georger 247 #37151 January 6, 2013 Quote Quote The topic was whether or not we should release a public version of the 16-page report we sent to the Seattle FBI last month on Christiansen. . " Public version? Sent last month? How many versions-of-versions-of-versions does Blevins/AB Books have? How many shekels does it take to equal a dollar in Blevins-speak-math? "Im only interested in the TRUTH!" (RobertMBlevins -AB Books) Multiple versions = multiple deniability. Multiple versions = "I never said that". He, or whoever is posting here, doesn;t mention Porteous or Geoff Gray being part of this? Maybe Snowmman or Farflung have it sorted out - No hit singles yet however! Has Belvnis left the building? Or, are we just processing one repeat SPAM that keeps reposting itself here at Dropzone? The delusion may be ours! I didn't read it, but sounds to me he just made a carbon copy of what he has been saying on here? either way, still have a balled guy trying to be Cooper, no sale here.....Kenny ever have sideburns???? Well my original thought reading Blevins/AB Books' pdf was: 1. did whoever wrote this ever take a writing class? 2. a class in writing professional documents for govmtl agencies? 3. did anyoneat AB Books ever finish a highschool English course? This pdf Blevins is passing around reads like something out of a GED dropout box! He, she, or it can pick their paper up on Monday, which of course they never will ... Its something an idiot would put together - and we are lunatics for paying 30 seconds attention to this tripe. Are there some new Cooper Bremerton twenties to pass around with the pdf, a wig, and some snapshots, and some future claims! And! He claims he was only seeking to understand the Bremerton article (bald Cooper) - not use it! And he calls others liars? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #37152 January 6, 2013 Quote Keywords: Quote 'I didn't read it...' Enough said. Media version attached. Still Washington 14 - Seattle 13. Tough game. It just gets better and better - ! Shove it back where it came from. You really are a comedian! On a roll . . . Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrshutter45 21 #37153 January 6, 2013 The "KC Train" is like watching a Rocky movie, Rocky 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, etc etc getting worse with every new one coming out as for writing skills, well, I'll have to take the 5th on that one To Robert PS, I still didn't read it, but thanks anyway, I'll wait for the movie "It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #37154 January 6, 2013 Quote The "KC Train" is like watching a Rocky movie, Rocky 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, etc etc getting worse with every new one coming out as for writing skills, well, I'll have to take the 5th on that one To Robert PS, I still didn't read it, but thanks anyway, I'll wait for the movie +1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrshutter45 21 #37155 January 7, 2013 Quote Quote The "KC Train" is like watching a Rocky movie, Rocky 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9, etc etc getting worse with every new one coming out as for writing skills, well, I'll have to take the 5th on that one To Robert PS, I still didn't read it, but thanks anyway, I'll wait for the movie And I will let you take the fifth on your writing skills. Hard to judge something you haven't actually seen, though, isn't it? Which makes your opinion rather moot. (*rolls eyes*) I doubt you have anything "News breaking" about KC being Cooper, roll the eye's for eternity for all I care! I'll still wait for the movie......Thank You "It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrshutter45 21 #37156 January 7, 2013 we have been reading about KC for how long now? do you have new pics? with hair, maybe sideburns? or where he was November 24, 1971? I'll pass....or I'll just wait for the FBI news brief........ "Most promising lead in 2013" "It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrshutter45 21 #37157 January 7, 2013 Quote Quote we have been reading about KC for how long now? do you have new pics? with hair, maybe sideburns? or where he was November 24, 1971? I'll pass....or I'll just wait for the FBI news brief........ "Most promising lead in 2013" If you had actually read the report, you'd know that we gave the FBI easy tools to either prove or disprove that Christiansen was involved. It isn't brain surgery. The names are there, the contact information is there, the available evidence is there. What they do with it, if anything, is up to to them. I have no control over it. agreed, but, I just don't see the point in reading what you have been preaching on here for some time now, plus why would I want to read something you yourself said the FBI will probably throw away? this is coming from the person who made these documents? I don't believe KC is Cooper, he is too short, bald, questionable eye's, I think he has to much experience in jumping, worked longer than he should have with NWO, complexion is wrong, eyebrows are wrong etc. I still don't understand why his brother Lyle said this: “There is something you should know, but I cannot tell you!” makes no sense, why bring it up? I will pass, no offense! I will use the Blevins rule.....let's move on!!!"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #37158 January 7, 2013 Quote I still don't understand why his brother Lyle said this: “There is something you should know, but I cannot tell you!” makes no sense, why bring it up? I will pass, no offense! I will use the Blevins rule.....let's move on!!! I have spoke with Lyle on more than one occasion since I knew he existed when the story first was made public by Porteous. I do not remember the details right now because I don't feel well. Lyle had seen something on TV and thought maybe his brother could have been Cooper. He did not go to the FBI, but contracted a movie producer and then the story grew out of that. Somehow Lyle's letter to the producer ended up on the desk of Porteous. Porteous puts out feelers regarding KC and before you know it Blevins was in the act. I believe Blevins may have been looking for a long time for a COOPER story to latch on to and Lyle was an easy target. The FBI had dismissed KC before Blevins was involved or shortly thereafter. Blevins was wrong in NOT doing his research the way it should have been done. He used up a lot of valuable time and space on this thread - basically promoting his book. Anyone can have theories or ideas - but, Blevins was NOT here for the purpose of research. It was evident from the beginning he was here to sell KC and his book. I have been here to learn and I have learned a lot. It took you guys a long time to nail Blevins. Do not use this post to attack me - I have had enough of that over the yrs. Through out all of my search it aways takes me back to WA and why the FBI ignored or did NOT make Duane's history in WA/ID/OR available to me? Why did they not give any history for Weber under his AK of John Collins? A simple letter dismissing Duane because of fingerprints was NOT adequate and it still is not adequate. I am NOT selling a BOOK nor am I doing a MOVIE - just looking for the answers. I am posting a pic you guys might find interesting - not sure I ever posted it before. Shoveling snow in 1980 in Colorado. Was studying some old pics trying to find one that showed that little odd dip in Duane's hairline - the one Florence try to describe and the one the TV artist put that hugh widows peak on with a balding effect. The witness gave up trying to tell the FBI anything about Cooper - it was as useless as my stories have been. No ONE ever really listened. It took awhile, but they eventually moved on with their lives and left Cooper behind them....nothing any of them had to say to the FBI meant diddly squat.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrshutter45 21 #37159 January 7, 2013 just the quote itself makes no sense.... I could say the same baffling thing, "Jo I have the 50 bucks I owe you, but I can't pay you" am I missing something "It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #37160 January 7, 2013 Quote just the quote itself makes no sense.... I could say the same baffling thing, "Jo I have the 50 bucks I owe you, but I can't pay you" am I missing something Did I NOT ask in a very NICE way for you to leave me alone? YOU do NOT know the COMPLETE story of my plight. I could have done the Blevins thing, but I chose to research and research and try to find what I needed and I will continue to do that, but I do NOT need to spend my time being BLASTED by the likes of you. I did not claim a perfect stranger was Cooper. I will add things to the conversations because I have been in the middle of this now for 18 yrs - how many yrs have you been researching and seeking the truths? I occasionally will ask for help like the names that someone mentioned that Weber had used. WHY do I need this - so I can get the OFFICIAL enquiries off to all of the New Papers and legal records in each of the locations. Only working Spokane to Coure'd Alene and I will repeat this again: I believe the key to the past of Weber and his connections to Cooper lie there-in (will they prove he was Cooper - NO, but they sure will help the ODDS). Blevins was out there fabricating information and I am LOOKING for information! BIG difference! NO ONE will ever prove who Cooper was until someone reveals something out of the past could give the FBI cause to look where they never looked before. The FBI has openingly admitted they do NOT know if they have Cooper's prints or his DNA. What DNA they have is very incomplete and the prints they have NO idea who they belonged to. Maybe Cooper, maybe someone who helped build the plane or a mechanic who worked on the plan or cleaned the plane - THEY do not know whose prints they have. Cooper was VERY careful with his prints. He retrived his note and he was careful NOT to handle things. The story about a magazine - well, not one of the stews ever backed that up. NO one actually saw Cooper pickup a magazine and if he did he probably took it with him. If Cooper had a record or was at any time ever fingerprinted for any reason - he damn sure was not going to leave prints. Frankly I believe the Crew needs to re-assembled one last time and asked about what was recorded in their original interviews with the FBI and with a TV program done 10 yrs later. This should NOT be a public affair, but a private meeting with all of them present and to review previous testimony they made - NOT what the public has claimed they said. In fact it should be a RULE the interviewer could NOT ask anything outside of the actual verbage of the original in 1971. The crew will have different rules! They can asked the authorities or question the authorities about any statement the authorities claim the witness made. Each interview will be done separately and then with the crew together. Time this was done, but how does on intrude in on their privacy after all of these yrs under a microscope? This is the major problem with this case now. TOO many people think THEY know all the witnesses told the FBI and ALL of the suspects the FBI had. The files are incomplete because they are so massive....and the government is so strapped they can not hire analyst who know the case to do this. Therefore it has been dumped onto the public without access to the complete files. Easy way out - photo and copy every document in their archives and information on every suspect and the exact prodecures taken to eliminate any one suspect. This should include all communication regarding any suspect. NOTHING should be held back - NOTHING! Did Tina see Cooper putting something on his shoes? What was the last things she saw Cooper do? Neither Stew will ever forget the reaction of Cooper when the MONEY actually arrived. He was elated to the point of being Giddy. THAT is NOT the reaction of a man who ACTUALLY believed he was going to pull the crime off. He had one more problem - and we know that to be surviving the jump.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrshutter45 21 #37161 January 7, 2013 Jo, what part of this don't you understand? you put my quote addressed to me about Blevins, I simply responded with it making no sense (Lyles Quote) If you don't want me to respond, kindly take my name off when you are addressing an issue! I can't help it if truth gets in your way, look at the post again!"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #37162 January 7, 2013 Quote Jo, what part of this don't you understand? you put my quote addressed to me about Blevins, I simply responded with it making no sense (Lyles Quote) If you don't want me to respond, kindly take my name off when you are addressing an issue! I can't help it if truth gets in your way, look at the post again! Sorry, I have a hard time some days following who said what:Why I often do the She stated and he replied stuff. If this thread collapsed today - we will have accomplished one thing. Blevins was DEBUNKED! I have tried NOT to be harsh on him, but he has only been a MEDIA hound. Can anyone name ONE POSITIVE thing he has accomplished in regards to Cooper. How many stories he claimed to have been the 1st one to find to configured to meet his needs. One interview that has actually been repeated as true by those he interviewed. Maybe I was to focused on my own needs. Maybe I was to focused on Weber. Maybe all of my research had been pulled out of the air. Things just kept going on and on and he would cause posters to be put on vacation or banned and I would ask myself WHY - what did they say? Now you guys know why I come here. 1.The media creates myths or gives false impression for the sake of making the story appeal to the public. 2. Book writers are concerned about SELLING the book - not about the accuracies of their information. 3. My concensus is to many writers take too many literary liberaties - something that should never be allowed regarding crimes. 4. The talk shows - most of you have NO idea what actually goes on when it is filmed and then edited. 5. The live interviews end up arguing just as we do. 6. The DZ did create a place and a medium where we can talk and argue and debate facts and theories and fiction and any other thing we want to discuss about this crime.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #37163 January 7, 2013 Why I came to the DZ: 1.The media creates myths or gives false impression for the sake of making the story appeal to the public. 2. Book writers are concerned about SELLING the book - not about the accuracies of their information. 3. My concensus is to many writers take too many literary liberaties - something that should never be allowed regarding crimes. 4. The talk shows - most of you have NO idea what actually goes on when it is filmed and then edited. 5. The live interviews end up arguing just as we do. 6. The DZ did create a place and a medium where we can talk and argue and debate facts and theories and fiction and any other thing we want to discuss about this crime. Every time the thread moved in the direction of progress on a subject - Blevins would come back promoting his book. Blevins was unaware of the thread when he started the book. In the beginning we tried to help because he had the essential facts so screwed up it was horrific. Then he does not acknowledge the DZ in his book - do you know why? I would like to see more of what Georger has to say and MeyerLouie - knowledgeable but not a know it all and seem to be able to separate fiction from reality. His posts were inquistive, intelligent and reasonable - but, Blevins would NOT let him carry on any conversation without breaking. Finally MeyerLouie got tire of it and confronted him. Poof he was gone. Perhaps I will go POOF after this post. Blevins would put up his road blocks every time anyone came forward with knowledge of the crime and who resided in the N.W. Am I the only one who caught this?Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BobKnoss 0 #37164 January 7, 2013 Finally MeyerLouie got tire of it and confronted him. Poof he was gone. Perhaps I will go POOF after this post. Blevins would put up his road blocks every time anyone came forward with knowledge of the crime and who resided in the N.W. Am I the only one who caught this? ________________________________________________ NO. I told you so, I told you so, I told you so! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #37165 January 7, 2013 Quote Quote we have been reading about KC for how long now? do you have new pics? with hair, maybe sideburns? or where he was November 24, 1971? I'll pass....or I'll just wait for the FBI news brief........ "Most promising lead in 2013" If you had actually read the report, you'd know that we gave the FBI easy tools to either prove or disprove that Christiansen was involved. It isn't brain surgery. The names are there, the contact information is there, the available evidence is there. What they do with it, if anything, is up to to them. I have no control over it. Final score: Seahawks 24 - Redskins 10. (Psst...Atlanta...we're coming to YOUR town next weekend. Final score: Blevins 0 - FBI 10 trillion! Rigged game. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #37166 January 7, 2013 Quote Why I came to the DZ: 1.The media creates myths or gives false impression for the sake of making the story appeal to the public. 2. Book writers are concerned about SELLING the book - not about the accuracies of their information. 3. My concensus is to many writers take too many literary liberaties - something that should never be allowed regarding crimes. 4. The talk shows - most of you have NO idea what actually goes on when it is filmed and then edited. 5. The live interviews end up arguing just as we do. 6. The DZ did create a place and a medium where we can talk and argue and debate facts and theories and fiction and any other thing we want to discuss about this crime. Every time the thread moved in the direction of progress on a subject - Blevins would come back promoting his book. Blevins was unaware of the thread when he started the book. In the beginning we tried to help because he had the essential facts so screwed up it was horrific. Then he does not acknowledge the DZ in his book - do you know why? I would like to see more of what Georger has to say and MeyerLouie - knowledgeable but not a know it all and seem to be able to separate fiction from reality. His posts were inquistive, intelligent and reasonable - but, Blevins would NOT let him carry on any conversation without breaking. Finally MeyerLouie got tire of it and confronted him. Poof he was gone. Perhaps I will go POOF after this post. Blevins would put up his road blocks every time anyone came forward with knowledge of the crime and who resided in the N.W. Am I the only one who caught this? Well, ... we have to settle for small victories here. The Bremerton info is NEW, once Smokin, Shutter, Sluggo etal put it together. Its something I had never thought about before, and I missed the force of Sluggo's early post about it entirely. I knew Sluggo had something in mind .. but I missed where it was headed. Who would have ever 'thunk it' that someone would jump saying: "The FBI said Cooper was bald" ?! Blev, or should I say AB Books, is showing their hand more and more. Blev comes here asking for advice on whether to send the FBI his document or not, chides me multiple times challenging me to look at it?, ... then turns out he/AB Books sent it to the FBI a month ago! Screw us. Itty bitty white lie. Now Blev has sole possession of Mr. Rattie's info! Rattie hasnt replied to anyone else. Or, maybe Blev is lying about Rattie reply to him? Who knows. Ashes to ashes. Sham Wow semper fidelus. Three cheers for Sham Wow. Maybe he will be pissing and moaning tomorrow. It isnt personal! America wants to know. Is there anybody in there? Bama 200 - Fr McIrish 0. - Blevins 49 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #37167 January 7, 2013 1. Waipahu 94-1453 waipio uka st. William Rattie 808-638-2883 If you are like me and do not do FACE Bk 2. Waipahu ... William Rattie, 808-638-2883. 559........ 96706 Ewa Beach Hawaii IT is public knowledge. No guarantee he is still there or still alive. But GO for it. Perhaps all I know is the article, but I was under the impression I had seen more than what was in this thread about Rattie. I know I shared with my old broker what I was working on and he also claimed to be there and maybe this is when I first heard of the Rattie story....before we ever heard the story here. I know that at one time I received a huge amount of emails from a man who lived in HI - with his wife and this huge farm which got wiped out and then they rebuilt. If this man turns out to be Rattie than I have talked to him about a lot more than the Cooper search. I have NO other idea why I would have been communicating with a man in HI other than Cooper related. If this is the same Rattie ask him about Phillip S. It could be Phil put me intouch with the man - this was trivial stuff I put away in my mind because it had no bearing on Weber...he also told the shoe story. All that is required of me is to be able to go to the store, balance my check book, cook simple meals, keep my home reasonable clean, wash, iron, get to the Dr.s office and the drugstore and keep up with Cooper. Unrelated Cooper trivia my mind ditches.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Farflung 0 #37168 January 7, 2013 RobertMBlevins sneers: “Hello...he has a Facebook page.” Oh does he? Well there’s all the proof you need to show he’s alive! RobertMBlevins goes on to bite his own ass by closing with: “Some of you are just downright funny sometimes. It's like you're living in 1994 with the internet. No kidding.” Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #37169 January 7, 2013 Didn't ask you to look at at, since I hadn't RELEASED it at Dropzone yet, right? I asked if you thought it was a good idea to release a public version here, ---------------------------------------------------- "I asked Georger his advice on it three times, without a reponse. so I got together with the AB staff and we decided to release it. No big deal. Most of the people who post here have already seen the information anyway. " -----------------------------------------------------. Stop yanking people's chains. How is anyone supposed to give advice on something they havent even seen ? Well now Ive seen this piece of trash you posted here. Its amateurish in the extreme - just like everything else you've ever had a hand in that Ive seen and read. Recommendation: This person might work well in a controlled environment where supervision is direct - Service industry - Housecleaning, Hotel-Motel. Low level maintenance with direct supervision and long term training. Dot code: 529.684-018 asmbp. Funding: None recommended. Follow up: Normal verification of medications. Prognosis for Success: 20% depending on resources he can extract from support systems. Keep file active - he will be back 1wks to 6 mos. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #37170 January 7, 2013 Quote Farflung Quote RobertMBlevins sneers: No kidding.” Well, I've always been known to give as good as I get. That's just the way I am. We must have missed it ! zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz' zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz' Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #37171 January 7, 2013 Quote Quote Didn't ask you to look at at, since I hadn't RELEASED it at Dropzone yet, right? I asked if you thought it was a good idea to release a public version here, ---------------------------------------------------- "I asked Georger his advice on it three times, without a reponse. so I got together with the AB staff and we decided to release it. No big deal. Most of the people who post here have already seen the information anyway. " ----------------------------------------------------- Stop yanking people's chains. How is anyone supposed to give advice on something they havent even seen ? Well now Ive seen this piece of trash you posted here. Its amateurish in the extreme - just like everything else you've ever had a hand in that Ive seen and read. Recommendation: This person might work well in a controlled environment where supervision is direct - Service industry - Housecleaning, Hotel-Motel. Low level maintenance with direct supervision and long term training. Dot code: 529.684-018 asmbp. Funding: None recommended. Follow up: Normal verification of medications. Prognosis for Success: 20% depending on resources he can extract from support systems. Recommendation: You lay off the bold function when you get angry or frustrated. Damn. No funding? That's a bummer. The bolding was yours. I dont even know HOW to use the bells and whistles Strange how you always blame others for your error - along with a lack of shame and ethics on your part. Your truth has the fastest half-life on record.And now you've cut tail and run away - again! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Farflung 0 #37172 January 7, 2013 “Anything that can be confused about DB Cooper, will involve RobertMBlevins.” Here’s a picture of the Cooper imposter named Donald Murphy, who managed to ‘scam’ a more than willing, or at least infinitely gullible Karl Fleming. I can’t believe this odd footnote managed to cause such discourse. There are more articles which clearly stated that the man the FBI was looking for, in front of the wig shop, had a full head, of long hair. He was looking for a disguise and I frankly don’t understand how someone bald, would be given greater weight, except for some raging desire to match a bald guy to this ‘suspect’. Blind data mining at its best. Fleming, along with a couple cameramen, and his backer were involved in this ‘plan’, where an ad was placed in some Seattle area papers soliciting Cooper for an interview. Can you imagine the luck when his intermediary called Fleming? I know, so amazing. Adding to the boner filling intrigue was a Xerox copy of three of Cooper’s twenties. Apparently the FBI compared the Xerox to an image of the genuine twenty, and the serial numbers matched, but didn’t line up. End game for Mr. Murphy. Fleming said ‘he’ wouldn’t turn in Murphy, but that didn’t mean the lawyer for his book deal wouldn’t. Apparently someone sent a tip (not Fleming) to the FBI and someone else (could have been Fleming), was in contact with two reporters from the vaunted Bremerton Sun paper. They were given just enough information to make poor connections and assumptions, all the way through the FBI discovering it all was a hoax. Gosh, then the Sun must have forgotten to publish how they blew it. Just a simple oversight, I’m sure. Now Fleming is stuck knowing that Murphy was absolutely not DB Cooper, but that didn’t stop him from publishing a series of articles about his misadventure in a new magazine named ‘LA’. The crap really hit the fan when Fleming’s financial backer was served a summons to appear in court about the hoax, which was apparently the first he had heard of all this garbage. The backer kills the funding, the ‘LA’ magazine folds and Fleming is left a disgraced man for believing such a fable and broadcasting it to his audience. Strange how it eerily sounds so familiar, except for the lack of shame and ethics, which are clearly now extinct. Oh well. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #37173 January 7, 2013 Good summary Farflung. Clever scam, amateurish execution. I was surprised that a seasoned journalist was so gullible. The investigatve journalists I've known are pretty street smart and sceptical. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #37174 January 7, 2013 QuoteGood summary Farflung. Clever scam, amateurish execution. I was surprised that a seasoned journalist was so gullible. The investigatve journalists I've known are pretty street smart and sceptical. 377 Does that include RobertMBlevins ? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Farflung 0 #37175 January 7, 2013 RobertMBlevins states with typical RobertMBlevins certainty: “3) No one here at DZ said anything about it being linked to the attempted scam, even after I mentioned it several times...until now.” Is that right? Well thank goodness you are around to lay claim to being the first to find a UPI or AP article about Cooper being BALD since no one else on the good Earth had read any of them. You truly are a self proclaimed legend in your own mind. I just for the life of me, can’t imagine why you are such a venom magnet. No I truly, truly can’t think of a single, solitary reason why RobertMBlevins is the constant recipient of cyber neurotoxins. It’s pure injustice and anyone who makes such a delivery is at fault, where’s the justice, I’ll scream from every hilltop, valley and placid lake. My god, how has this gone on for so long? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites