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Amazon 7
QuoteBut there is a SECOND element around here, and it's just as big a problem. Without naming names, let's just say that one or two users have gotten into a bad habit of making smart-ass comments with little or no provocation. New visitors see this stuff, and no doubt it drives them away. I have seen comments on other websites occasionally about it.
I just farted in your general direction...!!!!!
Blevins stated:
QuoteBut there is a SECOND element around here, and it's just as big a problem. Without naming names, let's just say that one or two users have gotten into a bad habit of making smart-ass comments with little or no provocation. New visitors see this stuff, and no doubt it drives them away. I have seen comments on other websites occasionally about it.
Did U not get the GEST?
U made the thread USELESS for research!
U made the thread about U and promotion!
U will deny this!
U will make a LONG post objecting!
U will pretend U understand something and rattle uselessly about it!
U open your mouth and insert foot!
LOOK in the Mirror! Sure does smell pretty BAD in here! At least I am smart enough to know when the conversations is something I can contribute nothing to. U do not SEE Yourself!
Jo doesn't PRETEND to have knowledge of what she knows nothing about. I presented my suspect and I continue to update on the progress or regressions.
I do NOT promote myself! I stay out of discussions I know nothing about - listen and learn!
As for new information regarding Weber - there is some, but nothing U would care about and things I am not ready to talk about.
"U can put Duane in a chute, but U have to put him on the plane".
What if I could do that?
What if I can put him in a chute with known jumpers in the forestry?
Will it put him on the plane?
What if one of these individuals had something left on his door! Would he have acknowledge that he knew who Cooper was or could have been? Would he have been fearful of being accused of being an accomplice?
Remember the pic of Ed Huran and the escapee he looked like!
Was that just JO imagining things? Age progression - sure is a wonderful thing!
I don't suppose your 5,500+ posts without a single thing that can be checked had anything to do with 'driving people away'?
Take a poll on that one.
The people came here to see what was happening with my story. We did very well and then along came Blevins to promote and to put anyone down but his suspect.
Tonight it was decided I would go back to the N.E. Sure a lot to do to prepare for this, but it will be done unless the authorities take step to get it done before I get there. I will be doing things I asked other to help me with, like you Blevins but you were so into your promotions you didn't have time to check out Coure d alene and Missoula and Spokane for the footprints. You were told about a specific place but you didn't even bother to check the smokejump museum out at all.
Part of the story is right there right under your nose and on to the Indian reservation and then to Spokane. I will do this and if I should die in the process - I will have given 100% to the cause. Expect I am the only one who knows what I am looking for.
Maybe I will sprout wings and fly like a bird and then soaring over the forest and the mountains and streams reliving the history of the area in the 1940's. Then on to Seattle and just for fun up to Alaska.
Then the trip back down the West coast thru Oregon and over to Bemerton and then to Tahoe and have a little fun.
Then to AZ where I have family and then hit the high road again to Co and Nebraska and to Kansas and then to Canton Ohio where he was born and place what remains I do NOT release in Wa on the ground he was born in in the yr. of the Loraine tornado.
sailshaw 0
You say:
" Then on to Seattle and just for fun up to Alaska."
I say that when you are in Seattle, I would like to invite you to lunch with Bruce Smith and myself at Seattle Yacht Club and on my ticket. We can compare notes on the DB Cooper Caper and get to put a face on our nom-de-plumes. Let me know when you plan to be here and I will try to fit it into my plans.
Bob Sailshaw
Wonder why U know who thinks it was so ODD I presented a picture of a guy in Salt Lake. WHY the hell did HE think I posted it in the 1st place?
I posted it because I was looking for answers just like you make your posts about Petersen. It was part of the search efforts I needed to make to uncover the things I DID not know.
I do KNOW the Salt Lake photo WAS not just a pic of a passerby, but someone who KNEW Duane Weber! The answer to that one pic might clear up a lot of things for some people - including myself.
I did NOT come to the thread to PROMOTE a subject - I came to learn MORE about jumpers, to see if anyone recognized him, to explore his past and HOPE that someone passing by or thru the thread might have some answers.
Yet, the one person who puts me down the most is the one person who has utilized this thread for one purpose to PROMOTE his subject and his book - NOT to explore the possibilities and definitely not to LEARN!
Sailshaw you have presented your subject and told why u think he was Cooper and I presented Weber and why I think he is Cooper. You nor I have tried to SELL a story about our subjects.
Neither Sailshaw nor Jo Weber have written a book about their subjects.
I have definitely been given the opportunity over the yrs to exploit Weber - but chose to go with evidence and truths and not stories contrived to sell a book.
I would rather go down as having tried to find the truth rather than
having written a book about a person who could NOT have been Cooper. AT least I am trying to do the right thing - some individuals absolutely have NO Scruples.
All being said - the LAST PERSON ON EARTH ANYONE WITH A COOPER SUSPECT NEEDS would be assistance from Blevins.
Lots of real people try to help, but one has to be a little leary about information forthcoming after 40 yrs. I try NOT to get my hopes up when new information comes my way - but for some reason a lot more are coming forth NOW than they did 17 yrs ago...perhaps because the case is 40 yrs old and is being closed.
Perhaps the FBI had lots of people contacting them, but now with the internet - perhaps they can correlate the new and the old into a more orderly exploration of this old crime and the suspect from the past.
HARD to believe that a man Could get NATIONAL attention by Skyjacking a plane and NO ONE I dentified him in 40 yrs. If he died - NO one missed him!
Wonder HOW many phone calls the FBI got about individuals they suspected of being Cooper?
Suspects presented and NO way to correlate them all. Maybe NOW the FBI is searching thru the old files and computerizing all of the prior leads to see how many of them targeted a specific suspect!
QuoteQuoteBut there is a SECOND element around here, and it's just as big a problem. Without naming names, let's just say that one or two users have gotten into a bad habit of making smart-ass comments with little or no provocation. New visitors see this stuff, and no doubt it drives them away. I have seen comments on other websites occasionally about it.
I just farted in your general direction...!!!!!
But there's someone around here called the 'vitriole magnet,' and I wonder how many people stay away from, and have left, the thread because of him. I'm getting a real strong feeling right now, and I believe it's gas....oh oh, I just let one go too.
Uhhhh, you have the wrong film!
Crash as in Disc Channel documentary "Crash" ...
crash testing a 727... It was previously discussed on
this thread. I assumed most people have read this
thread ... most people come here to read the thread
on DB Cooper. A few come for other reasons with other
motives and a barge load of previously unresolved
personal issues having nothing to do with this thread
or anyone here.
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