377 22 #43651 October 15, 2013 http://mail.aol.com/38099-111/aol-6/en-us/mail/get-attachment.aspx?uid=32344711&folder=Inbox&partId=3 What did the seller do with the body and the loot? 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #43652 October 15, 2013 Jumped Saturday. The fall scenery was spectacular. Opened high and did some cross country flying to take in the sights. I still marvel at the low cost of jumps. $22 to 13,500 ft in a twin turboprop acft. These hotshot swoopers just keep cutting it closer and closer. I saw some swoops last weekend that scared me. Sooo close to the edge between spectacular and tragic. My landings are dull, tame and as safe as I can make them. At least during my lamding phase I can compete for Quade's title as "the worlds most boring skydiver". Saw a young jumper wearing a DB Cooper T Shirt. Always enjoy seeing the legend picked up by the kids. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrshutter45 21 #43653 October 16, 2013 I was watching jumps on You Tube, then came across wing suits. those guys are crazy! the list gets smaller each year with them being killed. I seen a guy hit a bridge, a guy hit a side of a mountain (chute didn't deploy) another guy skipped off a cliff and lived. very dangerous sport."It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amazon 7 #43654 October 16, 2013 mrshutter45 I was watching jumps on You Tube, then came across wing suits. those guys are crazy! the list gets smaller each year with them being killed. I seen a guy hit a bridge, a guy hit a side of a mountain (chute didn't deploy) another guy skipped off a cliff and lived. very dangerous sport. It is well to remember that when playing ROCK-speed-meatsack......( think rock paper scissors)................ ROCK always trumps meatsack. Playing chicken with the hard bits of our planet can do nasty things to meatsack... lets be careful out there kiddies when trying to get cool video for your youtube channel. TOO many dead friends ...with them trying to get cool video??? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #43655 October 16, 2013 Thank you Thank you. I have spent about 3 hrs looking for that - I kept keying in Washougal, cemetary, park, rocks - anything I might have talked about to arrive at talking about the damn park. THANK YOU.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EVickiW 0 #43656 October 16, 2013 skyjack71 Thank you Thank you. I have spent about 3 hrs looking for that - I kept keying in Washougal, cemetary, park, rocks - anything I might have talked about to arrive at talking about the damn park. THANK YOU. Easy peasy....I searched Google for Washougal cemetery. Looked for a park and a bridge on the map. BINGO!!!! Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=03QLnFvk8Fs Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #43657 October 16, 2013 WELL, that park is NOT what I went to. It was just some dirt pull-offin 1979 and then a trail. Down the trail and to our Right was a pile of LARGE rocks. 2 paths led on from there both going down. I could hear water. This was wooded like a hiking trail. There was running water I could hear it. Duane mention it was a river - and the other trail he said had a picnic area. I saw NOTHING like what was in that picture. The Memorial cemetary I could not open. But it WAS East of this small parking area where we went down the trail. I had told JT about it and he told me he had been there and there was nothing there. 1979 is a long time. Like I said when I was there in 2010 I was on my own and found the old cemetary, but it was raining. I kept thinking how could grave age that fast....the grave were so dark and old. It was pouring but I tried to walk around for a while, but had NO unbrella with me. Now I wonder if I even found the park or the trail - I recalled seeing the area, but even then it was raining. I know what I saw - I think I am going crazy - WISH so much I could GO BACK. Could not open anything with pictures of the cemetaries - just searches for names. This was the problem I had before...no pictures of things as they were in 1979 - Damn - why didn't I have a camera. I was traveling very light and tight with money. I should have bought a small disposable camera - damn damn damn! I hate technology.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GreyCopGC148 0 #43658 October 16, 2013 georger And a Partridge in a Pear Tree! Partridge and DB stuck in a pine tree ?? mm? Which partridge are you, DANNY ?? I was saving this for Christmas but I cant wait look up this video. HA HA HA DANNY COOPER GC 148 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TyAN7Nusst0 Oregon Lottery sinks to New low...... Whats in Santa's Beard ;) DB Cooper into the Funnel of Darkness the movie starring Nicolas Cage, Jennifer Anniston and Woody Harrellson... a Jerry Bruckheimer film Written by Paul Geivett Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrshutter45 21 #43659 October 16, 2013 "I have just received the paperwork on the sale of Kenny's house. An AB staff member actually came to my door at midnight and gave it to me. Find, fine, whatever. Have a safe trip home." why didn't the document come directly to your home. is this from Skip or Gray? what about the document you already have, does it match? "Whatever it is, it isn't usual for a house sale" "I am not a real-estate expert by any means" If you don't know anything about real estate, how can you determine it's unusual??"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #43660 October 16, 2013 mrshutter45 "I have just received the paperwork on the sale of Kenny's house. An AB staff member actually came to my door at midnight and gave it to me. Find, fine, whatever. Have a safe trip home." why didn't the document come directly to your home. is this from Skip or Gray? what about the document you already have, does it match? "Whatever it is, it isn't usual for a house sale" "I am not a real-estate expert by any means" If you don't know anything about real estate, how can you determine it's unusual?? When will the Pee Party Cristiansen shutdown end? And should we raise the debt ceiling on all of this Christiansen BS ? When will sober minds prevail? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #43661 October 16, 2013 This was in the WASHOUGAL area! YOU will do anything you can do to make it part of YOUR DAMN fairy tale - AIN'T gonna work with ME! HOW MANY TIME DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU THAT DUANE ONLY POINTED OUT PARADISE WHEN WE WENT UP THE INTERSTATE AND I HAVE TOLD WHAT HE TOLD ME ABOUT HIS. Go back and read! The stop I am talking about was WASHOUGAL! NOT on the interstate (infact we did NOT make a stop on the Interstate going to Seattle). Nor was the place I am referring to places JT led everyone to think it was in Washougal. It was just a trail and I have already found it....it took what has been going on for the last 24 hours for my mind to focus and I have NO idea WHY GOD let me go back in time and remember the details of the stop. Someone asked me to think what did I see, did I hear anything, what did Duane say. Time and Space was condensed in my memory. Again I did find it in 2010 but it was pouring down the rain. GOD, I want to go back to WASHINGTON - give me the strenght and the means! Yea, guys that was a prayer. You, Blevins will do anything and stoop to any level to make the truth about Cooper part of your tale - you think you can manuever me & this thread the same way you did the old folks you interviewed! WON'T WORK! How about U think about REALLY helping solve this instead of pushing your book!Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #43662 October 16, 2013 RobertMBlevins If you could see the Interstate 5 freeway from the park, and there was a dirt boat ramp for the river boaters, and a hiking trail along the river...it was almost certainly Paradise Point State Park. Did you see any RV's or trailers or camping spaces? If so, same answer. This place is right off the freeway...and I mean RIGHT OFF THE FREEWAY. Do you READ and comprehend what you read? I did not in my post you are referring to say anything about seeing the interstate. I said we were in the WASHOUGAL area! I have NOT one time talked about RV parking or Camper Spaces! EVER! PLEASE stop trying to make your story part of my story. I asked you to do one thing - check out the prior owners of the Bonney Lake location and I don't mean just who he bought it from. The history of that property is in the county records - all you have to do is GO LOOK. You have to go back for many many yrs. If you come up with a name I can link to something else - then and only then do you or Kenny or Geestman become any part of the story I have told for yrs...18 yrs infact.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #43663 October 16, 2013 RobertMBlevins EDIT: I have just received the paperwork on the sale of Kenny's house. An AB staff member actually came to my door at midnight and gave it to me. Find, fine, whatever. Have a safe trip home. The print is SO small, I wil have to re-scan it just so it can be read. It's a few pages. I checked it initially with a frickin' magnifier. Whatever it is, it isn't usual for a house sale, I can tell you that. I think I will submit this document to an expert in RE transactions for examination before I say anything about it. Signed by the same folks in Puyallup who sold him the adjoining lot in October 72 for 'ten dollars and other considerations'. Document is dated for June of the same year. Interesting, yes. Is an expert called for here? YES. I am not a real-estate expert by any means. Precisely what did you order? Just a copy of the last transactions or did you get a history on the property? The County records maintain all of the transactions on a piece of property - HOW the hell do YOU think real estate transactions occur. The history of every track of land is traced for many many yrs - this is required in order to provide TITLE INSURANCE. No one want to by a piece of property without Title Insurance. If they do they are damn fools...in todays time. Title Insurance is REQUIRED to get a loan or mortgage. Now if someone is fool hardy enough to pay cash for a piece of real estate without a TITLE search they need to have their heads examined. Cases have been found in Title searches on land that rights to certain aspects of the property are owned by an oil company for example. Now if you found oil in your back yard - you would want to own those rights - yes or no? In the good ole days a cash transaction and hand shake was all that was usually needed. NOT today. You can go to the County Records and go into the archives yourself. These are PUBLIC records! I expect the records there go back at least 100 yrs. Most individual depend on the TITLE companies to do this. Back in the day there were NO title companies and one could buy a small farm and it was there. Now MOST STATES mandate the mineral rights belong to who ever purchased them. Some states allow the mineral rights to past with the transaction and others are SUBJECT TO.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #43664 October 16, 2013 *** When will the Pee Party Cristiansen shutdown end? And should we raise the debt ceiling on all of this Christiansen BS ? When will sober minds prevail? WELL! A deep subject & I guess it depends on what is in the well. Blevins tries to make Christainsen part of every Cooper story that comes along. Aren't you sort of glad I do NOT do that with Weber! If you guys actually knew what I put up with besides this thread - you would say "Yiks!" I have been contacted by so many WACKOS it is not funny....sometimes scary. After I completely discount their story - I sometimes mention it without detail. When individuals contact me with information - I do NOT make it public in the thread. Why humiliate the person? One WACKOs has followed me for 14 yrs - I can't seem to shake him - he makes himself public! Others come & go and for the most part they are not PART of my story. Some quickly realize I already have their #. Not one do I turned away until I can disprove their story. Haven't been able to pin down all of them, especially one that connects to another story I knew....things NEVER made public that I can recall. For 5 yrs I told JT and Mr. H everything -and THOUGHT it was being relayed to the Seattle FBI. My biggest mistakes. I should have done what Marla did, but I am camera shy and draw a complete blank in group setting and cameras make me nervous - interviews have not gone well for me, but what do you expect out of some one who could not stand up and recite a poem in class, but able to recite it to the teach after the class was dismissed. I draw blanks in interviews. ALL of YOU I hope understand why I chose & hold on to the hospitality of the DZ Cooper thread - hoping someone might see thru all of the CRAP & be able to help me sort it out. A limited audience, but at least I am being heard most of the time and some of you actually now understand me. One recent story keeps drawing me in - can't seem to shake it out of my mind.... there are things I didn't tell the public that I can recall - and this story contains some of those explorations and facts. I know what it is to be rebuffed from get go & to put up with the likes of JT. Had I told the FBI the things I told Himmelsbach and JT from 1996 - 2001 the case might have been solved.... Often when I try to reconnect to a contact from yrs ago, they are no longer among us. My problem was - I thought everything I was telling 2 certain individuals was being discussed with the current FBI - what a naive idiot I am! I was unaware the FBI had NOT been informed of detailed information that would or could have been useful regarding Weber and others who contacted me. They didn't want to talk to the FBI. I guess I was being contained -but NOT anymore. Most GOOD things come way to late. The footprints have been erased, but my memories held on.By the WAY Georger why don't you tell the thread about your TX connections and your connection to a former employer of Webers?Yea, you are being nice and now I am going to Piss U off! Sorry! I have to do it. Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #43665 October 16, 2013 skyjack71*** EDIT: I have just received the paperwork on the sale of Kenny's house. An AB staff member actually came to my door at midnight and gave it to me. Find, fine, whatever. Have a safe trip home. The print is SO small, I wil have to re-scan it just so it can be read. It's a few pages. I checked it initially with a frickin' magnifier. Whatever it is, it isn't usual for a house sale, I can tell you that. I think I will submit this document to an expert in RE transactions for examination before I say anything about it. Signed by the same folks in Puyallup who sold him the adjoining lot in October 72 for 'ten dollars and other considerations'. Document is dated for June of the same year. Interesting, yes. Is an expert called for here? YES. I am not a real-estate expert by any means. Precisely what did you order? Just a copy of the last transactions or did you get a history on the property? The County records maintain all of the transactions on a piece of property - HOW the hell do YOU think real estate transactions occur. The history of every track of land is traced for many many yrs - this is required in order to provide TITLE INSURANCE. No one want to by a piece of property without Title Insurance. If they do they are damn fools...in todays time. Title Insurance is REQUIRED to get a loan or mortgage. Now if someone is fool hardy enough to pay cash for a piece of real estate without a TITLE search they need to have their heads examined. Cases have been found in Title searches on land that rights to certain aspects of the property are owned by an oil company for example. Now if you found oil in your back yard - you would want to own those rights - yes or no? In the good ole days a cash transaction and hand shake was all that was usually needed. NOT today. You can go to the County Records and go into the archives yourself. These are PUBLIC records! I expect the records there go back at least 100 yrs. Most individual depend on the TITLE companies to do this. Back in the day there were NO title companies and one could buy a small farm and it was there. Now MOST STATES mandate the mineral rights belong to who ever purchased them. Some states allow the mineral rights to past with the transaction and others are SUBJECT TO. Your advice to Adventire Books is good. Blevins will probably ignore it. The backstory swirling in levels of mystery is essential. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
smokin99 0 #43666 October 16, 2013 RobertMBlevins *** "I have just received the paperwork on the sale of Kenny's house. An AB staff member actually came to my door at midnight and gave it to me. Find, fine, whatever. Have a safe trip home." why didn't the document come directly to your home. is this from Skip or Gray? what about the document you already have, does it match? "Whatever it is, it isn't usual for a house sale" "I am not a real-estate expert by any means" If you don't know anything about real estate, how can you determine it's unusual?? I said I wasn't a real estate expert. I didn't say I couldn't read...I'm faxing it over to someone else for a look. One of the major points on Christiansen is that he somehow bought that house for cash. Before I present any evidence regarding the document, I want to know what it means in full and why it does. We've pretty much busted the house for cash myth until you post documentation that proves otherwise. I'm not doubting that you can read - just that you have a difficult time comprehending or you just don't want to understand. I've tried to tell you and posted the documents proving that the warranty deed that you posted and said was for the adjoining lot (the one that you tried to make people think he bought for 10.00, even though you now say for "10.00 plus other consideration", property that I might add was also subject to an mortgage and/or promissory note) was NOT for the adjoining lot. It was for the same lot that KC later willed to Robin Powell - which would be the lot with the house. Why do you continue to post things after you've been told that what you are posting is inaccurate? It's just astounding.but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrshutter45 21 #43667 October 16, 2013 RobertMBlevins *** "I have just received the paperwork on the sale of Kenny's house. An AB staff member actually came to my door at midnight and gave it to me. Find, fine, whatever. Have a safe trip home." why didn't the document come directly to your home. is this from Skip or Gray? what about the document you already have, does it match? "Whatever it is, it isn't usual for a house sale" "I am not a real-estate expert by any means" If you don't know anything about real estate, how can you determine it's unusual?? I said I wasn't a real estate expert. I didn't say I couldn't read...I'm faxing it over to someone else for a look. One of the major points on Christiansen is that he somehow bought that house for cash. Before I present any evidence regarding the document, I want to know what it means in full and why it does. Robert, I thought I asked the question reasonably. If you don't know real estate, you can't claim something as unusual. if you are so sure of the document, then post it. I don't see any harm in letting someone like Jo take a look at it. one way or another someone will end up getting to the bottom of it anyway. this photo shows the old $10.....the house sold for 7.2 million.."It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #43668 October 16, 2013 RobertMBlevins I'm faxing it over to someone else for a look. One of the major points on Christiansen is that he somehow bought that house for cash. Before I present any evidence regarding the document, I want to know what it means in full and why it does. Heavens to Betsy! Blevins there is NOT much to understand. Let me fill you in on my background - and I am NOT bragging. I am old now and things have changed, but some things we never loose. I graduated from REAL ESTATE COLLEGE in one state (We did NOT stay long enough for me to become established there and Duane needed my help with the Insurance he sold). After we moved to FL I continued to sell insurance, but the market here was not lucrative and after Duane died I went to Real Estate School for the state of FL. Note one was a college and one was a class conducted by a broker in FL. When I tested for the STATE - I was one of 5 held after the testing was done. My last name started with a W so I was used to being last. THE state moderator just said very SHARPLY - "That is NOT why you are last! SIT down!" Hell, I didn't know what was coming. I had to swear to an oath and sign an oath. He then told me I had tested so phenomenally high they took the liberty of looking at my answer card. Had I not erased 2 correct answers and marked an 2 incorrect answer - I would have had the FIRST perfect score ever made on the test. Within 90 days the test was changed and to this day I am still introduce as that woman - the one that made the test so difficult many had to retake the test several times to pass. Now the state has made it somewhat easier - but for yrs I was the one at fault. I retired in 2004 because of my last husband's health, but keep up my Continuing Education courses in order to maintain my license. Every state has it's own rules - but I own my house - guess what the deed says "In Consideration of $10 dollar". You do NOT seem to grasp what was being required of you or you just do not care. If you had the legal description in your hands (you can do the title search at the courthouse or find out if Kenny had title insurance). Also YOU can look up the current owner which is the easiest. If they used a loan for the house - they have TITLE insurance. That company will be able to provide you or the current owner a copy of the title search! What I was enquiring of you was the history of ownership from 100 yrs and that required access to the Title Search - either at the court house on your own or thru a Title company....the owner. IF that property has EVER been finance it had TITLE insurance which makes it easy to find in the records office. The last 100 yrs - should be in the courthouse research room or on their computer. ALL you need is the correct legal description of the house which you have on the document you received. (Unless the house was a GIFTED for generations). There are OTHER documents of transactions.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
smokin99 0 #43669 October 17, 2013 skyjack71*** EDIT: I have just received the paperwork on the sale of Kenny's house. An AB staff member actually came to my door at midnight and gave it to me. Find, fine, whatever. Have a safe trip home. The print is SO small, I wil have to re-scan it just so it can be read. It's a few pages. I checked it initially with a frickin' magnifier. Whatever it is, it isn't usual for a house sale, I can tell you that. I think I will submit this document to an expert in RE transactions for examination before I say anything about it. Signed by the same folks in Puyallup who sold him the adjoining lot in October 72 for 'ten dollars and other considerations'. Document is dated for June of the same year. Interesting, yes. Is an expert called for here? YES. I am not a real-estate expert by any means. Precisely what did you order? Just a copy of the last transactions or did you get a history on the property? The County records maintain all of the transactions on a piece of property - HOW the hell do YOU think real estate transactions occur. The history of every track of land is traced for many many yrs - this is required in order to provide TITLE INSURANCE. No one want to by a piece of property without Title Insurance. If they do they are damn fools...in todays time. Title Insurance is REQUIRED to get a loan or mortgage. Now if someone is fool hardy enough to pay cash for a piece of real estate without a TITLE search they need to have their heads examined. Cases have been found in Title searches on land that rights to certain aspects of the property are owned by an oil company for example. Now if you found oil in your back yard - you would want to own those rights - yes or no? In the good ole days a cash transaction and hand shake was all that was usually needed. NOT today. You can go to the County Records and go into the archives yourself. These are PUBLIC records! I expect the records there go back at least 100 yrs. Most individual depend on the TITLE companies to do this. Back in the day there were NO title companies and one could buy a small farm and it was there. Now MOST STATES mandate the mineral rights belong to who ever purchased them. Some states allow the mineral rights to past with the transaction and others are SUBJECT TO. Precisely. The real estate documents are public records and can be found wherever Pierce County houses property records. On-line records are available but they only go back so far. As you can attest, Jo, there can be NUMEROUS documents associated with real estate transactions - warranty deeds, trust deeds, quitclaim deeds, title documents, survey documents, contracts, promissory notes, etc. Also one transaction can easily go several months from offer to inspection to survey to final closing. Especially if there is an existing mortgage or new mortgage involved. As we know from the warranty deed on KC's house and property, it was subject to an American Savings and Loan mortgage and promissory note. We just can't tell from the deed whether that is an existing mortgage or a new one. But you are definitely correct - all these records can be obtained from the county.but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #43670 October 17, 2013 As you know I do NOT cannot read or get most of the items placed on the computer as pics or documents. BINGO - that is all it took and if it was subject to a loan - the title search is easy as pie.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #43671 October 17, 2013 Just the fact that Blevins claims Geestman arranged for the purchase from friends of family whose wedding he attended. The only thing I wanted was the names of prior owners from 1943 to the current date. When Blevins put up and quicly took down his statement that maybe Geestman was the one who knew Gilliam!. He should KNOW better than to make an OLE Woman mad - we become Witches! I was on the hunt - I wanted proof. He first claimed Puyallup was much larger than it really was. I already knew what the population was in the early 40's. Blevins finally admits the LOW population I had already looked up for the 40's to the 70's. He got caught by dumb stupid ole lady with an ax to grind and that is not a good thing. All I wanted to find out was if Geetsmans friends had any connections to the Gilliams. They were certainly all in the same age brack with Gilliam being a little older. Small town so they probably had connections - I wanted to know WHAT connections after Blevins claimed Geestman was the BEST man for a wedding there. Probably Geestman did NOT go to Puyallup for a wedding - and Blevins only made it up to attempt to make connections. I asked Blevins at one time when this came up ages ago for an address for Geestman - it was a P.O. box and the mail was returned. Blevins quickly took his reference down but I saw it and that mattered. No one rides on the work I put into this and the 18 yrs it took out of my life. He was trying to connect Gilliam with his story - JUST encase and banking on my demise. I caught it before he changed it. NEXT time I will quote and not tell him about his errors. He does not care who Geestman knew or didn't know - but he was going to connect Gilliam some how! He forgot this is a public forum and he got caught - at least by me. He knows I am an old woman so he decided to go for it - bet he will try to use it as soon as I kick the old bucket. He has his hand in every door out there that has a crack in it.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #43672 October 17, 2013 Come HELL or High WATER, I am going to WASHINGTON. More has heppened - things are popping all over. I feel like I am in the middle of a pop corn popper festival. Do NOT know HOW I am going to get to WA or when. BUT, I will go even if it puts me in the hospital out there. Will NOT go to a symposium or any place I will be put infront of people, but I am going. SOMEHOW I will get there before the Anniversary. If Gray is smart he will delay his symposium. Intend to confront the FBI with NEW evidence and/or clues. Everything I do will be documented by someone else and be made public when I leave. Currently in communications with individuals who can provide me with transportation - can hardly drive or sit for any lenght of time due the hip pain. My energy level is low, but I am going to talk to the Dr. about antivirals and B-12s. Anything other than drugs that will dull my mind that will help me get thru this final thing I have to do. Cooper was not wearing jewelry, but a watch is NOT jewelry. I want the FBI present on certain things I will be doing and I want their assistance. Going to go to Spokane and Seattle and then back to Vancouver and Washougal. Would rather be meet in Portland and then to Washougal and then to a place in OR. I want to see Tina face to face, but on her terms. She is not my only reason for going to OR. Have NO idea how I will do any of this - but it is TIME. IT is NOW or NEVER! Time is NOT on my side and if this results in the case being solve you guys know what my goal is. It is NOT MONEY, but it would come in handy considering how much money and time I have put into this. Had offers of places to stay, but I have severe allergies on top of all the other problems. CATS are no no's including chemicals they use called Green in some of the hotels. Do NOT know how I will afford to stay in the one hotel between Vancouver and Battleground that was very comfortable and convenient for me. Will need a driver and vehicle as I will NOT be able to drive myself on this trip like I did before. Hopefully the FBI will wake up to the fact that they need to produce PROOF Duane Weber was NOT Cooper and you know I do not believe they have ONE bit of PROOF of that. IF they have proof - present it NOW not a month from now or in NOV. There is so much this thread has NO knowledge of at all. Wish I had known in 2010 what I know now. Was just me driving in areas I had never driven in before....I was working with my memory and time and space. Things have come down to the wire and I refuse to give up at this point. Tired of the BAND wagons and those who follow them. All they do is make noise. I won't be able to do this alone or they will lock me up and throw away the key. I am extremely emotional about all of this now - TOO much the FBI has sat on to ignore. Some how above all of these individuals who blow their horns, write ridiculous stories and march with their batons and short skirts to get attention - I can quietly bring all of this to an END. All I want is PEACE and RESOLUTION! I have long said I want to establish scholarship for guys like Duane. There are too many brilliant minds out there going to waste because they screwed up as kids. This world is SCREWED up the least I can do is try to get this RIGHT for the young people who can benefit from it....and maybe just maybe make a difference in the lives of a few of these individuals and make a difference.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GreyCopGC148 0 #43673 October 17, 2013 skyjack71*** Well it looks like the RENO letter has nothing to do with Duane Weber at all ,You can see kenne right in it .After 42 years it only took me 15 seconds or less .HA HA HA DB COOPER GC 148 THE GRAY COP GAME . The Letter to a newpaper with the CODE was not the one you mentioned above. It was the one with the CODE in it which said if you can decipher the Code then you can find me. Perhaps it was not the Reno paper, but I have the notes and my communications and records of my phone call to a man with the California newspaper that received it. Interesting that this article has not been mentioned in so far as the one publicized by this thread and by Galen Cook. As for all of this squawbling between any of U guys - I have nothing to do with that. As for Blevins how he could possible say he didn't know who Gilliam was - he certainly has never done his Cooper research nor read any postings other than those he chose to read and respond too. Coffelt was a subject long long forgotten - wonder why? Coffelt was investigated by a TV commentator and he wrote a book that has NEVER been published. Coffelt was one of the very first suspects who faded into oblivion! The man who investigated him and wrote about him and did some TV spots on him - was still alive several months ago. I have tried to reach him for 6 months now. I fear he has expired. I just deleted a very long post. All about politics and what the president said today. Note I did NOT use a capital P. Do you know the newspaper in Cali.There is a small pull out park 3 miles up the Washougal river rd that sounds like the one your talking about .But there is a second one across the bridge at the steel bridge store.This is an old pioneer park. DB Cooper into the Funnel of Darkness the movie starring Nicolas Cage, Jennifer Anniston and Woody Harrellson... a Jerry Bruckheimer film Written by Paul Geivett Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #43674 October 17, 2013 I was NOT asking for the mailing address of Blevins - I know your damn address - excuse me I had asked HOW to contact Geestman. The P.O. you provided came back. I just happened to have type Blevins instead of Geestman. Excuse me for making a mistake! All you did with your book was to smear the memory of Kenny Christiansen - for profit and to attempt to make a name for yourself as the expense of innocent people. Good NIGHT!Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GreyCopGC148 0 #43675 October 17, 2013 RobertMBlevins On the Paradise Point park stuff you mentioned: You say Washougal. Okay, you say it wasn't that park, not that it matters. But Paradise Point has a boat ramp leading into the Washougal.. Paradise park is on the lower Lewis river no the Washougal I'm sure this was in my book... or confession... what ever you call it GC148 DB Cooper into the Funnel of Darkness the movie starring Nicolas Cage, Jennifer Anniston and Woody Harrellson... a Jerry Bruckheimer film Written by Paul Geivett Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites