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"I can't answer your questions when the are so garbled and otuse. Ed resembles John. John a scar on is cheek. DUANE asked about zona. He replied tht shw sew staying with someone and Duane said that was good.

Ed had a scar on his cheek. One it appears he burned or it was burn to change his appearanc. "

the question was very simple Jo.
First you claimed he was one of the Anglins!
Then you said he might be a relative?
Why would he change his appearance if he was a relative?
do you know anything about the Anglin's? do they have children?
anyone in there Family named Zona? or Nita (other tattoo you failed to mention)

"- the young people like yourself only want to make yourself part of something you had nothing to do. All you want to do is argue or play games. "

so because a lying thief told you he was Cooper and dismissed by the FBI gives you all the rights to do what ever you wish? is that fair, not done yet!

Jo goes on to say:

just hours prior to the statement above, you said this to Robert99:

" You are a phoney looney who pretends to know all and whose only assignment is to confront and dispurse. You loose! " just a bit hypocritical don't ya think, there is plenty more! but this a good enough example!

to my knowledge there is only two people believing in cover ups, you and BK, what does BK have to say:

"Right on, Jo! " nice following you have! takes two minds that are similar in order to bond! B|

my questions are not garbled as you claim! they do not require searching the thread either! as they say in court, answer the questions to the best of your ability! B|

"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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Very few Zona's existed in the US Census and Zona was born between 1943 and 1946 - I believe she would have her mother or grandmothers last name. NOT Weber. I had some very REAL help with this - people who know how to search the records.

There may have been other Zona's but I am only interested in those born between 1943 and 1946. I did find one that was of interest and the one I believed to have been the Zona in question - she had died only a yr or two before I was led to this.

I could find NO background on this Zona, but due to the age and location I felt I had found her but too late. I expect she may have died of PKD as her father did.

I did do the research - or rather some one did it for me and someone in this thread help me also. I haven't felt like digging up the Zona file since I know I have done all I can. Remember the census taken for the time of her death will not be made public for yrs. I won't be around to say - yes, there it is!

Again last night I posted with medication in me and my posts were NOTHING but garbled phrases that were hard to interpert. Even I could not figure out what I was trying to say.

If someone else wants to check Zona out - go for it. If you want to pay the county she died in for records - then do it. If you find it I will tell you if it is the same Zona I found. It was NOT important until now to know more about her...but, with the cost of medication (I have gone thru the donut hold) and other things that I have to pay for that medicare does not cover - my funds are becoming limited to necessities.

I can make all the phone calls I want with the program I have, but one cannot call the dead up.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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no sleep in almost 24 hrsl
good morning. Not feeling any pain - just afraid of what is to come. got a mother of a headache

Maybe I will go to bed and sleep.

Can't see the key board or what I am writing - got no more to say.

Bye - have fun.

Me off to planet peace!
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Composing OFF line so I can think and make sure there is NO way for you to twist what I am trying to say:

I did NOT claim Ed was one of the Anglins, but was indicating he was John or was related, because of the appearance. If he was John Anglin, he could have tried to make his scar look like a burn accident, but I do NOT know what caused Ed’s scars and I was kind enough NOT to ask.

As for my knowledge of the Anglins - all I know is what was posted on this thread and in the article. I did briefly look at this a few yrs ago - when it was first mentioned in the thread and only because of something Duane told me one time - which by the way is NOT up for public debate.

I do NOT know if the Anglins had children nor if anyone in their family was named Zona. I did NOT mention the Nita tattoo because it meant nothing to me. My contact with Ed as far as intimate conversations was limited to that ONE conversation. All other contacts were at conventions or meetings and when Duane asked another person how Ed was doing.

Duane during the yrs I knew him was NOT a LYING THIEF as you stated (I did find out in 1990 about Jefferson). He was a honest hard working salesman and a very knowledgeable individual. His talent for singing was a surprise to me on our wedding night in 1978.

Duane had the unique ability to make something from nothing and to remake things to the point you would not know they had ever been repaired. Why when he became disabled and was not able to sell insurance or manage a team (of several men - all of who never had one bad thing to say about him) he opened a shop. The shop never turned much of a profit but it did keep him busy. I feel now in retrospect he used the shop to cover any monies he retrived from a safe deposit box in 1990 in the Mid West.

Duane was dismissed by the FBI in 1998 with a 2 paragraph letter dismissing him based on prints only.

My calling you a troll was justified because of your personal repetitive attacks on me. You kept on repeating I said this or that when - YOU know full well that I am in my 70’s and get a little excited about things - you also know I ramble to get to what I am trying to say and my wording might not be as specific as some of the WELL educated individuals who contribute to the thread.

When someone calls me a liar - I pop off, but I don’t call you a liar or disbelieve you when you talk about your flight similation. When someone repeatedly claims I am - supposedly fabricating a story or twisting things it upsets me. That is one thing I will state rhetorically - I do not lie or fabricate. I recall something and I get excited and no one can follow me because they have never walked in my footsteps. I am typing so fast even I can’t follow myself.

You stated below:
“my questions are not garbled as you claim! they do not require searching the thread either! as they say in court, answer the questions to the best of your ability!”

I will state:
Yes, Mr. Shutter your questions are garbled and they do require you to do the research. This is not a court of law, but a discussion about an old crime.

Yes my answers are garbled unless you were sitting her talking to me face to face and I am able to ask you to clarify the question or only address one question at a time. YOU fire off multiples and YOU act like you know all there is to know about this crime and Duane Weber.

You are NOT qualified to do a mental evaluation on me from my postings - pehaps you should go back and read your own postings. Perhaps you need to follow what I have been doing for 18 yrs... Because the FBI told me basically nothing - it has been a long tedious process and only because of this thread have I received basic explanations of some things. The answers did NOT come from the FBI.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo, my questions were very simple! I don't need to go back into
the thread on resent topics!

Duane had multiple names and has a very long record, I'm
sorry but that makes him a lying thief!

The FBI has over 500 pages on Duane! more than you tend to

I never called you a liar Jo! please show where this took place?

I posted the mental disorder and if you look above it says,
"not saying this is you" (simply pointed out)

you make dozens of wild claims and I called you out on them.
I have never claimed to know everything, never have!

your claims are so far out Jo, I can't nor can anyone follow
some of your wild theories! The Anglins would eat Duane up
and spit him out! Duane is out of there league as a convict.

I know you are trying real hard to prove this, I bow to you
for your determination, but I just don't see Duane being Cooper
or having anything to do with the Anglins! Duane looks very
similar to the sketch, when he was younger, but that's it.

I study people and things said, I have been following the escape
for some time know, it's been a while since I dove into, but,
I know a lot more than you think. there are 3 to 5 people on
here that have had or continue to have security level status.
I would never call them a "phoney looney" while you or
myself have never been on that level! what do you have to
compete with intelligence wise arguing with them?

The odds are extremely high that the escape failed, higher
than Coopers odds! with the resent evidence coming forward
I still give a high percentage they are fish food. I always gave
about a 10% chance they made it, now? 25% the Cooper
risk? not really sure, but leaning more towards a no pull. just
no solid evidence he made it!

as for calling you Knoss, the intent was not that you are lying
it's all of the Government cover ups and the "who are you"
paranoia that you frequently show, the wild theories similar
to what Knoss does, I know he feeds off your story, but, with
all do respect, you do sound like him on many occasions!

perhaps, maybe, just maybe, you should look back? B|

"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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Jo wrote

Duane during the yrs I knew him was NOT a LYING THIEF as you stated (I did find out in 1990 about Jefferson). He was a honest hard working salesman...

Or so it seemed to you.

You admit he stole coats while you knew him, taking more expensive ones from cloakrooms and leaving his. That's the work of a thief in my book. What do you call it?

Duane "honest"? You are living in denial Jo.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Duane had multiple names and has a very long record, I'm
sorry but that makes him a lying thief!


Jo Replies -----
After the Fact - remember I did NOT meet Weber until 1977 I did NOT know he had a record until 1990 - 5 yrs before he died and then I only knew about Jefferson encarcerated under the name of John Collins.

The FBI has over 500 pages on Duane! more than you tend to


Jo Replies
Of those 500 pages - some of them were copies they made
documents they got from me and contacts I made. The tax
reports alone are approx - 100 documents. Then the other
thing they recorded. The print and dna papers.

The Anglins would eat Duane up
and spit him out! Duane is out of there league as a convict.


Jo Replies
!. In 1962 - Duane was John Collins and on the run

2. Tthe Anglins (if they survived)
where on the run

3. If Ed is John Anglin - he at least survived.

4. Duane made a comment only one time that puzzled me regarding this matter, but I have never repeated it.

5. The conversation I had with Ed on our first meeting in 1978.

6. Then 6 yrs later NOT wanting his picture made.

7. The resemblance between Ed and John Anglins is compelling.

8. The mention of Zona was the most compelling thing. Too much of a co-incidence.

3 to 5 people on here that have had or continue to have security
level status. I would never call them a "phoney looney" while you or myself have never been on that level! what do you have to compete with intelligence wise arguing with them?


Jo Replies
What DO I have to compete with certain posters?

The knowledge of having lived with the subject for 18 yrs and to realize after I found out who Dan
Cooper was the stories he told me in 3rd person and the things he said actually happened.

When they are disrespectful and put me down I will stand up to them - I don’t care what security level they have.

I do go into the government cover-ups and the reason
is the things Duane said and the ex-wife backed up many of these and dressed them with her story about Weber. I have not told all of those because I did not hear them myself from Weber.

I look back every day - but, Duane told me his life in 3 person. Why did the FBI not tell
me about the ST. Pete arrest and the other multiple arrests?Not even when I requested!
Yet an FBI Agent is allowed to make the information available in a public forum. .

FBI “concealment” is why I went public and they have yet to successfully explain why this happened. Until the FBI or someone else - can prove Duane L. Weberwas NOT Cooper (and they have not) I will continue the quest as I can.

I received an email from an individual who personally spoke with the FBI agent Eng regarding the DNA - and was confidencially told the DNA is compromised and of NO value to rule out or rule in anyone subject (I did not use his exact wording). I would have to find his email and copy and paste.

I have his email about this and he was allowed information that is
priviledged and the FBI could not share this same information with the wife of suspect? Makes the FBI sound - well, not sure I have a words for this that are printable or allowed on the thread!


Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo, Denial is written all over your post, if you can't see it I don't
know what to tell you. you can not compare Duane with the Anglins!

I was "on the run" from the law for 8 years, am I now in this league?
we are talking about a tattoo with no significance! he has two tattoo's
this is why I asked you about Nita. do there shoe sizes also match??
I don't see any resemblance of Ed and the Anglins nor his third brother
Alfred, God forbid if you were on a jury! the poor guy would go straight
to the electric chair!

the "knowledge" you have about Duane being Cooper is nothing! you
didn't know anything about Cooper while Duane was alive.

If this is not denial, please explain why everyone doesn't agree with your
conclusions? the FBI and I'm guessing about 98% of this thread?

you have every right to post your evidence just as others, however I don't
believe you are being fair by stating Duane IS Dan Cooper!

you are also very much like Marla, because she is also stating that LD is Dan
Cooper because her Father told her! she also has some pretty bizarre stories
she can't back up.

#1 LD was in the military, so was Duane
#2 Marla swears LD is Cooper, So does Jo
#3 LD was familiar with the Northwest, Jo also claims this.
#4 Marla can not put LD in Portland, neither can Jo
#5 Marla explains where the money went, Jo also claims where the money went!
#6 Marla fails to put LD in a chute, so does Jo
#7 Marla gives a location LD jumped! is the FBI covering this up?

you base your claims with very little evidence, but, don't want to be in the same
category with others such as Marla? that's pure denial, sorry!
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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you are also very much like Marla, because she is also stating that LD is Dan
Cooper because her Father told her! she also has some pretty bizarre stories
she can't back up.

#1 LD was in the military, so was Duane
#2 Marla swears LD is Cooper, So does Jo
#3 LD was familiar with the Northwest, Jo also claims this.
#4 Marla can not put LD in Portland, neither can Jo
#5 Marla explains where the money went, Jo also claims where the money went!
#6 Marla fails to put LD in a chute, so does Jo
#7 Marla gives a location LD jumped! is the FBI covering this up?


I am not in Marla's category at all.

I was 38 when I married Duane Weber. What I tell are the accountings of a grown woman and not a child of 8.

Marla can swear all she wants, but she has NOTHING to go on.
Marla changed her story so many time about the drop zone, it is pathetic.

I was the first person ever to place the money on Tena's bar.
I did NOT even know what I was doing when I did that. ALL I did was do an accounting of the locations Duane took me in Sept of 1979. I knew NOTHING about Cooper and the MONEY find was not until 1980.

STOP the ATTACKS NOW! I am under a lot of stress for unrelated things and I do NOT need to put up with the like of a TROLL - you know what a troll does don't you? Exactly what you have been doing.

Trolls go into threads and attack the most vulnerable. This is what you do. Therefore you are a TROLL. The only posts I have made lately are those to defend myself - and this is totally unnecessary.



LEAVE ME ALONE. IGNORE MY POSTS - PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE STOP HARASSING ME. Post all you want about Cooper, but leave me out of it.

What you are doing is NOT productive and you direct ALL of your posts at me and you are completely derogatory in everyway. Go back to your similation and whatever theories you have. to offer.


I have a lot of HEALTH issues and need to finish this, but NOT having to put up with you. YOU are the only one who attacks me.

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I did not make this decision solely on my own. A couple of other folks on the AB staff gave me their imput and I went with that.

I'm still a little bit open to the public release idea being done immediately, but I want to hear what Georger thinks about it before changing the plan submitted by Greg and Gayla. Right now, I think their suggestions on it are good.

Blevins, I tried what you are doing and did NOT get response one. If this was OCT - someone might have considered running a story. With what is going on in America at this time - no one cares about a 41 yr old crime - especially one the authorities did not succeed in preventing.

In 1971 it was airplane hijacking
today it is firearms and children being killed.

Think about it - this is not the right time for a Cooper story.

You asked for opinions and this is mine. I have not read the material you are submitting, but would like to do so. Did you post them. When I have sent things with pics - I do it on the computer in an email. A couple of time I sent out a something similar to the FBI, but got NO acknowledgement.

I do not think KC was Cooper for several reason and they are not because of my own story - KC just does NOT fit the profile or the description given by the witnesses. He is not even close.

Actually I believe you have less than I do in the way of substancial evidence and look where that got me with the FBI.

I am at my limits sitting at the computer, but I wish you luck whatever you decide to do. I feel the timing is bad for anyone to put anything infront of the FBI.
They will do nothing!
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Back Off? who do you think you are?

here is some questions for ya! they were sent via PM. a former poster!

It's my understanding that you and Duane lived in Virginia Bch no?
did you and Duane use to drive past McCoys house?
I was told almost a year ago that Duane had a interest in the Cooper case
possibly you as well? is it possible this is where it all is stemming from?

It's my understanding you told JT that Duane learned of McCoy being in
Virginia Bch? which could lead one to believe you knew who Cooper was?
If you was aware of McCoy thru Duane, you must of known about Cooper!

these are questions that need addressed,I'm sorry you don't like them
but lets get to the bottom....shall we?

please don't respond with hatred like Knoss does! B|

Interesting comment here:

Duane Weber had served in the Army during World War II and later had served time in a prison near the Portland airport. Mrs. Weber recalled that her husband had once had a nightmare where he talked in his sleep about jumping from a plane.


"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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...but I want to hear what Georger thinks about it before changing the plan submitted by Greg and Gayla. Right now, I think their suggestions on it are good.


Do my ears deceive me? You are waiting on Georger? You want his opinion? I would have never believed in a million years this day would come. Miracles do happen, I'm a believer. MeyerLouie


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...but I want to hear what Georger thinks about it before changing the plan submitted by Greg and Gayla. Right now, I think their suggestions on it are good.


Do my ears deceive me? You are waiting on Georger? You want his opinion? I would have never believed in a million years this day would come. Miracles do happen, I'm a believer. MeyerLouie


Maybe just maybe... there could be some detente and a Christmas Ceasefire???

Pretty please

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News Flash

This was sent to me!

hey....Marla posted on her Facebook that her book is done and going to the publisher.
The book is called:
DB's Niece: The Hijacked Heart in my Head
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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after I looked myself, I seen this:

Marla Wynn Cooper The proposal will go to my agent early next week. He'll shop publishers, should be on the shelves in the spring!
2 hours ago
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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[:/]Jerry Thomas is The former poster who screamed at me and interrogated me over and over and threatened me on the phone for 5 plus yrs and in the thread. The man put me in the emergency room twice.

[:/]He would claim I said this or that and when I was communicating with him (by the direction of Ralph Himmelsback) from 1997until 2001. I have copies of the letters I sent to Himmelsback with a rudimentary drawn map by me - and yet JT insisted over and over and over that I was on the Portland side of the Columbia on the 1979 trip and that was NOT so - we were on the WA side and on hwy 14.

When he entered this thread he started to make the same claims, but his postings were irrational and when he made a mistake - it was easily caught.
Jerry had lots of interesting thing to say, but he has a one tract mindset.,,when it came to Jo. If I posted he would get off in to a never never land course with repeated posts that were not productive.

[:/]:|JT repeatedly ignore certain locations I spoke of in the thread -time after time prior to 2001 (when I went to WA and found he had been lieing to me,
he became unhinged). He even in this thread denied the existence of Green Mountain - so what does this say about the man who was supposedly "the man on the ground" for the Cooper saga.
He repeated ignore Lake LaCames and claimed I was on the Columbia - even though I said I was NOT.

:)Go back in the thread and read Jerry's threats. Anyone in this thread will tell you he badgered me over and over and over about the same things. The answer to your question is repeated over and over and over in this thread.

The question you asked has been answered before in this thread over and over.

Duane Weber was only in the army for about 2 months until they found out he had been dismissed from the Navy on a bad conduct charge. The source you quoted before is an example of what writers and other do - the twist the information to suit their efforts.

I did not know Duane's dream about the aft stair was about jumping out of a plane - 2 errors in one paragraph. Duane had a dream and he screamed out "I left my prints on the aft stairs - I'm going to die" and then a blood curdling scream. I ask what aft stair was - he told me it was the steps in a county jail. He told me he had got into a little trouble and he made it sound like he had only spent a couple of months in a county jail. This was a couple of months after we married. He did NOT tell me he had been in prison and I assumed this couple of months was as a young man in a county jail.

Jerry Thomas made lots of claims and he could never back up one of them up when it came to me.

The answer to your question:

When my husband and I moved to Virginia beach in 1993 - he took me on a tour of the area to show me were the grocery store was located and then the mall. As we left the Mall area - he pointed to a small house and told me that was where McCoy died. He explained McCoy was a man arrested for skyjacking a plane and escaped. I do not believe he mentioned D.B. Cooper at this time.

A couple of yrs later when he had a book (Duane never read books) and I asked what it was.
His answer was "Oh, just and hijacking nothing you would be interested in." A few wks later I asked about the book and if he had finished it - he told me one of the guys in the office wanted to read it - THEREFORE I never got to read the book NORJACK and did NOT know it was about SKYJACKING A PLANE. I thought it would be Semi-trucks - that is what I associated hijacking with.
I was very naive about things.

Cooper was only briefly mention in out marriage and that was in 1979 on the "Sentimental Journey" (as I titled the trip after I found out who Dan Cooper was). Cooper was only mentioned one time and very briefly in a teasing way on that trip - it was a test to see if I knew anything about the crime. He then felt safe and took me to lots of other places on the way to Seattle and the after we left Seattle to go home.

Duane did NOT meantion D.B.Cooper in his explanation of McCoy that I am aware of.

I would expect for an astute individual - they could do a search of the thread about this and unless I was rushed or tired or provoked by JT. Duane never told me about Cooper in Virginia beach - he told me about McCoy.

Duane was smart - he knew if he talked about his life it had to be in second person. I would NOT know this until after I realized what his confession was about and the other things exposed to me in this thread...Duane DID tell me about his life except in third person.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Excerpt from the article:


'She had once found an old plane ticket in his papers for Northwest Airlines that said SEA-TAC (Seattle-Tacoma airport.) One of the most convincing pieces of evidence Mrs. Weber related was the fact she had checked out a book on the Cooper case from the local library and saw notations in it that matched her husband's handwriting...'

These would be very good pieces of circumstantial evidence. If the ticket was THE ticket, it would be a slam dunk. Without them, well...

Very true - if I had that ticket this would be over with. What he did with the ticket I will never know. Did he bury it with Symba.
Symba was so smelling NONE of us wanted to get too close. Was in in the hidden wallet or some other place in that Van. I don't know and I never found it.

I ACTUALLY held the ticket in my hands and read the date off of it.
The next time I saw it it was in his sock door and then it disappeared. I believe he placed them in a book that was not a book and the girl at the market sold them. This was before he died....she was helping us with a garage sale.

That evening Duane asked me to go out to the garage and get him that book - it was not there.
He said he would take care of it tomorrow. I called the girl and she claimed she didn't remember the book that was not a booK.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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it's very suspect how you put "disclaimers" in a lot of your story telling.
you try and pile lot's of evidence up and turn around and say something
different (example) Ed looks like Anglin (John) he has a scar on his cheek
then you do a 360 and say it could be a relative. you try a pile evidence
for Duane and turn around and say, he had something to do with it?
giving you a win win situation.

you have tried to link him with MLK, DB Cooper, Escape from Alcatraz to
working with the CIA? very impressive resume! 2009 your asked why your
claim was growing, this was before most of the above! I'm far from the
first to see this Jo. reading back into the post I'm finding it really hard for
you to not know who Dan Cooper was.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and wonder if Duane did this to you
out of spite knowing you would pursue this compulsively? or did the
confession really take place? I don't know, this question is on the thread
as well. how can one really follow all of these claims? even the dream
comes under fire, in the web report you didn't claim any of the screams
nor the prints? and Duane was in WW2? another resume point?
if you ask me, Cooper and McCoy go together when talking about either
one. both are related, but, not connected.

you told me the other day that artist renderings are often wrong, I agree,
so why do you have your profile pic matching it with a much younger Weber?
these are things that cause my "Tilt Buzzer" to go off. we need to get Duane's
life involve with the " Dos Equis" beer commercial as "The Most Interesting
Man in the World"
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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here is the screen shot of her posting.....

kind of seems like she is done with it and it ends there.
just don't think anyone has a right to speak of themselves
as being related to Cooper with hearsay evidence.

she did however mention you B|

Hey Robert M. Blevins, I know you're reading this, so let me say here and now the BS you propagate on DZ about me as factual, is a bunch of crap.

I can't wait for you to read my book "friend"!
Happy trails!

"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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here is the screen shot of her posting.....

kind of seems like she is done with it and it ends there.
just don't think anyone has a right to speak of themselves
as being related to Cooper with hearsay evidence.

she did however mention you B|

Hey Robert M. Blevins, I know you're reading this, so let me say here and now the BS you propagate on DZ about me as factual, is a bunch of crap.

I can't wait for you to read my book "friend"!
Happy trails!

Is it a fiction? Her "story" never seemed to gel, maybe her editor helped her out and ties it up better with a few good research sessions?

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here is the screen shot of her posting.....

kind of seems like she is done with it and it ends there.
just don't think anyone has a right to speak of themselves
as being related to Cooper with hearsay evidence.

she did however mention you B|

Hey Robert M. Blevins, I know you're reading this, so let me say here and now the BS you propagate on DZ about me as factual, is a bunch of crap.

I can't wait for you to read my book "friend"!
Happy trails!

Is it a fiction? Her "story" never seemed to gel, maybe her editor helped her out and ties it up better with a few good research sessions?


435 pages? Tosaw and Himmelsbach didn't use that many pages combined. And they included actual data on the hijacking. Gray used less than 300 pages.

If Marla has written 435 pages, she must have a superb memory for an eight year old child. Or more likely, a hyperactive imagination and a prolific ghost writer.


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I don't know what type of book she has formed, it is pretty easy to
fool the public with Marla laying the foundation, many will follow her
lead. once you throw your line out & hook one, it's pretty easy to reel
them right into the boat! (small fish B|)

The FBI doesn't seem to be a deterrent in dismissing suspects like
LD, Weber etc. they start forming there own conclusions. I see this
all the time in the Paranormal world, they claim one thing then once
confronted the evidence is lost or the activity has ceased?

Marla seems very comfortable even with the odds against her similar
to Jo! but keeps on truck'in, why? I don't know, she wants to be a
writer, perhaps she hopes this will open doors, regardless of what
truth is behind the book?

If I was in the situation of knowing who Cooper was, I would work
diligently with the FBI along with a private investigator proving my case
before even thinking about a book! line up all of my ducks and rest
assure that I would have documentation proving my points, not just
hearsay evidence, or lost items, people not wanting to talk etc. etc.

The book should only be made once a story has been confirmed. what
possible credibility could you possess making a claim of being related
to someone in a high profile case without real proof, or Law Enforcement
backing your statements? The FBI seems to have turned there heads
away from Marla. lets see if she can crank the heads back around B|

I also failed to see any photo's in her screenshot? what about documentations?
sounds like hearsay to me, lets see B|

"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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