GreyCopGC148 0 #44426 November 19, 2013 I liked the photos and loved the copy of the ticket. The credit to Mr Blevins was tastefully done. Good job it was cool to see your name there. DB Cooper into the Funnel of Darkness the movie starring Nicolas Cage, Jennifer Anniston and Woody Harrellson... a Jerry Bruckheimer film Written by Paul Geivett Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #44427 November 19, 2013 RobertMBlevins Here is what Seattle FBI agent Fred Gutt told me in an email when I questioned him about the Cooper DNA: Sample they have is a PARTIAL profile. It can ELIMINATE someone, but cannot confirm them as the hijacker. The FBI is unwilling to spend any further time or resources on DNA profile checks with possible suspects unless convincing evidence justifies the cost. This isn't just about The Test. It's about assigning agents to check out that evidence without getting burned again as they did with Marla Cooper. You want someone to blame for this policy, and the reticence of the Seattle FBI to do any further public interaction? See cartoons below. Welcome to the Reality Hotel, penthouse suite. Still ... attacking Marla! Could this be called bullying? People should not bully. You have brought much sympathy to Marla in her avoidance dealing with a bully. At the root of bullying is inferiority complex competeing for recognition and power. Bullying and reasearch are NOT the same thing. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #44428 November 19, 2013 GreyCopGC148 I liked the photos and loved the copy of the ticket. The credit to Mr Blevins was tastefully done. Good job it was cool to see your name there. Yes, the book is one more example of intellectual thuggery meant for "wage earner sheeple" ? Were you actually cop at Vancouver? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GreyCopGC148 0 #44429 November 19, 2013 georger *** I liked the photos and loved the copy of the ticket. The credit to Mr Blevins was tastefully done. Good job it was cool to see your name there. Yes, the book is one more example of intellectual thuggery meant for "wage earner sheeple" ? Were you actually cop at Vancouver? NO I had to convince WSP Trooper Evan W. Clark, Badge number 516 and Trooper Welch, Badge number 1235. That I was not a cop....Then I had to convince them I was not a Federal agent. After he chased me for 23 milesWhile I was on my way to meet SA Curtis Eng in Seattle Wa FBI office on 6 17 13. At over 100 mph on my motorcycle My YAM FZ1. But I wasn't very convincing. I told ENG to call WSP and let them know I was on my way.Then I had to have Trooper Clark call ENG on the side of the road. Trooper Clark was very upset. I really felt bad GC 148 THE GRAY COP DB Cooper into the Funnel of Darkness the movie starring Nicolas Cage, Jennifer Anniston and Woody Harrellson... a Jerry Bruckheimer film Written by Paul Geivett Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #44430 November 19, 2013 It has been too many yrs for him to ID anyone. Time has taken its toll on him, but he was VERY polite to view the new photo the thread obtain by way of MrShutter. Anyone heard from Shutter about his father? At least I did something constructive and I did NOT discuss his description so nothing to report there. I did the new one and put in some of the old ones he had already seen. He is a very nice guy and one of the individiduals I would like to meet. Wish they would just have a private meeting for those of us with suspects to sit down quietly with the individuals on the plane and the personel who worked the crime (those that are alive) - just a private party. Those who think their brother or father was Cooper with no more than 5 photos and 10 minute to tell their story Ding goes the BELL and they havd to shut up and sit down. At the end let everyone vote for their favorite and see where the marble rolls. This would be just for witnesses and those who have real supects to presents their own. Each person getting their chance for 12 minutes. The bell goes on and they had to sit down or be asked to leave. HOW would I do my story in 10 minute or 12 minutes - I would go blank - someone whould have to do it for me = No JUNNY STUFF! Then the witnesses each make a statment about the subject and keep it hard line - no trying to be nice.' Even deceased individuals to be brought forth---- They would need the pictures and location and reason they believe their subject did the job. My alarm system has malfunciton twice in the last 3 wks - but I didn't see anything out of place and it was SET - Duh I do Pay my annual dues. Maybe I have gotten so old I am doing it wrong - but don't underdstand that. Never gone from, the house more than an hour or two. Had some strange pics sent to me today - have no idea what this is all about! Not excited about any of it yet!Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrshutter45 21 #44431 November 19, 2013 "Anyone heard from Shutter about his father?" after speaking with all of the doctors, we understood that nothing could be done. most of his organs were not functioning, so we had to decide on the right thing to do. this would be taking the machines away. Hospice got involved and took over the procedure. the 14 IV'S, dialysis & the respirator were removed leaving one single IV, Morphine. this was at 7:30 pm Saturday evening. midnight rolled around and he was still breathing. they had a problem shutting off his pacemaker. they told us someone from the pacemaker company would be at the hospital at 6 am to correct the problem. they told us the best thing to do was to go home and come back before 6 am. we all decided after a long painful day to do this. my father passed away at 2:55 am with nobody around. all though this was the right thing to do, I do not believe in this process. Dr Kevorkian had the right idea with ending life quickly so they family doesn't have to suffer through the stages of death. when a family pet is terminal, they tell you the best thing to do is to put him to sleep. it's quick & simple. I hope I never have to do this to someone again. it's pointless and painful watching someone struggle and hang on. my father didn't want us to make a fuss over his death. he didn't want a service to be held. his wish was to be cremated and his ashes put to sea. this wish will be grated and carried out exactly as he requested. Jerry L Brown Dec. 22, 1941- November 17, 2013"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sailshaw 0 #44432 November 19, 2013 GreyCop You say: "I will do this one time and one time only ok.Mitochondrial DNA can exclude someone, but not prove them guilty. But the DNA under the stamps can prove that it was Kenneth once and for all." I say: The DNA under the stamps/envelop flaps of the four letters sent to the newspapers just after the Norjak Caper is evidence being forgotten and over looked by the FBI and could solve this case very quickly at low cost (under $1,000). I believe they would find a match with the DNA they already have on the most qualified suspect, Sheridan Peterson. This would blow the case wide-open and destroy Sheridan's perfect alibi that he was in Nepal writing his novel. It would prove he was at the "scene of the crime" in Portland Oregon. The case would be solved and the FBI would save their Honorable Status of "we always get our man". This stamp/envelop flap DNA is the only evidence not looked at by the FBI so far. Come on lets "get it done" and become hero leaders in crime investigations. Bob Sailshaw Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BobKnoss 0 #44433 November 19, 2013 "Jo, Stop imagining things. Duane DID NOT have anything to do with the JFK, MLK, or RFK deaths. You are hoping for a connection with something spectacular just to show that Duane was a BIG TIME crook when, in fact, he was a small time hood who couldn't steal five dollars from a woman's purse without getting caught and sent to jail. Also, did it occur to you that airline tickets were multi-colored in 1971? " Robert99 _________________________________________________ Now, I know much you people appreciate my comments, but let me interject a few facts into your all-knowing conjecture: 1. Weber's first night in Jefferson was in a cell with James Earl Ray, per McCoy. 2. Weber and Ray had much in common except Ray was institutionalized, Weber was not. This was important. 3. Ray knew Richard McCoy as "Rauel" in Canada. A guy with a patch over one eye. 4. "Rauel" was McCoy's favorite disguise. 5. McCoy told me he needed a "patsy" and was going to use Ray because he was institutionalized anyway. 6. McCoy told me stories of getting the rifle out of the hotel when MLK was shot. 7. Weber hated blacks like Ray and was an expert rifleman, per McCoy. 8. McCoy had Weber released into his custody from Jefferson under the name that McCoy knew him as, John Collins, Jo's maiden name. McCoy had worked with Weber before in California. 9. The dates coincide, as does Weber's arrival in Minnesota to train for Norjak. 10. A shot from the hotel bathroom was very awkward as you would have to stand on the tub. McCoy says, not the real location. 11. Joe Brown said the rifle in evidence did not match. 12. A similar rifle was kept in Weber's closet and was stolen by a fix-it repairman at the residence who Jo chased in her car at high speed, per Jo. 13. The worker was instructed to steal the rifle by McCoy because Weber did not destroy the weapon as directed by McCoy. 14. The ticket was another item Weber kept that McCoy ordered destroyed. Weber burned it, per McCoy. It DID exist and Jo tells the truth. These are facts given me by McCoy and there is enough conformation from what Jo is saying for me to make me believe what I am relating here. It is part of a scary iceberg that indicates there is a lot of dangerous information beyond just Norjak and ample reason for a very extensive cover-up. It explains the threats I have received about "dangerous" subjects. I do not care to discuss this in any more depth. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #44434 November 19, 2013 sailshaw GreyCop You say: "I will do this one time and one time only ok.Mitochondrial DNA can exclude someone, but not prove them guilty. But the DNA under the stamps can prove that it was Kenneth once and for all." I say: The DNA under the stamps/envelop flaps of the four letters sent to the newspapers just after the Norjak Caper is evidence being forgotten and over looked by the FBI and could solve this case very quickly at low cost (under $1,000). I believe they would find a match with the DNA they already have on the most qualified suspect, Sheridan Peterson. This would blow the case wide-open and destroy Sheridan's perfect alibi that he was in Nepal writing his novel. It would prove he was at the "scene of the crime" in Portland Oregon. The case would be solved and the FBI would save their Honorable Status of "we always get our man". This stamp/envelop flap DNA is the only evidence not looked at by the FBI so far. Come on lets "get it done" and become hero leaders in crime investigations. Bob Sailshaw And what iff the stamps were licked by a goat! Then what? Remember, Cooper was clever. Then the task becomes more complex. Nepalese goat vs. California or Oregon or Wyoming goat? All goats are not the same. French goat, Russian goat, and its not impossible that it was a reindeer or a cow! Maybe a dog? I doubt it was a frog. Have you selected a company for testing? I would volunteer my sink for only $39.99. That includes shipping. Wamart has a special on pregnancy kits, which should suffice, for only $499.99 and that includes shipping on Typhoon Airlines. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #44435 November 19, 2013 Quote1. Weber's first night in Jefferson was in a cell with James Earl Ray, per McCoy. YOU have NO proof of this. Definite NOT something I would entertain. Ray was incarcerated there and Duane knew him that is all I have ever said. Quote6. McCoy told me stories of getting the rifle out of the hotel when MLK was shot. So NOW you are claiming McCoy was involved in the Martin Luther King assassination - YOU ARE ONE WARPED individual. This is how you BUILD your stories. Quote8. McCoy had Weber released into his custody from Jefferson under the name that McCoy knew him as, John Collins, Jo's maiden name. McCoy had worked with Weber before in California. MORE BULL. I did not meet Duane Weber until 1976 and it was unnessary to make the comment you made. Quote12. A similar rifle was kept in Weber's closet and was stolen by a fix-it repairman at the residence who Jo chased in her car at high speed, per Jo. That rifle was taken during a burgarly of our home in 1988. We knew who did it as he was 'supposed' to install a fence while we were gone. Yes, I did chase that man when he passed me on 9 mile road and I did drive fast. Not a very smart thing to do. I do NOT know the source of the rifle. I did see Duane put a long object in the trunk of the Marquis and the when we traded for station wagon - the rifle came into our home. IT was the only thing Duane was concerned about as soon as he realized we had been robbed. That does NOT connect it to anyone. Quote13. The worker was instructed to steal the rifle by McCoy because Weber did not destroy the weapon as directed by McCoy. Absolutely NOT TRUE. I know who the man was and his name and he had a record for theft as long as I was tall - the deputy provided us with a copy of the rap sheet which we kept for a long time - this man was a local man and in no way connected to McCoy or anyone regarding this CRAP you rant about. The Ticket - was seen during the last 3 months of Duane's life - he did NOT burn it I assure you, but he did hide it and evidently in all the stuff I got rid of after he died. 1yr and 2months later when I found out who Dan Cooper was - it was gone...probably was hidden in the VAN with the other stuff he was so protective of. The hidden wallet found a few wks later by the purchaser - did NOT contain the ticket....but the purchaser also did NOT know the bounty was in $20 bills until this yr 2013 when I told him. The FBI conveniently forgot to mention to the buyer the money was in twenties. The ticket may not have been there - but in old books I got rid of after Duane died. I did the normal clean up and give away all widows do...I did NOT know who Dan Cooper was until May of 1996. The van had been long gone by that time.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #44436 November 19, 2013 Well, Duane's DNA would not be on those stamps. Maybe his companion, but then why bother - DNA did not exist at that time as a way of ID'ing a person. AS a matter of curiousity I would like to know the DNA on the envelopes, but that is all! I have enquired of the FBI the source of the DNA they supposedly have on Weber. If it was a hair I removed from a suit that had been tried on at a garage sale - I was explicite with the FBI agents that the hair was too long and too straight to be Weber's. I hope he wrote that on the container! 2 agents retrived the DNA in 2003 and I had little left of Duane's stuff that had not been cleaned . The watch and his favorite pipe - I did NOT let them have! I had remarried and what I had was in suitcase in a FL attic. I enquired of the FBI recently if they are using that hair as Duane's DNA and let them know the only reliable DNA is a pipe & a watch in my possession. The pipes I provided the FBI had been put on a garage sale and one use by a friend. I believe Duane had used that pipe, but the one I retained was his favorite and I still have it. Some of the pipes had never been used.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Robert99 50 #44437 November 19, 2013 skyjack71 The Ticket - was seen during the last 3 months of Duane's life - he did NOT burn it I assure you, but he did hide it and evidently in all the stuff I got rid of after he died. Jo, IF the ticket had anything to do with the Cooper hijacking, and you do NOT have any information that it did, then Duane wouldn't keep it for 25 years unless he was determined to get himself locked up again. Just hang on to all the incriminating evidence and maybe the cops will finally come looking for it and send you back to jail again. Robert99 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BruceSmith 3 #44438 November 19, 2013 Quote"...The Ticket - was seen during the last 3 months of Duane's life - he did NOT burn it I assure you, but he did hide it and evidently in all the stuff I got rid of after he died...." Reply: Ah, Ms. Weber, here you go again, making statements that can not be corroborated: 1. Besides saying that Duane confessed to being Dan/DB Cooper, which no one else heard nor did you have the presence of mind to corroborate with the nurse who ran in shortly afterwards, you now have: 2. The ticket, which disappeared and you have no evidence of, nor has anyone else seen it. 3. Plus, Bill Mitchell may or may not agree with your assessment that pix of Duane match Bill's memory of the skyjacker, which may be failing at the ripe old age of 62 or so. However, you are not sharing his assessment directly, and we only have to take your word again, despite: 4. Another researcher who has spoken to Mitchell and claims that Bill says he has never spoken to you and Duane ain't the guy. 5. Other than calling guys like me a liar and a stinky miscreant, what else you got, babes? Any corroboration? Any way for us to verify what you are saying? And let's leave JFK, RFK, MLK, David Ferie and NOLA out of the mix for a change, please. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #44439 November 20, 2013 Robert99*** The Ticket - was seen during the last 3 months of Duane's life - he did NOT burn it I assure you, but he did hide it and evidently in all the stuff I got rid of after he died. Jo, IF the ticket had anything to do with the Cooper hijacking, and you do NOT have any information that it did, then Duane wouldn't keep it for 25 years unless he was determined to get himself locked up again. Just hang on to all the incriminating evidence and maybe the cops will finally come looking for it and send you back to jail again. Robert99 ROBERT you have not read my posting in the past obviously. In 1990 Duane made a trip to a saftely deposit box - what he needed the John Collins drivers license to gain entry. He had opened the safe deposit box in 1980 when he thought he was going to get caught. He flew into Omaha - but there was a purchase in a Kansas town. I won't say which one, but the charge was on my credit card. It was an antique shop, but I later found he had connections to the owner! This trip was sandwiched in to a long wkend and I have told the story before how he arranged to be away without my knowing it. It is individuals like yourself who want to bury the truth. When he got back is when he started to slowly bring things to the house and this is the period of time he got robbed - he never told me what they took or what they were after, but it was NONE of the inventory. Duane's only expression was when he looked behind the door was they got it. Nothing else was taken. In 1979 - Duane retrieved what every he left in WA & OR and deposited it to a box in Nebraska under the name JOHN COLLINS (1980)and then he went on the run - until he was certain I had NOT added the numbers up and that the FBI's trail was COLD in 1980. Your thought processes do not conceive the simplicity with which he thought this threw. Duane knew eventually he would go on the machine and his days would be numbered. He tried to tell me were everything was and I was too DUMB and naive to even know what he was talking about. A lot of people breathed a sigh of relief! I know the ex knew he was COOPER and the step-daughter told me she knew. THE fricking FBI never went back to talk to them and let them know that the statue of limitations protected the one person who held the secrets. Don't you GET IT. He knew after he went on the machine he had a max of 5 yrs to live / knowing how the disease affected his mother - he knew whatever he had to do in the way of travel needed to be early on. You know he opened a safety deposit box right after that - that I did NOT know existed until he died. The only thing left in it was the magazine. I was not allowed to go in when they opened the box as my name was not on it. I was unaware of the box until he died. He kept trying to tell me about what was in the VAN and to be sure it was locked. Strange there was ONLY one set of keys - now I wonder who had the second set - it was not me. It has been suggested Duane did NOT tell me to protect me! Especially if there was any involvement with others (good or bad or accomplices).Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GreyCopGC148 0 #44440 November 20, 2013 sailshawGreyCop You say: "I will do this one time and one time only ok.Mitochondrial DNA can exclude someone, but not prove them guilty. But the DNA under the stamps can prove that it was Kenneth once and for all." I say: The DNA under the stamps/envelop flaps of the four letters sent to the newspapers just after the Norjak Caper is evidence being forgotten and over looked by the FBI and could solve this case very quickly at low cost (under $1,000). I believe they would find a match with the DNA they already have on the most qualified suspect, Sheridan Peterson. This would blow the case wide-open and destroy Sheridan's perfect alibi that he was in Nepal writing his novel. It would prove he was at the "scene of the crime" in Portland Oregon. The case would be solved and the FBI would save their Honorable Status of "we always get our man". This stamp/envelop flap DNA is the only evidence not looked at by the FBI so far. Come on lets "get it done" and become hero leaders in crime investigations. Bob Sailshaw Mr Sailshaw the Reno letter has Ken's name in it,and the phrase,Kenney was Cooper. This test is only 50 buck's. But it's free in Quantico Virgina for Curtis E. See for yourself...... it it has Ken's name in it GC 148 ps: The Canadian Letter is 71 not 74 I was corrected thank's DB Cooper into the Funnel of Darkness the movie starring Nicolas Cage, Jennifer Anniston and Woody Harrellson... a Jerry Bruckheimer film Written by Paul Geivett Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GreyCopGC148 0 #44441 November 20, 2013 georger And what iff the stamps were licked by a goat! Then what? Remember, Cooper was clever. Then the task becomes more complex. SHHHHH This how Kenney GOAT away with this, and kept that lot clear. I was there when he got it at the auction.While we were bidding on 4 Clydesdales HA HA HA PAUL AND KEN THE GRAY COPS DB Cooper into the Funnel of Darkness the movie starring Nicolas Cage, Jennifer Anniston and Woody Harrellson... a Jerry Bruckheimer film Written by Paul Geivett Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EVickiW 0 #44442 November 20, 2013 GreyCopGC148***GreyCop You say: "I will do this one time and one time only ok.Mitochondrial DNA can exclude someone, but not prove them guilty. But the DNA under the stamps can prove that it was Kenneth once and for all." I say: The DNA under the stamps/envelop flaps of the four letters sent to the newspapers just after the Norjak Caper is evidence being forgotten and over looked by the FBI and could solve this case very quickly at low cost (under $1,000). I believe they would find a match with the DNA they already have on the most qualified suspect, Sheridan Peterson. This would blow the case wide-open and destroy Sheridan's perfect alibi that he was in Nepal writing his novel. It would prove he was at the "scene of the crime" in Portland Oregon. The case would be solved and the FBI would save their Honorable Status of "we always get our man". This stamp/envelop flap DNA is the only evidence not looked at by the FBI so far. Come on lets "get it done" and become hero leaders in crime investigations. Bob Sailshaw Mr Sailshaw the Reno letter has Ken's name in it,and the phrase,Kenney was Cooper. This test is only 50 buck's. But it's free in Quantico Virgina for Curtis E. See for yourself...... it it has Ken's name in it GC 148 ps: The Canadian Letter is 71 not 74 I was corrected thank's Really? Free? I am sure someone has to pay for the test, including the time it takes for the forensic team to make the comparisons of the DNA samples.Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #44443 November 20, 2013 *** Ah, Ms. Weber, here you go again, making statements that can not be corroborated: BRUCE SMITH the rat speaks! DO NOT reply to my posts! 1. Why would I call someone into the room - I didn't even understand what he was talking about. HOW many TIMES do I have to tell CREEPS like you that I did NOT in 1995 know who DAN COOOOPER WAS? 2. THe ticket did exist! 3. AS for WHAT Mitchell had to state. I have already posted that. It has been 42 yrs. The only problem he had in 2001 was the ears. 4. Galen COOK is the 'researcher' you are talking about who states Mitchell told him a different story. My recent communications with Mitchell & and in 2001 are all in emails. ASK GALEN TO PROVE HIS STATEMENT - I can produce mine but not in a pubic forum. You are not Galen's proxie! YOU ARE his puppet? Frankly I find it hard to believe Galen made such statements when he KNOWS I documented my correspondence with him. Tell SNEAKY SNAKE to crawl back under his rock...make that a GLACIER ROCK! Glacier BOY knows exactly what I am talking about. 5. I will talk about JFK, RFK, MLK and David Ferie when I damn well please. YOU do not make the rules. Ever think about WHY Duane didn't give me details - really think about it. WHY did Duane have to tell me about his life in 3rd person. Perhaps what was said by the man from MOBILE was the closest anyone will ever get to the truth. Duane knew people in HIGH PLACES and if I wanted to be around to play with my grand kid - to destroy all I had and never look back! Yet - Duane told me the man in MOBILE was a very dangerous man! These 2 guys definitely were involved during the yrs 1962 to 1968 as the man called DUANE - JOHN! At least I have a TIME FRAME and that is MORE than you or anyone else besides the government has on WEBER.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GreyCopGC148 0 #44444 November 20, 2013 Dear EvickiW its free to Curtis E.and Mr Bill Mitchell clearly states Cooper....Kenneth C... . and had fake hair. Mr Blevins five star research uncovered newspaper article FBI Cooper may be bald. Maybe Ill give that 6 stars GC 148 DB Cooper into the Funnel of Darkness the movie starring Nicolas Cage, Jennifer Anniston and Woody Harrellson... a Jerry Bruckheimer film Written by Paul Geivett Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Robert99 50 #44445 November 20, 2013 skyjack71 [Addressing Robert99] Your thought processes do not concieve the simplicity with which he thought this threw. . . . . . . . . Don't you GET IT. Jo, No I don't get it! For someone who spent so much time in jail for petty offenses, I doubt if Duane even knew how to think anything through. Robert99 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EVickiW 0 #44446 November 20, 2013 GreyCopGC148 Dear EvickiW its free to Curtis E.and Mr Bill Mitchell clearly states Cooper....Kenneth C... . and had fake hair. Mr Blevins five star research uncovered newspaper article FBI Cooper may be bald. Maybe Ill give that 6 stars GC 148 It is not FREE. It is paid for by the government. The government funds the FBI from taxpayer money, this includes the lab at Quantico. To clarify your other comment about the toupee, it is up to the readers interpretation. The following is script from his interview. The interviewer cut Bill Mitchell off mid sentence so we really do not have the complete story. However Mitchell contradicts himself within the following statements. QuoteBill Mitchell: being… but then and I said I remember…to the FBI I said that, you know, his hair could easily have been dyed or a toupee or something. ‘Cause I mean it looked awful. Well, but being twenty and I didn’t really…” Whiting: “Was the color unnatural in a way?” Bill Mitchell: “No. It was all solid dark. You know, I mean it was all, there was no grey, there was no, I mean it was all solid and well groomed. So, I can remember I said yes, yes you know, but I wasn’t sure. Then I didn’t…”Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GreyCopGC148 0 #44447 November 20, 2013 sailshaw Come on lets "get it done" and become hero leaders in crime investigations. HERO that was officer Robert Libcy Oregon City Police. or similar spelling. . GC 148 DB Cooper into the Funnel of Darkness the movie starring Nicolas Cage, Jennifer Anniston and Woody Harrellson... a Jerry Bruckheimer film Written by Paul Geivett Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GreyCopGC148 0 #44448 November 20, 2013 EVickiW Quote Bill Mitchell: being… but then and I said I remember…to the FBI I said that, you know, his hair could easily have been dyed or a toupee or something. ‘Cause I mean it looked awful. Well, but being twenty and I didn’t really…” Whiting: “Was the color unnatural in a way?” Bill Mitchell: “No. It was all solid dark. You know, I mean it was all, there was no grey, there was no, I mean it was all solid and well groomed. So, I can remember I said yes, yes you know, but I wasn’t sure. Then I didn’t…” This is after he went and changed in the bathroom and put the toupee on and used mascara to completely darken his hair all the way. GC 148 Oui Oui Dan Coupier' DB Cooper into the Funnel of Darkness the movie starring Nicolas Cage, Jennifer Anniston and Woody Harrellson... a Jerry Bruckheimer film Written by Paul Geivett Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EVickiW 0 #44449 November 20, 2013 GreyCopGC148 *** Quote Bill Mitchell: being… but then and I said I remember…to the FBI I said that, you know, his hair could easily have been dyed or a toupee or something. ‘Cause I mean it looked awful. Well, but being twenty and I didn’t really…” Whiting: “Was the color unnatural in a way?” Bill Mitchell: “No. It was all solid dark. You know, I mean it was all, there was no grey, there was no, I mean it was all solid and well groomed. So, I can remember I said yes, yes you know, but I wasn’t sure. Then I didn’t…” This is after he went and changed in the bathroom and put the toupee on and used mascara to completely darken his hair all the way. GC 148 Oui Oui Dan Coupier'However, Bill Mitchell was sitting in the same row of seats as Cooper. Cooper went into the bathroom after the passengers and two stews/one pilot left the plane. How could Mitchell see the supposed toupee? and what did Cooper change into? Was he using mascara to change into an ugly woman? Was that his disguise? Did Tina give him the mascara?Melvin Luther Wilson - Missing Person since September 1971: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GreyCopGC148 0 #44450 November 20, 2013 EVickiW ****** Quote Bill Mitchell: being… but then and I said I remember…to the FBI I said that, you know, his hair could easily have been dyed or a toupee or something. ‘Cause I mean it looked awful. Well, but being twenty and I didn’t really…” Whiting: “Was the color unnatural in a way?” Bill Mitchell: “No. It was all solid dark. You know, I mean it was all, there was no grey, there was no, I mean it was all solid and well groomed. So, I can remember I said yes, yes you know, but I wasn’t sure. Then I didn’t…” This is after he went and changed in the bathroom and put the toupee on and used mascara to completely darken his hair all the way. GC 148 Oui Oui Dan Coupier'However, Bill Mitchell was sitting in the same row of seats as Cooper. Cooper went into the bathroom after the passengers and two stews/one pilot left the plane. How could Mitchell see the supposed toupee? and what did Cooper change into? Was he using mascara to change into an ugly woman? Was that his disguise? Did Tina give him the mascara? when you post could easily have been dyed or a toupee. I state used mascara to darken it and wore a toupee. Your response how could Mitchell see the toupee it sounds a little funny Sorry GC 148 the GRAY COOPER DB Cooper into the Funnel of Darkness the movie starring Nicolas Cage, Jennifer Anniston and Woody Harrellson... a Jerry Bruckheimer film Written by Paul Geivett Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites