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DB Cooper

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IMO, the "Cooper" wannabes fail to understand that the FBI is with holding information that will put the final nail in the coffin once the real Cooper is discovered, sadly Jo continues to try and build evidence around what the public knows about Cooper and not what the FBI knows about Cooper or pieces of evidence that could also be withheld just for this reason......

In my opinion you are exactly right. There has to be more information in the FBI files and I doubt very much if they will ever release it if there is no solution to this hijacking.

If Cooper's remains were found tomorrow, the FBI would probably have everything fleshed out and in a neat bundle secured with red, white, and blue ribbons within a few hours.


all of these stories are much like a script, they follow the evidence trail and present a story, LE has to keep something important back in order to flush out the story teller. the 3 guys who escaped from Alcatraz, Morris and anglin brother has been unsolved for 50 years, but, nobody has come forward with a wild story of how they made it, simple reason, there names are known!!!B|
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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IMO, the "Cooper" wannabes fail to understand that the FBI is with holding information that will put the final nail in the coffin once the real Cooper is discovered, sadly Jo continues to try and build evidence around what the public knows about Cooper and not what the FBI knows about Cooper or pieces of evidence that could also be withheld just for this reason......

In my opinion you are exactly right. There has to be more information in the FBI files and I doubt very much if they will ever release it if there is no solution to this hijacking.

If Cooper's remains were found tomorrow, the FBI would probably have everything fleshed out and in a neat bundle secured with red, white, and blue ribbons within a few hours.


all of these stories are much like a script, they follow the evidence trail and present a story, LE has to keep something important back in order to flush out the story teller. the 3 guys who escaped from Alcatraz, Morris and anglin brother has been unsolved for 50 years, but, nobody has come forward with a wild story of how they made it, simple reason, there names are known!!!B|

Reportedly, the body of one of the Anglin brothers was sighted on the day they disappeared just outside the Golden Gate Bridge by a ship that was headed to the Far East. The ship couldn't stop but radioed the Coast Guard the position information. However, the Coast Guard did not have a means to go out and pick up the body at that specific time. So the body was never recovered and no evidence of the other two escapees fates was ever found.


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IMO, the "Cooper" wannabes fail to understand that the FBI is with holding information that will put the final nail in the coffin once the real Cooper is discovered, sadly Jo continues to try and build evidence around what the public knows about Cooper and not what the FBI knows about Cooper or pieces of evidence that could also be withheld just for this reason......

In my opinion you are exactly right. There has to be more information in the FBI files and I doubt very much if they will ever release it if there is no solution to this hijacking.

If Cooper's remains were found tomorrow, the FBI would probably have everything fleshed out and in a neat bundle secured with red, white, and blue ribbons within a few hours.


all of these stories are much like a script, they follow the evidence trail and present a story, LE has to keep something important back in order to flush out the story teller. the 3 guys who escaped from Alcatraz, Morris and anglin brother has been unsolved for 50 years, but, nobody has come forward with a wild story of how they made it, simple reason, there names are known!!!B|

Reportedly, the body of one of the Anglin brothers was sighted on the day they disappeared just outside the Golden Gate Bridge by a ship that was headed to the Far East. The ship couldn't stop but radioed the Coast Guard the position information. However, the Coast Guard did not have a means to go out and pick up the body at that specific time. So the body was never recovered and no evidence of the other two escapees fates was ever found.


yep, but again this leaves the door open for theory, since the body was not recovered one could assume it was a jumper, I believe they said they seen the prison uniform as I recall? there was also a strange phone call to a lawyer's office ending with, do you know who I am? read the newspaper, some wild stories have come forward now that you have buzzed my brain, the Anglins were seen here in Florida golfing, a strange tall "woman" showed up at the Anglin's Mother's funeral which was false because the FBI was there, so I guess the stories are there, just nobody has come forward claiming they know what happened or where they went.....also, Clarence Carnes claims he knew about the escape and received a postcard from them, simply stating "Gone Fishin"

just found this interesting tidbit....According to a 2011 program on the National Geographic Channel, investigators had found footprints leading away from the raft on Angel Island, and had also identified a Blue Chevy car stolen that night, contrary to the FBI report. Hmmmm
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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I agree with the idea that the FBI is probably holding back one or two (at least) key pieces of information about the hijacking. Obvious reason is to weed out potential confessors and/or suspects. This is standard procedure in major cases.

As some of you know, I'm sending out a 14-page report and a cover letter to Thomas Eng at the Seattle FBI next week. Included are 18 pictures and copies of certain documents. One of the pictures is a copy of the Bremerton Sun article from May 1972 that claimed a source inside the Seattle FBI told the reporter that the FBI had reason to believe Cooper was bald.

Fine. You've all seen that article before. It goes on to say that agents went to a few wig and toupee shops in Pierce and Kitsap counties, and questioned some people. One of my questions in the cover letter to Eng is WHY did the FBI do this? In other words, WHAT made them think Cooper was bald? As far as I know that article is the only reference to such a thing, but it's pretty detailed. Names at least one shop, and the name of at least one person who was questioned. If they invested the time and manpower to do this, I would like to know the reasoning behind that effort.

Another question would be why Pierce and Kitsap Counties? Pierce County is just south of Seattle and Kitsap is the Bremerton area across Puget Sound to the west from Seattle.

Interestingly, MeyerLouie posted recently that he picked up Bruce Smith in Eatonville, which is in Pierce County, on his way down to the festivies in Ariel in November.


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well, you have every right to send your information, but, wouldn't you think after KC was documented on TV lots of people, agents etc, watched that program or dozens of emails went to the FBI after the show aired?
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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...It goes on to say that agents went to a few wig and toupee shops in Pierce and Kitsap counties, and questioned some people. One of my questions in the cover letter to Eng is WHY did the FBI do this? In other words, WHAT made them think Cooper was bald? As far as I know that article is the only reference to such a thing, but it's pretty detailed. Names at least one shop, and the name of at least one person who was questioned. If they invested the time and manpower to do this, I would like to know the reasoning behind that effort.

Another question would be why Pierce and Kitsap Counties? Pierce County is just south of Seattle and Kitsap is the Bremerton area across Puget Sound to the west from Seattle.

Interestingly, MeyerLouie posted recently that he picked up Bruce Smith in Eatonville, which is in Pierce County, on his way down to the festivies in Ariel in November.


And I'm bald, or at least seriously thinning! Am I a suspect? If so, I trump Jo's claims to intimacy with the skyjacker, no?

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...It goes on to say that agents went to a few wig and toupee shops in Pierce and Kitsap counties, and questioned some people. One of my questions in the cover letter to Eng is WHY did the FBI do this? In other words, WHAT made them think Cooper was bald? As far as I know that article is the only reference to such a thing, but it's pretty detailed. Names at least one shop, and the name of at least one person who was questioned. If they invested the time and manpower to do this, I would like to know the reasoning behind that effort.

Another question would be why Pierce and Kitsap Counties? Pierce County is just south of Seattle and Kitsap is the Bremerton area across Puget Sound to the west from Seattle.

Interestingly, MeyerLouie posted recently that he picked up Bruce Smith in Eatonville, which is in Pierce County, on his way down to the festivies in Ariel in November.


And I'm bald, or at least seriously thinning! Am I a suspect? If so, I trump Jo's claims to intimacy with the skyjacker, no?

Bruce, Why don't you just confess and get it over with?

If you did confess, Jo would sue you for impersonating Duane Weber and who knows what Blevins would do.

The rest of the people on this thread wouldn't have anything further to live for so they would just drink themselves cross-eyed.


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"So the body was never recovered and no evidence of the other two escapees fates was ever found."

turns out the FBI was holding back information and evidence about the escape from Alcatraz!! they turned the case over to the Marshal's, watch this video when you get a chance, very interesting.

"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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all of these stories are much like a script, they follow the evidence trail and present a story, LE has to keep something important back in order to flush out the story teller. the 3 guys who escaped from Alcatraz, Morris and anglin brother has been unsolved for 50 years, but, nobody has come forward with a wild story of how they made it, simple reason, there names are known!!!B|

Rumor has it the FBI is still looking, so who knows...
I also recall reading an article a couple of years ago that the family still gets occasional calls and visits from FBI...:)
BTW....Notice anything familiar about Clarence's description.....

CLARENCE ANGLIN, 31, 5-11 1/2, 168, hazel eyes, light complexion, ZONA tattooed on left wrist, NITA on right forearm.

JOHN ANGLIN, age 32, height 5-10, weight 140, blue eyes, blond hair, medium build, small scar on left cheek, round scar on left forearm.

FRANK LEE MORRIS, 35, 5-7 1/2, 135, hazel eyes, black hair, with these tattoos: A devil’s head on upper right arm, a star on each knee (the one on the left knee has a “7” above and an “11” below), a star at the base of the left thumb, the number “13” at the base of the left index finger.

Source: San Francisco Chronicle, 13 June 1962, page 9

Wonder if that's Duane's Zona.....:):)
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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seems to me after watching the Alcatraz video and seeing the U.S. Marshal's office uncover proof there was a raft found with footprints leading away from the raft on Angel Island tells me the FBI seems to cover up things they can't solve!

I think it's time to do the same as they did with the Alcatraz escape and let the Marshal's have a crack at it! found this to be very interesting B|

"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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Lord have mercy.
I try to tell my friends about our little slice of Heaven and the weirdness that prevails and they just roll their eyes and laugh. I'm beginning to see their point. This is getting to be like frickin junior high school.

I hope the rest of you aren't wondering whether you ever sent Jo a private email venting about another person. We might have to rent the superdome for a mega-whackdown.

I'm not defending Cook -- IF he even sent those emails -- we just don't know, do we? Jo has been known to get her posts confused. You know it's true.:)Frankly, I could care less what folks say about me in their private emails (even if I know about it) - though to Blevins defense, it would probably piss me off if someone posted that email on an internet forum. I'm just not sure why people get off on stirring the pot with stupid stuff. I guess because they know that folks will naturally respond?

Lol...may the "best" man win. Jeez. So instead of Willie vs Kenny, we get Blevins vs Cook. What a letdown. I won't be buying tickets.

Mr Shutter - how are the simulations going?

well, I had to get another computer, I ran this one into the ground, it just couldn't handle what I'm throwing at it, so, I have another computer on the way next week. last couple weeks have been a problem testing wise so until the system is running with all the power needed (plus room for more!) we are at a stand still with testing. with the down time I have been able to complete the cockpit itself (see photo)

the main issue was to amount of addons I put in the system, this has overloaded the weak processor and maxed out the capacity of the ram, the cost is not worth it, so in comes a new one B| we have most of the weather data and I'm now learning how to input it into the new software which is a task in itself (learning curve) I am hoping to have some solid data to release by the end of January, work is starting to slow down and will give me some extra time on the project.

when I first thought of this, I thought it was going to be easy, boy was I wrong ;) getting everything as close as "the real deal" takes time, so baby steps it is if we are to get it right! once the path is complete it will be recorded along with the data running right along side of it showing exactly what is going on. ( altitude,speed, longitude and latitudes and time) once the new system is up and running I will update you on our progress. B|

Thanks for all your work and effort with the simulation. I have found it beneficial. Yyou've done amazing work thus far. Thanks. MeyerLouie

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I can put them where ever I wish in the cabin, I can also add and remove luggage, as mentioned above it makes a big difference with a empty plane vs a full one. I can take off with what ever amount of fuel I wish, I can dump the fuel as well, Microsoft put a lot of features in the simulator and then the Dreamfleet 727 tops it off with more features, very realistic in many many ways.

took me a long time to learn how to manually start the plane, was using the "Turn key" prior to learning B|

the system is not that sensitive to pick up one fat guy moving around the cabin ;) real life, don't know if it would make a difference.

I guess you can guesstimate the luggage. The people getting off the plane looked like light travelers to me:)
In the meantime, maybe one of the pilots on here can answer my real-life question about why the flight attendant asked for one passenger to move toward the back :S. I'm always amazed that the plane can even get off the ground with all the carry-on and stowed luggage aboard.


So why would just one single, person (fat or otherwise) make any difference in the overall weight of mega-ton aircraft? Haven't you ever been asked by a stew to take a different seat on a flight? There could be one of several reasons for that -- and I'm sure it's not because the weight of one single fat person is going to throw off the weight balance of an entire aircraft. Meyer Louie


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IMO, the "Cooper" wannabes fail to understand that the FBI is with holding information that will put the final nail in the coffin once the real Cooper is discovered, sadly Jo continues to try and build evidence around what the public knows about Cooper and not what the FBI knows about Cooper or pieces of evidence that could also be withheld just for this reason......

In my opinion you are exactly right. There has to be more information in the FBI files and I doubt very much if they will ever release it if there is no solution to this hijacking.

If Cooper's remains were found tomorrow, the FBI would probably have everything fleshed out and in a neat bundle secured with red, white, and blue ribbons within a few hours.


all of these stories are much like a script, they follow the evidence trail and present a story, LE has to keep something important back in order to flush out the story teller. the 3 guys who escaped from Alcatraz, Morris and anglin brother has been unsolved for 50 years, but, nobody has come forward with a wild story of how they made it, simple reason, there names are known!!!B|

Reportedly, the body of one of the Anglin brothers was sighted on the day they disappeared just outside the Golden Gate Bridge by a ship that was headed to the Far East. The ship couldn't stop but radioed the Coast Guard the position information. However, the Coast Guard did not have a means to go out and pick up the body at that specific time. So the body was never recovered and no evidence of the other two escapees fates was ever found.



If nobody picked up the body (the ship nor the Coast Guard), then how would they know it was one of the Anglin brothers? No body means no evidence, no confirmation of who was floating in the water. So, it's all just speculation. C'mon!

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I can put them where ever I wish in the cabin, I can also add and remove luggage, as mentioned above it makes a big difference with a empty plane vs a full one. I can take off with what ever amount of fuel I wish, I can dump the fuel as well, Microsoft put a lot of features in the simulator and then the Dreamfleet 727 tops it off with more features, very realistic in many many ways.

took me a long time to learn how to manually start the plane, was using the "Turn key" prior to learning B|

the system is not that sensitive to pick up one fat guy moving around the cabin ;) real life, don't know if it would make a difference.

I guess you can guesstimate the luggage. The people getting off the plane looked like light travelers to me:)
In the meantime, maybe one of the pilots on here can answer my real-life question about why the flight attendant asked for one passenger to move toward the back :S. I'm always amazed that the plane can even get off the ground with all the carry-on and stowed luggage aboard.


So why would just one single, person (fat or otherwise) make any difference in the overall weight of mega-ton aircraft? Haven't you ever been asked by a stew to take a different seat on a flight? There could be one of several reasons for that -- and I'm sure it's not because the weight of one single fat person is going to throw off the weight balance of an entire aircraft. Meyer Louie


I didn't say it would. That's why I was asking. She mentioned something about weight and asked for a volunteer from the first four rows to take a seat in the back. That's why the joke from folks in the back about their diets working.
From there it got me thinking about weight in the simulation and how Mr Shutter would know how much to account for luggage. I thought it was interesting enough to post. Obviously not...but since that is hardly a prerequisite for posting on this forum, I have no excuses other than......i just felt like posting it.
Robert99 gave me a reasonable answer, I appreciate it, and now i can sleep at night. :)
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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IMO, the "Cooper" wannabes fail to understand that the FBI is with holding information that will put the final nail in the coffin once the real Cooper is discovered, sadly Jo continues to try and build evidence around what the public knows about Cooper and not what the FBI knows about Cooper or pieces of evidence that could also be withheld just for this reason......

In my opinion you are exactly right. There has to be more information in the FBI files and I doubt very much if they will ever release it if there is no solution to this hijacking.

If Cooper's remains were found tomorrow, the FBI would probably have everything fleshed out and in a neat bundle secured with red, white, and blue ribbons within a few hours.


all of these stories are much like a script, they follow the evidence trail and present a story, LE has to keep something important back in order to flush out the story teller. the 3 guys who escaped from Alcatraz, Morris and anglin brother has been unsolved for 50 years, but, nobody has come forward with a wild story of how they made it, simple reason, there names are known!!!B|

Reportedly, the body of one of the Anglin brothers was sighted on the day they disappeared just outside the Golden Gate Bridge by a ship that was headed to the Far East. The ship couldn't stop but radioed the Coast Guard the position information. However, the Coast Guard did not have a means to go out and pick up the body at that specific time. So the body was never recovered and no evidence of the other two escapees fates was ever found.



If nobody picked up the body (the ship nor the Coast Guard), then how would they know it was one of the Anglin brothers? No body means no evidence, no confirmation of who was floating in the water. So, it's all just speculation. C'mon!

Apparently the ship passed close enough to the body for the crew to get a good look at it and the clothes on it. One of the Anglin brothers was specifically named but I don't remember which one.

That debris from rafts was found in the surf on Angel Island was publicized a long time ago.


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So why would just one single, person (fat or otherwise) make any difference in the overall weight of mega-ton aircraft? Haven't you ever been asked by a stew to take a different seat on a flight? There could be one of several reasons for that -- and I'm sure it's not because the weight of one single fat person is going to throw off the weight balance of an entire aircraft. Meyer Louie

Even if no specific reason was given in the stated instance, the crew asked for a single individual to move to the rear of the aircraft. Since there was no objection, it apparently was single class seating on the specific aircraft.

The gross weight of the aircraft remained the same before and after the passenger moved aft. So other things being equal, the only logical reason for the move aft was related to the aircraft CG.

If there was another reason, it probably would have been taken care of as the passengers were loading and not after they were already seated.


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So why would just one single, person (fat or otherwise) make any difference in the overall weight of mega-ton aircraft? Haven't you ever been asked by a stew to take a different seat on a flight? There could be one of several reasons for that -- and I'm sure it's not because the weight of one single fat person is going to throw off the weight balance of an entire aircraft. Meyer Louie

Even if no specific reason was given in the stated instance, the crew asked for a single individual to move to the rear of the aircraft. Since there was no objection, it apparently was single class seating on the specific aircraft.

The gross weight of the aircraft remained the same before and after the passenger moved aft. So other things being equal, the only logical reason for the move aft was related to the aircraft CG.

If there was another reason, it probably would have been taken care of as the passengers were loading and not after they were already seated.


Sounded reasonable to me. Thinking about it, she might not have mentioned weight - that might have been part of the "diet working talk". I was about halfway back. It is a smaller jet - a Delta connection flight from Podunk, GA to Atlanta.
Anyway - thanks for answering. If we don't ever find DB through this forum, at least we come away with some interesting knowledge on an assortment of subjects. :)
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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So why would just one single, person (fat or otherwise) make any difference in the overall weight of mega-ton aircraft? Haven't you ever been asked by a stew to take a different seat on a flight? There could be one of several reasons for that -- and I'm sure it's not because the weight of one single fat person is going to throw off the weight balance of an entire aircraft. Meyer Louie

I didn't say it would. That's why I was asking. She mentioned something about weight and asked for a volunteer from the first four rows to take a seat in the back. That's why the joke from folks in the back about their diets working.
From there it got me thinking about weight in the simulation and how Mr Shutter would know how much to account for luggage. I thought it was interesting enough to post. Obviously not...but since that is hardly a prerequisite for posting on this forum, I have no excuses other than......i just felt like posting it.
Robert99 gave me a reasonable answer, I appreciate it, and now i can sleep at night. :)

Smokin, Your statement above clinches it for a center-of-gravity concern.

Do you remember the type of aircraft you were on or how many passengers it could seat? Was it a jet aircraft or did it have propellers? Presumably, smaller aircraft operated by some company for a major airline with the aircraft painted in the major airline's colors.

Also, in the NWA hijacking, no cargo or luggage (except briefcases and handbags which the passenger carried off) was unloaded in Seattle.


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I did check into that at one time.
Zona would have been 18-20 best I can guess. 9 yrs old last time Duane saw her.

The only time the name Zona was mentioned with an associate of Duane was with Ed.

1962 is when Duane was living as John Collins.

Ed Huran however it was spelled knew Duane from the past, but realized about 5 minutes into the conversation I knew nothing about Duane's back ground and just told me Duane would tell me when he was ready - but not to ever mention our conversation.

This is a pic of Ed taken in 1983 or 84. Blue eyes and scared face.
I never saw him with-out a shirt and jacket.

The only individual with whom the name Zona ever entered the conversation. Ed just told me Duane would tell me when he was ready.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Apparently the ship passed close enough to the body for the crew to get a good look at it and the clothes on it. One of the Anglin brothers was specifically named but I don't remember which one.

Pretty unlikely. Ships exiting the Golden Gate have to use a dredged channel through various shoals including the Potato Patch, whose official name is Four Fathom Bank. With all the wind, current and tidal flow vectors a ship must maintain a certain speed to have steerage. My fishing boat's top speed was about 7.5 knots. Every ship I ever saw outbound from SF between the GG Bridge and the SF Lightship (later replaced by the SF entrance buoy) was going significantly faster. The decks of ships are high above the water and their bridge (wheelhouse) is even higher. So an observer on a ship would be seeing a floating body from at least 40 feet up and they would be passing it at speeds exceeding 7.5 knots. Not a chance in hell that they could see much detail IMO.


2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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"Reportedly, the body of one of the Anglin brothers was sighted on the day they disappeared just outside the Golden Gate Bridge"

"That debris from rafts was found in the surf on Angel Island " they believed pieces of the raft were found floating in the bay, not on Angel Island. could of been parts of there life preservers too!

according the the U.S. Marshal's office they only identified the uniform stating the body was floating face down. the raft was found the day after the escape (see photo's) two separate files.

also the FBI has clearly stated no cars were stolen after the escape, the memo says different.

I don't seem to recall reading anywhere were they admitted to finding a raft? according to the Marshal's office, these files were buried.

unsolved mysteries state the ship described Frank Morris floating....

"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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this information IMO seems to show a pattern, Alcatraz was a well known prison that was "escape proof " this would be a Embarrassment to the Government and FBI if proof was shown they made it.

now, a hijacking happens 9 years later that also is unsolved and ran by the FBI, I wonder what could really be found in these files? if they failed to disclose two key pieces of evidence in the escape, what is in the hijacking files? are they more comfortable allowing these cases to remain unsolved vs finding out what really happened?

History was also changed in the battle of Little Bighorn, for years we read the Government version of what happened and not the Indian version until the field caught on fire reveling the battleground exposing shell casings and leaning more towards the truth of the Indians version!!!

someone is not being 100% honest here IMO
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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