger's Opinion on Blevins and a rather odd one for him, but at least it moves forward.;):o:)
Georgers statement:


And if anything, in a moment's pause, they are probably glad you are here fucking things up for everyone!

Some people have actually speculated you might be
an FBI agent sent here to fuck everyone up!


Blevins an FBI agent? Georger exactly what did you have to drink tonight?:D
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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To Blevens:

You say

"I have finally gotten off my dead butt. I spent the entire day digging out all my old notes, the witness testimony recordings, pics, docs, etc and doing a complete report on Christiansen for the Seattle FBI."

Blevens, remember to mention in your report to the FBI that Kenny Christansen had three things that rule him out as a DB Cooper candidate

1) Too short at 5feet 8inches - needs to be 6feet at least to be Cooper

2) Wrong Color of eyes (blue) and Cooper had brown eyes.

3) Cooper had "OLIVE" complextion and Kenney had white of light complextion.

Christansen was certainly not DB Cooper

Bob Sailshaw

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This leaves no room for any serious work on the
Cooper case. It would be instantly NULLIFIED by
Blevins or Jo or some other .............

Well, Georger - do you or has anyone produced a viable suspect that the FBI will give more than a passing glance at?

I have hung in here because I personally as an adult lived with, married and witnessed things said by Weber that indicated he was Cooper and had a strong N.W connection. Duane's secretive background (kept from me) and his own actions and words are the reasons that keep me going.

The origin of the story I told to the FBI came from personal experience with Weber and I am the only living person I have ever heard of who had their spouse or brother or father confess to the crime. The FBI has hinted at others, but when I came forward - these other individuals would have come forward to tell their story...none did....therefore WHAT was their story?

I did have an attorney contact me on behalf of one woman - I don't know if she contacted the FBI and what her story was. Could have just been someone who was writing a book and when my story came out decided to back away - especially after all of the other "suspects" POPPED out from beneath the Wall Paper in a feeding weeping mold frinzy. I even agreed to meet with her and for us to share our spouses background (with confidentiality forms signed). I thought it would help both of us....but, it never happened even though I offered to meet her or go to her.

After Marla came OUT, I thought this person might have been her, but as her "story" evolved I realize there was no connection. The attorney who contacted me was out of Minnesota and his client per his statement was older than myself and lived in Missouri.

Frankly I think a meeting between myself and this woman would have been beneficial to both of us - not to advance anything, but as an exploration into why we both thought our husbands were Cooper. I still would like to meet this woman and on a confidential level - just felt it would help to know I am not alone. ([:/]I do NOT identify with Marla in any way...what so ever.

I tell this story, Georger to let you and others know I do NOT NULLIFY the stories of others. I listen and I ask questions, but so far I have NOT heard one subject anyone has presented that didn't sound like a set-up or speculation.
I did not buy into Blevins at all because I had talked to his brother several yrs ago right after Grey did the article and I had been in touch with porteous.

Yes, Blevins got "a story" from some witnesses - but, what would they have said if it had been the FBI doing the interview?After Weber there have been many suspects presented so when other suspects came up - opportunist started making a mockery out of the Cooper investigation - all they needed was a story - and with a "what the heck" attitude - the FBI didn't do anything with the others suspect - so let's see if we can't make a little money.

Dangle a book and a possible movie infront of some people and they will tell you anything you want them to - why I Walked on deals. Also I went to the FBI as soon as I found out who DAN COOPER was - that is the difference between contrived fiction and real convictions,
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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1. Proof of Heaven:
A neurosurgeon's Journey Into the Afterlife

The author Eben Alexander was in a coma and his soul communicated with the Creator.
(I like that he used the word Creator). The book is about "there's nothing to fear about death - it's a transition and we encounter beautiful comfort". This is wording from a review in the paper today.

2. The identity of the Salt Lake Photo 1979 - who was the man and what was his involvement with Duane L. Weber or John Collins?

3. To make ONE final trip to WA.

Number one and number two sort of go hand in hand and the most important is the identity and background of the Salt Lake man. Why, because I believe knowing who this man is will fill in the blank spots in the life of Duane L. Weber - knowing who this man was and his background might help me to find some resolution so I can stop thinking about this crap and think about what I want to do with what little is left of life.

Picture attached: Made in Salt Lake in front of the Assembly Hall on the last wk of Sept 1979 or 1st wk of Oct 1979. He worked in The Visitors Centre. Anyone knowing how to find out who this man was please do. I contacted the Church and the nuns and the chamber and the local news paper yrs ago - but NO ONE seemed to know who the man was and NO ONE was willing to look up anything regarding employee rosters from 1979.

I GOT NO WHERE. I could not afford to buy a quarter page in the local Salt Lake area to post the pic and ask if anyone could ID the man.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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So he hijacks the airline he's been working for. That can't be too smart Blevins. You have to interact with people at a job site, you have to fill out an application at Human Resources, you have to pick up your paycheck, you have to work with others in your immediate area. So Cooper would take the chance to hijack the airline he worked for, knowing that there's probably a good chance someone(s) somewhere in NWA would recognize him. I can't buy that one Blevins. MeyerLouie


Actually that one makes sense, Cooper would have been 'operating' in a comfort zone, less chance for surprises.

I read somewhere that most 'white collar theft' takes place at the perps place of employment...hummm.

And working for an airline is nothing like working at an office or a factory where you will see the same finite number of people day in & day out.

Unless Cooper had worked that route extensively as a cabin-crew member, the odds are fairly good he wouldn't have been recognized by 'co-workers'...not a lotta human resource people or payroll department execs hanging out at the loading gate. :ph34r:

Don't buy it airtwardo, not even for a second. This is probably a bigger deal than some white collar office crime. He would have to virtually isolate himself from everyone, everywhere at his place of employment to have any chance of not being recalled or remembered by someone, somewhere along the way. I say the chances of that are slim to none. I used to work for the Forest Service, I went days without seeing anyone at times, but somewhere, sometime, along the way, I had to run into and interact with a somebody. MeyerLouie

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1. Proof of Heaven:
A neurosurgeon's Journey Into the Afterlife

The author Eben Alexander was in a coma and his soul communicated with the Creator.
(I like that he used the word Creator). The book is about "there's nothing to fear about death - it's a transition and we encounter beautiful comfort". This is wording from a review in the paper today.

2. The identity of the Salt Lake Photo 1979 - who was the man and what was his involvement with Duane L. Weber or John Collins?

3. To make ONE final trip to WA.

Number one and number two sort of go hand in hand and the most important is the identity and background of the Salt Lake man. Why, because I believe knowing who this man is will fill in the blank spots in the life of Duane L. Weber - knowing who this man was and his background might help me to find some resolution so I can stop thinking about this crap and think about what I want to do with what little is left of life.

Picture attached: Made in Salt Lake in front of the Assembly Hall on the last wk of Sept 1979 or 1st wk of Oct 1979. He worked in The Visitors Centre. Anyone knowing how to find out who this man was please do. I contacted the Church and the nuns and the chamber and the local news paper yrs ago - but NO ONE seemed to know who the man was and NO ONE was willing to look up anything regarding employee rosters from 1979.

I GOT NO WHERE. I could not afford to buy a quarter page in the local Salt Lake area to post the pic and ask if anyone could ID the man.



I'm wondering if anyone could forward this picture on to to Clyde Lewis. He has a facebook page, how about sending him the pic there and see what he says? Or if someone has an email address for Clyde, you could attach the pic to an email to him.


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1. Proof of Heaven:
A neurosurgeon's Journey Into the Afterlife

The author Eben Alexander was in a coma and his soul communicated with the Creator.
(I like that he used the word Creator). The book is about "there's nothing to fear about death - it's a transition and we encounter beautiful comfort". This is wording from a review in the paper today.

2. The identity of the Salt Lake Photo 1979 - who was the man and what was his involvement with Duane L. Weber or John Collins?

3. To make ONE final trip to WA.

Number one and number two sort of go hand in hand and the most important is the identity and background of the Salt Lake man. Why, because I believe knowing who this man is will fill in the blank spots in the life of Duane L. Weber - knowing who this man was and his background might help me to find some resolution so I can stop thinking about this crap and think about what I want to do with what little is left of life.

Picture attached: Made in Salt Lake in front of the Assembly Hall on the last wk of Sept 1979 or 1st wk of Oct 1979. He worked in The Visitors Centre. Anyone knowing how to find out who this man was please do. I contacted the Church and the nuns and the chamber and the local news paper yrs ago - but NO ONE seemed to know who the man was and NO ONE was willing to look up anything regarding employee rosters from 1979.

I GOT NO WHERE. I could not afford to buy a quarter page in the local Salt Lake area to post the pic and ask if anyone could ID the man.



I'm wondering if anyone could forward this picture on to to Clyde Lewis. He has a facebook page, how about sending him the pic there and see what he says? Or if someone has an email address for Clyde, you could attach the pic to an email to him.


To add my two cents worth, I don't know where Jo came up with the "nuns" in Salt Lake City. If Jo meant members of the LDS Church, then they certainly were not "nuns".

It is also unlikely that anyone working in the LDS Visitor's Center would be an "employee". They were probably unpaid members of the LDS Church performing a voluntary mission for the Church. And they could be from anywhere on this planet.

MeyerLouie gives Jo some good advice about how to approach the problem. I have visited Salt Lake City quite a few times to do genealogical research at the LDS Family History Library there. And in the last 40 years, the LDS Church has embraced computer technology with a passion.

So the "social media" on the Internet would be an excellent place to start.


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Georger's Opinion on Blevins and a rather odd one for him, but at least it moves forward.;):o:)
Georgers statement:


And if anything, in a moment's pause, they are probably glad you are here fucking things up for everyone!

Some people have actually speculated you might be
an FBI agent sent here to fuck everyone up!


Blevins an FBI agent? Georger exactly what did you have to drink tonight?:D

I get a good laugh at speculation that the FBI has planted a covert agent on the forum. We are just not that important. Not even close.

Ckret came here openly, even disclosed his real name, and then was taken off after one of our more petty and vindictive forum members complained to his superiors. His exit was a loss to the forum, regardless of whether you agreed with his conclusions. He had greater access to FBI case info than anyone on this forum has ever had.

I've seen zero evidence that the FBI is covering up Cooper's identity. They are stumped, just as we are. They'd love to solve the case as they would then be batting 1000 on US skyjackings.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Jo wrote

1. Proof of Heaven:
A neurosurgeon's Journey Into the Afterlife.

The author Eben Alexander was in a coma and his soul communicated with the Creator.
(I like that he used the word Creator). The book is about "there's nothing to fear about death - it's a transition and we encounter beautiful comfort". This is wording from a review in the paper today.

Dr. Alexander paints a beautiful passionate vision of afterlife in heaven, but it's not proof, not even remotely close. It is, however, very comforting to those who have lost loved ones and to those facing death.

Humans have a very hard time handling the vision that life ends and that's it. They invent alternatives that are more comforting. Nothing wrong with that, in fact it has numerous societal benefits, but don't confuse it with proof of afterlife or heaven.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Ckret had greater access to FBI case info than anyone on this forum has ever had.

With the exception of Tom Kaye, Bob Knoss, Robert
M Blevins, Jo Weber, Geoffrey Gray, Leonard Pinks,
Elmo, Dolly Parton, and the LDS nuns Jo has just
discovered in Utah!

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