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DB Cooper

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Jo, what strong evidence do you have Duane is DB Cooper?
yes, everyone chases's theories!
was Duane outside of prison in the NW?
where was Duane November 24,1971?
can you match the evidence with held about the jacking?
screw the prints and DNA?
what do you know the FBI doesn't?
these guy's hold the key, you have it?
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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ask yourself this Robert, you made many claims that Marla was deceptive about who Cooper was correct? isn't this the same as calling her claims nuts? stop with the political correctness BS already,shall we? this is killing this County IMO!!
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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nothing personal, just seems far fetched to think you hold the key to this crazy case we call DB Cooper, many claim Marla is nuts, Jo is nuts, cook is nuts etc etc.......B|

For the record:

I don't think Marla is nuts. I think she has ADD and is an opportunist.

I don't believe Jo is nuts, either. She could even be right. But you need evidence to prove a case, or at least some witnesses who might be able to further that case a bit.

Cook isn't nuts. But he's motivated to somehow prove Gossett was the hijacker, even if he has go out on some nutty limbs in the attempt. The Janet Fable, etc. All the guy has to really do is interview the people who worked with Gossett at Fort Lewis around the time of the hijacking, and he hasn't done that. This is counterproductive to his appearances on Coast-to-Coast radio, since he might find out that Gossett was Present and Accounted For at the time of the crime. Can't have that happen...:S

Everyone is nuts except RobertMBlevins aka 'Marilyn

Blevins is just jealous and in need of a personality


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Greetings Everyone,

With the flurry of activity surrounding the case over the past couple of weeks, I've decided to reframe the opening chapter of my book. The new chapter is posted at the Mountain News, and if you'd like to take a look at it, I'd welcome your comments.




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Cook isn't nuts. But he's motivated to somehow prove Gossett was the hijacker, even if he has go out on some nutty limbs in the attempt. The Janet Fable, etc. All the guy has to really do is interview the people who worked with Gossett at Fort Lewis around the time of the hijacking, and he hasn't done that. This is counterproductive to his appearances on Coast-to-Coast radio, since he might find out that Gossett was Present and Accounted For at the time of the crime. Can't have that happen...:S

Can you elaborate on this please, Robert? Where was Wolfgang Gossett on November 24, 1971, and how do you know it?


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nothing personal, just seems far fetched to think you hold the key to this crazy case we call DB Cooper, many claim Marla is nuts, Jo is nuts, cook is nuts etc etc.......B|

For the record:

I don't think Marla is nuts. I think she has ADD and is an opportunist.

I don't believe Jo is nuts, either. She could even be right. But you need evidence to prove a case, or at least some witnesses who might be able to further that case a bit.

Cook isn't nuts. But he's motivated to somehow prove Gossett was the hijacker, even if he has go out on some nutty limbs in the attempt. The Janet Fable, etc. All the guy has to really do is interview the people who worked with Gossett at Fort Lewis around the time of the hijacking, and he hasn't done that. This is counterproductive to his appearances on Coast-to-Coast radio, since he might find out that Gossett was Present and Accounted For at the time of the crime. Can't have that happen...:S

Congratulation Blevins, you actually summed up Cook as unobjective as any of us could do and you did it better than anyone else has.

One Post and you said a lot with out ONE word about the book.
Now if I could post without talking about Weber - we might get somewhere. I try!
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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nothing personal, just seems far fetched to think you hold the key to this crazy case we call DB Cooper, many claim Marla is nuts, Jo is nuts, cook is nuts etc etc.......B|



While I respect your work and talents you've brought to the case, I think this post is quite unkind toward Jo. Jo has every right to post her theory, ideas, and thoughts, without the unkind labels -- just like everybody else here. MeyerLouie

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nothing personal, just seems far fetched to think you hold the key to this crazy case we call DB Cooper, many claim Marla is nuts, Jo is nuts, cook is nuts etc etc.......B|

For the record:

I don't think Marla is nuts. I think she has ADD and is an opportunist.

I don't believe Jo is nuts, either. She could even be right. But you need evidence to prove a case, or at least some witnesses who might be able to further that case a bit.

Cook isn't nuts. But he's motivated to somehow prove Gossett was the hijacker, even if he has go out on some nutty limbs in the attempt. The Janet Fable, etc. All the guy has to really do is interview the people who worked with Gossett at Fort Lewis around the time of the hijacking, and he hasn't done that. This is counterproductive to his appearances on Coast-to-Coast radio, since he might find out that Gossett was Present and Accounted For at the time of the crime. Can't have that happen...:S

Everyone is nuts except RobertMBlevins aka 'Marilyn

Blevins is just jealous and in need of a personality


I must admit Blevins, that thought has crossed my mind -- are you jealous? You came around like 3 or so years ago, you were here for such a short time, then you co-wrote a book and you appeared on the History Channel -- and somehow I get the feeling you think all that automatically puts you in the "DB Cooper Hall of Fame." You have repeated yourself and your theory so many times you've lost pretty much all credibility.

Moreover, I have seen you react, almost violently, to anyone who's thinking about coming out with a book. There's Marla, then there's Galen Cook, and there's Bruce Smith. You seem so threatened and jealous of anyone who might get something over on you or who might get more notoriety than you. I don't think anyone asked for your opinion on what Bruce should call his book. Brue can spreak for himself, but it seems your advice and criticism of Bruce's work were totally unsolicited. That's so blatantly arrogant, Blevins. Lighten up!! Quit trying so hard.

I met you Blevins. In real life you're a nice, respectful, and kind person -- I saw it with my own eyes. Why don't you try to be that person here? Nobody will fault you for that, and you just might get a better, more respectful response from people around here. Just be yourself. You can be a really good guy, Blevins.

Earning respect takes time. Only people who've been around for a long time and who have earned a good reputation by their body of work deserve our respect. And you will get no respect if you have no credibility and if you have not "put in your time and paid your dues."


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nothing personal, just seems far fetched to think you hold the key to this crazy case we call DB Cooper, many claim Marla is nuts, Jo is nuts, cook is nuts etc etc.......B|



While I respect your work and talents you've brought to the case, I think this post is quite unkind toward Jo. Jo has every right to post her theory, ideas, and thoughts, without the unkind labels -- just like everybody else here. MeyerLouie

unfortunately I tend to get caught up in one subject when I disagree, I did say "claim to be nuts" vs nuts, I'm not actually implying that Jo,Marla and Cook are nuts. if that is how people are viewing this, I am sorry for the misrepresentation.

Jo tends to bring out the bad part in me causing me to go into a "Knoss attack" I still strongly object to Jo's findings, but do not believe she or the others mentioned are actually nuts!....again for the record I did say "many claim" as for Mr Cook, I don't even know enough about the mans work, so I simply implied the word nuts, Marla......well....best way to sum her up, is, Marla;)
Jo, Blevins and Marla all have the same right as I do to post what ever they wish, I believe I told Blevins that same thing a couple post's back. In the future I will respectfully disagree, I do appreciate your coming forward and correcting my statement and will try a more mature approach the next time during battle. B|

Thank You
Dave Brown
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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Note on computers, key is get all the GPU you can afford.;)

blues jerry

I have a nvidia 1gig video card, not the best though. my processor was weak (AMD 2.61 GHZ) single core.

upgraded to 3.4 Pentium D dual core
better power supply for a better video card.
was maxed out at 2gigs memory. (old machine)
upgraded to 4 gigs, new puter allows up to 8 on 64 bit
this should be well in the limits of runing the system properly. the best option was to replace rather than
upgrading the processor, motherboard, power supply etc.

the system was running fine until I put upgrades onto the sim(addons) the final hit the machine took was
the new weather system addon. too many running programs for the processor B|

It still is a bit lacking just sayin

I bought my lappie with the i7 and the 3D LED screen and built in NVIDIA 3D.. friggin AWSUM:)

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Jo, nobody is calling you a liar! your perception of truth comes into question by claiming the smallest fact/clue revolving around Duane! he was a criminal period, known to lie, deceive, things Duane did is not as "out of the norm" as one would think when speaking about his past! perhaps you are just so "in the dark" you fail to see the light, I just don't know. I don't have anything against you, but, I just don't see any reason for the theories you claim! how can all the others be wrong just because Duane told you? believe it or not, you are in that category you suppress !!

Go back and read the post Jerry made.


I never did understand JT's rabid need to persecute a little old lady. :S

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Note on computers, key is get all the GPU you can afford.;)

blues jerry

I have a nvidia 1gig video card, not the best though. my processor was weak (AMD 2.61 GHZ) single core.

upgraded to 3.4 Pentium D dual core
better power supply for a better video card.
was maxed out at 2gigs memory. (old machine)
upgraded to 4 gigs, new puter allows up to 8 on 64 bit
this should be well in the limits of runing the system properly. the best option was to replace rather than
upgrading the processor, motherboard, power supply etc.

the system was running fine until I put upgrades onto the sim(addons) the final hit the machine took was
the new weather system addon. too many running programs for the processor B|

It still is a bit lacking just sayin

I bought my lappie with the i7 and the 3D LED screen and built in NVIDIA 3D.. friggin AWSUM:)

what is lacking, the video card? if so yes I am changing it out, not really video friendly towards gaming or simulations.

the card I have now is a Nvidia Gforce 210, sounds good but performs bad :(
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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Note on computers, key is get all the GPU you can afford.;)

blues jerry

I have a nvidia 1gig video card, not the best though. my processor was weak (AMD 2.61 GHZ) single core.

upgraded to 3.4 Pentium D dual core
better power supply for a better video card.
was maxed out at 2gigs memory. (old machine)
upgraded to 4 gigs, new puter allows up to 8 on 64 bit
this should be well in the limits of runing the system properly. the best option was to replace rather than
upgrading the processor, motherboard, power supply etc.

the system was running fine until I put upgrades onto the sim(addons) the final hit the machine took was
the new weather system addon. too many running programs for the processor B|

It still is a bit lacking just sayin

I bought my lappie with the i7 and the 3D LED screen and built in NVIDIA 3D.. friggin AWSUM:)

what is lacking, the video card? if so yes I am changing it out, not really video friendly towards gaming or simulations.

the card I have now is a Nvidia Gforce 210, sounds good but performs bad :(

Check out the one I linked... it is comparable to the one I have built in. I DO so love my 17" XPS... I just wish EVERYTHING was in 3 D now... perhaps in a few more years

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I seen it and am looking into it, don't know about wanting to wear glasses while using it though, did you watch the video?
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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Please don't be crushed....... nope

the one on the site you gaveB| do you need to wear glasses when viewing on your lappy? or just certain vids?
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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Please don't be crushed....... nope

the one on the site you gaveB| do you need to wear glasses when viewing on your lappy? or just certain vids?

Nope.. did not watch that one either....And no I did not watch the video from Ariel either. :D:D

Yes you do need to watch with the glasses.. you get used to it.. really. Then again. I have to use glasses to read my monitor. I used to have stupendous eyesight but alas.. one of the penalties of surviving this long appears to be degraded vision.

I also need to use another set of glaases to watch my Sony 3D LED TV. The glasses are a function of the technology at this point.

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Please don't be crushed....... nope

the one on the site you gaveB| do you need to wear glasses when viewing on your lappy? or just certain vids?

Nope.. did not watch that one either....And no I did not watch the video from Ariel either. :D:D

Yes you do need to watch with the glasses.. you get used to it.. really. Then again. I have to use glasses to read my monitor. I used to have stupendous eyesight but alas.. one of the penalties of surviving this long appears to be degraded vision.

I also need to use another set of glaases to watch my Sony 3D LED TV. The glasses are a function of the technology at this point.

sounds good but I think I will pass on that one, if I make videos of my simulation peeps would also need to have those glasses, not just the ordinary 3D glasses. probably go with a Nvidia gtx660, 640 card, not sure yet. still shopping :ph34r:
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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I will give anyone the benefit of the doubt, even Jo Weber, as long as they aren't deliberately making stuff up to further a means to an end. You can be wrong, but lying is something else entirely. Have to draw the line somewhere. There's enough BS going on the Cooper case already.

Blevins, How do you personally determine if someone isn't "deliberately making stuff up to further a means to an end"?

Would you care to offer some names of the people who are responsible for all the BS that is already on the Cooper case? Don't be modest.


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Please don't be crushed....... nope

the one on the site you gaveB| do you need to wear glasses when viewing on your lappy? or just certain vids?

Nope.. did not watch that one either....And no I did not watch the video from Ariel either. :D:D

Yes you do need to watch with the glasses.. you get used to it.. really. Then again. I have to use glasses to read my monitor. I used to have stupendous eyesight but alas.. one of the penalties of surviving this long appears to be degraded vision.

I also need to use another set of glaases to watch my Sony 3D LED TV. The glasses are a function of the technology at this point.

sounds good but I think I will pass on that one, if I make videos of my simulation peeps would also need to have those glasses, not just the ordinary 3D glasses. probably go with a Nvidia gtx660, 640 card, not sure yet. still shopping :ph34r:

You do realize.. it will work just fine in 2D mode... but when you want 3D turn it on and get WOWed

edited to add....
As a side note.. there are people doing 3D skydiving vids for the last 5 years.

Different glasses and technology... it is getting better.


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I will give anyone the benefit of the doubt, even Jo Weber, as long as they aren't deliberately making stuff up to further a means to an end. You can be wrong, but lying is something else entirely. Have to draw the line somewhere. There's enough BS going on the Cooper case already.

Blevins, How do you personally determine if someone isn't "deliberately making stuff up to further a means to an end"?

Would you care to offer some names of the people who are responsible for all the BS that is already on the Cooper case? Don't be modest.


You mean like LSD boy??

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Then again. I have to use glasses to read my monitor. I used to have stupendous eyesight but alas.. one of the penalties of surviving this long appears to be degraded vision.

Amazon, You have probably done this already, but if not, get an appointment with a good eye doctor for a complete evaluation.

As a teenager and for two or three decades after that, I had 20/20 or better distance vision. Thanks to some skilled eye surgeons and lasers, I still have essentially 20/20 distance vision. But I also need some strong glasses for reading.

And I have survived a lot longer than you have.


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I will give anyone the benefit of the doubt, even Jo Weber, as long as they aren't deliberately making stuff up to further a means to an end. You can be wrong, but lying is something else entirely. Have to draw the line somewhere. There's enough BS going on the Cooper case already.

Blevins, How do you personally determine if someone isn't "deliberately making stuff up to further a means to an end"?

Would you care to offer some names of the people who are responsible for all the BS that is already on the Cooper case? Don't be modest.


You mean like LSD boy??

You mean that a snort of LSD or smoking a joint opens the door to "true wisdom"?

I must confess again that I have apparently led a very sheltered life. I have never even seen any illegal drugs much less use any of them.


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Please don't be crushed....... nope

the one on the site you gaveB| do you need to wear glasses when viewing on your lappy? or just certain vids?

Nope.. did not watch that one either....And no I did not watch the video from Ariel either. :D:D

Yes you do need to watch with the glasses.. you get used to it.. really. Then again. I have to use glasses to read my monitor. I used to have stupendous eyesight but alas.. one of the penalties of surviving this long appears to be degraded vision.

I also need to use another set of glaases to watch my Sony 3D LED TV. The glasses are a function of the technology at this point.

sounds good but I think I will pass on that one, if I make videos of my simulation peeps would also need to have those glasses, not just the ordinary 3D glasses. probably go with a Nvidia gtx660, 640 card, not sure yet. still shopping :ph34r:

You do realize.. it will work just fine in 2D mode... but when you want 3D turn it on and get WOWed

edited to add....
As a side note.. there are people doing 3D skydiving vids for the last 5 years.

Different glasses and technology... it is getting better.


as Johnny Carson often said, "I did not know that" B| Hmmm, I'll take a better look at the Nvidia 3D system, this is why I wanted you to view the video on that site, it was pretty clear and no need for glasses.

had to break out the glasses for those vids B|
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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nothing personal, just seems far fetched to think you hold the key to this crazy case we call DB Cooper, many claim Marla is nuts, Jo is nuts, cook is nuts etc etc.......B|

For the record:

I don't think Marla is nuts. I think she has ADD and is an opportunist.

I don't believe Jo is nuts, either. She could even be right. But you need evidence to prove a case, or at least some witnesses who might be able to further that case a bit.

Cook isn't nuts. But he's motivated to somehow prove Gossett was the hijacker, even if he has go out on some nutty limbs in the attempt. The Janet Fable, etc. All the guy has to really do is interview the people who worked with Gossett at Fort Lewis around the time of the hijacking, and he hasn't done that. This is counterproductive to his appearances on Coast-to-Coast radio, since he might find out that Gossett was Present and Accounted For at the time of the crime. Can't have that happen...:S

Everyone is nuts except RobertMBlevins aka 'Marilyn

Blevins is just jealous and in need of a personality


I must admit Blevins, that thought has crossed my mind -- are you jealous? You came around like 3 or so years ago, you were here for such a short time, then you co-wrote a book and you appeared on the History Channel -- and somehow I get the feeling you think all that automatically puts you in the "DB Cooper Hall of Fame." You have repeated yourself and your theory so many times you've lost pretty much all credibility.

Moreover, I have seen you react, almost violently, to anyone who's thinking about coming out with a book. There's Marla, then there's Galen Cook, and there's Bruce Smith. You seem so threatened and jealous of anyone who might get something over on you or who might get more notoriety than you. I don't think anyone asked for your opinion on what Bruce should call his book. Brue can spreak for himself, but it seems your advice and criticism of Bruce's work were totally unsolicited. That's so blatantly arrogant, Blevins. Lighten up!! Quit trying so hard.

I met you Blevins. In real life you're a nice, respectful, and kind person -- I saw it with my own eyes. Why don't you try to be that person here? Nobody will fault you for that, and you just might get a better, more respectful response from people around here. Just be yourself. You can be a really good guy, Blevins.

Earning respect takes time. Only people who've been around for a long time and who have earned a good reputation by their body of work deserve our respect. And you will get no respect if you have no credibility and if you have not "put in your time and paid your dues."

I have another point to make Blevins. For some reason you think you are on the same level as Georger and others. Well, you're not. Co-writing a book and appearing on Decoded does not make you an expert. Some folks here are playing in the Big League with the big boys. You aren't there yet. Spending years and years on this case, interfacing with the FBI and the key players on a regular basis, for years, make one an expert -- makes one "Cooper royalty" if you will. There are only a handful of people in this elite group. You're not there yet -- and you want to be so badly. Give it time Blevins. Try to be credible, offer up your stuff in a respectful way, back it up with quotes, citations, references. Your unfounded, ridiculous assumptions continue to destroy your credibility. Some people here, who have been here for years, think you're a total idiot. That's going to be tough to overcome. Quit locking horns with Georger, you are not in his league! Give it time, quit trying so hard. Gee Blevins, c'mon. I've seen the good guy, let him come out.



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