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Robert99 50
99, what is the outside diameter of the 727-100 main
wheel (Cooper plane) ?
Goodyear chart attached says 49 or 50 inches. But is that full OD or just rim-to-rim?
I need the full outside OD.
You have got me on this. The tires in the picture you attached do NOT seem to be 4 feet in diameter. However, the metal rim does seem to be about 17 inches in diameter.
If you are doing something where the airplane is still on the ground, then it is the "rolling radius" of the wheel that you need.
I'll see if I can find more information on this.
Georger, go to and download this 24 page booklet. Hopefully, it will include everything you are looking for.
Robert99 50
Go to the URL listed in post #41345, click on the resources tab at the top, and then the Aircraft Tire Databook in the middle of the next page. This should get you to the 24 page booklet in question.
Below is an excerpt from one post I made about the knife around 2009:
"I have an old large pocket knife that looks like it has been buried with a piece of cord in it. Sluggo saw this when he was here and dismissed it because it was dirty dirty - and it was not pink. I seriously doubt that if buried with the money for many yrs and having been wet it would still be pink. It looks like the core threads of the chute cord in a photo one of you posted.
Also when a man is cutting a cord he forms a loop and then pulls the knife thru the loop to make the cut. Did the FBI take DNA from the cord and did they protect that cord from being handled over the yrs."
Adendum: March 2013
My mind wants to believe the cord is pink and yet today when I looked at it as I did in 2009 per the post above - the thread is NOT pink. I still stand by that post and it is time the cord in the knife is examined.
Coopers DNA would be on the pieces of cord he held to make the cuts. Did the FBI do DNA on the cords? It is my understanding this was one of their donations to the museum. Right or wrong?
What I have is NOT the cord itself but a fragment of the cores that make up a cord. This fragment is the size of the lead in a pencil and has a mesh like outer layer. It would take many of these intertwined to make a chute cord the thickness of a wooden pencil.
The lead is the size of the fragment. I do not know how many of these would have to be intertwined to make it the thickness of a chute cord.
I assume the size of the cord would be many of those wound together to the size of a wood pencil. Is this about right?
I wish I had a way of putting a sketch of how the segment is held together. Like a mesh stocking on a piece of pencil lead.
FARFLUNG where are you - I am sure you could make something out of a mesh stocking on a piece of pencil lead! You would add a habit!
I would add to that a DNA profile from Duane's closest living relative.
You obviously KNOW nothing about anything I have ever said. Duane has NO living relative left!
Since he died the sister and the brother have both died.
Duane was estranged from the brother and the sister - had not seen the brother in well over 30 yrs and last saw his sister in 1971....yea - shortly after the jump and one of the letters sent to the media sent 12 miles from where she lived at that time.
U obviously have never read anything I have ever said!
Witnesses? If there were witnesses I assure you Cooper would have been identified!
Did YOU read anything I wrote?. What was said to me!
"You can put him in a chute, but you have to put him on the plane!" How much clearer can I make myself on that?
As for the DEATHBED confession at least I heard him say it. You claimed to have had a death bed confession and yet there was NO confession - you wrote a book about it!
Not just sad but sick!
Yea, they pointed fingers at each other - it was U putting them at odds with each other and U criticize my criterior when you had NO connection to KC and absolute NO proof!
QuoteYour trips with Duane to Washington State mean little because you don't present any real evidence.
Duh! What REAL evidence did U ever present. I was with Weber and I was married to him for 18 yrs. He confessed to being Dan Cooper. I never contrived a story and YOUR story is about a man U didn't know and never met! U created circumstance that never existed!
YET U have the unmitigated GALL to criticize the things I found and the things I heard with my own ears and the fact that Weber actually had the essential background assets or liabilities which ever one wants to call them. Depends on what side to the fence U are on!
U are a REAL SICKO! U take every opportunity to promote the company, the subject, the book and yourself. U get hits everytime you use them and when some idiot on the thread quotes your post!
NOTE I avoid YOUR KEY words!
georger 244
Go to the URL listed in post #41345, click on the resources tab at the top, and then the Aircraft Tire Databook in the middle of the next page. This should get you to the 24 page booklet in question.
Yes that did it - I got what I needed - thanks.
mrshutter45 21
QuoteQuotekeep in mind that the cord has 3 colors in it, white, black and pink on the outside.
I cut and use rope all the time, never seen any rope on the blade. I would think
you would have to have a knife with a jagged edge or saw blade in order to catch
any residue. A blade will cut pretty quick through the cord.
550 line is tough.... and unless you tension it while cutting it dos not cut easily
Even a little tension on it.. and it cuts like butter. you can even cut it with friction... take two bights of the line and loop them one into the other.. tension them... and move one of them back and forth over the other bight creating even a little friction... it takes very few seconds to cut right thru it... by melting it.
typically I bend rope in two pieces, put the blade between them and pull up.
some rope can be tough, but the blade always wins. the only rope I can't cut
as mentioned above is safely rope that I used on swing stages, it's about 5/8
inch in diameter with a breaking strength of 9,000 lbs. if the rope is older
I can cut it easier (safety line)
377 22
QuoteNo evidence is an island entire of itself. That's the
hard truth.
What about a pristine Cooper twenty? If Jo found that in Duane's belongings wouldnt that be pretty close?
Speaking of paracord, remember this case?
QuoteSTOCKTON, Calif. (AP) - A state prisoner suspected of being the "I-5 Strangler" could face the death penalty if he's convicted of six murders committed more than two decades ago along Interstate 5 in California's Central Valley.
Roger Reese Kibbe, 68, was arraigned in San Joaquin County Friday on charges he murdered five women in 1986 and a sixth woman in 1977.
He is currently serving a life term at Pleasant Valley State Prison in Coalinga for strangling a 17-year-old West Sacramento prostitute and leaving her naked body in the mountains south of Lake Tahoe in 1987.
Investigators have long said they suspected Kibbe in the other slayings.
El Dorado County prosecutors presented some of that evidence at his 1991 trial for Darcie Frackenpohl's murder. The runaway from Seattle was killed after she disappeared from a West Sacramento street frequented by prostitutes.
At the time, the state Department of Justice said fibers from nylon rope used by skydivers was among the microscopic evidence linking Kibbe to three of the other slayings. Witnesses alleged Kibbe, who was a skydiver, had a murder kit including handcuffs and scissors.
But prosecutors previously said the multiple jurisdictions where the crimes occurred and complications in state law made it difficult to press other charges. California law has since been changed to let one county prosecute crimes from several jurisdictions.
Only one of the victims' bodies was dumped in San Joaquin County, but investigators from Sacramento, Napa, Contra Costa and Amador counties all testified before the San Joaquin grand jury that indicted Kibbe Feb. 25.
He faces six counts of murder with special circumstances including rape, kidnapping and multiple murders that make him eligible for the death penalty.
Kibbe, a furniture maker whose brother was a police detective, has been portrayed on television crime shows and was the subject of a 1999 book by Bruce Henderson entitled "Trace Evidence: The Search for the I-5 Strangler."
Prosecutors released few details on the victims and would not comment.
According to the indictment and media accounts, Kibbe is charged with the murder of Lou Ellen Burleigh of Walnut Creek in 1977 and five other slayings in 1986:
- Stephanie Brown, 19, of Sacramento, was sexually assaulted,
strangled, and her body dumped in a ditch. A crumpled map was found
near her car parked along I-5.
- Charmaine Sabrah, 26, a mother of three from Sacramento, disappeared after her car broke down along I-5 and she drove off with a strange man who offered to help. Her strangled body was found three months later.
- Heedrick, 21, of Modesto, was last seen getting into a car. Her body was found along I-5 five months later.
- The other two victims are Katherine Kelly Quinones, 25 and Barbara Ann Scott, 29.
Kibbe, who has receding short white hair, is being held without bail for a court appearance Monday. He spoke briefly and barely audibly during Friday's arraignment, saying only that he wants an attorney appointed to represent him.
(Copyright 2008 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)
AP-NY-03-08-08 1750EST
QuoteGeorger wrote
QuoteNo evidence is an island entire of itself. That's the
hard truth.
What about a pristine Cooper twenty? If Jo found that in Duane's belongings wouldnt that be pretty close?
Speaking of paracord, remember this case?
That case proves OLD crimes can be solved! Maybe there is HOPE for the Skyjacking...I solved it on May 25 1996, but WHO am I?
A woman with her memories of a life with a man she loved, but tarnished by a confession he made before he died. Not a confession she was able to grasp and had it not been for circumstances evolving in her life about one yrs after her husband deceased - she would never have know what the confession meant!
The above paragraph is actually a summary of HOW all of this CRAP came about and destroyed 17 yrs of my life. I don't blame anyone for the lost yrs other than myself. I do blame the FBI for concealing their investigation of Weber and with-holding information from me. Until Carr came to this thread I did NOT know what misinformation the FBI had and/or the agent just did NOT care and all he wanted to do WAS make a NAME for himself.
When I realized NO ONE was hearing me - I stepped forward by myself. I spent money for a trip I really should not have, but it was MY CHOICE. I do NOT REGRET the trip - it was an EYE-OPENER. I knew I could NOT stop the search and I HAD to find more, but I needed the help of the FBI.
Forcoming communications and aid from the FBI was not on the table - or so I thought!
Later! Much Later!
QuoteIf Duane Weber were alive today, and the witnesses could not ID him as the hijacker...any case against him would get tossed out at the arraignment due to lack of evidence.
Skyjack71: You didn't 'solve' the case in 1996, and seventeen years later, you still haven't a shred of hard evidence linking Duane to the hijacking. You don't even have a single witness to anything besides yourself. So how do you figure the case is solved? Even I know better than to claim something like that on KC. When people ask me if he was Cooper, I tell them I just don't know.
This is more realistic, because it's the truth.
Do NOT make a WAGER on that post!
1. Witness identification after 40 yrs is basically null and void.
2. What I do HAVE is only what U wish U had.
3. U know KC was never even considered a suspect!
YET, U continue to bash one who was and still is a suspect - Duane L. Weber! Maybe he is NO longer a "suspect" U think ?
NO please do NOT think - U are encapable of THINKING. Apply yourself to YOUR suspect - leave Weber BE like leaves of three!
Georger I cannot put up with Blevins anymore. He is right back to doing HIS thing - promote promote promote.
What is this thing U are doing with the tires on the plane. Where is all of that going.
Just curious! At least it will take the thread in a different direction.
As much as Blevins gets on my nerves - I can only guess how U guys feel about me - but, Duane at least was suspect the FBI tried to investigate!
I have been asked to go public again, but I will wait until there is some written word or a phone call made to me before I move forward on that. Outside of getting the co-ordinates on the tower and finding out what is there now I am in holding pattern.
I am banking on it being dead on with other things I have been told that have never been in this thread and won't be unless I prove myself.
At least this thread brought me some assistance I might well never have received had I not posted here all of these yrs. Thanks for gritting you teeth and biting your lips at times. Hope you didn't do too much damage!
I miss the Baboon avatar. I had a lot of fun with U on that one.
Amazon 7
It's not my fault... I didn't do it
QuoteNo one's trying to promote, Jo.
Well, what do U call it with your repetitions! You only make yourself look more and more foolish!
The point is, you keep saying you've solved the case.
Did I really say that?
.QuoteI keep asking to see any evidence on that
Exactly how are you involved in this - no one need provide you with any information!
U have absolutely NO Clue about what is going on and it is eating U alive!
QuoteIt's entirely possible that Duane Weber was the hijacker.
Exactly what was expected!
Sounds like a Weasel to me! If it sounds like one it must be one.
U give advise about taking risks!
Give me a break! WHAT authorities did U work with? NONE!
Finished is a word U need not use! U never got started!
QuoteI'm not trying to bash on Duane or you regarding your claims. I simply pointed out that after all this time you haven't even come up with enough evidence to indict, let alone convict anyone.
In the case of Christiansen, there is a boatload of circumstantial evidence that *possibly* links him to the hijacking, but no smoking gun. A partial list of things we were able to prove with actual evidence:
1) KC had previous experience using a parachute, but at the time of the hijacking, he had not jumped in 25 years.
2) KC went through approximately five times his yearly income in cash, within a ten-month period following the crime.
3) Bernie Geestman was involved in some of these transactions, but lied about it to me and others.
4) KC ceased attending union meetings after the hijacking, and did not attend his 25th anniversary of service dinner for NWA.
5) His collection of clippings on NWA that begins in the late 1940's stops about three months prior to the hijacking and was never added to again.
6) Bernie Geestman said on national TV that he thought Kenny could be the hijacker...even though multiple witnesses have placed he and Kenny together (and missing) the week of the hijacking.
7) Geestman's sister Dawn, who received an expensive handmade cuckoo clock and a $5,000 cash loan from Christiansen in April 1972 has testified she believed Kenny was the hijacker from the start, but had difficulty accepting it.
8) The day after witness Helen Jones casually mentioned that KC replaced his kitchen countertops right after he moved to Bonney Lake - the Decoded cast discovered what he did with a piece of scrap from the installation and a couple of two-by-sixes. Later, a picture of Christiansen's kitchen counters matched the piece found by Scott Rolle.
9) Witnesses Helen Jones and Margie Geestman (who had not communicated in ten years) BOTH mentioned that Kenny had said he was going to fly back and visit his family in Minnesota for Thanksgiving 1971. Christiansen did not do so, and some weeks after the hijacking told Jones he had been with Geestman.
10) Since the release of the book and the airing of the show by History Channel, the two main principals (people we believe know the WHOLE truth) have done two things. Margie Geestman cashed out her ranch in Twisp and moved out of town. Bernie Geestman and his Puget Sound-based family have made no attempts to deny any allegations in the book.
What do YOU have for evidence?
Now even after all of the things I listed above, none of it can prove that Christiansen was definitely Cooper. But the difference between those things and what you present is vast. For example, since we made the FBI report public, it would be an easy matter for anyone to check out anything said in that report. This means we have nothing to hide on it. In fact, now that I hear that Dawn, Bernie Geestman's sister, is no longer living alone, I may release her last name soon. I held back on that because when I interviewed her she was alone except for the occasional visit by one of her grandsons. Now that she is living with family, it should be okay.
The Seattle FBI has now had the full version of the KC report for more than three months now. I think enough time has gone by that if any legit media or outside investigator wanted to explore KC further, we would be willing to provide them with a copy of the images and documents, as well as the unedited version of the report. I can be contacted about this at adventurebooksofseattle AT G Mail Dot Com.
Tell us once again, Grasshopper, about KC and the sunshine he has brought into your life. Please tell, I didn't get it the 200th time.
what do you consider "evidence", Master?
When you can snatch the pebble from my hand...then you will know what evidence is.
Dont visit Saudia Arabia - stick to Auburn where they
let Sham Wow practice their internet arts!
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