skyjack71 0 #37276 January 10, 2013 Jo Stated: Note how the glasses and angle change the appearance of the nose. The witnesses saw Duane sitting - NOT standing. They saw the demeanor in his face and this --------------------------- Robert 99 Stated: Jo, Contrary to your statement, a number of witnesses saw Cooper standing for a lengthy period of time. Robert99 ------------------------------ Jo Enquired with THIS QUESTION: WHO and AT WHAT period of time. The ticket agent and the waiting area to the plane do NOT count because NO one KNEW what was going to happen. Supposedly Weber went to the bathroom and the witness who purportly saw him coming out and what he was carrying and the way the was carrying it was Alice. This was only per a writer and I have NOT see any OFFICIAL FBI documents in regard to this. It was not stated if he was standing or sitting when he handed the NOTE to Florence. Quote any official DOCUMENTS you have regarding this. ---------------------------------- "Jo's question was very logical and asking for more facts IF Robert99 has those facts". Robert 99 chose too claim she was getting more silly with ever passing day! "Jo was ASKING WHERE in the OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS per the FBI interviews - WHERE DOES IT STATE that Cooper was STANDING. WHO saw HIM STANDING. Yet, Robert99 RIDICULED her for asking an honest and direct question!" ROBERT99 went on to ask JO where the official document is stating Duane ever told her he was Cooper or that the Skyjacking ever happened. The above is typical of the mentality of some of those who claim to be astute and have access to FBI file. These individuals have NOTHING other than a desire to see that the crime is NEVER resolved or for their own twisted reason. State a good reason WHY Robert99 would answer her question with the very tactics used by the authorities to conceal the evidence of the incident in Nov of 1971. ------------------------------------ Answer: "He either is a phoney or he is working with others to make sure Jo's Story is never heard by the general public and you need to ask yourselves - WHY? Why answer her honest Question with Accusations intended to demean her?" Right - is was a simple question I asked and all it required was a simple and forthright answer. I did NOT need to be BASHED. Have YOU been reading my postings AT ALL. Do you not realize that I am putting this down in the very near future. I have NOT the health to continue to reply to "silly and obtuse" answers to an honest question. If I didn't NEED to know I would not have asked the question.Jerks like you Robert99 make me cry and I don't need that - NOT right now! I asked a very very sincere question yet you answered like a jerk and not a scholar or a gentleman who would like to find the answers to the case. There is NO need to attack anyone for asking a question. Especially when the person being asked the question seems in the past to know all of the answers, yet he chose to ridicule me with his answer. HOW CRUEL! HOW VERY VERY CRUEL! .Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrshutter45 21 #37277 January 10, 2013 Jo, nobody is stopping anyone from the "General Public" I'm sure you could call any news station and speak your story.... even though this is considered a public form only a small percentage actually know this thread is here...."It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #37278 January 10, 2013 QuoteJo, nobody is stopping anyone from the "General Public" I'm sure you could call any news station and speak your story.... even though this is considered a public form only a small percentage actually know this thread is here.... Absurd what you just said. I am not interested in taking my story anywhere and I know there are ways to do so - I choose NOT to do so....been there done that. What I was trying to say: The way Robert99 treated MY Question would deter ANYONE from approaching the FBI about a suspect! His ANSWER is typical of FBI tactics! At least the FBI I have had the displeasure to speak with on the phone. The only one who acted like he cared was the 1st Agent who came to my home to see what I had called the FBI about. They are polite, but condescending and usually you get a mouthpiece who KNOWS LITTLE about the case or the subject the caller has presented. Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrshutter45 21 #37279 January 10, 2013 how is it "absurd" Jo? "working with others to make sure Jo's Story is never heard by the general public" exactly why I said it would be simple to make your story public. (again) you keep saying you want to keep on the track with Cooper on here, but the second someone disagree's with you, you start name calling and thenthe paranoia pops up?"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #37280 January 10, 2013 WHERE in the FBI FILES does it state anything about Cooper seen standing or walking AFTER he boarded the plane. NO one would have paid much attention to someone moving about the boarding area - just another passenger. The ticket agent had not reason to remember him. The Crew would have been alert to any movements made by Cooper after the passing of the note. What does the REPORT state about this? Did Cooper ACTUALLY go to the bathroom and did HE actually walk out the way Alice is said to have told Gray. I had NEVER heard this story until Gray mentioned it to me. I do not know if he included this in his book. I have NEVER read the detailed minutes taken by the FBI when they interviewed the Witnesses. Surely such MINUTES exist. Take NOTE FBI: IF NOT - WHY HAVE THESE NOT BEEN RELEASED TO THE PUBLIC AS THOSE MINUTES MAY HOLD THE VERY DETAIL THAT COULD HAVE HELPED A RELATIVE OR FRIEND ID COOPER? The secrecy of the files after all of these yrs is absurd! If those minutes have NOT been released - WHY? To withhold information after 10 yrs that might help ID Cooper - well, there had to be more to it than what the FBI has ever admitted! The FBI withholding critical information after 10 yrs! The cost of this investigation could have been avoided. The public can only help if they are provided correct information.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Farflung 0 #37281 January 10, 2013 I’ve read so much authoritative rhetoric about why people participate on this thread, and more vexing, why they don’t, that I did some cocktail napkin research. I know! So there are 77 pages, with 25 threads on each page, in the old Trivia & Whatever section, and by page 27 you are deep into Zombie territory. I mean dead, brainless, soul-less, stupid, stumbling, uncoordinated, pants peeing, Zombie threads, over three years dead. ZOMBIE…... thr-rrrr—eeeeaaaaddzzzzzzz. These threads are so unvisited, they make Chernobly look like Disney World on a June weekend. I guess I’m just trying to say that there is a whole lot of nothing going on with this subcategory, on this forum. There are less than 20 responses, on average, to all of the threads on page 27. And knowing that there is boundless knowledge as to what caused people to leave or avoid the Cooper thread, I figured the same people and some others would opine about these threads and the Zombieism they seem to suffer from. Could it be the subject? Were all the ‘Funny Stories’ told and there are no more? How about ‘vintage gear’? Only five replies to cover that topic? Could the ‘Older Texas DZ’s’ topic have started repeating or become saturated with a mere 23 responses? Texas is a big ass state and there should be plenty to discuss regarding such a fabled subject. But I notice it is nothing more than a bunch of incoherent, Twitter-esque, ramblings. Gosh Wally, what is going on? LOL BRB HMFIC More than one person has taken more than one turn, at grasping this thread by the hips, and pumping it with their ‘wisdom’ on this subject. So why not explain the utter lack of participation on more than 66% of these threads for more than three years? Why don’t people chatter away on those subjects? Isn’t there a need for self proclaimed expertise on Godfrog, Iron Crank or Slammer Openings? I mean two thirds Zombie threads and people bitch about the level of participation on this thread? That seems kinda stupid. So what caused the magnificent exodus of over one thousand two hundred threads in the Trivia section? I know with all the precise analysis done here, there should be some amazing and amusing answers about all these damn Zombies. Cuz they aren’t just going to answer themselves. Although once I realized how very few of these threads were active, I did realize what utter Zombies it must have taken to complain about this thread and how it ruins their day. Suburban Zombies always make me laugh. Threadddzzzzzz I need to bitch about your threaddzzzzzzzz, uh… umm.. I mean brainzzzz. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrshutter45 21 #37282 January 10, 2013 so, after Cooper released the passengers, he sat the entire time until he left the plane? what about the description Flo or Tina gave about having to look up at him? Tina pulled the curtains back seeing him strapping something around him? was he sitting again? Tina was scared about being sucked out of the plane, was Cooper sitting again while trying to open the stairs?"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrshutter45 21 #37283 January 10, 2013 "The ticket agent had not reason to remember him. " (Jo's quote) Is that right? "No I didn't suspect anything bad while observing him, he looked like a sharp dressed businessman to me, but I noticed him quite a bit because his behavior was different from the others, and he was all in black during the day of polyester and plaid" " the composite drawings never did look just like him. the chin was a bit thin and the hair was not quite right" Flo said the samething about the composites! didn't Jo have a hotel clerk claiming he remembered Duane? can we use this as evidence if the ticket guy is no good?;postatt_id=128759"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #37284 January 10, 2013 Quoteso, after Cooper released the passengers, he sat the entire time until he left the plane? what about the description Flo or Tina gave about having to look up at him? Tina pulled the curtains back seeing him strapping something around him? was he sitting again? Tina was scared about being sucked out of the plane, was Cooper sitting again while trying to open the stairs? These are questions I want answers to. We know he got up to put the chute on. We know he got up when the money came on board. We know he got Giddy. We have never been told if Cooper gave the note to Flo standing or sitting. We know he was up moving around AFTER the passengers were released. I want to know the minutes from the time Flo got the note until the time Tina went to the cabin to stay. This is something that HAS NOT been discussed because it is not in the report on the FBI site. When was he standing and when was he sitting while the passengers were on board? How much of Cooper's movements did the passengers and crew actually see AFTER the note was handed to Flo? If the answers are there in the FBI files made public - please see that they are posted. Anyone - Any BODY - why has this NEVER been discussed? Because the FBI doesn't think this information is important or have they just NOT released it?Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #37285 January 10, 2013 Quote "The ticket agent had not reason to remember him. " (Jo's quote) Is that right? So does this prove my point? Read all of the book and articles and see how many times his story changed - or was it the writer? Or did he actual forget things over time? If the things this man remembers are accurate - why did they NOT redo the composites - there are 2 official FBI composites - Bing and Ben. Using the Night Clerk is out -it took yrs for them to even go interview him, but he contacted me in 2001 after seeing Weber's picture in an Article done by Margi Boule....yet, it took the FBI yrs and yrs to interview him. I think we discussed this in the thread. [BLUE]THE FBI did NOT INTERVIEW THE CLERK UNTIL I KEPT MAKING IT PUBLIC IN THIS THREAD.[/BLUE] Exactly how well does this speak for the Agents who ignored the clerk for yrs and yrs and yrs. A witness who came forward in 2001 and not interviewed until 2008 (I think - I do not keep up with the dates anymore). The agents interview is discussed in this thread. He was interviewed in 1971 but when Duane's picture was placed in a Washington News Paper in 2001 - he was immediately intouch with Margie Boule and with me. THE FBI was NOT interested. ONLY this thread SHAMED the FBI into contacting him....while he was on medication for a serious surgery he had come back to the states to have. The FBI was informed of when he was in the states and how he could be contacted - YET, until this was disclosed here at DZ, the FBI made NO ATTEMPT to contact him.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #37286 January 10, 2013 QuoteI’ve read so much authoritative rhetoric about why people participate on this thread, and more vexing, why they don’t, that I did some cocktail napkin research. So what caused the magnificent exodus of over one thousand two hundred threads in the Trivia section? Do not know how much was on DZ prior to the 2 threads. I viewed some of them over the yrs, but they had already closed when I first came here...hence why I would pop in on any thread that mentioned Cooper. Frankly I never went to the DEAD Zone - to check out ALL of the Dead Threadzzzz! If certain individuals (not you) would stop MOCKING me or twisting things I would have NO reason to post. I hate to see the Cooper case and all that has been acquired and set straight by so many real researchers through out the yrs here at DZ be destroyed by guys who just want to stir the pot. THE Pot Stirring by those who have NEVER done the research and have not been involved for yrs ends up creating myths that just are NOT true. I have seen innocent statements made that months and yrs later are twisted into something that no longer resembles what was proven by more than one person....and a lot of it was Documented, by Sluggo and others. So many (like myself) let their personal objectives or beliefs stand in their way. BUT, more facts have been made available on this thread than any other site ever available to the public. I am NOT talking Weber, but FACTS about the CRIME itself!Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrshutter45 21 #37287 January 10, 2013 "He has given 2 different description and maybe more of the yrs. The suit is black and then it is dark brown...!!!!!! So does this prove my point? " not exactly because Cooper's description is all over the board, Black hair, brown hair parted on the side, Duane's hair doesn't match any of the descriptions IMO. Flo's composite is not close to the FBI's, do we dismiss this as well? she seen him up close, I just feel that one of them would have fingered Duane by seeing his photo just like the hotel clerk did? It's hard to exclude an eyewitness, if there is a crime next door to your house, the cops will ask if you seen anything, the smallest thing could be a deal breaker. Lawyer's, cops, State Attorney's all will say eyewitness accounts are sketchy to say the least. but I notice every person pushing a suspect puts the sights right on the composite for proof? it could be a high percentage off on what he really looks like!!"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Robert99 50 #37288 January 10, 2013 From Jo's reply to Farflung: QuoteIf certain individuals (not you) would stop MOCKING me or twisting things I would have NO reason to post. I hate to see the Cooper case and all that has been acquired and set straight by so many real researchers through out the yrs here at DZ be destroyed by guys who just want to stir the pot. THE Pot Stirring by those who have NEVER done the research and have not been involved for yrs ends up creating myths that just are NOT true. I have seen innocent statements made that months and yrs later are twisted into something that no longer resembles what was proven by more than one person....and a lot of it was Documented, by Sluggo and others. Jo, I have recently spent time on the Cooper thread (the one that is now locked) that you started here on DZ and it and your posts look about the same as this thread and your posts here. Simply pointing out the inconsistencies and inaccuracies in your posts does not constitute mocking. And not joining your crusade against the FBI and everyone who does not agree with you (which seems to be just about everyone on both Cooper threads) does not make me an FBI agent. Robert99 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
smokin99 0 #37289 January 11, 2013 Quote Quote I’ve read so much authoritative rhetoric about why people participate on this thread, and more vexing, why they don’t, that I did some cocktail napkin research. I know! So there are 77 pages, with 25 threads on each page, in the old Trivia & Whatever section, and by page 27 you are deep into Zombie territory. I mean dead, brainless, soul-less, stupid, stumbling, uncoordinated, pants peeing, Zombie threads, over three years dead. ZOMBIE…... thr-rrrr—eeeeaaaaddzzzzzzz. These threads are so unvisited, they make Chernobly look like Disney World on a June weekend. I guess I’m just trying to say that there is a whole lot of nothing going on with this subcategory, on this forum. There are less than 20 responses, on average, to all of the threads on page 27. And knowing that there is boundless knowledge as to what caused people to leave or avoid the Cooper thread, I figured the same people and some others would opine about these threads and the Zombieism they seem to suffer from. Could it be the subject? Were all the ‘Funny Stories’ told and there are no more? How about ‘vintage gear’? Only five replies to cover that topic? Could the ‘Older Texas DZ’s’ topic have started repeating or become saturated with a mere 23 responses? Texas is a big ass state and there should be plenty to discuss regarding such a fabled subject. But I notice it is nothing more than a bunch of incoherent, Twitter-esque, ramblings. Gosh Wally, what is going on? LOL BRB HMFIC More than one person has taken more than one turn, at grasping this thread by the hips, and pumping it with their ‘wisdom’ on this subject. So why not explain the utter lack of participation on more than 66% of these threads for more than three years? Why don’t people chatter away on those subjects? Isn’t there a need for self proclaimed expertise on Godfrog, Iron Crank or Slammer Openings? I mean two thirds Zombie threads and people bitch about the level of participation on this thread? That seems kinda stupid. So what caused the magnificent exodus of over one thousand two hundred threads in the Trivia section? I know with all the precise analysis done here, there should be some amazing and amusing answers about all these damn Zombies. Cuz they aren’t just going to answer themselves. Although once I realized how very few of these threads were active, I did realize what utter Zombies it must have taken to complain about this thread and how it ruins their day. Suburban Zombies always make me laugh. Threadddzzzzzz I need to bitch about your threaddzzzzzzzz, uh… umm.. I mean brainzzzz. One of your best. This one goes in the classic file. Meow.but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #37290 January 11, 2013 Farf wrote:QuoteAlthough once I realized how very few of these threads were active, I did realize what utter Zombies it must have taken to complain about this thread and how it ruins their day. Suburban Zombies always make me laugh. Threadddzzzzzz I need to bitch about your threaddzzzzzzzz, uh… umm.. I mean brainzzzz. Jumpers like to bitch about things non jumpers do (such as paying child support and staying sober). Jumpers really go nuts when non jumpers opine about anything related to jumping. Most of the people here aren't jumpers, and we are opining daily about jump related stuff, so ths forum is a target for negative comments and complaints. Just get used to it and thank Q for not acceeding to those who want to quash this forum. I cant take any complaints about forum posting volume seriously. It's so easily ignored, bandwidth isnt an issue for text posts and frequent forum posting doesn't overheat or lock up any high quality server chips (because Snow designed them). 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BruceSmith 3 #37291 January 11, 2013 Clyde Lewis, the host of the Ground Zero talk radio show, has produced a superbly crafted video drawing from one of his recent DB Cooper forums. It includes snippets from Ariel and Cooper Daze, along with follow-up discussions with Galen, myself and journalist Dave Paul. Robert Blevins is also featured. Topics include Gossett and Christiansen as suspects, what has happened to Tina, and the significance of Letter #3. It runs about 15 minutes. I can't get the clicky to work despite numerous attempts to correct it. I suggest you cut and paste the URL into Google. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrshutter45 21 #37292 January 11, 2013 here is the link"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BruceSmith 3 #37293 January 11, 2013 Quotehere is the link Quote Thanks, Dave. I figured someone would come along and fix things. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites skyjack71 0 #37294 January 11, 2013 Below is how myths are born by those who did NOT do any research by reading the books. Quote Cooper's description is all over the board, Black hair, brown hair parted on the side, Duane's hair doesn't match any of the descriptions Skip the IMO because I DO NOT have a clue what it means. The description you give as Florences - was extricated by a TV program and an artist who WAS NOT a forensic artist. The crew was perplexed with the program and having dealt with such a program myself - I can tell you THEY do WHAT the hell they want to do. Accuracy is not their goal! She was trying to describe a peak in the hair line and GAVE up because she could NOT make the TV artist understand what she was describing. I believe that program was the last time any of them went public. My own experience was the same and I swore I would never go where I could NOT defend myself and have some control over what someone made out of my words or what I was trying to say. The photo shown to Florence was over a cell and over dinner at a pretty noisy place. The media never had the pictures that needed to be shown. Have you seen the Kenny look-alike? Well it is here - find it yourself. Did you look at the 1971 photo of Duane - his hair is very dark without a bit of grey. The wife admitted to having dyed his hair on more than one occassion. Duane's hair would appear to have a part and he was able to part his hair with product in it. Most of the time it was just slightly to one side, but without a specific part. This is evident if YOU study the photo objectively. Take a good look at the orange sweater picture I posted recently.] Are you a forensic artist or profiler? No you have no formal training in such subjects - nor do I. You are a good example of a home brewed analyist and artist and composite expert. Plus you would and could not make those statements if you had truely done all of the research.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites skyjack71 0 #37295 January 11, 2013 Quote Jo, I have recently spent time on the Cooper thread (the one that is now locked) that you started here on DZ and it and your posts look about the same as this thread and your posts here. Simply pointing out the inconsistencies and inaccuracies in your posts does not constitute mocking. And not joining your crusade against the FBI and everyone who does not agree with you (which seems to be just about everyone on both Cooper threads) does not make me an FBI agent. Robert99 The inconsistencies you find are NO different than your OWN inconsistency in posting on the subject. NO one ever says the same thing the same way. It depends on the response they are making and to what. ANY idiot know that. Frankly I have been pretty damn consistent. You could NOT even attempt to keep up with me. If I had the time I could go back to your posts here and other places and do the same thing, but my time is more valuable than picking apart you posts. Pick Pick Pick - it is not a crusade against the FBI, but to learn more and you should do a little more of that yourself instead of hanging around picking on my posts. Did I say you were an FBI agent? If I did it was because you have the same attitude - of always being right. Look how many mistakes the FBI has made. The last one made absolute fools out of them regarding KC. Seems like I have shown there were contacts and things the FBI did NOT check about Weber! They glossed over Weber and tried to make him go away, without providing the first explanation regarding his past to the public. If the public had known about the Criminal past in detail in 1996 when I contacted the FBI - there were still individuals alive who should have been contacted - but the FBI did NOT contact them. Tommy and Tony - that was 2. Nor did the FBI contact Bill in Chicago - yet they were provided with all of that information. They made no attempt until the files had been destroyed to check out Jefferson and Duane's connections to Jefferson outside of the prison. It was TOO embarrassing for the Federal Gov to admit that Jefferson had a shady past and was involved in the misuse of many files and prisoners and manpower. See what happens when you make me mad! Jefferson was a HELL HOLE and you know it. The criminal activities conducted from that prison are known. Malone tried to tell the world - but prison had done him in. I didn't find Malone until 3 months after he died....but, the FBI could have found him in 1996. All of the conflicting information I got when I contacted the prison was terrible and then Carr states Weber's criminal record on this thread AFTER the back files had been destroyed on Jefferson. That was very very deliberate. Come and listen and read - I was told Weber was NOT ever a resident...then they reduce it to a public file that shows Weber/Collins - and that did NOT explain WHY the COMMUTATION OF SENTENCE WAS GRANTED TO JOHN COLLINS AND NOT AKA DUANE L. WEBER??????? Better think More than ONE time about that COMMUTATION OF SENTENCE AND WHY!Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Robert99 50 #37296 January 11, 2013 QuoteQuote Jo, I have recently spent time on the Cooper thread (the one that is now locked) that you started here on DZ and it and your posts look about the same as this thread and your posts here. Simply pointing out the inconsistencies and inaccuracies in your posts does not constitute mocking. And not joining your crusade against the FBI and everyone who does not agree with you (which seems to be just about everyone on both Cooper threads) does not make me an FBI agent. Robert99 The inconsistencies you find are NO different than your OWN inconsistency in posting on the subject. NO one ever says the same thing the same way. It depends on the response they are making and to what. ANY idiot know that. Frankly I have been pretty damn consistent. You could NOT even attempt to keep up with me. If I had the time I could go back to your posts here and other places and do the same thing, but my time is more valuable than picking apart you posts. Pick Pick Pick - it is not a crusade against the FBI, but to learn more and you should do a little more of that yourself instead of hanging around picking on my posts. Did I say you were an FBI agent? If I did it was because you have the same attitude - of always being right. Look how many mistakes the FBI has made. The last one made absolute fools out of them regarding KC. Seems like I have shown there were contacts and things the FBI did NOT check about Weber! They glossed over Weber and tried to make him go away, without providing the first explanation regarding his past to the public. If the public had known about the Criminal past in detail in 1996 when I contacted the FBI - there were still individuals alive who should have been contacted - but the FBI did NOT contact them. Tommy and Tony - that was 2. Nor did the FBI contact Bill in Chicago - yet they were provided with all of that information. They made no attempt until the files had been destroyed to check out Jefferson and Duane's connections to Jefferson outside of the prison. It was TOO embarrassing for the Federal Gov to admit that Jefferson had a shady past and was involved in the misuse of many files and prisoners and manpower. See what happens when you make me mad! Jefferson was a HELL HOLE and you know it. The criminal activities conducted from that prison are known. Malone tried to tell the world - but prison had done him in. I didn't find Malone until 3 months after he died....but, the FBI could have found him in 1996. All of the conflicting information I got when I contacted the prison was terrible and then Carr states Weber's criminal record on this thread AFTER the back files had been destroyed on Jefferson. That was very very deliberate. Come and listen and read - I was told Weber was NOT ever a resident...then they reduce it to a public file that shows Weber/Collins - and that did NOT explain WHY the COMMUTATION OF SENTENCE WAS GRANTED TO JOHN COLLINS AND NOT AKA DUANE L. WEBER??????? Better think More than ONE time about that COMMUTATION OF SENTENCE AND WHY! Jo, Are you claiming that Jefferson was a Federal Prison? And who issued this "commutation of sentence" that you refer to above? Robert99 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Amazon 7 #37297 January 11, 2013 Quote Farf wrote: Quote Although once I realized how very few of these threads were active, I did realize what utter Zombies it must have taken to complain about this thread and how it ruins their day. Suburban Zombies always make me laugh. Threadddzzzzzz I need to bitch about your threaddzzzzzzzz, uh… umm.. I mean brainzzzz. Jumpers like to bitch about things non jumpers do (such as paying child support and staying sober). Jumpers really go nuts when non jumpers opine about anything related to jumping. Most of the people here aren't jumpers, and we are opining daily about jump related stuff, so ths forum is a target for negative comments and complaints. Just get used to it and thank Q for not acceeding to those who want to quash this forum. I cant take any complaints about forum posting volume seriously. It's so easily ignored, bandwidth isnt an issue for text posts and frequent forum posting doesn't overheat or lock up any high quality server chips (because Snow designed them). 377 I would love to kidnap every non jumper who posts to this thread and put them in a nice big safe rig with a huge parachute.... for a frakin reality check.... BUT... there are not enough adult depends in Washington State for what should have been a fun event like that. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Farflung 0 #37298 January 11, 2013 377 explains with: “Jumpers like to bitch about things non jumpers do (such as paying child support and staying sober). Jumpers really go nuts when non jumpers opine about anything related to jumping. Most of the people here aren't jumpers, and we are opining daily about jump related stuff, so ths forum is a target for negative comments and complaints. Just get used to it and thank Q for not acceeding to those who want to quash this forum.” I don’t know about “getting used to it” or thanking anyone. Wow, that’s actually achieved a new low in a book of pretty awesome lows, that I’ve witnessed in life. This is NOT hyperbole or ‘skydiver-speak’, I truly mean this. I worked for a company that had a prince of a man who installed himself as CEO and spent the next two years in court involving himself with the ISO (incentive stock option) plan, while the company kept writhing in growing pains. Oddly a large group of us were sent out of the country for eight weeks and during our trip were sent a package that needed immediate signatures and return. It had something to do with the ISOs and if we didn’t sign within 48 hours we would be held to the old agreement. Everyone signed except one, because there wasn’t much you could do with such short notice and we frankly didn’t understand what was going on. Turns out the lower level employees were locked out of the program and middle managers and up had their allotments adjusted on some sort of ‘reasonable scale’. The elimination of options were protested, but we were told there simply wasn’t enough left to hand out. The rush to change the program became apparent as the company was filing for an IPO, and as part of the ‘red herring’ had to publish the scale of allotments. It was 100,000 shares for the CEO for every 1 (one, singular) share to a supervisor with a team of around 30 personnel. 100,000 to 1 and along with that he travelled first class everywhere, stayed in separate hotels (the rooms without floors or numbers) and as if that weren’t enough, we were supposed to “like it”. Some people may consider this a bit extreme (spouses sure did) or egotistical, but we all had the ability to quit. So that’s that. All’s well that ends well, I suppose. There were plenty of people who had your outlook and they may still be working there for all I know. So you are either stunned by such a tale or in violent agreement and see nothing but happiness and good tidings on the horizon. I’ll assume you are the latter. For I took a look at the home page of this forum for some perspective. Clearly having a thread some whuffos have access to and participate on is viewed by many, apparently most, and with your tacit agreement, as a beatifying act of magnanimity and generosity. So generous, that one should be ‘happy’ and ‘thankful’ if I may be so bold as to paraphrase. So this one thread, which has so honorably and generously been allowed to exist, in a state of molested and abused gratitude, actually has a denominator of: 241,499. Out of the 241,499 threads on this website, if only one would disappear or give some whiner’s starfish a catbath (while thanking them), all would be good in the world. Wow. Don’t you ever let anyone tell you that perspective, balance or sheer temerity, has ever been so much as an angel’s hair out of true. I can safely say that I never (this is not hyperbole again) thought I would live to see such an inequitable view of anything, for the remainder of my life. Once again proving how wrong I can be. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites smokin99 0 #37299 January 11, 2013 Quote Quote Quote here is the link Quote Thanks, Dave. I figured someone would come along and fix things. Interesting video. Do disc jockeys always sound so deep voiced and self-assured or is it just when the On Air sign is on. I always imagine that the minute the sign is off, the guy takes a deep breath and then sounds like the rest of us. but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 377 22 #37300 January 11, 2013 Carr wrote Quote So you are either stunned by such a tale or in violent agreement and see nothing but happiness and good tidings on the horizon. I’ll assume you are the latter. If you knew me Farf you'd know that I don't like stuff like your CEO's sneaky greed move on the pre IPO options. Not at all. How you can equate my post to condoning greedy two faced behavior kinda puzzles me. But lots of things about human behavior puzzle me. I'm one of the few jumpers that welcome Whuffos on Dropzone. A Whuffo is just a person who hasn't yet jumped. They are not lepers or morons. Still, Dropzone is a website for skydivers. Don't get so upset if some of them bash this forum. I'm not saying it's deserved, but it sure can't be a big surprise. From your demeanor of late I'd venture a guess that Marla hasn't called. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Prev 1487 1488 1489 1490 1491 1492 1493 1494 1495 1496 1497 Next Page 1492 of 2578 Join the conversation You can post now and register later. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. Note: Your post will require moderator approval before it will be visible. Reply to this topic... × Pasted as rich text. Paste as plain text instead Only 75 emoji are allowed. × Your link has been automatically embedded. Display as a link instead × Your previous content has been restored. Clear editor × You cannot paste images directly. Upload or insert images from URL. Insert image from URL × Desktop Tablet Phone Submit Reply 50 50
skyjack71 0 #37294 January 11, 2013 Below is how myths are born by those who did NOT do any research by reading the books. Quote Cooper's description is all over the board, Black hair, brown hair parted on the side, Duane's hair doesn't match any of the descriptions Skip the IMO because I DO NOT have a clue what it means. The description you give as Florences - was extricated by a TV program and an artist who WAS NOT a forensic artist. The crew was perplexed with the program and having dealt with such a program myself - I can tell you THEY do WHAT the hell they want to do. Accuracy is not their goal! She was trying to describe a peak in the hair line and GAVE up because she could NOT make the TV artist understand what she was describing. I believe that program was the last time any of them went public. My own experience was the same and I swore I would never go where I could NOT defend myself and have some control over what someone made out of my words or what I was trying to say. The photo shown to Florence was over a cell and over dinner at a pretty noisy place. The media never had the pictures that needed to be shown. Have you seen the Kenny look-alike? Well it is here - find it yourself. Did you look at the 1971 photo of Duane - his hair is very dark without a bit of grey. The wife admitted to having dyed his hair on more than one occassion. Duane's hair would appear to have a part and he was able to part his hair with product in it. Most of the time it was just slightly to one side, but without a specific part. This is evident if YOU study the photo objectively. Take a good look at the orange sweater picture I posted recently.] Are you a forensic artist or profiler? No you have no formal training in such subjects - nor do I. You are a good example of a home brewed analyist and artist and composite expert. Plus you would and could not make those statements if you had truely done all of the research.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #37295 January 11, 2013 Quote Jo, I have recently spent time on the Cooper thread (the one that is now locked) that you started here on DZ and it and your posts look about the same as this thread and your posts here. Simply pointing out the inconsistencies and inaccuracies in your posts does not constitute mocking. And not joining your crusade against the FBI and everyone who does not agree with you (which seems to be just about everyone on both Cooper threads) does not make me an FBI agent. Robert99 The inconsistencies you find are NO different than your OWN inconsistency in posting on the subject. NO one ever says the same thing the same way. It depends on the response they are making and to what. ANY idiot know that. Frankly I have been pretty damn consistent. You could NOT even attempt to keep up with me. If I had the time I could go back to your posts here and other places and do the same thing, but my time is more valuable than picking apart you posts. Pick Pick Pick - it is not a crusade against the FBI, but to learn more and you should do a little more of that yourself instead of hanging around picking on my posts. Did I say you were an FBI agent? If I did it was because you have the same attitude - of always being right. Look how many mistakes the FBI has made. The last one made absolute fools out of them regarding KC. Seems like I have shown there were contacts and things the FBI did NOT check about Weber! They glossed over Weber and tried to make him go away, without providing the first explanation regarding his past to the public. If the public had known about the Criminal past in detail in 1996 when I contacted the FBI - there were still individuals alive who should have been contacted - but the FBI did NOT contact them. Tommy and Tony - that was 2. Nor did the FBI contact Bill in Chicago - yet they were provided with all of that information. They made no attempt until the files had been destroyed to check out Jefferson and Duane's connections to Jefferson outside of the prison. It was TOO embarrassing for the Federal Gov to admit that Jefferson had a shady past and was involved in the misuse of many files and prisoners and manpower. See what happens when you make me mad! Jefferson was a HELL HOLE and you know it. The criminal activities conducted from that prison are known. Malone tried to tell the world - but prison had done him in. I didn't find Malone until 3 months after he died....but, the FBI could have found him in 1996. All of the conflicting information I got when I contacted the prison was terrible and then Carr states Weber's criminal record on this thread AFTER the back files had been destroyed on Jefferson. That was very very deliberate. Come and listen and read - I was told Weber was NOT ever a resident...then they reduce it to a public file that shows Weber/Collins - and that did NOT explain WHY the COMMUTATION OF SENTENCE WAS GRANTED TO JOHN COLLINS AND NOT AKA DUANE L. WEBER??????? Better think More than ONE time about that COMMUTATION OF SENTENCE AND WHY!Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Robert99 50 #37296 January 11, 2013 QuoteQuote Jo, I have recently spent time on the Cooper thread (the one that is now locked) that you started here on DZ and it and your posts look about the same as this thread and your posts here. Simply pointing out the inconsistencies and inaccuracies in your posts does not constitute mocking. And not joining your crusade against the FBI and everyone who does not agree with you (which seems to be just about everyone on both Cooper threads) does not make me an FBI agent. Robert99 The inconsistencies you find are NO different than your OWN inconsistency in posting on the subject. NO one ever says the same thing the same way. It depends on the response they are making and to what. ANY idiot know that. Frankly I have been pretty damn consistent. You could NOT even attempt to keep up with me. If I had the time I could go back to your posts here and other places and do the same thing, but my time is more valuable than picking apart you posts. Pick Pick Pick - it is not a crusade against the FBI, but to learn more and you should do a little more of that yourself instead of hanging around picking on my posts. Did I say you were an FBI agent? If I did it was because you have the same attitude - of always being right. Look how many mistakes the FBI has made. The last one made absolute fools out of them regarding KC. Seems like I have shown there were contacts and things the FBI did NOT check about Weber! They glossed over Weber and tried to make him go away, without providing the first explanation regarding his past to the public. If the public had known about the Criminal past in detail in 1996 when I contacted the FBI - there were still individuals alive who should have been contacted - but the FBI did NOT contact them. Tommy and Tony - that was 2. Nor did the FBI contact Bill in Chicago - yet they were provided with all of that information. They made no attempt until the files had been destroyed to check out Jefferson and Duane's connections to Jefferson outside of the prison. It was TOO embarrassing for the Federal Gov to admit that Jefferson had a shady past and was involved in the misuse of many files and prisoners and manpower. See what happens when you make me mad! Jefferson was a HELL HOLE and you know it. The criminal activities conducted from that prison are known. Malone tried to tell the world - but prison had done him in. I didn't find Malone until 3 months after he died....but, the FBI could have found him in 1996. All of the conflicting information I got when I contacted the prison was terrible and then Carr states Weber's criminal record on this thread AFTER the back files had been destroyed on Jefferson. That was very very deliberate. Come and listen and read - I was told Weber was NOT ever a resident...then they reduce it to a public file that shows Weber/Collins - and that did NOT explain WHY the COMMUTATION OF SENTENCE WAS GRANTED TO JOHN COLLINS AND NOT AKA DUANE L. WEBER??????? Better think More than ONE time about that COMMUTATION OF SENTENCE AND WHY! Jo, Are you claiming that Jefferson was a Federal Prison? And who issued this "commutation of sentence" that you refer to above? Robert99 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amazon 7 #37297 January 11, 2013 Quote Farf wrote: Quote Although once I realized how very few of these threads were active, I did realize what utter Zombies it must have taken to complain about this thread and how it ruins their day. Suburban Zombies always make me laugh. Threadddzzzzzz I need to bitch about your threaddzzzzzzzz, uh… umm.. I mean brainzzzz. Jumpers like to bitch about things non jumpers do (such as paying child support and staying sober). Jumpers really go nuts when non jumpers opine about anything related to jumping. Most of the people here aren't jumpers, and we are opining daily about jump related stuff, so ths forum is a target for negative comments and complaints. Just get used to it and thank Q for not acceeding to those who want to quash this forum. I cant take any complaints about forum posting volume seriously. It's so easily ignored, bandwidth isnt an issue for text posts and frequent forum posting doesn't overheat or lock up any high quality server chips (because Snow designed them). 377 I would love to kidnap every non jumper who posts to this thread and put them in a nice big safe rig with a huge parachute.... for a frakin reality check.... BUT... there are not enough adult depends in Washington State for what should have been a fun event like that. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Farflung 0 #37298 January 11, 2013 377 explains with: “Jumpers like to bitch about things non jumpers do (such as paying child support and staying sober). Jumpers really go nuts when non jumpers opine about anything related to jumping. Most of the people here aren't jumpers, and we are opining daily about jump related stuff, so ths forum is a target for negative comments and complaints. Just get used to it and thank Q for not acceeding to those who want to quash this forum.” I don’t know about “getting used to it” or thanking anyone. Wow, that’s actually achieved a new low in a book of pretty awesome lows, that I’ve witnessed in life. This is NOT hyperbole or ‘skydiver-speak’, I truly mean this. I worked for a company that had a prince of a man who installed himself as CEO and spent the next two years in court involving himself with the ISO (incentive stock option) plan, while the company kept writhing in growing pains. Oddly a large group of us were sent out of the country for eight weeks and during our trip were sent a package that needed immediate signatures and return. It had something to do with the ISOs and if we didn’t sign within 48 hours we would be held to the old agreement. Everyone signed except one, because there wasn’t much you could do with such short notice and we frankly didn’t understand what was going on. Turns out the lower level employees were locked out of the program and middle managers and up had their allotments adjusted on some sort of ‘reasonable scale’. The elimination of options were protested, but we were told there simply wasn’t enough left to hand out. The rush to change the program became apparent as the company was filing for an IPO, and as part of the ‘red herring’ had to publish the scale of allotments. It was 100,000 shares for the CEO for every 1 (one, singular) share to a supervisor with a team of around 30 personnel. 100,000 to 1 and along with that he travelled first class everywhere, stayed in separate hotels (the rooms without floors or numbers) and as if that weren’t enough, we were supposed to “like it”. Some people may consider this a bit extreme (spouses sure did) or egotistical, but we all had the ability to quit. So that’s that. All’s well that ends well, I suppose. There were plenty of people who had your outlook and they may still be working there for all I know. So you are either stunned by such a tale or in violent agreement and see nothing but happiness and good tidings on the horizon. I’ll assume you are the latter. For I took a look at the home page of this forum for some perspective. Clearly having a thread some whuffos have access to and participate on is viewed by many, apparently most, and with your tacit agreement, as a beatifying act of magnanimity and generosity. So generous, that one should be ‘happy’ and ‘thankful’ if I may be so bold as to paraphrase. So this one thread, which has so honorably and generously been allowed to exist, in a state of molested and abused gratitude, actually has a denominator of: 241,499. Out of the 241,499 threads on this website, if only one would disappear or give some whiner’s starfish a catbath (while thanking them), all would be good in the world. Wow. Don’t you ever let anyone tell you that perspective, balance or sheer temerity, has ever been so much as an angel’s hair out of true. I can safely say that I never (this is not hyperbole again) thought I would live to see such an inequitable view of anything, for the remainder of my life. Once again proving how wrong I can be. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
smokin99 0 #37299 January 11, 2013 Quote Quote Quote here is the link Quote Thanks, Dave. I figured someone would come along and fix things. Interesting video. Do disc jockeys always sound so deep voiced and self-assured or is it just when the On Air sign is on. I always imagine that the minute the sign is off, the guy takes a deep breath and then sounds like the rest of us. but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #37300 January 11, 2013 Carr wrote Quote So you are either stunned by such a tale or in violent agreement and see nothing but happiness and good tidings on the horizon. I’ll assume you are the latter. If you knew me Farf you'd know that I don't like stuff like your CEO's sneaky greed move on the pre IPO options. Not at all. How you can equate my post to condoning greedy two faced behavior kinda puzzles me. But lots of things about human behavior puzzle me. I'm one of the few jumpers that welcome Whuffos on Dropzone. A Whuffo is just a person who hasn't yet jumped. They are not lepers or morons. Still, Dropzone is a website for skydivers. Don't get so upset if some of them bash this forum. I'm not saying it's deserved, but it sure can't be a big surprise. From your demeanor of late I'd venture a guess that Marla hasn't called. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites