BruceSmith 3 #44076 November 2, 2013 skyjack71 Bruce Stated: What I find so interesting about you and Tina, Jo, is that you were the first researcher I know to find her. So, who is the "Robbbie Clampertt" person who gave you an anonymous email that led you to Tina's county of divorce and then to her home in Oregon? JO, States" WELL, BRUCE - how does it feel to be on the other end of the Negative REMARKS? Don't even answer that - because YOU do not even have a heart! YOU CAN'T GET YOU FACTS CORRECT! The tipster gave me her phone number and her address.... and the source was NOT traceable. I have a suspicion about who it was but it was a dart in the dark. The person who found the Divorce record is NONE of your BEE's WAX. Perhaps that was provided to get the damn snoops out of the way! It SURE as Hell wasn't the Tipster! I never knew who the tipster was, but I had my gut feelings...and why I had those gut feelings was the other messages I received from the same source. My conversation with anyone regarding you was brief and you didn't hang out - you were ordered to leave. Then you made insulting remarks about them and about me. Yea, I am loud and obnoxious, but I am also Crazy, Delusional and Off My Rocker - but you are a sick LAB rat. I do not feel I am connected to the principals in the case. I just ask questions - and I do NOT get in their face like YOU! YOU discredit YOURSELF! YOU do not need any help with that! Now you are insinuating I am connected to individuals in the investigations - MAYBE I am nice and MAYBE I do NOT BULLY my way in the door! Maybe I put their welfare before my own! As for lieing to you - maybe it is the way YOU hear things? HOW man interviews have you TWISTED? Individuals like you TWIST things for YOUR own benefit - but THAT IS GOING TO CATCH UP WITH YOU? Maybe the principals will get a copy of your posts regarding me and Tina. YOU WILL NOT profit off of those of us who have done NO wrong! YOU will not profit off of those who you have transgressed against. WOW!. Somebody gave you Tina's phone number and address? Yikes! Who and Why? Ball's back in your court, sweetie. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #44077 November 2, 2013 RobertMBlevins ******Georger says in part: Quote 'In addition to basic physical facts, there are mannerisms. How did the guy act? Did he smile a lot, grimace, smirk, frown a lot, etc. I am told Kenny had distinct mannerisms. For the life of me I dont know why we are spending all of this time on KC. We might just as well be comparing a 'chicken'! Rather than persons with the greatest statistical deviation from the mean ... why not find somone that approaches the mean? Moreover Mr. Blevins' arguements dont approach the mean!...' What arguments? I was talking about the descriptions provided by witnesses, not Christiansen. The case against KC is only PARTIALLY reliant on a possible match to the descriptions. The vast majority is actually based on witness testimony, circumstantial evidence, some documents, pictures, etc. On most of the known suspects, it is very difficult to establish whether that person should be eliminated, left on the list, or actually be found as Cooper. One thing that sets KC apart from other suspects is THIS: It can be EASILY confirmed one way or another whether he was Cooper or the whole case is simply a bunch of coincidences. Problem is, no one in law enforcement has done that yet. (I don't think we can count statements from 2007-08 where a couple of FBI agents dismissed him nearly two years BEFORE any real evidence against him emerged.) It's a simple matter. You bring in the four female witnesses, speak to them in one room. Put Bernie Geestman in the other. Question the women first, then Bernie. Use the KC report as a reference when questioning. Have an available clip of Bernie's statements on Decoded. You'll know the truth on Christiansen within a few minutes. Simple. What arguements? The #4255 arguements you have made since joining this thread - those arguements! That's almosts 4 posts per day for 1146 days minus the roughly 45 days youve had for time outs. Typical. Go after the poster, rather than the content of the post itself. I saw back there where you now include Geoff Gray on your attack list. First you quote the hell out of him, (falsely, according to Gray's email to me) then one time you said he stopped answering your phone calls, (not a big surprise I think), and now you run numbers on me even though YOUR posting level is now approaching 8,000 entries. Someday I'll do a calculation on how many of them are simply Blevins-Insult replies. I would guess roughly more than fifty percent over the last two years at least. You are good at numbers, I'll give you that. But you got it wrong on the amount of 'down time'. It was actually 60+30+10 days=100 days. Every time this happens, I just go camping anyway. I think I see a pattern here! You do half+ the posting - posts critical of your posted claims goes way up! The Laugher Curve. Its not personal. Its just factual. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
uberalles 0 #44078 November 2, 2013 More details from JR on the Wreak Site. The following incident occurred EAST of the Cooper DZ, same time of year and this time the storm was real. What happens when you jump out into a Douglas Fir pine forest ?? ________________________________________________________ 29 November 1945 USN PV-1 BuNo 49459 5 PAX Whidbey NAS to Miramar NAS, CA The same winter storm that downed the USAAF C46A also downed this aircraft in the Mount Saint Helens area of southern Washington State. Flying into icing conditions about 10 miles east of Cougar, the pilot ordered the two passengers to bail out. One of the passengers, Army 1LT Warren Lawson, successfully bailed out and walked into Cougar on 2 December. However, he could not say for sure what happened to the other four. The other passenger, a young sailor, was found by loggers dead, still hanging in his parachute from a tall fir tree on 3 January 1946. The sailor had died from exposure. That same day another parachute was found less than a mile away but no sign was found of the occupant. An intensive ground search was conducted for over a month in deep winter cold but no further trace of the other three crewmen was found. In August, 1962 a Forest Service ranger found a crude snow shoe made from a military style survival life raft about 10 miles east of Cougar near Swift Reservoir. A search of the area found no other evidence or human remains. This was reported to the State CAB and the US Navy. However, no further investigation was conducted. On 5 August 1963, a Forest Ranger found the crash site of the PV-1. It was located about 10 miles east of Cougar, 8 miles north of Swift Reservoir and approximately 1.5 miles from a logging road. On 8 August, a team of 8 US Navy personnel from NAS Whidbey Island accompanied by the county sheriff’s and a representative from the State CAB investigated the crash site. What appeared to be a camp site was found on a hill about 100 feet east of the crash site. It appeared that two or more of the survivors may have found their way to the crash site and salvaged what they could in an attempt to survive the winter cold. Remnants of the survival life raft, paddles, a flashlight, torn cloth and clothing, a camera and an empty wallet was found. Two parachutes were found in the wreckage. However, no human remains were ever found. Investigators theorized that it is possible that two of the crew may have rode the plane down and survived the crash. After several days waiting for rescue, they may have attempted to walk out and perished in the forest. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #44079 November 2, 2013 georger ***Startled but not the pout! A Christmas morning! All animals pout! awwwlll ! HE IS SO CUTE - I WANT TO PET HIM - BET THE FUZZ ON HIS FACE FEELS LIKE VELVET. I hope that is not just a photo you pulled from anywhere internet and that it really is an animal on the farm. I would KNOW that face anywhere! Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #44080 November 2, 2013 skyjack71 ******Startled but not the pout! A Christmas morning! All animals pout! awwwlll ! HE IS SO CUTE - I WANT TO PET HIM - BET THE FUZZ ON HIS FACE FEELS LIKE VELVET. I hope that is not just a photo you pulled from anywhere internet and that it really is an animal on the farm. I would KNOW that face anywhere! best line of the evening! Congrats!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #44081 November 2, 2013 BruceSmith Remember, I know and have written about your lying to me on your story of first hearing about Cooper - Duane's sick bed or on the trail in 1979 near Lake Camas. Can't have it both ways, Jo. NO I don't remember you writing anything about Duane's final wks. IF anything YOU WROTE IN ANY book contradicts what I said in this thread regarding Duane's trip to the hospital and what transpired up until is death is convoluted in anyway - to reflect other than was was intended - YOU WILL PAY DE GAL! YOU will NEVER EVER GET A BOOK published unless it is says FICTION. I won't read your FRICKING book - all I want to know is IF what you wrote is ACCURATE regarding Myself and anything I have said. THERE-fore send me a text with only what refers to me. Remember if the story about the trip to the hospital as told it in this thread by me has been change to REFLECT YOUR obtuse point of VIEW in your book - you WILL be charged, There will be nothing to GAIN other than the FACT there was a legal action against you for FRAUD and SLANDER and perhaps CRIMINAL mischief in some of the incidents. WE are all in agreement on this - YOU will be publically humiliated and made to clean up what is YOUR opinion and not FACT. THIS mean removing any statements of "personal opinion" from the book regarding individuals that is offensive and inaccurate information as already publically stated by the individuals in this thread and other media sources. I have NO idea what you claimed or how you interperted anything about when I took Duane to the Hospital for the last time - as far as I know it HAS not changed - nor have I lied about any part of it. I might not remember all the details but I remember enough to get the point across. It is respectful when you write a book about REAL people AND REAL facts that you communicate with the individual and ask THEM if it is ok and for them to proof the things you claim they said. PERHAP YOU MISUNDERSTOOD - or your interpertation is twisted to suit your own needs. YOU DO A LOT OF THAT! USUALLY BECAUSE YOU LIKE TO CHANGE THINGS TO SUIT YOUR MINDSET. YOU DEAL with REAL people YOU deal with REAL facts. YOU WILL not be allowed to profit or gain notoriety by twisting words and interviews of any person. You will be served papers regarding this matter in a few wks. The trail in 1979 - since I do NOT know exacly what you are referencing regarding the stops Duane and I made I cannot make judgement on. You did go back to the area with me and encase you didn't already KNOW! MEN on the GROUND!Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BruceSmith 3 #44082 November 2, 2013 skyjack71*** Remember, I know and have written about your lying to me on your story of first hearing about Cooper - Duane's sick bed or on the trail in 1979 near Lake Camas. Can't have it both ways, Jo. IF any thing YOU WROTE IN ANY book contradicts what I said in this thread regarding Duane's trip to the hospital and what transpired up until is death is convoluted in any way - to reflect other than was was intended - YOU WILL PAY DE GAL! YOU will NEVER EVER GET A BOOK published unless it is say FICTION. I won't read your FRICKING book - all I want to know is IF what you wrote is ACCURATE regarding Myself and anything I have said. THEREfore send me a text with only what refers to me. Remember if the story about the trip to the hospital as told it in this thread by me has been change to REFLECT YOUR obtuse point of VIEW in your book - you WILL be charged, There will be nothing to GAIN other than the FACT there was a legal action against you for FRAUD and SLANDER in some of the incidents. WE are all in agreement on this - YOU will be publically humiliated and made to clean up what is YOUR opinion and not FACT. THIS mean removing any your statements of "personal opinion" from the book regarding individuals and subject matter already publically stated in this thread and other media sources. YOU WILL not be allowed to profit or gain notoriety by twisting words and interviews of any person. You will be served papers regarding this matter in a few wks. The trail in 1979 - since I do NOT know exacly what you are referencing regarding the stops Duane and I made I cannot state. You did go back to the area with me and encase you didn't already KNOW! MEN on the GROUND! Okay, Jo, so you're going to sue me. Do I have that correct? But the bigger question is how you got Tina Mucklow's phone number and address, and why somebody gave it to you. You infer you couldn't source the identity of the tipster but you have an idea who it might be. So, please tell us who it was and why they gave you this information. Thanks. As for the law suit, you'll have to get in line behind Blevs; he was first. Somebody else wants to sue me, but I forget who. Sigh, I should take better notes regarding my legal difficulties... BTW: Are you going to sue me first or Galen? I understand you want to sue him, too. I told him that a few days ago and he asked me: "Why the hell does she want to do that? What have I done?" I'll look forward to chatting with your attorney. Perhaps we can take a deposition from you and find out who gave you Tina's contact information and get you to declare exactly when and where you first heard about DB Cooper. You are pretty wishy-washy about that tidbit. Just saying. See you in court, sweetie. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #44083 November 2, 2013 Awwwl! Now you know why I liked your post - made me remember the Giddy pic! Never posted before. Looks a lot like your GUY!Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #44084 November 2, 2013 Bruce STATED: Remember, I know and have written about your lying to me on your story of first hearing about Cooper - Duane's sick bed or on the trail in 1979 near Lake Camas. Can't have it both ways, Jo. Jo STATED: IF anything YOU WROTE IN ANY book contradicts what I said in this thread regarding Duane's trip to the hospital and what transpired up until is death is convoluted in any way - to reflect other than was was intended - YOU WILL PAY DE GAL! YOU will NEVER EVER GET A BOOK published unless it is say FICTION. I won't read your FRICKING book - all I want to know is IF what you wrote is ACCURATE regarding Myself and anything I have said. THEREfore send me a text with only what refers to me. Remember if the story about the trip to the hospital as told it in this thread by me has been change to REFLECT YOUR obtuse point of VIEW in your book - you WILL be charged, There will be nothing to GAIN other than the FACT there was a legal action against you for FRAUD and SLANDER in some of the incidents. WE are all in agreement on this - YOU will be publically humiliated and made to clean up what is YOUR opinion and not FACT. THIS mean removing any your statements of "personal opinion" from the book regarding individuals and subject matter already publically stated in this thread and other media sources. YOU WILL not be allowed to profit or gain notoriety by twisting words and interviews of any person. You will be served papers regarding this matter in a few wks. The trail in 1979 - since I do NOT know exacly what you are referencing regarding the stops Duane and I made I cannot state. You did go back to the area with me and encase you didn't already KNOW! MEN on the GROUND! A POST SCRIPT to address your OBTUSE statement! Galen will inform you that this is correct. 1. You do NOT "chat" with attorneys! 2. The information about my contact information regarding Tina will be addressed later, but NOT to you or in this thread. 3. Why would any-ole attorney want a deposition about my contact regarding the source of Tina's contact information? You do NOT want to TOUCH that one! You are now putting yourself as speaking on behalf of the FBI and Galen Cook. Are you sure you want to go there! Obviously you do not have a law degree. Galen knows how to contact me. Perhaps you need to do a search in the sure you have your ducks in a row and they are all capable of floating for a very long time. The story about Duane's trip to the hospital and what happened until his death is documented in the thread!Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #44085 November 2, 2013 Jo wroteQuoteNOT one of you really want the truth because if the case was solved then you would have to find something else to do. Not ONE? So untrue Jo. Everybody here wants the mystery solved. We all have plenty of other things to do. If we are crime mystery junkies there are many unsolved cases to choose from. But Norjack is heroin for skydivers. The other cold cases are methadone. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #44086 November 2, 2013 377 Jo wrote Quote NOT one of you really want the truth because if the case was solved then you would have to find something else to do. Not ONE? So untrue Jo. Everybody here wants the mystery solved. We all have plenty of other things to do. If we are crime mystery junkies there are many unsolved cases to choose from. But Norjack is heroin for skydivers. The other cold cases are methadone. 377 Shall we extend Halloween to give the Cooper Zombies extra life? Winter Holidays are just ahead! Who will win? Cooper Zombies or St. Nikolas? Will the Repub Congress fund more Cooper writers to dig tunnels between Oz and the State of Washington? Will the Cooper Zombies force passengers to jump with them!? The FAA Psychiatrist says they will! Was Cooper simply trying to get to Grandma's house for Thanksgiving? When Cooper said 'I want 4 parachutes and $200k' maybe what he really said was: 'I want 4 pumpkin pies and change for my $20 Twenty - why am I on this damned plane!? What I asked for was a cab!''! He was forced to jump to get away from the FAA Psychiatrist and "that gang" of airline and government zombies! Poor Cooper! I knew him well. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Robert99 50 #44087 November 2, 2013 RobertMBlevins Georger says in part: Quote 'Shall we extend Halloween to give the Cooper Zombies extra life? Winter Holidays are just ahead! Who will win? Cooper Zombies or St. Nikolas? Will the Repub Congress fund more Cooper writers to dig tunnels between Oz and the State of Washington? Will the Cooper Zombies force passengers to jump with them!? The FAA Psychiatrist says they will! Was Cooper simply trying to get to Grandma's house for Thanksgiving? When Cooper said 'I want 4 parachutes and $200k' maybe what he really said was: 'I want 4 pumpkin pies and change for my $20 Twenty - why am I on this damned plane!? What I asked for was a cab!''! He was forced to jump to get away from the FAA Psychiatrist and "that gang" of airline and government zombies! Poor Cooper! I knew him well...' And people say you have had little to contribute lately in a constructive or positive way... What the heck do THEY know? Don't listen to them. Blevins, Exactly what have YOU contributed to the search for DB Cooper since you joined the thread in August 2010? Don't be shy about listing your accomplishments? After all of your baloney about KC, you now have a motto that goes something like "Thank you for not mentioning KC ...", your claims about KC real estate dealings have been proven to be completely without merit, and I can't remember a single thing off hand that you have posted that survived scrutiny. And don't forget Margie. You claim you are not interested in her but then contact a bank loan officer, who had worked on a real estate transaction involving her, trying to get her phone number and adddress. Robert99 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #44088 November 2, 2013 Been reading Harrison's notes. Some details about the Cooper bomb materials make me wonder if it might have been real. No conclusive evidence but it sounds like more than road flares and a battery. Harrison mentions "chest" chutes which is the correct name not "front" chutes. Some of the handwritten words are illegible. Why did Himmelsbach, a very savvy aviator, think he could catch a 727 with a helicopter? Was he instead hoping to find a chute in a tree? Very hard to accomplish that at night. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MarkBennett 5 #44089 November 2, 2013 377Jo wroteQuoteNOT one of you really want the truth because if the case was solved then you would have to find something else to do. Not ONE? So untrue Jo. Everybody here wants the mystery solved. We all have plenty of other things to do. If we are crime mystery junkies there are many unsolved cases to choose from. But Norjack is heroin for skydivers. The other cold cases are methadone. 377 I will confess, Jo, I was a little disappointed when they found the Amboy chute a few years ago. I thought they'd find bones under it and it would be less dramatic than I'd hoped. But, I would be delighted if any of the named suspects were found to be the hijacker -- including Duane. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Robert99 50 #44090 November 2, 2013 RobertMBlevinsRobert99 says in part: Quote'Blevins, Exactly what have YOU contributed to the search for DB Cooper since you joined the thread in August 2010? Don't be shy about listing your accomplishments? After all of your baloney about KC, you now have a motto that goes something like "Thank you for not mentioning KC ...", your claims about KC real estate dealings have been proven to be completely without merit, and I can't remember a single thing off hand that you have posted that survived scrutiny. And don't forget Margie. You claim you are not interested in her but then contact a bank loan officer, who had worked on a real estate transaction involving her, trying to get her phone number and adddress...' Well, first...I never tried to get her address or phone. I called the bank officer and he volunteered the information that he had been instructed not to reveal her present location. So I didn't ask. When he asked me why I was inquiring, I just said I had interviewed her several times on the DB Cooper case and was just wondering if she was okay. He got curious, so I explained more to him. Then he asked to see the book and the KC report, so I sent them out to him in PDF. Blevins, Let me see if I got this right. One day, you had some free time so you picked up your phone and dialed a phone number you had never heard of before. By sheer chance, you ended up talking to a bank real estate loan officer that you had never heard of before either. While discussing the weather with him, he mentioned that he could not give you Margie's address or phone number. Since you hadn't mentioned Margie to him, you were surprised by his statement. Then you were even more surprised when he asked you to send him a copy of your book and everything you allegedly had sent to the FBI. You were stunned that your fame had spread so far and wide, so you immediately agreed to his request. And it was the bank loan officer who first mentioned Margie's name, asked about your book, and did all of this without any prompting from you. Blevins, Are you really loose on the streets of Auburn? Robert99 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Robert99 50 #44091 November 2, 2013 RobertMBlevins ******Robert99 says in part: Quote 'Blevins, Exactly what have YOU contributed to the search for DB Cooper since you joined the thread in August 2010? Don't be shy about listing your accomplishments? After all of your baloney about KC, you now have a motto that goes something like "Thank you for not mentioning KC ...", your claims about KC real estate dealings have been proven to be completely without merit, and I can't remember a single thing off hand that you have posted that survived scrutiny. And don't forget Margie. You claim you are not interested in her but then contact a bank loan officer, who had worked on a real estate transaction involving her, trying to get her phone number and adddress...' Well, first...I never tried to get her address or phone. I called the bank officer and he volunteered the information that he had been instructed not to reveal her present location. So I didn't ask. When he asked me why I was inquiring, I just said I had interviewed her several times on the DB Cooper case and was just wondering if she was okay. He got curious, so I explained more to him. Then he asked to see the book and the KC report, so I sent them out to him in PDF. Blevins, Let me see if I got this right. One day, you had some free time so you picked up your phone and dialed a phone number you had never heard of before. By sheer chance, you ended up talking to a bank real estate loan officer that you had never heard of before either. While discussing the weather with him, he mentioned that he could not give you Margie's address or phone number. Since you hadn't mentioned Margie to him, you were surprised by his statement. Then you were even more surprised when he asked you to send him a copy of your book and everything you allegedly had sent to the FBI. You were stunned that your fame had spread so far and wide, so you immediately agreed to his request. And it was the bank loan officer who first mentioned Margie's name, asked about your book, and did all of this without any prompting from you. Blevins, Are you really loose on the streets of Auburn? Robert99 I'm not only loose, but they even allow me to participate in the community occasionally. Someone posted up the PDF on the sale of the ranch. The details on the bank officer, as well as the lawyer who represented Margie...are listed. See attached. Read first few lines of page one... Blevins, As I mentioned to you several days ago, Margie's address and how to contact her by telephone are contained in the first sentence of the option document. You have claimed that you were not trying to get in touch with Margie, and you stated in late 2010 that Margie knew you would not be in touch with her again. So just exactly what in hell were you trying to do when you called the bank loan officer (who was her telephone contact)? Robert99 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BruceSmith 3 #44092 November 2, 2013 Quote"...The information about my contact information regarding Tina will be addressed later, but NOT to you or in this thread."Reply: Why not Jo? This sounds like very important information to the Norjak investigation. Who gave you Tina's contact information and why? Intentionally witholding information in the Norjak case makes you a suspect in my view. In fact, I think you're a bigger con artist than Duane ever was. You appear to be an insider in the Norjak investigation. The question is why and what your full role is. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #44093 November 2, 2013 *** Jo, Lee Dormuth told me that you were married to the skyjacker, DB Cooper. Why isn't that enough for you? IF Lee really made such a statement, it was perhaps a slip of the tongue, but then maybe who Cooper REALLY was has been known to certain individuals for many yrs. You Think! IF SO! The only questiong that remains to be answered is "WHY?" I gave that statement you made little credence because you and others fabricate things and I try NOT to fall into the crevices that are created. Perhaps waiting all these yrs to reveal the truths about the case was a matter of Documents being released to the public that for some stupid reason would be consider a detrimate to the capabilities of certain organizations....supposedly created to PROTECT and Secure. Many of these secrets have destroyed lives and some individuals threaten by our own government of loosing their medical benefits and pensions if they spoke about certain things. Things were incidentally declared Confidential and some of them had to do with ACTUAL crimes against the population....YOU have NO idea what REALLY went on back in "those days". How many of you believe WEBER created a pension on his own without the help and assistance from others. Somehow - Weber maintained and was arranged adequate health insurance until he qualified for medicare and there was undisclosed supplements to his income - not declared or taxable. Some of those monies remained in a safe deposite box under the name of John Collins. A safe deposit box I was UNABLE to access because I could NOT prove I was the widow of John Collins. Strange communications and one of the strange trips made in 1989. I thought something he said strange and did NOT repeat it, but always wondered why he made the statement. This was when he supposedly went to AL to be evaluated for a transplant. But he also made mention of a pension of 50K - and the government. I said - you were not retired military! He provided an evasive remark regarding lawsuits against the government. I filed this away with other things, but recently there was a discussion on this thread - about finding a mention of a lawsuit by a Duane Weber in AL. The company was a government contractor.....think about this - could that government contractor have been a shield for the CIA to provide security for Duane and others? THINK! Duane and some other guys he knew maintained JOBS with companies that COULD not hire excons. These guys worked and were on the payroll of these other companies, They had retirement and health benefits - extremely good insurance benefits. These guys were NOT super sales persons - but they did their best and NOT one of them went without. Everyone of these guys had a place to turn to if they got in trouble...hence the number that was in Duane's hidden place and the code number - a place he was supposed to call if he ever got in trouble. I didn't figure this out until recently. NOW I know when I called that number after Duane die - the code was the Army and Navy intermingled - so they would not forget it. The person who answered when I wanted to know what the number belonged to told me there were several people who lived in the building and asked if I had a name. He may have asked if I had a number....I was supposed to give that Code number - HOW STUPID I was, but that was before I found out who Dan Cooper was. I told Mr. H. about it and he said it didn't mean anything. After coming to this thread - I tried to call that number and I forget now what I was told. Did I post about this when I did it? Probably I did. Somethings I have forgotten, but strange how memories are unlocked. I didn't get this until I was typing this post. NOW you guys are going to think I have GONE COMPLETELY OVER THE EDGE! Maybe I have - but, what if I just now put 2 and 2 together and got the answer that had been with me all along. It certainly helps to explain all of the unexplainables regarding Weber's life......I just wrote the ending to the end of Cooper's Story and Duane Webers Life! FACT OR FANTASY? Note the Copyrights if you QUOTE this post! Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BruceSmith 3 #44094 November 2, 2013 Quote Jo, Lee Dormuth told me that you were married to the skyjacker, DB Cooper. Why isn't that enough for you? IF Lee really made such a statement, it was perhaps a slip of the tongue, but then maybe who Cooper REALLY was has been known to certain individuals for many yrs. You Think! IF SO! The only questiong that remains to be answered is "WHY?" I gave that statement you made little credence because you and others fabricate things and I try NOT to fall into the crevices that are created. Perhaps waiting all these yrs to reveal the truths about the case was a matter of Documents being released to the public that for some stupid reason would be consider a detrimate to the capabilities of certain organizations....supposedly created to PROTECT and Secure. Many of these secrets have destroyed lives and some indiivduals threaten by our own government of loosing their medical benefits and pensions if they spoke about certain things. Things were incidentally declared Confidential and some of them had to do with ACTUAL crimes against the population....YOU have NO idea what REALLY went on back in "those days". How many of you believe WEBER created a pension on his own without the help and assistance from others. Somehow - Weber maintained and was arranged adequate health insurance until he qualified for medicare and there was undisclosed supplements to his income - not declared or taxable. Some of those monies remained in a safe deposite box under the name of John Collins. A safe deposit box I was UNABLE to access because I could NOT prove I was the widow of John Collins. Strange communications and one of the strange trips he made in 1989. I thought something he said strange and did NOT repeat it, but always wornder why he made that statement. This was when he supposedly went to AL to be evaluated for a transplant. But he also made mention of a pension of 50K - and the government. I said - you were not retired military! He provided an evasive remark regarding lawsuits against the government. I filed this away with other things, but recently there was a discussion on this thread - about finding a mention of a lawsuit by a Duane Weber in AL. The company was a government contractor.....think about this could that government contractor have been a shield for the CIA to provide security for Duane and other. Duane and some other guys he knew maintained JOBS with companies that COULD not hire excons. These guys worked and were on the payroll of these other companies, They had retirement and health benefits - extremely good insurance benefits. These guys were NOT super sales persons - but they did their best and NOT one of them went without. Everyone of these guys had a place to turn to if they got in trouble...hence the number that was in Duane's hidden place and the code number - a place he was supposed to call if he ever got in trouble. I didn't figure this out until recently. NOW I know when I called that number after Duane die - the code was the Army and Navy intermingled - so they would not forget it. The person who answered when I wanted to know what the number belonged to told me there were several people who lived in the building and asked if I had a name. He may have asked if I had a number....I was supposed to give that Code number - HOW STUPID I was, but that was before I found out who Dan Cooper was. I told Mr. H. about it and he said it didn't mean anything. After coming to this thread - I tried to call that number and I forget now what I was told. Did I post about this when I did it? Probably I did. Somethings I have forgotten, but strange how memories are unlocked. I didn't get this until I was typing this post. NOW you guys are going to think I have GONE COMPLETELY OVER THE EDGE! Maybe I have - but, what if I just now put 2 and 2 together and got the answer that had been with me all along. It certainly helps to explain all of the unexplainables regarding Weber's life......I just wrote the ending to the end of Cooper's Story and Duane Webers Life! Reply: Another possibility is that you are on someone's pay roll and provided plenty of benefits and cash to your family. Maybe Duane traded up when he married you and got himself a real slick con artist? Hiding in plain sight, Jo? BTW: How can you write the last passage on Duane until you tell us how you got the phone number for Tina? That's like Shakespeare forgetting to write: "And they lived happily ever after." Jo, do you really think I'm going to let you off the hook on this Tina phone number thing? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #44095 November 2, 2013 Jo wroteQuoteMany of these secrets have destroyed lives and some indiivduals threaten by our own government of loosing their medical benefits and pensions if they spoke about certain things. Maybe... Pensions are governed by rather strict federal laws. They can't be unilaterally canceled by a former employer for speaking out. Someone who had that happen would have no problem getting a lawyer to take their case on a contingent fee. Just the threat of a press conference is all it would likely take to get it restored. Retaliatory actions by employers (even govt agencies) against whistle blowers pisses juries off and can result in multimillion dollar verdicts far exceeding the value of the cancelled benefit. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #44096 November 3, 2013 BruceSmithQuote"...The information about my contact information regarding Tina will be addressed later, but NOT to you or in this thread."Reply: Why not Jo? This sounds like very important information to the Norjak investigation. Who gave you Tina's contact information and why? Intentionally witholding information in the Norjak case makes you a suspect in my view. In fact, I think you're a bigger con artist than Duane ever was. You appear to be an insider in the Norjak investigation. The question is why and what your full role is. well .... uhhh ... see attachmont Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #44097 November 3, 2013 377Jo wroteQuoteMany of these secrets have destroyed lives and some indiivduals threaten by our own government of loosing their medical benefits and pensions if they spoke about certain things. Maybe... Pensions are governed by rather strict federal laws. They can't be unilaterally canceled by a former employer for speaking out. Someone who had that happen would have no problem getting a lawyer to take their case on a contingent fee. Just the threat of a press conference is all it would likely take to get it restored. Retaliatory actions by employers (even govt agencies) against whistle blowers pisses juries off and can result in multimillion dollar verdicts far exceeding the value of the cancelled benefit. 377 You speak of TODAY not 1950's and 1960's. Pensions as I was using it was a catch all. It was an amout of money set away in a fund thru an entity to provide for deeds done - by those who could never be known. Coverts - but not connected to the mililtary. I do not know how to describe what I am trying to say. A group of ex-cons & others collected together to do things for a private entity that involved learning secrets where fbi nor cia could infiltrate.......Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Robert99 50 #44098 November 3, 2013 RobertMBlevinsRobert99 says in part: Quote'Blevins, As I mentioned to you several days ago, Margie's address and how to contact her by telephone are contained in the first sentence of the option document. You have claimed that you were not trying to get in touch with Margie, and you stated in late 2010 that Margie knew you would not be in touch with her again. So just exactly what in hell were you trying to do when you called the bank loan officer (who was her telephone contact)?' Do you live in the Twilight Zone or something? I just told you where the contact info was, and posted up the doc myself. I've had it for months. There's an echo in here. ASKED AND ANSWERED. I already said why I called the bank officer. Fine. Guess you need to have it repeated to you. Notice underlined section. ***'Well, first...I never tried to get her address or phone. Let's be realistic. If I wanted that, I could get it for ten bucks at US Search, or spending 40, her entire history. And I haven't done that. I called the bank officer after I heard about the ranch sale and he volunteered the information that he had been instructed not to reveal her present location. So I didn't ask. When he asked me why I was inquiring, I just said I had interviewed her several times on the DB Cooper case and was just wondering if she was okay. I guess I wondered why she decided to sell the ranch she so obviously loved. Wondered if she had a stroke, got hurt, ended up in a nursing facility, whatever. He got curious, so I explained more to him. Then he asked to see the book and the KC report, so I sent them out to him in PDF. I did warn him that because of the report, it was possible that the Seattle FBI might ask him Margie's location in order to question her. But that's it. I did seven interviews with her over a period of about ten months. Figured that was enough...' Blevins, With your non-answers and teases about all the information that you are going to release at some unknown date to explain everything, you have mastered Jo Weber's lessons well. Both you and Jo seem to think that the others on this thread will accept at face value any dumb explanation or statement that you make. Robert99 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #44099 November 3, 2013 BruceSmithQuoteJo, Lee Dormuth told me that you were married to the skyjacker, DB Cooper. Why isn't that enough for you? Jo Weber stated: IF Lee really made such a statement, it was perhaps a slip of the tongue, but then maybe who Cooper REALLY was has been known to certain individuals for many yrs. You Think! You have made claims before that were NOT true in your writings - therefore ALL we have is YOUR WORD Lee Dormuth made the statement you claimed above. If GALEN is so much on the INSIDE why is he messing with you? Perhaps the FBI Agent was taken with the fact Galen is an Attorney, but did the agent KNOW Galen had presented mulitple suspects. I really do NOT believe Galen approached the FBI without being objective. If GALEN was such a good detective why did I have to give him a hint about how to find what he sought WITHOUT divulging my sources? Remember GALEN used some unethcial tactics to attempt to extract Tina's location and he GOT mad LIKE a child having a temper tanturm! He is very aware of this and I am surprise he actual shared "things" with you. I was DISGUSTED with how you guys exposed TINA. His story and your story are different. He let you do HIS dirty work so he didn't get HIS hand soiled. Did YOU even realize he USED U? Galen probably has been secretly writing his own book and waiting until all of the characters are dead such as myself and then USE the material as HIS OWN. Smart like a FOX! Well, hopefully this thread will live on when I am gone and it will prove that I got HiJacked in the event any writer tries to own claims I have made since day one. What would be a SMARTER move for GALEN would be to join forces with a SHOE IN. GALEN THREW MONEY INTO THE RIVER VENTURE....but, my guys have made private venture to other places to verify information we have. One of the main characters wanted to know if my guys were the individuals behind all of the NOISE centering around Puyallup! NONE of his damn BEE's WAX! We were NOT interested in the damn Columbia - We know how that money got there...we want to find the other CLUES we feel sure are out there from the things Duane talked about. If Galen had listened to me - he might have solved the case, but it was his choice to alienate me. I do NOT approve of the way Galen used parts of my story incorporated in to his subject. Since he has yet to publish a book - I will not worry about it until then. YOU on the other hand are publishing a book! Big difference - TALK and ACTION! BUT believe me that is NO compliment! Since Galen supposedly comes from around the Spokane area - he has been sitting on evidence for YRS. He did not have to go far at all to find out who the best suspect was. Clues were archived in basements right there in Spokane.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites 377 22 #44100 November 3, 2013 This was no "Janet" sighting. Read on. Amazing escape from a catastrophic mid air collision: QuoteTwo small airplanes carrying skydivers collided over Superior at dusk Saturday, causing the lead plane to break into pieces, with debris falling across a swath of southern sections of town. Only minor injuries were reported among the 11 people aboard the planes. The mid-air collision and its aftermath were seen by numerous witnesses in the Twin Ports. “We were just kind of lucky that we were at the point where we were out of the airplane,” said Mike Robinson, a skydiving instructor who was one of four jumpers on the first plane, a Cessna 182. “If we’d been back in the rear of the airplane when they collided it might have been a little bit different.” All nine of the skydivers aboard the two planes were already jumping or preparing to jump when the collision occurred at a height of 12,000 feet above the Superior Menard’s, Robinson said. The four jumpers aboard the lead plane — the one that broke apart — landed without incident. The pilot of that plane used an emergency parachute to also jump safely, Robinson said, but he sustained some cuts and was taken to an area hospital for treatment. Robinson didn’t know the pilot’s name but said he was from the Twin Cities and went by the nickname “Tweak.” “He may need some stitches, but he’s not seriously hurt,” Robinson said in the Skydive Superior building as other skydivers quietly packed their gear. The five jumpers aboard the second plane, a Cessna 185, also jumped while pilot Blake Wedan of Superior landed safely at the Superior Airport without incident in spite of damage to its propellers, Robinson said. “The pilot did a great job being able to land it,” he said. Both planes are owned by Skydive Superior. All nine of the jumpers were veteran skydivers, Robinson said. Many, like him, are instructors at Skydive Superior. “It requires a really strong comfort level to be able to do this,” said Robinson, who has been skydiving for 12 years. He said the accident, which occurred just before 6 p.m., developed during an ordinary run with the second plane closely following the first. “We don’t know for sure yet but what we think happened was the trail plane got caught in the wash of the wing and caused them to bump,” said Robinson, 64, of Gnesen Township. Both wings came off the first plane, he said. The fuselage ended up in the Head of the Lakes Fairground, one wing landed off an airport runway and the other, which caught fire, may have landed in or near Nemadji Golf Course, he said. Most of the skydivers landed in the area of the airport where they would normally land, Robinson said. The pilot was using an older, round parachute that he couldn’t steer Everyone remained calm through the experience, he said, although he had never had such a close call. “And we’ve done these kinds of jumps hundreds of times.” “It was more of a matter-of-fact thing,” Robinson said. “We were just kind of lucky that we were at the point where we were out of the airplane. If we’d been back in the rear of the airplane when they collided it might have been a little bit different.” There were no reports of any injuries on the ground. The jumpers could see parts of the plane falling above them as they descended, Robinson said. “We’re in free fall, so we’re falling about 120 miles an hour vertically down,” he said. “But then we open our parachutes, and now all the sudden they’re falling faster than we are. … Fortunately, everybody kept it together so they just avoided (the debris).” Braydon Kurtz of Superior was duck hunting along the St. Louis River when he witnessed the collision. “We heard a boom and looked up and there’s a fireball and smoke,” he said. Kurtz said he saw two planes — “one was circling down and one was going down straight.” Mike Plaunt was at his home in Superior’s Billings Park neighborhood, where he often watches skydivers and hears their planes. On Saturday evening, the engine noise he heard was unusual and drew his attention. “I went outside and looked and could see six parachuters and a drop plane, and then there was something spiraling down. I couldn’t identify what it was ... it had a trail of smoke and I had never seen that before.” There was a point of light with the smoke, and Plaunt’s initial thought was that perhaps one of the skydivers had dropped a flare. Seconds later, Casey Trachsel of Superior was driving with relatives on Tower Avenue near the Head of the Lakes Fairgounds when “we heard a loud buzzing sound coming really close, and we saw a gray object torpedo into the ground.” What fell from the sky didn’t look like a plane, she said, in the couple of seconds between when they heard the noise and saw the impact. After the fuselage hit the ground, she said, the front end of the plane was crushed, embedded into the earth. “It doesn’t seem real,” she said about an hour after witnessing the crash. “I’m still kind of in shock.” Superior Fire Department Battalion Chief Vern Johnson said fire crews initially dealt with numerous reports relayed from eyewitnesses. The first call came in at 6:05 p.m. “We had all kinds of rabbits we were trying to herd out there,” he said. “We were all over tarnation out there in case anyone needed medical help or if something was burning." It was the second incident this year involving Skydive Superior. Two skydivers were rescued after they landed off the shore of Lake Superior during the Lark O’ the Lake Festival in July. Roland Herwig, a spokesman for the Federal Aviation Administration in Oklahoma City, said Saturday night the National Transportation Safety Board had been notified about Saturday’s incident. “All aspects of safety involved in this will be investigated,” he said.2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Prev 1759 1760 1761 1762 1763 1764 1765 1766 1767 1768 1769 Next Page 1764 of 2578 Join the conversation You can post now and register later. 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377 22 #44100 November 3, 2013 This was no "Janet" sighting. Read on. Amazing escape from a catastrophic mid air collision: QuoteTwo small airplanes carrying skydivers collided over Superior at dusk Saturday, causing the lead plane to break into pieces, with debris falling across a swath of southern sections of town. Only minor injuries were reported among the 11 people aboard the planes. The mid-air collision and its aftermath were seen by numerous witnesses in the Twin Ports. “We were just kind of lucky that we were at the point where we were out of the airplane,” said Mike Robinson, a skydiving instructor who was one of four jumpers on the first plane, a Cessna 182. “If we’d been back in the rear of the airplane when they collided it might have been a little bit different.” All nine of the skydivers aboard the two planes were already jumping or preparing to jump when the collision occurred at a height of 12,000 feet above the Superior Menard’s, Robinson said. The four jumpers aboard the lead plane — the one that broke apart — landed without incident. The pilot of that plane used an emergency parachute to also jump safely, Robinson said, but he sustained some cuts and was taken to an area hospital for treatment. Robinson didn’t know the pilot’s name but said he was from the Twin Cities and went by the nickname “Tweak.” “He may need some stitches, but he’s not seriously hurt,” Robinson said in the Skydive Superior building as other skydivers quietly packed their gear. The five jumpers aboard the second plane, a Cessna 185, also jumped while pilot Blake Wedan of Superior landed safely at the Superior Airport without incident in spite of damage to its propellers, Robinson said. “The pilot did a great job being able to land it,” he said. Both planes are owned by Skydive Superior. All nine of the jumpers were veteran skydivers, Robinson said. Many, like him, are instructors at Skydive Superior. “It requires a really strong comfort level to be able to do this,” said Robinson, who has been skydiving for 12 years. He said the accident, which occurred just before 6 p.m., developed during an ordinary run with the second plane closely following the first. “We don’t know for sure yet but what we think happened was the trail plane got caught in the wash of the wing and caused them to bump,” said Robinson, 64, of Gnesen Township. Both wings came off the first plane, he said. The fuselage ended up in the Head of the Lakes Fairground, one wing landed off an airport runway and the other, which caught fire, may have landed in or near Nemadji Golf Course, he said. Most of the skydivers landed in the area of the airport where they would normally land, Robinson said. The pilot was using an older, round parachute that he couldn’t steer Everyone remained calm through the experience, he said, although he had never had such a close call. “And we’ve done these kinds of jumps hundreds of times.” “It was more of a matter-of-fact thing,” Robinson said. “We were just kind of lucky that we were at the point where we were out of the airplane. If we’d been back in the rear of the airplane when they collided it might have been a little bit different.” There were no reports of any injuries on the ground. The jumpers could see parts of the plane falling above them as they descended, Robinson said. “We’re in free fall, so we’re falling about 120 miles an hour vertically down,” he said. “But then we open our parachutes, and now all the sudden they’re falling faster than we are. … Fortunately, everybody kept it together so they just avoided (the debris).” Braydon Kurtz of Superior was duck hunting along the St. Louis River when he witnessed the collision. “We heard a boom and looked up and there’s a fireball and smoke,” he said. Kurtz said he saw two planes — “one was circling down and one was going down straight.” Mike Plaunt was at his home in Superior’s Billings Park neighborhood, where he often watches skydivers and hears their planes. On Saturday evening, the engine noise he heard was unusual and drew his attention. “I went outside and looked and could see six parachuters and a drop plane, and then there was something spiraling down. I couldn’t identify what it was ... it had a trail of smoke and I had never seen that before.” There was a point of light with the smoke, and Plaunt’s initial thought was that perhaps one of the skydivers had dropped a flare. Seconds later, Casey Trachsel of Superior was driving with relatives on Tower Avenue near the Head of the Lakes Fairgounds when “we heard a loud buzzing sound coming really close, and we saw a gray object torpedo into the ground.” What fell from the sky didn’t look like a plane, she said, in the couple of seconds between when they heard the noise and saw the impact. After the fuselage hit the ground, she said, the front end of the plane was crushed, embedded into the earth. “It doesn’t seem real,” she said about an hour after witnessing the crash. “I’m still kind of in shock.” Superior Fire Department Battalion Chief Vern Johnson said fire crews initially dealt with numerous reports relayed from eyewitnesses. The first call came in at 6:05 p.m. “We had all kinds of rabbits we were trying to herd out there,” he said. “We were all over tarnation out there in case anyone needed medical help or if something was burning." It was the second incident this year involving Skydive Superior. Two skydivers were rescued after they landed off the shore of Lake Superior during the Lark O’ the Lake Festival in July. Roland Herwig, a spokesman for the Federal Aviation Administration in Oklahoma City, said Saturday night the National Transportation Safety Board had been notified about Saturday’s incident. “All aspects of safety involved in this will be investigated,” he said.2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites