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DB Cooper

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Jo wrote


Stock investments? He would have had to show income - profit and loss.

Only if he sold. Buying and holding doesnt create a taxable event as far as I know. You could borrow on margin against your stock if you needed cash.


Have you read the complet book Mr 377
DB Cooper into the Funnel of Darkness the movie starring Nicolas Cage, Jennifer Anniston and Woody Harrellson... a Jerry Bruckheimer film

Written by Paul Geivett

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***Jo wrote


Stock investments? He would have had to show income - profit and loss.

Only if he sold. Buying and holding doesnt create a taxable event as far as I know. You could borrow on margin against your stock if you needed cash.


Have you read the complet book Mr 377
DB Cooper into the Funnel of Darkness the movie starring Nicolas Cage, Jennifer Anniston and Woody Harrellson... a Jerry Bruckheimer film

Written by Paul Geivett

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***Jo wrote


Stock investments? He would have had to show income - profit and loss.

Only if he sold. Buying and holding doesnt create a taxable event as far as I know. You could borrow on margin against your stock if you needed cash.


Have you read the complet book Mr 377
DB Cooper into the Funnel of Darkness the movie starring Nicolas Cage, Jennifer Anniston and Woody Harrellson... a Jerry Bruckheimer film

Written by Paul Geivett

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No Paul, I have just read excerpts online.

The HA HA HA book is fiction so I really have no interest in owning it.

What do you think of the book?

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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***No Paul, I have just read excerpts online.

The HA HA HA book is fiction so I really have no interest in owning it.

What do you think of the book?


I just got it thanks to Miss Vicki at the party I Love it I have looked for a longtime.
DB Cooper into the Funnel of Darkness the movie starring Nicolas Cage, Jennifer Anniston and Woody Harrellson... a Jerry Bruckheimer film

Written by Paul Geivett

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***No Paul, I have just read excerpts online.

The HA HA HA book is fiction so I really have no interest in owning it.

What do you think of the book?


I just got it thanks to Miss Vicki at the party I Love it I have looked for a longtime.

DB Cooper into the Funnel of Darkness the movie starring Nicolas Cage, Jennifer Anniston and Woody Harrellson... a Jerry Bruckheimer film

Written by Paul Geivett

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Sellers on Amazon want $160 for a copy of HA HA HA.

I'd rather waste my money on a Cooper twenty.

Miss Vicki is a class act, all the way. I think there is full forum consensus on that. We squabble about everything else.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Sellers on Amazon want $160 for a copy of HA HA HA.

I'd rather waste my money on a Cooper twenty.

Miss Vicki is a class act, all the way. I think there is full forum consensus on that. We squabble about everything else.


Shhhhhhh don't tell Miss Vicki but I got 10 copys tttttthanks she got 3or4
DB Cooper into the Funnel of Darkness the movie starring Nicolas Cage, Jennifer Anniston and Woody Harrellson... a Jerry Bruckheimer film

Written by Paul Geivett

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You and Vicki stand a chance of being the first people in the Cooper Vortex to ever turn a profit. Sell em quick, before the market collapses.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Sorry that's 2 dollars x 10 copys is 20 dollars. So 160 dollars x10 is 1600 dollars.

She got 4 copys . So 4 copys x160 dollars is 640 dollars .

Now 640 dollars Plus 1600 dollars is 2240 dollars l think I did the math in my head . But its clouse .She's a luky charm
DB Cooper into the Funnel of Darkness the movie starring Nicolas Cage, Jennifer Anniston and Woody Harrellson... a Jerry Bruckheimer film

Written by Paul Geivett

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Post your HA HA HA review here Robert. It's on topic and would be a fun read.

I broke down and ordered Collins's book My Father was DB Cooper. I know, I was warned by Bruce that there's no beef, but I couldnt resist. I'll post a review here. Amazon says it wont be delivered until very late December. Does that mean it is print-on-demand or?

My late father sure wasn't DB Cooper. He thought skydiving was completely insane. After my first freefall in 1968 he told me "OK, you've proven you can do it, now quit before you get yourself killed. Get a parachute tatoo if you need some bragging rights or ego boost but quit jumping while you are ahead. There is no good reason to keep doing it."

My mom was a parachute packer during WW 2. She thought skydiving was fine because I had twice as many chutes as military pilots did.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Looks like nylon chutes existed at least as early as 1942:


On June 6, 1942, Adeline Gray made the first jump by a human with a nylon parachute at Brainard Field in Hartford. Her jump, performed before a group of Army officials, put the world’s first nylon parachute to the test. The Pioneer Parachute Company of Manchester fabricated the new nylon material, which was developed as an alternative to silk. Working in concert with the Cheney Brothers Company of Manchester and the DuPont Company, Pioneer Parachute developed a material that combined “compactness with lightness, resiliency and strength.” Gray, who was 24 years old at the time of the jump, was from Oxford and worked as a licensed parachute rigger and packer at the Pioneer Parachute Company. She began jumping at age 19 and at the time of the nylon “jump test” had completed 32 jumps and was the only licensed female parachute jumper in Connecticut. - See more at: http://connecticuthistory.org/first-human-test-of-a-nylon-parachute/#sthash.iddON9u5.dpuf

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Sorry that's 2 dollars x 10 copys is 20 dollars. So 160 dollars x10 is 1600 dollars.

She got 4 copys . So 4 copys x160 dollars is 640 dollars .

Now 640 dollars Plus 1600 dollars is 2240 dollars l think I did the math in my head . But its clouse .She's a luky charm

Big difference between asking prices and selling prices Paul. Blow em out on Amazon or eBay for whatever you can get. If they were really worth $160 Donna wouldnt have a bunch of them for $10. Markets are efficient, except perhaps in the Cooper Vortex where physics, economics and logic get bent into unrecognizable forms.

Agree Georger? ;)

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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***No Paul, I have just read excerpts online.

The HA HA HA book is fiction so I really have no interest in owning it.

What do you think of the book?


I decided to answer this question because I actually own a copy of Ha Ha Ha. I gave it a professional review, although not a written one or anything.

The cover and paper used in the book are of high-quality for a paperback. The editing is excellent, the story...believe it or not...is SOLID. Also, the paragraphing, chapter divisions, etc all pro-level work. Looking at the manuscript itself, you could tell that whomever actually wrote it...well...it wasn't their first book, I would bet on it. I've seen literally hundreds of first-time-novel attempts. Ha Ha Ha is not one of those. The writer was experienced.

Of course it is fiction, and not written by Cooper himself, but the story behind it is very well constructed. It reads well, it's entertaining.

Don't go to Amazon. You can pick up a copy for six bucks from Dona Elliot at the Ariel Tavern. If you send a manila envelope, pre-stamped to $2.50, inside another envelope along with a ten-dollar bill, she will send you a copy. I would call her first to make sure she has more in stock. I talked to her once about the book. She says she knows where more copies exist.

Oh...and the alleged *contest* with the clues was a bonus. You try to find them inside the book. Details on back of book.

I bought a copy also...it's not just a slapped together thing. It's 330 pages. I haven't read it, so I will read it also.

Interestingly, the last two pages are a message from Dave and Laurel Fisher of the Ariel General Store talking about the annual DB Cooper event and inviting everyone to attend. It's possible they were involved in publishing the book. That would be a question for Dona Elliot.

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Sorry that's 2 dollars x 10 copys is 20 dollars. So 160 dollars x10 is 1600 dollars.

She got 4 copys . So 4 copys x160 dollars is 640 dollars .

Now 640 dollars Plus 1600 dollars is 2240 dollars l think I did the math in my head . But its clouse .She's a luky charm

Big difference between asking prices and selling prices Paul. Blow em out on Amazon or eBay for whatever you can get. If they were really worth $160 Donna wouldnt have a bunch of them for $10. Markets are efficient, except perhaps in the Cooper Vortex where physics, economics and logic get bent into unrecognizable forms.

Agree Georger? ;)


I'll post a comment....If only we had someone on this forum who knew about selling books:ph34r:

I read an article recently about a local used book store. They have a computer program that runs several times a day that checks their inventory against Amazon.com to make sure they always match the lowest price.

If there are no copies of a book for sale, they might start at a very high price if they think there is some interest, but if other copies come on for cheaper, they will immediately lower their price.

I propose (after I read this book) to put it on amazon.com at a much lower price than the $159.70 price currently showing for HA HA HA, but a still outrageously high price....say, $75.

I would like to see if the prices on the other two for sale on Amazon immediately drop to my price level. I'd also like to see if anyone offers to buy my book at that price.

My hypothesis is that the prices on Amazon will drop and no one will buy my book.

Please stay on this channel for future updates.

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Maybe it will talk about planting the money like case solved 6 13 13 but that would be to feet in your mouth . Will you say you were wrong . Or can we remove that number1 sp
DB Cooper into the Funnel of Darkness the movie starring Nicolas Cage, Jennifer Anniston and Woody Harrellson... a Jerry Bruckheimer film

Written by Paul Geivett

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My be it will talk about planting the money like case solved 6 13 13 but that would be to feet in your mouth . Will you say you were wrong . Or can we remove that number1 sp

I don't want to be rude to you, Paul, but I just don't understand what you're saying.

I am open to any explanation. If you asked me "yes" or "no" on each of the known suspects right now, I'd say "no" to each of them.

But, the hijacking did happen, so somebody did it. It's a great story and I'd like to how it really happened.

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Maybe it will talk about planting the money like case solved 6 13 13 but that would be to feet in your mouth . Will you say you were wrong . Or can we remove that number1 sp

I just applyed. For the money on the back of the book. What was in that crawlspace . Your big score ask Blevins about it Signum book are still around I was shocked:oB|. I know thay will try to get out of it but I did It sorry GC 148 The Gray Cooper
DB Cooper into the Funnel of Darkness the movie starring Nicolas Cage, Jennifer Anniston and Woody Harrellson... a Jerry Bruckheimer film

Written by Paul Geivett

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Than call me at 360 975 9601 and get off that list or sray on it your number 1 but there room for more. I treet peapole with reaspect un till thay are disreasectful to me . Then I treet them like Larry Carr schooled me right Mr Sp Larry Carr .....flinch flinch
DB Cooper into the Funnel of Darkness the movie starring Nicolas Cage, Jennifer Anniston and Woody Harrellson... a Jerry Bruckheimer film

Written by Paul Geivett

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The location of, Your big score , was 18406 old buckly hy Summner Wa and is now been moved . And I Paul Geivett stake claim to it .As of 6 13 13 B|B| Paul Geivett 12 05 13

DB Cooper into the Funnel of Darkness the movie starring Nicolas Cage, Jennifer Anniston and Woody Harrellson... a Jerry Bruckheimer film

Written by Paul Geivett

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But I love Maxx Gunthers books this is the book that led me to the truth. It will become verry hard to find.

Hard to find - I have one of a kind. A book marked and tagged on the phone with the author Max Gunther and at his request. I have everything marked that was actually relayed to him by Clara.

I have letters from Max and he was a very genuine and comlex person. 99% of his book is fiction. I suggest YOU go back and read what I tediously posted in this thread.

You grey cop are a phoney! Real reseaarchers do NOT ask to be rewarded - we seek only the truth and do OUR best to keep in step. You on the other hand SIDESTEP everything you say with statements that SHOW your only motive is to be heard and noted and that you seek financial reward for your nonsensical gibberish.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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