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DB Cooper

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:):o:P>:([:/]:) You decide which emotion I feel.

I am also trying to find a pilot or jumper by the name of Ed Hurand (not sure of the spelling, but sounds like). He had blue eyes and would have been born approx. from 1929 to 1934. From something in his conversation I got the impression he was a pilot.

[BLUE] I still stand by that because he mentioned helicopters and something he said - I was NOT looking for a plane pilot, but a helicopter pilot and mechanic.

Keep digging - there is a mechanic by the name Ed Hurand - find him and whe find Duane.

I did NOT change any of the story - it is in the perception of the reader who only looks for flaws or find it necessary to disclaim anything I have ever said.

Ed is the one who worked for American Income out of Waco, TX and the company would NOT give me any information about this siting the privacy law. Yet, Ed had to be deceased by now as he was diabetic in 1981 or 1982 - the last time I saw him at a meeting in Atlanta, GA. That is when I took the picture of him. I

The date is on the original photo and I keep a lot of things in my head - (I do not go pull files every time I make a post IF the date is what you are referencing it was definitely after 1982 and before 1984 - Duane and I lived in VA in 1984). Really do NOT know what you are after with this! Absolutely do NOT see where you are trying to go - I first met Ed in 1978 and he and Duane had a history which was discussed only briefly until Ed realize I had no knowledge of Duane's Past.

I do believe John Anglin might be Ed Hurand or at least a relative.

Might is the key word - the resemblance is very strong.

With the above information where would you go. Helicopter pilot, Helicopter and plane mechanic, escapee and resembles Anglin plus the Zona connection.

YOU WOULD MAKE A TERRIBLE INVESTIGATOR. A good investigator would see the connection of the dots and try to see if they meant anything.

Thank You for putting it all out there for me. I WOULD never have been able to pull the package on Ed together so well without your assistance.

You missed the fact I place Ed's birthdate between 1929 and 1934. Just the right age to be Anglin - but, I assure you that is only co-incidental. I AM NOT that GOOD! Or am I?

YOU REALIZE YOUR POINTING THESE THINGS OUT to me & TO THE THREAD - it only gives credenze to MY STANDING my ground and that little about the story I have told about Duane changes. I have recently been forcing myself to recall every moment of out lives together in a effort to wring out all I can before I can tell the story no longer.

Good Job Mr Shutter and I really appreciate the help!:)
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I have read these things endlessly from you. And neither did I drive Marla Cooper away. You just don't like hearing the truth about her. The reason she avoids Dropzone is because people like you, and others knowledgeable on the case would rip her story to shreds.

Robert -- I think you just don't see how others see you. If you had limited your comments on Marla to how difficult it is to find someone on dirt roads in the woods on a dark and rainy night, or how logistically it would have been very difficult to make it to Sisters, Oregon by the next day you would have been ok. Valid points and good questions. Reasonable skepticism.

But you didn't do that.

Within hours of her name being made public and with very limited information released, you stated her story had more holes than swiss cheese. You accused her of being a liar. So personal was this for you that you said you could not even attend last year's symposium because Marla was going to attend. You accused her of making up her story just to write a book (even though you are the only one on this thread who has actually made up a story to write a book). You treat every part of her story as links of a chain and if anything is wrong the whole thing falls apart. You pull quotes out of context for your aha moment. That is why when you bring up Marla you have zero credibility.

If you had started with the premise of Marla being a sincere witness but you still had to check out her story, I don't think I'd be writing this now.

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MeyerLouie says in part:


'No one said Cooper was at the same developmentally disabled level as some of your previous group home clients. What a ridiculous conclusion on your part.

Here's something else you said that's really stupid: "Committing a crime does not necessarily mean a person has mental problems, either. It means they are a criminal."

As a former employee at McNeil Island Corrections Center, I learned about the "criminal mind." The "criminl mind" is a mental disorder...'

Well, your experiences working with criminals, perhaps as a jail guard...could give you a slanted view on the whole thing. There are certain crimes related to mental disorders, but simply being in jail for a crime isn't on the NIMH's list. You are generalizing. And I've never worked with DD clients, but with actual crazies. You didn't even know the difference even after I mentioned Western State and meds, and now you claim expertise in these things because you may have turned locks at the jail. Your assumption is the one that's ridiculous. I could name a dozen different crimes that people are currently in prison for that have zip to do with their overall mental health. The original argument was that because Cooper hijacked a plane for money, he must have been a nut. I say that's not necessarily true.

Here's a possible place for Jo to check: Youth camp for boys, opened in 1961 at an old Cold War radar station site: Spruce Canyon, north of Spokane. Closed by Governor Dan Evans in July 1973. See attached picture.

Hmmm. Your credentials seem to have expanded
exponentially, since the last expansion, after the
one before that, several days ago - after previous

Did your "cop friends" give you a "Build a Expert"
set for St. Blevins day?

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I don't know who said this Blevin or Georger:


Instead of blabbering on and on...you could have just checked this on your own with a phone call. As far as whether it would keep Weber out of Spokane, probably not.


Weren't not me - try his Majesty Blevins.

I dont post recipes, My Tunes, and stool softeners.

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LOL for thieves here. It's not a pretty thing.:|

Then you can schedule that wedding with your gay partner that you were putting off...and get stoned while you are at it. Those things are legal here, too. If that's your thing.

Merry Christmas, everyone.


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YOU WOULD MAKE A TERRIBLE INVESTIGATOR. A good investigator would see the connection of the dots and try to see if they meant anything.

Jo, Mrshutter actually does have investigative skills and YOU DON'T!

You see connections that couldn't possibly exist and then yell at others for not supporting your nonsense.

And you have been doing this for years on DZ and other web sites. In case you can't remember them, just Google "Duane Weber" or even "MsCooper" or "MrsCooper", as you frequently refer to yourself, and take a look at what turns up.

Your so-called "research" is baloney. You are free to waste your time but you want other people to waste their time also chasing after illusions.


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This could be because when people get pulled over by the police in Washington State, if they have been in prison here the dispatcher always says this:

The young lady must have been working late: I got an email from her for Xmas Eve.

Their records do NOT go beyond 1950. She checked the records under his name only and his SS number.

My only problem with that senario is WHY he feared going back in 1980. .

Wake up Jo. Lookup today was not lookup in 1980 ...

in spite of Blevin's expert advice and confusing

today with 1980!

Things have changed considerably since 1980 - yes?

Dont let Blev trip you up like this - he isnt your

friend! Blev is just trolling - nothing else to do for

the holidays. Sad but true.


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KC may or may not be the hijacker, but I didn't 'make up' his story. Everything in the FBI report is accurate. The book has a few errors, but no lies. I made sure I told the FBI the same thing.

Robert, I don't doubt that everything in your report to the FBI is true. Of course, I haven't read it because you haven't posted it due to your little spitting match with Georger. But, you've laid out your case before.

My question would be after reading your report if you post it is if everything in it is true, is there anything that ties KC or even Geestman to the hijacking? Is there even enough there for KC to even be investigated for tax evasion (had that statue of limitations not expired long ago)? Finally, is there anything there that would lead one to assume that any crime was committed at all?

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Robert says: Marla's interview wasn't published until three months after she went public. I tried to help her by suggesting she get at least one family member who was there to back just ONE point of her story. None of them would.


You tried to HELP Marla?


Look troll, one thing that made your disgusting
stalking of Marla so ludicrous and hypocritical was
the plain fact that you yourself were under severe
attack for your bullshit book: Into the Blast: The
TRUE Story of DB Cooper

The TRUE STORY of DB Cooper !

You attacked Marla TO DIVERT attention away from
yourself! Damned hypocrit.

Why dont you just proclaim yourself Messiah and get
it over with!

You worked with THE REAL CRAZZIES! ?

Who and what are REAL CRIAZZIES, Marilyn Monroe?

Tell us.

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you are killing your lead Jo, if Ed is one of the Anglins, this puts the rest of your theories out the window, we know the Anglins were not involved with anything dealing with planes!

so which is it?
Ed a pilot, mechanic, jumper, Insurance salesman??
or is he John Anglin, if so then he is not the above, correct?
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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I may not like reading some of the things that Georger says, but I know he's been working on the case a long time, and has an education. So...because I legitimately had doubts whether releasing the report publicly was a good idea...I decided to ask his opinion on it, and why or why not.

You'll have to ask him.

stop the diversion and strawman.

i have nothing to do with, you troll, your dumb rediculous book, or your cat or contents of your medicine cabinet,

prey on somebody else for a change, troll.

get a ;life!

im dpoing this wth one finger while eating out of a box of ice cream - that is how importanbto you are to me - troll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Georger: I didn't pick the title of the book. .

Why is everything in your LIFE ALWAYS somebody
for anything?

Diversions, redirects, comebacks., etc etc etc etc

And he claims its all an accident and somebody
doing it ?

He worked "with the REAL CRAZZIES" !

Blevins, go whine to your cat.

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If the FBI decides to question the witnesses, they will definitely find out one way or another. I gave them the tools to do so. Whether they will take any action is another story.

And, if Geestman refuses to talk to the FBI by claiming 5th amendment rights or saying he's old and can't recall, what do you have? Anything?

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If the FBI decides to question the witnesses, they will definitely find out one way or another. I gave them the tools to do so. Whether they will take any action is another story.

And, if Geestman refuses to talk to the FBI by claiming 5th amendment rights or saying he's old and can't recall, what do you have? Anything?

The FBI has a helluva lot better things to do and
more serious priorities than talking to Geestman and
Blevin's "that woman". Blevins wants to crucify these people!

The FBI has no reason to talk to Geestman! :S

Blevins needs to get a life"! :D

Moreover, what is Blevins NOT telling us! He always
has something in reserve he has failed to disclose.
Who has he discussed Geestman with besides us
and Porteous? Something that might get back to the
FBI prior to Blevins even filing his socalled 'report'?
Something to bias the FBI in advance of even
receiving Blevins socalled 'report' ?

Something Blevins will kvetch about later here in 400
posts blaming othrs for his 'misfortune' ? His "cop
friends", socalled?

Like Jo Weber, We know Blevins all too well here -
what youve seen is what you get! There is nothing
else. Its all a crummy stage act and bravado and
claims ... then turns out he forgot this is 2012 and
not 1980, or somesuch thing! Genius works that
wayie but in Blevin's case its a sure bet ... and the
only thing certain in this forum concerning Marilyn
Monroe's talking toenails!


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MeyerLouie says in part:


'No one said Cooper was at the same developmentally disabled level as some of your previous group home clients. What a ridiculous conclusion on your part.

Here's something else you said that's really stupid: "Committing a crime does not necessarily mean a person has mental problems, either. It means they are a criminal."

As a former employee at McNeil Island Corrections Center, I learned about the "criminal mind." The "criminl mind" is a mental disorder...'

Well, your experiences working with criminals, perhaps as a jail guard...could give you a slanted view on the whole thing. There are certain crimes related to mental disorders, but simply being in jail for a crime isn't on the NIMH's list. You are generalizing. And I've never worked with DD clients, but with actual crazies. You didn't even know the difference even after I mentioned Western State and meds, and now you claim expertise in these things because you may have turned locks at the jail. Your assumption is the one that's ridiculous. I could name a dozen different crimes that people are currently in prison for that have zip to do with their overall mental health. The original argument was that because Cooper hijacked a plane for money, he must have been a nut. I say that's not necessarily true.

Here's a possible place for Jo to check: Youth camp for boys, opened in 1961 at an old Cold War radar station site: Spruce Canyon, north of Spokane. Closed by Governor Dan Evans in July 1973. See attached picture.


Well, there you go again Blevins, talking out of both ends of your mouth. Unlike your idol James Dean, you're a rebel without a clue.

Here's an example: you said, "And I've never worked with DD clients, but with actual crazies." Did you know that DD clients can be really, truly crazy? Several years ago, I worked in a group home. At that time, the push was to get DD, "crazy" clients out of the institutions and into group homes, where they could live with dignity and respect and have some semblance of a normal home life. Most of those clients came from institutions -- those awful places where many were abused, raped, and neglected. Most were on serious anti-psychotic meds. You see Blevins, crazy people can come from anywhere -- institutions, group homes, prisons -- even airplanes.

Here's another ridiculous thing you said: "I could name a dozen different crimes that people are currently in prison for that have zip to do with their overall mental health." That's total bullcrap. I think you would be hard-pressed to even get the mental health professionals to come to a consensus on that one.

At McNeil, the inmates I worked with were mostly murderers and robbers. Follow my reasoning here Blevins: normal, mentally well-adjusted people, don't go around robbing and killing people. Those actions are not things a normal person would do. Since the brain dictates action, I'm thinking there must be something wrong with the brain -- you know, a mental disorder of some sort. In fact, I would say that most of the inmates I knew at McNeil were sociopaths -- and that, Blevins, is a mental disorder. Mental health (or lack of it) has everything to do with what one does or doesn't do.

Sociopaths have no empathy, no ability to understand the consequences of their actions, no conscience. The only time they feel remorse and regret is when they get caught. If you become a traumatized victim because of their actions, well that's just too bad -- you were in the wrong place at the wrong time -- I was just taking advantage of an opportunity.

Getting back on topic with DBC: I am going out on a limb and say, with virtual certainty (nearly 100% probability) that DB Cooper was a sociopath. I would say DBC fits the definition above quite nicely.

Blevins, you said, "Cooper hijacked a plane for money, he must have been a nut. I say that's not necessarily true."

I'm saying necessarily true -- he was a nut, a bonafide sociopath, bar none. I don't see a normal, mentally well-adjusted person doing what he did -- the extortion, the skyjacking, the bomb threat. And we haven't even talked about the weather, the way he dressed, and just how crazy you would have to be to actually jump into a storm from 10,000 feet up, dressed in basic black with dress shoes. Now that's crazy!


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Twas the night before, non-specific, holiday celebrations, and all through the forum,

No logic existed, not even decorum.

The suspects repeated, the devil may care,

Kenny and Duane, an eternal pair.

The data is published, all through this long thread,

While visions of grandeur, exist in some head.

Some must be stupid, or simply a sap,

To read all these comments, which are nothing but crap.

When out on the news page, there rose such a clatter,

Who thinks they are Cooper, and why does it matter?

Through Microsoft Windows, and Adobe flash,

I launched a new browser, and emptied my cache.

Who could this be, to add to the show?

For if it’s on Cooper, then I’ll surely know.

When what to my wondering eyes should appear,

A woman named Marla, with a hypnotic rear.

She’s hot and vivacious, her hair she would flick,

I knew this blonde goddess, would make Blevins sick.

His loathing is epic, and always the same,

For all of us know, his suspect is lame.

Now Marla! Ms. Cooper, you smoking hot vixen,

Please read this and know, just what I’m affixing,

To chase you away, took hubris and gall,

I fell in a funk, a bottomless pall.

As I read this thread, I ask myself why,

Can’t Blevins become, a regular guy?

He thinks he’s an expert, a first rate gumshoe,

Most of it’s guano, or Cooper voodoo.

Then I was told, although without proof,

A rumor, some gossip, and it may go poof!

A book had been written, and then shopped around,

Unlike ‘Into the Blast’, this one is hardbound.

A voluminous tome, based on output,

For Blevins was thinking, his book was kaput.

Now Blevins is thinking, that’s quite enough flack,

For Kenny is perfect, and you’re out of whack.

His eyes filled with tears, and became quite scary,

When it was established, LD’s arms weren’t hairy.

His droll little mouth, was drawn up like a bow,

Most want to see you, but he will vote no.

Now Blevins will tell you, a picture beneath,

Of a shabby apartment, with prominent wreath.

For Kenny had lived there, and it was quite smelly,

Therefore he’s the man, who jumped that plane’s belly.

His book doesn’t sell, just sits on a shelf,

A constant reminder, of lost fame and wealth.

His future is darkened, and now filled with dread,

At least Citizen Kane, could remember his sled.

So Marla take time, and this site you should lurk,

I see you as welcome, a cyber space perk.

I hope you can see, past this horrible prose,

And know you are the subject, I happily chose.

So let others stew, and let others bristle,

For this is the part, where you get a wolf whistle.

It’s the end of this poem, as most will agree,

Merry Christmas to all, and Marla….. Call Me!


A great poem, an incredible work of art -- your talent for waxing poetic elegance is second to none. I was 100% entertained by it. Thank you.

You continue to have a thing for Twisty Butt though. She is cute. Alright, I admit it ... I wasn't all that impressed at first, but the more I look, the more I like. Okay, I admit it ... I'm obsessed with her too .... Alright ... it even goes beyond that -- she makes my sticker peck out. I said it, okay!

In fact, I've decided to come out of the closet because of Marla. Folks.....I'm here to proclaim it ... I'm a lesbian ... I love women ...what can I say...


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"YOU WOULD MAKE A TERRIBLE INVESTIGATOR. A good investigator would see the connection of the dots and try to see if they meant anything. "

"Good Job Mr Shutter and I really appreciate the help"

Everyone is entitled to opinions Jo, I could say that we must be out of good investigators since
in the last 17 years nobody has been able to connect the dots except you!

with that out of the way, I have noticed the picture you keep posting of Duane being released
from prison, you can't read the place card with his physical features and noticed you were kind
enough to fill them in for us.

Height 6
Weight 190
Complexion - Medium Ruddy
Eyes Brown
Date 5-3-62
CSP 32755

it appears to me if the 6 foot you are claiming is Duane's height then the line just below Duane's
head must be the 6 foot mark, Duane must be 6-2 or around that no?

LE always puts 6-0, 6-1 etc, almost like you left this part out, if you followed the description
on the place card you can see it also has two digits (6-?) but it's blurred..... if you notice there is
also lines in between the 6 inch marks (faded) which appear to be 2 inch increments making it possible
Duane is 6-2? since I can't read it, that's how I am calling it B|

DB Cooper 5-10 to 6-0

"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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None of this actually supports your "story".

You still have to put Duane in a Parachute, and then in WA and on the plane at the time of the highjacking.

There has been NO proof of any of those things yet.


I put him in the parachute. McCoy, an FBI agent, and this other guy put him in the plane doing the highjacking, and Jo confirms the facts. You are just too political to accept it.

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YOU WOULD MAKE A TERRIBLE INVESTIGATOR. A good investigator would see the connection of the dots and try to see if they meant anything.

Jo, Mrshutter actually does have investigative skills and YOU DON'T!

You see connections that couldn't possibly exist and then yell at others for not supporting your nonsense.

And you have been doing this for years on DZ and other web sites. In case you can't remember them, just Google "Duane Weber" or even "MsCooper" or "MrsCooper", as you frequently refer to yourself, and take a look at what turns up.

Your so-called "research" is baloney. You are free to waste your time but you want other people to waste their time also chasing after illusions.


You and MrShutter are the poorest excuse for investigators this world has ever seen. Never before has such a team of incompetents logged so many errors in a row. The only way anyone could compete would be to know all the right answers and TRY to get them wrong. But I repeat myself, again. Give it a rest, you can't change history. The truth is still available. And it ain't nobody but Duane Weber no matter how hard everyone tries to twist it. Facts is facts, and dat's the troof. Youse is wrong in everything you writes. And I do not drink, do drugs, or have a psychiatrist on call. And I CAN count to zero. Your "right on" count.

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you got nothing on me Bob.......enough said! just another proof less fool!

you forgot the childish "bite me" and the end!!
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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No, you haven't. You've told fables and hurt Jo, insulted many here (should be on a life time ban for it), been kicked off other web pages for your issues, lied, and have slandered a few innocent individuals, but never have proven any thing.

An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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YOU WOULD MAKE A TERRIBLE INVESTIGATOR. A good investigator would see the connection of the dots and try to see if they meant anything.

Jo, Mrshutter actually does have investigative skills and YOU DON'T!

You see connections that couldn't possibly exist and then yell at others for not supporting your nonsense.

And you have been doing this for years on DZ and other web sites. In case you can't remember them, just Google "Duane Weber" or even "MsCooper" or "MrsCooper", as you frequently refer to yourself, and take a look at what turns up.

Your so-called "research" is baloney. You are free to waste your time but you want other people to waste their time also chasing after illusions.


You and MrShutter are the poorest excuse for investigators this world has ever seen. Never before has such a team of incompetents logged so many errors in a row. The only way anyone could compete would be to know all the right answers and TRY to get them wrong. But I repeat myself, again. Give it a rest, you can't change history. The truth is still available. And it ain't nobody but Duane Weber no matter how hard everyone tries to twist it. Facts is facts, and dat's the troof. Youse is wrong in everything you writes. And I do not drink, do drugs, or have a psychiatrist on call. And I CAN count to zero. Your "right on" count.

Knoss, If you don't drink or do drugs, then you don't have an explanation for your actions. Perhaps you should get a Psychiatrist "on call". I'm sure the good Doctor would find enough data to at least get a paper on your case printed in the "Journal of Screwballs and Nutcases".

So you could actually help science advance the understanding of people like yourself.


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