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DB Cooper

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Next photo is my DC 9 DBC jump over Chanute AFB in 2006. Hundreds of jumpers took advantage of this opportunity. Cost was $100 but worth every penny. There were even a few tandem jumps made from the DC 9. It was a DC 9-21, a special hot rod version for hot and high airport operations. Only ten -21s were made by Douglas. This immaculate example was formerly flown by SAS.

[inline image.jpg]
2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Robert99 says in part:


'As stated last week, the Amboy parachute actually eliminates the possibility of a connection between it and the money...'

Problem: That only applies if you believe the FBI's assessment of the Amboy chute is accurate. I have raised reasonably legit questions about that. Ever asked yourself why the Seattle FBI didn't let the Citizen Sleuths have a look? Or if why alleged 'outside experts' (besides Cossey) were allowed to look, why none of them were made public, or even any exact findings on it? You know, like 'we found out it was a cargo chute'. Or 'it really was made of silk as Cossey said, and not nylon'.

But there is nothing.


Something seems to be getting lost in the translation here.

Although the FBI may not be following your orders, there is nothing to support your idea that the Amboy parachute is related to the Cooper hijacking.

If the Amboy parachute was Cooper's, you have got a problem. If the Amboy parachute was not Cooper's, you have still got the same problem. That problem is how the money got from Amboy to Tena Bar. It couldn't make that trip by natural means. In my opinion, this rules out the possibility of the parachute being Cooper's.

Read Georger's posts on this subject during the last couple of weeks. Basically, the Palmer report rules out the possibility of the money being buried by anything other than natural means due to the consistency of the sand layers. And you should read and heed Tom Kaye's remarks on the subject.

You and Jo Weber have a number of things in common. You both think you can do a better job than the FBI in investigating matters. And you both think you have an explanation (in Jo's case) or possible explanation (in your case) of how the money floated down the Columbia from somewhere and magically ended up at Tena Bar several feet above the normal high tide level.

Dream on.


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That Tena Bar money...creates more questions than it actually answered.

That statement was FIRST made by SAFECRACK! Seems like A LOT of people suddenly realized this, but ONLY one answer has ever really explained how the money arrived in a bundle in one place - ONLY ONE!

Had the money have been in the water for 8 yrs - it would have fanned OUT!

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Who said Q was gone?


ME. Jo! On the opening page it gave a new name for the moderator, but I am sure this thread requires it own moderator.
SO GLAD! At least QUADE know who all of the players are - IF what I read had applied to this thread - expect a lot of us would have departed!
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Who said Q was gone?


That was Jo Weber doing some of her pontifications.

Jo, Is your resignation also effective on February 28th?


:)I did not realize I had an expiration date!
Perhaps March 28 would be more appropriate if I had one - that was when Dan Cooper died.

March 28 1995 - 18 yrs ago!

March 27 1978 - was our anniverary date!

35 Yrs - HARD to believe it has been that long. I have fought this battle for as many yrs as we were married.

It was a yr & 2 months AFTER he died in March of 1996 that I found out who Dan Cooper was!

UNLIKE writers and wanna be's I did NOT go public until March of 2000 when it was evident the FBI had screwed up Weber's files.

March of 2000 is when I made the step forward. REMEMBER this I had told the story about the strange conversation in the hospital for over a yr prior to
the date when I learned who Dan Cooper was.


Pontifications! - READ the DZ preface!

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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That Tena Bar money...creates more questions than it actually answered.

That statement was FIRST made by SAFECRACK! Seems like A LOT of people suddenly realized this, but ONLY one answer has ever really explained how the money arrived in a bundle in one place - ONLY ONE!

Had the money have been in the water for 8 yrs - it would have fanned OUT!

Jo, So you're still playing that record? Okay.

First, what questions did the money find at Tena Bar raise?

Second, what questions did the money find at Tena Bar answer?

Can you give specific answers to the above? I don't remember seeing any such answers from you, Blevins, or other such luminaries.

Would Duane be cited today if he threw trash into the Columbia River?


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Your post had exactly nothing to do with my question to Jo about some of her claims.

You just reposted things that you had proposed about a week ago and which didn't make it very far up the chain of possible explanations.


Well, I don't have any real explanations on how the money arrived at Tena Bar. Someone buried it, it washed up somehow, it was dredged there. I just have no definitive idea. Theories, yes. But that's all they are, and they are not supported by proof.

Frankly, there are too many unknowns. I proposed that if the Amboy chute was really Cooper's, then this could narrow possibilities. Some folks said they believe the FBI's explanation and that this idea is a non-starter. (that the chute could be from the hijacking) Okay.

I remind people that about 18 months ago they also forwarded Marla Cooper as a 'viable witness' with little or no evidence to demonstrate that. And since that time, Marla has withdrawn a portion of her initial claims. I got that last bit from speaking to the folks at KickAss Oregon History. I didn't say that to somehow 'discredit' Marla, (although it's true I don't believe her version of events) but to show the FBI hasn't always been right in the Cooper case.

Inline imaging: Still couldn't figure it out. Is this code inserted into the text of the post? Sounds easy. I'm probably missing something.


Blevins, you are all over the place. How about coming up for air, slow down, focus. Jeez! I have noticed you and Jo have one major thing in common. You both label the FBI inept and incompetent when their actions, or lack thereof, don't agree with each of your agendas. Frankly, it's getting old. Can the FBI be that incompetent? I mean, you and Jo give them a D- on just about everything -- all the time. They are now the enemy.

Another thing: give it up on the Amoboy chute thing already. We've heard your position on that so many times. You made your point, give it a rest. Didn't you read Smoking99's post about that -- what the FBI did and why? It can't be any more clear than that, as she said. God gave us two ears and one mouth for a reason.


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That Tena Bar money...creates more questions than it actually answered.

That statement was FIRST made by SAFECRACK! Seems like A LOT of people suddenly realized this, but ONLY one answer has ever really explained how the money arrived in a bundle in one place - ONLY ONE!

Had the money have been in the water for 8 yrs - it would have fanned OUT!



You've gone red. What's the deal with that? Is that a good color for you? It definitely matches that fiery fierceness.

The money wouldn't have fanned out if it stayed in the bag for most of those 8 years. Having stayed in the bag might explain why the bills showed wear and tear yet somehow remained intact and in close proximity to one ether -- rubber bands and all.

The money creates more questions and answers.... when you think about it, that's a pretty useless statement. I don't get any kind of warm fuzzies from it, I don't get all gooey inside from it. In fact, it leaves me hanging, it leave me feeling empty -- no closure, no resolution of any kind.


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ML wrote

The money creates more questions and answers.... when you think about it, that's a pretty useless statement. I don't get any kind of warm fuzzies from it, I don't get all gooey inside from it. In fact, it leaves me hanging, it leave me feeling empty -- no closure, no resolution of any kind.

I remember reading about the money find when it hit the press as hot news. Although it wasn't logical, I thought that it would quickly lead to solving the case. It didn't.

The Tena Bar money is insanely frustrating. I can't figure it out. I have even entertained wild explanations like the Ingrams put it there and subtly nudged young Brian to find it. Perhaps they had found a larger stash at a different location and wanted to see how ownership and negotiability would be resolved. Do I think that really happened? Nope.

The intact rubber bands tell a story, but it's encrypted, ambiguous and unfinished.

Jo is certain that Duane dropped the T Bar money off an upstream bridge, in a paper bag, but there's no proof at all.

Sure wish I had a definitive confirmation or denial regarding the alleged debris field of currency shards at T Bar. It's a big deal if it existed.

I stare at my Cooper twenty and wonder how the hell it ended up in a rubber banded stack at Tena Bar.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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ML wrote


The money creates more questions and answers.... when you think about it, that's a pretty useless statement. I don't get any kind of warm fuzzies from it, I don't get all gooey inside from it. In fact, it leaves me hanging, it leave me feeling empty -- no closure, no resolution of any kind.

I remember reading about the money find when it hit the press as hot news. Although it wasn't logical, I thought that it would quickly lead to solving the case. It didn't.

The Tena Bar money is insanely frustrating. I can't figure it out. I have even entertained wild explanations like the Ingrams put it there and subtly nudged young Brian to find it. Perhaps they had found a larger stash at a different location and wanted to see how ownership and negotiability would be resolved. Do I think that really happened? Nope.

The intact rubber bands tell a story, but it's encrypted, ambiguous and unfinished.

Jo is certain that Duane dropped the T Bar money off an upstream bridge, in a paper bag, but there's no proof at all.

Sure wish I had a definitive confirmation or denial regarding the alleged debris field of currency shards at T Bar. It's a big deal if it existed.

I stare at my Cooper twenty and wonder how the hell it ended up in a rubber banded stack at Tena Bar.


has Brian ever mapped out exactly how the bills were found? Carr mentions him giving several stories?
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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Jo is certain that Duane dropped the T Bar money off an upstream bridge, in a paper bag, but there's no proof at all.


I did NOT declare that as the ONLY possibility! Remember there WAS more than ONE stop. 4 stops.

1. The area EAST of Winterly Park. He went to the water alone!
I only got out of the car when he was RETURNING to the car.

2. The Green Tank - where I did get out of the car.

3. Prior to going to the Red Lion, we went under a road tressel. He specifically took me past Tena's bar and then turned around. This was when he made the stop at Tena's bar. The individual who took me there in 2001 approached the area (from the north and by a long road thru pastures). The house and the fence and gate and the trees - did NOT change.

I did NOT like the cameras and the crew and all of the commotion. I walked away from the river up to the trees at the parking lot. I knew the location was right, but something was wrong. I now know what that was.
The approach to the area.

4. The Red Lion was our last stop before crossing over to Vancouver. He directed me to the soda and snack machines and told me where the rest room was (How did he know that)? When I join him in the back he is watching the paper bag drift down the river! The Red Lion was our last stop on the river!


A certain individual to this day will NOT acknowledge my "green mt" - one he publically stated in this thread did NOT exist and if he truely knew the area like the back of his hand - he would have known this land mark in the LaCames area. I found it in 2010 on a trip.

Ask yourself WHY JT constantly ignore my Green Mt.????? I didn't know the name of it, but I do NOW and yet I described it over and over to him from 1996 until 2001 when I went public. Even in this thread he has ignored it and denied it's existence. WHY I stopped communications with him in 2001 and had NO communications with him until he found this thread!

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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The money wouldn't have fanned out if it stayed in the bag for most of those 8 years. Having stayed in the bag might explain why the bills showed wear and tear yet somehow remained intact and in close proximity to one ether -- rubber bands and all.


If the money ripped away from a bag after 8 yrs in the water the bundles would have torn apart. No rubber band would have survived being under water for 8 yrs.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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" I have briefly reviewed the Palmer report"

wasn't the "Palmer Report" classified? how did you read it?

Truth is, I can't remember if someone sent it to me, or if I found it on a search. I think it was sent to me. There are two main computers in this office, and a laptop. Also, one other computer which was taken off-line about a year ago and sits in the closet. That one is where all the Cooper files resided, although I transferred a great deal of them using a 16gb flash drive.

Did a search on the main computer, the one I'm using now. No results. I guess I will have to take a look on all of them...what fun. :S

You might want to check with Bruce Smith. He says in one of his articles that the FBI released him a copy. I only looked at the copy I had one time and then filed it away. Didn't understand a lot of it, but then I'm not a geologist, either.

Exactly where did YOU pull up such a story! ANYONE who knows about the Palmer report (if you could call it a report) knows it is NOT technical.
The FBI did NOT released a report to Bruce.

Cook claimed to have a copy of this so called report! I expect Georger is also privey to it!

This is the very thing U have done since get go - U create stories and myths. U cannot say anything without changing the context of information as it came to U.

THIS is EXACTLY what U did with those poor women and BLESS the guy for trying to stand up against U. U twist and twist and repeated until they were brain washed. ONE tried to remorse, but U just shunned her! Senior Abuse!

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Excuse me, but big deal. Saw the report once. Didn't mean a whole lot to me when I read it. Found it rather boring, to tell you the truth. So I filed it away on one of the office computers. If Galen Cook has a copy, it's very likely that Bruce has one as well. That's all I know.

I don't where you keep coming up with this 'Senior Abuse' junk regarding Margaret Geestman. I was very nice to her in all six interviews. Used to bring treats for her dog, help her clean the house a bit while I was there. Sometimes we walked around the ranch and talked while she fed the horse carrots. Other times we spoke at the dining table.

She actually enjoyed my visits, all of which were pre-arranged in advance by mail, or I would set a date in the future and ask if it was alright to come back then. She was fine with all the interviews.

I'm one of the very few people around here who supports you in your effort to present evidence on Weber as the hijacker. This is even though I have not seen one solid shred presented since I showed up here. I keep hoping you will.

Surprise and open ended endings!
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo, Would Duane be cited today if he threw trash into the Columbia River?


You are asking me What Questions did the money find at Tena Bar answer?

Been discussed before, but here is the answer to that one:

1. I knew the money did not arrive on that beach - prior to Sept of 1979....

One part of my story I have told and made enquiries about, but no one has an answer for me. I do not know how to contact the Fazio's to get an answer to this question. It was hard to take things in and ask questions with the media there in 2001.

I need to know if there was ever a shed on the river side along the tree line and on the beach side of the fence. Need to find out if there are any pictures of a shed ever being there at anytime between 1950 and 1978.

This is important!
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo, Would Duane be cited today if he threw trash into the Columbia River?


You are asking me What Questions did the money find at Tena Bar answer?

Been discussed before, but here is the answer to that one:

1. I knew the money did not arrive on that beach - prior to Sept of 1979....

One part of my story I have told and made enquiries about, but no one has an answer for me. I do not know how to contact the Fazio's to get an answer to this question. It was hard to take things in and ask questions with the media there in 2001.

I need to know if there was ever a shed on the river side along the tree line and on the beach side of the fence. Need to find out if there are any pictures of a shed ever being there at anytime between 1950 and 1978.

This is important!

Jo, Take a look at the aerial pictures on Sluggo's web page which were made of Tena Bar in the 1970s.


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First, what questions did the money find at Tena Bar raise?

None for me other than something about a shed. I knew I had been there and Duane mentioned a box one could put money in at the entrance..


Second, what questions did the money find at Tena Bar answer?

I didn't know the name of the place, but I told the FBI about it!
Remember when I told Himmelsbach my story - I had only read ONE book - a mostly fictional book by Max Gunther! I thought he was informing the FBI about our conversations.

The money find explained the places Duane took me. his little side trip alone while in The Dalles and his actions after the money surfaced in 1980 made sense....

Below is speculation on my part in 1996, but what I actually thought about all of this after I found out who Dan Cooper and my knowledge the money find occured only about 6 months after we had made those strange side trip in WA/OR in 1979.

I read Himmelsbachs book and this is where I learned about the condition of the money. It was a GUT feeling that when he went to see "an OLD friend in The Dalles area" or within a drive range too and from of 5 1/2 hours - it was actually a trip to retrive the money from its hiding place.

His comment about being soiled when he returned to the hotel was that the "lady" he went to see's husband had died and she asked him to move somethings in a shed....Who asks a quest to move some stuff ? He mentioned a leak and rotten wood. Sort of sounds like he might have buried the money beneath a shed floor.

This was all discussed with Himmelsbach in 1996 - 1999, and I waited patiently because I thought the FBI was actually still investigating and Mr. H. was telling the FBI everything I talked about - HOW naive I was!
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I need to know if there was ever a shed on the river side along the tree line and on the beach side of the fence. Need to find out if there are any pictures of a shed ever being there at anytime between 1950 and 1978.

This is important!

Jo, Take a look at the aerial pictures on Sluggo's web page which were made of Tena Bar in the 1970s.


Robert - DO YOU know how many time people have sent me to aerials - I can NOT make any sense out of them! I need ground pics. I did not know he had any of 1970's and I have a hard time downloading big files - remember I only have dial up and constantly loose the connection. Loose it about every 10 minutes.

I need to see it the way I saw it and I am not a BIRD!

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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The money wouldn't have fanned out if it stayed in the bag for most of those 8 years. Having stayed in the bag might explain why the bills showed wear and tear yet somehow remained intact and in close proximity to one ether -- rubber bands and all.


If the money ripped away from a bag after 8 yrs in the water the bundles would have torn apart. No rubber band would have survived being under water for 8 yrs.

Sure about that? I'm not. If the bills were tightly packed together, bundles inside of bundles, then those interior bundles, and their rubber bands, may have experienced only minimal exposure to possible damage caused by water submersion. I've pulled stuff out of water I thought surely would be damaged from prolonged submersion in water -- only to find that hardly any water damage occurred -- because of a good, "water tight" wrap. But then again, I didn't observe the state of affairs after 8 years ... I'm just thinking out loud now. Let's continue to explore.

So, just maybe -- DBC had a durable, canvas-type bag or equivalent. He very tightly secured the money bag with the parachute chord. Then the bag ended up in the River for a long period of time. It seems possible the interior bundles (protected by the exterior bundles) may have held up quite well and weathered the water submersion quite well, maybe even better than we think. For how long? Well that's a good question. Anybody got a spare 8+ years to check it out.

On another note: To say money packets floated downriver in a paper bag, then ended up in a nice pile at Tena's Bar -- well, I'm saying that's not only very unlikely, that's a virtual impossibility. The paper bag would have disintegrated rather quickly, and even if the packets stayed together (what are the chances of that?) as they floated downriver, it seems to me there just isn't enough elapsed time and river to cause the bills to end up in the tattered and worn condition they were found to be in at T-Bar.


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I keep getting asked if I'm sure that DB Cooper jumped from the plane. I'm not sure, but I addressed the issue this evening.

Here's what I've come up with:

Is it possible that DB Cooper didn’t jump? Did he simply crawl into a space above the lavatory or burrow his way into the cargo hold, wrap himself in a parachute and re-appear after all the commotion, or as part of the commotion dressed as a worker or FBI agent?


But let's walk through the scenario.

First, there is no concrete evidence to support this hypothesis, but let's not stop because of that.

Two, exactly where did he stash himself? How big was the spot? How did he get there? How did he pull the panels back into place and re-secure them?

Three: His getaway would still be problematic. At Reno, the place was filled with cops and FBI - at least two hundred LE - and then a ton o' media, so the chaos was great, lending some credence to the notion that Cooper could have blended into the mix and slithered away.


It was 11 pm when the plane landed at Reno and presumably the airport was pretty quiet in terms of regular passengers, and one would hope that effective crowd control measures for the LE-media throng were in place. Were there effective screenings of all the police from different jurisdictions? The FBI agents who were first on the plane and conducted the primary evidence retrieval were from Las Vegas and landed at the Reno airport just minutes before 305 touched down.

Further, did cops check press passes in and out? How about maintenance workers and other airport support personnel?

Then, if DBC sneaked out, then how did he get away from the airport? It's unlikely that he rented a car. Take a bus? Was he picked up by an accomplice? Where was the accomplice hiding until Cooper appeared?


Did Cooper stay on the plane until it went to its next destination, which is unclear and no definitive statement about the immediate disposition of the airplane is publicly known that I am aware of, but it thought to be either Boeing Field for repairs, or Quantico, VA and FBI HQ for more forensics. How did he deal with the cold and de-pressurization issues? Now the walk-away scenario gets more dicey the longer he stays with the plane.


If Cooper walked away somewhere did he take any money with him? In what? How about the rest of the evidence? Did Cooper take that, too? If not, did he leave it on the plane in his hidey-hole? Was it ever discovered? If not, why not? How big is the cover-up, then? How come the bomb-sniffing dogs never discovered Cooper or the bombs? Was it because the bombs were road flares and thus there wasn’t any explosive chemical to detect? Or Cooper lay-weighed their nostrils by filling the Styrofoam containers that he left on the front seats for the pilots' dinners with tacos and hot sauce that the canines ate when they got on the plane and afterwards couldn't smell anything? Etc.....

Plus, where did Cooper stash his coveralls (and work coat as it was 30 degrees F and rainy in Reno) when he first got on the plane? Did Cooper also disguise himself? Wig? Moustache?

But there is an Out-of-the-Box idea. It’s the same concept, only reversed:

Did DB Cooper start his day in Washington, DC and front-load the skyjacking on the East Coast? Did he board Flight 305 in one of the first stops, bring a ton of gear on board and stash it in the over-head compartments? Then he got off at its next stop, Pittsburg or Chicago I think, and take a direct flight to Portland, arriving well before 305 as it had to make several stops and get a new crew in Minneapolis. Then, in PDX Cooper re-boarded 305 knowing that all the stuff he needed was already in place, and even better, his arrival at Portland had been undetected.

So, as a result, Cooper had lots of warm clothes, the exact parachute and reserve he wanted free of detection devices and sabotage, radio gear for his ground crew and a thermos of hot coffee. Skyjack anyone?


You've opened up a whole new really big can of worms here. I often think about this possibility, and I always ask: How creative and resourceful was DBC and how thorough was the search and processing of the crime scene? You bring up nuggets in this post.
It makes me wonder what he was really doing in the restroom for all that time. Maybe he hid under the toilet. That's the last place I'd look. Moreover, I'm getting a strong feeling here (and this time it isn't gas -- pun intended) he may have put all that knowledge of that particular Boeing aircraft to lots of good use. He knew about deploying the aft stairs in flight -- knowledge that the flight crew didn't even have. What other knowledge or surprises did he have?

You got me thinking Bruce -- it's a totally different angle -- it's fun to consider the possibilities.


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However, I think you should stop comparing me to Bob Knoss. The guy is certifiable.

What goes around comes around!


Blevin is FLAPPING like a FISH out of WATER!

JT can only throw STONES!

Smoking and Georger - are ON TO SOMETHING!

377 & Meyer are fishing!

Jo - Well is she a CERTIFIABLE story teller or liar?

The money tells Cooper's Story!

Gray Crawled into a hole and set up the tomato cans!:):D:ph34r:

One need not ask WHY!

To be put in the same category as 377 is a true compliment. Thank you Jo.

NO chance catching fish if you don't go fishing. Weren't most of the disciples fishermen? Jesus made them fishers of men, I believe. I could go on and on, but I'd better quit while I'm ahead.


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" I have briefly reviewed the Palmer report"

wasn't the "Palmer Report" classified? how did you read it?

Truth is, I can't remember if someone sent it to me, or if I found it on a search. I think it was sent to me. There are two main computers in this office, and a laptop. Also, one other computer which was taken off-line about a year ago and sits in the closet. That one is where all the Cooper files resided, although I transferred a great deal of them using a 16gb flash drive.

Did a search on the main computer, the one I'm using now. No results. I guess I will have to take a look on all of them...what fun. :S

You might want to check with Bruce Smith. He says in one of his articles that the FBI released him a copy. I only looked at the copy I had one time and then filed it away. Didn't understand a lot of it, but then I'm not a geologist, either.

Exactly where did YOU pull up such a story! ANYONE who knows about the Palmer report (if you could call it a report) knows it is NOT technical.
The FBI did NOT released a report to Bruce.

Cook claimed to have a copy of this so called report! I expect Georger is also privey to it!

This is the very thing U have done since get go - U create stories and myths. U cannot say anything without changing the context of information as it came to U.

THIS is EXACTLY what U did with those poor women and BLESS the guy for trying to stand up against U. U twist and twist and repeated until they were brain washed. ONE tried to remorse, but U just shunned her! Senior Abuse!

So, Blevins, where did you see and "review briefly" the Palmer report? You know that's a classified document, don't you? If you read Jo's note to you here in this post, isn't that what she's trying to tell you? Grab a clue, big guy. They call me 'big guy' too, but I tell 'em it's just a rumor.



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"You've opened up a whole new really big can of worms here. I often think about this possibility, and I always ask: How creative and resourceful was DBC and how thorough was the search and processing of the crime scene? You bring up nuggets in this post. "

I have often wondered this myself, he was dressed as a non-jumper.
he either took everything with him, or he threw the chutes out the
back because the chutes were not found when they dismantled the
plane? one would think he would of left excess baggage?

I would guess he would have been on the manufacturing line in order
to have this type of information in dismantling the floor.
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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Jo, Would Duane be cited today if he threw trash into the Columbia River?


I know a guy who was charged with a federal FELONY for using a backhoe to pull some old car wrecks out of a blocked salmon spawing tributary of the Idaho River that was on his property.

No good deed goes unpunished.

Jo, who are the VIPs to whom you are now beholden?

Why do you think they have ordered you to post in boldfaced RED?

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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