Ever read the one where it says: 'the parachute
Cooper took, a Navy parachute, included a collaps-
able raft' .
Im not kidding!
I threw that at Thomas once just to see what he would say -
DID YOU REALLY! I missed that one. I was laughing so hard I had to get out of my chair to get my breath!

I have physical copy of the article, but heaven only knows where it is in all of this mess. I know it is in my EARLY files pre 2000.
mrshutter45 21
QuoteI cannot open these documents and it goes to pics and there is nothing there.
I have physical copy of the article, but heaven only knows where it is in all of this mess. I know it is in my EARLY files pre 2000.
this should help......
georger 247
QuoteQuoteI cannot open these documents and it goes to pics and there is nothing there.
I have physical copy of the article, but heaven only knows where it is in all of this mess. I know it is in my EARLY files pre 2000.
this should help......
My notes prior to 2000 are all paper and kept in planners and in note books. I actually talked to someone in the town in question - I believe he was with the local newpaper. Have to go thur 4 yrs of notebooks and planners, but I am positive this happened in 98 or 99. In fact I still have my old telephone records and finding the call to Bremerton should be easy. I had to pay per phone call back then.
NO one wants to see my phone bills from 1996 until 2000 and I did NOT have unlimited until I came to my current location in 2001. Not sure when the unlimited started - but after it started there was NO itemization of calls.
I thought the old phone records where with the planners. Hope I did NOT discard them cleaning out files. Hopefully they are in the other location - I always kept them with the planners, but I remember seeing them in the last 2 yrs as I referenced something in them. Guess I will be busy looking for files, but to cold to go the storage unit for awhile and I am not able to lift the heavy stuff.
Damn Damn Damn - all of this stuff needs to be copied and put on disks or something like that.
You guys have NO idea how much shit I have. God help the people who have to clean all of this crap out one day. Lots of it is chronolgical and why I thought the bills would be there. I know I divided thing up and did throw away a small amount - but I don't think I would have parted with those phone bills.
georger 247
QuoteThere is another article beside that one. BUT, why has the FBI never released the photo they claimed to have or was it completely a fabrication.
Just Google /lewis and murphy db cooper/ and you will get all the articles you want, and the FBI pdf.
Lewis, Murphy, and reporter Fleming got nailed - it
ruined Fleming.
here -
I have them all the way back to 1996 before I called the FBI. Anything before that was just personal stuff and it is still just personal stuff because NO one believes what I believe, but I am the one who has lived this life and who knew Weber.
While I was searching I found a letter Duane's old friend had sent me. It was the letter he wrote to him the Christmas before he died. He had kept the letter all of these yrs and sent it to me this past Christmas.
He thought I might like to have it and he was cleaning out his file as he also is getting along in yrs as we all are who knew Weber.
The old friend told me when he gets "there" he knows Duane will be waiting for him (yea, he was a thief and he did a lot of bad things, but he spent his last yrs trying to make up for them).
He said he could just see the grin on Duane's face - and his first words to Duane would be "You really did it didn't you!"
You see the Duane I knew and the Duane he knew was a GIVER and not a taker, but who would ever believe that? The ex before me - called him a bastard and an evil man...she had NOTHING good to say about him.
Zero! She called him a coward and every word in the book she could think of and some I would never call anyone.
Farflung 0
There was a third one at 12:24 AM on the 25th 1996. Every few pages screamed at me and I screamed back. That was the night I was reading Max Gunther's book. The lights went on, but they were beacon lights to 17 yrs of HELL! Or is it 18 now?
I have lost count.
On the 25th I call Duane's brother John in CA. May 28 and 29 contact FBI again - All on my NICKLE!
The first time I spoke with Seattle was in July 8 on my nickel so maybe the Seattle office never got my first phone calls - you think? They were made to Portland FBI
In Jul there are calls to Redmond OR - Was that were Ralph lived in 1996? That was a long and expensive phone call for me.
There are some phone calls I think I made to numbers in Duane's old address book.
Sept 10 1996 I make my first contact with Max Gunther - a 60 minutes call....then the furry keep going and going and Max and I exchange many phone calls. I do not know if Max contacted Himmelsbach, but neither liked each other.
I make many calls trying to find Duane's ex-wife in CA.
I make my 1st phone call to Kansas to Pyramid Life Insurance...just a secretary!
I keep calling other places and the FBI and Himmelsbach - no one cares.
Multiple calls to Seattle 2 or 3 minutes so all I am getting is a message center - on my nickel.
I am making calls to Santa Barbara CA - have NO ideal who to. Lots of them, but short calls.
I continue to call Seattle on my nickel - I don't have an 800 number for them.
Now this is one I do not remember - Canby, Or. I have no idea.
Now it is Oct of 1997 and I make contacts in Kansas City, Queens N.Y. of course all of the other places. In December I rack up calls to Mn - have no idea who.
March of 1998 - since the FBI is doing nothing I am aware of I call Miami - old contacts I was aware Duane made, but get no where...but when I get the notes you will know there was just a little more to this.
At this point my resources are people Duane used to know and the FBI. I have no computer and very little search resources.
I am waiting for the FBI to do their thing. Well, we know what happened there because I get a letter from them in mid 1998.
They did NOT come here to talk to me or the man who bought the car until May of 1997 and then after a few months in 1998 I get that letter DISMISSING Duane based ONLY on finger prints. NOTHING else.
Pretty quick dismissal if you ask me and most of those 500 pages someone mentioned are copies of things I sent them and transcripts of phone calls I made. Most of those 500 pages are information they got from me and from Doug and the criminal files. The tax files alone of 10 yrs are over 130 pages counting copies of the W2's. Then all of the other stuff the FBI made copies of - and then returned to me.
I am fed up with the FBI about then and I start to talk to an old employer of Duane's who had been contacting about doing a story, but I had resisted. Evidently this is about the time my resistance was breaking down.
After all was said and done I was the one who WALKED because I did NOT have enough and I was trying to accept what the FBI had told me...but that was NOT easy.
It is obvious I am not giving up...but not calling the FBI. I am doing my own investigation. Many many calls to Missoula, MT.
If I remember correctly that was to an archive and for forestry and smoke jumpers and then MY first phone call to Jefferson.
Now for some reason I am calling Eugene OR. Again I think perhaps that is my pursueing the forestry and smoke jumping thing.
Springfield, Or enters the picture but only my note will clarify the reason for these call and who they are to.
Sept 1999 is when I first contacted Salt Lake City.
Last quarter of 1999 I am concentrating on Fort Benning. And I establish a connection with the ex-wife in CA. This is when the journals come into play. She was afraid of the FBI and she was afraid of ME. This would be the start of a relationship up until she died.
Feb of 2000 things start going crazy. So many phone calls and so little time. I had papers in my hands the FBI had NOT told me about. Information they disclaimed. I am making calls to verify the information. Washington DC, Colorado, Texas, Reno,
Something is wrong. This is when the CRAP it the fan. Trout Lake, Tocoma, Washougal, and more places in California.
Kent, WA and Beaverton OR - lots more calls to Wa. Battleground, WA. and of course Woodburn, Or. Where in the hell is Orchards, WA. More to Orchards. These are NOT short calls - even Vancouver BC,
Bentonville, AZ and Odessa TX
Well, that took us to Jan of 2001 so Bremerton did NOT show up unless it is on one of the exchanges I listed above. It was at that time I went to unlimited long distance....and no more itemized phone bills.
Don't even ask me about my phone bill - it was more than my house payment....and months it just did not fit the budget, but I just did without other things. The basic was less than $15.00 so you guys figure it out. Blevins has absolutely nothing on me in costs and time - yet, he went out there and wrote a damn book of fiction....about someone who did not have a chance in hell of being Cooper.
Well, I just decide to get this out of the way tonight - it is now 5:11 AM ;;''''';;;; Good night;;
I am so tired I can't type and I am making no sense!
Going to bed and tired as I am will probably sleep ALL DAY LONG.
Next I will go to the journals - and it it isn't in the journals it didn't happen until 2000 plus, but it sure as hell happened before Blevins was aware of it.
Some where I have a picture of an old friend of Duane's was younger than he was and always loooked like the wore a wig - really couldn't believe all of that hair was his (he was a jumper).
Good nigh can hardly hold my eye open. Sorry about all the boring details ...but won't do it again. Takes too much our of me ....right now I could us a drink . I feel like I have been drinking. NITE!
So tired I am sitting here hitting those house and watching them flipp like dominoes.
smokin99 0
QuoteSluggo commented Nov 29, 2010
I admit that sometimes I’m not nearly as smart as I think I am. I wanted to punch a hole in your “Kenny wore a wig and the FBI was looking for Cooper based on a photo outside a wig store” theory, so I attacked the credibility of the newspaper article. What a mistake that was! I feel soooo stupid!
You see, the name William (Jack) Lewis of Seabeck, WA rang a bell with me so I went through my archives and guess what? The FBI WAS looking at a photo of a man that was taken outside a Bremerton wig store. The photo wasn’t of DB Cooper, but a participant in a fraud where someone claimed to know who DB was. William John Lewis and Donald Sylvester Murphy were arrested and convicted for the fraud.
Stop now and read the articles below.
You may remember some of this from the so called FOIA material on the FBI website.
Notice this quote from the Centralia Daily Chronicle article:
"Murphy dressed like an artist sketch of Cooper, using a wig and glasses, to be photographed by Lewis....."
So, I guess the FBI knew what it was doing AND there is still no (credible) evidence that Cooper wore a wig.
What was it that lady said about Kenny's wig again, and why is that important?
Oh yeah [whispering]... I don't think I'd use that Sun article in my book... it could have an adverse effect on your credibility.
here is the article (see below)
lol...I completely forgot that the bald discussion led to the reporter scam with William John (aka Jack) Lewis.
I keep saying one day I'm going to index this case so when stuff comes up that looks familiar i can quickly pull it up like I do with some of my genealogy projects.
So much to keep up with and so little time

Re the search function. It is a good search. The only tedious thing is you have to go into each entry to see its relevance to the search term - just takes time. Would be cool if the results page showed a line or two with the search term as opposed to just the subject line.
lol...would also be cool if I had a mouse but my USB ports died.

Oh well - it's a rainy Sunday
smokin99 0
QuoteQuoteWell, you have to check out every lead you can.
Three witnesses testified that Kenny C owned a toupee. Two of them said they were sure he never wore it again after the date of the hijacking. The third was not sure. Sounds like the Sun article is unrelated to all of that.
On a different note, we have contact from Bill Rattie. If Cooper experts have any questions, feel free to submit them. I'm going to do a recorded interview with him over the coming week. None of the questions will have anything to do with KC, but with Rattie's involvement in the search by the Army. Since I only know the basics, or what I heard from a few locals at Ariel, smart questions would be appreciated.
Try not to make them tooooo long. If you have a long question, please split it up into more than one question. I will copy/print all questions and put them into the interview.
LOL....I wouldn't touch that with a ten foot pole.
Last time I suggested some questions (based on his own comments) you got kind of testy.

I wonder if there is any movement on Mr Rattie joining us here? He can tell us his experiences on his own. That would be very informative.
smokin99 0
QuoteEveryone gets a little testy around here sometimes. I have two questions already submitted privately. Smart ones, they look like.
Maybe so..
Hopefully, you will get many questions. Hope they are all smart. Hope you do the interview and that it goes well.
Did you ever do that interview with the co-pilot you asked for questions on? Did you ever post that? Just curious. I don't remember seeing it but I readily admit that I skim some posts due to the tendency for repeats.
georger 247
QuoteQuoteEveryone gets a little testy around here sometimes. I have two questions already submitted privately. Smart ones, they look like.
Maybe so..
Hopefully, you will get many questions. Hope they are all smart. Hope you do the interview and that it goes well.
If he doesnt fuck everything up as he always does,
and drive Rattie off in the meantime.
Im going back to the wig/bald/Bremerton story and
try and figure this latest mess Blevins has created,
Like you Smokin99, Ive been slow to put things
together here and put this all together ... and I may
have not full understood the full meaning of what
Sluggo was saying re- the Bremerton newspaper
I think what Blevins/Gayla/Nedler may have done
here (and Blevins did say WE at Adventure Books) -
is create one more 'strawman', taken something out
of context and tried to apply it - just like Blevins has
done since he joined this forum with the Dan Cooper
comic - claiming its one thing when its another,
leaving this board in total chaos .... then coming
back with 900 comebacks saying I NEVER SAID
THAT ... and now as soon as we figure this out he
will come back one more time to say: I NEVER SAID
Did he actually SEND his package of crap to major
news media and the FBI? Anyone see him do it!?
Or is he making that up too, and sitting waiting for
researchers here to clear things up (for him!), then
he will decide maybe: I NEED TO DO A REVISION.
No wonder Blevins is referred to in certain quarters as: "the lunatic" and "the manipulator"

georger 247
lol...I completely forgot that the bald discussion led to the reporter scam with William John (aka Jack) Lewis.
Well you're not alone!
You cant keep track of anything in this hell-hole for
all of the bullshit that certain people post.
Everyone that matters knows where to go in case it becomes necessary -
#1: Blevins' claim that he found the Bremerton
article FIRSTEST AND MOSTEST - is plain false.
We have already proven that. Looks like it was Snow
who brought it here from the other thread maybe in
Jun of 08. Blevins wasnt even here!
#2: It was Sluggo, I think in 010, who connected the
Bremerton article to the Lewis-Murphy scam because
as he says, he remembered the name Lewis .... and
if I finally understand the drift of Sluggo's words,
Sluggo is telling Blevins NOT to use that article as
evidence that the FBI had ever thought or said that
Cooper was bald; not to the Bremerton reporter or
anyone else.
My problem in all of this was that I had not
connected the dots like Sluggo had .. from the Lewis
Murphy scam to the Bremerton article. Lewis and
Murphy were from the Bremerton area. The
Bremerton reporter had no idea what was going on
when suddenly the FBI is photographing some guy
in front of a Bremerton wig shop! But, it had nothing
to do with the FBI thinking COOPER HAD BEEN BALD -
as our esteemed colleague RobertMBlevins, claims!
It had to do with the FBi getting ready to charge
Lewis & Murphy for their wig and Cooper twenties
currency hoax they sucked journalist Fleming into!
#3: Now Blevins sends the Bremerton article off to
news media and the FBI sticking it to the FBI claim-
ing the FBI 'itself' once said "Cooper was bald",
when in fact they never did!
This is what Sluggo is referring to when he chides
Blevins saying, quote: " Oh yeah [whispering]... I
don't think I'd use that Sun article in my book... it
could have an adverse effect on your credibility."
#4: Blevins will come back here after his game and
say: I NEVER SAID THAT! Well frankly at this point,
who cares?
#5. Having received their package from "the lunatic"
the FBI are going to look at it and ask: 'WTF is
this!?' They may not even bother to reply ... which
should leave Blevins/Adventire Books Staff more
time for watching football games, repairing their old
Subaru's, and polishing their 'tude. (Blevins-speak).
What have I left out? (That I am idiot for being in
this at all?)
ps- sources and links ready if needed.
Bottom line: The FBI never said "Cooper was bald".
Only the Bremerton Sun reporter said that. And the
reason he said it was he didnt know what was going
on with the FBI photographing some guy in front of
a Bremerton wig shop! The Bremerton Sun guy
might as well have written: "Aliens with Wigs Invade
ps: #6: What is increasingly obvious, as I have
sensed before here at Dropzone, the socalled
RobertMBlevins is in fact three if not four people at
Adventure Books, Prociv, some guy named Nedler,
Blevins, and some fourth person Blevins has
referenced before but not named ... because in
reference to THEIR submission to news media and
the FBI, Blevins says "we talked it over ...".
I guess what Blevins is saying is that Adveture
Books of Seattle has gone public and challenged the
FBI and submitted material as a 'business' to major
news media. And have an account here at Dropzone
under the name: "RobertMBlevins" ?
With the full weight & authority thereof.
With an old Bremerton Sun article that says: Cooper
was BALD!

Jesus wept! Adventure Books of Seattle is on a roll.

mrshutter45 21
PM Friend
United States
In sport
Jan 3, 2013, 12:24 AM
Post #39592 of 39689 (348 views)
Registered: Aug 1, 2010
Posts: 2687
"I had a meeting today with Gayla and Greg, and another member of the AB staff via webcam. The topic was whether or not we should release a public version of the 16-page report we sent to the Seattle FBI last month on Christiansen. The decision was to release it. Two reasons. First, most of you have already seen the information contained in it. Second, we think it will do no harm to release the available evidence on Kenny in a more comprehensive format. "
georger 247
Public version?
Sent last month?
How many versions-of-versions-of-versions does
Blevins/AB Books have?
How many shekels does it take to equal a dollar
in Blevins-speak-math?
"Im only interested in the TRUTH!" (RobertMBlevins
-AB Books)
Multiple versions = multiple deniability.
Multiple versions = "I never said that".
He, or whoever is posting here, doesn;t mention
Porteous or Geoff Gray being part of this?
Maybe Snowmman or Farflung have it sorted out -
No hit singles yet however! Has Belvnis left the
Or, are we just processing one repeat SPAM
that keeps reposting itself here at Dropzone?
The delusion may be ours!
mrshutter45 21
QuoteThe topic was whether or not we should release a public version of the 16-page report we sent to the Seattle FBI last month on Christiansen. . "
Public version?
Sent last month?
How many versions-of-versions-of-versions does
Blevins/AB Books have?
How many shekels does it take to equal a dollar
in Blevins-speak-math?
"Im only interested in the TRUTH!" (RobertMBlevins
-AB Books)
Multiple versions = multiple deniability.
Multiple versions = "I never said that".
He, or whoever is posting here, doesn;t mention
Porteous or Geoff Gray being part of this?
Maybe Snowmman or Farflung have it sorted out -
No hit singles yet however! Has Belvnis left the
Or, are we just processing one repeat SPAM
that keeps reposting itself here at Dropzone?
The delusion may be ours!
I didn't read it, but sounds to me he just made a carbon copy of what he has been saying on here? either way, still have a balled guy trying to be Cooper, no sale here.....

Kenny ever have sideburns????
georger 247
QuoteIf I wasn't interested in the truth, I wouldn't have asked questions about the Bremerton Sun article. I see you didn't make the connection until recently either...that the article was actually related to the attempted scam. Thank you to everyone who set me straight on that. Now we have the truth on it.
Angelic my ass!
You used it to claim the FBI has said Cooper was
"The manipulator".
I never could find any reference, in spite of your claim, to the FBI ever saying Cooper was bald.
Now once again you say: I NEVER SAID THAT!
Well yes you did, Mr. Obvious.
Wipe your own ass from now on, Sham Wow Blevins/
AB Books...
You have no credibility anywhere except as a con
What Blevs around ~ Blevs around!
You should write at Newsvine and for AB Books!
BTW: I will have my secretary find Rattie on Monday
and if available I will talk to him personally. I will
explain to Mr. Rattie the Blevins-Effect.
The issue as I understand the history, was 'makeup'
and possible 'wig' .... not BALD! Just as I have
outlined the history of discussion as I know or could
find it, tonight.
Having read many files, Gray or Tom may know
more than any of us - ?
Who said what, exactly? Nobody knows. It seems to
have been a one-time comment because nobody
that I know has ever found any other articles
quoting other agents, to back the Bremerton article
up with.
On the other hand, its true that agents were chasing down all kinds of leads - literally.
Maybe Gray's discoveryof 'marcelled hair' fits in with
wig, or bald?
Maybe the FBI's suspect list contained a high
percentage of bald men?
Queen Elizabeth was bald!
Sluggo commented Nov 29, 2010
I admit that sometimes I’m not nearly as smart as I think I am. I wanted to punch a hole in your “Kenny wore a wig and the FBI was looking for Cooper based on a photo outside a wig store” theory, so I attacked the credibility of the newspaper article. What a mistake that was! I feel soooo stupid!
You see, the name William (Jack) Lewis of Seabeck, WA rang a bell with me so I went through my archives and guess what? The FBI WAS looking at a photo of a man that was taken outside a Bremerton wig store. The photo wasn’t of DB Cooper, but a participant in a fraud where someone claimed to know who DB was. William John Lewis and Donald Sylvester Murphy were arrested and convicted for the fraud.
Stop now and read the articles below.
You may remember some of this from the so called FOIA material on the FBI website.
Notice this quote from the Centralia Daily Chronicle article:
"Murphy dressed like an artist sketch of Cooper, using a wig and glasses, to be photographed by Lewis....."
So, I guess the FBI knew what it was doing AND there is still no (credible) evidence that Cooper wore a wig.
What was it that lady said about Kenny's wig again, and why is that important?
Oh yeah [whispering]... I don't think I'd use that Sun article in my book... it could have an adverse effect on your credibility.
here is the article (see below)