377 22
QuoteTitanium metal was rare and exotic narrowing the field of possible D.B. Cooper suspects. The titanium particles on the tie was the most dramatic finding in this research. Most other metals would have to be written off as contamination or too common to be of any use. The additional finding that the titanium was not alloyed, allowed further restrictions on where Cooper could have acquired these unusual flecks. Cooper worked at or had access to a plant that used titanium and this fact alone reduces the number of potential suspects from millions down to hundreds.
A tie would have been worn by managers or engineers in metalworking plants. The spiral aluminum chips are only made using metalworking machinery. Since they were found on a tie, that suggests he was either an engineer or manager who went out on the shop floor. Only managers and engineers wore ties in metalworking plants at that time.
Chemical plants used pure titanium and other corrosion resistant metals. Pure titanium and 5000 series aluminum found on the tie have high anti-corrosive properties. In 1971 the most common place these two metals were found together would be chemical plants or the metal fabrication facility that built the components for the plant. Secondarily would be the companies who recovered scrap metal from these types of factories. This research shows that any new search for D.B. Cooper should begin in these areas.
(emphasis added)
QuoteIf we can rule out titanium contamination from Normans machine shop then Tom and his sleuths may have found a real clue. Tom postulates:
QuoteTitanium metal was rare and exotic narrowing the field of possible D.B. Cooper suspects. The titanium particles on the tie was the most dramatic finding in this research. Most other metals would have to be written off as contamination or too common to be of any use. The additional finding that the titanium was not alloyed, allowed further restrictions on where Cooper could have acquired these unusual flecks. Cooper worked at or had access to a plant that used titanium and this fact alone reduces the number of potential suspects from millions down to hundreds.
A tie would have been worn by managers or engineers in metalworking plants. The spiral aluminum chips are only made using metalworking machinery. Since they were found on a tie, that suggests he was either an engineer or manager who went out on the shop floor. Only managers and engineers wore ties in metalworking plants at that time.
Chemical plants used pure titanium and other corrosion resistant metals. Pure titanium and 5000 series aluminum found on the tie have high anti-corrosive properties. In 1971 the most common place these two metals were found together would be chemical plants or the metal fabrication facility that built the components for the plant. Secondarily would be the companies who recovered scrap metal from these types of factories. This research shows that any new search for D.B. Cooper should begin in these areas.
(emphasis added)
Duhh! the metal used for the custom golf clubs is WHAT type of metal and they were cut in the shop. Do your research! Evidently he made other types of clubs with different metals.
The tie did NOT have to be exposed to the manufacture, but to some one using the metal in his craft.
I still think the tie is irrelevant, but you guys do your thing!
Any information you send has to be kept between the person and I until I have time to check and verify the information.
This could be a DEAL breaker either way! It could be part of history. I do not know and I have had NO luck with my limited abililties and my stupid online service. You need to have some genealogy background and able to do the searches. Even now the information I have is limited.
Knowing the place of death is as start.
377 22
QuoteTitanium is a metallic element which in its pure form, possesses very low strength and would be quite unsuitable for the moderate to high stress requirements of the parts of a wood head. While some grades of pure titanium (referred to as commercially pure (CP grades) are used in the manufacture of the crown, sole and skirt parts of a wood head, most of the Titanium materials known by clubmakers are titanium alloys. An alloy is a metal that is a combination of different chemical elements mixed with the base metal for the purpose of intentionally creating different but very specific mechanical properties. Thus, titanium metals known to clubmakers by names such as 6-4, 10-2-3, SP700, etc are all titanium alloys.
QuoteFrom http://www.golf-components.com/titanium.html
QuoteTitanium is a metallic element which in its pure form, possesses very low strength and would be quite unsuitable for the moderate to high stress requirements of the parts of a wood head. While some grades of pure titanium (referred to as commercially pure (CP grades) are used in the manufacture of the crown, sole and skirt parts of a wood head, most of the Titanium materials known by clubmakers are titanium alloys. An alloy is a metal that is a combination of different chemical elements mixed with the base metal for the purpose of intentionally creating different but very specific mechanical properties. Thus, titanium metals known to clubmakers by names such as 6-4, 10-2-3, SP700, etc are all titanium alloys.
So what are you saying here? Do you mean the sole plate imbedded into the persimmon wood. The plate looks like brass, but no way it is brass because you know how brass discolors - this still looks like dark yellow gold and the threading - or wrapping of the head onto the shaft is a fine wrap of a darker gold. They look like brand new even today. No discoloration at all. They are beautiful woods. I have no idea what I have or what you are quoting in the post.
I do NOT even know how to find out what they are made of. You do know a famous golfer lives in my area. He had a concert over at the club to raise money for his cause....no one slept till 3 AM for 2 days. They managed to get the noise ordiance lifted for the benefit.
It was ACTUALLY louder here than it was at the site.
QuoteWhen Sheridan himself makes a joke out of once being a Cooper suspect on a social media page, you have to doubt he really WAS the hijacker. That case is open and Richard McCoy got forty years. I've seen his Facebook entries as well, and he sounds directly opposite of the type of person who would threaten people just for money. Money does not seem to be the main motivator in his life.
He also can't be placed in the USA at the time of the hijacking, and every single resource I've dug up on him indicates he WAS in Nepal at the time.
Distance from Kathmandu, Nepal to Portland, OR: 7,100 miles.
The part I reposted above was very good.
You lost it on the ending (which I did NOT repost) by tooting your most recent project.
I myself cannot stay objective and stay out of the controversary.
You are doing better than I am.
Been on the phone most of today trying to TRACE somethings. Working 3 angles at one time - old friends, obituaries and golf clubs....haven't found time to clean house or balance my accounts. Oh, there was a 4th thing I was chasing in Spokane, but just too many names in Spokane with the same 1st and last name...was overwhelming....had tried it for several days now.
They put SARDINES in the traps today. First it was bananas and apples and today it was sardines. I don't think I want to go out in the back tomorrow! Yuck!
georger 247
QuoteIf we can rule out titanium contamination from Normans machine shop then Tom and his sleuths may have found a real clue. Tom postulates:
QuoteTitanium metal was rare and exotic narrowing the field of possible D.B. Cooper suspects. The titanium particles on the tie was the most dramatic finding in this research. Most other metals would have to be written off as contamination or too common to be of any use. The additional finding that the titanium was not alloyed, allowed further restrictions on where Cooper could have acquired these unusual flecks. Cooper worked at or had access to a plant that used titanium and this fact alone reduces the number of potential suspects from millions down to hundreds.
A tie would have been worn by managers or engineers in metalworking plants. The spiral aluminum chips are only made using metalworking machinery. Since they were found on a tie, that suggests he was either an engineer or manager who went out on the shop floor. Only managers and engineers wore ties in metalworking plants at that time.
Chemical plants used pure titanium and other corrosion resistant metals. Pure titanium and 5000 series aluminum found on the tie have high anti-corrosive properties. In 1971 the most common place these two metals were found together would be chemical plants or the metal fabrication facility that built the components for the plant. Secondarily would be the companies who recovered scrap metal from these types of factories. This research shows that any new search for D.B. Cooper should begin in these areas.
(emphasis added)
Did Tom do any radioactive tests?
georger 247
QuoteRadioactive tests on the titanium evidence on the tie? I would email him and ask privately. It's likely that the team KEPT the samples they tested. Maybe they will go back and do this. Very good point. I would like to know why you considered this radioactive option. You have a reason on it? Just wondering.
Its just a standard test you would do on evidence of
this nature. No biggie. If 'yes' then you get inquisitive.
If it's hot, then . . . you pick up the phone and seal
the damned tie. (and wash your hands and . . follow
377 22
AHRs can achieve criticality without enriched uranium fuel. That means any reasonably skilled nuke hacker could make one. You can make fuel with ordinary uranium ore converted into salts (eg uranium nitrate or sulfate). You don't even need heavy water if you have very pure light water.
They big problem is that the aqueous material is highly highly corrosive. Titanium reactor vessel might solve that problem.
Radio is more my thing. This is Sluggo territory.
377 22
QuoteHandling this material is dangerous, requires special gear to do so, and is under certain restrictions.
Not so sure about restrictions. Uranium (non enriched) can be bought online and so can heavy water. That's what makes this AHR technology so accessible.
sailshaw 0
"Didnt Tom conclude that pure titanium (as found on the tie) was not used in the aircraft industry, just alloys? Does anyone have info that contradicts that conclusion?"
My answer is the experimental work going on in the Lab in the 9-101 building that Sheridans office was working on Flame Spraying Titanium onto surfaces that the SST would possibly use on its leading edges. Pure Titanium could have been one of the materials used and it could have been like a power or a shaving particle.
Bob Sailshaw
sailshaw 0
"A tie would have been worn by managers or engineers in metalworking plants. The spiral aluminum chips are only made using metalworking machinery. Since they were found on a tie, that suggests he was either an engineer or manager who went out on the shop floor. Only managers and engineers wore ties in metalworking plants at that time."
I say that Secretaries and tie wearing "Technical Writers" (such as Sheridan Peterson) also passed right buy the tub skids containing all scrap Titanium and Aluminum in all forms due to the experimental work being done for the SST airplane. Not just Managers and Engineers.
Bob Sailshew
sailshaw 0
"He also can't be placed in the USA at the time of the hijacking, and every single resource I've dug up on him indicates he WAS in Nepal at the time.
Distance from Kathmandu, Nepal to Portland, OR: 7,100 miles."
I say that being in Nepal was part of Sheridan's "Perfect Alibi" !!! However, by air and a flight from Katmandu to Bangcock and on to Portland or Seattle is a little over a one day trip in those days.
Is it amazing that Sheridan was so far away from the crime and possibly delivering one of his children at just the right time. I have described how he could have kept his passport clean of the skyjacking travel with the use of a fake or replacement passport. Showing the clean passport to the FBI would almost prove to them he was in Nepal at the time. Very clever guy to pull-off the perfect crime with the perfect alibi.
Bob Sailshaw
georger 247
Quote377 You say:
"Didnt Tom conclude that pure titanium (as found on the tie) was not used in the aircraft industry, just alloys? Does anyone have info that contradicts that conclusion?"
My answer is the experimental work going on in the Lab in the 9-101 building that Sheridans office was working on Flame Spraying Titanium onto surfaces that the SST would possibly use on its leading edges. Pure Titanium could have been one of the materials used and it could have been like a power or a shaving particle.
Bob Sailshaw
He she and it say this and that, in some context, to
him they them both or it, all according to the some
3rd 4th 5th and 6th party, several times removed!
Then news arrives there is more undisclosed fed
privately, as it were, what-if, maybe ...!
There is no Smithsonian Official Manual of the Cooper
case, in spite of that having been suggested in
prehistory. That was rejected in favor of privatized
ambiguity, from multiple privatized sources of
authority, etc.
So: its Tom said this, Tom said that, Gray said this,
Gray said that, Sluggo says this, Sluggo said that. 377
says this, 377 says that. Georger says this, Georger
says that ... Blevins say this, Blevins says that in spite
of the fact Rataczak refused to talk to him so alas no
Blevins-Rataczak interview as promised ... then Tom
tells Georger: 'Just so you know, I'm no longer
involved in Cooper, so you need to get your "Cooper
info" from somebody else"! WTF!
![[:/] [:/]](/uploads/emoticons/dry.png)
![[:/] [:/]](/uploads/emoticons/dry.png)
And, no rational way to sort any info from anybody out!
10,000,000,000 posts later on Dropzone and we have
a common knowledge base of total confusion, but
confirmed in some alleged email from Santa Claus.
Nobody listens to anybody because everyone is correct
and all-knowing. Farfling spoofs it all, to no avail
because it what the masses want and need in order to
feel cozy in their privatized coffins.
Hillary has left the building! Tana Tuva is in flames!
Not one media source contacted has even heard of
RobertMBlevins KC report to the FBI, .... what's with
![[:/] [:/]](/uploads/emoticons/dry.png)
more Cooper bills surface, to under cut the market!
House Agriculture Committee will now issue a Federal
Cooper Support to all qualified writers and publishers,
which means Geoff Gray and Crown Publishing are
good for another ten years. More symposiums on
oyster gorging planned.
Cooper seen in a UFO headed for Venus. with Gray
and Kaye in hot pursuit - privatized with a Grant from
the House on UnAmerican Activities Commission !

Marla has left the building.
Cooper seen in a UFO headed for Venus. with Gray
and Kaye in hot pursuit - privatized with a Grant from
the House on UnAmerican Activities Commission !
Marla has left the building.
Pretty good for a guy with a dry sense of humor!
Been a busy day here! Going here and going there and SO many phone calls. Between Doctors, the State of Fl ID law,
long distance research calls (thank Heavens for unlimited long distance), the thread, old friends and apprehending a very large Feral Cat.
The feral cat was after the sardines and animal rescue picked him up with-in an hour.
That was one LARGE cat! He was feral and not someone's pet. When the Animal control got here she immediately put on very heavy gloves and released him from my trap to her smaller trap. Then she handed me 2 cans of CAT food. She told me cat food catches MORE armadillos than sardines or bananas or apples & it is cheaper.
Birds have set the traps off - but, escape capture - then they have Squalking sesson sitting on the fence talking & complaining about it. They do fret! I SWEAR those birds and the posters on the thread really get their feathers ruffled over a little tidbit of information or morsel of food.
377 22
Can't wait to fly it.
When I first started solo skydiving I didn't even wear an altimeter. I was good at eyeballing altitude by looking at cars on the DZ.
Now I use every electronic gadget made for jumpers. Something beeps at me if I go low. Another records all my jump data automatically. Another reports my position course altitude ground speed heart rate and blood oxygen level to mountaintop ham radio repeaters which automatically upload the info to the Internet site www.aprs.fi
I even have a "pinger" watch to broadcast a distress signal on 121.5 MHz if needed.
I love electronic gadgets. Can you tell?
georger 247
QuoteGeorger says in part:
Quote'Blevins say this, Blevins says that in spite
of the fact Rataczak refused to talk to him so alas no Blevins-Rataczak interview as promised ... then Tom tells Georger: 'Just so you know, I'm no longer
involved in Cooper, so you need to get your "Cooper
info" from somebody else"! WTF! Me, get what,
Not one media source contacted has even heard of
RobertMBlevins KC report to the FBI, .... what's with
Looks like I have a couple of questions to answer. No problem.
First, I decided to get out of the active end of the Cooper investigating business. Too much money, too much time, and I thought another interview with Rataczak wouldn't do much good. So I canceled that idea. Besides, when I asked people on this thread for sensible questions, mostly I got flak. No more than a couple of questions were subbed, and truthfully...I didn't know what questions I should ask the guy beyond those. So I said the hell with it. Besides, there are more qualified people here to do an interview, ones with more familiarity on the case, and Rataczak is in the phone book. Yes, he's listed.
The reason you probably haven't heard anything from the local media on the KC report to the FBI is because (as I said yesterday) I decided not to send it to them, at least for now.
No big deal. You deserved a straight answer on both questions.
Straight answers are always the best - thanks!
So little time and so much to do!
I didn't realized I had gotten SO OLD and that I look SO BAD!.
I am fighting hard very hard to finish this - and I am screaming and no one hears me. I can't do what the FBI could do with the flick of their wrist and their fingers with all of the SHIT they have accessible to them. NO one hears! NO one really listens! NO one especially the FBI or the Government want this solve!
No one wants to believe the truth has been sitting infront of them all of this time. It will be so much easier when the OLD BITCH is gone!
She's not gone yet! NOT yet DAMIT! NOT yet! If I had access to the FBI files - I could find the loose ends they refuse to look at.
The connections Weber had NOT one of the BASTARDS has ever even offered to look up.
SO don't tell me this is NOT a DAMN GOVERNMENT cover-up! THAT or they have to protect their ASS because they missed the simple damn CLUES. THAT is because their investigative abilities are SO fragmented!
Yea you can bet your ASS I am pissed tonight. IT was so DAMN simple - connect Weber to known jumpers ( jumpers who fell under the auspices considered acceptable ), but jumpers never the less and ex-cons and the 60's and it is ALL there! Just finding ONE person still alive was ALL it took. Just connecting Duane to ONE of these persons is ALL it took. Do you think they would do it?
ONE has to wonder WHY didn't the FBI just explain to the woman WHY her husband could not be COOPER. THE answer is that THEY COULD not explain WHY he could not be Cooper or one who had knowledge of the damn JUMP!
Leaving a widow out there with NO explanantions is just not acceptable! Duane knew Paperleges Petersen - so why did the FBI not acknowledge this - pehaps because the operation was so DAMN secret the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT couldn't even let the FBI know!
Presumably the Federal Government above the FBI didn't even tell them. There is NO other WAY the FBI could miss all of this shit! NONE! That or they need to let old woman do their investigative work for them!
I AM FED UP and NOW I REALIZE I won't FINISH this without HELP and need HELP BIG TIME.
I realized HOW OLD I AM TODAY and I am too old to finish this,..it is NOT FAIR - NOT FAIR at all!
All of you just go to HELL and DON't Come back ..If I had the money and could have gone to see the people - but I didn't. Every time I find one of them they have just died!
None of you ever heard me talk like this - JUST F--- The FBI and I hope someone will heat up cores of 2 inch irons and run them up their ASSES and they die or be physically impaired ny the damage these rods will do to the bowels.
MAD as HELL!..
377 22
So you don't like the FBI eh? We've clearly underestimated the depth of your rage.
Sure they've made mistakes. That doesn't prove a cover up.
They want the case solved in my opinion. Any agent who solves it will be a celebrity. This is their ONLY unsolved skyjack.
The FBI has no obligation to prove to you that Duane couldn't be DBC. That's not their mission. Your status as an ailing widow seeking closure
just doesn't matter to them.
As for the DL picture don't sweat it. On the Internet looks don't matter anyway. We saw your younger pix Jo and you were very good looking. You are still that same person, just a bit older. I'll bet you still look good.
The FBI actually spent some serious time and effort on Duane. They didn't ignore you. They ruled Duane out and you disagree, violently it appears.
They have ignored many like you who claim they know DBCs ID. You got more attention than most.
BobKnoss 0
Bullshit! I'm still alive and full of real facts, but since they did not come from the depths of your mind they are not factual.
Well, I'm still here to repeat that all my tale is what really happened, and you can put the hot rod....... never mind.
Bet I couldn't get an interview with Bill either. Or Nick, or Mac, or Karen, or Jo, or anybody else who really knows anything important. My interviews are limited to the brick wall dudes that stand as minute men to support the facade of the cover story of dead jumpers and shot bank robbers and decorated war heroes that just never were.
It is like watching white rats on crack scurry around their cage, sniffing out every corner, but never going beyond the limits of the wire containment. Throw them scraps of titanium and tie clasps and watch them salivate. Throw them a little pilot meat and they puke all over the place. Must be the crack. Youse guys need to stay away from the drugs like I have. Helps you see the real picture. Like Walter Cronkite used to say, "And that's the way it was in 1971, except, YOU (I) were there!" Bite me. I tell the truth.
Robert99 50
Sorry, but unlike Blevins, I don't have a damn bit of sympathy for you.
Your FBI rant indicates that you expect them to chase after every fairey tale you dream up. Your lengthy posts, one of which by actual count consisted of more than 20 "what if" type questions from which you actually arrived at a solid conclusion (or so you claimed) are beyond belief.
After 18 years or so of hitting your head against the wall without a single positive result, anyone not certifiably nuts would at least start considering the possibility that Duane Weber was not Cooper. But not you.
Judging from your past actions, I predict that you will go to your grave still blaming all your problems and the world's problems on the FBI.
However, the FBI is NOT responsible for global warming. You can take my word for that and you heard it here on DZ.com first.
Soldier on!
Amazon 7
QuoteAll of you just go to HELL and DON't Come back ..If I had the money and could have gone to see the people - but I didn't. Every time I find one of them they have just died!
Bullshit! I'm still alive and full of real facts, but since they did not come from the depths of your mind they are not factual.
Well, I'm still here to repeat that all my tale is what really happened, and you can put the hot rod....... never mind.
Bet I couldn't get an interview with Bill either. Or Nick, or Mac, or Karen, or Jo, or anybody else who really knows anything important. My interviews are limited to the brick wall dudes that stand as minute men to support the facade of the cover story of dead jumpers and shot bank robbers and decorated war heroes that just never were.
It is like watching white rats on crack scurry around their cage, sniffing out every corner, but never going beyond the limits of the wire containment. Throw them scraps of titanium and tie clasps and watch them salivate. Throw them a little pilot meat and they puke all over the place. Must be the crack. Youse guys need to stay away from the drugs like I have. Helps you see the real picture. Like Walter Cronkite used to say, "And that's the way it was in 1971, except, YOU (I) were there!" Bite me. I tell the truth.
I am SOOO glad I am not having what you are having.

Correct. Thats how I read his comments. Andit makes sense. Pure Ti has some unattractive characteristics.
And for the last God damned time! Tom did NOT find Titanium sponge either ... NO MATTER WHAT BLEVINS SEZ.
Quite frankly, I dont know what the hubbub is about
Ti. Its not that rare even in 1970. What is more
important is the total combination of metallic particles
which form an industrial set. And the "form" of those
particles. They all show processing occurring in some
Sure. The FBI did not protect the tie. All kinds of
people have handled-looked at it. The average Jo
however does not have a particle set like this on his
person to contaminate "the Cooper tie".
Those particles on that tie have one and only one
explanation imho. And as Cook has pointed out,
those particles 'open' the door to possibilities vs
narrowing possibilities as dna would.