Gray is coming to the 2013 Symposium in Tacoma, WA. I guess that means he still cares.
Porteous is selling his business and retiring to Northern California. When he arrives, I'm driving down to his place for a few days to meet him and his lady. Never actually met the guy in person.
I have communicated with BOTH of them and got different answers! Who is playing WHO?
Porteous is NOT going to CA per an email I received from him regarding an enquire I made of him. If you actually talk to him why don't you tell the thread WHAT I asked HIM? And what was his reply to me?
As for Gray - I haven't spoke to him in awhile. If theidentity of Cooper is known - there won't be a need for a symposium!
When one reduces themselves to OUT and OUT lies - that is bottom-feeding. (I like Georger's word for you). I do not expect you have spoke to either Porteous or Gray in sometime now. They would probably turn and walk the other way if they ran into you! I know I would!
smokin99 0
QuoteQuoteSmokin99 says this:
***'Actually the one I thought would be problematic was the one where Geoff Nelder reviewed Into the Blast and he's also listed as the editor...'
Wrong. Nelder has NOT reviewed Blast. I did check the reviews for both editions just now, Kindle and paperback.
That is a flat-out lie. And you need to go and look for yourself before you say that stuff.
You know what Blevins - I don't lie or make false claims, I attached the frickin post and you just didn't read it.
SO I will attach it again - and you need to read this one before calling me a liar.
Here's the post and it's attachment #2. Just like I posted on the previous page.
http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?post=4062492#4062492but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill
smokin99 0
QuoteI did take exception to Smokin99's false claim that Geoff Nelder reviewed Into The Blast. That's ridiculous.
And actually, with all due respect - i take exception to your calling me a liar. I'm just posting what's been posted before. You sir should read before you post.
http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?post=4062492#4062492 See attachment #2
You know what Blevins - I don't lie or make false claims, I attached the frickin post and you just didn't read it.
SO I will attach it again - and you need to read this one before calling me a liar.
Here's the post and it's attachment #2. Just like I posted on the previous page.
Bully for you Smoking 99 and now I will copy a post here I started and then lost the connection. It is time for Blevins to move on and let the real Cooper sleuths do their job!
Either Porteous lied to me or Blevins is lieing. Porteous had NO reason to lie to me and CA is a very expensive place to live! Either that or Porteous wants to disappear? Maybe Porteous has a REAL movie deal and it has nothing to do with Blevins. You Think?
smokin99 0
QuoteSmokin99: I don't care about your link. I already checked the Kindle and paperback reviews for Blast at Amazon.
This is how many were done by Geoff Nelder: Z-E-R-O.
Links to both editions at Amazon are already posted above.
Then he must have removed the darn thing at some point. Good for him. But the fact stands that, according to the attachment on the post i linked to which is a SCREENSHOT of the review, He DID REVIEW THE BOOK.
Check the post I linked to. The attachment clearly looks like a review by Geoff Nelder for into the Blast Revised Version.
You might not care about my link but that's what this whole conversation was based on -
I don't lie and "you can't take the truth". I think that's a direct quote from Mr. Nicholson.

You think someone photo shopped this whole Amazon page. Looks legit to me. (With added pics and editing by Farf, of course) But the review itself looks legit.
Why not just ask him if he ever did a review and then removed it? Then you can apologize for calling me a liar.

No one even wants to come here to discuss Cooper anymore because all we hear is YOUR BOOK! What do you think is going to happen to that book when the REAL Cooper is announce or do you think that is never ever going to happen? I would NOT bank on that!
Do You know how long certain files the federal government keeps can be obscured? Answer that question to keep your mind occupied!
DO one thing useful for a change. Think about how NO ONE knew who Cooper was? Think about why NO one missed Cooper? You are so LOST in your book - you have lost track of the REAL world.
You can't even keep the facts of the case straight. The thread helped you and what do we get in return? You can't even keep your own words straight!
HOW did Cooper pull this off and get away? Don't assume he died!
Assume he survived - HOW could one person do this and keep the secret and NO one ever know? How did he hide all the details and remove himself from the crime? You never explored any of this regarding Christiansen because if you did you would be making it up....You have NOT one piece of evidence and you never will have.
You can NOT use what you co-erced from his family. Every thing you did was with a purpose and that purpose was NOT to find out who Cooper was, but to promote into the minds of living persons a suggestion you wanted to play-out in their minds. You are guilty of ELDER abuse in my eyes. Each time you questioned someone you led them - it is evident from all of the things you have told this thread!
I know how suceptible older people are to the power of suggestion - I have seen it used by family members and by authorities and professionals. Even YOU admitted to doing some work along this line. You went to see those individual with a purpose and knew Porteous was already walking away.
You have offered nothing new because you have nothing new to offer. You never explored the possibilities. PLEASE DO NOT ANSWER WITH YOUR CANNED EXPRESSION! Everyone is so sick of hearing you repeat and repeat and repeat. DO you not have any thoughts other than the same old same old.
YOU have nothing - not one iota to offer this case! IF you REPEAT another line of that book to answer a question I will SCREAM so loud you will hear it in WA.
Do ONE thing ORIGINAL - otherwise you are just MR. REPEAT REPEAT! I asked you real nice earlier to back down before the thread closes down.
SEEMS like you are pushing to have the THREAD closed. ALL it takes is the right word from certain individuals - and the thread is CLOSED! WE are ALL so sick and TIRED of dealing with your CHILDISH & SELFISH behavior! GROW-UP!
Folks I have had it up to my eyeballs with this. It just take a few loose bolts and there will be NO Cooper Vehicle available in a forum that suits the purpose of people who are looking for actual exploration on this case.
I AM NOT BEING KIND, but I am TRIED of you and BORED with the repetition. Folks - I truely hope I have NOT bored you with the story about Duane as much as I am bored with Blevins constant promotion of his book.
Farflung 0
Nelder (or his imposter for the apologists) submitted a FIVE star review which was removed only AFTER a disinterested citizen (Brent Butler) pointed out this unethical act. Now let the revisionists move in and explain how the moon landing was faked, the Holocaust never happened and whatever is attached to some Aunt Sally, some sweet Nancy wants to toss through the door.
smokin99 0
QuoteQuoteQuoteQuoteSmokin99: I don't care about your link. I already checked the Kindle and paperback reviews for Blast at Amazon.
This is how many were done by Geoff Nelder: Z-E-R-O.
Links to both editions at Amazon are already posted above.
Then he must have removed the darn thing at some point. Good for him. But the fact stands that, according to the attachment on the post i linked to which is a SCREENSHOT of the review, He DID REVIEW THE BOOK.
Check the post I linked to. The attachment clearly looks like a review by Geoff Nelder for into the Blast Revised Version.
You might not care about my link but that's what this whole conversation was based on -
I don't lie and "you can't take the truth". I think that's a direct quote from Mr. Nicholson.![]()
Fine. You didn't lie. You made a mistake. Mine are many, and some are legend. Did you go to Amazon and check for yourself?
Blevins I'm gonna say this one time and then I'm through with you. I attached a screenshot of a review that Geoff Nelder did for into the Blast - revised version in 2011. Now it is very possible that he has removed that review, but the attachment is a screenshot of a review that he did. I didn't go to Amazon because that wasn't the conversation. The conversation was that you said you had never been told that folks at AB were reviewing their own books and I said that you were told. I proved it by looking up the old posts. That's it.
Now apparently, and maybe because of those old posts, Geoff Nelder removed his review. Great - I don't blame him - it looks unprofessional to review a book that you edited.
Be that as it may - I think the screenshot showing a review by Geoff Nelder is legit. Unless you can prove otherwise, that the screenshot is not legit, then I stand by my post and regardless, I stand by the fact that I did not lie nor make a mistake.
Farflung 0
Consciousness of shame and self loathing, manifesting in false outrage, which will fade into something trivial or inconsequential once it is obvious, to the most casual of observer that there is no escape.
( just over 6 yrs).
Blevins came to the thread in Aug
2010 and now has 2724 posts.
(less that 2 1/2 yrs).
Blevins came here to PROMOTE.
Jo came here to EXPLORE and guys we did a LOT of that...now we are bogged down and there is NO escape from Commercials.
TV - Not many good programs
Commercials - to loud
Books - getting too hard to read
Travel - takes lots of money
Movies - too loud
Bingo - ughh!
Cards - hate them
Chatrooms - boring
Garden club - too uppity
Gym - wish I could
Walk - wish I could
Clean house - nahh
Cook - only if I have too
Adult classes - At night /too far
Write a bk - nahhh
Excuses - Wish I didn't them
Research - THERE is some more of that I could do - but need to get to WA and travel and go to archives - need more than I have. What I have is too little too late. After 65 yrs some records just go POOF! Mold, mildew, papermites, water, heat and all of the same things that caused the money to deteriorate.
I have to depend on other people to know what I am looking for - I can't project a memory into their minds or a memory trigger.
The 2010 trip triggered things I thought I would not recall, but I was driving and going at my own pace and I was alone as I chose to be and it worked. Just did not have the money to stay longer. I had not been able to project what my mind saw only one time in my life into the minds of other.
I was the one who lived my life with a man who claimed he was Dan Cooper - no one else did. I was the one who needed to see the memories again and I did.
I have one last expensive thing I have to do and be well enough to do it. I have to go back to WA even if it is just to scatter Duane's remains in the places he took me and remember one more time the things he told me...and then I will say GOODBYE!
I do want to make it to Spokane and that high road all the way to Coure D Alene. I want to go back and see the things he told me about - I need to finish this.
I WISH for somethings I know I WILL never have and to do what I know I can never do - but, I can still WISH! AND I never GIVE UP HOPE and I realize I am on AUTOMATIC IGNORE by all who are here.
I just say what I have to say while I still can.
Farflung 0
YOU better make that RIGHT, no not RIGHT; because you can’t un-ring that bell, but make it better than you have managed to craft thus far as some detached Troglodyte.
Smokin99 had NEVER given anyone grief, nor has she lied, nor has she stirred the shit with some brain dead drive by comment with zero value. APOLOGIZE NOW.
I notice how you and your ilk are awfully sensitive when you feel the slightest violation, you owe smokin99 that at an immediate minimum.
Full disclosure: I really like and respect her opinion and a few other things, most of which I’m sure she can live without. She has been a RARE example of continuous patience and class. Something I don’t do so good at, but don’t try to deflect or project. Well, they say people get the government they deserve, it’s obvious by the conduct on here, that forums get the members they deserve too.
That took courage and ethics and no shame/brains.
You have the wrong person, Marilyn.
Go slap some other "slapped down red haired
stepchild" .... Mr. Heroic Truth-teller Blevins.
Try your bottom-feeding tactical shit on someone
else -