skyjack71 0 #45426 December 28, 2013 FLYJACK Northwest Orient Airline did fly some International routes, did the stewardess stay on domestic flights or travel internationally.. did she have experience with foreign passengers? Did anyone else hear the hijacker speak? NOW I know U are BULLJAX! Your statement above has all of the EAR marks of Bulljax. You are taking things to a new level now. WHAT you are doing is testing just how much BULL Cooper fanatic will digest and put out in a PILE that NO longer resembles what was ingested.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #45427 December 28, 2013 smokin99 Not sure where Bruce got his information from..but... The phrase..from the flight crew's handwritten notes written during the hijacking....was "negotiable currency". The transcript (305 talking) has the phrase "Wants money in negotiable American currency. Denomination not important". I will be the first to attest that it is hard to keep all of this stuff straight with all of the misinformation that has been reported over the years. Edited to add....Bruce has interviewed a lot of folks...was he saying that this was something the crew wrote or said in two different places that the hijacker didn't actually say? Or was he just contesting the use of the word "American" and saying the hijacker only said "negotiable currency" as per the notes? Glad someone else picked up on this regarding Bruce's "interviews". This is why I ride Bruce so hard - and very critical of him - he always changes something in an interview and he inflicts on the read his own warped views - Everything he wrote that mentioned me was scrambled and indifferent and yet he is supposedly writing a neutral book. Those he has interviewed will tell you differently. He is a good writer - but when you write about old crimes and the victims - you do NOT inflict more pain by making his xxxx remarks about the person or persons. When it comes to crime - presenting subject need to remain completely objective and leave out his personal opinions.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #45428 December 28, 2013 FLYJACK Yes, if the hijacker did in fact use that phrase, he would have been a foreigner, so that phrase has to be explained ex the hijacker to maintain an American as a suspect.. Bruce suggested that it was interjected by the crew,, however, that makes less sense as they are all American,, Why would someone other than the hijacker use that phrase?? Folks this is BULLJAX - he ignores the transcripts and just wants attention. We all know that BRUCE 'adds' little things. WE all know the word American was not in the transcripts. NOR was it any part of the descriptions given to the authorities. NOTHING to indicate the skyjacker was foreign. The FBI would DEFINITELY have made that part of the profile over the last 42 yrs. Mr. Himmelsbach says Cooper only asked for negotiable currency! He did NOT interview Tina so we GO with what the FBI said. Bulljax is inventing things now and too lazy do do the research. He needs to interview individuals Bruce has written. He will find Bruce imposes his own views into what he writes. Bruce did NOT get to interview Tina because of his Enquirer attitude.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #45429 December 28, 2013 FLYJACK So, IF the hijacker said "American" currency, he was likely a foreigner, but then why would the American crew add "American" currency to the narrative. .. THEY did NOT add American that I am aware of. As far as I know that is only something others have added in the telling of the story. Ask Florence - she spoke to Cooper. Tina was the one who was given the orders and she repeated them to the pilots by the phone system on the plane. No known interviews of Tina made after the crime interjected American into the wording. A person writing this from a TV program or from the transcript - may have interjected the word. As Margie Boule told me and I have it in writing from her personally that the writer does interject things and make opinion to keep the interest of the reader.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #45430 December 28, 2013 Georger responding to Flyjack: georger and you sir miss the WHOLE POINT! He never said it - period! The issue is facts vs myths, in case you care. Georger - Thank You. This thread is going back in time and creating Myths. Remember I warned you guys this Flyjack is NOT who or what he presents himself to be. If he was a genuine researcher with a suspect he would be digging into the books written and the transcripts - not on this thread dealing with those of us who have only TRIED to digest the damn thing and to push aside the myths. The man is only here to confuse any forward efforts made by those who ACTUALLY did their research. P.S. Georger - this man is in your backyard! He is no more foreign than I am. Maybe Flyjack is no more than an annoying fly in a room. He flits from place to place staying no were very long. Soon someone will catch him and swat him. Smoking 99 is incharge of the flyswatter right now.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #45431 December 28, 2013 smokin99 Well it is a good thing someone asked for negotiable or negotiable american currency. It would have made the jump more difficult with $200,000 worth of gold bars. or printing case they thought he wanted to make his own. Which brings me to mention something else that has been discussed on here before - that another person might ask for negotiable (as in real and not counterfeit) currency. Vickie and Smoking 99 got their act together on this one - those statements could NOT have been said any better. If FLYjack really has a suspect - He should do his research and stop asking you guys to do his work for him. But a fly(jack) on the wall he is and he full of bull(jax). Flyjack is Bulljax!Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #45432 December 28, 2013 FLYJACK The fact is, it is in the transcript so somebody said it or added it, either the hijacker or the crew, if they all are presumed American, why would somebody, anybody add it to the narrative.. I AM NOT SUFGGESTING THAT THE HIJACKER SAID IT AS FACT... YES, you are stating it as fact. You have been told by those who KNOW an yet like the fly you are continue to go back to that one damn spot. Guys, where is that damn flyswatter? Sluggo where did you hide the swatter? That fly is all over the room ---, he had the gall to lite on Georger's nose!Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #45433 December 28, 2013 FLYJACK: I knew something didn't jive here, either the hijacker said American/US or he didn't if not, then somebody else added it... WHO and WHY, some IMPORTANT piece of info is missing or the hijacker did say it... It is fishy,,, It is NOT Fishy - it is SWEET...sweet sweeet! I am speaking of FLYPAPER. Anyone here remember those things? Always hanging from the ceiling in my day - think they attracted more flies than they caught!Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #45434 December 28, 2013 Well, I have said enough tonight! The FBI just wants Cooper to go away. I have NEW things I cannot discuss. Old records - marriage records and birth certificates have added to the WA history of Weber. I have been trying to do some pictures, but I can't get this new printer to co-operate with my photo files. Guess I will have to find someone to come out and do it for me. When I try to print an email or one of the posts - it won't print - something about an IP connection and I keep trying and trying. This is a HP Office Jet PRO 8600. It is TOO smart for this old woman...or the old woman is worn out and needs to be replaced. Anyone able to view the pic of the old Lawrence Safety Deposit Box? Claimed it was delivered it to others. Bet he got it at an antique shop or an auction.! I would like for Bull's story to be real, but Flyjack is just more of what I put up with for 9 or 10 months without saying one word about it in the thread until - Flyjack made his appearance. None of you are aware of how many individuals such as this have contacted me. I 'MESS' with them as long as I can then let them go. Easy to spot a phoney regarding Weber - had to have been married to him for 17 yrs.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #45435 December 28, 2013 Robert99 wrote Quote The possibility of these hazards was brought to light by the TWA Flight 800 Boeing 747 that did go kaboom off Long Island a number of years ago. What? No way. There were many "Janets" who witnessed the surface to air missile strike on TWA 800. They also saw a cruise missile hit the Pentagon on 9/11. 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FLYJACK 725 #45436 December 28, 2013 Says right in the transcript.. "305 PSGR ADV IS HIHAKING ENRT TO EAE STEW HAS BEEN HANDED NOTE REQST 2HND THSD AND KNAPSACX BY 5PM SEA THIS AFINN WANST 2 BAK PAK PARACHUTES WANTS MONEY IN NEGOTBL AMERICAN CURRNCY DENONMINATION OF BILLS NOT IMPORTANT..." LATER in transcript.. "SEADD DO U KNOW WHERE HE WQNTS TO GO AFTR REQUEST MADE AND REFUELD" "305 NEG HAVE ASK HIM ONCE AND SO NOT WANT TO ASK HIM AGAIN" "SEADDCAM BRING OUT THE MANUALS TO ALASKA IF U THINK SO" "305 WUD SUGGEST WAIT TO SEE WHERE HE WANTS TO GO" So, either it came from the hijacker OR the crew... WHY would the crew add it... they didn't know he was going to later request Mexico City.. .. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Robert99 50 #45437 December 28, 2013 377 Robert99 wrote Quote The possibility of these hazards was brought to light by the TWA Flight 800 Boeing 747 that did go kaboom off Long Island a number of years ago. What? No way. There were many "Janets" who witnessed the surface to air missile strike on TWA 800. They also saw a cruise missile hit the Pentagon on 9/11. 377 And don't forget the guy on the grassy knoll and all the people that were suppose to be buried with Lee Harvey Oswald. Oswald was actually dug up to check on that one and it turned out to be incorrect. But the real "experts" are all the people who swear they know/saw something that couldn't possibly be correct and they can be a pain in the rear. The opinions of "experts", and we seem to have one or two on this thread who think they are, seems to be more highly valued than actual facts in some circles. Robert99 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrshutter45 21 #45438 December 28, 2013 I ran a test on video yesterday (as you know). I thought I would post the video. this shows the problems with the first transmission indicating 14 miles DME out of SEA approx. 4 minutes into the flight. The video is only a test. I used daytime vs night for better visual effects. I also removed lower cloud cover. this would not cause any issues. I'm not happy with the video grade, I kind of messed up the color a bit, but still decent quality. I also hooked up my Tablet & now have wireless GPS via Google map. Vector maps will be added."It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
377 22 #45439 December 28, 2013 Robert99 wroteQuoteAnd don't forget the guy on the grassy knoll and all the people that were suppose to be buried with Lee Harvey Oswald. Oswald was actually dug up to check on that one and it turned out to be incorrect. Are you aware that Jo got a dead dog exhumed based on her conviction that Cooper evidence was buried with it? 3772018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Robert99 50 #45440 December 28, 2013 377Robert99 wroteQuoteAnd don't forget the guy on the grassy knoll and all the people that were suppose to be buried with Lee Harvey Oswald. Oswald was actually dug up to check on that one and it turned out to be incorrect. Are you aware that Jo got a dead dog exhumed based on her conviction that Cooper evidence was buried with it? 377 I hadn't heard that before. But strangely enough, I think it is totally believable. Robert99 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
smokin99 0 #45441 December 28, 2013 377 Robert99 wrote Quote And don't forget the guy on the grassy knoll and all the people that were suppose to be buried with Lee Harvey Oswald. Oswald was actually dug up to check on that one and it turned out to be incorrect. Are you aware that Jo got a dead dog exhumed based on her conviction that Cooper evidence was buried with it? 377 lol...just in case but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #45442 December 28, 2013 FLYJACK Says right in the transcript.. "305 PSGR ADV IS HIHAKING ENRT TO EAE STEW HAS BEEN HANDED NOTE REQST 2HND THSD AND KNAPSACX BY 5PM SEA THIS AFINN WANST 2 BAK PAK PARACHUTES WANTS MONEY IN NEGOTBL AMERICAN CURRNCY DENONMINATION OF BILLS NOT IMPORTANT..." LATER in transcript.. "SEADD DO U KNOW WHERE HE WQNTS TO GO AFTR REQUEST MADE AND REFUELD" "305 NEG HAVE ASK HIM ONCE AND SO NOT WANT TO ASK HIM AGAIN" "SEADDCAM BRING OUT THE MANUALS TO ALASKA IF U THINK SO" "305 WUD SUGGEST WAIT TO SEE WHERE HE WANTS TO GO" So, either it came from the hijacker OR the crew... WHY would the crew add it... they didn't know he was going to later request Mexico City.. .. There are other options. One is: it could be official speak added by some third, fourth, or 18th party, even a typist! Example: I call in and say ' There is a guy in a costume, looks like a cat suit, with a crowbar, trying to break into my back door'. Emergency Dispatcher puts the message out: 'There is a lynx genus Felis rexroadensis caught in a 8x12 bed sheet out at Georger's place. Georger is beating the cat senseless with a crowbar and requests assistance.I have copied Animal Control on this who will be joining you enroute ... ' Who are you going to believe? And what do you suppose the deputy is going to find when he gets there! ? This kind of thing happens all the time when morons get in control of official communications and official records. It generates a lot of work for detectives, lawyers, and psychiatrists! That is the world we live in! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #45443 December 28, 2013 377 Robert99 wrote Quote And don't forget the guy on the grassy knoll and all the people that were suppose to be buried with Lee Harvey Oswald. Oswald was actually dug up to check on that one and it turned out to be incorrect. Are you aware that Jo got a dead dog exhumed based on her conviction that Cooper evidence was buried with it? 377 ... and, she blamed Larry Carr and the FBI for losing the maggots for later testing! Blevins and Skip Porteous agreed! It's chapter 237 in some new book titled: Cooperland Uber Alles Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FLYJACK 725 #45444 December 28, 2013 georger ***Says right in the transcript.. "305 PSGR ADV IS HIHAKING ENRT TO EAE STEW HAS BEEN HANDED NOTE REQST 2HND THSD AND KNAPSACX BY 5PM SEA THIS AFINN WANST 2 BAK PAK PARACHUTES WANTS MONEY IN NEGOTBL AMERICAN CURRNCY DENONMINATION OF BILLS NOT IMPORTANT..." LATER in transcript.. "SEADD DO U KNOW WHERE HE WQNTS TO GO AFTR REQUEST MADE AND REFUELD" "305 NEG HAVE ASK HIM ONCE AND SO NOT WANT TO ASK HIM AGAIN" "SEADDCAM BRING OUT THE MANUALS TO ALASKA IF U THINK SO" "305 WUD SUGGEST WAIT TO SEE WHERE HE WANTS TO GO" So, either it came from the hijacker OR the crew... WHY would the crew add it... they didn't know he was going to later request Mexico City.. .. There are other options. One is: it could be official speak added by some third, fourth, or 18th party, even a typist! Example: I call in and say ' There is a guy in a costume, looks like a cat suit, with a crowbar, trying to break into my back door'. Emergency Dispatcher puts the message out: 'There is a lynx genus Felis rexroadensis caught in a 8x12 bed sheet out at Georger's place. Georger is beating the cat senseless with a crowbar and requests assistance.' Who are you going to believe? And what do you suppose the deputy is going to find when he gets there! ? This kind of thing happens all the time when morons get in control of official communications and official records. It generates a lot of work for detectives and psychiatrists! Yes, of course, duh, it couldn't be the hijacker or the crew, it has to be that the transcript is wrong.. some other American added it somewhere along the line... jeez, one wonders what else they added,, maybe the entire transcript is a fabrication. How do we even know that there was a hijacking?? he asked for parachutes, maybe it was actually parakeets... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #45445 December 28, 2013 FLYJACK ******Says right in the transcript.. "305 PSGR ADV IS HIHAKING ENRT TO EAE STEW HAS BEEN HANDED NOTE REQST 2HND THSD AND KNAPSACX BY 5PM SEA THIS AFINN WANST 2 BAK PAK PARACHUTES WANTS MONEY IN NEGOTBL AMERICAN CURRNCY DENONMINATION OF BILLS NOT IMPORTANT..." LATER in transcript.. "SEADD DO U KNOW WHERE HE WQNTS TO GO AFTR REQUEST MADE AND REFUELD" "305 NEG HAVE ASK HIM ONCE AND SO NOT WANT TO ASK HIM AGAIN" "SEADDCAM BRING OUT THE MANUALS TO ALASKA IF U THINK SO" "305 WUD SUGGEST WAIT TO SEE WHERE HE WANTS TO GO" So, either it came from the hijacker OR the crew... WHY would the crew add it... they didn't know he was going to later request Mexico City.. .. There are other options. One is: it could be official speak added by some third, fourth, or 18th party, even a typist! Example: I call in and say ' There is a guy in a costume, looks like a cat suit, with a crowbar, trying to break into my back door'. Emergency Dispatcher puts the message out: 'There is a lynx genus Felis rexroadensis caught in a 8x12 bed sheet out at Georger's place. Georger is beating the cat senseless with a crowbar and requests assistance.' Who are you going to believe? And what do you suppose the deputy is going to find when he gets there! ? This kind of thing happens all the time when morons get in control of official communications and official records. It generates a lot of work for detectives and psychiatrists! Yes, of course, duh, it couldn't be the hijacker or the crew, it has to be that the transcript is wrong.. some other American added it somewhere along the line... jeez, one wonders what else they added,, maybe the entire transcript is a fabrication. How do we even know that there was a hijacking?? I assure you every culture has goggles and bad performing literalists! Try running an international corporation for a day and see what you find! Or conducting science across language and cultural boundaries with different rules and requirements . . . affects the prices of things just for a start ... What do we do? We interview and cross check official sources and compare physical evidence ... 'negotiable american currency' could be a redundancy ... something self evident to an outsider looking in ... not spoken by Cooper at all or at least in that exact form ... but then added by a 'literalists' who are trying to be precise (in performance of their training and jobs etc). So some jerk doesn't fill a bag full of bus tokens or fake money to try and pass off on Cooper ? And 'denomination doesn't matter' ? WTF is that in the world of literalism ! ??? The assumption is made somebody somewhere has the truth when in fact that may not be the case ... and memories fade quickly. The FBI usually gets tagged with having the truth if they would only cough it up ... and they may be as foggy on some point years later as anyone else! I will say this again: this case involved a lot of agencies and entities represented by a lot of different people, all with many different levels of expertise. People were not always on the same page or even had the same information. That is how the real world works. I understand your dilemma if nobody else does! Very likely this case will continue to be researched for years to come - for better and sometimes for worse. Along the way a few illuminations may occur ... that is the most anyone can hope for imho. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #45446 December 28, 2013 RobertMBlevins ******Robert99 wrote Quote And don't forget the guy on the grassy knoll and all the people that were suppose to be buried with Lee Harvey Oswald. Oswald was actually dug up to check on that one and it turned out to be incorrect. Are you aware that Jo got a dead dog exhumed based on her conviction that Cooper evidence was buried with it? 377 ... and, she blamed Larry Carr and the FBI for losing the maggots for later testing! Blevins and Skip Porteous agreed! It's chapter 237 in some new book titled: Cooperland Uber Alles Sheer babble. Do you use EVERY post by EVERYONE to talk shit about Skipp Porteous and yours truly? Or is it just EVERY OTHER post... And I have requested previously that you lay off the Third Reich references, even indirectly, if you are going to mention my name in the same post. You want to see a real reference? Try this one. ... if the shoe fits ... You don't have a copy write or patent on the word - Cooperland! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #45447 December 28, 2013 georger ... and, she blamed Larry Carr and the FBI for losing the maggots for later testing! Blevins and Skip Porteous agreed! It's chapter 237 in some new book titled: Cooperland Uber Alles You ARE aware we put the dog back in the ground because he had been wrapped in plastic and in a heavy duty high impact storage crate. The smell after 7 yrs was horrible. We did NOT examine the remains as he was still entact....I was looking for a pill bottle. Duane took one to the garage and wanted to be alone with Symba. He obviously prepared him for burial. When I asked him what he had - his reply was - "something I want to put with Symba". He didn't tell me what it was, but when the remains were opened the smell was so bad - there was NOT much probing around. I could not afford to have him picked up for an examination of the box and we put him back in the ground.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #45448 December 28, 2013 skyjack71 *** ... and, she blamed Larry Carr and the FBI for losing the maggots for later testing! Blevins and Skip Porteous agreed! It's chapter 237 in some new book titled: Cooperland Uber Alles You ARE aware we put the dog back in the ground because he had been wrapped in plastic and in a heavy duty high impact storage crate. The smell after 7 yrs was horrible. We did NOT examine the remains as he was still entact....I was looking for a pill bottle. Duane took one to the garage and wanted to be alone with Symba. He obviously prepared him for burial. When I asked him what he had - his reply was - "something I want to put with Symba". He didn't tell me what it was, but when the remains were opened the smell was so bad - there was NOT much probing around. I could not afford to have him picked up for an examination of the box and we put him back in the ground. What religion had this cat? Jewish? Methodist? Buddhist? It matters ..... if "Cooperland" is going to be spot-on accurate in it's 17th revision ! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #45449 December 28, 2013 FLYJACKSays right in the transcript.. "305 PSGR ADV IS HIHAKING ENRT TO EAE STEW HAS BEEN HANDED NOTE REQST 2HND THSD AND KNAPSACX BY 5PM SEA THIS AFINN WANST 2 BAK PAK PARACHUTES WANTS MONEY IN NEGOTBL AMERICAN CURRNCY DENONMINATION OF BILLS NOT IMPORTANT..." .. That is your version and you will co-mingle fact and fiction to obtain your goal.Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MarkBennett 5 #45450 December 28, 2013 georger ***Says right in the transcript.. "305 PSGR ADV IS HIHAKING ENRT TO EAE STEW HAS BEEN HANDED NOTE REQST 2HND THSD AND KNAPSACX BY 5PM SEA THIS AFINN WANST 2 BAK PAK PARACHUTES WANTS MONEY IN NEGOTBL AMERICAN CURRNCY DENONMINATION OF BILLS NOT IMPORTANT..." LATER in transcript.. "SEADD DO U KNOW WHERE HE WQNTS TO GO AFTR REQUEST MADE AND REFUELD" "305 NEG HAVE ASK HIM ONCE AND SO NOT WANT TO ASK HIM AGAIN" "SEADDCAM BRING OUT THE MANUALS TO ALASKA IF U THINK SO" "305 WUD SUGGEST WAIT TO SEE WHERE HE WANTS TO GO" So, either it came from the hijacker OR the crew... WHY would the crew add it... they didn't know he was going to later request Mexico City.. .. There are other options. One is: it could be official speak added by some third, fourth, or 18th party, even a typist! Example: I call in and say ' There is a guy in a costume, looks like a cat suit, with a crowbar, trying to break into my back door'. Emergency Dispatcher puts the message out: 'There is a lynx genus Felis rexroadensis caught in a 8x12 bed sheet out at Georger's place. Georger is beating the cat senseless with a crowbar and requests assistance.I have copied Animal Control on this who will be joining you enroute ... ' Who are you going to believe? And what do you suppose the deputy is going to find when he gets there! ? This kind of thing happens all the time when morons get in control of official communications and official records. It generates a lot of work for detectives, lawyers, and psychiatrists! That is the world we live in! Many people expect that everything word written means something and is a clue. Georger, are you suggesting the phrase of "negotiable American currency" could be the result of something as innocent as a high profile game of "telephone"? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites