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DB Cooper

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"YOU are not interested in solving this case. You are ONLY here to divert anything I say and to keep the nose of the Federal Govenment wiped clean. Your interest is NOT solving this. You are here to divert and defuse anything that comes close revealing who Cooper was. "

I agree with what 377 concluded as well, you hit Knoss right on the nose with accusations such as you claim above! how do you expect any credibility with these statements? I could easily use your method of investigating and make claims that you are Bob Knoss because you sound just like him! B|

"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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Jo wrote


YOU are not interested in solving this case. You are ONLY here to divert anything I say and to keep the nose of the Federal Govenment wiped clean. Your interest is NOT solving this. You are here to divert and defuse anything that comes close revealing who Cooper was.


Nobody here is working on behalf of the govt to prevent Norjack from being solved. That really is paranoid thinking. It's just a chaotic blog here. It threatens nobody. We don't matter to the govt.

I know you disagree, but I think the FBI would LOVE to solve Norjack. It's their only unsolved skyjack.

Your speculative conclusions about Duanes familial connection to 727 secrets is a perfect example of your bias.

Not even the pilots, flight engineer or NWA operations had any info indicating that the 727 could be safely flown with the stair deployed. Yet you want us to believe that Duane knew this because some relative sold paint to Boeing???

Please Jo, reconsider your accusations that any forum participant is working for the govt to sabotage your investigation. You are way too smart to believe something that absurd.


Jo "way too smart to believe something that absurd"? No she's not.


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Come on guys... Gradeschool is out.:S

27 or more killed by maniac at gradeschool in

Some people are going to have their way no matter
what! Thats the depraved self oriented world we live

'Marilyn is cooler than you or me'

Lyric Cook Elizabeth Collins update:

Massacre at Newton:

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Come on guys...


#1 John's brother & friend:

The man did exist and he was with a division connected to Boeing, but Not Boeing. He worked in secure position....and he knew Duane's brother.

The Boeing Paint contracts had NOTHING to do with John, but with Sherwinn Williams where he at one time worked in the Chicago area. John settled with his engineering degree in CA in the the 60'ss.

John was an engineer and also lived in WA were he obtained some property with a partner who worked near Tacoma that they lost money on.

This man told the caller some information and then contacted the FBI after Cooper did the job and told them about the call. The call came thru a secure line he thought the guy was a pilot asking for the information. He later thought he provided Cooper with the mean to do what he did.

#2 John Anglin

I do believe John Aglin might be Ed Hurand or at least related in some way.

a. Clarence had Zona tattooed on his arm.
b. Duane asked Ed how Zona was.
c. Ed answered by saying she was living with XXX

Ed had just come home from the hospital - Duane and Ed had not seen each other in a long time so when he got back with the medication we had this casual conversation but, it was short because Ed did NOT feel well.

d. Ed had a scared face and it appeared to be burn and the heaviest on his left cheek.

e. I never ask people about their scars - we all have scars and some do not show.

f. John Anglin had a scar on his left cheek

#3. I can't talk about on a thread and you wouldn't believe me if I told you.

g. The Anglins escaped in 1962

h. Duane obtained a false ID under John Collins in 1962 and was sent to prison on with that name.

h. Another individual in Duane's life asked about Ed. The man was Duane's height. Duane told me he was dangerous.

I only feel comfortable stating #h, because I think or HOPE the man is dead now. I am actually afraid of his man........

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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to think you have the key to not one, but two of the greatest unsolved mysteries......WOW

Hate to tell ya, much like the Cooper case, The Anglin's have a very high percentage of being fish food!! (dead)

I would be happy to give you the Marshal's name and email if you wish?
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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to think you have the key to not one, but two of the greatest unsolved mysteries......WOW

Hate to tell ya, much like the Cooper case, The Anglin's have a very high percentage of being fish food!! (dead)

I would be happy to give you the Marshal's name and email if you wish?


Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo wrote

This man told the caller some information and then contacted the FBI after Cooper did the job and told them about the call. The call came thru a secure line he thought the guy was a pilot asking for the information. He later thought he provided Cooper with the mean to do what he did.

Jo what evidence do you have that the events above actually occurred?

Secure line? What exactly does that mean? I had a secret clearance and worked on classified programs but we didn't have "secure lines". We were cautioned that any call could be tapped and to use caution in what we discussed over the phone.

What record is there of this alleged FBI contact?

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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hard to keep up with your constant changing Jo, here is John, still not the same person........

you do realize the Anglin's had very little education, I don't think either went past the 4th grade!
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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hard to keep up with your constant changing Jo, here is John, still not the same person........

you do realize the Anglin's had very little education, I don't think either went past the 4th grade!

Every time I try to post with a pic I get BAD GATEWAY!

Put the pic of Ed with the pic of ANGLIN as he appeared in 1962, not the artist renditions of him as aged. Some of those artist things are WAY off when the real guy is found.

I wish also you had not brought this part of the past and past research to light myself - but, it is something I explored many yrs ago and put aside.

I have many certificates Duane obtain while in prison - I believe Doug Pasternac found them.

Hope this post - last few did not said BAD GATE WAY!

You are the one not getting me and you have tunnel vision more so than I do.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo, I don't have "tunnel vision" I have common sense, what do you think the odds are of someone having information about two major unsolved mysteries?

asking someone "how is zona" hardly brings light to Clarence Anglin, Clarence had more than one scar and two tattoo's, why didn't he ask how Nita was?

the other file is a PDF file, don't know if you can open that? if nobody can see it, I can transfer it to photo?

"Some of those artist things are WAY off when the real guy is found. " but seems to work for you? profile pic??????
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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MeyerLouie says in part:


'Sure about that Blevins? I'm not. I'm not speaking for others, I have been reading the DZ posts for the past year, including the ones directed at you. I don't need to ask others or speak for others here, I have evidence -- your posts and what other people have said to you or what others have said about you. I'm using evidence Blevins. Got it?...'

Don't get to believing you are special in this opinion. And that's exactly what it is...your opinion. Besides, I just don't care. Are you kidding? I receive about 20-30 emails a week with comments, questions, some on Kenny, some with questions on the book, some on the Cooper case in general. About one in five are fairly nasty. I answer all of them, even the bad ones, and I'm always polite. After two years of this stuff, you get used to it. You think my posts are crap. Fine. Move on then. I've heard it before. If you don't like them...use your mouse to scroll past. If you want to get on the anti-RB bandwagon, no problem. But you'll have to get in line with the others. It's a seniority thing and many are ahead of you. B|

Watching 121212 concert. Very good. They say more than two billion people are either watching on TV, getting a vid feed, or listening to the audio. :o

Edit: Well, I could do without seeing Kanye West in a leather skirt....[:/]


Okay Blevins..... I think you are either taking too many stupid pills or someone beat you mercilessly with an idiot stick. I'm thinking it's gotta be both. MeyerLouie


I gave it to you straight. You're not telling me anything that I don't get a few times a week via email. If you author a Cooper book, two things will happen, Meyer. Nuts will come out of the woodwork, and some people won't like what you say. I know you are not a nut because I met you. So you are behind Door Number Two.

That's just the way it is. You've had your opinion and I listened to it. Now unless there is anything else, perhaps we can get back to Cooper and out of the personal analysis room.

And I still don't like seeing Kanye West in a leather skirt. :|


Emergency alert! Emergency alert, DZ members. There has been significant movement on the R.B.I.M. -- Robert Blevins Idiot Meter. In case you didn't know, the meter is on a logarithmic scale. When the meter goes up a notch, that means what Blevins just said is ten times more ridiculous than what he said in his previous post.

What drives this man? What is his motto, his blueprint for living in the real world? Someone told me they overheard Blevins say "I calls 'em as I sees 'em, and if I don't sees 'em, I makes 'em up!" Proper grammar and goof senses seemed to have taken leave of the assistant publisher.

Also, friends have encouraged Blevins --
Connoisseur of the Unfounded -- to seek counseling, maybe even join a 12-step program. There is 12-step program for people who talk way too much -- it's called On-and-On Anon, but Blevins doesn't seem to be all that interested.

One time when Blevins got down in the dumps, someone overheard him complaining,
"I don't understand it, everybody hates me!"
His friend replied (yeah, Blevins actually has a friend): "Don't be stupid, Blevins. Everybody hasn't met you yet!"

That seemed to cheer him up a bit. Respect from others seems to be hard to come by for Robert Blevins. I heard one time he got set up with a blind date. He was supposed to meet her at the mall. When he thought he saw her, he went up to her and asked, "Are you Judy?"
She said, "Are you Robert?"
He said, "Yes."
She said, "Well then, I'm not Judy."
Now you know that's cold ... that's harsh. Blevins gets no respect.....

Rumor has it that Blevins finally broke down and went to see a psychiatrist. The psychiatrist told Blevins he was crazy, Blevins retorted, "I don't believe it, I want a second opinion!"
"Okay, you're ugly too," replied the doctor (I couldn't resist this Henny Youngman classic).

I guess things went from bad to worse. I heard Blevins got so far down in the dumps he told the doctor he thought he might have suicidal tendencies.
"Oh yeah," replied the doctor. "From now on, you pay in advance!"

So goes the escapades of the one and only Robert Blevins.... Take it away Grand Maestro Peepee.

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here is the actual report about the sighting of the body from the ship, thought you might like to read it?

Thanks Mr. Shutter. It's a plausible report as to the scant body detail observed. Nothing more than a body with white trousers.

What isn't plausible is the no US radio channel story. EVERY commercial ship had the international distress freq of 2182 KHz. Larger ones had in addition another international distress freq of 500 KHz. Their position at the time of the body sighting was within a few miles of USCG radio station NMC at Pt. Reyes which monitored both freqs 24/7/365. Other commercial shore stations such as KLH, KMI and KPH all had receive antennas in that area and all monitored at least 2182. KPH also monitored 500 KHz. I'm not buying the radio story told to the FBI.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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You say:

"Nobody here is working on behalf of the govt to prevent Norjack from being solved. That really is paranoid thinking. It's just a chaotic blog here. It threatens nobody. We don't matter to the govt.

I know you disagree, but I think the FBI would LOVE to solve Norjack. It's their only unsolved skyjack."

HOWEVER, Why is the FBI not moving forward and sending the four envelopes of the letters to the newspapers following the DB Caper? The DNA under the stamps/envelope flaps will compare with the DNA that the FBI has from Sheridan Peterson and show a match and that he was not in Nepal as his "perfect alibi" goes but he was at the scene of the crime. This is the SMOKING GUN in the case.

The FBI needs to move forward on this to blow the case wide open and quickly solve the more than 40 year old only unsolved Sky Jacking.

Bob Sailshaw

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here is the actual report about the sighting of the body from the ship, thought you might like to read it?

Thanks Mr. Shutter. It's a plausible report as to the scant body detail observed. Nothing more than a body with white trousers.

What isn't plausible is the no US radio channel story. EVERY commercial ship had the international distress freq of 2182 KHz. Larger ones had in addition another international distress freq of 500 KHz. Their position at the time of the body sighting was within a few miles of USCG radio station NMC at Pt. Reyes which monitored both freqs 24/7/365. Other commercial shore stations such as KLH, KMI and KPH all had receive antennas in that area and all monitored at least 2182. KPH also monitored 500 KHz. I'm not buying the radio story told to the FBI.


Sounds fishy, but I imagine they might have thought they would be delayed --- or had other reasons for wanting to stay under the radar and not get involved.
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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Blevins wrote

My guess on it is this: If they reached Angel Island, they didn't steal the Chevy, because someone would have picked them up on Angel and transported them somewhere else. It's unlikely that IF this happened, that the escapees would have had to steal a car. Anyone coming to get them in a boat would have transportation already on shore. Could be one reason why they never found them. They beat the initial local search...sort of like Cooper if you think about it.

If they had arranged boat pickup wouldn't it make sense to be picked in the bay up just outside the Alcatraz no sail zone? The voyage to Angel Island was extremely risky in a homemade raft.

Also Angel Island is big. How would you arrange a night rendezvous?

The guards on Alcatraz paid no attention to boats unless they came within about 100 yards of the island. If you came closer they got real excited. Searchlights, loudspeakers, threats to fire unless you exited promptly. Ask me how I know.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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I agree with 377 on this one. The hunt for these guys was extremely intense, and the end result when they didn't find them was the closure of Alcatraz. If this story were true, the FBI would have historically turned every rock to find out and it would have been a part of the public knowledge on the hunt itself. Without further proof, it has to be relegated to Urban Legend.

There's a newspaper account and FBI file. How would that be urban legend?
I think it is likely they saw something but just didn't want to get involved while in the vicinity.

I also don't think the escape is why Alcatraz was closed, I might be wrong, but I'm pretty sure I've read somewhere that closure was already in the works...?
Even if not, Alcatrez days were numbered. It was just too old, falling apart, and was too expensive to maintain and operate.
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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The guards on Alcatraz paid no attention to boats unless they came within about 100 yards of the island. If you came closer they got real excited. Searchlights, loudspeakers, threats to fire unless you exited promptly. Ask me how I know.


lol....I'll bite....tell us about it.
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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I agree with 377 on this one. The hunt for these guys was extremely intense, and the end result when they didn't find them was the closure of Alcatraz. If this story were true, the FBI would have historically turned every rock to find out and it would have been a part of the public knowledge on the hunt itself. Without further proof, it has to be relegated to Urban Legend.

There's a newspaper account and FBI file. How would that be urban legend?
I think it is likely they saw something but just didn't want to get involved while in the vicinity.

I also don't think the escape is why Alcatraz was closed, I might be wrong, but I'm pretty sure I've read somewhere that closure was already in the works...?
Even if not, Alcatrez days were numbered. It was just too old, falling apart, and was too expensive to maintain and operate.

Alcatraz Closes

On March 21, 1963, USP Alcatraz closed after 29 years of operation. It did not close because of the disappearance of Morris and the Anglins (the decision to close the prison was made long before the three disappeared), but because the institution was too expensive to continue operating. An estimated $3-5 million was needed just for restoration and maintenance work to keep the prison open. That figure did not include daily operating costs - Alcatraz was nearly three times more expensive to operate than any other Federal prison (in 1959 the daily per capita cost at Alcatraz was $10.10 compared with $3.00 at USP Atlanta). The major expense was caused by the physical isolation of the island - the exact reason islands have been used as prisons throughout history. This isolation meant that everything (food, supplies, water, fuel...) had to be brought to Alcatraz by boat. For example, the island had no source of fresh water, so nearly one million gallons of water had to be barged to the island each week. The Federal Government found that it was more cost-effective to build a new institution than to keep Alcatraz open.

from Here: http://www.bop.gov/about/history/alcatraz.jsp
but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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Back in the early 60s there was no GPS. We couldn't afford radar. Tidal currents in SF Bay that vary from place to place made dead reckoning navigation inaccurate. One foggy night coming in from a fishing trip my Dad strayed inside the no sail zone at Alcatraz. By the time we figured out where we were our boat was quite close to the Alcatraz shore. They lit us up with a searchlight and warned us through loudspeakers to exit the area immediately or we would be fired on. We weren't interested in a gunfight and left right away. It was actually scary. I was pretty young at the time.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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There's a newspaper account and FBI file. How would that be urban legend?
I think it is likely they saw something but just didn't want to get involved while in the vicinity.

I also don't think the escape is why Alcatraz was closed, I might be wrong, but I'm pretty sure I've read somewhere that closure was already in the works...?
Even if not, Alcatrez days were numbered. It was just too old, falling apart, and was too expensive to maintain and operate.

Why Blevins watched the movie - what other proof to
you need than Blevins seeing the movie ! ?

Blevins has had nothing but movie scripts on his
mind since Porteous first contacted him saying

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Back in the early 60s there was no GPS. We couldn't afford radar. Tidal currents in SF Bay that vary from place to place made dead reckoning navigation inaccurate. One foggy night coming in from a fishing trip my Dad strayed inside the no sail zone at Alcatraz. By the time we figured out where we were our boat was quite close to the Alcatraz shore. They lit us up with a searchlight and warned us through loudspeakers to exit the area immediately or we would be fired on. We weren't interested in a gunfight and left right away. It was actually scary. I was pretty young at the time.


Contact RobertMBlevins for a movie script!

He or Jo will call you back immediately because they
seem to monitor this thread 24-7. They keep the
pressure on.

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