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QuoteJo wrote:
Balls as big as a HOUSE! Well, guys I took that one VERY literally. Not just his CB handle WORLD GREATEST JOCK CARRIER.Duane PACKED a pretty large package around with him!
No, He had NO prostrate issues.
Jo, this is funny. It's not like you -- the innuendo.
Did they call him "Big Guy" or was it just a rumor?
Jo Replies:
I surprised myself a little here, but it is what it is. Duane had BALLS! Your statement Triggered my response.
I presume "Big Guy" is referring to his member. Above average!
It was the rest of the package that got your attention!
The Worlds Greatest Jock Carrier
That was NOT just a CB handle and I expect a locker room or a prison might be the origination of his C.B. Handle....
When you talked about the balls it took to jump out of that plane, I just could NOT help myself! NO one ever asked me how he got that CB Handle or Why! I figured he was a spotter (because of something he said about the Johnson Brothers) and smoke jumpers for the forestry.
It is the spotters responsiblility to make sure those guy jump on target and they are supposed to wear a chute in case they fall out.
Just one of the reasons I thought Duane was involved with skyjumpers. He left his foot prints in Spokane....the FBI ignored them.
QuoteQuoteBlevins wrote: will have to explain to me how those bullet points are wild speculations. I think they are the most likely explanations. .....
Who give a rat's ass about your ridiculous analysis and "reality-base theories" of the Cossey homicide? It's too much information, Blevins -- wild speculation, a bunch of happy horseshit!
If everyone had your attitude about never discussing any crimes, not only would this thread be non-existent, but the Boston Marathon bombers would probably still be on the run. Are you sure this isn't a personal issue?
Oh, please Drama Queen, you gotta be kidding! Yes, I have a personal issue -- it's you. So, you're an expert criminal investigator now -- it's amazing how many hats you wear. I have my hunches about the Cossey homicide, but I'm going to wait until the official report comes out. It's better to reserve comment lest one sound like a fool, than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt. For you, it's too late -- a long time ago, Drama Queen.
Blevins said:
You sat there and called my theories 'wild speculations' along with a bunch of other crap. But it didn't take a Brainiac to figure out that burglary was the most likely possibility. You tossed that idea right out the window, not because of the facts (20-40 burglaries in the neighborhood over the last 12 months), or the timeline, (Cossey accounted for Monday night, comes home late, found dead in garage, cops think he died late Monday or early Tuesday)...
Blevins, read my response above, it still holds, I guess you weren't listening. I'll type a little louder and slower then.
I lived in a bad neighborhood in Spokane, there were burglaries every day in my neighborhood, but we didn't get burglarized. Maybe it wasn't a burglary at all. So hold your 3-breasted horses, buster, why don't you wait until they say it's a burglary before you go on pontificating your wild ass theories about it.
Okay, I'll play your little game -- maybe, just maybe, if you look at the probabiliities involved with homicides, there's a very high probability that a family member or friend was involved. If the lock was jimmied or security system tampered with (which you have no information about -- yet), then I might be inclined to think burglary. But what if nothing was tampered with, locks, security system (if Cossey even had one, do you know?). Then it's possible Cossey knew that individual and voluntarily let him or her into his house. Or someone was able to get into the house because they knew where the key was or got access to the security code, and laid in wait. Or maybe it was a burglary gone bad. Point is, Blevins, you don't know anything about anything at this point.. What I've just typed in this paragraph is nothing more than wild speculation.
Wait for the experts to do their job, Clouseau ("I suspect no one, I suspect everyone").
Quote'One thing is for sure, the guy (Cooper) had nerves of steel -- he was cool as a cumcumber in an incredibly intense, highly stressed situation. To put himself in that situation, under those cirucmstances -- well....the guy's got balls as big as my house. Incredible. Where does a guy like that come from anyway?'
Bonney Lake, Washington?

You made a funny, Blevins....I laughed on the inside......
no really, I did........
I ask the question again, where does a guy like Cooper come from? I think it's a valid question. Knowing that might narrow the field. How many guys out there have nerves of steel and ice running through their veins -- to the degree they can calmly and purposely put themselves in a dire, no-turning-back, life and death situation -- and act like it's about as big a deal as going out and getting the newspaper? I'm betting people like this are uncommon -- few and far between -- like a special forces guy who has some serious, kick-ass, special training -- and courage to match. Special forces, paratrooper, special military assignment -- might this be the world DBC came from?
I ask the question again, where does a guy like Cooper come from? I think it's a valid question. Knowing that might narrow the field. How many guys out there have nerves of steel and ice running through their veins -- to the degree they can calmly and purposely put themselves in a dire, no-turning-back, life and death situation -- and act like it's about as big a deal as going out and getting the newspaper? I'm betting people like this are uncommon -- few and far between -- like a special forces guy who has some serious, kick-ass, special training -- and courage to match. Special forces, paratrooper, special military assignment -- might this be the world DBC came from?
This was something the thread explored and came up with a lot of possibilities, but none panned out. I remember the things Weber talked about, but maybe it was just talk and maybe it was by association. An ex-con who wanted to please people, but one who always seemed to divert back into the world of small time crime. Note I used the word seemed.
Since Weber was in the system much of the time - there were only 2 windows of opportunity. One 1945 to 1949 and then 1962 to 1966. If the wife of the 60's had NOT verified some of his association with certain individual - I might have given up long ago. He idolized the individuals he met in the N.W. during those early yrs,
His family was successful in their endeavors - with the service and in their private lives. His yrs in San Quentin and Folsom were yrs that life time friendships were formed. Most of them criminals.
He idolized Paperlegs and was with him in the 60's, Paperlegs was everything Weber wanted to be - he idolized him. The wife of the days told me about her life with Johnnie Collins, but NO one would believe me. When the FBI went to see her they scared her, because she felt she could be prosecuted for some of the things he did which she herself had knowledge of.
The things Duane mentioned only in passing - she verified that such relationships actually existed. Such as Paperleg and his wife. I feel that in some manner Ed Horan and Duane Weber (aka John Collins) were part of Intermountain Communications because of Duane's and Ed's past connections to the N.W. (WA) in the late 40's. Paperlegs needed renegades - men able and eager to make money. The men he needed didn't need to be military, but eager to please and to be part of the action...I think 2 of them were chosen out of Canon.
Most of the training for Intermountain was near Canon and then expanded to 2 other locations....Leadville and North of Ft. Collins, Co. Frankly I do NOT know if any of us will actually ever know what that group did and how far they infiltrated and what they accomplished.
They had a mission and they needed people who would never be missed! How far Duane made it with these individuals and how long he made it - I do not know.
He and his wife would then go to Kansas and start a new life which then included her children. Well, perhaps they paid the guys a good price, but the money ran out and Duane went back to his old ways, ending up in Jefferson as John Collins. He was still involved.
Think about this one more time.
He is releases from Jefferson as JOHN COLLINS and he is a many time felon by then. Think about the commutation! Then he goes back to being Duane Weber. Again he is enlisted to do a "job" and he did that job well, but he never received compensation or did he? Was he actually a free man in 1969 when he hit Atlanta - I don't think so. I think he was still under the thumb nail of the system.
You guys can take it from there, but I will go to my grave knowing what I know and the world may never know and if they do it will not surface for another 25 yrs when NO one will even care or remember who Cooper was.
Strange that in 1972 Duane Weber's life changed - he had divorced the other wife - and the new marriage didn't work out, but he continued to grow in success - with a few bad times, but there was something working for him and with him...his connection to this group. The company behind him came out of Texas and it founder believed in second chances for ex-cons and payment in exchange for services rendered.
These guy had paid a heavy price in the 60's for what they did and those that survived had JOB insurance - can I prove it? Can I tell the story without being sued?
Probably not, but maybe some day someone will. Maybe this will continue to be one of the secrets this country keeps - they do not want to let it be known that politics can be pretty dirty. That is what is wrong with American now....the Secrets of the past the Government wants to conceal.
Wealthy admired men who tried to help - but did it under the table and yet maintained their prestigious positions in society.
Some would make it out unscathed, but others like
Bernie Barker paid the price. Many other were never known - the guys who did the dirty work.
One journalist tried to hide papers so the truth would one day be known, but after he died the FBI confiscated all of the papers he had kept - just encase.
His wife thought they only wanted certain files - but they walked out with it all. Duane knew this man and had gone to see him in the late 60's prior to his being given a new lease on life in the 70's. Those who survived did so only at the hand of a man who died a few yrs ago.
A man who tried to do the right things in the 60's and then settled for doing what he could do with the wealth he had acquired. I personally met this man and some of the OTHERS!
A story that will never be that someone in this thread knows better than I do.
A story they think they have to continue to cover-up because of national security? No I think it comes down to having to admit past involvement and what people will think of them. Hell, everyone is so old now - what difference does it make, unless what they did was wrong. In my estimation what they did was right! Protect and do NO harm!
I have fought this battle trying to prove Duane was Cooper without unleashing all of this, but now it is just a matter of it being known.
At this stage of my life - bring it on! Covering the past with murder and attempted murder is not going to make the wrongs right or right wrongs. Time for AMERICA to know the truths about all of this. Those who are left are only afraid of the repercussion of the past.
It is a matter now of saving face and what it will do to the lives that still remain. For some reason I felt I needed to say all of this tonight. It needed to be someplace it could never be erased. For some reason certain individuals out there are afraid of the truths being known.
The truths would make their life styles chaotic and destroy the images others have of them. The truths would put American Politics in upheaval. The solution was so simple - but, they chose NOT to allow this to happen.
Did you think I was so simple that you could unleash a man with a weird story upon me? Did you really think I would swallow that pill? Did YOU really think I would be that easy to discredit?
Did YOU really think you could cover all of the foot prints?
A few yrs ago the solution was so simple and now you have complicated it. Hell, I can't prove it can I? Is that what has you in such a quandary - how damn much does she really know? Where is her proof! What was known and what was necessary to tell the story about Cooper was all that was needed. Now with the loss of time and my health - I will go for the WHOLE enchilada.
Good Night!
377 22
Jo wrote
QuoteBalls as big as a HOUSE! Well, guys I took that one VERY literally. Not just his CB handle WORLD GREATEST JOCK CARRIER.
Duane PACKED a pretty large package around with him! No, He had NO prostrate issues.
This is the closest you've come to putting Duane in a chute. Sounds like a skydiver to me.

BobKnoss 0
More BULLSHIT, Jo. You have said this before and NEVER followed through. You're CHICKEN!! Go ahead. Do it. Tell the WHOLE truth. I'll back you up. Just say, "Knoss is telling the truth!" You don't have to prove anything beyond verifying what really happened and what the players told both of us. It is NOT YOUR STORY or my story, it is just history of an underhanded Government executing another squeeze play. "White Flag Operation"? More like, "Covert Nixon Power Push."
mrshutter45 21
377Jo wrote
QuoteBalls as big as a HOUSE! Well, guys I took that one VERY literally. Not just his CB handle WORLD GREATEST JOCK CARRIER.
Duane PACKED a pretty large package around with him! No, He had NO prostrate issues.
This is the closest you've come to putting Duane in a chute. Sounds like a skydiver to me.
Now that's funny, 377. I LOL. Haven't heard from you in a while, 377. All last week with the Cossey homicide, didn't get your take on it.
377 22
MeyerLouie***Jo wrote
QuoteBalls as big as a HOUSE! Well, guys I took that one VERY literally. Not just his CB handle WORLD GREATEST JOCK CARRIER.
Duane PACKED a pretty large package around with him! No, He had NO prostrate issues.
This is the closest you've come to putting Duane in a chute. Sounds like a skydiver to me.
Now that's funny, 377. I LOL. Haven't heard from you in a while, 377. All last week with the Cossey homicide, didn't get your take on it.
Hi Meyer,
My take on Cossey is pretty dull, no conspriacy, no Cooper links.
I represented a lot of burglars back in the day ranging from junkies to kids. Murder wasnt their thing, escape was. Once in a while they'd get confronted and they'd always try to escape rather than fight. They sometimes fought to escape but none killed. Hard to generalize, but burglars are not usually killers even when surprised in the act.
I wonder if there are signs of forced entry? If not it raises the possibility that the killer wasnt a stranger.
The cops will be looking into his will, joint ownerships and life insurance policies to see who might have stood to benefit financially from his death. Sometimes recently divorced people are slow to change wills and life insurance beneficiaries.
Cossey's returned wallet contents included a gambling card. Might be worth looking into his gambling habits and see if he had any heavy past due debts. Loan sharks can get violent if you are past due, but they normally dont kill the debtor.
I'd be astounded if his death had anything to do with Norjack. I roll with Occam. He usually gets us to the correct destination.
georger 247
RobertMBlevinsI had a phone conversation with Bruce Smith the other day about the Cossey case. I don't think he will mind if I mention some of the things he said.
Bruce spoke to some reporters from KIRO-7/Seattle who told him they had never been shut out of a case as much as in Cossey's. The PIO was simply giving out zip, no answers to any questions they had. Forced entry? No answer. House look ramsacked? Silence. All kinds of questions, zip for answers.
It's true that the cops won't give out too many details on cases like this, but the reporters also said they usually get SOMETHING as a courtesy and they couldn't figure out the purpose of so much stonewalling. They compared this to other cases they've covered over the years and said they couldn't make sense of it.
So here we are two weeks later, and nothing. If it was a burglar, they could probably say that by now.
I told Bruce the cops should come clean and DENY it was a burglary if that is the truth on it, just to let the neighborhood know there wasn't a killer burglar running around loose. If there were, you would think they would have issued a warning by now.
Basically, no one knows WTF is going on. But the amount of secrecy on this case just makes the whole thing even more weird. Bruce thinks that pressure from the media, via the TV stations and the newspapers will eventually force the KCSO to say something.
undoubtedly UFO related ... MKMOTJRA ?
Looks to me like somebody is trying to murder this forum!
oo oo oo teacher! I know! (hand waiving freely)
The police are refusing to talk to hombres wackos
bochos nochos bancos?
![[:/] [:/]](/uploads/emoticons/dry.png)
Robert99 50
QuoteBasically, no one knows WTF is going on.
Blevins, The above quote is jumping to a big time conclusion based on no evidence at all. You are just whining because YOU don't know what is going on.
Are the police suppose to keep you (and the murderer) filled in on all the developments just to give you something to write about on this thread and your blog?
If Blevins knows something, it will be on the thread or his blog within an hour or two. You have got that percentage of posts to maintain.
georger 247
Robert99QuoteBasically, no one knows WTF is going on.
Blevins, The above quote is jumping to a big time conclusion based on no evidence at all. You are just whining because YOU don't know what is going on.
Are the police suppose to keep you (and the murderer) filled in on all the developments just to give you something to write about on this thread and your blog?
If Blevins knows something, it will be on the thread or his blog within an hour or two. You have got that percentage of posts to maintain.
'They' are all around us!
Robert99 50
QuoteBasically, no one knows WTF is going on.
Blevins, The above quote is jumping to a big time conclusion based on no evidence at all. You are just whining because YOU don't know what is going on.
Are the police suppose to keep you (and the murderer) filled in on all the developments just to give you something to write about on this thread and your blog?
If Blevins knows something, it will be on the thread or his blog within an hour or two. You have got that percentage of posts to maintain.
'They' are all around us!
Georger, That is more logical than some of the other things I have seen on this thread. At least, it is some creative thinking.
RobertMBlevinsI had a phone conversation with Bruce Smith the other day about the Cossey case. I don't think he will mind if I mention some of the things he said.
Bruce spoke to some reporters from KIRO-7/Seattle who told him they had never been shut out of a case as much as in Cossey's. The PIO was simply giving out zip, no answers to any questions they had. Forced entry? No answer. House look ramsacked? Silence. All kinds of questions, zip for answers.
It's true that the cops won't give out too many details on cases like this, but the reporters also said they usually get SOMETHING as a courtesy and they couldn't figure out the purpose of so much stonewalling. They compared this to other cases they've covered over the years and said they couldn't make sense of it.
So here we are two weeks later, and nothing. If it was a burglar, they could probably say that by now.
I told Bruce the cops should come clean and DENY it was a burglary if that is the truth on it, just to let the neighborhood know there wasn't a killer burglar running around loose. If there were, you would think they would have issued a warning by now.
Basically, no one knows WTF is going on. But the amount of secrecy on this case just makes the whole thing even more weird. Bruce thinks that pressure from the media, via the TV stations and the newspapers will eventually force the KCSO to say something.
Ah, Robert, your comments bear little resemblance to what I recall of our conversation. I never heard any reporters, let alone those at KIRO, say that they had been shut out of information worse on the Cossey case than any other similar investigation. That is not true.
What I do remember saying and fully beleive is that PIOs only tell us what they want us to know and only when they want us to know it. In effect, PIOs use the media to spin a story for them. We are their means of distribution.
I also remember saying that in my opinion the police do not view their primary job as catching criminals or preventing crime. If that was so, then half the police in the country would be camped on Wall Street. Rather, the primary mission for law enforcement is to tell bed-time stories, presenting a plausible scenario for the crimes of the day so that folks can feel secure, close their eyes and get some sleep that night.
I also remember saying that the KCSD are spooling out the info on the Cossey murder very slowly and have chosen not to tell us stuff that they would have seen in the first few mintues, such as forced entry, nature of the head wound (front, rear, side), if a weapon had been recovered, etc. Not telling us these kinds of information is SOP for most PIOs and most crimes these days. Sad but true.
Actually, I was surprised to receive the email from the KCSD PIO about the returned DL, credit cards and gambling chit.
BTW: The PIO also told me that she reads the Mountain News. I take that as a good sign. She also listened to me explain the Cossey connection to Norjak. An even healthier sign of sound police work. Leaving no stone unturned is the best policy, I say.
Hi Meyer,
My take on Cossey is pretty dull, no conspriacy, no Cooper links.
I represented a lot of burglars back in the day ranging from junkies to kids. Murder wasnt their thing, escape was. Once in a while they'd get confronted and they'd always try to escape rather than fight. They sometimes fought to escape but none killed. Hard to generalize, but burglars are not usually killers even when surprised in the act.
I wonder if there are signs of forced entry? If not it raises the possibility that the killer wasnt a stranger.
The cops will be looking into his will, joint ownerships and life insurance policies to see who might have stood to benefit financially from his death. Sometimes recently divorced people are slow to change wills and life insurance beneficiaries.
Cossey's returned wallet contents included a gambling card. Might be worth looking into his gambling habits and see if he had any heavy past due debts. Loan sharks can get violent if you are past due, but they normally dont kill the debtor.
I'd be astounded if his death had anything to do with Norjack. I roll with Occam. He usually gets us to the correct destination.
Good to hear from you, 377. It's good to finally hear the voice of reason and experience re: the Cossey tragedy. I did know that burglars are runners and usually are not murderers. That's why I felt burglary was not as likely as other possibilities. As you stated, it seems reasonable now to look into Cossey's personal life and dealings and any wills or policies in place, then try to figure out who might have a motive to do him harm. I've got some other thoughts to run by you about the case, but I will reserve comment for now.
I have enjoyed reading the original DZ thread where you, Safecrack, and Ckret got into some serious analysis. It's rich, informative, and though-provoking. Heck, you were writing 3 or more paragraphs regularly, with some hard-hitting analysis. I am going to re-read those exchanges between you, Safecrack, and Ckret -- they're classic, and some of the best exchanges I've ever read since I've been here.
Ah, Robert, your comments bear little resemblance to what I recall of our conversation....
Need I say more?
Jo wrote:
Duane PACKED a pretty large package around with him!

No, He had NO prostrate issues.
Balls as big as a HOUSE! Well, guys I took that one VERY literally. Not just his CB handle WORLD GREATEST JOCK CARRIER.
Jo, this is funny. It's not like you -- the innuendo.
Did they call him "Big Guy" or was it just a rumor?
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