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Blevins wrote about Marla


I like to say that while others were checking out her derriere, I was checking out her claims.

Such virtue in the pursuit of journalistic integrity and truth...but I'll bet you were multi-tasking Robert.;)


and what is his excuse for picking on ME!?

loves cowshit?

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Georger says in part:


'Sure we can agree to call it 'whatever you want' ... as soon as Washington folks decide on its name! I dont live there! I wasnt born and raised there contrary to Blevins dead-certain mind melding...'

Okay. Then what is your response to this quote from Skyjack? Page 171:


'One is Georger, a retired lab whiz and entrepreneur named (deleted). He grew up in the Cooper search area, and remembers talking about the Cooper case every Thanksgiving dinner...'

Either Gray is lying, or you've lived in the Evergreen State. Why deny it? Washington is a really nice place. :)

I see. The options are: Gray is lying or I lived in Washington!

You have brought this up at least a dozen times and
Ive answered. I wont address this again, troll.

Pick on somebody else for a change, Troll.

Sober up?

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George just Chill! We all know Blevin's views of what he reads and hears are SLANTED. I like you being on this thread so don't let Blevins goad you into making inflamatory remarks.

He knows he can upset you REAL easy and WHY he does it. He would love nothing more than to get you put on vacation again!

I didn't like how Gray portrayed me. Made me sound like a country hick and also a bar pick-up. The outfit he described when I met Duane in Atlanta made me sound like a hick. I never owned a kerchief in my life even when they were in style in the 60's.

Gray forgot I had managed a HIGH END boutique for juniors and subteens in the 70's. I do not have a picture of me in that particular outfit. My dress style until I retired was alway classy and in style - never cheap looking...never low cut nor too tight. Today it is just comfortable!

The class of men I dated were usually professionals. Bankers, lawyers, airline pilots, engineers, business owners and one politician...so how the hell did I end up with Weber?

I got stupid! Stayed stupid for 17 yrs! The gal who changed the way Fl Real Estate test was one dumb broad when it came to marriage. I finally got it right the last time.

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo wrote

The class of men I dated were usually professionals. Bankers, lawyers, airline pilots, engineers, business owners and one politician...so how the hell did I end up with Weber?

It's common Jo. The pretty woman rejects the safe bets and goes for the charming good looking bad boy. Sounds like Duane really loved you and you had some good times together. In that regard you could have done a lot worse.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Everyone knows the ticket, visual ID and one of the 20's would put a suspect on the Flight Nov 24 1971, but WHAT else is there the FBI has concealed to ID the right Cooper suspect?

Correct me if I am wrong.

Did Tina not observe Cooper looking at his watch?

Was there item Cooper seemed taken by?

A knife - we know the knife had a long blade - right? Per Tosaws interview with Tina per his book.

Was there yet another item never identified that Cooper may have had or may have taken from the plane...I have suggested a book and photo, but NO one would bite enough to send pictures of them to Tina.

The match book which was in the desk drawer is long gone.

The ticket in the box is long gone.

The satchel I describe to Mr. H is long gone.

The bank bag is long gone.

Would a watch that was unique have caught the attention of Tina?

She was trained to watch for things, but was this one of them?

Cooper had a scar on his hand - Duane Weber had a scar on his hand per his criminal records and one which he showed me - unlikely the one FBI missed in notation of the scar in his criminal records or was this missed by the FBI?

Pictures have been made of 2 watches Duane had before our union and the "mouse" and the knife which has been sent to the FBI. Should the FBI not respond to these pictures - they will be made public AFTER they are sent to Tina and other members of the crew.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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1. A watch
2. A mouse
3. A scar on his hand
4. A picture
5. A book
6. A knife with a long blade
7. The ticket
8. Witness Identification
9. One of the 20's
10. Fingerprints
11. DNA
12. A coin
13. The satchel
14. The bank Bag
15. The chute or part of it.

What else will put a Suspect on the plane Nov. 24, 1971? Add what you wish to the list, beside a confession - which is NOT tangible. Evidence has to be tangible.

Four items have been photographed and are being sent to the FBI. A response is requested in a reasonable amount of time.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo wrote


The class of men I dated were usually professionals. Bankers, lawyers, airline pilots, engineers, business owners and one politician...so how the hell did I end up with Weber?

It's common Jo. The pretty woman rejects the safe bets and goes for the charming good looking bad boy. Sounds like Duane really loved you and you had some good times together. In that regard you could have done a lot worse.


Definitely not money, sex, intellectual challenges, stability or his habits. What attracted me to Weber? He could sing, but I did not know that until our wedding night.

Charm - 100%
Protective - YES
Tired of making it alone - definitely. Was that enough to up-root my daughter and myself and leave my job to move across the country to marry this man? I guess so.

Do I regret it? NO, but wish the Hell he had kept his damn secret to himself!
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Blevins everyone is TIRED of hearing you harp and harp and harp on Georger, because a writer said one thing and the man prefers to keep his PRIVACY. Like MYSELF - EVERYTHING about me IS not for the PUBLIC to know.

GRAY took LIBERATIES and that was wrong. He's a writer for Heavens Sake. NOT only Georger has been affected, but others. We do NOT always get things OUR way when he go public with our knowledge, our interests, being a victim or being someone who assists in investigations.

WHAT is so DAMN important about you being right or if Gray took liberaties. ALL Georger does is defend himself against your single minded oneness.

WE are ALL tired of IT. U have only ONE motive in continueing your actions - that is to SHUT down the thread.

WHY do you continue to HARP and NAG about Georger?
NO don't answer that JUST stop what U are doing - DO NOT respond to this post - JUST STOP what U are doing! It's green are you happy?

What the H does any of this have to do with U or Cooper for that matter - NOTHING! It is a writer making a living - live with it - Get Over It!.

Pointing out the ARTICLES in the papers is what U should be doing - NOT bashing other posters - SO PLEASE STOP doing it!

PLEASE DO NOT REPEAT THIS POST OR RESPOND TO IT. Just stop harping or complaining!

If U respond either to Georger or myself or repeat this post and your obnoxious complaints - IT will be considered an attack by all. U come across as a whimpering kid who screams and kicks and runs to MAMA when someone doesn't DO it YOUR WAY!

This is coming from the CRAZY DELUSIONAL off her ROCKER lady...conclusions Gray made about me. Maybe I should pull one of your tantrums! Well, I am pulling a tantrum NOW! I am screaming and shaking my fist at you and saying STOP STOP!:(:|[:/]>:(

The CRAZY Delusional OFF her Rocker woman who claims her husband was COOPER!

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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It was May of 1996 I contacted the FBI and I did NOT go public until 2000 when the FBI pissed me off by getting simple facts about Weber incorrect.

I have not seen or read this article, but there are several errors in it. He obviously did NOT interview the witnesses other than supposedly Cossey - if you could even call him a witness.

This is what I mean by people changing their stories - is it the writer, the witness, subject or deliberate or liars forgetting what they told the 1st time?

First I had heard of Cossey claiming the chute that was unusable was left on the plane. But I thought the unusable was the front pac....so has been claimed by Cossey and others.

How many different stories have we heard from Cossey. I know what he told me and it didn't match other stories told. I won't repeat it without my notes - and I just don't do that anymore. Besides back then I didn't know a front chute from a back chute and the closest I have been to a real chute was in a museum.

Cossey is completely unreliable and we know he only packed the chutes - they belong to someone else. I interviewed that someone else yrs and yrs ago and then I wondered why Cossey said the chutes belonged to him...I thought before he only provided the front chutes - then per the thread he is claiming to have provided the "chutes".

I still don't understand this. I have my notes (I did NOT have a computer back when I contacted the other guy - pre 2000) who Himmelsbach directed me to. Then Cossey's name comes up and I contacted him after I was on the thread. I didn't know enough to understand what the difference was. Then Bruce ends up confronting these guys - I have never figured out which one is right and which one is lieing and/or why/ or is it a matter of back pacs versus front pacs.

Then this stuff comes up in the thread - one owned them and one packed them and the front pack came from someone else - NONE of this MAKES on iota of sense to me. Wish someone would show them to me and then explain who said what and what who said to who. Bruce got me even more confused, so I just stayed out of the discussion. Go back and check - I left that up to guys who supposedly know these things.

The other thing I never read and it makes me wonder if there have been lots of lies told and who told them. First I ever heard of the money being found in a waterlogged sand encrusted satchel with 294 moldy 20's.

Is this a writer taking liberaties after 11 yrs or did he know something others did not know.
Seriously doubt if the money was found in that state it would or could have been kept secret all of these yrs. After all there were children involved...not to mention several adults - do not believe that is a secret that could have been kept regarding how many individuals were involved.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Do U do what U do just to get Georger to treat U like a child and correct U? Is this the way U get attention? AGAIN DO NOT REPEAT THIS JUST TAKE A few DAYs and REFLECT ON HOW U ARE COMING ACROSS - IT IS SICK SICK SICK!

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I nor anyone if this thread CARES about what LIFE has dealt you, it is time to GROW up! All you have is EXCUSES. You can't work WITH people and have a little fun doing it. YOU just go on and on and on with a personal vendetta, just because that person CALLS it the way he sees it.

WATCH this - U will make a long post about me - WELL, don't because U will end up eating your words. I argue with people and have opinions - but U are the only one here who continuely reposts and reposts everything another poster says about U.

U cause the thread to stagnate over and over - U rarely make a progressive post...and U call yourself a Writer!

NOW on to
D.B. Cooper Stuff:

I did make some phone calls today about the News Paper Article Blevins brought to our attention and also spoke with "others" who do not participate in this thread.

Cossey changed his story more than one time thru the yrs and it caught up with him long ago. His inconsistencies had already been acknowled by the parties that count. On has to wonder WHY Carr contacted Cossey for HIS opinion and NOT the other AVAILABLE parties.

Had Carr not been all engrossed in publicity - Cossey would not have been the only opinion sought out. It was his due responsibility to speak with all individuals involved with the acquirement of the chutes still available. This was NOT done!

One of the individuals I contacted paid me a huge compliment and I am still gloating. The individual was aware of my 17 yr involvement in the case, 7 yrs in the thread and other places I have plundered. I denied being instrumental in any phase of this....just trying to tell what I knew....and looking for answers in places where others might know something or present a piece of the puzzle.

I feel pretty good about the label I bear:

Crazy, Delusional, Off her Rocker

377 - yep! I am a teaser, but it was part of the trip out of necessity. Being called a liar & harassed verbally by one individual in the thread, over the phone and publically to the point it was necessary to contact local law enforcement for advice was the difficult part.

17 yrs is a LONG time to fight the system?
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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I appreciate your concern, but let me explain something about myself this one time. When someone makes what I consider unfair comments or attacks on me (or people I know) in a personal way...I respond. In other words, I am in the habit of standing up for myself.

I have had to read certain things from a certain poster. Talking about my girlfriend, what I do for a living, and other things that have zip to do with the Cooper case. I'm not the type to hide under a rock when this happens.

Taking my lumps on something regarding the Cooper case has never been a problem for me. Like the time I said Captain Scott spoke to the hijacker. Or when I had the Columbia River flowing backwards. This person came down on me pretty hard about that. And I deserved it. On the other hand, telling me to 'keep scrubbing toilets,' for example...is a bit unfair.

My life has been full of challenges. So I've never been one to back down in an unfair situation. I was lost in the Cascades for more than a month in late winter. I survived and walked out. I was washed out into the Pacific for days on a leaky raft without supplies. I made it back to shore. I faced down a charging bear with nothing more than a Belgian Browning 22 - and won. I've been trapped on Rainier twice and got out without help. I've used a pair of needle nose pliars and my own urine to repair a Subaru out in the desert after being stranded for days without supplies. (Radiator punctured, no help for many miles) I never panicked in any of those situations. To me, they were just another challenge to be faced, so I did.

This person only THINKS he knows me. And maybe that's why he says the things he does, and constantly goes to personalities instead of addressing issues in the case. I will always be polite, but I am not a pushover, either. And I have decided I have had quite enough of it. My suggestion is for this particular person to get over his personal issues regarding yours truly and move on to positive exploration of the Cooper case.

I do not think this is too much to ask.


Hey Blevins, maybe you ought to take some survival wilderness training. I've had some -- and I've camped in the wilderness. The training I received always stressed preparation and planning. All of the crises you listed, that you found yourself in, were avoidable -- if you had only prepared properly and thought things through. To put yourself in so many compromising, ridiculously dangerous situations, time and again, tells me you are an adrenalin junkie. You like living on the edge. I know a couple guys just like you. Keep doing it Blevins, and it's a virtual certainty -- just a matter of time -- that you're luck is going to run out. Only DBC can live on the edge like that and let it propel him into legendary immortality. It won't work for us mortals. If I were you, I wouldn't go around bragging about all the times I risked my life so unnecessarily -- some people might think you're a couple bricks short of a full load. Tthen we won't have the joy and priviedge of enjoying your deep insights and observations re: the Cooper case -- because you'll be gone. I suppose I could do a little eulogy for ya.....


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All of the crises you listed, that you found yourself in, were avoidable -- if you had only prepared properly and thought things through. To put yourself in so many compromising, ridiculously dangerous situations, time and again, tells me you are an adrenalin junkie.


Almost EVERYTHING is avoidable if ya stay on the couch...;)
& 'ridiculously dangerous situations'...this IS a skydiving forum right?!? :ph34r::ph34r:

This part isn't directed at MeyerLouie...just a general rant~

Now I'm obviously not a hard-core Copper Clown but I like to keep up with the 'discussion'. Lotta interesting theories have been brought up, several knowledgeable people voice opinions that make a lot of sense...

What I don't understand is all the personal assassinations that seem to have to go hand in hand with the discussion?

I've never met Blevins but from what I see on here he seems like a reasonable guy. Works hard, plays hard, intelligent - well spoken, yet gets flack for things that have little or nothing to do with the discussion? :S

Same with Jo & even Koss...

Everybody is entitled to their opinion, whether ya think someone is a crackpot or a saint does it really do anyone any good to personally attack them or their family because you disagree with something they say?

It's ludicrous! :|

Sift out all the personal bullshit arguments in the thread and it's 1/4 as long...and makes for MUCH more interesting reading! B|

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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Airtwardo wrote

Almost EVERYTHING is avoidable if ya stay on the couch...

Umm, not everything is avoidable by staying on the couch. I bet you know some jumpers who are paying 18 years of child support for something that got started on a couch.

I think Blevins ought to carry one of these. Too many close calls. http://m.rei.com/mt/www.rei.com/learn/expert-advice/personal-locator-beacons.html

The venom against Blevins seems to come primarily (but not exclusively) from non jumpers. Why is that Airtwardo? Are we jumpers just more tolerant?

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Airtwardo wrote
Almost EVERYTHING is avoidable if ya stay on the couch...

Umm, not everything is avoidable by staying on the couch. I bet you know some jumpers who are paying 18 years of child support for something that got started on a couch.

I think Blevins ought to carry one of these. Too many close calls. http://m.rei.com/...locator-beacons.html

The venom against Blevins seems to come primarily (but not exclusively) from non jumpers. Why is that Airtwardo? Are we jumpers just more tolerant?





+2 primarily (but not exclusively)

People round heor need to stop shooting messengers!

After so many claims and false messages - ?

Whose to believe?

Vested interest might be a guideline!

Didnt this happen in highschool a lot?

Lots of hysteria in the parking lot.

Sub atomic homesick blues.

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and I've camped in the wilderness. The training I received always stressed preparation and planning.

Yep! We teach our kids how to manage things, or
try to. We shoot for a good healthy middle. That's
just the way Iowans are.

But some kids catch their 'thing' in the zipper. Some
of those are heroes and survive by their own wits.
Others need surgery and are dwarfed by the exper-
ience. Still others, the broad majority, have a few
close shaves but generally avoid the problem, in the
first place.

The line between comedy and tragedy is very close.
And too many dwarfs become our socalled 'leaders'.

It's the subatomic homesick blues!

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The only time I got into trouble out and about on my own fault was the Ozette Island thing, when I caught the tide wrong. I was trying to cross over to Ozette Island from the shore and I knew better than to try that in the late afternoon.

Three days later...washed up miles south of where I started. You start making promises to God and stuff. :)
Anyway, I'm still wondering about this supposed quote from Rataczak from that 1996 San Francisco Chronicle article. The author is now the car blogger or something for the Chronicle. Anyway, THIS quote:


'By 7:45 p.m., a light on the airplane's dashboard indicated that Cooper, alone in the cabin, had lowered the rear stairwell. But the wind kept bouncing the ramp back up, so Rataczak increased the flaps to 30 degrees, slowing the plane to under 170 miles an hour...'

Author quotes Rataczak extensively, so I have to assume he actually interviewed him, probably by phone. The reason I think this quote is important is because of the alleged speed of the aircraft at the time of the jump. Did Rataczak REALLY manage to get the 727 below 170mph? Or is this just another Cooper Media Fable?

Blevins, Read the radio transcripts and you will see what actually happened. The aircraft had been airborn from Seattle for less than 10 minutes and Cooper could NOT get the stairs down. So Rataczak slowed the aircraft well below 170 knots, leveled off at 7000 feet, and then Cooper was able to get the stairs moving down.

You seem to feel that 170 MPH was slow for the 727. Perhaps 377 can find the minimum speed in one of his manuals for the aircraft at 7,000 feet ASL standard atmosphere, flaps at 30 degees, leading edge devices deployed, and somewhat close to maximum gross weight. The aircraft had a full load of fuel, or close to it, five passengers, and whatever cargo and luggage it had on the flight from Portland to Seattle.

There is nothing mysterious about the 170 MPH figure. But the reporter in question seems to be unfamiliar with aircraft operations.


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There is nothing mysterious about the 170 MPH figure. The reporter in question seems to be unfamiliar with aircraft operations.


Writers are writers - they take liberties! Blevins should know this, because he is a writer! The man who wrote the article was a NEWPAPER Journalist.

When Margie Boule did her article ON Weber, I criticized her about certain errors she made. News articles have to interest the public and the writers take certain Liberties! I was not happy about the OBVIOUS errors as we exchanged information via email and phone. All in All her article was fair....but inaccurate on some minor details. I have my emails and her emails in black and white acknowledging the errors if they ever come into play or affect the over-all results.

The pilot did slow the plane down - because he wanted Cooper to leave the damn plane! There was a point on the ground that 4 individuals heard what seemed to be a plane in trouble. They did NOT see the plane - one claimed to have been able to see a shadow thru the cloud movement, but the "experts" on all of this said NO. We all know there was a breaking of the cloud formation - and the person saw what they saw and their explanation has to do...we didn't walk around in those days with a camera glued to our hand.

The witnesses on the ground thought it was a plane in trouble, but another party told me it could very well have sounded like that to someone on the ground. The example given to me was changing gears manually on a car in movement. You would feel and hear it. I presume he was talking about manual transmissions.

The pilot was given permission to do what he thought was necessary - so if the pilot knew the capabilities of the aircraft - and changed flap positions again - the plane could have lost altitude and changing the flap could have created the different sounds on the ground...at that one point....with the rain cover - trapping sounds down.

They were used to hearing planes - but this time it was a different sound and lower!

This was never discussed with the co-pilot by me - now I sure as hell would love to talk to him again. Would be nice to have a pilot on a 3 way conversation because I do not know chutes or planes. Robert99 - you are supposedly a pilot right? If the flap where change at a low attitude would the individuals on the ground note a sound - as being different than normally what they had experience on the ground?
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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727 power reductions, flap position changes, gear extension... all can be heard under the right conditions but none sound "like a plane in trouble".

F106 interceptors were very loud single engine (J75-17) turbojet aircraft. If they were heard circling or making power changes they'd sound different than a 727 and might be more likely to have been noticed. I believe that the Cooper 727 had JT8D-7 turbofan engines which have a higher bypass ratio than turbojets and sound less "harsh".

Someone hearing an F106 and thinking the sound was coming from an airliner might think it sounded "wrong" and conclude that the unseen aircraft was "in trouble".

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Skyjack71 says in part:


'The witnesses on the ground thought it was a plane in trouble, but another party told me it could very well have sounded like that to someone on the ground...'

I directed my post to pilots not U.
U are NOT qualified to answer the question. This is what I mean - you HINDER progress and you need to qualify any answers U provide to specific questions - but NO you speak as though U are the person or persons to whom the post was directed at.

I have heard Dona's story, but there are 7 other witnesses involved regarding my post. Who they are is NO ones business. All of them contacted the FBI in 1971 and were interviewed. I have personally spoke with all living witnesses I am referrring to. Another may not be around to see resolutions coming down.

The sound I am talking about was the skyjacked Boeing. I was asking if the flap change would have may the plane sound closer and louder. The parties are very aware of the search planes and know what they sound like - this was a passenger plane and it was low and it sounded different than other pass-overs they had experience in the past. Granted the other flights were probably at a higher altitude - so I take that fact into consideration

Just a simple question from a simple woman who knows little about planes. I do not doubt these individual heard the 727 and their stories all of these yrs have been consistent.

Remember I lived across the Express Way on the perimenter of the Atlanta Airport from 1973 until 1977. I worked in the area.
I heard planes taking off all of the time - but never heard the sound described to me by a man at one location and by 2 women at another location not too far apart. All of the individuals contacted the FBI. Both setting describe the same sound to me.

Two of these individuals KNOW what the small search planes sound like - like myself have lived near military bases.

Again I have repeated this question in the past and got some off the wall answers, but NOT an answer to the specific question. Does the sound of the plane change with flap designations and at low speeds not to mention a lower altitude because I have NO idea if the sound has anything to do with altitude.

I am working with witness accounts -and over the yrs these individuals have been consistent.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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You are supposedly a pilot right? If the flap where change at a low attitude would the individuals on the ground note a sound - as being different than normally what they had experience on the ground?

Asked this question and was bombarded by none other than Blevins with "his" opinions.

This question is for pilots in this thread and those who know the Boeing 727's or mechanics who worked on them and/or engineers. I did not direct my question to Blevins. The question is not one I would ask of a writer whose genre is fiction.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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