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DB Cooper

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Jo wrote:


I refuse to use the single play players because they destroy vinyl albums. I have searched high and low for a LP player with a 4 to 5 record drop down. Nothing like vinyle - the sound cannot be repeated on CD's or on small players - it takes REAL speakers and diamond tipped needles.


I am a vinyl LP fan and you are mistaken about record changers. They are harsh on vinyl, much worse than single play turntables. When a new record drops down it isn't rotating. It skids and slips a bit as it gets accelerated up to 33 RPM by the turntable. If it's the second or later record it will drop down onto a rotating record and the two will abraid each other as they match speeds. You dont want that, trust me.

Thrift stores are full of good quality single play record players these days dirt cheap. Get a belt drive record player with a decent cartridge and you'll be back in business. Technics has some decent ones and they go for about $25-$35 often with an expensive cartridge and good needle. They have an adjustable counterweight that lets you use minium needle force and a tracking adjustment too. Forget drop down record changers, they are not kind to vinyl.

Diamond needles last far longer than most people think. I use a microscope to check mine. I keep a brand new needle (stylus for you audiophiles) as a reference for optical comparison. It takes many hundreds of plays before I see any visible wear.

Happy New Year Jo.


Why not just offer to have Duane and Kenny cloned
to allow them to hijack again!

The ultimate simulation.

We could all watch and decide WHO the real DB
Cooper was ?

Both were fit and healthy as oxen at the time of
premature death, according to those sponsors.

Make their ressurections as DB Cooper real -

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At least one forum person has offered to recreate the Norjack jump: Snowmman. Knowing him and his skills I'd bet on his survival. I think he wanted $5000. That's a fraction of what Hollywood stunt pros charge. Where is the reality TV producer who sees a cheap hit in the making?

I wouldn't do it for 10x. Too high a chance of busting some bones landing at night. My jet jump was in bright daylight, 83 degree weather over a DZ full of beautiful women and free beer. That fit my risk profile.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Georger says in part:


'Blev may have an ulterior motive for wanting to divorce Cooper from psychopathology - to sqeeze
Kenny in!...'

Wrong. The only thing that would 'squeeze Kenny in' would be EVIDENCE and PROOF in whatever forms can be verified. Nothing else.

I also have to listen to MeyerLouie rattling on about how he KNOWS Cooper was a sociopath because of the hijacking. This is a very broad generalization, and the hard reality is that there is not enough proof one way or another to classify the skyjacker this way. He didn't talk to himself. He didn't say 'the voices made me do it,' he didn't hint anything about torturing animals as a kid or discuss his childhood. He didn't taunt the crew or exaggerate the threats simply to frighten them for his own gratification.

Simply tagging someone as a sociopath based on the crime itself is worse than armchair psych. It's Peanuts and Lucy stuff not even worth the nickel that Lucy charged her patients. This comes from a guy whose view of mental illness is already slanted from his work at McNeil Island prison. Since Meyer didn't indicate a professional role at that institution, I have to assume he had the most common job: A guard. Since that job involves working with the most evil that society offers, it is easy to fall back on calling them crazy, when in reality many of them are just plain NO GOOD. Evil, if you will. But it's easier to call them all crazy. This way, you don't have to admit to yourself that some folks are beyond being reformed.

It's true that Cooper could have been Looney Tunes, but in order to prove that...well, you have to PROVE that. And his behaviors during the hijacking just don't cut the mustard for proof. Neither does the crime itself. Now...if we were talking about a serial killer in the vein of say, Buffalo Bill from Silence of the Lambs, then this would be a good assumption.

Again, some REAL observations on the limited information about Cooper and his behaviors aboard Flight 305. From my previous post:


'A true sociopath might be inclined to include something else along the way. Other demands having nothing to do with money, or additional gratification beyond the 22 pounds of green paper. A political or personal issue perhaps. Or...to inordinarily make people suffer somehow during the hijacking. Cooper showed at least some empathy by allowing the passengers and one of the stews to leave, plus he ordered meals for the crew in case they were hungry. He never exhibited signs of bizarre behavior, even when under the stress of possibly being killed by the FBI. He stated what he wanted, but he didn't go overboard on the threats. The only time he ever lost his cool was when he shouted, 'Let's get this show on the road,' (sic) and that's about it. Richard Floyd McCoy was WAY worse, if you are comparing behaviors during a hijacking....'

The previous statement is a pretty accurate rendition of what Cooper was doing. They sound more like a desperate guy, rather than an outright sociopath. Those types have absolutely no empathy for other human beings at all, and have been that way since teenhood. If you want to declare Cooper a loony, then you need something else besides pulling off a crime, otherwise you are saying that everyone who has ever walked into a bank with a gun, or a 7-11 to rob it, is crazy.

Where do you draw the dividing line here? When are some criminals mental cases and others simply criminals? Well, one way is to look at the crime. Another is to get a family history and a case history going on them. Neither of those last two has been done on Cooper. So to point a righteous finger upright and declare, "He hijacked a plane, so he was a sociopath!" doesn't fit the evidence. If Cooper were eventually discovered, then you could find out everything about him and make that determination. Or, if he had kept a few of the passengers aboard and shoved them out the door without parachutes just for laughs, or if he had blown up the plane remotely after the jump...you could assume he had 'issues'. But neither of those things happened either.

Until more evidence on Cooper's mental state is discovered, it's simply a theory to say he had mental issues. Plenty of people do evil or wrong. Not all of them are crazy. Or to put it another way, people with psych disorders can become criminals, but not all criminals have these disorders.

One more thing. More often than not, it doesn't take the average person long to figure out the person they are dealing with has mental issues. You may not know what the problem IS, but you know there IS a problem. This is especially evident in people with schitzophrenic disorders, and yes...in sociopathic personalities. They just aren't quite 'right' somehow. People with some mood disorders such as depression or bipolar, or folks who are borderline personalities are harder to spot. But sociopaths and schitzoid types are reletively easy to spot. You can't always pin it down without professional help, but you know SOMETHING is loose in the caboose. Not a single witness to the hijacking has ever inferred that Cooper had mental issues. Not one.


'He seemed rather nice. He was never cruel or nasty. He was thoughtful and calm...'

Tina Mucklow

"Just because you fail once doesn't mean you're gonna fail at everything..."

Marilyn Monroe

More often than not, it doesn't take the average person long to figure out the person they are dealing with has mental issues. You may not know what the problem IS, but you know there IS a problem.


"Just because you fail once doesn't mean you're gonna fail at everything..."

Marilyn Monroe


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A very dangerous person. A wolf in sheep’s clothing. A master deceiver. They are perceived as a nice guy with charm and perhaps charisma but when the layers of the truth are peeled back they are evil, opportunitstic and lack character. A sociopath may look like this:

They are opportunistic and use their keen ability to read people to take advantage of a person’s weakness. They have an error in judgement and have no regard for rules. Their extreme egocentricism makes them do whatever they must to get what they want without regard for other people. They are manipulative. Their character flaw seldom makes them feel guilt or learning from punishments. They always justify their actions. They lack personal responsibility and blame others for their shortcomings, labeling themselves the “victim.” Many sociopaths are also pathalogical liars and can have a tendancy to commit acts of violence.
Most serial killers fit the personality trait of a sociopath

One who often knows what there doing is wrong, but simply dosent care. Generally Sociopaths have very High IQ's and due to this dont see many other people as equals. Lack of conscience. A lot of Murders, Billionaires, and Dictators have been considered Sociopaths.

Sociopaths use charm and flattery to draw others into their confidence and ferret out their weaknesses

'He seemed rather nice. He was never cruel or nasty. He was thoughtful and calm...'
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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Jo wrote:


I refuse to use the single play players because they destroy vinyl albums. I have searched high and low for a LP player with a 4 to 5 record drop down. Nothing like vinyle - the sound cannot be repeated on CD's or on small players - it takes REAL speakers and diamond tipped needles.


I am a vinyl LP fan and you are mistaken about record changers. They are harsh on vinyl, much worse than single play turntables. When a new record drops down it isn't rotating. It skids and slips a bit as it gets accelerated up to 33 RPM by the turntable. If it's the second or later record it will drop down onto a rotating record and the two will abraid each other as they match speeds. You dont want that, trust me.

Thrift stores are full of good quality single play record players these days dirt cheap. Get a belt drive record player with a decent cartridge and you'll be back in business. Technics has some decent ones and they go for about $25-$35 often with an expensive cartridge and good needle. They have an adjustable counterweight that lets you use minium needle force and a tracking adjustment too. Forget drop down record changers, they are not kind to vinyl.

Diamond needles last far longer than most people think. I use a microscope to check mine. I keep a brand new needle (stylus for you audiophiles) as a reference for optical comparison. It takes many hundreds of plays before I see any visible wear.

Happy New Year Jo.


The used ones I have seen around here are not something I would want in my home. Wish I had tried to find someone to fix my Magnavox, but did NOT know I would not be able to find a new one. I have been looking for 8 yrs now. The singler plays - my hands are so unsteady that I am the one who does the damage unless it has an automatic play and stop (thought those only came on the multi players).
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Blevins, You are the one who is making a deal out of the sociopathic disorder. Hell everyone of us in this thread have some of the traits of the disorder or we wouldn't have been posting to this thread for 6 yrs plus.:)
Coopers actions where NOT those of a well balanced individual - but, he was only a danger to himself during this manic period or whatever some of you guys would call it.

Cooper was either intent on dying by SkyMarshall or by doing the Big One. I think the fact he survived surprised even Cooper!
That is just my layman's opinion and it doesn't mean a hell of beans!

His attitude was WHAT IF - WHAT difference does it make? Cooper was careful NOT to endanger the passengers or the crew. Remember he sent Tina Forward.

Again, some REAL observations on the limited information about Cooper and his behaviors aboard Flight 305. From my previous post:

'Let's get this show on the road,'
Strange that was the same ranting Duane made a couple of days before he died. He was ready to die and he wanted to get it over with! I even told the FBI about this in one of my calls on that May in 1996 and I had NOT even gotten to the part in the book about Cooper stating this same statement. I will never forget that night as LONG as I live - the night I found out who Dan Cooper was!

I had talked about the expression Duane said in the hospital LONG LONG before I ever read the book. It was part of my conversation with the gentleman who told me to look up D.B.Cooper. The other gentleman I shared this with died of cancer and I don't know if Lee the one who told me to look up D.B - is still alive or not. He was not listed in the property records or phone records about 6 yrs ago.

One could say Cooper was desperate which all fits the profile, because of his PKD diagnosis and having see his mother die on the OLD machines of 1960's.

Until Cooper has been identified -Where do you draw the line? One does not have to be mental ill to have a episode nor do they have to be physically ill.

It is a known fact that PKD can cause chemical imbalances, but the patient adjusts to these as the disease progresses. The disease often advances very slowly at times and can go for yrs without causing noticeable changes in the over all health.

Such was the situation with Weber. Believe me I knew when he was advancing in 1990 because he did some very irrational things at that time, but calmed down once he had been on dialysis for a few months or at least there was acceptance on his part.


'He seemed rather nice. He was never cruel or nasty. He was thoughtful and calm...'

Tina Mucklow

Such was the memory of all of Duane's friends - they never saw the episodes he had during the first few weeks of 1990 - Thank Heavens he did calm down because I do not think I could have taken 5 yrs like those first 2 months. He would be remorseful when he acted out during that time - but the things he did hurt all the same.

When I think about it -it was about 6 to 8 wks. I expect had it been myself facing the machine, I would have chose death. But one never knows what decision one will make until we face it ourselves. We don't always get to make the decision about how we die or if we suffer.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I suppose I can get a 'tude when people like MeyerLouie start making assumptions about psych patients. There are a lot of misconceptions. I'm big on history and proper diagnosis, and we have neither of these from Cooper.

But it didnt stop you from making your own
diagnosis of Cooper and adopting your "'tude"
and posting three long posts about it, did it ?

Thats what gets people upset about you -

Next time put the horse before the cart: or a few
clinical definitions before the 'tude and the
proclamations. ?

But you won't. That's why you are so much fun!

Example: what does "batshit crazy" mean clinically/
your term.

You even said your State is no good at mental
health delivery, and yet they hiered you with a
2 year journalism degree and put you in charge of
a team without any experience or training. Are you
an example of your point? You use your prior job as
grounds for expertise now? Self taught.

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exactly what certification do you have in order to give recommendations
of the mentally ill, or give the proper diagnosis?
how many sociopaths did you observe and what was your recommendation for
them Dr? did they come in off the street, or referred as you say?

"Certified Nuts on Serious Meds." apples and oranges again
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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exactly what certification do you have in order to give recommendations
of the mentally ill, or give the proper diagnosis?

"Certified Nuts on Serious Meds." apples and oranges again

or "batshit crazy" ................

He knows it when he sees it ? Then turns around
and says the system he was part of is bad!

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exactly what certification do you have in order to give recommendations
of the mentally ill, or give the proper diagnosis?

"Certified Nuts on Serious Meds." apples and oranges again

or "batshit crazy" ................

He knows it when he sees it ? Then turns around
and says the system he was part of is bad!

yea, this is a guy I want giving the proper diagnosis on mental illness??????
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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"I never said I made a diagnosis on anyone"

" my job was to do the day-to-day observations on their behavior, make entries about them in their case histories, and recommendations on whether they should be seen by your local MHP's."

"I'm big on history and proper diagnosis" if you never made one, how can you be big on it?
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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exactly what certification do you have in order to give recommendations
of the mentally ill, or give the proper diagnosis?

"Certified Nuts on Serious Meds." apples and oranges again

or "batshit crazy" ................

He knows it when he sees it ? Then turns around
and says the system he was part of is bad!

yea, this is a guy I want giving the proper diagnosis on mental illness??????

You guys actually make me laugh lately - I have no idea who said what above, but one would hope Blevins would finally shut up about mental illness.

What are Blevins credentials?
How does HE know anything about mental illness. Face it we all Know I am OFF my Rocker, Crazy and Delusional, but I do NOT go around trying to diagnose the rest of you.

Blevins is OUT of his league on this subject and so are the rest of us! MeyerLouie just might be a little more informed in theses thing than anyone on this thread - so don't throw stone until you know your target.

If you will notice his posts have no misspelled words, he has a demeanor that is above the rest of the posters except for 377. Just take note of his post. He is diplomatic and tries not to be confrontal. He is also informative and does NOT make posts just to say "I'm here".

Seriously doubt he was a prison guard! Perhaps an instructor or administrative personnel....I expect he will tell us when he is ready.

If Blevins would stop being a KNOW IT ALL, then perhaps there could be some productiver discussions but right now I don't HEAR that happening.

I have to fill those papers out this week end. I can make copies to send to different depts of the area.

An suggestion of the name I need to include - seems some of you know names I do not know Weber used. I know I have to use names of relatives...and approx ages given. I just want to do this right. Then I have to sent a similar form to 4 or 5 little towns around that she suggested.

Blevins where WAS your mind when you made your crazy suggestions. In 1980 and 1960 Duane was a grown man - not a juvenile...although he may have acted like one at times.

I want to know who Duane Weber age 88 is. The site did not state anything else and it had been removed from the files she had access to. The name and age was dead on...and I want to know what it was and why the FBI didn't pick up on it. Now they have no files from before 1950.

One would think the FBI would be willing to find out how they missed this one - because I believe it was Duane - just where the hell did they archive it to.

I BET it was when the boys left a camp up around Twisp that now has a museum. Probably Duane was there under another name but if he got arrested he got found out he would have left town. The guys he ran with I do know some of the names.

Damn I wish I was able to go up there - I think the answer lies in Spokane. Had I not have recalled his conversation about Spokane - it would have gone on by me.

Best just to let those who live there check it out. Maybe Spokane is where my heart lies.
Perhaps I should have a venture before I die - one thing about it if I got real sick in WA - I don't have to lie there and suffer - I can smoke a little weed and than that a cocktail and tell the world good bye.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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it's blown out of control (shocking on here) I basically agree with what Meyer had said.
it's possible Cooper had issue's, and it's possible he just did for the hell of it.

it's just another theory to look into, but, the Doctor stepped in and corrected our problem.
we might be back on track soon, as long as the Doctor agree's we can move on B|

"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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Jo wrote:

The used ones I have seen around here are not something I would want in my home. Wish I had tried to find someone to fix my Magnavox, but did NOT know I would not be able to find a new one. I have been looking for 8 yrs now. The singler plays - my hands are so unsteady that I am the one who does the damage unless it has an automatic play and stop (thought those only came on the multi players).


Technics had a huge variety of semi automatic single play turntables. They put the needle down for you (you just push a button) and return the tone arm to the holder after the record is finished. It couldn't be simpler. EBay has dozens in the $75 price range. Local prices are half that. Here's an example

On the subject of mental health and skyjacking, wasn't there a serious study done years ago that had something about schizophrenic tendencies as a common thread? Georger, do you recall the study I'm referring to? Was it the one by David Hubbard?

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Skyjack71 says in part:


'Blevins, You are the one who is making a deal out of the sociopathic disorder...'

Nah. That would be MeyerLouie, your former McNeil Island employee who thinks all criminals have mental illnesses. After he asked which planet I was on (Planet Reality) and said I must have fallen and hit every branch on the Idiot Tree coming down (maybe that observation is based on personal experience) ...I decided to present my case on why Cooper can't yet be declared sociopathic.

I've worked with these type of folks. Not the folks you see on Special Olympics, but Certified Nuts on Serious Meds. See, I just gave away a Big Secret in the world of mental health workers. Between themselves, they often use that type of slang. I'll admit it's not nice. Anyway, my job was to do the day-to-day observations on their behavior, make entries about them in their case histories, and recommendations on whether they should be seen by your local MHP's. (Shorthand in the biz for Mental Health Professional)

Our great mental health system in America relies heavily on Case Managers. I got my job based on a lousy two-year degree in Speech and Communications from a community college, which I acquired using Food Stamps, work-study, and the good old GI Bill. (*laughs*) The shrinks and psychologists only get around once in a while, and usually not for long. In other words, the grunt work with these people fell to people like myself. I got to know this business very well, and was able to determine dangerous from reletively harmless. It's a survival skill, I guess. I did this work because the hours were great and the pay decent. In fact, at this one place I worked, they let me set the schedule for the teams...so this is what I did:

I put each team on a rotating schedule. Your team worked four days on, 13.5 hours a day, then got five days off. Then you went back for five days at 13.5 hours. This had the effect of giving you much time off, while providing just OVER eighty hours of work (with a bit of overtime) in a two-week period. Everyone loved it. I used to take vacations to the Oregon coast all the time. B|

Washington State handles mental health care rather poorly, at least back when I was doing it. They had the hospitals, the group homes, and sometimes these folks graduated to living on their own. Unless they were totally bat-shit crazy and extremely dangerous to society, the routine went like this:

1) They enter a hospital like Western or Eastern State on one referral or another.

2) Once their meds were stabilized and they could operate in reasonable reality, they were either kicked back out to the streets or put in group homes.

3) Occasionally, one would freak out and you'd have to bounce them back to the hospital.

4) Sometimes they actually got their own place, a job, and lived reasonably normal lives.

5) Washington State is a crappy place to be if you are mentally ill, by the way. The care is still substandard compared to other states. At one point, we were 48th out of 50 states in quality of care. They've gotten a bit better, but still suck IMHO.

I suppose I can get a 'tude when people like MeyerLouie start making assumptions about psych patients. There are a lot of misconceptions. I'm big on history and proper diagnosis, and we have neither of these from Cooper.


Blevins, you've made more assumptions here than everyone else combined regarding your 'Chain of Inconsequential Coincidences' that make KC your guy. If I want to assert my opinion that DBC was a soiciopath, that's entirely my right and priviledge. It may be hard for you to swallow, but other people here get to make assumptions too. You don't have a corner on it.

Since we're talking assumptions, I have stated several times that your assumptions usually come out of nowhere, that they're often outlandish, with no forethought. You continue to set new lows for yourself. So, I don't think you have any right to criticize anyone else for their assumptions.

Speaking of ridiculous assumptions, where did you come up with the one that I was a prison guard? I also forgot to tell you I worked for the FBI -- I was a Frickin' Boiler Inspector. You make assumptions sbout people, out of the clear blue, and then you just go with it -- no verification, you just go. I can tell you this much, Blevins: my involvement at McNeil was a bit more specialized, but I just don't feel comfortable sharing any specifics with you. You can understand that -- we're just not really all that close. I don't see us sitting around the campfire singing "Cum By Ya" any time soon. But you're a trooper, I have to give you that. You continue to travel through space and time into that 'nebulously nefarious world of the outlandish.' I must admit -- I can't help but admire your dogged nerve and rubber-knee determination.



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Jo writes:

Face it we all Know I am OFF my Rocker, Crazy and Delusional, but I do NOT go around trying to diagnose the rest of you.

R99 replies:

See below!

Jo writes:

Blevins is OUT of his league on this subject and so are the rest of us! MeyerLouie just might be a little more informed in theses thing than anyone on this thread - so don't throw stone until you know your target.

R99 replies:

See the first quote from Jo above!

Jo writes:

If Blevins would stop being a KNOW IT ALL, then perhaps there could be some productiver discussions but right now I don't HEAR that happening.

Blevins where WAS your mind when you made your crazy suggestions.

Perhaps I should have a venture before I die - one thing about it if I got real sick in WA - I don't have to lie there and suffer - I can smoke a little weed and than that a cocktail and tell the world good bye.

R99 replies:

Jo, you have asked and answered your own questions above. And it appears that you had smoked a LOT of weed before you wote that post.

Of course you will deny it, but just a few weeks ago you denied smoking weed. You just inhaled the smoke when Duane and your daughter smoked weed.

Can you state the name of the planet you are now living on? Give it a serious try before asking for help.


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" Mentally unbalanced individuals have been especially attracted to airplane hijacking. David G. Hubbard (1971) conducted a psychiatric study of airplane hijackers in 1971 and concluded that skyjacking is used by psychiatrically ill patients as an expression of illness. His study revealed that skyjackers shared several common traits: a violent father, often an alcoholic; a deeply religious mother, often a religious zealot; a sexually shy, timid, and passive personality; younger sisters toward whom the skyjackers acted protectively; and poor achievement, financial failure, and limited earning potential."

Doctor Blevins, I am interested in your diaganoses on Mr Hubbard
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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On the subject of mental health and skyjacking, wasn't there a serious study done years ago that had something about schizophrenic tendencies as a common thread? Georger, do you recall the study I'm referring to? Was it the one by David Hubbard?


The question was not ask of me, but I have read the book and do have an edition.

He focuses on 1968 and the times. Stock market prices and cost of living. Wonder what he thinks about today's economics?

His first interviews are of 2 guys who skyjack a plane in Aug of 1968. He interviewed them at a federal prison - one was jailed in Cuba and the other in Miami but sent to federal prison. He did his book by spending one day a month talking to the skyjackers.
He would interview 2 or 3 skyjacker on these days.

His first was Brian in 1969. The second was Elmer. Both were religious men. It was his general consenuse the life situation of the men had poor image of themselves and recently had been going in a downward spiral toward a point of non-existence.
Having used all manner of defenses: Physical movement, physical flight, isolation, pain, sissoceation depression and all had unsuccessful attempt to stop the dwonward fall.

"Their final symbolic act, by "standing up" and by "threatening with force" they intendef to move the image of their own person vertically up the axis." He references using the skyjacking for the downtrodden, helpless mistfits were unconsciously attempt to iddentify themselves with astronuauts.

He tells about one man who was in the Army and went AWOL and the after some problems he then goes to Houston and RE-ENLISTED in the Army under the same name, but with a different number. It was soon learned he had prior enlistment, and was again severed as being an "undesirable". This was in 1957 - so whoever was lecturing me about Duane not being able to enlist (it was Robert99 - the one who knows all and knows nothing), but who will stand-up and say the man's words in this book are false as he has claimed the records on Duane's military were false or that I was being untrue.

The above paragraph should be read by Robert99 - perhaps then he can get his facts correct! For a man who is "Supposed" to be so smart he certainly pipes in on things he knows NOTHING about. Inserted after Robert99's horrible post about me ensued when I made a joke about WA.

Does NOT the story on this man ring true with what we know about Weber? I saw the uncanny connections in the history of more than one of the skyjackers.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I made my position plain enough. I never said I made a diagnosis on anyone, ever. That's for the pros.

I said there wasn't enough evidence pointing to D.B. Cooper as a sociopath.

And I believe I gave some good reasons why. If you think he was, how did you come to this conclusion?

Hmmm. Round we go (around an around and around
we go)... and where this ends nobody knows.

Except at Sham-a-lakah! Shangrilah! And Kisi Mu's hut throwing throwing finger bones and fragments of shinny shells.

The RE-DIRECT: I showed you mine. You show me
yours, if mine is incorrect. You wanted to see mine,
I knew you did; I dont particularly care to see yours
but go ahead and try. I am top shaman here!

Dahli Lama Shri Raznish Blevins, waits for his answer
confident he has eroded a mountain, washed a
village away, and softened the stools of the Magyar
enough that they lay down their arms and run away,
or at least bang their heads against walls and all fall
down, dead from redirection and frgamentation. He
has worked this strategy on the FBI and worn them
down, and now expects Jovian results!

Gimme that old time erection
gimme that old time erection,
What was good enough for Blevins
is good enough for you and me!


Shamalaka Boo-boo.

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Hubbard is mentioned in the 1972 hijacking.......


David Hubbard spent 3 years studying hijackers:
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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NOTE the book was not published until 1971! Does this not raise a question in anyone's mind?

There is mention of one skyjacker who had connections to General Kesselring (I think he mispelled that name) - but seemed be the same general who Duane talked about and a General who was still alive in 1998.

This one individual kept trying to get hired on by the airlines and worked as an apartment manager and in the insurance field.

This man committed some weird crimes - but you can read about them on page 63.

On page 64 the man discusses while incarcerated he and other patient talk about kidnapping the Kennedy children and when released tried to become a mercenary. Seems like this man ran to Miami over and over. Must have been a safe haven for criminals.

A common thread with the skyjackers was a controlling father...hostile. The author has 3 cases - Dan, Frank and Rafe. Strange that these 3 names which I assume are just made up, are similar names used by criminals of exceptional crimes I we are all tired of hearing about.

Have NOT one iota what the above paragraph means, but just saying - just encase someone reads what I read.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Damned tootin. Three bags full.

Monkey shit and tree split!

Gimme that old time erection
Gimme that old time erection
Whats good enough for Blevins
Is good enough for you & me.

Do you want to serve in Blevins' beloved corps?
Do you maggots have what it takes?
Get down and gimme 20 redirections.

We are on the Good Ship Lollipop!
Captain Blevins, if you please!

Frankly Scarlet, I don't give-a-damn.
We talk in parables.

"Just because you fail once doesn't mean you're gonna fail at everything..."

Marilyn Monroe

"Yes Ellie Mae".
"Jethrow is riding the cat again. Make him stop!"
"Jethhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-row !?"
"Gee Granny. I never get to ride the cat!".
"Just redirect the cat, and all will be fine".

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Jo writes:

"Perhaps I should have a venture before I die - one thing about it if I got real sick in WA - I don't have to lie there and suffer - I can smoke a little weed and than that a cocktail and tell the world good bye."


[RED]ROBERT! YOU are outlandish and a HORRIBLE person.

YOU do not know a JOKE when U read it. YOU took the statement completely out of context by leaving out the fact I was talking about a trip to SPOKANE and that I would never be able to go. No I do NOT do drugs - actually refuse pain pills unless I have to use them for break thru pain. The Drs call me a Tough Cookie!

I do NOT smoke Mary Jane or use drugs. I made the statement because NOW the "weed" is LEGAL in WA just as the "Fatal Cocktail" is for those with terminal illnesses.

WA legalizing marijuana was a
very bad move. The crime rate will go off the wall and the drug users will do a rush on WA state.
Hopefully the House will not allow this to happen.

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo writes:

"Perhaps I should have a venture before I die - one thing about it if I got real sick in WA - I don't have to lie there and suffer - I can smoke a little weed and than that a cocktail and tell the world good bye."


[RED]ROBERT! YOU are outlandish and a HORRIBLE person.

YOU do not know a JOKE when yor read it. YOU took the statement completely out of context by leaving out the fact I was talking about a trip to SPOKANE and that I would never be able to go. No I do NOT do drugs - actually refuse pain pills unless I have to use them for break thru pain. The Drs call me a Tough Cookie!

I do NOT smoke Mary Jane or use drugs. I made the statement because NOW the "weed" is LEGAL in WA just as the "Fatal Cocktail" is for those with terminal illnesses.


Just redirect, and all will be fine.

"Just because you fail once doesn't mean you're gonna fail at everything..."

Marilyn Monroe

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