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smokin99 0
Lord have mercy.
I try to tell my friends about our little slice of Heaven and the weirdness that prevails and they just roll their eyes and laugh. I'm beginning to see their point. This is getting to be like frickin junior high school.
I hope the rest of you aren't wondering whether you ever sent Jo a private email venting about another person. We might have to rent the superdome for a mega-whackdown.
I'm not defending Cook -- IF he even sent those emails -- we just don't know, do we? Jo has been known to get her posts confused. You know it's true.Frankly, I could care less what folks say about me in their private emails (even if I know about it) - though to Blevins defense, it would probably piss me off if someone posted that email on an internet forum. I'm just not sure why people get off on stirring the pot with stupid stuff. I guess because they know that folks will naturally respond?
Lol...may the "best" man win. Jeez. So instead of Willie vs Kenny, we get Blevins vs Cook. What a letdown. I won't be buying tickets.
Mr Shutter - how are the simulations going?
mrshutter45 21
Lord have mercy.
I try to tell my friends about our little slice of Heaven and the weirdness that prevails and they just roll their eyes and laugh. I'm beginning to see their point. This is getting to be like frickin junior high school.
I hope the rest of you aren't wondering whether you ever sent Jo a private email venting about another person. We might have to rent the superdome for a mega-whackdown.
I'm not defending Cook -- IF he even sent those emails -- we just don't know, do we? Jo has been known to get her posts confused. You know it's true.Frankly, I could care less what folks say about me in their private emails (even if I know about it) - though to Blevins defense, it would probably piss me off if someone posted that email on an internet forum. I'm just not sure why people get off on stirring the pot with stupid stuff. I guess because they know that folks will naturally respond?
Lol...may the "best" man win. Jeez. So instead of Willie vs Kenny, we get Blevins vs Cook. What a letdown. I won't be buying tickets.
Mr Shutter - how are the simulations going?
well, I had to get another computer, I ran this one into the ground, it just couldn't handle what I'm throwing at it, so, I have another computer on the way next week. last couple weeks have been a problem testing wise so until the system is running with all the power needed (plus room for more!) we are at a stand still with testing. with the down time I have been able to complete the cockpit itself (see photo)
the main issue was to amount of addons I put in the system, this has overloaded the weak processor and maxed out the capacity of the ram, the cost is not worth it, so in comes a new one

when I first thought of this, I thought it was going to be easy, boy was I wrong

smokin99 0
well, I had to get another computer, I ran this one into the ground, it just couldn't handle what I'm throwing at it, so, I have another computer on the way next week. last couple weeks have been a problem testing wise so until the system is running with all the power needed (plus room for more!) we are at a stand still with testing. with the down time I have been able to complete the cockpit itself (see photo)
the main issue was to amount of addons I put in the system, this has overloaded the weak processor and maxed out the capacity of the ram, the cost is not worth it, so in comes a new onewe have most of the weather data and I'm now learning how to input it into the new software which is a task in itself (learning curve) I am hoping to have some solid data to release by the end of January, work is starting to slow down and will give me some extra time on the project.
when I first thought of this, I thought it was going to be easy, boy was I wronggetting everything as close as "the real deal" takes time, so baby steps it is if we are to get it right! once the path is complete it will be recorded along with the data running right along side of it showing exactly what is going on. ( altitude,speed, longitude and latitudes and time) once the new system is up and running I will update you on our progress.
Very nice.
So once you get it all mapped out with all the data and have a fair idea of where he jumped (you know.... we don't want much - but by the way what have you done for us lately)

mrshutter45 21
well, I had to get another computer, I ran this one into the ground, it just couldn't handle what I'm throwing at it, so, I have another computer on the way next week. last couple weeks have been a problem testing wise so until the system is running with all the power needed (plus room for more!) we are at a stand still with testing. with the down time I have been able to complete the cockpit itself (see photo)
the main issue was to amount of addons I put in the system, this has overloaded the weak processor and maxed out the capacity of the ram, the cost is not worth it, so in comes a new onewe have most of the weather data and I'm now learning how to input it into the new software which is a task in itself (learning curve) I am hoping to have some solid data to release by the end of January, work is starting to slow down and will give me some extra time on the project.
when I first thought of this, I thought it was going to be easy, boy was I wronggetting everything as close as "the real deal" takes time, so baby steps it is if we are to get it right! once the path is complete it will be recorded along with the data running right along side of it showing exactly what is going on. ( altitude,speed, longitude and latitudes and time) once the new system is up and running I will update you on our progress.
Very nice.
So once you get it all mapped out with all the data and have a fair idea of where he jumped (you know.... we don't want much - but by the way what have you done for us lately)

don't buy the Adventure bus just yet
Yes Robert, the speed, ground speed, altitude, weather effects etc have all been checked, the stairs can be dropped , but only in the locked position. I have put hours and hours into testing each given task to insure it's as close as we can be to "realistic flying" I can change the dates, times and go from daylight to dusk, dawn and evening, even the stars are correct according to Georger.
After some thought, I've decided not to quote Cook's *alleged* email in the video. I will just address his claims thus far in the Cooper case. No need to make it personal. I think if Jo's posting of the email is accurate, it speaks for itself on its own regarding Galen Cook.

![[:/] [:/]](/uploads/emoticons/dry.png)
Cook did NOT find a suspect and then research the story. He has OVER THE YRS developed several suspects, BUT he got a little too carried away with Gossett and the media. Sometimes I think he makes claims out of desperation in his search because his goal has ALWAYS been for yrs - to be the one to solve the case.
![[:/] [:/]](/uploads/emoticons/dry.png)

mrshutter45 21
I can also remove all of the passengers and luggage and can add passengers one by one in which I have done by adding only 5 people, I can tell if the system trips up, my take off time will be off and I take a look at my load, sure enough a full house this system has lots of goodies on it
read 99's post, part was to you as well.
smokin99 0
don't buy the Adventure bus just yet
Yes Robert, the speed, ground speed, altitude, weather effects etc have all been checked, the stairs can be dropped , but only in the locked position. I have put hours and hours into testing each given task to insure it's as close as we can be to "realistic flying" I can change the dates, times and go from daylight to dusk, dawn and evening, even the stars are correct according to Georger.
MrShutter: I know you took into account the amount and weight of fuel, did you make allowances for the other types of weight on the plane (people, luggage, etc.)
Or would that amount of weight make any difference?
The reason I ask - I was on a flight not too long ago (a connector flight - just one section) and the flight attendant asked for a volunteer in the first four rows to take a seat in the back. Folks in the back joked that their diets were going better than they thought :).
Incidentally, there was someone in the first row that was rather large but I don't know if that had anything to do with anything.
Wondered about all that ever since - I mean with all the weight on a plane, what effect would moving one average size person to the back have?
smokin99 0
I can also remove all of the passengers and luggage and can add passengers one by one in which I have done by adding only 5 people, I can tell if the system trips up, my take off time will be off and I take a look at my load, sure enough a full house
this system has lots of goodies on it
read 99's post, part was to you as well.
Dang you answered part of my question before i got it posted.
ETA>>>I realize that luggage and people weight would effect flying - guess my question should be how much does one person affect it - and - would the fact that you might not know how much people weighed or how much luggage, etc was on the flight be a significant factor in the overall project.
This is getting to be like frickin junior high school.
I agree with that point of view
I hope the rest of you aren't wondering whether you ever sent Jo a private email venting about another person. We might have to rent the superdome for a mega-whackdown.
I believe my reply to Blevins addressed this....strange I was thinking the same thing (Wrestling).
I'm just not sure why people get off on stirring the pot with stupid stuff. I guess because they know that folks will naturally respond?
I forget how many yrs I have posted here and you forget I have 18 yrs into this - I was not stirring the pot. I was trying to point out that posters in the thread have been used as puppets - I will NOT name them, but there have been several over the yrs.
What Cook was stating about Blevins is NOTHING any of you guys have not done is this thread. Cook figured Blevins out in 2010.
YOU WILL note my posts recently are only about what I know and an exploration of my life with a man who TOLD me he was DAN COOPER. That does NOT put me in the Blevins category.
mrshutter45 21

I can put them where ever I wish in the cabin, I can also add and remove luggage, as mentioned above it makes a big difference with a empty plane vs a full one. I can take off with what ever amount of fuel I wish, I can dump the fuel as well, Microsoft put a lot of features in the simulator and then the Dreamfleet 727 tops it off with more features, very realistic in many many ways.
took me a long time to learn how to manually start the plane, was using the "Turn key" prior to learning

the system is not that sensitive to pick up one fat guy moving around the cabin

smokin99 0
You know...Robert Blevins is taking the high road and said he is not going to mention the email anymore so you shouldn't either.
You might not have been deliberately trying to stir it up, and you can act like you are clueless on this, but
It's a simple rule and you know it's true.... You should not be posting insults that one person said about another in a private email.
It's just not good karma.
eta: lol...okay I see the Blevins high road has already dipped some during the time it took me to post. Whatever. Believe it or not, it's not all about y'all.
smokin99 0
I can put them where ever I wish in the cabin, I can also add and remove luggage, as mentioned above it makes a big difference with a empty plane vs a full one. I can take off with what ever amount of fuel I wish, I can dump the fuel as well, Microsoft put a lot of features in the simulator and then the Dreamfleet 727 tops it off with more features, very realistic in many many ways.
took me a long time to learn how to manually start the plane, was using the "Turn key" prior to learning
the system is not that sensitive to pick up one fat guy moving around the cabinreal life, don't know if it would make a difference.
I guess you can guesstimate the luggage. The people getting off the plane looked like light travelers to me

In the meantime, maybe one of the pilots on here can answer my real-life question about why the flight attendant asked for one passenger to move toward the back

Robert99 50
In the meantime, maybe one of the pilots on here can answer my real-life question about why the flight attendant asked for one passenger to move toward the back
. I'm always amazed that the plane can even get off the ground with all the carry-on and stowed luggage aboard.
Smokin, you mentioned it was a "connector" flight which implies a small aircraft, maybe 50 passengers or less.
The point of having a passenger move from the front of the aircraft to the rear was to move the center-of-gravity rearwards by, in this case, probably no more than a small fraction of an inch.
The center-of-gravity has to be within a specified range for the aircraft to be legal to fly. While it is better to have the CG to far forward rather than to far aft of the specified range, for legal operations it must be within the range.
With the CG to far aft of the legal limit, the aircraft becomes "squirrelly" and hard to hand fly. If the CG is moved a bit further aft and is behind the aerodynamic neutral point, the control problems are greatly increased as the aircraft will not be statically stable.
In the problem as quoted, the CG was apparently a bit further forward than the crew wanted it to be. This situation improves the static stability but makes the aircraft more difficult to maneouver. And the movement of a single passenger as quoted is not going to cause any great movement in the CG.
As far as the aircraft being able to get off the ground with a load of people and cargo, just believe your eyes.
Robert99 50
YOU WILL note my posts recently are only about what I know and an exploration of my life with a man who TOLD me he was DAN COOPER. That does NOT put me in the Blevins category.
Jo, I notice that you only list your "recent" posts as not putting you in the Blevins category.
Do your earlier rantings move you into that category? If Blevins objected to that, I think he would be correct.
Robert99 50
YOU WILL note my posts recently are only about what I know and an exploration of my life with a man who TOLD me he was DAN COOPER. That does NOT put me in the Blevins category.
Jo, I notice that you only list your "recent" posts as not putting you in the Blevins category.
Do your earlier rantings move you into that category? If Blevins objected to that, I think he would be correct.
I have a category now. Well, that's something anyway.
I always thought I was in THIS category.![]()
Relax. You are still several "categories" above the Bob Knoss and Jo Weber category.
georger 247
YOU WILL note my posts recently are only about what I know and an exploration of my life with a man who TOLD me he was DAN COOPER. That does NOT put me in the Blevins category.
Jo, I notice that you only list your "recent" posts as not putting you in the Blevins category.
Do your earlier rantings move you into that category? If Blevins objected to that, I think he would be correct.
I have a category now. Well, that's something anyway.
I always thought I was in THIS category.![]()
Relax. You are still several "categories" above the Bob Knoss and Jo Weber category.
How's the RobertMBlevins Thread going ?
Making any progress _ toward the discovery of feral
The subjects presented by Cook, Blevins, The Thread, Mr. Sxxx, and any suspect anyone has brought forward are all SECOND HAND information about their suspect.
In my case it was a man I was married to for 17 yrs and who confessed to the crime. This is a completely different category than someone picking a suspect out of a box or from a new article and creating a story.
There is NOT one writer or person out there who has presented a suspect - they lived with and personally knew. Why JO WEBER does NOT fit into the categories with the writers and "investigators" of other suspects.
Think about this for a little while and put yourselves in my shoes!
This is something that has affected my life and something I have personally lived thru.
If one is unable to understand my position do NOT try to put me down or attack me. What if SOMEDAY it becomes evident Weber was Cooper or was involved in some manner by association?
What if it was YOUR brother or YOUR father or YOUR Spouse. My accounting are 1st hand and not second hand - this does NOT put me in the category of others.
My memories are of a woman who was 39 yrs old on that trip in 1979 - not a child. My memories are those from living with this man for 17 yrs - not someone I heard TALES about.
What would you do if it was your sister or mother or wife being classified in a "category" with individual who were only seeking some kind of status? THE only thing I want to know about IS my husband's past - regardless of what it was - and for the unaccounted yrs the FBI ignored be MADE available, if to no one else - to me in privacy with a confidentiality agreement.
I had promised myself I would remain neutral - but there are some of you in this thread who only like to encite things.....and the rest of what I am thinking does not need to be verbalized.
mrshutter45 21
Marla's Father told her that his brother did it, she didn't go public or even know who Cooper was for some time? sound familiar?
his prints and DNA came back negative, but she still claims LD is Cooper...sound familiar?
LD was in the service and lived in Oregon....sound familiar?
Marla said LD lost the money on the way down, she must be the second person to know what happened to the money...sound familiar?
not so much a category, it's the same story, just worded a little different.....
just thought I would point this out
Robert99 50
Unless you guys are idiots you know exactly what I mean.
The subjects presented by Cook, Blevins, The Thread, Mr. Sxxx, and any suspect anyone has brought forward are all SECOND HAND information about their suspect.
In my case it was a man I was married to for 17 yrs and who confessed to the crime. This is a completely different category than someone picking a suspect out of a box or from a new article and creating a story.
There is NOT one writer or person out there who has presented a suspect - they lived with and personally knew. Why JO WEBER does NOT fit into the categories with the writers and "investigators" of other suspects.
Think about this for a little while and put yourselves in my shoes!
This is something that has affected my life and something I have personally lived thru.
If one is unable to understand my position do NOT try to put me down or attack me. What if SOMEDAY it becomes evident Weber was Cooper or was involved in some manner by association?
What if it was YOUR brother or YOUR father or YOUR Spouse. My accounting are 1st hand and not second hand - this does NOT put me in the category of others.
My memories are of a woman who was 39 yrs old on that trip in 1979 - not a child. My memories are those from living with this man for 17 yrs - not someone I heard TALES about.
What would you do if it was your sister or mother or wife being classified in a "category" with individual who were only seeking some kind of status. THE only thing I want to know about IS my husbands past - regardless of what it was - and for the unaccounted yrs the FBI ignored to be MADE available, if to no one else - to me in privacy with a confidentiality agreement.
Jo, By your own admission you had never heard of D.B. Cooper until a few days before Duane Weber died. And you didn't know who Cooper was until a year or so after Duane's death.
As far as knowing anything about Cooper, living with Duane 17 years or so didn't provide you with any meaningful information.
And you have spent another 17 years or so trying to prove that Duane was Cooper without coming up with a SINGLE piece of evidence. So calm down.
At least Blevins has put his candidate in a parachute, in the Pacific Northwest at the general time of the hijacking, and with airline experience. But even that does NOT mean that KC is Cooper.
The only thing you have come up with on Duane is that he was an unsuccessful criminal with more than 27 arrests, that the FBI knows about, and spent a lot of time in more prisons than I can remember. Duane also carried a concealed weapon until late in his life, obtained a Florida driver's license in another name through fraud, and was generally a bad ass.
Leaving a $20 bill on the dresser after seducing and robbing women can hardly be considered a redeeming quality.
mrshutter45 21
b1jercat 0
Note on computers, key is get all the GPU you can afford.
blues jerry
mrshutter45 21
Note on computers, key is get all the GPU you can afford.
blues jerry
I have a nvidia 1gig video card, not the best though. my processor was weak (AMD 2.61 GHZ) single core.
upgraded to 3.4 Pentium D dual core
better power supply for a better video card.
was maxed out at 2gigs memory. (old machine)
upgraded to 4 gigs, new puter allows up to 8 on 64 bit
this should be well in the limits of runing the system properly. the best option was to replace rather than
upgrading the processor, motherboard, power supply etc.
the system was running fine until I put upgrades onto the sim(addons) the final hit the machine took was
the new weather system addon. too many running programs for the processor

Robert99 50
IMO, the "Cooper" wannabes fail to understand that the FBI is with holding information that will put the final nail in the coffin once the real Cooper is discovered, sadly Jo continues to try and build evidence around what the public knows about Cooper and not what the FBI knows about Cooper or pieces of evidence that could also be withheld just for this reason......
In my opinion you are exactly right. There has to be more information in the FBI files and I doubt very much if they will ever release it if there is no solution to this hijacking.
If Cooper's remains were found tomorrow, the FBI would probably have everything fleshed out and in a neat bundle secured with red, white, and blue ribbons within a few hours.
The investigation into Christiansen may or may not result in him being revealed as D.B. Cooper. But a 'hoax' implies a deliberate lie, or possibly many lies, to support a case.
Oh! So it is not a hoax but world class rank stupidity,
deserving of a Guinness World Record? And YOU win
either way? I should have guessed that part.
Have a nice "you".
"Investigation"? Did yous ay "investigation"?
What "investigaytion" ?
I get it! FUNNY!
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