BruceSmith 3 #43776 October 22, 2013 georger Anyone know of any NEW actual Cooper info lately ? Quote Yup, I talked with Tina a few days ago. She really does sound like a nun. Meek and soft spoken. But when I told her I had written a book about her and Flight 305 I could feel the energy switch off and she hung up on me. But she said three more words to me: "I'm not interested," as I offerd to send her my book. So, I'm up to eight words from Ms. Mucklow. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BruceSmith 3 #43777 October 22, 2013 georger Anyone know of any NEW actual Cooper info lately ? Also, Robb Heady is defintely coming to the Ariel gathering. He will also be in Tacoma for Geoff's presentation on Friday and the symposium on Saturday morning at the Washington State Historical Museum. Not sure who's talking as I haven't seen any list of speakers. I haven't been invited to present, but the WSHM did revise their signage, and I got a direct accreditation for the pix they used from the Mountain News. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #43778 October 22, 2013 BruceSmith *** Anyone know of any NEW actual Cooper info lately ? Also, Robb Heady is defintely coming to the Ariel gathering. He will also be in Tacoma for Geoff's presentation on Friday and the symposium on Saturday morning at the Washington State Historical Museum. Not sure who's talking as I haven't seen any list of speakers. I haven't been invited to present, but the WSHM did revise their signage, and I got a direct accreditation for the pix they used from the Mountain News. That's nice. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sailshaw 0 #43779 October 22, 2013 Georger The latest news is what we found out at the Tacoma Museum last Thusday when MayerLouis placed the 8x10 picture of Sheridan Peterson's face along side of the blowup picture of the FBI sketch of DB Cooper and the likeness was very interesting with perfect match of the hair, hair line, part location, and high forehead. MayerLouis being American Indian might of had a different perception of the two photos and he thought is was a great match. Bruce didn't agree as he doses not want the case solved so easly (that would leave him with nothing to do). I m in Cabo on vacation now but when I return I will turn up the heat with the FBI on this great match including the scar/dimple on the left cheek in both photos. This may get the FBI going on the DNA match from the four letters sent to the newspapers. Bob Sailshaw Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
testxyz 0 #43780 October 22, 2013 QuoteEditors Note: For your viewing pleasure...we are preparing a video right now. Should be up in a few hours...... WOW....Great Video! How did you get a copy of the Letter sent to the FBI? Was it sent on a Postcard? and what is the date? All the letters do connect with the FBI letter. There were copies of several letters printed in Gray's Book "Skyjack", was this one of them? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
testxyz 0 #43781 October 22, 2013 I looked at Geoffery Gray's book.... The sequence of the two? letters are below. You can see db cooper is signed twice. Once for each letter. Are you mistaking? two different letters for one letter? and is this really an excerpt from Gray's Book "Skyjack"? All the example letters are typed in his book. If you are mistaken then there is not a letter connecting all three letters. Letter sequence from Graysmith Book below. Not, I'm looking at the Ebook so the spacing below might not be exactly as found in Hard Copy. **************************** i am alive and doing well in home town PO. The system that beats the system. db cooper ATTENTION! Thanks for hospitality. Was in a rut. D.B. Cooper Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #43782 October 22, 2013 sailshawGeorger The latest news is what we found out at the Tacoma Museum last Thusday when MayerLouis placed the 8x10 picture of Sheridan Peterson's face along side of the blowup picture of the FBI sketch of DB Cooper and the likeness was very interesting with perfect match of the hair, hair line, part location, and high forehead. MayerLouis being American Indian might of had a different perception of the two photos and he thought is was a great match. Bruce didn't agree as he doses not want the case solved so easly (that would leave him with nothing to do). I m in Cabo on vacation now but when I return I will turn up the heat with the FBI on this great match including the scar/dimple on the left cheek in both photos. This may get the FBI going on the DNA match from the four letters sent to the newspapers. Bob Sailshaw That would be interesting - keep plugging away! Have fun on the vacation. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #43783 October 22, 2013 Blevins wrote: Quote Off the air for a while at Dropzone. No big deal. I knew this was coming today due to circumstances (it's been more or less requested of me) and I'm okay with it. More or less requested of you and you are OK with it... hmmm. Is this your way of telling us that Gayla cracked the whip? Come on Robert, show us some spine. Your continued posting will be proof. No posts= no backbone. Your call. As I get older I get gentle "suggestions" that skydiving may no longer be an age-appropriate sport. Ya gotta shut that dialog down real fast. I make sure to mention every time I see news about a climbing fatality and I censor all the skydiving accident news. She never saw the news about the eleven fatalities in Belgium the other day when their Pilatus Porter jumpship shed a wing. I tell her that Snowmman has offered to teach me nighttime ice climbing if I ever quit jumping. That usually gets things straightened out. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #43784 October 22, 2013 Sheridan's eyes seem to be the wrong color for DBC. However, brown contacts were used at least as early as 1973 by FBI informants who infiltrated the American Indian Movement. Could DBC have been removing and destroying colored contact lenses during that long absence in the 727 lavatory? Might he have dropped one and had a hard time finding it? I remember seeing people looking for a long time for a dropped contact back in the 70s. Weren't they made of glass back then? If you had colored contact lenses on during the crime and all the witnesses ID'd you as having brown eyes, then you wouldn't worry about disguising anything else. If you had blue eyes you were simply not a viable suspect. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
smokin99 0 #43785 October 23, 2013 GreyCopGC148 Mr Blevins you said Hal Williams wrote the name DAN COOPER on the ticket 60 days a go why?GC148 Yes, Blevins said Hal Williams - he even chided you about that being Copper 101. Unfortunately, he was incorrect about that. According to articles from the day and book references, the ticket agent was Dennis Lysne. Hal Williams was the gate agent, aka the ticket taker upper.but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #43786 October 23, 2013 Blevins wrote:QuoteContact Lenses worn by hijacker? Suppose it is possible. But in 1971 colored contacts had one distinctive couldn't really see the black part of the pupil on the wearer anymore, and it definitely looks weird. I saw an NWA stew about a year before the hijacking on a flight between Seattle and Dulles airport in DC. She had blue colored lenses in. You could easily tell she had them in, too. I mean, it REALLY got your attention quick. Looked like someone had cut out two round pieces out of a blue sunglasses lens and stuck them on her eyes. 1970's tech stuff. That's all I know. Somewhere I recall seeing DBCs eyes described as "piercing". Might this have been an artifact of colored contact lenses? They couldn't have always been as fake looking as those you saw. The AIM infliltrator successfully passed himself off as a Native American among real Native Americans. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GreyCopGC148 0 #43787 October 23, 2013 testxyz I looked at Geoffery Gray's book.... The sequence of the two? letters are below. You can see db cooper is signed twice. Once for each letter. Are you mistaking? two different letters for one letter? and is this really an excerpt from Gray's Book "Skyjack"? All the example letters are typed in his book. If you are mistaken then there is not a letter connecting all three letters. Letter sequence from Graysmith Book below. Not, I'm looking at the Ebook so the spacing below might not be exactly as found in Hard Copy. **************************** i am alive and doing well in home town PO. The system that beats the system. db cooper ATTENTION! Thanks for hospitality. Was in a rut. D.B. Cooper All the handwriting matches on all the envelopes to FBI,Max Gunther,and the Reno,Oregonian,Canadian letters,And the DNA will match his living family members like his brother L.C.The letters in G.G book he got from the FBI and you know that,So find the envelopes without me and you will see that it matches without me showing it to you... Look at anything he wrote and you will see. Look at anything in block lettering of his. NOW find the letter, i am right here portland and the $200,000 is for revolution If you look at the writing on envelope,And the handwritten version. there are two, And I trust you can easily find it and then its not me showing it to you.I love your interest and willingness to correct me when I get things wrong,Thanks GC148 DB Cooper into the Funnel of Darkness the movie starring Nicolas Cage, Jennifer Anniston and Woody Harrellson... a Jerry Bruckheimer film Written by Paul Geivett Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BruceSmith 3 #43788 October 23, 2013 sailshawGeorger The latest news is what we found out at the Tacoma Museum last Thusday when MayerLouis placed the 8x10 picture of Sheridan Peterson's face along side of the blowup picture of the FBI sketch of DB Cooper and the likeness was very interesting with perfect match of the hair, hair line, part location, and high forehead. MayerLouis being American Indian might of had a different perception of the two photos and he thought is was a great match. Bruce didn't agree as he doses not want the case solved so easly (that would leave him with nothing to do). I m in Cabo on vacation now but when I return I will turn up the heat with the FBI on this great match including the scar/dimple on the left cheek in both photos. This may get the FBI going on the DNA match from the four letters sent to the newspapers. Bob Sailshaw Tsk, tsk, Sail.. Chronic boredom is not my only reason for wanting more precise information on Sheridan, and my lack of "wow" when I see his pix compared to Composte A or B. Enjoy da sun in Cabo. I'm looking to warm up and dry out too, soon. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #43789 October 23, 2013 RobertMBlevins ******Georger The latest news is what we found out at the Tacoma Museum last Thusday when MayerLouis placed the 8x10 picture of Sheridan Peterson's face along side of the blowup picture of the FBI sketch of DB Cooper and the likeness was very interesting with perfect match of the hair, hair line, part location, and high forehead. MayerLouis being American Indian might of had a different perception of the two photos and he thought is was a great match. Bruce didn't agree as he doses not want the case solved so easly (that would leave him with nothing to do). I m in Cabo on vacation now but when I return I will turn up the heat with the FBI on this great match including the scar/dimple on the left cheek in both photos. This may get the FBI going on the DNA match from the four letters sent to the newspapers. Bob Sailshaw Tsk, tsk, Sail.. Chronic boredom is not my only reason for wanting more precise information on Sheridan, and my lack of "wow" when I see his pix compared to Composte A or B. Enjoy da sun in Cabo. I'm looking to warm up and dry out too, soon. Hmm...warm up? You must be planning a vacation. This is Seattle, my friend...and it's almost November. You live here, so you know what THAT means. Cold rain and misery for the next few months. Sheridan was on the internet a couple of years back more than he is now. I remember dropping by (not sure which) his Facebook or Twitter profile and on one of them he made a little joke in his profile about once being a suspect in the Cooper hijacking. Can't find it now, I should have taken a screenshot I guess. The point is I don't think he would really do that if he WERE the hijacker. The case is still open. I remember it striking a chord with me when I saw that, though. His personality and life history also don't lend themselves well to him threatening peoples' lives with a bomb simply to get money. I guess he deserves to be on the suspect list, but there are many more things about his life that point AWAY from him being a hijacker than the ones that point TOWARD him, in my humble opinion. Some of these things include his civil-rights activism history, his 700+ page anti-Vietnam War book, his running for the school board in his hometown, his extensive experience in teaching, and a great many other things. I think if he needed money, he would just get a job. A great many people have made much of the FBI's investigation of him, but that came up zero. How do you know! ? More Blevination from the "Circle of Trust". ? Heeeez Baaaaaaaack. (Galen wins the bet!) With more borrowed and made up material. This guy could be a pulp fiction writer! Maybe he can get a job with a "circle of trust" that writes for the CIA. Naaaaaaaaaaw - he's too old! The Cooper World Government Gong Show? - run from Cooperland uber alles - they could sell little uniforms on this website! (baseball hat) get your photo standing next to a Pirate. all the kids have em'. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #43790 October 23, 2013 RobertMBlevins Make sure you pay Galen off on that bet now. And when you go for the collection aspect, you might ask him WHY he uses proxies instead of manning up and posting up his latest revelations on the case on his own...Just a thought. Blevins your "thoughts" never work out - must be something wrongh with your MOTIVATIONS? I dont bet ... sorry. I dont have to! Galen pre-pays his bets! Unlike you he doesnt use CREDIT! Just a fact - Heres another FACT! Doncha think this guy looks like Keny and Cooper? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #43791 October 23, 2013 georger Heeeez Baaaaaaaack. (Galen wins the bet!) With more borrowed and made up material. This guy could be a pulp fiction writer! Maybe he can get a job with a "circle of trust" that writes for the CIA. Naaaaaaaaaaw - he's too old! Damn IT Georger - why didn't you guys let me in on the bet! Hell, I knew he be back. He cant HELP himself!Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #43792 October 23, 2013 georger[ Galen pre-pays his bets! Unlike you he doesnt use CREDIT! Just a fact - Heres another FACT! Doncha think this guy looks like Keny and Cooper? Well, a little humor and the tummy feel so much better! I like you pictures Georger. We all knew the absense would be fleeting and not give us time to bath in the warmest of cuddly truths.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #43793 October 23, 2013 RobertMBlevins ******Make sure you pay Galen off on that bet now. And when you go for the collection aspect, you might ask him WHY he uses proxies instead of manning up and posting up his latest revelations on the case on his own...Just a thought. I dont bet ... sorry. I dont have to! Galen pre-pays his bets! Unlike you he doesnt use CREDIT! Just a fact - Heres another FACT! Doncha think this guy looks like Keny and Cooper? I don't know. Your images aren't as interesting as Farflung's were. I don't use credit, I'm a debit kind of guy, which costs me less. Don't you just HATE it when I respond to your off-the-wall comments with a reality-based question? Ask Galen Cook why he uses proxies to post, rather than manning up and providing his 'new revelations' himself? Is he still backing the Janet Fable? That was a good one... A laugh a minute, you are. You are such a smarmy makebelieve kinda guy - NEWSFLASH! There is (always was) documentation for the Janet sighting. Read that again, MakeBelieve. Read it again, Makebelieve. Have a nice life in the Hamma Hamma Hamma Ozone. High level documentation! Maybe you can get a copy from the Palmer Family! Have you talked to Theo lately? I have. Good night Irene Makebelieve. Post more made up fabrications. I love reading your shit. Janet has more credibility than you will ever have. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GreyCopGC148 0 #43794 October 23, 2013 This one should not be missed! GC148 DB Cooper into the Funnel of Darkness the movie starring Nicolas Cage, Jennifer Anniston and Woody Harrellson... a Jerry Bruckheimer film Written by Paul Geivett Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #43795 October 23, 2013 GreyCopGC148 This one should not be missed! GC148 Oh I think I will pass it by ... I read nonfiction. Good luck in the Hamma Hamma Hamma with Blevins. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #43796 October 23, 2013 RobertMBlevins Georger says in part: Quote 'You are such a smarmy makebelieve kinda guy - NEWSFLASH! There is (always was) documentation for the Janet sighting. Read that again, MakeBelieve. Read it again, Makebelieve. Have a nice life in the Hamma Hamma Hamma Ozone. High level documentation! Maybe you can get a copy from the Palmer Family! Have you talked to Theo lately? I have. Good night Irene Makebelieve. Post more made up fabrications. I love reading your shit. Janet has more credibility than you will ever have...' Right. Sure she does. (*Just go along with him. To do otherwise could be dangerous.*) Yes. I REALLY believe that Janet (no last name provided) actually saw Cooper standing on the airstairs of the plane at approximately 10K feet in the Vancouver area the night of the hijacking, which is several thousand feet ABOVE the cloud cover...and that she saw him tossing flares off the airstairs. And that two weeks after she wrote the Portland FBI about it, the Men in Black appeared at her door and told her to BACK OFF. Or maybe not. You really BELIEVE that story? It's been verified you say? Man, are you gullible or what? I thought you went to college and stuff. (*laughs*) If you do believe that story, I have some beachfront property in Kansas you might be interested in. Cheap. Good interest rate, I promise. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #43797 October 23, 2013 RobertMBlevins ******Georger says in part: Quote 'You are such a smarmy makebelieve kinda guy - NEWSFLASH! There is (always was) documentation for the Janet sighting. Read that again, MakeBelieve. Read it again, Makebelieve. Have a nice life in the Hamma Hamma Hamma Ozone. High level documentation! Maybe you can get a copy from the Palmer Family! Have you talked to Theo lately? I have. Good night Irene Makebelieve. Post more made up fabrications. I love reading your shit. Janet has more credibility than you will ever have...' Right. Sure she does. (*Just go along with him. To do otherwise could be dangerous.*) Yes. I REALLY believe that Janet (no last name provided) actually saw Cooper standing on the airstairs of the plane at approximately 10K feet in the Vancouver area the night of the hijacking, which is several thousand feet ABOVE the cloud cover...and that she saw him tossing flares off the airstairs. And that two weeks after she wrote the Portland FBI about it, the Men in Black appeared at her door and told her to BACK OFF. Or maybe not. You really BELIEVE that story? It's been verified you say? Man, are you gullible or what? I thought you went to college and stuff. (*laughs*) If you do believe that story, I have some beachfront property in Kansas you might be interested in. Cheap. Good interest rate, I promise. Forget the smiley face. You claimed there was verification on the Janet Fable and that she has credibility. Based on WHAT? (Hope you don't mind me asking, since she and Galen Cook's story contains more holes than a ten-pound block of Swiss cheese with a dozen rats knawing at it...) What? Did I break your concentration there, as Samuel L. Jackson said in Pulp Fiction? I hope not. And that offer on the beachfront property in Kansas still holds. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #43798 October 23, 2013 RobertMBlevinsI guess Nimrod could be an upgrade from Moron. You obviously have personal issues going here. All that others really see here I think, is that you promoted the Janet Fable as verified without providing any proof on HOW, and that a college education doesn't necessarily provide a Masters' in Common Sense. Beachfront. Cheap. Kansas. Low interest rate. Email for details. (*laughs*) No cute smiley faces. Well, what about it Mr. Wizard? Ready to say why you believe the Janet Fable? (That's like a real question and stuff.) If I were you, I wouldn't answer. No way. You should respond with a nonsensical post. You could be quoted later on any REAL answer, you know. But I am curious. You said Janet's story was verified, and that she had credibility. Damn it. Why can't I be like Janet and see what people are doing in the sky from a couple of miles away at night, through the cloud cover and rain. I am telling you now. This is NOT fair. And I won't stand for it. Your "opinion" has been noted. (a billion times) Likewise your twisting of what I said. Also noted. You can keep your swamp land. Swampland is your area ... and the arena you have carved out in "your Cooperland". Why are you so upset!? Aren't you here to learn something bout the DB Cooper case? Or did you just come here to tell us and the world (your 'wage earner sheeple') "how it is and how it was"? If you shut up long enough, people might tell you! Nobody owes you anything. You're the guy who wrote the book The True Story of D.B. Cooper. Remember? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrshutter45 21 #43799 October 23, 2013 Robert, you don't have any right talking about what someone believes! what is the percentage of your little story that comes from believing what someone said? you poorly researched KC's finances. swore up and down about things you didn't even check. common sense, or dense? how many times have you left this form only to return within days, or hours? how can anyone believe anything you say? your personality seems to match your investigative skills (unstable) have you figured out how much Kenny paid for his little shack in the woods? do you know the history about the lot next to it? how about the property behind the safeway? is it still there, or not? you speak a lot about common sense. these are things you should have known prior to any book, or packages sent to the FBI. " I do recall encouraging others to research out the property records as I am doing now." day late and about $7500 short there don't ya think? "I'll permanently block your mail and refuse any other questions unless you are in the Circle of Trust. (*smiles*) " that was a joke right, circle of trust? speaking of trust. here is some more things about Brad Meltzer. Wlikipedia Brad Meltzer's Decoded, (or simply Decoded, is an American mystery and conspiracy theory investigation television series, produced by Go Go Luckey and Berman/Braun, that premiered December 2, 2010 on the History channel. compares aspects of Decoded to Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura stating it has "some broadly questionable research and conclusions, all developed and pursued 'in the moment', to give Decoded that sort of you-are-there-for-this-grand-adventure feel. New York Times reviewer Ginia Bellfante, gave Decoded a negative review saying, "[there] are the languorous crackpots who wonder if codes are embedded in their Home Depot receipts, or if George Washington's wooden leg hid an alternate Constitution. It is for this group that the series Brad Meltzer's Decoded has been conceived" but says, "Decoded, though, at least returns the History channel to history. After appearing in the "Statue of Liberty" episode, guest author Mark Dice posted a detailed paper online titled "What Brad Meltzer's Decoded Missed About The REAL Meaning of the Statue of Liberty's Symbols and the Illuminati Secret Society", where he disputes some of the investigator's conclusions and how he was portrayed. "Doesn't sound like a conspiracy theorist to me." says Robert Blevins. you want me to believe you? shows such as Decoded are not to be taken seriously if you are a true Historian. they are designed for ratings. many of these shows are being accused of staging events, scripting people, adding effect to make the show interesting enough to watch. they are designed for entertainment value only."It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
testxyz 0 #43800 October 23, 2013 Quoteshows such as Decoded are not to be taken seriously if you are a true Historian. they are designed for ratings. many of these shows are being accused of staging events, scripting people, adding effect to make the show interesting enough to watch. they are designed for entertainment value only. Brad Meltzer does have a charismatic manner of delivery. He builds on facts upon facts (maybe not facts) to where it's almost like candy to the ears. When he was on the Today Show he started on that path but was told that they didn't have much time. So the true delivery of Brad Meltzer wasn't displayed. I'm guessing that wasn't you on the GuideStone episode or was it? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites