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DB Cooper

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You nor Georger have me pegged. Obviously I am unable to determine what you guys are looking for or trying to do.

The letter written from Camp Sibert is authentic and I am not lying about anything. The only thing I see is your determination of verbage and my trying to explain something I am holding to a group of men on a computer...who think they have some kind of insight NO one else has.

Yes, my health is fragil and I hate it when you guys pick on me - seems like you always get me at my worse. Did you have 3 surgeries in 11 months? Are you looking at 2 surgeries in the next 6 month? I didn't think so!

Are you in so much pain you are just trying to get thur Christmas?
I didn't think so.

Sorry I even mentioned my health, but when some of you are hammering me for answers it seems to be at a bad time.

Robert99 you have dissed the Balloon Bombs ever since I mentioned them. I do know Duane had something to do with the finding and retrival of these - so put that in your pocket. Frankly I know more about these damn things than you do and what I know is factual.

Where you aware they used PRIVATE planes in the beginning to keep from causing public concern? DID YOU? BE honest - hell NO you didn't know. Just how did JO WEBER learn about this?

I asked you before and you evaded the question by bashing me.

Do you know WHY they did this?
If you saw multiple military planes flying all over - what kind of fear would you or your parents have felt...yes, it was war time, but small military planes making searches over the entire N.E.? HOW does Jo know this.

What does this have the HELL to do about Cooper?

The FBI in 1998 dismissed Duane based on finger prints, yet when I contacted them in 2000 the agent of record tells me Duane WAS never in the ARMY and the number belonged to Wavie Green. Just how do you expect me to assemblelate this non productive use of information. when I provided the correct serial number. It was OBVIOUS the FBI never checked Duane Weber out or they were told HANDS off!. The agent thought I was stupid enough to accept his flimsy excuse. WELL, Thank Heaven I didn't. The information on Weber should have been accurate.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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what did John do in the Army Jo?
did you read the Wavie Green conclusion?

Duane was out of the service before the balloon bombs:
Between November 1944 and April 1945, Japan launched over 9,300 fire balloons. About 300 balloon bombs were found or observed in North America, killing six people and causing a small amount of damage
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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I'm hoping to shed some light in order for her to understand this is not a cover up
finding Wavie being one number off is good evidence plus might help the 3/4 page
reports Jo makes that everyone confronts her about. system control mode B|

"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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Jo writes:

You nor Georger have me pegged. Obviously I am unable to determine what you guys are looking for or trying to do.

R99 replies:

I think I can also speak for Georger in saying that both he and I are looking for D.B. Cooper.

Jo writes:

The letter written from Camp Sibert is authentic and I am not lying about anything. The only thing I see is your determination of verbage and my trying to explain something I am holding to a group of men on a computer...who think they have some kind of insight NO one else has.

R99 replies:

Jo, You need to read the posts and see who, if anyone, actually made the comments you are complaining about above.

Jo writes:

Yes, my health is fragil and I hate it when you guys pick on me - seems like you always get me at my worse. Did you have 3 surgeries in 11 months? Are you looking at 2 surgeries in the next 6 month? I didn't think so!

Are you in so much pain you are just trying to get thur Christmas?
I didn't think so.

Sorry I even mentioned my health, but when some of you are hammering me for answers it seems to be at a bad time.

R99 replies:

I am not hammering on you. On your health matter, you have been playing the health card for about three or more years. If you are in as much pain as you claim, I (and I'm not an MD) would suggest that you put your computer away for a while and forget this thread. That might help you get your blood pressure down and presumably would help you overall.

Jo writes:

Robert99 you have dissed the Balloon Bombs ever since I mentioned them. I do know Duane had something to do with the finding and retrival of these - so put that in your pocket. Frankly I know more about these damn things than you do and what I know is factual.

Where you aware they used PRIVATE planes in the beginning to keep from causing public concern? DID YOU? BE honest - hell NO you didn't know. Just how did JO WEBER learn about this?

I asked you before and you evaded the question by bashing me.

Do you know WHY they did this?
If you saw multiple military planes flying all over - what kind of fear would you or your parents have felt...yes, it was war time, but small military planes making searches over the entire N.E.? HOW does Jo know this.

R99 replies:

I have not "dissed the balloon bombs", rather I have dissed the baseless stories you have put out related to them.

Were the civilian aircraft you mention above being operated by the Civil Air Patrol or a similar organization. If so, the people operating those aircraft would be their owners.

Seeing military aircraft, both small and large, flying overhead was a daily event. And I am not aware of anyone getting excited about it. And they were flying over the "N.W." rather than the "N.E.".

It is VERY unlikely that Duane Weber had ANYTHING to do with the balloon bombs. Are you also going to claim that he worked on the Atomic Bomb at Hanford?

Jo writes:

What does this have the HELL to do about Cooper?

R99 replies:

Absolutely nothing! There is no connection between the balloon bombs and Cooper.


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Call me simple, but since Duane Weber wasn't a paratrooper or a pilot (training in chutes) then what the heck does his short-term Army/Navy career have to do with whether or not he might be Cooper?

The skyjacking was TWENTY-SIX years after World War 2 ended...

"Just because you fail once doesn't mean you're gonna fail at everything..."

Marilyn Monroe

Go for it Blevins! You may have found the real
Marla. Hiding in plain sight. Someone worthy of your
attentions ...

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I have been laying the background. Navy, Army and the back to CA where he was arrested and then ran away while awaiting trial in SanFrancisco.

He was found in the East and immediately returned to the West...where he was sentenced to McNeil, but he never went into the McNeil population and was put in a program. It was in Feb after he was sent to WA they they were chasing the balloons - even though they were first seen the yr before. They needed to find them all and they had teams and planes going to the sitings.

These balloon were found not only in Wa and Or and ID, but even further to the east and south - where the winds took them. Every siting had to be found and retrived.

None of you have ever looked up Lyman VanBuren Weber - not once. Maybe he is just a figment of my imagination or maybe he dropped the Weber for Wentz (not sure of the spelling).

Duane remained in the N.E. until 1948. Find out what he did during those yrs - if you guys are so smart.

As for my health and the pain - I am just fine. When some of you reach the place I am - and there are unanswered questions about your deceased - then and only then will you understand why I want answers.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo, the military is not going to allow Duane any access to anything after being
duped twice by him! you were so dead set that the FBI covered up his military
record that your research crew didn't notice the one number off', but FBI made
the same mistake.

Duane 35608905
Wavie 35698905

I also found John C Weber's military records
39271953 born 1911 died 01/31/2001
Branch Immaterial - Warrant Officers, USA enlisted 12/20/1943
SS 167-14****
civilian occupation Managers and officials, n.e.c.

you feel so strong about all of this but fail to prove anything Jo. put the
letter up so we can see, if I'm not mistaken you said the FBI returned
everything? how about Duane's discharge? I think it's time that you
stop freaking out on us and show proof.

how many years have you been going on about Wavie? how many years
have you stated John was doing what in the military? come on jo, just
put something online other than the 6 or 8 pics of Duane you show over
and over. anything new with the Cooper case, you fire off asking who, where
show me proof, well, it's your turn. I think I am being very fair about this.
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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I haven't read Skyjack, is this were the information of Cooper's concern for the bomb is? I have never heard this before?

Yes, this account is found on pg. 47 and 48 of Skyjack. The hijacker is concerned about the strength of the radio currents on the airplane and that they could accidentally detonate the bomb.

The cockpit asks if he is sure and Tina replies that he is not sure.

This is in ways my point. This forum contains a lot of other stuff that are indirectly related to the topic or not even remotely, indirectly related. A lot of personalities on here trying to gain the intellectual and moral high ground.

Is it true that Gray is one of the few civilians and maybe the only one who has been given access to FBI files and evidence to the extent that he was? If so, this makes Gray's account very important for research purposes. Point being, maybe this question regarding the hijacker's bomb and radio transmission knowledge has been discussed here before. In my estimation, it is an important facet of the account as it is telling of the hijacker.

There is much to learn if you think critically with an eye for detail.

Gray was allowed access to the original copies of the witness reports taken in Seattle (passengers, Stewardesses Hancock and Schaffner) and the ones in Reno. (Other crew)

It's very likely that Cooper, as far as the 'radio signal' stuff, was simply trying to disrupt communications between the FBI and the plane, or something similar. We know he was worried about snipers, because he ordered (or helped do) the closing of the window shades, at least back in Coach. (I haven't checked if he had this done up in First Class)

Agent Himmelsbach's opinion is that the bomb was a fake anyway. I hold with this opinion, but of course I have no way of knowing for sure. The real question about the bomb is THIS:

Would Cooper be willing to blow up the plane? Would he risk it accidentally going off and killing himself and anyone on board? I think 'no' on this one. Nothing he did pointed to being psychotic or emotionally disturbed. Money-hungry, yes. Psycho, no. And it's easier to construct a fake bomb than a real one.

I respect the fact the you likely have more knowledge about the Cooper hijacking than I do, but I do disagree with what you propose as the 'real question about the bomb.'

If we are thinking in terms of who the hijacker could be, a profile, then we can conclude the following:

- If what he is saying of his concerns is true...that radio transmissions from the plane could cause his electronic circuitry to detonate the explosive, then he has received or been educated in explosives and radio transmission technology.

- this would then lead you to believe that he possibly had military training in connection with explosives.

First part uttere gobble wobble.

Second part: what would there be in his bomb, or
any ordinary bomb, that would be electro-magnet-
ically sensitive? A micro mercury switch? A transistor?
Oh I know: the plnm-465 from Ladum Fornax!

Tina described the bomb. He said: touch two wires
and poof.

That does not sound like something from Fermilab

Come up with something tangible_ and consult our
Chief Engineer, RobertMBlevins.

The rest of us will spectate.


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I'd have to go into the TV Wayback Machine to check, but I've wondered if 60's-70's shows like Mission: Impossible or others in that genre might have provided the basic education here. Or...it could be military training in explosives. Hard to say, really.

Yep. Everone who watched tv in the 60's wound up
with a subliminal education in particle-wave physics
and micro-circuitry. Yepper! Not to mention
schematics for the 727, a Double-E, a job with NASA-
JPL, and an interest in airplane hijacking! Hell that
came with watching only one hour of your "Davy

The rest of us pudknockers were busy doing calculus!

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Would Cooper be willing to blow up the plane?

Nothing he did pointed to being psychotic or emotionally disturbed. Money-hungry, yes. Psycho, no.

"Just because you fail once doesn't mean you're gonna fail at everything..."

Marilyn Monroe

So hijacking an airplane and threatening everyone's
lives (because you are money-huingry?) is a rational

Robin Goodfellow. With sloppy Dianetics/EST!

Then you wouldnt mind if I put a bullet between your
eyes and rearranged your brain cells for you? Call it
mental hygenics, therapy, to make you even more
mentally fit! ?

Pill time. (title of your post)


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I also found John C Weber's military records
39271953 born 1911 died 01/31/2001
Branch Immaterial - Warrant Officers, USA enlisted 12/20/1943
SS 167-14****
civilian occupation Managers and officials, n.e.c.

Wrong John Weber.
John was 13 yrs OLDER than Duane and Duane was born in 1924.
John did NOT die until after 2004, because that is when I met him in CA. I have not hidden anything about John, but his survivor could sue the HELL out of his being made public and she will do just that.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo, the military is not going to allow Duane any access to anything after being
duped twice by him! you were so dead set that the FBI covered up his military
record that your research crew didn't notice the one number off', but FBI made
the same mistake.

The FBI had 4 frigging yr to catch their mistake. Remember I contacted them in 1996 and the FBI agent talked to me in 2000.
His superior had to go on tape with TV documentary crew to straighten this out - I have a video of the complete interview, but it was never shown that I am aware of.

I didn't have anyone helping me until much much later. Until 2000 I had let the FBI do their thing.
My catching the agent on this and calling him down on it was what set me off. The help I receive from other was helpful and not connected to the things we already knew. And definitely not to Duane's brother.

YOU cannot seem to assimilate your own research. YOU do not read or LISTEN to anyone. The FBI did cover up Duane's background and I found key proof of this recently and I am awaiting the written copies.

The FBI told me Duane had not been in WA and did NOT have a criminal past there - NOT true!

NOW - say YOU are SORRY. I feel for the John Collins family you have just made public on a public forum. I suggest you take it down while you still can - you only have about 3 hours after your post to delete it.

I have already told you I do not have the capabilities to post documents - what do you NOT understand about that. These documents were acquired with a great deal of work on my part and on the part of the individual who did the research. I do NOT use his research in this thread other than the content - the documentation is for the eyes of the FBI and that time is coming.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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So hijacking an airplane and threatening everyone's
lives (because you are money-huingry?) is a rational

Robin Goodfellow. With sloppy Dianetics/EST!

Then you wouldnt mind if I put a bullet between your
eyes and rearranged your brain cells for you? Call it
mental hygenics, therapy, to make you even more
mentally fit! ?

Pill time. (title of your post)


Georger the laugh is on you with the PILL TIME. Haven't you posted long enough to know that the titles roll over unless the author changes the title of the post.........

Geeze you are really loosing it in your old age.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Will probably be after the 1st of the yr due to the holidays, but I am elated about what I have found. IT proves the FBI did NOT investigate Duane's time in a certain area.

This information was NOT available before as I actually spoke to the authorities in that area many many yrs ago. I did not use a computer and did LOTS of long distance phone calls and when I did get a computer in 2000 had little access to information.

BUT in the defense of the FBI - it may have been an old closed file NO ONE even thought was remotely tangible. I won't reveal the source until I actually see it and read it myself. Just being aware that the file does exist - has me hoping. That old file if it has any details could put a completely different light on Weber and the investigation the FBI did.

You are right! The act of highjacking a plane and hold hostages is NOT a rational thing to do...but desperate people do unthinkable things.

When I receive this information I will post a request for you to open you PM's to me again. I want you to read the file when I get it and tell me how you feel. When it I see it it just may not mean anything and be why the FBI ignored it.

I never had any luck before scanning documents but this one might be the most important thing I have ever found. The other documents others who are not investigatior clamour for me to post are NOT my finding and I promised not to make them available to the public.

There is ONE thing you do know about me - that I follow thru with anything I tell you I am going to do. Remember that always and regardless of what you say in the thread about me - you old baboon you know I am real.

MrShutter has NO idea what I am talking about....and it is going to be really difficult to sit on this for a few wks and I maybe disappointed when I actually see it - but, it does prove a point....the FBI did not do a very good job or investigating the past of Duane L. Weber - so how much more did they miss.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I'm hoping to shed some light in order for her to understand this is not a cover up
finding Wavie being one number off is good evidence plus might help the 3/4 page
reports Jo makes that everyone confronts her about. system control mode

I assure you - this: YOU have NO control. Do NOT think for one moment I you have influence my direction nor has Robert99 with the trivial put downs. You are just entertaining and I realize you do not have the cognitive abilities needed to produce real evidence.

Others will tell you - I play along and then I POP something out that NO one expected. Even Georger did NOT see what is coming. Exactly what it will prove other than Duane had a background in a certain area I do not know. I communicate with the depts of the areas and not with a computer search program which charges outlandish fees for incorrect or invalid information.

That is how people get themselves into financial trouble and then end not being able to pay the rent or buy gas. Do yourself a favor and tread carefully. You maybe a smart guy, but you are in over your head intellectually with Georger and 377 and many of the others.
You have played a good game with your flight program, but you like myself are not a pilot nor an investigator.

You like to play mind games and that is NOT what this forum is about. Your aren't going to solve this case with a computer and by badgering me. One has to know things that even the FBI does not know. It could be that one person who comes up with a solid clue that will bring the entire case together or prove that the Federal government has been incontrol the entire time.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Would Cooper be willing to blow up the plane?

Nothing he did pointed to being psychotic or emotionally disturbed. Money-hungry, yes. Psycho, no.

"Just because you fail once doesn't mean you're gonna fail at everything..."

Marilyn Monroe


So hijacking an airplane and threatening everyone's lives (because you are money-huingry?) is a rational act?

Robin Good.

Then you wouldnt mind if I put a bullet between your
eyes and rearranged your brain cells for you? Call it
mental hygenics, therapy, to make you even more
mentally fit! ?

Come on. It's not my wish that you be banned for saying brainless threatening junk. How about just answering the questions instead?

1) Do you believe there was a 'shard field' of wasted currency found at Tina Bar in addition to the bills?

2) Do you think I should release the Christiansen report that was sent to the Seattle FBI to the public? Why or why not?

These questions are not that hard, and easier to deal with than shooting me in the head. :)

You never stop with the trash talk.

I was simply replying to your miraculous statement:

"Nothing he did pointed to being psychotic or
emotionally disturbed. Money-hungry, yes. Psycho,
no. "

Aside from your confusing of 'psycho' with
'emotionally disturbed' and whatever else is in the
DSM which you know nothing about and would
disregard anyway, you would find a whole lot of
people who would disagree with you - and you
threaten me with banning for replying? Reality-wise
as the situation was at the time countless people
had revolvers and rifles and God only knows what all
ready to take just one shot ... the co-pilot saying: "I
would have killed him if I could have ..." and Cooper
ordered the blinds lowered so no one could take a


When you cant argue facts or even state facts and
stick to the facts to discuss anything, then your
issue always becomes "control" and "threats of
control", and having people banned, as if you were
in control ? :D

Face it Blevins. You can't stand competition of any
kind _ it started with Sluggo and then moved to me
and you are still poking away hoping to get rid of
me by any means! You want the thread to yourself.

The answer to the rest of your questions is in your
stars. Consult your manual. It has nothing to do with
me, or even your wildest delusion about me, thank
Christ! Ask Jo! Jo cares about you! As you care about


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Wrong John Weber.
John was 13 yrs OLDER than Duane and Duane was born in 1924. John did NOT die until after 2004, because that is when I met him in CA. I have not hidden anything about John, but his survivor could sue the HELL out of his being made public and she will do just that.

Yawn... Yet another threat of litigation by Jo. Anyone wanna bet on a case getting filed and served?

Someone who repatedly files frivolous suits can be classified by a judge as a "vexatious litigant" and be barred from further filings.

What do you call someone who threatens but never files?

Sue someone Jo. Do it. Or have John's widow sue. Your or her meager finances will disappear so fast it will make your heads spin. Once you've actually done it you'll never threaten it again.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Wrong John Weber.
John was 13 yrs OLDER than Duane and Duane was born in 1924. John did NOT die until after 2004, because that is when I met him in CA. I have not hidden anything about John, but his survivor could sue the HELL out of his being made public and she will do just that.

Yawn... Yet another threat of litigation by Jo. Anyone wanna bet on a case getting filed and served?

Someone who repatedly files frivolous suits can be classified by a judge as a "vexatious litigant" and be barred from further filings.

What do you call someone who threatens but never files?

Sue someone Jo. Do it. Or have John's widow sue. Your or her meager finances will disappear so fast it will make your heads spin. Once you've actually done it you'll never threaten it again.


377, he posted information about a man who has NOTHING to do with this thread and who was NOT Duane's brother. There has to be a limit on things done in this thread by others who have no regard for privacy. I never said I would sue anyone - this was referencing relatives of individuals whose names and private information is expose within an element that makes them vulnerable to identity theft or worse.

By using the man's name and private information including his SS # - what if a widow or another survivor draws off of IRA's or pensions using that number - is not anything private anymore?
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Nothing he did pointed to being psychotic or emotionally disturbed. Money-hungry, yes. Psycho, no. And it's easier to construct a fake bomb than a real one.

You are so wrong, Subaru breath. Sometimes your bullshit is beyond ridiculous, Blevins. You can't even stop for one second to put some thought, any thought, into what you say before you say it. With all the idiotic things you say -- and you wonder why you have absolutely no credibility.

DBC wasn't psychotic or emotionally imbalanced? He only extorted $200,000, he only hijacked a 727 and threatened to blow it up and 30+ unsuspecting passengers. Remember the fueling operation -- when DBC went ballistic because refueling had taken so long? None of that was a bit on the psychotic side? Jumping out of an airplane in street shoes and a basic black suit aren't crazy?

And what the hell do you know about making a bomb, any kind of bomb?

You're so pathetic Blevins.


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Jo...I hate to tell you, but getting a dead person's SS number is about as easy as searching for "SSDI" or "social security death index".
Certain military records with SS numbers are pretty easy to find too.
Yep, privacy is fast going the way of the abacus...... or the iphone4 or whatever the hot number was 6 months ago.:)

but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill

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Jo, this is public information, Duane 's brother was 13 years older right?
Duane was born 1924 correct, subtract 13 years and you have 1911 correct.
I didn't find any death records matching John to 2004, only 2001 in Lake Worth.

out of respect I left the last four numbers out, but could of easily put them on
here, it's public information Jo. let me know when the law suit will begin. I will
take 10 minutes out of my day to prepare!

So I guess Ed Hurand could sue you as well since you are claiming he is one of the
Anglins, correct?

why all of the threats Jo? Badgering? sounds like Knoss again, we are tired of you
putting up the same thing over and over Jo. I would like to get to the bottom of this
because your claims are growing faster with every post Jo! if you do not wish any
replies to a open form, may I suggest you open your own thread that you can control!
or possibly your own website where nobody can respond!

I'm sorry but you sound like Knoss everytime I ask for something to be backed up. I asked
for the envelope so the postmark could be seen, you claim the FBI took it, ok post his
discharge or the letter itself? as I stated in my last post it only seems fair since you have
been making these claims for years Jo.

Duane in a nutshell, he was in prison half of his life and the other half was full of excitement
he was around smoke jumpers, he was involved in CW training, he was involve with MLK,
he was involved in balloon bombs, he was friends of the Anglin's who escaped from Alcatraz,
he was a airplane mechanic, he worked for the CIA, for kicks he decided to jump out of the
back of a 727 on November 24, 1971, I know you want to tell your story jo, but, personally
I would like you to show us your story? you demand people read the thread, well I have
and you have been told since the mid 2000's that you are repeating your story over and over
don't you think you might be just a little one sided on this Jo?

I can see the FBI made mistakes Jo, but this hardly calls for a cover up, what purpose would
this serve in doing this? Sluggo summed it up way back in 2008( see pic) In my opinion you are
blurred in your vision by not listening to anything anyone says unless the name is Jo, I'm not
trying to be mean Jo like you have been to anyone who challenges you on anything, you get
all bent out of shape Jo, you do a lot of name calling and you don't even see that!

what could the FBI do to you after reading about the claims of a Government cover up, not
mistakes made by them? casting stones are tough Jo!
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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Jo, this is public information, Duane 's brother was 13 years older right?
Duane was born 1924 correct, subtract 13 years and you have 1911 correct.
I didn't find any death records matching John to 2004, only 2001 in Lake Worth.

Duane's brother did NOT live in Florida nor did he die in Florida!
The 2004 is the yr I met John in California....

Seems like individuals like you do not get the story straight about Weber even though I have told it over and over. The only word that comes to mind about you is one in the bible - one upon which Mary arrived at the manger.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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So I guess Ed Hurand could sue you as well since you are claiming he is one of the
Anglins, correct?

Again - MORE incorrect information. I said Ed looked like the composite and indicated that he resembled John Anglin or could be a relative. The reasoning was ZONA!

Me - sound like Knoss perhaps it is the other way around - you sound like Knoss, by taking my words and twisting them to fit your needs.

I am NOT obilgated to present my ACE's in this thread.

Sometimes my information does NOT pan out and you expect me to open myself up for more of the LIKES of U....Gotta be kidding yourself!
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I'm a little busy right now but rest assure I will find the post where you said you believe he is Anglin!
I'm sure you are also busy with the law suit and all B|

you made several statements about the Anglins from it being him to maybe a relative!

what about the military record? John's middle name start with a C or not?

try backing your own information up so more mistakes don't happen!!!

as for holding all the ace's??? all I see are Jokers!!!

"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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Jo wrote

I am NOT obilgated to present my ACE's in this thread.

Indeed. You never show your cards Jo. You tease but you hold em. Always. No exceptions.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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