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DB Cooper

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where exactly has Georger lost credibility? I'll admit I don't have half the knowledge G does, the personal battle you guys has carried on too far, but I still wouldn't put his credibility on the line over this.

perhaps giving the time frame we are in (Holiday's) it just might be appropriate for a cease fire similar to what the Brits and Germans did during Christmas in 19 hundred and fourteen? :)

"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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well, let's ask this, why are you here? "My credibility would suffer, because people would say I was doing that solely to 'push' KC as the only suspect"

now just a post or two above you said this: "If it's proven later that KC was definitely NOT DB Cooper, then I probably would stop posting here anyway."

it's ok to have a suspect such as you have, but I don't understand why you would leave if KC is found not being Cooper? this tells me you are not a Cooper investigator and probably shouldn't be on here because most of the evidence against him has been challenged here. Jo also falls in this category but has been at much longer than most.

if you were to ask me, I think your "agenda" seems to be surrounding KC?

sorry, I'm a little confused B|

"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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nothing wrong with you having KC as a suspect, I strongly disagree with most of your findings just as I have done with Jo, I am far from perfect myself, so I do appreciate the work you are sending the FBI, just don't get those hopes up too high B|

"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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nothing wrong with you having KC as a suspect, I strongly disagree with most of your findings just as I have done with Jo, I am far from perfect myself, so I do appreciate the work you are sending the FBI, just don't get those hopes up too high B|

I'll be lucky if Eng doesn't just glance at them and toss them into the garbage can...

one can only try! take my simulation for example, if nothing is found I will brush myself off and climb right back on that horse and try another angle to provide some sort of evidence B| at least you can say you tried!

maybe I should change my project name to the "Enterprise" and boldly go where one man has gone before B|;)
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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Mr Shutter wrote:

maybe I should change my project name to the "Enterprise" and boldly go where one man has gone before

One man has gone there before, and it was no simulation.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Mr Shutter wrote:


maybe I should change my project name to the "Enterprise" and boldly go where one man has gone before

One man has gone there before, and it was no simulation.


very perceptive......
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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Farflung has proved again and again, by providing concrete examples, that whuffo skyjackers can make a jet jump and land alive.

I continue to ignore this evidence and focus on the perfectly qualified candidates such as Ted Braden and Sheridan Peterson. Why do I act irrationally?

In an earlier post I wrote

The Cooper story created a huge buzz in the skydiving community (in 1971). The consensus was that he HAD to be a jumper and it was just a matter of figuring out which one. Speculation ran wild and many names were thrown around. There was almost a hope that Cooper was a skydiver as it would be humiliating for something so wild and cool to have been successfully executed by a mere whuffo.

Although it would arguably reflect badly on the skydiving community if Cooper, a felon, turned out to be one of us, I bet in their hearts most jumpers hope that he was.

Many if not most old school jumpers kinda like the cool bad boy outlaw image of skydivers and DB Cooper sure nailed that one.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Loose track of who said what, but I agree with the posters of the following statement:

"I don't think Marla is nuts. I think she has ADD and is an opportunist".

""I don't believe Jo is nuts, either. She could even be right. But you need evidence to prove a case, or at least some witnesses who might be able to further that case a bit.

"Cook isn't nuts. But he's motivated to somehow prove Gossett was the hijacker, even if he has go out on some nutty limbs in the attempt."

"I must admit Blevins, that thought has crossed my mind -- are you jealous? You came around like 3 or so years ago, you were here for such a short time, then you co-wrote a book and you appeared on the History Channel -- and somehow I get the feeling you think all that automatically puts you in the "DB Cooper Hall of Fame." You have repeated yourself and your theory so many times you've lost pretty much all credibility".

" You seem so threatened and jealous of anyone who might get something over on you or who might get more notoriety than you."

"Earning respect takes time. Only people who've been around for a long time and who have earned a good reputation by their body of work deserve our respect."

"I have another point to make Blevins. For some reason you think you are on the same level as Georger and others. Well, you're not. Co-writing a book and appearing on Decoded does not make you an expert. Some folks here are playing in the Big League with the big boys. You aren't there yet. Spending years and years on this case, interfacing with the FBI and the key players on a regular basis, for years, make one an expert -- makes one "Cooper royalty" if you will."

I do NOT really like to repeat things, but I thought the statements above sum up what has been going on with the thread. We are going to loose our VOICE (if the thread ends) and that would be a terrible loss.

The sharing of information and theories and word of mouth on this thread - may be the ONLY way the public will ever know who Cooper was. I (JO) try to stay neutral, but some individuals will come in an make statements that encite and some of them HURT. This kind of thing - I have heard about causing suicides on face book and all of those other sites kids go to.

We are supposed to be a group of adults who should ACT like ADULTS. The only thing Blevins does I totally disapprove of is promoting his BOOK. Galen does NOT post here - but, all of us wish we knew what he was up to.
Geoffry Gray never posted here, but he wrote a book that has been read around the world. I feel Blevins should think about this. (
Note for Belvins -Promoting your stand on your book on this thread is NOT going to make you creditable - infact you have destroyed your credibilaty with some of your posts. Me I am exploring what ifs and I am not writing a book, just seeking the truths and HOPE beyond ALL HOPE that someone some place just might read about Weber and produce that piece of evidence the FBI need to look at him with some serious investigation or force the FBI to reveal what they have - or had in 1998 to dismiss him.

IF the FBI had been POSITIVE regarding Weber NOT being Cooper when they wrote that letter to me (2 paragraphs) in 1998 dismissing Weber based on prints alone....WHY did they then in 2003 ASK for DNA. Even more puzzling is WHY they did NOT test the DNA until 2007
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Catching her cheesy Facebook postings, catching her switching up the dropzone her father allegedly told her from Oregon to Washington, (after being reminded about the money on Tena Bar) switching the vehicle from an MG to 'maybe they drove a truck,' when reminded about Forest Service roads in wintertime....stuff like that. There's more.

The term 'pulling the sheets' on someone refers (in a general way) to revealing someone's BS.

I thought everyone knew what SHEET PULLING was. 377, you surprise me - are you that naive?

You are a lawyer - right?

Perhaps 377 - you know it more like "being caught with your pants down".
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Sure you don't mean 2008? The Amboy chute was found in February/March of 2008.

Yes, you are right I was just reading the post I made and when I did it - I said I needed to look up the dates, but just do not pull files - thanks for catching it.

Dates are the first thing to go.
Balancing check books is the other thing - all number related and for yrs I made my living with numbers - keeping books until Duane groomed me for sales.

The DNA was returned in 2007 and that WAS before the Amboy Chute find. I was NOT informed of the DNA not matching UNTIL after the Chute find. I was posting all of this as it happend. Carr called me on his cell on his way to a media things about the chute and told me Duane's DNA did not match.

Why he waited until that time - which was several months after the DNA was tested to tell me is what I questioned. He waits until he is on his way to an interview after the chute find to call me about the DNA. Why was I not informed of the DNA before hand and why did they way from 2003 to 2007 to even test the stuff.

Remember I have the receipts and the documents the FBI forgot to remove and he called telling me he was coming back to get it. I told him he couldn't have it and then he tells me he has a copy. It showed each item and the testing dates of each item - they only tested the items I told them probably didn't have Duane's DNA. I had little and I was a clean freak and I had remarried in 2004 - one doesn't keep lot of things belonging to a deceased spouse when they remarry - if so it is reduced to a very small box and put in a out of site storage - with me it was a hot humid attic.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Blevins wrote:


...Marla sheet-pulling

Care to explain that term Robert? ;)


Catching her cheesy Facebook postings, catching her switching up the dropzone her father allegedly told her from Oregon to Washington, (after being reminded about the money on Tena Bar) switching the vehicle from an MG to 'maybe they drove a truck,' when reminded about Forest Service roads in wintertime....stuff like that. There's more.

The term 'pulling the sheets' on someone refers (in a general way) to revealing someone's BS.

I managed to drive from Priest Lake Idaho over to Sullivan Lake in North East Washington in late December back in the 1970's. I was trying to get over to Mettaline Falls after a long weekend party. I was driving my 1967 Austin Healy Sprite ( just an MG Midget with different badging) and pushing powder snow with the front of the car up to the headlights on it. Not one of the smarter decisions I ever made. That one kinda skeered me.. I did know where I was.. and had driven that road a bunch... but it was a pretty bad snow storm and had been dumping for most of the day.. and it was getting dark.

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I once made it over Snoqualmie Pass in a snowstorm, driving a Corvair with four bald tires. But it's a different story on Forest Service roads at night, in winter. The real point is that she was sure it was the Brit sports car...until she was reminded what it's like up there above 1,500 feet or so.

I guess we could argue the Marla Fable all day, but from what I was told by the folks at KickAss Oregon History, no one there believes her, plus she has backed off some of those claims lately, they say.

When the going gets tough, the tough do Avril Levigne doing Blink 182. B|

If you met me, you'd never believe I actually like that song. It's on my iPod, though.

Try a LOT higher than 1500' http://binged.it/W1lbhU

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With the flurry of activity surrounding the case over the past couple of weeks, I've decided to reframe the opening chapter of my book. The new chapter is posted at the Mountain News, and if you'd like to take a look at it, I'd welcome your comments.




I did read it. You need a good editor and a title change, that's my advice.

Ditch 'The Hunt for DB Cooper' since it's already been used by Geoff Gray.

Pro edit and format, six/nine paperback with B/W images, Amazon Kindle in color. This can be done by any number of people in the Puget Sound area. :)

Thanks for your suggestions, Robert. I'll consider them. - BAS

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I once made it over Snoqualmie Pass in a snowstorm, driving a Corvair with four bald tires. .

"Just because you fail once doesn't mean you're gonna fail at everything..."

Marilyn Monroe

That's nothin! I once had to read twelve long
RobertMBlevins posts in a row - was sick for a month.

Doc said: " Just call _____________ about that
____________ and that will cure the whole problem.
So I did!"

C :D:D K

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I once made it over Snoqualmie Pass in a snowstorm, driving a Corvair with four bald tires. But it's a different story on Forest Service roads at night, in winter. The real point is that she was sure it was the Brit sports car...until she was reminded what it's like up there above 1,500 feet or so.

I guess we could argue the Marla Fable all day, but from what I was told by the folks at KickAss Oregon History, no one there believes her, plus she has backed off some of those claims lately, they say.

When the going gets tough, the tough do Avril Levigne doing Blink 182. B|

If you met me, you'd never believe I actually like that song. It's on my iPod, though.

Try a LOT higher than 1500' http://binged.it/W1lbhU

Is this a paved route with folks in snowplows doing clearing once in a while? Maybe you can make it over the bad spots using chains? On Forest Service roads, they are gravel and not maintained in winter. You get to a certain point off-road and you just aren't going any farther without a snowmobile. Marla forgot that...

The idea that you could find someone out there in the dark, in an area possibly covering thousands of square miles, is just beyond possibility. This is why I never bought into those theories about someone meeting Cooper out in the woods. Daytime, summertime, MAYBE...but it would take a long time, plus if you come down in the National Forests there's just no way to tell anyone your exact location without some type of tracking device. And even with that...locating someone in the Cascades, or even the lower areas? It's a job beyond belief. This is actually something I know pretty well. I've been exploring Forest Service roads for over forty years, mostly North and South Cascades and the Olympics. You can get lost out there permanently really easy. The only street signs out there are the occasional FS Road or Spur signs, and they are few and far between. Come down in the woods, not a road, and it gets worse. The only real directions in the area Cooper may have jumped are these: Go west and you'll eventually hit the freeway. Follow any river on the west side of the slopes and its the same thing. Go east and you end up deeper in the mountains.

I'm guessing Cooper may have gotten a general idea where he was on the way down, assuming he pulled the ripcord right off the stairs. (Lights from interstate 5 maybe, or he figured out which way was west on the way down and kept it in mind) Then he probably just walked out from there. If he was in a really bad spot, he probably waited for first light. Marla's tale about someone cruising Forest Service roads, picking up an uncle within a short time, and making it back to Sisters in the morning...well, let's just say it's a bit of a stretch.

Nope.. Logging roads. no plows at all EVER.. they do run a grader over the main roads up there after the spring rut season.

If it was me making that jump I would have gotten out of the area NOT to the west.. but to the east.. and come out at Trout Lake... just my opinion. All roads in that area... go up or go down, and little roads will eventually head down to a larger.. lower numbered FS road.. Finding a road is usually pretty easy if you go downhill. There is a main low number forest service road that heads over that way from the Lakes. Totally unexpected by the ground pounders who were out looking.

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I disagree with this statement. Suppose tomorrow a new person posted up here with 100% definitive proof on who was DB Cooper. I mean irrefutable evidence

The odds of that happening with YOU here is very
very low -

Nobody is going to dip ther good evidence in shit.

In my opinion, you have fouled Dropzone for a long
time to come. There has been discussion.

Jo also -

There really is a limit to what people will put up with.

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On Georger: He jumps on every post I make, no matter what it is. So IMHO his credibility, his opinions, mean zip to me. You have to pick and choose when to jump down someone's throat, and that should be for 'ridiculous assumptions' only, not because you just don't like someone. So I don't care what he says. That situation probably isn't going to get any better. We've both been banned twice now, mostly for arguing. These days I either ignore his posts, or respond to them in a comedic manner, rather than getting angry. Once in a while he brings up a sensible point on something without insults, and then I will answer that normally, more or less.

quite obviously its not in your interests to allow any
real discussions here - same with Jo.

so play your song and dance again, Marilyn. It
started with your tatack against Sluggo . . . and here
we are today with nothing changed. Gray was right
about you!

And nobody now cares -

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quite obviously its not in your interests to allow any
real discussions here - same with Jo.

Georger I will gladly set out as long as the thread is productive and accurate. BUT, I will not keep my mouth shut when I am attacked or made fun of. If I had not started the 1st thread -this thread WOULD not be here.

Georger - I believe even Blevins will promise NOT to pipe up about trivial things as long as there are NOT myths being promoted on the site and you are not bashing his suspect or mine.

Give it a try. I haven't seen you post ANYTHING of value lately. Could it be you have run out of ammunition and just want to poke sticks thru the cages at the animals....because that is all you do lately - poke either Blevins or some other poster. YOU get a conversation going that everyone can contribute to - and NOT attack the subjects you do not support and see what happens.

Give it a try or this thread is going down...and it won't come back...I see the hand-writing on the wall. Then there will be NO where for you and others to go and play with the theories or to introduce valid research and discuss it.


Try to post without making fun or bashing other posters and this could be productive for you and everyone.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Credit where credit is due. Carr did not help start the forum on dropzone. It was Jo Weber. If you go back to the very beginning about half of the early posts were hers. She gradually drew in lots of other posters including Carr.

Thank you for that. I sure do NOT want Carr getting credit for starting the thread - which if anyone were to read the 2 threads they would know. Also I had NOT a CLUE what I was doing in the DZ. There was a thread before the first one that I went to and ASKED for some help and then they helped me set up the thread. I do not know how or remember how it was done. I just know a lot of people pitched in and help on the DZ.

It was a thread in history and trivia I went to asking and pleading for someone to help me find some old timers I could talk to or that might remember something about all of this.

THAT post is where it all started!

If I am correct the first post I made was in a thread I did not start, but they were discussing Cooper.

In sport
: Enter # Jumps
: Enter License
: Enter Years in Sport

Nov 12, 2006, 11:33 PM

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Re: [JerryBaumchen] DB Cooper [In reply to] Quote | Reply


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Hi Harry,

About a week after the heist, I got a call from Personnel (I worked for a US agency) asking me to come over. Once there I was directed to a room where this guy was sitting. He got up, closed the door and introduced himself as a FBI agent.

He then proceeded to grill me on where I was, what I knew, did I have any idea on who it might be, etc, etc.

Once he decided that it wasn't me we had a great conversation; he was actually quite friendly. The one thing I remember him saying was that they (the FBI) did not have a clue as to who DB was.

That was one interesting hour of my life,



Jerry, this is Jo Weber and this is my story:
I would really like to talk to you in person or by phone, but don't know how to do that due to forum rules.

Folks, I need your help. I need to find out about skyjumpers in Georgia and S.C. and AL in 1968-1971. My handle tells the story - I am a 66 yrr old widow of a man who claimed he was D.B.Cooper or as he put it Dan Cooper. I have no knowledge of skyjumping, but when we were in Colorado we went into the mountains and there were jumpers jumping off of the cliffs - I don't remember what it was called, but that is not important. What is important is that he told me everything that they were doing and why they were doing it - this was in 1978 or 1979 and he was over 50 yrs of age at that time.
It was not until his deathbed confession that I understood why he knew all of this. Now after 12 yrs of research I hope I have found the place that can help me. I am not sure where he learned to skydive, but he did - he kept something called a D-ring which was bought off of me at a garage sale after he died and the man paid me a quarter for it and told me what it was...I didn't know the significance of the item because I did not understand what he was trying to tell me in 1996 when he die nor did I know who Dan Cooper was.

The purpose of this post is HOW DO I FIND RECORDS OF JUMPERS FROM THAT TIME FRAME IN THOSE AREAS AND/OR PHOTOS OF JUMPERS FROM 1968 TO 1971? Can anyone help me? The FBI has not been of any help at all although they did take his DNA almost 4 yrs (MARCH OF 2003) ago after I had gone public, just to keep me quiet.

My old puter crashed and I am having the photos pulled off next wk. I would like to circulate the photos of him from various times in his life to skyjumpers to see if anyone can recognize this man.

My research of 10 feet deep is detailed and does everything except put him in a parachute. This is the one thing that will end this. This man I was married to for 17 yrs had been in 6 federal prisons in 7 states for a total of almost 17 yrs before I met and married him. I did not know of his criminal past and we had a good marriage.

I found an old alias he used on an article from a Mr. Echo - the name was Claude Webber. This was a known alias of Duane L. Weber, Dwayne Weber and Webber, John Claude Collins, John C. Weber, and many other variations. of Collins and Weber. I need to know if this Claude Webber in N.C. could have been Duane.

So many facts about the crime itself have been distorted - such as the location he landed in. Due to an error in the vector cause by the winds he landed much further SE of the search location. The weather conditions have also been distorted. It was bad weather only for a few seconds - the ground temperature was in the 40's and kids were camping and fishing the next morning as the search was conducted and this search area was further north than the area he landed in. I have an actual weather detailed report of the weather conditions and flying conditions from the time of the crime.

Can anyone help me with any information regarding others who may have been interviewed and the fact that I am looking for skyjumping history from 1943 while he served in the Navy and was stationecd in Jax, Fl. The Navy and Army will not reveal any detail information to me - other than the standard forms.
The Army came up "Access Denied" Classification Code Required. The man got the code and then told me that I was not listed as a relative - I told him of course not as I was only 3 yrs old at the time.
Duane was 17 yrs older than I. They never sent me any detail information about his time in the service.

Folsom and SanQuentin and McNei Island federal Prison had fire jumpers due to the shortage of manpower due to the war - and used prisoners. I can get no information of any of that. Duane had told me he had Ranger training - of course I thought he meant forest ranger - ranger meant nothing else to me. o the DZ was this:

BACK to the present: What can I say - I have learned a lot since that first post in the DZ! The basics of the story never changed and infact reading that post caused me to remember something I said then, but had long long since forgot.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I disagree with this statement. Suppose tomorrow a new person posted up here with 100% definitive proof on who was DB Cooper. I mean irrefutable evidence

The odds of that happening with YOU here is very
very low -

Nobody is going to dip ther good evidence in shit.

In my opinion, you have fouled Dropzone for a long
time to come. There has been discussion.

Jo also -

There really is a limit to what people will put up with.

:|[:/]Yes, Georger there is really a limit to what people will put up with! Sad isn't it?
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Credit where credit is due. Carr did not help start the forum on dropzone. It was Jo Weber. If you go back to the very beginning about half of the early posts were hers. She gradually drew in lots of other posters including Carr.

Total nonsense! Where do you guys come up with
total nonsense like this -

Ckret brought himself and a few others here (after a
number of discussions) specifically BECAUSE OF THE
SKYDIVER and PILOT community here; because
parachuting and the flight path are central in the DB
Cooper case.

Ckret wanted the opinions of the skydiver and pilot
community here.

This is stated clearly in the thread if you and others
would bother to READ THE THREAD as opposed to
making stuff up to make yourselves look important.

And following Ckret's departure here several people
were asked to stay here ... or at least monitor this

Those are the facts whether you and Blevins and
Weber like it or not.

Jo Weber had absolutely nothing to do with Ckret
and others coming here, in fact at first people came
here thinking they could operate here in spite of Jo
Weber being here, but that was not to be, and she
did play a role in people leaving and closing down
the fact-giving at this website. And that is a fact.

Those are the facts.

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Credit where credit is due. Carr did not help start the forum on dropzone. It was Jo Weber. If you go back to the very beginning about half of the early posts were hers. She gradually drew in lots of other posters including Carr.

True enough. :)

Not true at all. Yours is total nonfact and baloney.
You literally dont have a clue. READ THE THREAD!


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BY yours truely:

Nov 14, 2006, 11:38 PM

Post #22 of 26 (355 views)
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Posts: 5003

Re: [Skyrad] D.B. Cooper still hunted! [In reply to] Quote | Reply

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after 12 yrs of research...


Ah, come on John, just join in the fun


I am not into the technology - I am here for information because this is the best place to get that information. TEACH me the lingo, tell me anything you think I need to know.

I am DEAD serious. I am here to learn.

A Mr.Eco mentioned a diver number 92 by the name of Claudia Webber N.C. Do any of you have the accessibility to find out who this man was. He was listing divers from the 60's/70's and this is why I am here for the duration. CLAUDIA WEBBER N.C.

This is a name that Duane L. Weber AKA DB Cooper used during his criminal yrs. Since he was known to use variation of Webber and the fact that his father's name was Claudia and other identification I have in my possession also uses Claude and Claudia. Also known as John Claudia Collins, John C. Collins, Dwayne Webber, Wayne Weber and the list goes on.

I know he was in North Carolina and South Carolina during the yrs 1968 thru 1971 off and on. Lived in Columbia for sometime. Frequented piano bars or any place that would let him sing. Had a voice like Englebert Humperdink and sang the following songs SanFrancisco and You'll Never Know, were his favorites if the piano player could play them.

Please see if you can help me. You guys have access to more than I do. The FBI has just sat on it hauches and also took credit (on a TV program) for reseach and information that I and a news journalist provided to them.

They retrived DNA from me in March of 2003, but I have not heard anything and they never returned the items. I was not foolish enough to give them all that I had.

Copyright 2012 Jo Weber
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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