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PLEASE WOULD someone deliver us from the wrath and words of ONE specific poster. NO one person can discuss anything related directly or indirectly about the subject (SKYJACKING). HE uses this THREAD for his OWN SELF PROMOTION and his books and redirects questions as though it WAS ABOUT HIM & to HIM...and his answer has NOTHING to do with what was being discussed.

IGNORING him does NOT deter him at all - HE has accomplished his goal using the DZ and NOW he is destroying the thread. ALL who post here and who are truely wishing to move FORWARD with the subject are UNABLE TO DO SO. WE can NO longer discuss important issues regarding the case. I tried to move away from TOOTING my subject, but there is NO WAY to get AROUND ONE certain poster.

One SHORT comment about a rumor - caused an AVALANGE of information NOT requested from this man....THE guys who MAKE productive posts can NOT discuss them - BECAUSE one person REDIRECTS the posting or bombards us with unrelated boring stuff NO one wants to read. We have NOT been able to explore anything because this ONE person keeps taking CONTROL and refuses to allow anyone to express an opinion.

This POSTING requires NO response from the poster and NONE is wanted.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Did I ask for a reply from you or anyone else? NO! What I was stating was because of A RUMOR I have heard out THERE in NEVER NEVER LAND! My post required NO long instructional post from U. It is a rumor and HAS nothing to do with ME.

U continuallly twist and turn EVERYTHING like it is directed at you or 4 u & U have NO idea what is happening!

U have absolutely NO idea what is going on AROUND U or in the CASE - Nothing - IOTA! >:([:/]:|;)

Well...maybe you shouldn't quote 'rumors from Never-Never Land' unless you are willing to explain yourself a bit. Next time just say this:


'No response from RobertM please. This is just a rumor from Never Never Land'

Excuse me.

Georger says in part:


'The post was yours, not mine, you bloviating idiot.

As in: Re: [RobertMBlevins] OXYGEN TANKS & WHY NWA 305 [In reply to]

Yes, I know. But I deleted the excerpt. You were the one who complained about it...and then re-quoted it in its entirety. :S

Reminds me of a line from Star Wars:


"Who's the more foolish? The fool, or the fool who follows him?"

Keep trolling Blevins. Sooner or later even Quade will
tire of your trolling & games just as he did Knoss'.

Sometimes, quite frankly, I wonder if somebody isn't
paying you to troll this forum and be as disruptive as
the rules allow - like maybe Geoff Gray?

There are people who have a vested interest in
keeping this thread as disrupted as possible, to keep
posters pissed and information off the thread.

In your case it may be sour grapes but I sense a
rejuvenation since you announced (for Gray) his
movie deal here. We all know Gray has no love for
this forum and wants to see it gone. Lacking that I
could see a plan-B. Are you plan-B? Or plan-C (the
dolt plan) ?

For example: look at your chicken track gibberish
above. Now look at my concise to the point post.

Meyer is back, but you are off the rails again.

I like bringing new ideas up here. You hate new ideas
and fight them every step of the way with anger,
sarcasm, poking fun, and making things personal etc!

Americans wanna know! (your line)

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In Sept of 2004 I received a call from the Jefferson Prison. I had stopped my business number after I retired due to my current husband's health.

An enquiry had been made of the prison and my husband's ph. number provide. My inquiry had been about Tommy Gunn. Seems as Mr. Gunn knew Duane as John. Mr Gunn had been put on probation and no mention of what crime he committed nor did it give a time span. I indicated that Mr. Gunn was probably born between 1923 and 1931. There was NO mention of Duane Weber or John Collins left on the phone.

Mr. Gunn had threatened me several yrs prior to 2004 when I contacted him about him about Duane and knew him as John Collins. Therefore his past was of interest to me.

I made arrangement for someone I knew to go to the prison on my behalf to obtain documents and with my written release as his widow (but I had NO proof Duane L. Weber was John Collins). The person was denied access. In a call later an employee of the system who made the arrangements did NOT work there. ALL OF THIS WAS so ODD and we WENT to a LOT of expense to ARRANGE this - and the prison acted like they had NO clue why Mr. X was there.

Just one of the many weird things I ran into --- the co-respondence is dated Sept 10, 2004.

NO responses are wanted or expected - this is for anyone who might be interested, how the investigation evolved regarding the man I was spent 17yrs with - and knew nothing about. FBI told me NOTHING...I was allowed NO information. The next thing I would learn about this encarceration was by way of Agent Carr in this thread and then it was skimpy stuff on the computer - not actual detailed files like we had obtained from the prior prisons - McNeil, Canon, SanQuentin and Folsom.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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:(After all of the stuff that goes on here recently, I feel like the straight guy in a comedy act! I just have to stay focused and pretend all the stuff going on behind my back doesn't exist!

I have to stay focused and stay on subject and ignore what goes on around me.

Strange how the FBI ignored the scar on Weber's hand - sort of convenient.

If on of the witnesses ID'ed L.D. Cooper perhaps the FBI should have shown this photo to the witness.

LDCooper was only about 40 yrs old in 1971 and I have attached his picture - his hair is NOT dark and the pic seem contorted to me - wonder why NO other photo of LD were not made available.

Now I will post the photo I didn't think was important - made in 1977 - my first Christmas with Weber. His hair was almost completely gray, but a 1970 photo I had started with his hair was dark brown and yet a photo made in1968 showed gray hair. Proof Weber did DYE his hair.

The 1977 Christmas photo is taken at very much the same angle as the photo of LD was taken. Until I saw the LD photo the old 1971 photo didn't really click with me - but IF indeed anyone of the witnesses IDed LD - they need to be shown both of the photos together!
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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The Ex still baskin' in Tucson.

Bruce, No one is really basking in Tucson this weekend. A cold wave passed through yesterday morning, the night time temperatures are below freezing, and the outer portions of Tucson had snow yesterday.

But it still beats the New England area.



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Jo wrote

We have NOT been able to explore anything because this ONE person keeps taking CONTROL and refuses to allow anyone to express an opinion.

Jo, that just isn't factual. Nobody but a forum moderator has control. If you don't like what someone posts, just skip over it. You are getting spun up over something that is so easy to ignore.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Well hello DZ colleagues, this is MeyerLouie, your friendly 'banned Blevins basher.' I saw JT's post, I had to come on and give him a big welcome back. It's been along time, Jerry. I hope you are well.

I have been checking out Sluggo's website and I have also been reading some of the early DZ posts. In some ways, that's where some of the best conversation, information, and insight into the case occurred. That early DZ stuff was great -- before Jerry Springer got involved here, and decided to stay.

Is Blevins still around? Does a bear shit in the woods? Ha! I'm betting he's got other people very frustrated too. As you all know, I lost my cool with him. It might be better to just deflect -- I was taught to just ignore annoying people and eventually they will go away -- if not physically then at least in one's mind as one changes one's attitude about the person. My opinion of Blevins and where I stand are crystal clear. It won't be necessary to rehash the same old stuff. I am happier when I am on task and focused on the case -- the evidence and information.

Did I wish you all a Happy New Year? If not, Happy New Year y'all. And just in case I get banned again real soon, here's to wishing you Happy Valentine's Day, Happy Presidents' Day, Happy St. Patty's Day, and Happy Easter.


Meyer: Only a fool doesn't learn from his mistakes. I've been banned twice for personal insults. I learned.

I thought you were a nice guy at Ariel. I don't want to change that opinion. I stuck up for you while you were gone, you know. I even PM'd Quade about it, and sent you a supportive message. You remember. :)
I apologize for my comments on your work with the good old State of Washington. Maybe we should all just move on. What do you think?


Blevins, you did stick up for me, you did send me a PM about it. You're amazing, in spite of it all, in spite of me verbally abusing you, you still came to my aid. Thank you. I'm speechless, I don't have a whole lot to say....but that usually doesn't keep me from talking. I don't usually agree with your approach or your methods, but you did something for me when you didn't have to. Thank you. I will try to tone it down with you. You're right, it's time to move on. I will try to stick more to the facts, info, and evidence re: the case. Let's go from there.....MeyerLouie

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Well hello DZ colleagues, this is MeyerLouie, your friendly 'banned Blevins basher.' I saw JT's post, I had to come on and give him a big welcome back. It's been along time, Jerry. I hope you are well.

I have been checking out Sluggo's website and I have also been reading some of the early DZ posts. In some ways, that's where some of the best conversation, information, and insight into the case occurred. That early DZ stuff was great -- before Jerry Springer got involved here, and decided to stay.

Is Blevins still around? Does a bear shit in the woods? Ha! I'm betting he's got other people very frustrated too. As you all know, I lost my cool with him. It might be better to just deflect -- I was taught to just ignore annoying people and eventually they will go away -- if not physically then at least in one's mind as one changes one's attitude about the person. My opinion of Blevins and where I stand are crystal clear. It won't be necessary to rehash the same old stuff. I am happier when I am on task and focused on the case -- the evidence and information.

Did I wish you all a Happy New Year? If not, Happy New Year y'all. And just in case I get banned again real soon, here's to wishing you Happy Valentine's Day, Happy Presidents' Day, Happy St. Patty's Day, and Happy Easter.


Hey Meyer. Just got in, been a long day, but much
accomplished. Welcome back. Take care. You know
what I mean ....

Yes, there is some good material in those early days.
Was more problem oriented back then I think ... in
spite of JT! (thats a joke - he's reading this). :D
Take care.. take care.. later.

Thanks for the kind words, and I will continue reading more of the early posts. I find them very informative. Be well. MeyerLouie

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Jo wrote


We have NOT been able to explore anything because this ONE person keeps taking CONTROL and refuses to allow anyone to express an opinion.

Jo, that just isn't factual. Nobody but a forum moderator has control. If you don't like what someone posts, just skip over it. You are getting spun up over something that is so easy to ignore.


Well no! I stated my views on Marla years ago. That
you continue to ask ... I cant explain. I guess its an
issue of control, or lack of control! Read the thread.

Let's move on -


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No. I only object to BS. So bring up your new ideas then. You need to get off the I-Hate-Everything-Blevins-Posts wagon and check into the Reality Hotel. You never answered my question: Do you believe Marla Cooper is giving an accurate rendition of who DB Cooper was? If so, why? If not, also why?

I have already stated my views on Marla multiple
times, over the last 2+ years. Sorry you missed it to
keep bringing it up. In a nutshell, until Marla gives
actual evidence which supports her case, it appears
her story is mainly a 'media event', just like your
book Blast, Jo Weber's adventure, and a few more
similar cases we could all name.

Except that Marla's story had a number of facets I and
others found interesting and would have liked to have
researched further - except of course you beat Marla
up in public savagely, and sent her packing, which in
your case having authored your own "fiasco" BLAST
I thought was very hypocritical on your part. Moreover,
the real Moderators of this thread, 377 and Quade, let
that happen which a number of us felt was 'par for this
golf course'!

Your one-man blitzkrieg against Marla also belied the
fact of Geoffrey Gray's book coming out, which if I
have the facts sent sales down and meant less
attention for Mr. Gray.

Because if there is anybody who should know
something about the DB Cooper case it should be Mr.
Gray - yes? And yet Mr. Gray has never appeared on
Dropzone, a place you would normally think any
serious author would want to be to vet his book and
his facts.

You keep pushing me to comment about Marla when I
already have a dozen or more times. Maybe its time
for you (and 377!) to finally comment about why Mr.
Gray does not come to Dropzone, to share his vast
wealth of information, vet his book, and engage in
the friendly social dialogue (a precedent you have
fostered), here ?

I am sure you have a million questions you would like
to ask Gray. So why not turn your attention away from
Marla and me, and focus on Mr Gray? There is nothing
in or by ME that is going to inform you further about
Marla - is there? Why do you keep trying to snag me
on Marla as if I held some key to her?

You say you know Mr Gray well, you exchange email
with Gray, you are both in the book business - so why
not enlightened this forum about Mr. Gray and his
book and convey some of his information and
understanding of the DB Cooper case, with us?

That to my mind would be an excellent way to put
substance on the idea of "moving on", which both you
and 377 keep promulgating here.

Now I am suggesting a way to put meat on those
bones, and give us and the world something worth
having. Who knows, your friend Gray might even join
you and 377 here and the three of you could really
give this thread some meaning, for a change ?

Why don't you and 377 and Mr Gray talk it over and let us know.

That would give substance to your and 377's
challenge to "move on". I think we are all waiting to
have 'something' to move on with!

Or, we could discuss the Ruis Fractal Probability set
and its application to the Cooper case, if you and 377

Summation: Do something that matters, for a


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Georger wrote

Or, we could discuss the Ruis Fractal Probability set and its application to the Cooper case, if you and 377 wish.

Would you like some butter on that toasted Mandelbrot Georger?


...Ricardo López-Ruiz: Economic Models with Chaotic Money Exchange. ICCS (1) 2009: 43-52

$200K for nothing is a pretty chaotic money exhange.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Georger says in part:


'I have already stated my views on Marla multiple
times, over the last 2+ years. Sorry you missed it to
keep bringing it up. In a nutshell, until Marla gives
actual evidence which supports her case, it appears
her story is mainly a 'media event', just like your
book Blast, Jo Weber's adventure, and a few more
similar cases we could all name.

Except that Marla's story had a number of facets I and others found interesting and would have liked to have researched further - except of course you beat Marla up in public savagely, and sent her packing, which in your case having authored your own "fiasco" BLAST I thought was very hypocritical on your part...' (etc. not quoted, but shown above)

Okay. I'm going to make a serious attempt to respond to your comments, including the ones about Geoff Gray. I'll get to Gray in a moment...

First, comparing Blast to Marla's claims is like comparing apples and oranges. Into the Blast was the culmination of an investigation into Christiansen that lasted about 18 months, and involved many interviews, much travel, and even more research. Much of this research was done by Skipp Porteous, who may not have the access to records that the FBI has, but who has more than the average citizen. This is in contrast to Marla, who simply came forward with an unsupported story and her hat in her hand, as the saying goes.

Our interest in the case as it relates to Christiansen has never been about money or media attention, but about The Truth, whether that truth leads to the fact that KC was the hijacker, or not. I warned Porteous at the start that even making back expenses was unlikely. This turned out to be true. To date, we have recovered less than half of the funds that were expended in the investigation. I also like to remind people that I turned down $2,500 from History Channel for Decoded, and $1,000 for my appearance on Adrenaline Hunter. In retrospect, this may have been naive on my part, but I'm still not sorry I did it. Today, I drive a 1988 Nissan Truck and our Average Daily Balance at Adventure Books is usually less than $2,000. Blast has never been more than second-rate in sales, far surpassed by our re-issue of the Marjorie Phleger classic, Pilot Down, Presumed Dead.

I gave Marla a fair chance with her interview for the Newsvine article. The problem was she kept changing her story...one that she originally swore was the truth...such as LD landing near Sisters, OR. Weeks later, she changes that to a landing twenty miles off the flight path in Washington State in an attempt to explain the Tena Bar money, even adding that LD lost the money on the way down. But previously, she related that the two men went looking for the money near Sisters. That was her doing, not mine. Her Facebook posts early on didn't help matters, either.

I'm willing to listen to the evidence on anyone who is a suspect in the case, even Weber, even Petersen. But I expect people who forward these suspects not to simply make up anything they wish in an attempt to forward that suspect, or obtain a fat book deal. And I believe this is what happened with Marla. Her coming forward, and her actions afterward, have (in my opinion only) hurt everyone who is legitimately involved in investigating the case.

Since Marla, a Seattle FBI who answered phone calls/emails personally with real answers, and who gave honest opinions, now stonewalls everyone's inquiries with the same answer: 'We cannot discuss an ongoing case...' That is the reality Post-Marla.

On Geoff Gray: Like you, I wouldn't mind at all if he dropped by and made a post once in a while. I wouldn't call us 'friends'. The only thing we have in common is a book on Cooper, and both those books lean heavily on Christiansen for content. I've only met him the one time up in Seattle, and I spoke to him for a bit at the sports bar next door to the bookstore after the signing. We've exchanged less than a dozen emails in a two-year period. We probably would have developed a closer relationship, but I blame that on Skipp Porteous at the time of the investigation. I had no way of contacting Gray easily, and Porteous had taken Gray out of the information loop while we were researching Christiansen. Since Gray and Porteous were both in New York, I thought they were in communication, but they were not. I knew that the two of them worked together a bit while Gray was doing the 2007 article, and I assumed that Porteous would keep him informed if he needed to be informed. Later, I expressed my displeasure over this whole thing when I found out. I did not find out until I spoke to Gray at Third Place Books in Seattle and I was appalled. I remember telling Gray: 'It's too bad we didn't work together on Christiansen...' and he agreed. If nothing else, it would have been better to have a journalist along as a second witness to the Christiansen interviews, instead of yours truly by himself.

Gray will answer questions, but the only way is to email him through his website. This is the best way. He's told me two things about Dropzone and Cooper. First, he does read some posts occasionally. Second, he says Cooper isn't his whole life, but just a chapter of it and he's moved on. I think he was a sports reporter for a New York newspaper at one time, then moved on to doing work for New York Magazine. I'm not sure what he's doing now. He's on Facebook, though...and there's always the website.

Move on -


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Blevins wrote


... he [Gray] says Cooper isn't his whole life, but just a chapter of it and he's moved on.

Amazing guy that Gray is. That boy can smoke crack and just move on.

The rest of us live for the pipe. ;)

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Hey! Good news, Cooper fans. Did you see that this website has enabled inline imaging for posts? (Your image actually appears in your post) And these images can be up to 640 pixels in width. Anything bigger will be resized so it doesn't do the Crazy Page Stretchie Thing, but if you click on the image, it will appear to you full size. File size has been increased from 300k to 1MB, as well.

Farflung will have a field day with this, I'm sure.

Now the bad news: It isn't yet enabled for Skydiving History and Trivia...but webmaster Sangiro says he may add it to the list of threads soon. I would suggest PM'ing him about it and asking. I sent my own message to him already. One selling point: The Cooper Thread is the most heavily viewed thread at Dropzone, and brings much traffic.

uhhh, thats been par on most forum sites for years -
glad to see DZ is coming out of the Stone Age.

Any other news of Biblical proportions?

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Move on -


Most are seeking the truth and some only seek notoriety, but those who read the thread and try to read thru the muck usually draw their own conclusions.

So many have gotten caught up in this and just try to add up things that just do NOT add up.

Some search deeper and more realistically for the truths in what is presented. What the outcome is to be - who knows?

Some simple clues during the almost 41 yrs have been ignored by too many including the authorities. Remember this
KISS (Keep it simple stupid) just encase there are some that do not understand the meaning of this.

The case was NOT as cut and dry as it has been presented over the yrs nor as complicated as some have tried to make it.

The changes in the FBI did not support this case in a orderly fashion - instead of leaving one agent (senior agents) incharge the guard changed too many times. This should have been a COLD case file with long term investigators who could follow the stream of leads in a continuous manner, but that is not what happened. Too many new crimes took priority and so much just got dropped along the way.

Hopefully this will change in the future regarding other cases and no case will go unsolved for as many yrs as this one has. The price paid by many has been tumultous in many ways.

Threads like this one may solve other crimes. Let's hope so!
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Threads like this one may solve other crimes. Let's hope so!

Nonesense! Never happen here and why should it.
This is a website for skydivers, not crime-divers. You
need to go to X, Y, or Z for that. Most of the crime
discussion sites are proprietary with longtime staff and
posters and many with very high qualifications ... few
here would even qualify. Moderation on these sites is
very strict. Half the people here wouldn't last 30
minutes! NO OFF TOPIC POSTS on most of those
sites. That would be cause for instant time out.. and
NO ADVERTISING-PROMOTIONS! ... and the list goes
on. Advertising is an instant lifetime ban.

People on those sites tend to be there for a serious
reason to begin with, and tolerate no crap. Posters
work hand-in-glove with a team of Moderators in each
and every thread. It is a cooperative relationship
where mods and posters have a vested interest in
keeping order, because some of these sites are used
and monitored by LE, serious media, victims families,
etc. You have to be vetted to even get on some of
these sites. And the best of these sites have an alert
icon in the upper right hand corner of every post for
alerting Mods to a questionable or 'personal attack'
post by somebody. This is what I mean by a working
relationship between mods, posters, and the site

You have no idea apparently of how good you have it
here! The same for Blevins etal.

That is how the rest of the "real world" operates and
has operated for years, on the internet. Now you know!

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The Cooper Thread is the most heavily viewed thread at Dropzone, and brings much traffic. I came to the DZ seeking information about OLD TIMERS and jumpers from the 60's

Had the inline pics have been available for this thread - GOD FORBID the multiple pics we would have had to view regarding Blevins - BOOK! This thread has been about PROMOTION for Blevin and NOT FOR INVESTIGATION PURPOSES.

I really really detest that man with a passion for how he has used this thread. For yrs NOW all it has been is his rhetoric about his book!

I am NOT writing a book and I never will. I came here to seek assistance regarding a subject and I have received a lot of assistance with that. Do I have resolution? I hope so! Was my subject Cooper? Well, the verdict is still out there, but I have done all in my power to be heard and to present my case - without writing a book or doing a movie or making claims that harm others.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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People on those sites tend to be there for a serious reason to begin with, and tolerate no crap.

You have no idea apparently of how good you have it
here! The same for Blevins etal.

That is how the rest of the "real world" operates and
has operated for years, on the internet. Now you know!

If there had been such a site for Cooper - perhaps my information could have been produced without all of the rhetoric and someone in areas I needed assistance some one might have been able to assist me.

AS it has been - I jumped on anything and everything - even things unrelated and I put up with lots of things NO one should have had to put up with - such as threats and being called a liar.

What you have heard on this thread - is a woman who was lost within the system - trying to tell what she did KNOW and seeking the some answers. Now if you will note I am more consistent because I think as the phrase goes "I think I am on to something." The outcome is yet to be known.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Hey! Good news, Cooper fans. Did you see that this website has enabled inline imaging for posts? (Your image actually appears in your post) And these images can be up to 640 pixels in width. Anything bigger will be resized so it doesn't do the Crazy Page Stretchie Thing, but if you click on the image, it will appear to you full size. File size has been increased from 300k to 1MB, as well.

Farflung will have a field day with this, I'm sure.

Now the bad news: It isn't yet enabled for Skydiving History and Trivia...but webmaster Sangiro says he may add it to the list of threads soon. I would suggest PM'ing him about it and asking. I sent my own message to him already. One selling point: The Cooper Thread is the most heavily viewed thread at Dropzone, and brings much traffic.

uhhh, thats been par on most forum sites for years -
glad to see DZ is coming out of the Stone Age.

Any other news of Biblical proportions?

Does that whole pope thing count???

Hey its HISTORICAL... its been 600 years since its happened during the pope-antipope era

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Is anyone planning to attend the Cooper exhibition/symposium in Tacoma, WA this August?

Unware it was actually planned and dates set and location set!
Frankly I don't think it will fly this yr unless the FBI appears to make a statement and I don't expect that until NOV.

I stay out of the public eye and have since 2001. Do want to know the date of the museum opening and that is all I am interested in.

If any of the crew and the FBI are going to be at a function and "they" ask me I will try to be there. The Co-pilot once told me WE need to end this, but his illness got in the way. This was when I put him intouch with Tina.

Also want Duane's ashes poured our of plane along the fight route - My daughter wants this also. She told me it was the most appropriate thing I could do... .and then walk away and say GOOD BY! I will keep a little of him to take to Lorraine where he was born and I will be buried in Ohio with my Jim.

I will only be with the crew and will not be make a presentation as I do not do well in crowds or with cameras and microphones. No invitation has been offered. I think it more appropriate if there was an FBI spokes person to be make a short annoucement with a question and answer session.

The case IS being CLOSED and it will BE OFFICIAL. Perhaps behind closed doors. IT is anyones guess at this time.

Perhaps an agent blowing smoke to keep people like me away. I expect by AUGUST I will be moving to GA. My daughter will be here this wk end and she has something to talk to me about.

She knows I have wanted to move to N. Georgia and to escape the horrid heat and humidity here. She knows I do NOT like PEOPLE in my face, next door or up over my head - need a cottage just for me with a guest room.

My extreme allergies do not allow me to be around closed hall ways. I have to have a front and rear entrance of my own and no stairs. She has never been to this house and I have been here since 2001. Anxious to see her - but she knows I won't be able to live on my own for much longer. Have NO idea what she has in mind.

I want to get my house on the market. Afraid I won't get enough to move me and put me in a suitable home. The market here is horrid....and I do not think the house or I will survive another hurricane.

You guys won't be puttin up with me much longer.

So much I have to do this yr, but don't know how much I can do.
Could use about 5 strong men to pack and unpack a moving truck.
Cheaper for mover to bring in the truck and the owner pack it..

Then they come by hook it up and away they go with it. Less damage when you do your own packing. I don't know I will make this all by myself and I have so many things I do not want to part with.

Afraid a move will do me in, but if I stay a hurricane will do me in. In 2004 we stayed and there was lots of damage and we had a blue roof and no air - I kept a swamp coolers going on my husband because of his cancer...one of the neigbors allow me to use an cord from her house to my to run that fan with Ice infront of it. (she had a generator. Had grill to cook on, but I don't know if it still works.

Hope I get moved this summer and get away from FL - I hate it here. I need to be near a universtiy so I can do what I have done all my life - go to clases and most of them let seniors attend free.....maybe I should just travel....but not fun all by yourself.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Amazon wrote

Does that whole pope thing count???

Hey its HISTORICAL... its been 600 years since its happened during the pope-antipope era

You gonna apply for the job Amazon? If you do get it please choose your butler carefully.

I think Snowmman would make a fine Pope. He's currently in negotiation with the College of Cardinals but they've stalled on the celibacy thing.

Can you believe they are letting Archbishop Mahoney help elect the next Pope? Liberal guy, revered by Latino immigrants, but he should be in jail for his role in covering up child sexual abuse by priests. As one guy said on tonight's news, "it's a college of cardinals, not angels"

What does this have to do with Cooper? Not much, unless we can tie it to Tina's sister act.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Is anyone planning to attend the Cooper exhibition/symposium in Tacoma, WA this August?

Unware it was actually planned and dates set and location set!
Frankly I don't think it will fly this yr unless the FBI appears to make a statement and I don't expect that until NOV.

I stay out of the public eye and have since 2001. Do want to know the date of the museum opening and that is all I am interested in.

If any of the crew and the FBI are going to be at a function and "they" ask me I will try to be there. The Co-pilot once told me WE need to end this, but his illness got in the way. This was when I put him intouch with Tina.

Also want Duane's ashes poured our of plane along the fight route - My daughter wants this also. She told me it was the most appropriate thing I could do... .and then walk away and say GOOD BY! I will keep a little of him to take to Lorraine where he was born and I will be buried in Ohio with my Jim.

I will only be with the crew and will not be make a presentation as I do not do well in crowds or with cameras and microphones. No invitation has been offered. I think it more appropriate if there was an FBI spokes person to be make a short annoucement with a question and answer session.

The case IS being CLOSED and it will BE OFFICIAL. Perhaps behind closed doors. IT is anyones guess at this time.

Perhaps an agent blowing smoke to keep people like me away. I expect by AUGUST I will be moving to GA. My daughter will be here this wk end and she has something to talk to me about.

She knows I have wanted to move to N. Georgia and to escape the horrid heat and humidity here. She knows I do NOT like PEOPLE in my face, next door or up over my head - need a cottage just for me with a guest room.

My extreme allergies do not allow me to be around closed hall ways. I have to have a front and rear entrance of my own and no stairs. She has never been to this house and I have been here since 2001. Anxious to see her - but she knows I won't be able to live on my own for much longer. Have NO idea what she has in mind.

I want to get my house on the market. Afraid I won't get enough to move me and put me in a suitable home. The market here is horrid....and I do not think the house or I will survive another hurricane.

You guys won't be puttin up with me much longer.

So much I have to do this yr, but don't know how much I can do.
Could use about 5 strong men to pack and unpack a moving truck.
Cheaper for mover to bring in the truck and the owner pack it..

Then they come by hook it up and away they go with it. Less damage when you do your own packing. I don't know I will make this all by myself and I have so many things I do not want to part with.

Afraid a move will do me in, but if I stay a hurricane will do me in. In 2004 we stayed and there was lots of damage and we had a blue roof and no air - I kept a swamp coolers going on my husband because of his cancer...one of the neigbors allow me to use an cord from her house to my to run that fan with Ice infront of it. (she had a generator. Had grill to cook on, but I don't know if it still works.

Hope I get moved this summer and get away from FL - I hate it here. I need to be near a universtiy so I can do what I have done all my life - go to clases and most of them let seniors attend free.....maybe I should just travel....but not fun all by yourself.


The symposium will be just down the road for me -- anything Cooper has got to be a good time. I teach statistics at McChord AFB, so it's just a drive across town for me. It should be a good time.

It may be hard (maybe even impossible) for most of us to have invested so much into the DBC case, then just pretty much walk away -- if that's what Gray actually did. That would be a tough thing to do, for me anyway.

Anyhow.... I always meet someone who makes it worth my while to have gone to all the effort to get to the party -- it happened at the Portland Symposium 2011 and it happened at Ariel this year. Show up, I always say, you'll be glad you did.

Jo, I empathize with your trepidation in comtemplating moving. I've moved so many times over the years. It's never easy, believe me, I know. However, I am familiar with the northern part of Georgia -- beautiful area. I took a little trip once up to Chattanooga, from Atlanta.

I have some questions to bring to the table, but I'll save it for another time.


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Blevins wrote


... he [Gray] says Cooper isn't his whole life, but just a chapter of it and he's moved on.

Amazing guy that Gray is. That boy can smoke crack and just move on.

The rest of us live for the pipe. ;)


Some are addicted ALL the drugs...not just one! ;)

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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Amazon wrote


Does that whole pope thing count???

Hey its HISTORICAL... its been 600 years since its happened during the pope-antipope era

You gonna apply for the job Amazon? If you do get it please choose your butler carefully.

I think Snowmman would make a fine Pope. He's currently in negotiation with the College of Cardinals but they've stalled on the celibacy thing.

Can you believe they are letting Archbishop Mahoney help elect the next Pope? Liberal guy, revered by Latino immigrants, but he should be in jail for his role in covering up child sexual abuse by priests. As one guy said on tonight's news, "it's a college of cardinals, not angels"

What does this have to do with Cooper? Not much, unless we can tie it to Tina's sister act.


Nah.... no way in hell, I still have scars on my knukcles from a nuns ruler that hit on the metal edgeback in grade school. We need not mention its a boy's only club even if they do all wear RED

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