Robert99 50 #36776 December 25, 2012 Quote Jo wrote Quote I am NOT obilgated to present my ACE's in this thread. Indeed. You never show your cards Jo. You tease but you hold em. Always. No exceptions. 377 Jo has made the same claim on other web sites for quite a few years. The only logical conclusion is that she doesn't hold any aces in the first place. In any event, since she is still asking the same questions, it is obvious that she hasn't made any progress in getting those questions answered. Robert99 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrshutter45 21 #36777 December 25, 2012 give me a break Robert! you have been going on and on with G for months and months, although I agree with the cease fire, it will never really end on this thread! Merry Christmas to all......................"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #36778 December 25, 2012 I posted to Unsolved Mysteries and that was YRS ago. I have been at the DZ since - I started the 1st Cooper thread. How long have I been posting to the DZ? Go back to the old thread I started or someone started for me and then this one. There was a very old thread I posted to in 2000 - and I knew very little then of what I know now. Currently have a lot of computer problems - can't stay on line very long - then POOF! Guess I need a new computer, but that is not in the budget...nor are expensive repairs.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrshutter45 21 #36779 December 25, 2012 well, there really seems to be no end to the DZ block busting case breaking website so many bright individuals (me excluded) bashing heads back and forth testing IQ's hard to stay on track to the real issue of "Who Is DB Cooper" perhaps one day we can find the answer , I don't know. it's repetitive on everyone's view? where does it end? Jo has been dismissed, KC has been pretty much dismissed? where does it really end? we test each others abilities and come to what conclusion? I ask a simple question? where the hell is DB Cooper! answer...not here as far as I can see.... Once again....Merry Christmas to all! "It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Farflung 0 #36780 December 25, 2012 Twas the night before, non-specific, holiday celebrations, and all through the forum, No logic existed, not even decorum. The suspects repeated, the devil may care, Kenny and Duane, an eternal pair. The data is published, all through this long thread, While visions of grandeur, exist in some head. Some must be stupid, or simply a sap, To read all these comments, which are nothing but crap. When out on the news page, there rose such a clatter, Who thinks they are Cooper, and why does it matter? Through Microsoft Windows, and Adobe flash, I launched a new browser, and emptied my cache. Who could this be, to add to the show? For if it’s on Cooper, then I’ll surely know. When what to my wondering eyes should appear, A woman named Marla, with a hypnotic rear. She’s hot and vivacious, her hair she would flick, I knew this blonde goddess, would make Blevins sick. His loathing is epic, and always the same, For all of us know, his suspect is lame. Now Marla! Ms. Cooper, you smoking hot vixen, Please read this and know, just what I’m affixing, To chase you away, took hubris and gall, I fell in a funk, a bottomless pall. As I read this thread, I ask myself why, Can’t Blevins become, a regular guy? He thinks he’s an expert, a first rate gumshoe, Most of it’s guano, or Cooper voodoo. Then I was told, although without proof, A rumor, some gossip, and it may go poof! A book had been written, and then shopped around, Unlike ‘Into the Blast’, this one is hardbound. A voluminous tome, based on output, For Blevins was thinking, his book was kaput. Now Blevins is thinking, that’s quite enough flack, For Kenny is perfect, and you’re out of whack. His eyes filled with tears, and became quite scary, When it was established, LD’s arms weren’t hairy. His droll little mouth, was drawn up like a bow, Most want to see you, but he will vote no. Now Blevins will tell you, a picture beneath, Of a shabby apartment, with prominent wreath. For Kenny had lived there, and it was quite smelly, Therefore he’s the man, who jumped that plane’s belly. His book doesn’t sell, just sits on a shelf, A constant reminder, of lost fame and wealth. His future is darkened, and now filled with dread, At least Citizen Kane, could remember his sled. So Marla take time, and this site you should lurk, I see you as welcome, a cyber space perk. I hope you can see, past this horrible prose, And know you are the subject, I happily chose. So let others stew, and let others bristle, For this is the part, where you get a wolf whistle. It’s the end of this poem, as most will agree, Merry Christmas to all, and Marla….. Call Me! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #36781 December 25, 2012 I have traced I hope Duane Weber to Spokane. When we were in CO he was offered a postion in Spokane, and I wanted to go, but he said he could NOT go to WA. It just took a tone when he said NO about something. I did NOT dig into his past - now I wish I had. He told me about Spokane, but NOT what he did there. When he was talking to this old friend who offered him a postion there - it was VERY obvious he had spent some time there. He even asked this man about another person who lived there. He spoke knowingly of the area. I am going to order a map of Spokane and the surrounding area - one I can hold in my hands on paper. I am trying to remember the man's name - do not know if he is still alive, but he lived in Spokane....Duane knew the area very well - per the conversation they had. I worked on this before, but didn't get anywhere with it. What puzzles me is why the FBI would not disclose any of Duane's Washington history. This is part of the story I have NOT told you guys and what I am working on. I don't need anyone going to sites for info as I tried that. I go straight to the horses mouth and right now I am looking for a historian in the area. Have contacted the local law enforcement, but did NOT find the infomation one site claimed was there - they want money it. Is there anyone on this thread or does anyone on this thread know a retired individual in Spokane about my age or older who would like to do some snooping in the county is going to take physically going there to see the records and to review old newspapers - something I can no longer do. There were some camps not too far from Spokane and the boys would to Spokane and Cour'de lane. This is all I remember Duane ever telling me about the area on our trip (it was always the BOYS). Something Duane said on the 1979 has been hard, but I am managing to replay the trip in my mind and to recall as much as I can that he ever said about the area. It was during the early part of 1980 he had a discussion with the man in Spokane - strickly business....Can't remember where this conversation took place - perhaps Denver. This is what I know about Spokane and its relation to Duane Weber or whatever name he was using at that time. He was not only there in the 40's there was another time because he mention one of his wives name. She denied ever being in WA so I let it go. If he was in WA with this wife it could have been under the name of John Collins 1962-1970. She had 2 sons stationed in WA. Things add up and then they don't add up. I have taken my mind back to my explorations and for some reason I decided this was IMPORTANT enough to spend some time on. All of the above is the best I can remember he ever mentioned regarding Spokane. I am working hard to get as much out there as I can because I might not be able to tell it later. At my age - stokes, heart attack, more surgeries - the body and mind can only take so many assaults. TONIGHT IS CHRISTMAS EVE AND I MISS DUANE VERY MUCH. HE MAY HAVE BEEN A CRIMINAL, BUT I DIDN'T KNOW THAT MAN. I MISS THE THINGS HE WOULD DO ON CHRISTMAS EVE - IT WAS ALWAYS A SURPRISE FOR SOMEONE IN NEED EVEN WHEN WE DIDN'T HAVE IT DO SO OURSELVES. Our first CHRISTMAS was in 1977 [RED]THE MEMORIES OF SPOKANE ARE MY GIFT FROM DUANE ON THIS CHRISTMAS EVE.[/RED]Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrshutter45 21 #36782 December 25, 2012 Nice Jo, link him to November 24, 1971, not 1943, 1944, 1960 etc etc... oops. I forgot the ace......."It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #36784 December 25, 2012 Blevins wrote Quote That's right. When the cops here pull you over, they already know if you've been in the jurisdiction of the Department of Corrections BEFORE they get to the window of your car Not exactly... They only know that the registered owner has a crim record. Someone else may be driving. I had a rookie cop try to argue probable cause for a stop because he ran the plate, owner had felony convictions and car was "cruising" through a "high crime area". He couldn't tie the record to any particular occupant of the car before he lit it up and pulled it over. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #36785 December 25, 2012 Blevins wrote Quote For example: If you look outside and see someone is trying to steal your car from the driveway, you can step outside and shoot them dead as a doornail and the prosecutor will decline charges. You don't even have to drag the body inside. Is that really the law in WA???? Deadly force os OK to prevent a car theft that does not endanger the owner ??? 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrshutter45 21 #36786 December 25, 2012 it's Chrsitmas Eve! Fine sorry. but you have to link him to November 24, 1971 period! not in the other 49 states you places Duane in, show physical evidence of your claims, I don't care if he was a jumper, put him in Portland or Seattle or your just barking! you make outlandish claims Jo, I found a website you had years back claiming after Duane's release "believe that he had some kind of forestry training" ......from prison photo? by the way, you said this " I do believe John Anglin might be Ed Hurand" that's admission Jo! I still like ya Jo....Merry Christmas...."It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrshutter45 21 #36787 December 25, 2012 Deadly force is a grey area, but in certain states you can blow away a carjacker from my understanding.....Texas is one need anymore, let me know?"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrshutter45 21 #36788 December 25, 2012 I disagree with your statement Robert, cases have been won where the perp has invaded the home and broken a limb and sued and won! cops down here tell me if someone breaks into your home and you shoot them, make sure you put a knife beside them! rest assure anyone comes near my home..(inside).I'll put a hole in them and ask questions later, screw you and the law, my home is my domain...period! you want to lock me up for be it! 377 says: "Not exactly... They only know that the registered owner has a criminal record. Someone else may be driving. " tell that to the Judge when I get a traffic ticket via camera stop light! in Florida they only take your tag from the rear, they "threaten you with a $150 fine, but if you take it to court it doubles if you lose? but they seem to not care who is driving! "It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MeyerLouie 5 #36789 December 25, 2012 Quote Do you think we can get back to the subject at hand and lay off all the insulting comments? Is that so much to ask from posters here? I made an opinion call about Cooper probably not being a psycho. This was based on his behaviors during the hijacking, his words, his actions. Shouting 'Let's get this show on the road!' or whatever Cooper allegedly said does not count as 'going ballistic' or being emotionally disturbed. Maybe he just wanted the show to get on the road. Committing a crime does not necessarily mean a person has mental problems, either. It means they are a criminal. It could mean they are desperate. Stupid, maybe...especially if they get caught...and Cooper got lucky, unless he's dead and they haven't found the body yet. I've worked with nuts. Group home. Case manager. A few years of it. One tried to plunge a pair of scissors into my back. Another pulled a chair out from underneath me and I ended up on my couch for a week. Others would try to convince me that those voices telling them to do this or that were real...or why couldn't I see those things that THEY saw all the time? Those folks were emotionally disturbed, and once in a while I would have to call an MHP at NW Mental Health and have them carted off to Western State Hospital for another 30-day eval and a med adjustment. Cooper was not in their league. Not even close. I suggest we STOP the insults and deal with the case. MeyerLouie says in part: Quote 'You are so wrong, Subaru breath...' That's 'Nissan Breath' to you. I got rid of the Subaru in favor of an '88 Hardbody with low miles. MeyerLouie says in part: Quote 'And what the hell do you know about making a bomb, any kind of bomb?' I'd tell you, but I don't think that's a good idea. It was a 4th of July thing, and totally illegal. Georger says in part: Quote 'Face it Blevins. You can't stand competition of any kind _ it started with Sluggo and then moved to me and you are still poking away hoping to get rid of me by any means! You want the thread to yourself...' It isn't about competition. It's about discovering the truth. I swear I don't know where you get this stuff sometimes. After all the years that Sluggo worked on the case, and all the work he did establishing the primary website on it (recommended by Adventure Books, by the way, with a link to it from our Cooper page) try to tell me that a few comments from yours truly just 'drove him off Dropzone'? That is patently ridiculous on its face. Like I have that kind of power over his decision-making process. Don't preach to me about this thread when you spend your time jumping on every post I make, no matter how harmless or neutral it happens to be. Take responsibility for all those Alice-in-Wonderland comments. Take responsibility for insulting Gayla, who has posted exactly ONE time at Dropzone and who couldn't care less about the Cooper case. Take responsibility for your silly comments on our housecleaning business somehow being related to inherent stupidity and without possessing other skills. I have read these things endlessly from you. And neither did I drive Marla Cooper away. You just don't like hearing the truth about her. The reason she avoids Dropzone is because people like you, and others knowledgeable on the case would rip her story to shreds. And that is not good for someone looking for a publishing contract and an advance. Same reason why Galen Cook uses a proxy. No. I don't want you banned. No. I am not trying to 'own' the thread. I already said that I've done pretty much everything I can on KC and that it is no longer in my hands. I'm tired of talking about him, although I will answer questions if asked. We should move on, and I don't care what it is as long it is about points on the Cooper case. __________________________________________________ Blevins, it is intuitively obvious to the most casual observer that you fell out of the idiot tree a long time ago and hit every branch on the way down. You just continue to outdo yourself, Mr. Venom Magnet. You always have a come-back for your ridiculous conclusions, but the excuses you make only makes a bad situation worse. You just can't quit while you're behind, can you? No one said Cooper was at the same developmentally disabled level as some of your previous group home clients. What a ridiculous conclusion on your part. Here's something else you said that's really stupid: "Committing a crime does not necessarily mean a person has mental problems, either. It means they are a criminal." As a former employee at McNeil Island Corrections Center, I learned about the "criminal mind." The "criminl mind" is a mental disorder. Again, you don't know a damn about what you're talking about, so why don't you just zip it up, Subaru breath??!! Meyer Louie __________________________________________________ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MeyerLouie 5 #36790 December 25, 2012 Quote I have traced I hope Duane Weber to Spokane. When we were in CO he was offered a postion in Spokane, and I wanted to go, but he said he could NOT go to WA. It just took a tone when he said NO about something. I did NOT dig into his past - now I wish I had. He told me about Spokane, but NOT what he did there. When he was talking to this old friend who offered him a postion there - it was VERY obvious he had spent some time there. He even asked this man about another person who lived there. He spoke knowingly of the area. I am going to order a map of Spokane and the surrounding area - one I can hold in my hands on paper. I am trying to remember the man's name - do not know if he is still alive, but he lived in Spokane....Duane knew the area very well - per the conversation they had. I worked on this before, but didn't get anywhere with it. What puzzles me is why the FBI would not disclose any of Duane's Washington history. This is part of the story I have NOT told you guys and what I am working on. I don't need anyone going to sites for info as I tried that. I go straight to the horses mouth and right now I am looking for a historian in the area. Have contacted the local law enforcement, but did NOT find the infomation one site claimed was there - they want money it. Is there anyone on this thread or does anyone on this thread know a retired individual in Spokane about my age or older who would like to do some snooping in the county is going to take physically going there to see the records and to review old newspapers - something I can no longer do. There were some camps not too far from Spokane and the boys would to Spokane and Cour'de lane. This is all I remember Duane ever telling me about the area on our trip (it was always the BOYS). Something Duane said on the 1979 has been hard, but I am managing to replay the trip in my mind and to recall as much as I can that he ever said about the area. It was during the early part of 1980 he had a discussion with the man in Spokane - strickly business....Can't remember where this conversation took place - perhaps Denver. This is what I know about Spokane and its relation to Duane Weber or whatever name he was using at that time. He was not only there in the 40's there was another time because he mention one of his wives name. She denied ever being in WA so I let it go. If he was in WA with this wife it could have been under the name of John Collins 1962-1970. She had 2 sons stationed in WA. Things add up and then they don't add up. I have taken my mind back to my explorations and for some reason I decided this was IMPORTANT enough to spend some time on. All of the above is the best I can remember he ever mentioned regarding Spokane. I am working hard to get as much out there as I can because I might not be able to tell it later. At my age - stokes, heart attack, more surgeries - the body and mind can only take so many assaults. TONIGHT IS CHRISTMAS EVE AND I MISS DUANE VERY MUCH. HE MAY HAVE BEEN A CRIMINAL, BUT I DIDN'T KNOW THAT MAN. I MISS THE THINGS HE WOULD DO ON CHRISTMAS EVE - IT WAS ALWAYS A SURPRISE FOR SOMEONE IN NEED EVEN WHEN WE DIDN'T HAVE IT DO SO OURSELVES. Our first CHRISTMAS was in 1977 [RED]THE MEMORIES OF SPOKANE ARE MY GIFT FROM DUANE ON THIS CHRISTMAS EVE.[/RED] _________________________________________________ Jo, I am quite familiar with the Spokane, Coeur d'Alene area. There is a Boys Camp in Rathdrum, Idaho (north of Coeur d'Alene). I think it's a Boys Scouts Jamboree, big campout there every summer I believe. I know many people in Spokane, but I can't think of anyone off hand who could help you out with the county records search. I have family in the area. I'm planning a visit as soon as the snow quits flying, like early next Spring (I know I could go now with those studded snow tires and putting that 600 pounds of sand in the back end of my rig, no can do though right now). If you can be patient, I could probably help you out then. MeyerLouie Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #36791 December 25, 2012 See attached. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #36792 December 25, 2012 Quote Skyjack 71 says in part: Quote 'When we were in CO he was offered a postion in Spokane, and I wanted to go, but he said he could NOT go to WA...' This could be because when people get pulled over by the police in Washington State, if they have been in prison here the dispatcher always says this: Quote 'Additional. DOC entry.' That's right. When the cops here pull you over, they already know if you've been in the jurisdiction of the Department of Corrections BEFORE they get to the window of your car. I have this from a few cop friends who told me this has been SOP for a LONG time. "Just because you fail once doesn't mean you're gonna fail at everything..." Marilyn Monroe SOP FOR A LONG-SCI-FI TYME! Since when? Since where? To who? How? Affecting who? Which data bases coming on board at which dates? Which networks of data bases coming alive when, available to HWP and squad cars? Would it even matter or deter Duane & Jo Weber from going anywhere they pleased when nothing else ever detered them from peddling their wares ? Once again Blevins raises a STRAWMAN. Is it real? (No.) Does it apply on the dates at issue (probably not). Then what's the point of Blevin's brainfarted Strawman No. 4765, probably non-issue? He sure has a lot to say - about nothing! And people respond! THAT IS THE REAL ISSUE! Another internet hijacking by RobertMBlevins spreading wisdom and truth like The Prophet on Christmas Eve. More DB Cooper dildoes for sale! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #36793 December 25, 2012 Quote Skyjack 71 says in part: Quote 'When we were in CO he was offered a postion in Spokane, and I wanted to go, but he said he could NOT go to WA...' This could be because when people get pulled over by the police in Washington State, if they have been in prison here the dispatcher always says this: The young lady must have been working late: I got an email from her for Xmas Eve. Their records do NOT go beyond 1950. She checked the records under his name only and his SS number. She requested any alias or other information she could check under and made a suggestion of who I might contact and what I might be able to do to obtain records prior to 1950. I will do the aliases and his John Collins SS and see what happens....but that would only work if he was arrested there using that name. I really believe it was from 1944 to 1948 - because of his reference to "the boys". My only problem with that senario is WHY he feared going back in 1980. Therefore I tend to believe he went back on the run in the 60/s and was up to no good...he was running from the authorities from 1962 to 1966 under the name of John Collins when they arrested him and sent him to Jefferson.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #36794 December 25, 2012 Quote it's Chrsitmas Eve! Fine sorry. but you have to link him to November 24, 1971 period! not in the other 49 states you places Duane in, show physical evidence of your claims, I don't care if he was a jumper, put him in Portland or Seattle or your just barking! you make outlandish claims Jo, I found a website you had years back claiming after Duane's release "believe that he had some kind of forestry training" ......from prison photo? by the way, you said this " I do believe John Anglin might be Ed Hurand" that's admission Jo! Quote I said MIGHT BE! It is a LONG jump to saying he Was! That statement is by NO WAY admission. I claimed he had forestry training because he told me he did. How could I claim that from a prison photo? YOUR post are inflammatory and a complete waste of time. WHAT happened to your FLIGHT Similation? You ARE the one who seems to be BARKING not me.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #36795 December 25, 2012 Duane was hardly a boy in 1961. Prior to 1961 he had been a resident of San Quentin, Folsom and was a current resident in Canon City in 1961. Doubt he QUALITFIED for juvenile rehab facilities in 1961. Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrshutter45 21 #36796 December 25, 2012 "The clothes and shoes he is being released in are Shabby to say the least, but his overall appearance leads one to believe that he had some kind of forestry training while serving in midst of that huge forest""It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #36797 December 25, 2012 Quote Quote give me a break Robert! you have been going on and on with G for months and months, although I agree with the cease fire, it will never really end on this thread! Merry Christmas to all...................... Hopefully, it WILL end. Paul Quade is probably getting tired of it. I get the idea that the next ban he does on us will be The Land of No Return. He's done it twice already, and the last time came with a serious warning. Perhaps the moderator just wants THIS. Blevins - first I like you, but you act like a 6 yr old. The above post is an excellent example of this. WHY do you ALWAY talk about banning and Quade and running to the teach like a 6 yr old. The only thing you need to do is MAKE sure YOU do not say anything that would cause you to be BAN from the thread. This is NOT Kindergarten or 1st grade. Do NOT engage - for example when a certain poster on here trys to drag my post into the ground or to continually confront me... it is difficult to just address the problem with a short statement - NO one reads the long objections. I am just as quilty as you are of letting individuals pull me into an endless and useless series of postings. WE both need to learn to make a short statement addressing the individual and then move on. IT is a HARD thing to do! .Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #36798 December 25, 2012 Quote "The clothes and shoes he is being released in are Shabby to say the least, but his overall appearance leads one to believe that he had some kind of forestry training while serving in midst of that huge forest" I have highlighted the posting with emphasis underlined. How objectivily do you READ a book or have you read a book of any substance. Try reading The Journals and anything written by James A Mitchener - such as Mexico or Texas. Keyword - you can LEAD a horse to Water, but you cannot make him drink. It would be this Canon City Release photo you are referring to. A place he was encarcerated from 1960 to 1962. It was in the middle of an immense wooded area and a place some very secretive thing took place in 1962. His gruby clothing and shoes which may have been provided by the prison is what I am referencing.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #36799 December 25, 2012 I don't know who said this Blevin or Georger: Quote Instead of blabbering on and could have just checked this on your own with a phone call. As far as whether it would keep Weber out of Spokane, probably not. Duane's presense in Spokane was checked by phone yrs ago by yours truely. I decided to recheck because it bugged me and this time I came up with Age 88, Duane Weber Spokane on a site. Since 88 made that man's birthdate 1924 - I decided to check it out with the local authorities and this is when I find out their records only go to 1950. So NOW it has been eradicated from the files and the only hope is the local Newpaper archives and historians. One would have thought the FBI would have found this in 1996. It was probably still on the books then...they just did NOT check Spokane and/or ignored it or it turned out to be another Weber born that same yr named Duane.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrshutter45 21 #36800 December 25, 2012 "leads one to believe" Yes Jo what do you think that implies? just the same as I do believe John Anglin might be Ed Hurand? 95 to 99% sure is what I read? 2006 I am also trying to find a pilot or jumper by the name of Ed Hurand (not sure of the spelling, but sounds like). He had blue eyes and would have been born approx. from 1929 to 1934. From something in his conversation I got the impression he was a pilot. 2009 Keep digging - there is a mechanic by the name Ed Hurand - find him and whe find Duane 2011 Ed is the one who worked for American Income out of Waco, TX and the company would NOT give me any information about his siting the privacy law. Yet, Ed had to be deceased by now as he was diabetic in 1981 or 1982 - the last time I saw him at a meeting in Atlanta, GA. That is when I took the picture of him 2012 I do believe John Anglin might be Ed Hurand or atleast a relative. again no offense Jo, you are all over the board again with claims. Pilot, jumper, mechanic, escapee, or relative?"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites