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DB Cooper

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Jo, Check out the information on Wikipedia about JM Wave. It was set up in the early 1960s to support operations related to Cuba. And it got outed in the mid-1960s and was closed about 1968.

It is unlikely, in my humble opinion, that 727s would be overflying Cuba to drop equipment. Other aircraft would be more suitable for doing something like that, if indeed aircraft were necessary at all. For putting personnel ashore, a small boat would easily get the job done. Just keep in mind that Cuba is a relatively small island and not SE Asia.

I believe you have stated that you married Duane in the late 1970s long after JM Wave was closed and had considerable media attention. Maybe Duane just read the newspapers.


:(The Plane:
NOT what I was trying to say.
I related a progam that was on TV sometime while we were living in the old house 1988 to 1995.
There was a program that showed the 727 testing and men jumping out of it (The clip was from the 60's) - exactly what SNOWMMAN has posted and SNOWMMAN found that clip because of what I said. 377 didn't believe me either - but Snowmman produced the PROOF!

I WAS NOT indicating that the 727 was used by JMWave - but they did buy a couple of the plane or their forerunner. Our trip to FLA was around 1982 to 1987 when Duane took me to where the JMWave USED to have their office. I WAS NOT indicating JMWAVE was still there. I was repeating things Duane told me from his past!

Since I knew NOTHING about JMWAVE back then all I was doing was reciting a story he told me.

AGAIN: You do NOT know my history and the things I have told and you lump everything together like it is part of ONE thing. I was trying to relate to you his personal connections from the past. Duane was supposedly in prison 1950 to 1958, but we ALL know he showed up in 1957 in ST.PETE.
Something the FBI conveniently forgot when Carr recounted Duane's criminal history.

1960 to 1962 - Duane was in Canon City. 1962 -1966 - is anyone's guess! He was off the radar during those yrs.and this has been verified......

This is WHAT I mean - you deliberately ATTACK everything I say and you DO not READ back for the reference.

I HAVE ASKED U NOT to REPLY to my POSTS and I am asking ONE more time. STOP!

U do NOT have a clue what is happening or what is going on in my life right now! The stress of having to reply to your STUPID elementary assumptions is more than I can tolerate at this time.
Key in the words JMWAVE and go back and READ the DETAILS of this previous discussion in the thread.

PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE! I don't feel well - I will answer simple questions like 377 asked and I usually go off into another memory that is related along the way....does NOT mean the two are related - but one memory triggers the other!
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Robt. 99 wrote

Tosaw's book has the story, straight from Tina, starting on page 32, of how Cooper checked the packing card, checked the ripcord pins on the back, and put the parachute on.

How I wish Tina could verify Tosaw's story about the packing card and pin check. If true it would be a huge clue. It would not tell us who Cooper is but we could eliminate suspects with no parachute familiarity. Robert is right about the packing card location. Very obscure. You'd have to know chutes to even know to look for a packing card and you'd have to be familiar with NB 6 or 8 rigs to go right to that location on the rig.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Robt. 99 wrote


Tosaw's book has the story, straight from Tina, starting on page 32, of how Cooper checked the packing card, checked the ripcord pins on the back, and put the parachute on.

How I wish Tina could verify Tosaw's story about the packing card and pin check. If true it would be a huge clue. It would not tell us who Cooper is but we could eliminate suspects with no parachute familiarity. Robert is right about the packing card location. Very obscure. You'd have to know chutes to even know to look for a packing card and you'd have to be familiar with NB 6 or 8 rigs to go right to that location on the rig.


Or he could have been a packer for smoke jumpers!
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Blevins wrote

Then WHY did he just toss the tie on a seat and not worry about it being found? There are only two logical explanations, I think. First, he simply forgot about it. Second, he knew somehow it couldn't be traced to him.

Back in 71 he wouldn't have been thinking about DNA evidence. If he were really clever he could have left the tie knowing it would point at someone other than him. But what characteristic of the tie would accomplish that goal?

I'm not sure you can assume the real DBC wouldn't joke about being a suspect, especially after he'd been cleared by an FBI DNA test. He might be an ironic double psych kind of guy who would get a kick out of it.

Sheridan Peterson might be that kind of guy.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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We've kinda stabilized in a nice groove here. We are talking about evidence. We have ceased personal attacks. Can this last?

I sincerely hope so.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Jo wrote


Does anyone have a Cooper 20 out there?

Yup. Straight from Brian Ingram. A nice specimen indeed.

I'd pay a lot more for a crisp one. Maybe that guy who bought Duane's van saved a few. ;)

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Back in 71 he wouldn't have been thinking about DNA evidence. If he were really clever he could have left the tie knowing it would point at someone other than him. But what characteristic of the tie would accomplish that goal?

Thanks for the article on Paperlegs and Mouse and packers. I guess Duane thought so much of Paperlegs that he tried to be like him. Reading the description of Paperlegs was like hearing the description given of Duane by old friends.

I agree on the tie - except if he left it behind it was a message to anyone who might miss him if he didn't come home or just seemed to disappear. I still think the tie tac Duane had on in 1970 in the picture and the one the found on Cooper's tie are a match...but, perhaps I SEE things.

Interesting that there was actually a jumper named MOUSE.
I always believed that Duane worked in a LOFT folding chutes, because of a picture he showed me in that old book - one we have never been able to find that Duane brought home around 1985. There was a picture in there of a chute prep loft. The one the Camino pic was in.

That riddle that Paperlegs recited - it was so similar to one Duane used to say, but it was not about gambling.

Wonder what happened to MOUSE and if there are any pictures of him and if he is still living. I still treasure that MOUSE I have Duane kept in the drawer with all of the other items.

Billy is the name on the MOUSE, probably just a Mousetter souvenier.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I'm not sure you can assume the real DBC wouldn't joke about being a suspect, especially after he'd been cleared by an FBI DNA test. He might be an ironic double psych kind of guy who would get a kick out of it.

Sheridan Peterson might be that kind of guy.


Agree...or simply may even be doing it precisely assuming most people would also think the way Blevins does on it!
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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What is this? Psychological mutual reinforcement of remedial
Cooper Sleuthdom? Faced with the real facts, everyone throws their hands up in the air agast! Never! Not a crippled old man! Never! Not a common criminal! No conspiracy! One thing we can ultimately agree upon, and that is the truth will not be discussed on this forum. No no no no. Beat up on Jo, Bob is a slanderer. Remedial to be certain. Retarded, probably. Intentional? Absolutely! Bite me. The actual truth is in my posts. You all blow smoke.

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I agree with you that Peterson was that kind of guy and with that kind of sense of humor.

377 says:

"I'm not sure you can assume the real DBC wouldn't joke about being a suspect, especially after he'd been cleared by an FBI DNA test. He might be an ironic double psych kind of guy who would get a kick out of it.

Sheridan Peterson might be that kind of guy."

Again I agree with 377 and now that Peterson is 89 years old, possibly he will come forth with what really took place. Or, possibly Sheridan will give us the information in Part II of his book and have "Grecco" do the DBC job and Sheridan is only the author of the "Novel" and not have to admit to the FBI that he did it.

Blevins is only too quick to dis-claim Sheridan as it rules out his boy Christansen who is too short at 5ft 8in, wrong skin color not Olive, and blue not brown eyes.

When the FBI compares the DNA from under the stamps/envelope flaps of the four letters sent to the news papers with what they already have on Sheridan, this case will be finally solved and Sherdian's Nepal "perfect alibi" will be blown apart.

Bob Sailshaw

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Sailshaw says in part:


'Blevins is only too quick to dis-claim Sheridan as it rules out his boy Christansen who is too short at 5ft 8in, wrong skin color not Olive, and etc...'

We've been down this road before. I can present witnesses who say Christiansen was heavily tanned, plus there is the excerpt from his own letter. And some pictures. Height? Witnesses varied on the descriptions, so who can say for sure? Not you, not me, no one really. You have yet to present a single shred of evidence placing Sheridan inside the United States at the time of the crime, when even the FBI dismissed him more than a decade ago. Unlike KC, Sheridan WAS investigated by the FBI.

We've been down this road before ad nauseum.

Blevins: you know as well as I do (and a host of
others do!) that your account of Gray's meeting with
Flo, is not the whole story! Not even remotely! Once
again you selectively present what fits your agenda.
Yours is tactics, not facts, and you are well aware of
that. It seems tome your whole presentation here
over 2+ years has been "tactics" as opposed to any
meaningful presentation of the full facts in the Cooper
case, or even part of that case. Now you are using
"civility" to start in all over again, re posting your old
scripts again! That is most uncivil under the present

I can present witnesses including Flo Schafner who say
Kenny was NOT DB Cooper. Gray's little "tricky" didnt
work - and neither will "yourky".

Smoke and mirrors. Carnival tricks and dust.

Pitch your screen play to people with an average IQ
for a change!

For your information, Gray is already on record as
saying multiple times: "Kenny is not Cooper". So
why the Sham Wow act here, Blevins? Shameless
and uncivil.

Gray was not the first or the last, to talk to Flo
Schafner about all kinds of matters including Kenny
Chistiansen. I am sure you are well aware of that fact!

I think you are well aware of the "facts" by now, but
choosing to ignore them in favor of your uncivil
attempt to present a straw man which didn't even
exist in the first place, until you arrived.

In order to keep it civil you must change your pitch
and assume people here have at least an average IQ
and a memory, aware of who has said what before, on
the record. This is Dropzone, not Newsvine. You are
preaching to the Church, here. Stop trying to rewrite
historical fact. We know and have the FACTS.

Your constant opportunism manipulating well-
documented facts and history is the height of incivility,
in my opinion. These are matters that were document-
ed and hardly even open to discussion, long before
you arrived!

We have discussed all of this multiple times before at
your behest, reprising your same scripts over and over
and over - what has changed in the last several weeks
that changes the prior 'factual discussion'?

Just because Gray and others are not here to state
the bare facts themselves, and just because people
want some relief and peace here, does not mean you
are now free to engage in free-range opportunism all
over again, trying to squeeze in small exceptions
which do not change the larger facts on record !


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Blevins: You say

"We've been down this road before. I can present witnesses who say Christiansen was heavily tanned, plus there is the excerpt from his own letter. And some pictures. Height? Witnesses varied on the descriptions, so who can say for sure? Not you, not me, no one really. You have yet to present a single shred of evidence placing Sheridan inside the United States at the time of the crime, when even the FBI dismissed him more than a decade ago. Unlike KC, Sheridan WAS investigated by the FBI."

I say:

Heavily tanned is not the same as Olive skin color but you don't want to recognize that fact. Chinese people have Olive skin color. Christansen had white skin and when in the sun he got tanned but not Olive in color. My evidence that Sheridan was not in Nepal but at the scene of the crime will come out when the FBI compares the DNA from the four letters with what they already have on Sheridan. It blows the "Perfect Alibi" wide open and allow the case to be solved quickly. This is the evidence yet to be looked at that the FBI have in their possession (DNA under the stamps/envelope flaps) and is the "smoking gun"
in the DB Cooper Caper.

Bob Sailshaw

Blevins, could you think of a better cover alibi than being in Nepal? No, I didn't think so.

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Blevins: You say

"We've been down this road before. I can present witnesses who say Christiansen was heavily tanned, plus there is the excerpt from his own letter. And some pictures. Height? Witnesses varied on the descriptions, so who can say for sure? Not you, not me, no one really. You have yet to present a single shred of evidence placing Sheridan inside the United States at the time of the crime, when even the FBI dismissed him more than a decade ago. Unlike KC, Sheridan WAS investigated by the FBI."

I say:

Heavily tanned is not the same as Olive skin color but you don't want to recognize that fact.

Yes. That was pretty cheesy - no other word for it.
Just game playing. Blevins knows as well as you and I
do that "olive skin" as the FBI is using the term,
should have a genetic counterpart. Just as in eye
color. I presented new material on the genetic basis
for estimating eye color, etc.

Moreover, Blevins himself has previously said: 'eye
color and skin color are genetic". Now he suspends his
prior pronouncement of technical knowledge in favor
of: tanning ? What's next? KC accidentally fell into a
vat of cow poop?

Everything Blevins does here is contrivance.

Sailshaw: Have you considered that perhaps releasing
your info that Petey was not in Nepal, might be the
trigger needed for the FBI to do the dna testing you
want? .... just a thought.

But, if Petey wrote the letter(s) does that prove he
was Cooper? You have a viable theory going ...


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Everything Blevins does here is contrivance.



Sailshaw: Have you considered that perhaps releasing
your info that Petey was not in Nepal, might be the
trigger needed for the FBI to do the dna testing you
want? .... just a thought.



If Petey wrote the letter(s) does that prove he was Cooper? You have a viable theory going .

NO more DNA testing will be done! Georger you are very correct in stating that if the DNA on the envelopes or stamps match - it will NOT reverse the decisions of the FBI.

Unfortunately it is the stance of the FBI that even if Weber or any other suspect's DNA was found on the items sent to the media and other souces....IT will not put that suspect on the PLANE!

Even if I put Weber in a chute (which I am still working on) IT does NOT make Weber the jumper of Nov. 24, 1971.

There is ONLY one thing that will put a suspect on that plane - but, I acually fail to understand the reasoning behind this - one of the $20 bills.

Witness testimony is NO longer of any VALUE - 41 yrs is way too long.

Since a certain individual thinks her Uncle was Cooper - just compare this old pic of Weber and you will get the SAME response from the witnesses as Gray got in a very loud restuarant with lots of distractions.! If you don't believe me - TRY IT!

Look at the pic and put dark hair on Weber as it was in the 1970 photo - you have a similar photo as presented regarding DL Cooper. NO one has ever verified that the Witnesses ever saw the photo of DL.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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But, if Petey wrote the letter(s) does that prove he
was Cooper? You have a viable theory going ...


The FBI does NOT believe it would - because it does NOT put the suspect on the PLANE!

One of the 20's is the only thing that will put a suspect on that plane. I disagree because there could have been an accomplice....

Would someone look up the information on a guy by the name of Nuell or Nuwell or Newell with a funny 1st name for which Jack is the shortened version of the name.

Georger I though it was you who posted an obit on this guy, but I can't find it.

I have the name of his attorney and was told what they tried to do and all of you guys dissed it, but Mr H - it did happen! He may no longer remember it, but there is someone who does and very very vividly and yet he is but a voice in the wilderness.

An old skydiver has tried to be heard, but his voice is drowned out by the same voices I have dealt with.

There was an old skydiver in the Cooper threads who got banned when he made specific remarks about knowing who Cooper was and now he is deceased. This I believe was on the old thread. I thought when things were posted the remained forever - but I could never find this old geezers prior post - I guess I just do not know where to look!
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Amboy, WA had a Bill Haley and his Comets or an Elvis moment about an hour ago.

Shake, Rattle and Roll

possibly due to Global Shaking B|:ph34r::D
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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Georger: Good to hear from you and you say:

"Sailshaw: Have you considered that perhaps releasing
your info that Petey was not in Nepal, might be the
trigger needed for the FBI to do the dna testing you
want? .... just a thought.

But, if Petey wrote the letter(s) does that prove he
was Cooper? You have a viable theory going ..."

I say, yes I would like to get the FBI moving on the DNA testing of the four letters sent to the news papers.

Hopefully, posting here on the Dropzone will get to the FBI and trigger them to get going on it as Sheridan is 89 and getting older each day. I have asked Bruce Smith if he could set-up a meeting with the Seattle FBI and I would be glad to talk with he and them about the urgency of testing the four envelopes for DNA and comparing with Sheridan's they have on file.

The DNA will match and it will not show that Sheridan is DB Cooper but the match would show that his "Perfect Alibi" is not valid and he would be caught in a lie to the FBI (a Federal crime in its-self) and Sheridan would be exposed as being at the scene of the crime in Portland and not Nepal. This would quickly solve the crime and we could all relax at being successful and have helped solve the most interesting crime of this century (at least we think so). Galen Cook has said he might be able to get the FBI going too.

Bob Sailshaw 73's

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Georger: Good to hear from you and you say:

"Sailshaw: Have you considered that perhaps releasing
your info that Petey was not in Nepal, might be the
trigger needed for the FBI to do the dna testing you
want? .... just a thought.

But, if Petey wrote the letter(s) does that prove he
was Cooper? You have a viable theory going ..."

I say, yes I would like to get the FBI moving on the DNA testing of the four letters sent to the news papers.

Hopefully, posting here on the Dropzone will get to the FBI and trigger them to get going on it as Sheridan is 89 and getting older each day. I have asked Bruce Smith if he could set-up a meeting with the Seattle FBI and I would be glad to talk with he and them about the urgency of testing the four envelopes for DNA and comparing with Sheridan's they have on file.

The DNA will match and it will not show that Sheridan is DB Cooper but the match would show that his "Perfect Alibi" is not valid and he would be caught in a lie to the FBI (a Federal crime in its-self) and Sheridan would be exposed as being at the scene of the crime in Portland and not Nepal. This would quickly solve the crime and we could all relax at being successful and have helped solve the most interesting crime of this century (at least we think so). Galen Cook has said he might be able to get the FBI going too.

Bob Sailshaw 73's

Bob, keep us posted on your progress. This could be
very interesting. I think you have support in what you
are proposing ...

Petey already had attracted the FBI's interest, on his
own. He has already given up dna for testing, as I
understand this. I think all of this is in your favor but
should be handled privately, without fanfare, through
your support system.

ps: One thing I meant to ask, for my own interest:
Has Sheridan ever held a pilot's license and if so what
type and what years?

Thanks & Good luck.

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Even if Sheridan lied to the FBI about being in Nepal when the skyjack took place, that's not nearly enough to convict him of air piracy. The statute of limitations has run out on lying to the FBI. How could they put him on the plane and prove it beyond a reasonable doubt?

If he was charged I'd offer to represent him free. But he thinks I a CIA or FBI so he'd probably reject it.

I still can't square his character with being a violence threàtning thief. He seems like a principled man who genuinely abhors violence.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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