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DB Cooper

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. . . and once in a while the PE shop would throw us a bone and forget to take out the little survival kit that was packed in a small pouch inside the parachute container.

I have an NB-6 container that was manufactured in the 1980s. It also has a small pouch inside the container and I could not figure out what it was for. So I assume that it was also for holding a small survival kit. Correct?


I couldn't find a pic with the beacon in the pack, here is some pics of them and a survival kit.

I have now gotten my NB-6 container out of the garage and taken some measurements.

The container was manufactured 3/88 and the pocket in question is mounted on the right side and would be completely enclosed in the container when it is packed with a parachute.

The pocket is about 10.5 inches long, about 1.5 inches wide, and 1.5 inches high. There are 0.75 inch diameter holes in each side of the pocket and they are centered about 3.0 inches from the top of the pocket.

The pocket is closed by a zipper fastener. A flap is sewn on the right side of the pocket and covers the zipper and is secured on the left side by a nomex closure.


Ebay has one for sale.......some decent pics on it...


NB-8 Pioneer

"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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I read your account. If not something more personal, at the least it sounds like you might have malware and/or a nasty virus. Either can get into your files and your registry and wreak all kinds of havoc.
I would take my computer to someone that can "deep clean" it, then make sure you have a firewall and good antivirus program. And Backup your documents on an external drive. (Spoken by someone who learned the hard way) :)
You are probably already aware of most of this, but sometimes you can get these nasty things by clicking on links in emails. Emails that might even come from your family/friends. The spammers then get into your email distribution list this way and the cycle continues. Have you clicked on any links or opened any videos or links from anyone?
I have been getting more and more spam emails lately from people from my contact list with video and other links that I know they wouldn't send. I try not to click on anything in an email unless I'm pretty sure I know what it is and where it came from.

Re: webmail - you might have your account set to delete emails form the server after downloading. Different webmail services have different options but most give you a certain amount of storage and you have the option to leave a copy on the server, delete after downloading, save for so many days, etc. This option can be set by you on the server account preferences and/or in Outlook or other email programs if you use one.

Thanks, Smoke. Yes, I'm moving on some of these options; your advice is sound.

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Amazon wrote

On other rigs that pad was replaced by a PLD (personal lowering device) that was flat nylon webbing 3/4" wide and flat folded to give the airman 200 feet plus to allow them to get down out of a tree should they have landed in a big ass tree like those found in the triple canopies of SE Asia's jungles.

I have a PLD Amazon. Pretty compact kit for something with that much high strength webbing line. Looks like those folded flat firehouse holders in buildings. Never jumped with it.

If Cooper had a PLD, a tree landing would not have been a show stopper.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Avast is a very good protector as Robert said, I use it my self.
always make sure you have a boot scan and root kit.
Malwarebytes is a good malware remover and Spybot anti
spyware 1.62 search & destry both are free.

Avast as many options from free on up....
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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It's HERE, if anyone is interested.

Warning: Newsvine isn't Wordpress. This means comments, if any, must be within the Code of Honor guidelines at Newsvine or your comment is deleted. If not by me, then by moderator Tyler Adams, who also puts your IP on the Santa Bad List so you can't open another account from the same computer. (This is mostly done to prevent repeat spammers, but the same goes for individuals) It's my column, and I set the rules. But don't think I do this just for Cooper Fans. That rule has been a staple of the column for six years now. I don't care what you say at DZ, but on my own column I'm ruthless as hell.

Well I see you have taken yet another "cheapshot"
at me, this time at Newssvine!

And you call everyone here or involved with the DB
Cooper case, a "cult". Including the science team,
Geoff Gray, etc.

Your venom just never stops.

On Newsvine, you once again bring up the number
of my posts here at Dropzone, which quite frankly is
none of your damned business! What exactly do you
wish me to do about this fact you characterise as
some kind of character flaw in me? Do you want me
to ask Quade to delete half of my posts, so you
would have more than me?

The facts you ignore are clear and already pointed
out to you. You have nearly 3000 post in only 2.3
years while I have 5900 posts in over 4 years, and a
sizeable majority of my posts were accumulated in
addressing Jo Weber who follows with ~5300 posts,
and you with your ~3000 posts in less than 2.5

What exactly do you wish me to do about all of my
posts since more than half of them were
accumulated before you even arrived here?

What is the flaw in my character you are raising on
Newsvine and here?

I will also now PM Quade and address this problem
head on.

I will also address your comment at Newsvine about
my character with MSNBC and others tomorrow.

As for your claim that you are "above" the CULT of
DB Cooper which you state as being named people
in your socalled article, Geoff Gray, Tom Kaye, and
everyone at Dropzone ... I wish you luck defending
that statement of yours also!

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. . . and once in a while the PE shop would throw us a bone and forget to take out the little survival kit that was packed in a small pouch inside the parachute container.

I have an NB-6 container that was manufactured in the 1980s. It also has a small pouch inside the container and I could not figure out what it was for. So I assume that it was also for holding a small survival kit. Correct?


Yes that is what it was for.. about 6" long and an inch wide. It held a small knife.. matches and striker.. fishing kit and some survival instructions. Its been a while. :)

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OK, so I found some information on guys who jacked out of planes AND didn’t spend the rest of their lives bragging about it! I know!

Here’s the deal. While going through flight school you are FORCED to endure training which is both bland and banal. No tests, no grades, just forced attendance which is a couple days over a denominator of two years till you arrive at a squadron as a noob. As much as jump training is the center of the universe for some, it was but a passing bit of flotsam, among a storm of flotsam in the USAF.

How does the average skydiver (code for all) jump from a plane? One ‘G’ straight and level, AND with every intent of jumping at that time. This is defined by ‘some’ as heroic and taking all the God given skills they have. In fact, it is claimed many, many times as a mantra to justify some sort of existence.

Here’s some ‘college boy’ in a situation where he’s forced to “jump”! Oh my, I’ve eaten some seat cushion! Hold me!

For this flight, where he had no intention of jumping, has shit the bed, with frothy stool, produced by the gods of improbability and system redundancy, when they have buttseks. Yep, according to all the charts and graphs, this “should NOT be happening”! Quite a different motif from the 1 G, straight and level, standing at the door, sipping latte environment, so many “self proclaimed” heroes have occupied. I wonder (code for no I don’t) who has actually experienced 2 Gs in their non-delusional lifetimes. Hmmm….

Anyway, some serious shit hits the fan and in some uncontrolled attitude of 4 – 6 Gs, a guy jacks out of his plane and……

He can’t remember.

You see he rotated the arming handles, noticed the canopy depart the airframe, then woke up on the ground. My goodness. That can’t be! He must have used all his skill and training to pull off a feat which others can only lie about. Just a few moments before he was a whuffo and now has talents which those can only brag about, in a deluded cloud of self importance.

What can be said about an F-15 jock, whom bails in a 6 G, flat spin, which was unplanned, and managed to reach the ground in a state of unconsciousness, AND uninjured? He didn’t use 21 and a half years of skill or any training. He only got a couple days of familiarity with the parachute and was a novice, crap your pants, doesn’t stand a chance, will surely die, if not for being college educated, pilot. Wow, sorta puts some perspective on all this crap about skills and whatever, since half of the Air Force ejections where done without being conscious. What does it all mean?

That people who use “all their skills” to do the same are in fact stupid? And this stupidity is backed up by the fact that they seem unaware of the number of sub-conscious ejections, in multiple G environments every year? Can a sleeping or dead person truly do what you claim to be a unique and single most monumental skill in your life? That’s embarrassing.

That’s also the experience an F-15 driver passed along from his mishap. His “training” was irrelevant since the instructors managed to miss any of these attributes. I can back that up as well; the training was minimal, forgettable, and forced without any measure. Not tests; just show up and pray to stay awake. Typical worthless military “make work”.

So Cooper must have been quite skilled since there are hundreds of examples similar to the above, if anyone feels like searching the internet instead of reading these ‘experienced’ comments. At least they are humble.

Yep, no instructor, no training, no single G environment, no planning to jump, and they managed to perform and live. Oh well, don’t let that impede the delusions of grandeur.

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Amazon wrote


On other rigs that pad was replaced by a PLD (personal lowering device) that was flat nylon webbing 3/4" wide and flat folded to give the airman 200 feet plus to allow them to get down out of a tree should they have landed in a big ass tree like those found in the triple canopies of SE Asia's jungles.

I have a PLD Amazon. Pretty compact kit for something with that much high strength webbing line. Looks like those folded flat firehouse holders in buildings. Never jumped with it.

If Cooper had a PLD, a tree landing would not have been a show stopper.


I have one too.:)

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OK, so I found some information on guys who jacked out of planes AND didn’t spend the rest of their lives bragging about it! I know!

Here’s the deal. While going through flight school you are FORCED to endure training which is both bland and banal. No tests, no grades, just forced attendance which is a couple days over a denominator of two years till you arrive at a squadron as a noob. As much as jump training is the center of the universe for some, it was but a passing bit of flotsam, among a storm of flotsam in the USAF.

How does the average skydiver (code for all) jump from a plane? One ‘G’ straight and level, AND with every intent of jumping at that time. This is defined by ‘some’ as heroic and taking all the God given skills they have. In fact, it is claimed many, many times as a mantra to justify some sort of existence.

Here’s some ‘college boy’ in a situation where he’s forced to “jump”! Oh my, I’ve eaten some seat cushion! Hold me!

For this flight, where he had no intention of jumping, has shit the bed, with frothy stool, produced by the gods of improbability and system redundancy, when they have buttseks. Yep, according to all the charts and graphs, this “should NOT be happening”! Quite a different motif from the 1 G, straight and level, standing at the door, sipping latte environment, so many “self proclaimed” heroes have occupied. I wonder (code for no I don’t) who has actually experienced 2 Gs in their non-delusional lifetimes. Hmmm….

Anyway, some serious shit hits the fan and in some uncontrolled attitude of 4 – 6 Gs, a guy jacks out of his plane and……

He can’t remember.

You see he rotated the arming handles, noticed the canopy depart the airframe, then woke up on the ground. My goodness. That can’t be! He must have used all his skill and training to pull off a feat which others can only lie about. Just a few moments before he was a whuffo and now has talents which those can only brag about, in a deluded cloud of self importance.

What can be said about an F-15 jock, whom bails in a 6 G, flat spin, which was unplanned, and managed to reach the ground in a state of unconsciousness, AND uninjured? He didn’t use 21 and a half years of skill or any training. He only got a couple days of familiarity with the parachute and was a novice, crap your pants, doesn’t stand a chance, will surely die, if not for being college educated, pilot. Wow, sorta puts some perspective on all this crap about skills and whatever, since half of the Air Force ejections where done without being conscious. What does it all mean?

That people who use “all their skills” to do the same are in fact stupid? And this stupidity is backed up by the fact that they seem unaware of the number of sub-conscious ejections, in multiple G environments every year? Can a sleeping or dead person truly do what you claim to be a unique and single most monumental skill in your life? That’s embarrassing.

That’s also the experience an F-15 driver passed along from his mishap. His “training” was irrelevant since the instructors managed to miss any of these attributes. I can back that up as well; the training was minimal, forgettable, and forced without any measure. Not tests; just show up and pray to stay awake. Typical worthless military “make work”.

So Cooper must have been quite skilled since there are hundreds of examples similar to the above, if anyone feels like searching the internet instead of reading these ‘experienced’ comments. At least they are humble.

Yep, no instructor, no training, no single G environment, no planning to jump, and they managed to perform and live. Oh well, don’t let that impede the delusions of grandeur.

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It's HERE, if anyone is interested.

Warning: Newsvine isn't Wordpress. This means comments, if any, must be within the Code of Honor guidelines at Newsvine or your comment is deleted. If not by me, then by moderator Tyler Adams, who also puts your IP on the Santa Bad List so you can't open another account from the same computer. (This is mostly done to prevent repeat spammers, but the same goes for individuals) It's my column, and I set the rules. But don't think I do this just for Cooper Fans. That rule has been a staple of the column for six years now. I don't care what you say at DZ, but on my own column I'm ruthless as hell.

Georger: Well I see you have taken yet another "cheapshot" at me, this time at Newssvine!

Robert: I will answer your concerns and questions here.


'And you call everyone here or involved with the DB Cooper case, a "cult". Including the science team, Geoff Gray, etc.

Your venom just never stops...'

Robert: NO. I said a sort-of fan cult has built up around Cooper in the last forty-plus years. To deny that is to ignore the facts. I never named Gray or the Citizens Sleuths in the Cooper Nut category. In fact, I was quite specific about it.


'On Newsvine, you once again bring up the number of my posts here at Dropzone, which quite frankly is none of your damned business! What exactly do you wish me to do about this fact you characterise as some kind of character flaw in me? Do you want me to ask Quade to delete half of my posts, so you would have more than me?...'

I said sometimes you were polite and sometimes maybe not. The reference to your number of posts just means you're prolific. The exact number is anybody's business. It's listed next to every post, right?


'The facts you ignore are clear and already pointed out to you. You have nearly 3000 post in only 2.3 years while I have 5200 posts in over 4 years, and a sizeable majority of my posts were accumulated in addressing Jo Weber who follows with ~5300 posts,and you with your ~3000 postsin less than 2.5 years...'

Robert: I said in the article that I had made nearly 3,000 posts. It was a small point all around. There are long-term Cooper fans. You are one of them. No big deal. It wasn't personal. That was good number-crunching on your part, I'll admit.


'What exactly do you wish me to do about all of my posts since more than half of them were accumulated before you even arrived here?...'

Robert: Leave them alone. :)

'What is the flaw in my character you are raising on Newsvine and here?...'

Robert: I don't recall saying anything about you in the article in a real personal way. Your true name was already made public by Geoff Gray in his book. I can't judge flaws in your character, if any. I haven't the right since I have never met you. And I don't make comments about your character in the article.


'I will also now PM Quade and address this problem head on...'

Robert: That is fine. Here's Part One of the article in case Quade wants to look.


'I will also address your comment at Newsvine about my character with MSNBC and others tomorrow...'

Robert: No problem with this, but if you post up Alice-in-Wonderland based insults in comments to the article, you WILL be deleted. I don't understand what the big deal is, anyway. You act as if the article is about YOU, when you actually have a very small reference in it. It's a general look at Cooperland and a personal opinion about it. Nothing more. I even admit a lot of my own mistakes along the way.

So what IS your problem with my number of posts?

You keep bringing it up like it matters, to you.

What point are you trying to make?

Enlighten us and maybe something can be done
about it that makes life better for you, and 377?

PS: Talk about a double standard with you! ???
I just discovered your buddy 377 has 5200
posts almost as many as Jo, and you havet
complained about his posts or Jo's posts!

Plus once again you are pushing 3000 posts in only
2.3 years! That is an all-time record here at

So what is the basis of your complaint, escept to troll
and create more trouble for people, when and where
you can . . . like the Troll you are ?

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Farf is kinda right about ejections. A skydiver I know punched out of a Navy jet that was out of control and going down fast. He thought, being a hunky skydiver and all that, that he'd at least be in familiar territory. Sooooo wrong he told me. Spine crushing launch, disorienting deployment and descent, swallowed lots of sea water and damned near drowned. Still has back problems years later.

I want Amazons brand new PLD. She's got all the cool gear.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Farf is kinda right about ejections. A skydiver I know punched out of a Navy jet that was out of control and going down fast. He thought, being a hunky skydiver and all that, that he'd at least be in familiar territory. Sooooo wrong he told me. Spine crushing launch, disorienting deployment and descent, swallowed lots of sea water and damned near drowned. Still has back problems years later.

I want Amazons brand new PLD. She's got all the cool gear.


A bunch of pilots do not make it thru that experience.. I have mucho respect for those that do and survive... then again.. it sucks when you have to go scrape up the pieces of the ones who do not. OH and the sea water landings.. I have a WHOLE lot of those... I Like em...LOTS.:)

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Hey, I almost forgot about the good things at Fairchild. Just down the road was the town of Cheney, which was the home to Eastern Washington University. A very nice group of ladies played the role of host, tour guides and reminders of what “Polite Society” had to offer compared to our masculine existence.

After going through survival school, it was a welcome relief to be around some delicate and feminine blooms, compared to the harsh scrub we endured the previous weeks. You can imagine going from hearing about PLFs and ‘thumping bunnies’ from some sergeant who was built like a fire hydrant, to getting a tour of Coeur d’alene from some cultured and classy debutantes, who represented the American ideal. That’s some training I can remember.

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Farf is kinda right about ejections. A skydiver I know punched out of a Navy jet that was out of control and going down fast. He thought, being a hunky skydiver and all that, that he'd at least be in familiar territory. Sooooo wrong he told me. Spine crushing launch, disorienting deployment and descent, swallowed lots of sea water and damned near drowned. Still has back problems years later.

I want Amazons brand new PLD. She's got all the cool gear.


You ought to try it ... rather than talking about it! ?

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Farf is kinda right about ejections. A skydiver I know punched out of a Navy jet that was out of control and going down fast. He thought, being a hunky skydiver and all that, that he'd at least be in familiar territory. Sooooo wrong he told me. Spine crushing launch, disorienting deployment and descent, swallowed lots of sea water and damned near drowned. Still has back problems years later.

I want Amazons brand new PLD. She's got all the cool gear.


You ought to try it ... rather than talking about it! ?

I'm game for it.. how about you???

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No thanks Amazon. I'm a 1 G exit kinda guy. If I want explosive high G launches I'll just shoot my Mini 14.

Furthermore, I don't care to land anyplace that doesn't have cold beer.
How uncivilized.

You can buy a flyable MIG 21 with a hot seat for well under $100K. If you are feeling really lucky you can try punching out at Mach 2.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Farf is kinda right about ejections. A skydiver I know punched out of a Navy jet that was out of control and going down fast. He thought, being a hunky skydiver and all that, that he'd at least be in familiar territory. Sooooo wrong he told me. Spine crushing launch, disorienting deployment and descent, swallowed lots of sea water and damned near drowned. Still has back problems years later.

I want Amazons brand new PLD. She's got all the cool gear.


You ought to try it ... rather than talking about it! ?

I'm game for it.. how about you???

Naw just had my 50th class reunion. Its all I can
handle just coming here.


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No thanks Amazon. I'm a 1 G exit kinda guy. If I want explosive high G launches I'll just shoot my Mini 14.

Furthermore, I don't care to land anyplace that doesn't have cold beer.
How uncivilized.

You can buy a flyable MIG 21 with a hot seat for well under $100K. If you are feeling really lucky you can try punching out at Mach 2.


I always thought that after PLF and parachute training... that the students should have been taken out to the flightline... and given practical experience in egress from their aircraft type. Once you perform a procedure.. its no longer such a scary thing to do it again. But you know how it goes... can't damage the college boys don't cha know.:D

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How rude of me. I forgot to include some examples of “College Gals” and the reason we all wanted to know the gate guards were facing outside the base. They didn’t need guns to keep people ‘outside’; that’s for sure!

Gotta luv those college gals! Smart, fun and not bitter.

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I spent some time at the Toray HQ in Japan back in the 90s. I didn't know a Toray employee invented ultrasuede. We were sourcing a special laminate fabric at the time for a military contract and Toray had the best stuff in the world.


NOR was I told that an employee of Toray invented ultrasuede, but it seems that on the computer sites - they are given credit for it. I understood it to be a man with last name Scott.
His name was NOT always Scott, but a German name... The man listed on a site is NOT the name I was given. The man I found was Not foreign and was born in America.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Georger Stated:


When you do your Newsvine POS 'article', as you call
them, on Kenny's finger prints,,, be sure to include
the prints of a unicorn and a heliotrope, to compare



Blevins has the unmitigated gall to reply to his post with this:


'Links to all information regarding KC' means just links leading to the other articles on him. And other stuff, but not his fingerprints being made public. I don't see how making those public would be relevant anyway.


Belvins, How do you have the unmitigated GALL to say that? Just a few posts prior U bashed me about Duane's prints.

I do NOT understand why U are allowed to continue to promote your book on here. I don't care if you post - but, USING THIS THREAD and DZ to promote the book - is NOT a good thing.

The DZ and this thread you have disrespected and insulted - you never acknowledge to the public or in your book the DZ or recognized them for the knowledge and corrections they provided you about the actual jump and the apparatus that was used.

U continue to show disrespect for the DZ & those who provided you with information used in your book.

You made a negative post about the PRINTS OF WEBER and turn right around and STATE THE PRINTS OF KENNEY CHRISTIANS ARE NOT RELEVANT!

YOU can NOT have your CAKE & eat it too!
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I spent some time at the Toray HQ in Japan back in the 90s. I didn't know a Toray employee invented ultrasuede. We were sourcing a special laminate fabric at the time for a military contract and Toray had the best stuff in the world.


NOR was I told that an employee of Toray invented ultrasuede, but it seems that on the computer sites - they are given credit for it. I understood it to be a man with last name Scott.
His name was NOT always Scott, but a German name... The man listed on a site is NOT the name I was given. The man I found was Not foreign and was born in America.

It's also on there website, this would be a huge mistake if they were
taking credit for something they didn't invent and publicizing it for profit.

"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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No thanks Amazon. I'm a 1 G exit kinda guy. If I want explosive high G launches I'll just shoot my Mini 14.

Furthermore, I don't care to land anyplace that doesn't have cold beer.
How uncivilized.

You can buy a flyable MIG 21 with a hot seat for well under $100K. If you are feeling really lucky you can try punching out at Mach 2.


I always thought that after PLF and parachute training... that the students should have been taken out to the flightline... and given practical experience in egress from their aircraft type. Once you perform a procedure.. its no longer such a scary thing to do it again. But you know how it goes... can't damage the college boys don't cha know.:D

I read somewhere that the USAF is no longer carrying chutes in KC 135s (basically a Boeing 707 with air refueling gear).

Breitling made a wristwatch that had a "pinger" inside it. Very pricey.


The idiot in the youtube video could easily have triggered a search. You are only allowed to do test transmissions during the first 5 minutes of every hour. Signals heard during that period are generally ignored.

I have a pinger watch but a much less expensive (and much less stylish) one made by McMurdo. It cost me $45 used. A used Breiling Emergency pinger watch costs several thousand dollars.

Look at how the Breitling looks and how my nerdy McMurdo looks. My McMurdo has a BIG lithium battery in it and will transmit a lot longer than the Breitling will.

Breitling: http://www.luxist.com/2005/08/09/breitling-emergency-43mm-chronograph-with-distress-transmitter/

McMurdo: http://www.google.com/imgres?hl=en&safe=off&tbo=d&biw=1344&bih=706&tbm=isch&tbnid=S6N-9pUB9gFXVM:&imgrefurl=http://www.landfallnavigation.com/guardian.html&docid=3gGsyAOjrFfcPM&imgurl=http://lib.store.yahoo.net/lib/landfallnav/GuardianBand&w=176&h=250&ei=5-T2UMn_OJDMigLKg4CYAg&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=279&sig=109144343739455266940&page=1&tbnh=137&tbnw=95&start=0&ndsp=36&ved=1t:429,r:10,s:0,i:112&tx=42&ty=61

Both operate on the civil 121.5 MHz emergency frequency and their second harmonic falls on the 243.0 MHz military emergency frequency.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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How rude of me. I forgot to include some examples of “College Gals” and the reason we all wanted to know the gate guards were facing outside the base. They didn’t need guns to keep people ‘outside’; that’s for sure!

Gotta luv those college gals! Smart, fun and not bitter.

COOOL we finally get the REAL poo flinging with a Personal Attack.JPG

Awsum I was wondering how long that would take.

Its really too bad that all that hatred manifests itself in these kinds of ways. Your reality seems to be very very sad and certainly is now on display for so many. Hopefully one day all that misogyny will find its way to the trash heap of history.

Oh and the other picture is certainly not the norm nor was it in the 1970's or 1980's at EWU.:ph34r::ph34r: But keep the fantasy flowing.

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