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DB Cooper

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Georger did you read some of the early posts I made?
Maybe you SHOULD! Then make an apology to me and to the readers of this thread and to the DZ as a whole.

You are ranting and raving like a drunk out of control when the past written word is far more convincing than any of the ramblings you are mumbling right now. Get yourself under control DARLING and read things NO one inform you of.

Georger it takes all kinds in life and there are entities that have USED you. As long as I am allowed I will continue to repost some of my posting you have NO knowledge of. They are dated and taken right from the DZ word for word. I don't need to defend myself - my defense in in the DZ.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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BY yours truely:

Nov 14, 2006, 11:38 PM

Post #22 of 26 (355 views)
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Registered: Nov 12, 2006
Posts: 5003

Re: [Skyrad] D.B. Cooper still hunted! [In reply to] Quote | Reply

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after 12 yrs of research...


Ah, come on John, just join in the fun


I am not into the technology - I am here for information because this is the best place to get that information. TEACH me the lingo, tell me anything you think I need to know.

I am DEAD serious. I am here to learn.

A Mr.Eco mentioned a diver number 92 by the name of Claudia Webber N.C. Do any of you have the accessibility to find out who this man was. He was listing divers from the 60's/70's and this is why I am here for the duration. CLAUDIA WEBBER N.C.

This is a name that Duane L. Weber AKA DB Cooper used during his criminal yrs. Since he was known to use variation of Webber and the fact that his father's name was Claudia and other identification I have in my possession also uses Claude and Claudia. Also known as John Claudia Collins, John C. Collins, Dwayne Webber, Wayne Weber and the list goes on.

I know he was in North Carolina and South Carolina during the yrs 1968 thru 1971 off and on. Lived in Columbia for sometime. Frequented piano bars or any place that would let him sing. Had a voice like Englebert Humperdink and sang the following songs SanFrancisco and You'll Never Know, were his favorites if the piano player could play them.

Please see if you can help me. You guys have access to more than I do. The FBI has just sat on it hauches and also took credit (on a TV program) for reseach and information that I and a news journalist provided to them.

They retrived DNA from me in March of 2003, but I have not heard anything and they never returned the items. I was not foolish enough to give them all that I had.

Copyright 2012 Jo Weber

Jo, you have tried to start "threads" in everybody's
back yard at one time or another. The list of places
is long over a decade. A hopeless task.

Others started another thread at another location
where you were not allowed - that prospered and
became the basis for FBI assets having a discussion
and this site was selected due to the presence of an
open Cooper thread and the fact of skydivers and
pilots and technical people being here, which is what
everyone wanted... you dear were irrelevant!


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Georger did you read some of the early posts I made?
Maybe you SHOULD! Then make an apology to me and to the readers of this thread and to the DZ as a whole.

You are ranting and raving like a drunk out of control when the past written word is far more convincing than any of the ramblings you are mumbling right now. Get yourself under control DARLING and read things NO one inform you of.

Georger it takes all kinds in life and there are entities that have USED you. As long as I am allowed I will continue to repost some of my posting you have NO knowledge of. They are dated and taken right from the DZ word for word. I don't need to defend myself - my defense in in the DZ.


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Jo, you have tried to start "threads" in everybody's
back yard at one time or another. The list of places
is long.

Others started another thread at another location
where you were not allowed - that prospered and
became the basis for FBI assets having a discussion
and this site was selected due to the presence of an
open Cooper thread and the fact of skydivers and
pilots and technical people being here, which is what
everyone wanted... you dear were irrelevant!


Just where do you get your information? Just where was this thread I was NOT allowed. Are you referrencing Sluggo's site.

It was NOT that I was NOT allowed, but I CHOSE out of consideration for SLUGGO not to interfer and guess what! I can prove that because I saved all of my emails to him.

If you are referencing Tom Kaye. I also chose NOT to post - ASK him if I even tried.
The things being discussed were informational for me and not something I could participate in because of the nature of the subject manner.

UNSOLVED MYSTERIES - you bet you boopy - I started in someones backyard there. I had NO idea how to start a thread or a forum and I just piped in on a thread that was discussing Cooper - That was in AUGUST of 2006.

If you are referencing a thread about Sleuthing - I could not even read that thread and have no idea what was said or discussed. Obviously it did NOT last long as it closed in a short time. Did YOU have something to do with that? I certainly didn't!
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Just where do you get your information?

I was there! Has nothing to do with Sluggo. Its not
open for discussion.

Good night.

Well, well Georger - if it is NOT open for discussion perhaps there are others who post here or loft here that would like to provide the low-down on that thread. Namely, WHY did it close in such a short period of time?
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Meyer Louie says in part:


'I have another point to make Blevins. For some reason you think you are on the same level as Georger and others. Well, you're not. Co-writing a book and appearing on Decoded does not make you an expert. Some folks here are playing in the Big League with the big boys. You aren't there yet. Spending years and years on this case, interfacing with the FBI and the key players on a regular basis, for years, make one an expert -- makes one "Cooper royalty" if you will. There are only a handful of people in this elite group. You're not there yet -- and you want to be so badly. Give it time Blevins. Try to be credible, offer up your stuff in a respectful way, back it up with quotes, citations, references. Your unfounded, ridiculous assumptions continue to destroy your credibility. Some people here, who have been here for years, think you're a total idiot. That's going to be tough to overcome. Quit locking horns with Georger, you are not in his league! Give it time, quit trying so hard. Gee Blevins, c'mon. I've seen the good guy, let him come out...'

And yet...none of those people you mentioned have been able to solve the case, even after all those years of working on it. I don't care what posters on an internet forum think of me. I do care what the people I know in real life think of me. To a certain extent.

So you don't give a rat's ass what people on the thread think of you, only those in real life? Why are you here then? If I had that attitude, I'd would not have any motivation for sticking around. By the way, you haven't solved the case either with your theory that is pretty much a chain of coincidences that proves nothing. You should care what people think of you here. Ain't you got no shame?__________________________________________________

See, here's the Real Deal: I never claimed to be a Cooper Expert, and that book was probably my one and only (supposedly) non-fiction work. But that book really isn't about DB Cooper, it's about Kenny Christiansen and whatever evidence exists on him as it relates to the Cooper case. Wasn't even an idea I thought up on my own. Let's face it...the groundwork was done by Geoff Gray and Skipp Porteous. If it's proven later that KC was definitely NOT DB Cooper, then I probably would stop posting here anyway. There wouldn't be any purpose to it because I'm not really interested in pursuing the case any further than I have already. I'm not a crime investigator or crime writer, like Ann Rule. I'm just Robert the Sci Fi Guy who Occasionally Edits Books. When I'm not doing that, I'm out in the mountains or something listening to Mariner or Seahawk games or MP3's of old radio shows like 'Dimension X' or 'X-Minus-1'. Or popping off my .45 S/W or that 30/30 Winnie I love so much. That's who I am, nothing more.

I'd say that's a load of crap, Blevins. That's is not who you are trying to be here. Here, you are quite arrogant and insecure. I'd say you're the most disruptive person on the thread. Why wait till KC is proven not to be DBC to leave ? If you are not interested in pursuing anything any further, then why stay? Moreover, everyone has already heard your theory a thousand times. I know it by heart now. You actually admit that you have not had an original thought -- finally, some honesty.

Look, if I considered myself Cooper Royalty I would have showed up at the Portland Symposium with my slideshow gear and countered Marla's claims with some of my own. Or, I would have gone around at Ariel saying, "I'm the guy who wrote that Cooper book..." Mostly I try to stay anonymous. I may go to the 2013 Symposium in Tacoma, but unless something new emerges on KC, then I'm just going to be in the audience.

Don't worry Blevins, you are not Cooper Royalty. That's something that's earned, over years of creating a credible body of work. You haven't done that. Rather, you've tried to shove respect for you and your KC=DBC theory down everyone's throat. That ain't how you get respect and credibility.


On Georger: He jumps on every post I make, no matter what it is. So IMHO his credibility, his opinions, mean zip to me. You have to pick and choose when to jump down someone's throat, and that should be for 'ridiculous assumptions' only, not because you just don't like someone. So I don't care what he says. That situation probably isn't going to get any better. We've both been banned twice now, mostly for arguing. These days I either ignore his posts, or respond to them in a comedic manner, rather than getting angry. Once in a while he brings up a sensible point on something without insults, and then I will answer that normally, more or less.


Hey Blevins, I'm going to let you in on a little secret. You are not in the same league as Georger. You're Little League, he's Major League. He's played hard ball with the big boys, you haven't. He's spent years and years on the case, you've been here 3 years. He has academic credentials with an advanced degree, you don't -- I could go on. I am not trying to openly endorse Georger here, but facts are facts -- the truth is the truth. There are some people here (with real credentials and real experience) who don't have any patience for someone who regularly pops off with so many ridiculous, unfounded, outlandish assumptions and statements. Your respectability and credibility have been (permanently) damaged by it. There are people here who really know when someone doesn't have any clue or idea what they are talking about. Some people here have no patience for genuine, unadulterated, incompetence and ignorance. And I don't think you even give a rat's ass. But you should. You're making a fool of yourself.

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I once made it over Snoqualmie Pass in a snowstorm, driving a Corvair with four bald tires. But it's a different story on Forest Service roads at night, in winter. The real point is that she was sure it was the Brit sports car...until she was reminded what it's like up there above 1,500 feet or so.

Blevins, I grew up in the snow country of Eastern Washington, and I have never heard of anyone being so ridiculous as to go over Snoqualmie Pass in a snow storm, in bald tires. You can't be serious. You got a death wish or what?

Blevins, get some good studded snow tires, then put about 500-600 pounds of sand in the back of your rig, a little in front of the rear axle (assuming you have rear-wheel drive), and you'll be able to go anywhere. A few years back I drove from Tacoma, WA to Kamloops, BC in a bigtime snow storm the whole way, and had absolutely no problems.


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Amazon says in part:


'Nope.. Logging roads. no plows at all EVER.. they do run a grader over the main roads up there after the spring rut season.

If it was me making that jump I would have gotten out of the area NOT to the west.. but to the east.. and come out at Trout Lake... just my opinion. All roads in that area... go up or go down, and little roads will eventually head down to a larger.. lower numbered FS road.. Finding a road is usually pretty easy if you go downhill. There is a main low number forest service road that heads over that way from the Lakes. Totally unexpected by the ground pounders who were out looking...'

That is very good and puts you in the Four Wheeler Hall of Fame. Trout Lake, yes...good destination. Might be tough in wintertime without proper gear though. I'll admit if you were equipped, they'd never find you if you went that way. On a Cooper angle, I've always thought he just headed toward wherever he saw big lights on the way down, if any. I like the idea that maybe he just did the Big Hike Out, too. No, I don't go with it, but it's cool to consider.

No.. but the next spring I did get a 1957 Willys Pickemup:)
As far as that big hike....

Escape and Evasion works best when you do the unexpected.

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I'm guessing Cooper may have gotten a general idea where he was on the way down, assuming he pulled the ripcord right off the stairs. (Lights from interstate 5 maybe, or he figured out which way was west on the way down and kept it in mind) Then he probably just walked out from there. If he was in a really bad spot, he probably waited for first light. Marla's tale about someone cruising Forest Service roads, picking up an uncle within a short time, and making it back to Sisters in the morning...well, let's just say it's a bit of a stretch.

Nope.. Logging roads. no plows at all EVER.. they do run a grader over the main roads up there after the spring rut season.

If it was me making that jump I would have gotten out of the area NOT to the west.. but to the east.. and come out at Trout Lake... just my opinion. All roads in that area... go up or go down, and little roads will eventually head down to a larger.. lower numbered FS road.. Finding a road is usually pretty easy if you go downhill. There is a main low number forest service road that heads over that way from the Lakes. Totally unexpected by the ground pounders who were out looking.

What is your starting point - drop point vs. FBI flight

I dont think anyone has ever suggested a route out
this far east _how then do you account for money at
Tina Bar?

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I may not know every detail on the Cooper case, but I'm not bad at rooting out crap from people either. People even got angry at me for questioning the FBI's results on the Amboy chute. They defended Cossey's one-sided assessment and simply forgave the Seattle FBI's ridiculous statements on it. Not my fault they tried to push that weak-ass story on everyone. Then the whole thing got buried.

There are the academics in this case. And then there are the renegades who question everything. I see myself more as the latter.

Question Everything. :)

"but I'm not bad at rooting out crap from people either"

Farflung and others would disagree with YOUR
assessment OF YOURSELF! One called you a
"pompous ass". Others called you "stupid".

Renegade? (an individual who rejects lawful or
conventional behavior....)

I guess the cosmic question you are posing for this
forum is: 'Is RobertMBlevins a renegare?'

Once again, Mr. Blevins forces the issue of himself above the issue of DB Cooper.

And Jo Weber may surface saying 'she' is the
dominant person and issue here.

Do sandwich makers care?

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I'm guessing Cooper may have gotten a general idea where he was on the way down, assuming he pulled the ripcord right off the stairs. (Lights from interstate 5 maybe, or he figured out which way was west on the way down and kept it in mind) Then he probably just walked out from there. If he was in a really bad spot, he probably waited for first light. Marla's tale about someone cruising Forest Service roads, picking up an uncle within a short time, and making it back to Sisters in the morning...well, let's just say it's a bit of a stretch.

Nope.. Logging roads. no plows at all EVER.. they do run a grader over the main roads up there after the spring rut season.

If it was me making that jump I would have gotten out of the area NOT to the west.. but to the east.. and come out at Trout Lake... just my opinion. All roads in that area... go up or go down, and little roads will eventually head down to a larger.. lower numbered FS road.. Finding a road is usually pretty easy if you go downhill. There is a main low number forest service road that heads over that way from the Lakes. Totally unexpected by the ground pounders who were out looking.

What is your starting point - drop point vs. FBI flight

I dont think anyone has ever suggested a route out
this far east _how then do you account for money at
Tina Bar?

Amboy or Ariel to Trout Lake.. easy. on the way... you cross Wind River it comes out at Carson.. you could even exit that way in the Columbia River Gorge.

There are all kinds of logging roads in that area.. ANY good Forest Service or County map shows them. Stick to the lower numbers and those are the mainlines. most of the roads are fairly flat to travel.. and at night you can see lights coming or hear a vehicle coming to get off the road.

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