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DB Cooper

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Galen is searching hard for some Norjack 20s in a safe deposit box traceable to Gosset. If he were successful that would be pretty convincing evidence of Gosset's connection to the crime.

What are you hinting at Jo? Whadduya got?

Go 49ers!

They really need a spectacular demo jump at halftime.

Janet Jackson with a jumpsuit malfunction?

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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InNOW get this - I really wish I knew how to scan this, but it is faded. When Duane applied for his SS benefits they did a summary of income for each yr.
yr Earnings
1953 - 76 - was in prison
1954 - 60 - was in prison
1955 - 0
1956 - 0
1957 - 401 - was on parole?
1958 - 0
1959 - 0
1960 - 24
1961 - 0
1962 - 0
1963 - 0
1964 - 0
1965 - 0
1966 - 0
1967 - 0
1968 - 2266.97
1969 - 3763.49
1970 - 6025.95
1971 - 150.00
1972 - 9192.50
1973 - 8824.97
1974 - 12203.17

Until then it continues to esculate in the high 20's and 30's until 1991 when he was put under disability.

1953 and 1954 I guess he made license plate or did something with in the prison system???but what did they do back then???

We all know he was arrested in Treasure Isle in 1957 and presumably was on parole since some income shows for that yr.

1958 /1959 - where the hell was he - probably in jail somewhere.

1960 he was in Canon.

1961 to 1967 he falls off the face of the EARTH....but supposedly in Jefferson in 1967 and part of 1968.

NOTICE how something STANDS out in the SS record. Two points.

One is 1971 - what the hell did they live off of! After that he continues to climb the food chain.
This is based on earned income subject to SS - salesmen have expenses that come off the top over-head such as office expenses and auto.

Unbelievable where the record goes after 1983 - off the charts for an excon selling insurance and that is after deductions. I look at the money he made between 1984 and 1987 before he got sick - NO DAMN wonder he was MANAGER of the YR. I thought something was wrong and pulled some old tax record.

Also there is another GLITCH. 1981 the yr he takes a big dip.
I wondered how we lived in 1980/1981. I was working- selling furniture, but didn't make a lot of money. I also spent a lot of time on the phone booking appt.s for him....but during those 2 yrs we did without nothing - absolutely nothing.

Remember 1980 was when the money was found and Duane left Ft. Collins by March right after he asked me to make a trip with him to Omaho, NB. (I think this was the city he took me too or something close to it).He went to a BANK with his briefcase...and told me he had to see a man about some business - he was not licensed in that state.

He is only inside for about 20 minutes and I sit in the car. Remember this was after the news articles hit the newspapers about the money find. Then a few days later Duane leaves for AL, but I do not know were he was for a while - as he would call me and did NOT tell me much - just that he had a room in Mobile and he was looking at the job. Remember when he left Ft Collins he was in an Oldsmobile Cutlass he had bought in 1979 after our trip to CO. Brand New! BUT the income does NOT support his being able to purchase (cash) a brand new car even if the dealer gave him a good trade on the Caddy. The Caddy was only about 3 yrs old, but we had racked up a lot of miles on it. IT was the CADDY we drove to Salt Lake and to WA.

Then he comes back to CO for my daughters graduation and shortly afterward he is driving the Mercury Maurque (new). (2 NEW CARS in 9 months). Strange as it may sound the tax records show he purchased yet another car - I have NO knowledge of...or at least that is how I read the records. I haven't gone back to chase it - as I could not understand why or for who that car was purchased - a professional always did the taxes and I expect I didn't even see the taxes for that yr....he just provided me an allowance for making his appointments but I did not actually sell in Wym or in ALa. I was licensed but only made the appointments. All I did was sign the thing (if I had known then what I know today - hell no)!

ANYONE get the picture at all - this was a man ready to RUN and he put distance between me and himself for over 2 months. - I didn't actually KNOW where he was.

He was afraid I would connect the money find and Cooper to him. He may also have used some of the money when we returned from Wa to Ft.Collins in Oct of 1979. He had bought the OLDs and we had a BIG Christmas.

It was the great snow in WY when he made the trip to LANDON....to see Richard Petersen. Wonder what was in the package he left on Paperlegs door. Seems like we made that trip in Jan or Feb of 1980...I do not clearly remember when we made the trip - just know there was a BIG SNOW and a huge front. End of 1979 or beginng of 1980.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Heard through the grapevine that a new DB Cooper movie is in the works. I'm not involved.

Anyone live near Victorville CA? A 727 at that location will be used in the production. Maybe someone can use Google Earth to get a shot of the plane.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Heard through the grapevine that a new DB Cooper movie is in the works. I'm not involved.

Anyone live near Victorville CA? A 727 at that location will be used in the production. Maybe someone can use Google Earth to get a shot of the plane.


Take your pick http://wikimapia.org/#lat=34.6096762&lon=-117.3800956&z=15&l=0&m=b

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Looks like an airliner boneyard. Lotsa derelict and stored acft. I think it's the old George AFB.

Wonder who is making the movie and what the story will be?

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Looks like an airliner boneyard. Lotsa derelict and stored acft. I think it's the old George AFB.

Wonder who is making the movie and what the story will be?


It is.. I bet there are a few 727 that could be used there :ph34r::ph34r:

George AFB was an "interesting" place

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Looks like an airliner boneyard. Lotsa derelict and stored acft. I think it's the old George AFB.

Wonder who is making the movie and what the story will be?


couldn't be this could it?
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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Previously I posted about the 2 cars purchased in late 1971 or early 1972. ANY one have a clue how Weber purchased those cars with the income of 1971 - NOT posssible even in those days.

I forget the cars now but I did post a pic that showed both car with his soon to be exwife who I blotted out! You guys helped ID them which was a match to the note I made with the wife after I found her. Yet, the new wife in 1972 - didn't have a clue - she hated Weber's guts.

SO what is really going on? NONE of you are going to get one word out of the FBI other than for them to tell you the CASE is being Closed. That does NOT mean they solved the case!

1972 Weber remarries and many could contribute that marriage to acquirements, but that is NOT what happened. The lived together for very short times off and on! Not what one would call a marriage! RIGHT!
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Repeating this and then I will follow with a time record of Weber's actions after 1990 when he went on the kidney machine.

This is taken from the hospital records and co-incides with the actions of Weber from 1990 until his death in 1995.


InNOW get this - I really wish I knew how to scan this, but it is faded. When Duane applied for his SS benefits they did a summary of income for each yr.
yr Earnings
1953 - 76 - was in prison
1954 - 60 - was in prison
1955 - 0
1956 - 0
1957 - 401 - was on parole?
1958 - 0
1959 - 0
1960 - 24
1961 - 0
1962 - 0
1963 - 0
1964 - 0
1965 - 0
1966 - 0
1967 - 0
1968 - 2266.97
1969 - 3763.49
1970 - 6025.95
1971 - 150.00
1972 - 9192.50
1973 - 8824.97
1974 - 12203.17

Until then it continues to esculate in the high 20's and 30's until 1991 when he was put under disability.

1953 and 1954 I guess he made license plate or did something with in the prison system???but what did they do back then???

We all know he was arrested in Treasure Isle in 1957 and presumably was on parole since some income shows for that yr.

1958 /1959 - where the hell was he - probably in jail somewhere.

1960 he was in Canon.

1961 to 1967 he falls off the face of the EARTH....but supposedly in Jefferson in 1967 and part of 1968.

NOTICE how something STANDS out in the SS record. Two points.

One is 1971 - what the hell did they live off of! After that he continues to climb the food chain.
This is based on earned income subject to SS - salesmen have expenses that come off the top over-head such as office expenses and auto.

Unbelievable where the record goes after 1983 - off the charts for an excon selling insurance and that is after deductions. I look at the money he made between 1984 and 1987 before he got sick - NO DAMN wonder he was MANAGER of the YR. I thought something was wrong and pulled some old tax record.

Also there is another GLITCH. 1981 the yr he takes a big dip.
I wondered how we lived in 1980/1981. I was working- selling furniture, but didn't make a lot of money. I also spent a lot of time on the phone booking appt.s for him....but during those 2 yrs we did without nothing - absolutely nothing.

Remember 1980 was when the money was found and Duane left Ft. Collins by March right after he asked me to make a trip with him to Omaho, NB. (I think this was the city he took me too or something close to it).He went to a BANK with his briefcase...and told me he had to see a man about some business - he was not licensed in that state.

He is only inside for about 20 minutes and I sit in the car. Remember this was after the news articles hit the newspapers about the money find. Then a few days later Duane leaves for AL, but I do not know were he was for a while - as he would call me and did NOT tell me much - just that he had a room in Mobile and he was looking at the job. Remember when he left Ft Collins he was in an Oldsmobile Cutlass he had bought in 1979 after our trip to CO. Brand New! BUT the income does NOT support his being able to purchase (cash) a brand new car even if the dealer gave him a good trade on the Caddy. The Caddy was only about 3 yrs old, but we had racked up a lot of miles on it. IT was the CADDY we drove to Salt Lake and to WA.

Then he comes back to CO for my daughters graduation and shortly afterward he is driving the Mercury Maurque (new). (2 NEW CARS in 9 months). Strange as it may sound the tax records show he purchased yet another car - I have NO knowledge of...or at least that is how I read the records. I haven't gone back to chase it - as I could not understand why or for who that car was purchased - a professional always did the taxes and I expect I didn't even see the taxes for that yr....he just provided me an allowance for making his appointments but I did not actually sell in Wym or in ALa. I was licensed but only made the appointments. All I did was sign the thing (if I had known then what I know today - hell no)!

ANYONE get the picture at all - this was a man ready to RUN and he put distance between me and himself for over 2 months. - I didn't actually KNOW where he was.

He was afraid I would connect the money find and Cooper to him. He may also have used some of the money when we returned from Wa to Ft.Collins in Oct of 1979. He had bought the OLDs and we had a BIG Christmas.

It was the great snow in WY when he made the trip to LANDON....to see Richard Petersen. Wonder what was in the package he left on Paperlegs door. Seems like we made that trip in Jan or Feb of 1980...I do not clearly remember when we made the trip - just know there was a BIG SNOW and a huge front. End of 1979 or beginng of 1980.

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Maybe Geoff Gray will actually make a buck and break the real Cooper curse.



And we thought it was just some green kid writing a
book! Needing help and 'Hooray for Geoff!' The
curse continues... glad you are being entertained at
other people's expense! Geoff should pay you a

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I am stunned that the new movie will be an adventure-comedy.

COMEDY? Does anyone think this Cooper case is funny??? ;)

Hey, Geoff is a savvy NY crime reporter. He knows when to do the soft sell Columbo "aw shucks" approach and when to pull a knife. If you doubt his effectiveness ask yourself who else got the warm welcome from the FBI and wide access to their files? I can't even get a peek at the Amboy chute.

I wish Geoff the best. He put on a first rate event in Portland that was a blast. I was so impressed that he hosted and warmly welcomed Marla. Her timing really harpooned his book, but he didn't let that get in the way of presenting every angle of Norjack that he could.

I am looking forward to the movie. When the credits roll I can say, hey I know that guy. That's only happened once before.


2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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1953 - 76 - was in prison
1954 - 60 - was in prison
1955 - 0
1956 - 0
1957 - 401 - was on parole?
1958 - 0
1959 - 0
1960 - 24
1961 - 0
1962 - 0
1963 - 0
1964 - 0
1965 - 0
1966 - 0
1967 - 0
1968 - 2266.97
1969 - 3763.49
1970 - 6025.95
1971 - 150.00
1972 - 9192.50

YOUR ALTERATIONS to the SS records is UNAPPRECIATED - it co-mingles the information I provided. SHOULD I do this for your SUSPECT.

You should DELETE the alteration because it makes it appear I made those statements.

YOU are not a very ethical person to do something like that...to make the text appear as though the original poster made such remarks.

You need to delete your post, but YOU won't because you only want to TOOT your suspect. You have shown your true self with that post and how you probably manipulated KC's financials to support your story.

KC is not a suspect and has never been! Period! Is this the same means you used to explain KC's income.....?????

The RECORDS I posted are actual SS records not IRS records.

[RED]You even CHANGED the title from SS records to IRS records - do you even know the difference?

Reported income is IRS records
and SS records is the reduced amount after DEDUCTIONS that SOCIAL SECURITY is paid on.


[:/]It is a sad state of affairs when one has to create an illusion such as you have done!
It is UNCALLED for and makes you exactly what other have called you for several yrs now!

WHAT you did was DELIBERATE and only supports the fact you deliberately contrive infomation for your own purpose. SS records are not IRS records.

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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KC is not a suspect and has never been! Period! Is this the same means you used to explain KC's income.....?????

I assume Jo was able to get the SS information as Duane's widow. RobertMBlevins could not get the same information on Christianson, could he?

Part of Robert's case is that Christianson suddenly had a lot more money right after the hijacking. But, there has been no reporting of income like Jo has posted for Duane. Also, there is way of telling if Christianson suddenly had a lot more money before the hijacking.

Would have been interesting to have wage and asset reports.....but not available on KC since he was unmarried?

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I did not come to the thread tonight to have to explain Duane's SS record and the only one who made a remark is a person who has his own subject and supposedly studied his subject's history and deduced the man's income did not support his life style.

The thread has tried to explain KC's income was not below par for the average JOE in the day, but Blevins is hell bent on claiming KC lived above his means. Yet, he applied his own limited knowledge to the SS records of Duane Weber and did NOT know the difference between SS records and IRS records.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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KC is not a suspect and has never been! Period! Is this the same means you used to explain KC's income.....?????

I assume Jo was able to get the SS information as Duane's widow. RobertMBlevins could not get the same information on Christianson, could he?

If Blevins was drawing SS benefits that would have been a report in his "well kept" files.

Understand than NOT all commissions paid are subject to SS tax unless the individual is salaried. Being Self Employed involves overhead. Such as a person might make 50K in commissions, but after legitimate expenses are taken he will only pay SS on the remaining amount. I do NOT know if the law has changed, but that is the way it USED to be.

My IRE is that Blevins changed SS report to IRS report and those ARE 2 very different animals in determining a persons income at any given time.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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That information is not for public viewing on a Cooper thread. Unless you search it out on your own, and that's up to you. Yes, I already know the numbers on Christiansen, but I figure if the FBI ever decides to take an interest in him, then they can easily get those same numbers on their own. I will call these numbers consistent and leave it at that.

You have excuses for excuses!
If you have them produce them, he is deceased. There IS only ONE logical reason you will NOT produce the SS or IRS records - that is because YOU don't have them and you never tried to get them.

One can be assured that KC kept records on his income and his taxes paid each yr. Rental property he would NOT have to declare as that is NOT earned income. With rents - that is income, but NOT earned income and it is treated differently. One did not pay SS on investments such as rent.

Social Security is paid on EARNED income - not on investments. I do not know how somethings are handled now, but that is the way it used to be.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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KC is not a suspect and has never been! Period! Is this the same means you used to explain KC's income.....?????

I assume Jo was able to get the SS information as Duane's widow. RobertMBlevins could not get the same information on Christianson, could he?

Part of Robert's case is that Christianson suddenly had a lot more money right after the hijacking. But, there has been no reporting of income like Jo has posted for Duane. Also, there is way of telling if Christianson suddenly had a lot more money before the hijacking.

Would have been interesting to have wage and asset reports.....but not available on KC since he was unmarried?

Blevins had to downsize Blevins' previous "brag" about
KC's estate worth - turns out Lyle fed the Blev the
wrong numbers by a very significant amount!

Can anything else go wrong for Blev?


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I am stunned that the new movie will be an adventure-comedy.

COMEDY? Does anyone think this Cooper case is funny??? ;)

Hey, Geoff is a savvy NY crime reporter. He knows when to do the soft sell Columbo "aw shucks" approach and when to pull a knife. If you doubt his effectiveness ask yourself who else got the warm welcome from the FBI and wide access to their files? I can't even get a peek at the Amboy chute.

I wish Geoff the best. He put on a first rate event in Portland that was a blast. I was so impressed that he hosted and warmly welcomed Marla. Her timing really harpooned his book, but he didn't let that get in the way of presenting every angle of Norjack that he could.

I am looking forward to the movie. When the credits roll I can say, hey I know that guy. That's only happened once before.


If Geoff used purloined info in his book then whoever
bought the book may have a problemo - and Geoff
may have some explaining to do.

Comedy ~ tragedy.

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That information is not for public viewing on a Cooper thread. Unless you search it out on your own, and that's up to you. Yes, I already know the numbers on Christiansen, but I figure if the FBI ever decides to take an interest in him, then they can easily get those same numbers on their own. I will call these numbers consistent and leave it at that.

You have excuses for excuses!
If you have them produce them, he is deceased. There IS only ONE logical reason you will NOT produce the SS or IRS records - that is because YOU don't have them and you never tried to get them.

One can be assured that KC kept records on his income and his taxes paid each yr. Rental property he would NOT have to declare as that is NOT earned income. With rents - that is income, but NOT earned income and it is treated differently. One did not pay SS on investments such as rent.

Social Security is paid on EARNED income - not on investments. I do not know how somethings are handled now, but that is the way it used to be.

You can get earnings at the SSN dot gov site with a name, a birthdate, an SSN, and the mother's maiden name, last name only. Don't you think Porteous already thought of that and sent me this info? Of course he did.

Social Security keeps records of everything you earned reported on an IRS W-2 or whatever you file for taxes. It's how they base your future benefits on a 62/66/70 retirement age. You said that those numbers were Duane's SSN-reported earnings.

I said that Duane, whose history does not reflect anything like a steady or honest lifestyle, would be unlikely to work for 10K in reported wages the year after the hijacking. Especially if he fell into a million in today's dollars.

That's an opinion.

So you looked up Duane's and Jo's SS records ?

Or Porteous did and sent them to you?


Don't think Jo will be too happy to hear this!

You may have just bought yourself and Porteous a
boat load of trouble, But thanks for bragging about it publicly.

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Previously I posted about the 2 cars purchased in late 1971 or early 1972. ANY one have a clue how Weber purchased those cars with the income of 1971 - NOT posssible even in those days.

And this has been addressed more than once. No-one seems to doubt that with Duane's record he could well have stolen the money. It doesn't prove he got it during a hijacking.
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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I said that Duane, whose history does not reflect anything like a steady or honest lifestyle, would be unlikely to work for 10K in reported wages the year after the hijacking. Especially if he fell into a million in today's dollars.

That's an opinion.

You are a REAL piece of work. You have NO concept about the type of work Duane did. Have U ever worked on commissions only or did you always just draw a pay check. I will assure you that Duane live much better than 10 in reported income after deductions.

What U fail to grasp it that he spent more than that on 2 cars and trips - before March of 1972.
He had go back to work - so why not do something that gave him flexibility. He knew he couldn't spend all of it - that someone would start looking into his source if he wasn't work.

Bare in MIND Duane was a criminal but NO ONE has ever said he was lazy. The man LIKED to work - He lived to WORK like honest people. He had to constantly live his life looking over his shoulder because if they found he was an excon - he lost his job - WHY he resorted to being a repeat thief. If they did a backgound check or required prints - he was out of a job.

Duane was a criminal but he was not completely stupid. He didn't have the formal training for certain jobs. I think I can take credit for his not ending up back in prison. Duane had WORK ethics, he just was NOT polished and with time and money he became everything he wanted to be...he learned how to be like normal people - he was able to move forward in his life.

His moving forward came in 1984 and someday if anyone cares I will tell that story. It was the one time he wanted to tell me about his past that Christmas he finally got intouch with his sister. He would call her but NEVER let her know where he was - do you even care WHY!
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Social Security keeps records of everything you earned reported on an IRS W-2 or whatever you file for taxes. It's how they base your future benefits on a 62/66/70 retirement age. You said that those numbers were Duane's SSN-reported earnings.

I said that Duane, whose history does not reflect anything like a steady or honest lifestyle, would be unlikely to work for 10K in reported wages the year after the hijacking. Especially if he fell into a million in today's dollars.

Wrong! WRONG! WRONG! YOU just do NOT comprehend this AT all NOT AT ALL. Go to your local insurance sales man and ask him he gets paid and how much of his income has SS paid no it.
Then ask him how much he paided in Federal taxes on is income. Taxes and SS are treated differently - last lesson you get - go get yourself a real job on commisions for a yr and then show us you tax report .
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Hell, I do not know what make me spend my VALUABLE time trying to teach someone something about economics. If you don't grasp it that is your fault.

Truth is Blevins know most of his book is 99% contrived and he is very aware of this.

What could NO produce to the FBI that Cooper could have taken with him. Things that would prove he was on that plane.

One of the 20's.
A flight ticket,
The money bag,
The satchel (yes the money was in a satchel and that came from a crew member.
The chute,
Book of matches,
Hardware from the chute.
An item Tina observed him playing with.
An item he accidently touch
on the plane.

Oh HELL too tired to deal with this crap tonight. I have more important thing to deal with right now!
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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