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DB Cooper

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In reply to Robert99's recent post:

I'll go along with your assessment on the oxygen tanks. Now, of course...we have Jo saying that the quote attributed to the hijacker came from an email she sent to Geoff Gray, and not necessarily something Gray actually read in the witness reports. So until there's some confirmation from Gray on this statement, then the point is rather moot. However, the exchange between the hijacker and Mucklow regarding the oxygen does appear in his book.

It's been established that the hijacker told Mucklow 'I don't have a grudge against your airline, miss. I just have a grudge.' This might lead someone to believe the hijacker didn't have a specific grudge against NWA. The problem here is that the hijacker might simply have been lying about it. If he was an employee, the last thing he's going to admit is that he has a grudge against NWA. Were he to admit this, it would have shifted the entire early focus of the investigation onto a possible inside job. They would have started pulling records on employees recently fired, or any employee of the airline with chute experience, etc. So you have to believe that statement to make it work.

It's one of those things that isn't proof, but if you discovered the identity of the hijacker later, and it wasn't Christiansen, you could go back and say it was true. Or if you discovered later it WAS Christiansen, then it would suddenly make sense why he would say that to Mucklow. It's a bit of a go-nowhere statement as far as evidence. It's obvious the FBI believed it, since Himmelsbach and Carr have both said the Bureau never considered the idea of a possible inside job, right from the start of the investigation.

The letter I posted up from NWA's CEO to Christiansen was just something I couldn't resist. I've had that letter for a while, but I never paid much attention to the date at the top of the letter. Just seemed so funny (and coincidental) that the letter for 25 years of service and those awards would be sent to Christiansen exactly five years after the hijacking. And it IS funny, I think. On that same day, he gets these nice little items and some recognition from the airline, and on that same day (if he was the hijacker) he also gets to be hunted by the FBI for the rest of his life. It's just too much, really. B| Not evidence. Just funny. I've wondered sometimes whether anything appeared in the local papers that day about the FBI bypassing the statute of limitations and continuing their hunt for Cooper.

On the off chance that Christiansen was later proven to be the hijacker, any film about him...well, that would be a major scene...receiving the letter and then him reading the paper that day. Hard to imagine any screenwriter who could resist including that.

Blevins, The information about the oxygen tanks was common knowledge. Neither Jo nor Gray were revealing anything new or for the first time. It just proves that neither is familiar with 1971 airline operations. Both might benefit by paying attention to the flight attendant's pre-flight demonstration.

Your KC theory takes a hit when you claim that Cooper was lying when he said he didn't have a grudge against NWA. Assuming that Cooper was telling the truth about having a real bomb (rather than a fake), then can you name another single instance of where he lied about any meaningful thing?

Cooper's overall lack of planning doesn't indicate that he was capable of giving such a cover-up answer on the spur of the moment as you suggest.

I do not see anything in Cooper's actions or answers to suggest that he could possibly be KC or Duane Weber.


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Jo & RobertMBlevins,

First, oxygen tanks on airliners. Anyone with their eyes open and who had the slightest idea of what they were looking at, saw one or more relatively small cylindrical objects in the cabins of 1971 commerical airliners. These objects were usually located very close to a stewardress's jump seat.

They were light-weight portable oxygen tanks to be hand carried by the stews as they moved about the cabin helping passengers following cabin loss of pressure at altitude. The stew would plug her constant-flow mask into the tank and then she was mobile.

The oxygen for the passengers came from other tanks either over the cabin area or beneath the cabin floor. It was supplied to the passengers through constant-flow masks that would drop down, at least in theory, when the cabin depressurized at altitude.

If the portable tank was painted yellow, it was a low-pressure tank (about 400 PSI). If it was painted green, it was a high-pressure tank (about 2000 PSI). The ones I specifically remember were yellow.

The cockpit crew had their own oxygen system that had more capabilities than described above.

Perhaps 377 can find more information in his 727 manuals about the oxygen systems.

Second, why did Cooper select NWA 305? According to various sources, Cooper specifically told Tina that he did not have anything against NWA. So that wasn't a reason.

The stop in Portland had only been in effect for two or three months. So it was relatively new. I don't know how many stops NWA 305 had previously, but on November 24, 1971, it made a stop at Great Falls(?), another at Spokane, then Portland. It was a meandering flight that probably had a low passenger load factor normally between Portland and Seattle.

Cooper was familiar with the Seattle area regardless of where he actually came from. The afternoon departure time from Portland was probably one of Cooper's main concerns since he had already decided on a night jump. The time Cooper specified for getting the money to the airport and the hijacked airliner back into the air was well after sunset.

Also, getting the money from Seattle banks was definitely one of his concerns. The Seattle banks were probably still open when Cooper announced the hijacking and the amount of money he wanted. So NWA had a reasonable chance of meeting his demands on that point even though the banks would have to work with NWA and the FBI.

The main thing Cooper wanted was a 727 since he knew it could be jumped. He got a 727 with relatively few people on board and he got it at the right time headed to Seattle. Everything else is secondary.


agree with 99.9% of this -

Add in the fact the flight was a relatively recent
addition to NWA's flight schedule, a fact Blovns
seems entirely ignorant of, that may place a few other
restrictions on what and when Cooper could have done
whatever it is he did prior to ...

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Your KC theory takes a hit when you claim that Cooper was lying when he said he didn't have a grudge against NWA. Assuming that Cooper was telling the truth about having a real bomb (rather than a fake), then can you name another single instance of where he lied about any meaningful thing?


No biggie.

Blev just starts from the premise everybody is a liar
about everything - except him of course! This kind of
superiority based social racism is nothing new in
certain populations..

Some people use an AR-15. Others use a keyboard!
And the end of it, spraying words and thoughts
instead of bullets is less harmful, thank God. The
internet is full of places where people can do that.


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Robert 99 wrote

The main thing Cooper wanted was a 727 since he knew it could be jumped.

A prejudice I share.

Where is Farflung to point out that it's not justified by the evidence?

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Now, of course...we have Jo saying that the quote attributed to the hijacker came from an email she sent to Geoff Gray, and not necessarily something Gray actually read in the witness reports.

You are a piece of "work". You know DAMN well what I was saying - hell, the information is in 2 books prior to Gray's book, but LEAVE it to the likes of U to make it into something to BENEFIT your stories. JUST so you can have something to write about!:(>:([:/] Sickening!

The grudge question by Tina was nothing more than what is called a witness probe question. One used by MENTAL Dr.s for yrs and emplemented by Tina to attempt to engage the skyjacker in conversation and hopefully discover some pertinent information about him

The question was TEXT BOOK in how to handle a someone who seems agitated! It is called a LEADING question!

There you ARE on the Nov 24 date again and you do NOT even look at the obvious - you just ignored the best grudge there was outside of being Pissed At The World!:D:|


Hard to imagine any screenwriter who could resist including that.

You are so easy to see thru - everyone knows what U are after - SORRY no dice - KC is not even part of the Cooper story!



Just for your info since you are encapable of looking it up. It was NOT necessary to do the John Doe until the case was almost 5 yrs old....U in your eagerness to make yourself known - have made some STUPID statements recently. ALL you have done is write yourself right out of any story about Cooper!
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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The information about the oxygen tanks was common knowledge. Neither Jo nor Gray were revealing anything new or for the first time. It just proves that neither is familiar with 1971 airline operations. Both might benefit by paying attention to the flight attendant's pre-flight demonstration.

BOTH Gray and Jo are fully aware fo the oxygen tanks - it is Blevins who needed a lesson and you guys are so very skillful in making this all about JO being wrong with it is BLEVIN who is riding on the coats of everyone who posts here. I was aware of the Oxygen tank before I knew anything about Cooper!


Cooper's overall lack of planning doesn't indicate that he was capable of giving such a cover-up answer on the spur of the moment as you suggest.

That is a dead on opinion and one most would fully agree with - except of course Blevins.


I do not see anything in Cooper's actions or answers to suggest that he could possibly be KC or Duane Weber.

Then you need to talk to people who knew Weber and not what you THINK you see. So now you have moved on from knowledge of planes (which we are all aware of) to being the profiler of excons from the 50's and 60's.

A jack of all trades huhhh!:D Stay with the plane job and knowledge - Weber is my job.

A man capable of jumping on the hood of a car head first with hands spread and feet toward the front end and holding on - kissing the wind shield is capabable of anything.

:oPassing WIND back assward toward the agents and dissing the head company employees tooK some GUTS or STUPIDITY! :(I expect knowing Weber it was BOTH. Hell he had been to prison several times - and he was making good money with the company - WHAT is your OPTIONS....kiss ASS and do it THEIR way? Well Duane retired from that same company in 1987 DOING it HIS WAY!

:oA DUMB ASS thing to do. Fart in the face of the Upper Management of a good size company or jump off a plane - the were both risks!:ph34r::D

It took someone like WEBER to even conceive of this and carry it thru. The man didn't care if he lived or died! After Cooper proved it could be done - copycats jumped out of planes like it was a piece of cake.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Blevins stated:


I suppose you believe that Cooper simply dropped into the hardware store on his way to the airport, bought a few road flares, a battery, and some wires, and threw it all together in a briefcase? We're speaking here of a crime that can put you into prison for the remainder of your life. And in Cooper's plan, he was relying on the delivery of parachutes as well as the money.

:D:Ding my ass off because that IS exactly WHAT Cooper DID! The irony of u making that statement is even funnier!

Perhaps the idea of a SKYJACKING a 727 was BORN in a hospital ROOM several months before the jump! SKYJACKING was in it's infancy! The baby was the package!

This has become comical!

Skyjack71 says in part:


'It took someone like WEBER to even conceive of this and carry it thru...'

I am GLAD you liked the statement you quoted - because after 41 yrs - with the case being unsolved - Weber is the only DAMN Joker WHO could have done it. Why ask ONLY for 200K? THIS you have to consider into the profile of Cooper! If he actually thought he was going to survive - DO you not think he would have asked for 500K in larger bills? Did Cooper even specify $20's?

Never able to get a direct answer to that question from anyone? Why 20's? Did the FBI do that or did he request 20's. Could it be he knew what 200k in 20's would be approximately in size and weight for him to handle?

Similar to the communications PACS carried on jumps into the fires by smokejumpers. NO one ever addressed this! NOT ever!
Well, it has been addressed in books about the early days of smoker jumpers...

All of you ignored the smokejumpers and forestry workers entirely and yet guess where the FBI looked FIRST?

It was MORE exciting to make him CIA or co-vert or a war hero gone off his rocker. Yet, the very places Weber had been were the very first places the FBI looked.
Prisons, smokejumpers, forestry service!

P.S. I have been ordered to STOP posting!
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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RMB says: I didn't say Cooper was lying when he told Mucklow he only had a grudge,

RMB didnt "say" it - he just suggested it - strongly!

Now RMB comes back to say he didn't say it.

Now RMB comes back to say he didn't say it.

Now RMB comes back to say he didn't say it.

Play it again, Sham Wow RMB.

"Only" had a grudge ?

More invention from RMB Sham Wow.

Now RMB comes back to say he didn't say it.

Now RMB comes back to say he didn't say it.

Play it again Jo, I mean RMB.

didn't say it.
didn't say it.

And the rest of his post?

RMB didn't say it.
RMB didn't say it.

Nemo Farbo eeya idn't aysay ityay.

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Complex? The only thing here complex is your warped mind.

NO one is MISQUOTING you!
NO matter what you say you twist and turn everything about any subject back around to your BOOK (not your subject because YOU know KC had NOTHING to do with the skyjacking).

I am NOT supposed to be posting and I am limited in what I can say..

Any subject or anything about this crime anyone attempts to talk about U end up throwing back to YOURSELF and YOUR book. A SUBJECT who was no more Cooper than I am. Your subject HAS NEVER been considered a SUSPECT. WHEN are you going to accept that?

Now you can have fun playing all by yourself - just like when you were a kid.....

You were a loner and you played by yourself. No one liked you. You had no connections with anyone - KC has become your alter ego. That is what your book is all about! Not KC, but you. You do not care who you hurt in the process and the FBI has NOT investigated KC and they never will! PICK up the phone and talk to them - you won't because you would rather bury your head in the sand like an Ostrich - no you act more like a BANTY ROOSTER on this thread....one which has just lost it head (runs around in circles and going no where).

NO one can discuss anything here that you do NOT force me or someone else to have to spend post after post defending. When I stay neutral you suck it up and when you get too BOLD and I strike back - that is NOT productive on my part.

THERE is NOTHING to gain for me by staying in this thread. Would be nice to keep in touch with the guys and gals - but Blevins makes it impossible for ANYONE (even when I am quiet and neutral) to have a discussion...about the case. We cannot discuss even the most remote thing without you BLEVINS turning it back on your book and KC.

Your postings are TANTURMS - like the ones your mother had to deal with when you were NOT the Center of Attention. I really feel sorry for your mother and your father was never part of your life (small wonder).

You consistently did anything you could to get attention and you still do. You do not care who you step on or destroy - it is not about KC it is all about you Blevins.

Staying quiet has been difficult but at this point what I am saying is necessary or the thread is GONE and NO ONE will have a place to talk about Cooper - you have seen to that! The moment you sense things are shifting and NOT going your way all you do is rant and tear down and demean and grab every chance to make your points about a subject that was never a subject.

By the way Quade is NOT the moderator so go quickly and tell the moderator that Jo is stepping on your dainty little toes and hurting your tender feelings. Then you'll get all defensive like the bratty little 6 yr who never grew up.

When I was staying neutral you would start to promote and repromote KC and U seem to think you and your book are the focus of this thread. You are not! If you even mention this post in a reply you will tell on yourself. You will come back with the child like mind you have and make threats and you might even make a couple of decent neutral posts and then BANG! You are right back at it. GET some help!

Guys it has been great but, the childish promos by Blevins of his book have defeated every purpose the thread was created for. It was for the exploration of the case and to present subjects - not to promote a book. I am surprised the DZ has put up with it this long.

I am sure the DZ realizes the self made connections Blevins made - you key in his name or D.B.Cooper and it comes to this thread. This thread creates hit after hit for him and why he stays here - not that he has one darn thing to contribute.

There are some of you I would like to keep intouch with by email, but not through the DZ site. I would appreciate some private email addresses for some of you so I can send you updates.

Georger, I have 377's, Amazon, Smoking99 and Robert99, MarkBennett and there are so many of you I can never thank enough for all the help and assistance I have received since 2004. Remember my private email address is


Not sure I will be coming to the DZ to even read it - so you guys keep intouch.

I have in the last week spoke with several key individuals (not in this thread) out of the past in all of this so perhaps there will be some news to come soon. I speak to Mr. H regularly so I do not count him or the FBI nor do I count JT.

If I get banned for expressing what all of you wish to say, then keep me updated if anything useful comes up. The dates of the opening of the musuem (contact information I would like) and if there are any Cooper happenings (not the ARIEL thing or Bar Scenes) please drop me an email.

Perhaps by my taking the flax and putting Blevins in his place the rest of you can hopefully have some productive conversations. Don't BASH me to badly - because it WILL come back to HAUNT you!B|!

This is ONLY about putting Cooper on the plane. It makes NO difference HOW many subjects anyone produces - YOU have to put HIM on the PLANE!

HINT! Focus on putting a subject on the plane - that is all that will take the subject forward. Putting a subject in a chute - is NOT enough - not anymore.

The DNA and the prints are basically of use, so one of you figure out how the hell one can put a subject on the damn plane with that limitation placed on you.

The Ticket,
A Stub (will not do it).
A 20
A witness ID (after 41 yrs useless)
What ELSE is out there that will put a subject on the plane?
Something Weber took with him?
A satchel.
Part of the chute (well, that could never be confirmed).
Maybe a MOUSE
Maybe a book

Seem hopeless doesn't it?
OR is it? May JT has some OLD 20's he is going to claim he found! Strange he refused to acknowledge Green Mountain in the Washougal area - remember he would insist there was NO such place. The spooky old trees and the wire fence and the gate - they didn't exist! There are pictures of it to made public pretty soon ---- but, NOT on the thread.

What didn't exist as claimed by the man on the ground did exist! Now that creates more questions than answers - right? Just a little food for thought!

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo, What is going on here? You are making peace with everyone except Blevins. You are even being polite with JT. And you are also burning your bridges behind you.

Why don't you just come clean. Are you working on this CBS movie or whatever it is on the the Cooper hijacking? Be honest!


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Georger. I see your still having a blast here on dropzone.How have you been. I hope things are great. Hope all on dropzone are doing well. Jerry

Hello Jerry!!!! All is going well with me. Say hi to Shelly!!!
Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971:


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While we take a pause to get all lovey-dovey with each other for a bit - which I support completely - I'd like to share a little family news from Sandy Land, aka New York. The snow storm may not be the biggest storm of the century as the New York Times was reporting today, but it's a doozy.

Sis is up in Boston, about 20 miles away from the Pligrim Nuclear facility in Plymouth. The NY Times is reporting that Pilgrim had an "external event" at 9:17 pm this evening and power was lost to over 500,000 homes, including my sister's. A foot of snow's on the ground she says, and the wind is howling. She's expecting two feet by tomorrow. Everything shut down in Massachusetts today - the Guv ordered all roads to be cleared this afternoon. Gas lines were crazy yesterday, but everyone lived.

Mom on LI is okay at last report, but is anxious. She talked my ear off this afternoon as the rain was changing over to snow from rain.

My cousin on Staten Island is warm and cozy, and watching the snow fall down. About a foot on the ground. NYC plows are out and plowing the streets.

My ex is soaking up the sun at her brother's in Tucson, going back early next week to supervise all snow shoveling that the teenagers in the NY family should have down over the weekend...

Things sound okay for my people. But, Gawd bless all those who are out in it, tonight.

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Hurricane Sandy and the intensive storms along the East Coast make me wonder if the North Atlantic current is still actually RUNNING...:|

Everything is good here. I'm organizing my camping gear for an upcoming trip to the Olympics. This means a CD player able to play all episodes of Dimension X or X-Minus-One, a big fire with beef ribs and/or chicken to barbeque, and legal targets with safe backgrounds. :)

He didn't say that. He's really nice on weekdays.

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Hurricane Sandy and the intensive storms along the East Coast make me wonder if the North Atlantic current is still actually RUNNING...:|

Everything is good here. I'm organizing my camping gear for an upcoming trip to the Olympics. This means a CD player able to play all episodes of Dimension X or X-Minus-One, a big fire with beef ribs and/or chicken to barbeque, and legal targets with safe backgrounds. :)

He didn't say that. He's really nice on weekdays.

I did say that. And I'm really nice ALL the time.

Okay, most of the time.

Would you believe...

Well yes! You have managed to shut down the most
significant part of this forum while enhancing the
Weber Effect to an all time high - no small achieve-
ment for a wannabe gumshoe who thinks he's a writer
and has seen a ufo, and has a Newsvine editorial
column with 500+ posts, and foisted BLAST off on the
public, . . . . .

While others are going off to distant places to collect
major awards, who might have posted here.

Good tradeoff. Blevins and Jo for: X
The forum's choice!

The Chinese have lethal smog and we have no health
care, no employment, and social media.

Hmmm. Maybe the Humbolt current has stopped! You might just have a point - after all!

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In reply to Robert99's recent post:

I'll go along with your assessment on the oxygen tanks.

Glad to see you're "going along" for a change. Who
knows - some day you might actually learn something
about the DB Cooper case!

Ha! Ha! You Bloviators (Blevinators) are so funny. You don't realize how comical you really are. You are both decidedly ignorant of the truth by choice, then axe each other on the idiocies you propagate. ROTFLMAO.

Laurel and Hardy in double time. Flop your ties, boys! McCoy Lives. Nixon died. The truth lives with the retired FBI Agents, Ralph and Nick, etc. The fear rests with the aggressive young agents, and therein lies the rub. And there you go. Bite me.

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Things sound okay for my people. But, Gawd bless all those who are out in it, tonight.


Watching it with concern.

It's 68 & sunny here in Houston but my better 1/2 has to fly into Newark early AM to fly a trip to Paris.

...with all the delays & cancellations I sure hope she doesn't get stranded. :|

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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Bruce wrote


While we take a pause to get all lovey-dovey with each other for a bit - which I support completely - I'd like to share a little family news from Sandy Land, aka New York. The snow storm may not be the biggest storm of the century as the New York Times was reporting today, but it's a doozy.

Glad your family is OK Bruce.

I heard NJ Gov. Christie giving storm survival advice. He advised residents to go home, relax and have a drink. Is he a natural born leader or what?;)

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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