Robert99 50 #45451 December 28, 2013 MarkBennett Many people expect that everything word written means something and is a clue. Georger, are you suggesting the phrase of "negotiable American currency" could be the result of something as innocent as a high profile game of "telephone"? It has been said that the famous "Charge of the Light Brigade" was a mistake caused by inadequate information. Supposedly, a high-ranking British cavalryman noticed that the enemy (Turks?) was about to make off with a couple of small but symbolic British cannons on one part of the battlefield. He didn't want that to happen. The Light Brigade was behind a small hill from the "Valley of Death" at that moment and out of sight. But the good Lord rode around the hill to the Brigade and yelled simply "follow me". The Brigade did. As the Brigade rounded the hill and the battlefield came into view, the good Lord was shot and killed. The Light Brigade commanders didn't see anything else of consequence and assumed that they were suppose to charge straight ahead. And they did, straight into the "Valley of Death" and English Literature. Robert99 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #45452 December 28, 2013 MarkBennett ******Says right in the transcript.. "305 PSGR ADV IS HIHAKING ENRT TO EAE STEW HAS BEEN HANDED NOTE REQST 2HND THSD AND KNAPSACX BY 5PM SEA THIS AFINN WANST 2 BAK PAK PARACHUTES WANTS MONEY IN NEGOTBL AMERICAN CURRNCY DENONMINATION OF BILLS NOT IMPORTANT..." LATER in transcript.. "SEADD DO U KNOW WHERE HE WQNTS TO GO AFTR REQUEST MADE AND REFUELD" "305 NEG HAVE ASK HIM ONCE AND SO NOT WANT TO ASK HIM AGAIN" "SEADDCAM BRING OUT THE MANUALS TO ALASKA IF U THINK SO" "305 WUD SUGGEST WAIT TO SEE WHERE HE WANTS TO GO" So, either it came from the hijacker OR the crew... WHY would the crew add it... they didn't know he was going to later request Mexico City.. .. There are other options. One is: it could be official speak added by some third, fourth, or 18th party, even a typist! Example: I call in and say ' There is a guy in a costume, looks like a cat suit, with a crowbar, trying to break into my back door'. Emergency Dispatcher puts the message out: 'There is a lynx genus Felis rexroadensis caught in a 8x12 bed sheet out at Georger's place. Georger is beating the cat senseless with a crowbar and requests assistance.I have copied Animal Control on this who will be joining you enroute ... ' Who are you going to believe? And what do you suppose the deputy is going to find when he gets there! ? This kind of thing happens all the time when morons get in control of official communications and official records. It generates a lot of work for detectives, lawyers, and psychiatrists! That is the world we live in! Many people expect that everything word written means something and is a clue. Georger, are you suggesting the phrase of "negotiable American currency" could be the result of something as innocent as a high profile game of "telephone"? Even if he said this it doesnt mean he was a foreigner. Since the full phrase occurs in some documents but not others one has to assume it may not represent Cooper's actual words. The exact nature and accuracy of the documents themselves is at question. [I will take a genetic haplotype on this guy over his supposed words, any hour of the day.] It sounds like official redundancy-speak to me, on the part of crew or someone in official capacity. If these are Cooper's words it could be redundancy on his part. For example the word "negotiable" is almost redundant on its own merit. He has asked for $200,000 dollars. Is there any doubt what he wants or such a thing as "non-negotiable" payment involved? Cash is assumed, not a check payable only at the Seafirst bank in person. Negotiable means convertible anywhere .. so 'negotiable' is implicit, but also redundant on somebody's part. US is redundant in the same way. He could be some guy from Boston headed for Algeria and US dollars (universal medium of exchange) are going to be involved in any event and preferred. Put this in the context of other things/phrases Cooper used which are straight out of American middle class linguistic euphemisms. Later - Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FLYJACK 725 #45453 December 28, 2013 georger *********Says right in the transcript.. "305 PSGR ADV IS HIHAKING ENRT TO EAE STEW HAS BEEN HANDED NOTE REQST 2HND THSD AND KNAPSACX BY 5PM SEA THIS AFINN WANST 2 BAK PAK PARACHUTES WANTS MONEY IN NEGOTBL AMERICAN CURRNCY DENONMINATION OF BILLS NOT IMPORTANT..." LATER in transcript.. "SEADD DO U KNOW WHERE HE WQNTS TO GO AFTR REQUEST MADE AND REFUELD" "305 NEG HAVE ASK HIM ONCE AND SO NOT WANT TO ASK HIM AGAIN" "SEADDCAM BRING OUT THE MANUALS TO ALASKA IF U THINK SO" "305 WUD SUGGEST WAIT TO SEE WHERE HE WANTS TO GO" So, either it came from the hijacker OR the crew... WHY would the crew add it... they didn't know he was going to later request Mexico City.. .. There are other options. One is: it could be official speak added by some third, fourth, or 18th party, even a typist! Example: I call in and say ' There is a guy in a costume, looks like a cat suit, with a crowbar, trying to break into my back door'. Emergency Dispatcher puts the message out: 'There is a lynx genus Felis rexroadensis caught in a 8x12 bed sheet out at Georger's place. Georger is beating the cat senseless with a crowbar and requests assistance.I have copied Animal Control on this who will be joining you enroute ... ' Who are you going to believe? And what do you suppose the deputy is going to find when he gets there! ? This kind of thing happens all the time when morons get in control of official communications and official records. It generates a lot of work for detectives, lawyers, and psychiatrists! That is the world we live in! Many people expect that everything word written means something and is a clue. Georger, are you suggesting the phrase of "negotiable American currency" could be the result of something as innocent as a high profile game of "telephone"? Even if he said this it doesnt mean he was a foreigner. Since the full phrase occurs in some documents but not others one has to assume it may not represent Cooper's actual words. The exact nature and accuracy of the documents themselves is at question. [I will take a genetic haplotype on this guy over his supposed words, any hour of the day.] It sounds like official redundancy-speak to me, on the part of crew or someone in official capacity. If these are Cooper's words it could be redundancy on his part. For example the word "negotiable" is almost redundant on its own merit. He has asked for $200,000 dollars. Is there any doubt what he wants or such a thing as "non-negotiable" payment involved? Cash is assumed, not a check payable only at the Seafirst bank in person. Negotiable means convertible anywhere .. so 'negotiable' is implicit, but also redundant on somebody's part. US is redundant in the same way. He could be some guy from Boston headed for Algeria and US dollars (universal medium of exchange) are going to be involved in any event and preferred. Put this in the context of other things/phrases Cooper used which are straight out of American middle class linguistic euphemisms. Later - This is fascinating,, the only fact is that the phrase is in the transcript,, how it got in there is open to contextual discretion, cultural bias and discernment of probabilities. This also applies to other aspects of this case,,, but each of us applies reason through a lens of experience. There is no factual solution but there are biases employed,, My reasoned explanation based on the balance of probabilities is that it likely came from the hijacker. There are, of course, other possibilities with diminishing probabilities all the way down to aliens intercepting the communications. My observation is that the American bias is to dismiss or diminish the probability that it came from the hijacker and elevate a lower probability, it came from the crew or it came from a faulty transcript. A confirmation bias mechanism to exclude or reduce the possibility of a foreigner. It is human nature but counter productive in solving a case like this. An unbiased evaluation of probabilities is required, however, we all have biases, so the best we can do is understand them. Unfortunately, facts are subjective, they require contextual discrimination for meaning. Your bias may vary... ... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyjack71 0 #45454 December 29, 2013 georger ****** ... and, she blamed Larry Carr and the FBI for losing the maggots for later testing! Blevins and Skip Porteous agreed! It's chapter 237 in some new book titled: Cooperland Uber Alles You ARE aware we put the dog back in the ground because he had been wrapped in plastic and in a heavy duty high impact storage crate. The smell after 7 yrs was horrible. We did NOT examine the remains as he was still entact....I was looking for a pill bottle. Duane took one to the garage and wanted to be alone with Symba. He obviously prepared him for burial. When I asked him what he had - his reply was - "something I want to put with Symba". He didn't tell me what it was, but when the remains were opened the smell was so bad - there was NOT much probing around. I could not afford to have him picked up for an examination of the box and we put him back in the ground. What religion had this cat? Jewish? Methodist? Buddhist? It matters ..... if "Cooperland" is going to be spot-on accurate in it's 17th revision ! Quote Where the HELL did the CAT come from - I hate CATS! I am allergic to CATS! One cat in my life I was able to be around for short periods of time - and that was when I was younger. Barn Cats are for barns and fields! So take your CAT story and STUFF it! Symba was poodle....that is a dog encase you don't know and he was all BOY! He liked to ROAM! Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
smokin99 0 #45455 December 29, 2013 RobertMBlevinsI thought my post back there was not bad concerning this phrase. But here's the problem. When you quote someone, you must establish The Source. And the source so far is simply words on a transcript. 'Hijacker wants this, hijacker wants that...' This series of messages goes through more than one source. You have the hijacker. You have the stew, you have a member of the Flight Crew relaying it. You have someone at the other end of the radio, who may or may not be the one doing the transcribing. Maybe it's someone else monitoring transmissions. Then the FBI gets to see the transcript. NO SOURCE. Need a source. Journalism 101. The easiest way to verify a source is to make it a question for co-pilot Bill Rataczak. I suggest no more than a half-dozen questions, and for God's sake ask if you can record the interview beforehand. Then record it. IMHO this should be done by a pilot. People are asking questions and creating theories, suppositions, and discussions on points that might be assisted by Going To The Source. And on some of these questions, only Rataczak is the most accessible person to answer them. He has given many interviews for many years. He talked about Cooper at the NWA powwow a short time ago. He WILL take calls but he screens the callers and you have to leave your number and ask him to call you back. I will NOT do this myself. This isn't a job for a sci-fi writer and a part-time book editor. It needs to be done by someone who speaks the same language as Rataczak. A pilot. (I am sort of busy right now, but I will come back later with a new topic: Questions for Bill Rataczak. What would you ask him about the hijacking if you had an op to do so? I have three of my own.) Actually, your post about the phrase is no more than anyone else has been saying, but still Flyjack makes a great point because it speaks to the problem with this entire case - There is subjective bias that eliminates or short-changes certain avenues of investigation. And I'm not talking about physical descriptions - because on that you have to have some type of defining criteria - I'm speaking more to biases inherent in speculative conclusions and second-hand profiling. It starts with assumptions about his behavior on the plane, then goes to the assumption that he didn't make it and spreads from there. There is nothing to suggest that Rataczak heard the hijacker. As far as we know, Cooper never talked directly to the crew in the cockpit except for the one time that they asked if he was okay. So the idea that he would even know at this late date is iffy. Finally...Even if he did...what do we have if Rataczak says that the hijacker used the phrase? We would be no further along then current speculation, because if the hijacker did (or didn't) say it you still do not know if he was a foreigner...or a counterfeiter....or a flight attendant that dealt with customs..or a regular ol joe who didn't want pesos...or a Portland banker. Not speculating on the odds, but, regardless, it would still not be beyond the realm of possibility that he was a foreigner without an accent. Which is why this conversation got revisited in the first place. I wouldn't be willing to bet further afield than certain areas of Canada, though that's just me.but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
smokin99 0 #45456 December 29, 2013 So in keeping with the foreigner theme... I received a pm from another forum member with a link to a comment on an article about the DB Cooper/Franco-/ comic connection. In the comments section of this article is a post much like Flyjack's previous post on dropzone which I am copying here: "About 30 minutes North of the US/Canadian Peace Arch border is a community called Maillardville, a suburb of Vancouver BC, my grandparents grew up there. it is the largest French Canadian community in the West, a substantial community. They were very blue collar, fully french/english bilingual, extremely french Canadian culturally, smokers, drinkers and military.. they love and celebrate the military most of them were in WW2. Most were born there but were fully french Canadian. My grandparents and their friends would drive to Reno or Vegas every year for their vacation. It was common to cross the border and shop or do day trips. So, when I read the FBIs "cooper" suspect description, it resonated with my knowledge of that community. I thought that Cooper may have come from that community. So, I started to research the possible connection to the titanium on the tie and Canada was a titanium producer and there were companies in the area that used titanium, in fact I found one still in existence today that was started in 1970, DO THEY STILL HAVE EMPLOYEE RECORDS. At this point I got sidetracked with that other suspect and haven't followed up on a possible Maillardville connection, but it should be investigated...... " The comment on this other article (not on Dropzone): "Listen-up all you sleuths out there............ here is a serious tip! -Seattle is closer to Vancouver than it is to Quebec -Maillardville is a French community located near Vancouver and is less than 20 miles from the US border. -Maillardville is adjacent to the City of Port Coquitlam, which, as chance would have it, was home to Pacific Kennametal......... a specially alloy producer that used titanium. - Here is a website link: it leads to an article from which the following is taken: - Kennametal Inc., Port Coquitlam (PE 2350)This manufacturing operation produces carbides of Titanium, Tantalum, Tungsten and Niobium. - The facility closed in the mid 1990's....... many of these people are still around. - Please cut me in on the reward!" I pm'd Flyjack and he says he is not the author of the comment from the article so someone else out is interested in the Maillardville connection. The Kennametal company location was opened in 1956 and is no longer around (though the international parent company is alive and kicking). I found another company (appears to family-owned) called Stevested Machinery. It was founded in 1970, works with Titanium, does a lot of business with aerospace industry, etc. Flyjack said that this was the company he was referring to, but neither the companies in question or Maillardville have anything to do with his current "suspect" (He did not say why this company caught his eye to begin with). I also found an American "Dan Cooper" in the same type of industry, but I didn't have time to really look for a connection to the hijacking or to any dead employees from the two companies in Vancouver, BC. I did find one indirect link with a guy from one of the companies, but this guy was in his early 50s. Anyway, Flyjack had no problem with this being posted since it has nothing to do with his secret suspect. So I am putting this out for general consumption if anyone is interested in pursuing the "French Connection". Or not. but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
smokin99 0 #45457 December 29, 2013 Robert99 ***Robert99 wrote Quote The possibility of these hazards was brought to light by the TWA Flight 800 Boeing 747 that did go kaboom off Long Island a number of years ago. What? No way. There were many "Janets" who witnessed the surface to air missile strike on TWA 800. They also saw a cruise missile hit the Pentagon on 9/11. 377 And don't forget the guy on the grassy knoll and all the people that were suppose to be buried with Lee Harvey Oswald. Oswald was actually dug up to check on that one and it turned out to be incorrect. But the real "experts" are all the people who swear they know/saw something that couldn't possibly be correct and they can be a pain in the rear. The opinions of "experts", and we seem to have one or two on this thread who think they are, seems to be more highly valued than actual facts in some circles. Robert99 Not saying where I come down on either of two of the above controversial events (JFK and Long island Flight) - just that there are still a lot of unanswered questions surrounding these events that can cause one to pause and ponder. But in a large part, conspiracy or alternative theories can be born out of desire to make sense out of senseless events, and/or because the government's investigation/inquires into the actual events, and governmental actions leading up to and after the events were so mucked up. As we all know, if you don't believe that governmental agencies of countries - including the one I love, the good ole US of A - weren't/aren't capable of some nefarious, illegal, and hurtful activities, then you haven't been paying attention. On the other hand sometimes the government is so concerned with the appearance of impropriety that they create impropriety where there was none to begin with. Off the subject, but in line with your last point and one I often think of when I think of some of our 'experts" of my favorite quotes - some say it originally came from Lincoln though there are as many alternate theories out there and versions of the quote (I just edited mine - lol) as there are Cooper candidates...(lol...maybe it's not off subject - there could be a conspiracy involved) : "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, then to speak and remove all doubt" but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FLYJACK 725 #45458 December 29, 2013 There are known gnomes. There are unknown gnomes. There are also unknown ungnomes It is the unknown ungnomes that will sneak up behind you and bite you on the ass. So, I'll post the partial gif of my suspect (older photo), I have removed the last three frames to protect my photo but this is 90% there... open this in a browser and hit refresh,, focus on specific areas during the transition, the eyes, nose, forehead, jawline, lips.. this was only an overlay to transition from 100% the hijacker sketch to 100% my suspect. I defy anyone to come up with a better match from anyone anywhere in the world. You will notice that the ears are off just slightly, everything else is bang on.. notice the turkey neck Bill Mitchell mentioned. The disclaimer, this ONLY proves that my suspect is an excellent match to the sketch of the hijacker. Coincidental. A single piece in the circumstantial puzzle… there are many more… THE BIGGEST I HAVEN"T DISCLOSED. LET THE HUNGER GAMES BEGIN>>> Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #45459 December 29, 2013 RobertMBlevinsIn general, I don't believe there are any conspiracies in either the DB Cooper case, or the tragedy over Long Island Sound. The NTSB is reasonably satisfied that it was the center wing tank exploding that caused the tragedy. I've seen a couple of documentaries done about Flight 800 where investigators were interviewed. I've read extensive reports on the accident. Haven't seen anything conclusive that would point to terrorism or a missile attack. The most convincing evidence is the Captain's comment about number four fuel flow about two and a half minutes before the explosion, and the lack of evidence from the wreckage that would show a device was detonated or the jet struck by a missile. (hot gas washing, petaling, etc) In the case of DB Cooper, I don't see any evidence of a conspiracy, either. Errors in the investigation, a failure to consider that it could have been an inside job, (Himmelsbach says this was NEVER considered for a moment by the FBI), and poor planning on the ground in Seattle. They had a few hours to do more than just get the money and give him the parachutes. They failed miserably in coming up with anything that would have assisted in actually identifying Cooper while they had him on the plane. One way would be to instruct the crew while the jet was circling Seattle that somehow, anyhow, they needed to get Cooper's fingerprints. If they had done this, it is very likely the case would have been solved long ago. Or trying to surreptitiously get a quick picture of him with a small camera. Or...placing the money in two containers. One large, one small, with extra room in the larger container. This way, his transfer of the money would have left prints. Or...keeping the chute instructions after making sure he handled them first. All KINDS of possibilities presented themselves, and yet the FBI just plain dropped the ball on this one. Basically, I think Cooper selecting the afternoon before Thanksgiving and not having a political agenda or an exact plan caught the FBI by surprise. Mucklow tells Cooper: We have oxygen on board. Cooper: I know where it is. If I need it, I will get it. That statement alone is suspicious. Was this portable O2 located out of sight of passengers? If so, HOW exactly did Cooper know where it was? Was portable O2 kept in different locations depending on the particular airline? I would have asked those questions right away, were I an FBI agent in Seattle back in 1971. Yet the FBI never did. If the answers are: 1) The oxygen bottle(s) are located out of sight of passengers, and 2) Kept in different locations depending on the airline, then this points to someone who either worked for the airline or was familiar with NWA 727's. In the case of Kenny Christiansen, I cannot prove he was Cooper. I can't even put him for sure on the plane. But the ONE question I would like answered is this: I want to know why Bernard Wayne Geestman told History Channel that Christiansen could be the hijacker, when I have taken testimony from three different people who claim the two men were together (and missing) for the entire week the hijacking occurred. He should have offered Kenny an alibi instead of pointing to him, don't you think? He has also accused his ex-wife as possibly being an accomplice. He did this right on his front porch in the only time I interviewed him personally. For her part, his wife said HE was actually involved in the hijacking. In six separate interviews. One of them is lying. Of that I have no doubt. I would like to see that question answered. I have had similar thoughts about "ear muffs"! Do you have any thoughts about the "baseball cap band industry"! ? Americans and Wage Earner Sheeple want the "inside dope" . Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #45460 December 29, 2013 FLYJACKThere are known gnomes. There are unknown gnomes. There are also unknown ungnomes It is the unknown ungnomes that will sneak up behind you and bite you on the ass. So, I'll post the partial gif of my suspect (older photo), I have removed the last three frames to protect my photo but this is 90% there... open this in a browser and hit refresh,, focus on specific areas during the transition, the eyes, nose, forehead, jawline, lips.. this was only an overlay to transition from 100% the hijacker sketch to 100% my suspect. I defy anyone to come up with a better match from anyone anywhere in the world. You will notice that the ears are off just slightly, everything else is bang on.. notice the turkey neck Bill Mitchell mentioned. The disclaimer, this ONLY proves that my suspect is an excellent match to the sketch of the hijacker. Coincidental. A single piece in the circumstantial puzzle… there are many more… THE BIGGEST I HAVEN"T DISCLOSED. LET THE HUNGER GAMES BEGIN>>> yum yum. more more! 20 Guesses. Americans and Wage Earner Sheeple can't wait! Does he look like - this guy! ? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
smokin99 0 #45461 December 29, 2013 RobertMBlevinsIn general, I don't believe there are any conspiracies in either the DB Cooper case, or the tragedy over Long Island Sound. The NTSB ........ ........In the case of DB Cooper, I don't see any evidence of a conspiracy, either. Errors in the investigation, a failure to consider that it could have been an inside job, (Himmelsbach says this was NEVER considered for a moment by the FBI), and poor planning on the ground in Seattle. They had a few hours to do more than just get the money and give him the parachutes. They failed miserably in coming up with anything that would have assisted in actually identifying Cooper while they had him on the plane. One way would be to instruct the crew while the jet was circling Seattle that somehow, anyhow, they needed to get Cooper's fingerprints. If they had done this, it is very likely the case would have been solved long ago. Or trying to surreptitiously get a quick picture of him with a small camera. Or...placing the money in two containers. One large, one small, with extra room in the larger container. This way, his transfer of the money would have left prints. Or...keeping the chute instructions after making sure he handled them first. All KINDS of possibilities presented themselves, and yet the FBI just plain dropped the ball on this one. Basically, I think Cooper selecting the afternoon before Thanksgiving and not having a political agenda or an exact plan caught the FBI by surprise. Mucklow tells Cooper: We have oxygen on board. Cooper: I know where it is. If I need it, I will get it. That statement alone is suspicious. Was this portable O2 located out of sight of passengers? If so, HOW exactly did Cooper know where it was? Was portable O2 kept in different locations depending on the particular airline? I would have asked those questions right away, were I an FBI agent in Seattle back in 1971. Yet the FBI never did. If the answers are: 1) The oxygen bottle(s) are located out of sight of passengers, and 2) Kept in different locations depending on the airline, then this points to someone who either worked for the airline or was familiar with NWA 727's. Like I said, I've read and watched a lot about the Long island flight myself, and while i don't consider myself an expert, even a wikipedia one, on all and sundry that comes up on this thread, there are some questions that are still out there to anyone with even a a little intellectual curiosity. But this isn't a thread about that so I'm just going to let that be. But about DB Cooper.....First it's highly doubtful that the FBI was calling all of the shots at that point. Second - How do you know they don't have fingerprints? Fingerprint 101 as you like to say, is that they have to have someone or a set on file to compare it to. Two containers - what is to stop him from throwing both away? Plus if they can get fingerprints off of a canvas bag, why can't they just get them off of the parachute and canister he left behind on the plane? Or the glass he drank out of of? Or the seats he touched? Or DNA from the cords that he cut? A camera? Why would Northwest or the FBI endanger the lives of the passengers and crew like that? Were cameras the quiet little marvels of technology that we see today? The ones I remember were large loud shutterbugs that needed flash to do anything in low light. Other than the fact that hindsight and 40 years has made us so much smarter than the FBI was then, people tend to forget that this guy had a flippin bomb and was threatening to BLOW THEM UP - or they thought he did and that is enough. On the question of oxygen, if that conversation came from Geoff Gray - I'm not convinced that he didn't paraphrase and embellish some of the conversations in the book. (Not intentional maybe, but literary license to make the story read better) I've found quite a few discrepancies against what is in the publicized records, ckret's statements and GG's book. Not to mention that GG just ran with the whole Kenny paid over 14,000 in cash for a house without checking into that. My point being if you can be that cavalier about something that is a primary basis for KC being Cooper, I don't know - just doesn't inspire much trust in the rest of the book. But that's just me...but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MarkBennett 5 #45462 December 29, 2013 FLYJACKThere are known gnomes. There are unknown gnomes. There are also unknown ungnomes It is the unknown ungnomes that will sneak up behind you and bite you on the ass. So, I'll post the partial gif of my suspect (older photo), I have removed the last three frames to protect my photo but this is 90% there... open this in a browser and hit refresh,, focus on specific areas during the transition, the eyes, nose, forehead, jawline, lips.. this was only an overlay to transition from 100% the hijacker sketch to 100% my suspect. I defy anyone to come up with a better match from anyone anywhere in the world. You will notice that the ears are off just slightly, everything else is bang on.. notice the turkey neck Bill Mitchell mentioned. The disclaimer, this ONLY proves that my suspect is an excellent match to the sketch of the hijacker. Coincidental. A single piece in the circumstantial puzzle… there are many more… THE BIGGEST I HAVEN"T DISCLOSED. LET THE HUNGER GAMES BEGIN>>> The guy in that photo looked very familiar to me. It finally hit me -- Christopher Walken! Does anyone else see that? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #45463 December 29, 2013 smokin99***In general, I don't believe there are any conspiracies in either the DB Cooper case, or the tragedy over Long Island Sound. The NTSB ........ ........In the case of DB Cooper, I don't see any evidence of a conspiracy, either. Errors in the investigation, a failure to consider that it could have been an inside job, (Himmelsbach says this was NEVER considered for a moment by the FBI), and poor planning on the ground in Seattle. They had a few hours to do more than just get the money and give him the parachutes. They failed miserably in coming up with anything that would have assisted in actually identifying Cooper while they had him on the plane. One way would be to instruct the crew while the jet was circling Seattle that somehow, anyhow, they needed to get Cooper's fingerprints. If they had done this, it is very likely the case would have been solved long ago. Or trying to surreptitiously get a quick picture of him with a small camera. Or...placing the money in two containers. One large, one small, with extra room in the larger container. This way, his transfer of the money would have left prints. Or...keeping the chute instructions after making sure he handled them first. All KINDS of possibilities presented themselves, and yet the FBI just plain dropped the ball on this one. Basically, I think Cooper selecting the afternoon before Thanksgiving and not having a political agenda or an exact plan caught the FBI by surprise. Mucklow tells Cooper: We have oxygen on board. Cooper: I know where it is. If I need it, I will get it. That statement alone is suspicious. Was this portable O2 located out of sight of passengers? If so, HOW exactly did Cooper know where it was? Was portable O2 kept in different locations depending on the particular airline? I would have asked those questions right away, were I an FBI agent in Seattle back in 1971. Yet the FBI never did. If the answers are: 1) The oxygen bottle(s) are located out of sight of passengers, and 2) Kept in different locations depending on the airline, then this points to someone who either worked for the airline or was familiar with NWA 727's. Like I said, I've read and watched a lot about the Long island flight myself, and while i don't consider myself an expert, even a wikipedia one, on all and sundry that comes up on this thread, there are some questions that are still out there to anyone with even a a little intellectual curiosity. But this isn't a thread about that so I'm just going to let that be. But about DB Cooper.....First it's highly doubtful that the FBI was calling all of the shots at that point. Second - How do you know they don't have fingerprints? Fingerprint 101 as you like to say, is that they have to have someone or a set on file to compare it to. Two containers - what is to stop him from throwing both away? Plus if they can get fingerprints off of a canvas bag, why can't they just get them off of the parachute and canister he left behind on the plane? Or the glass he drank out of of? Or the seats he touched? Or DNA from the cords that he cut? A camera? Why would Northwest or the FBI endanger the lives of the passengers and crew like that? Were cameras the quiet little marvels of technology that we see today? The ones I remember were large loud shutterbugs that needed flash to do anything in low light. Other than the fact that hindsight and 40 years has made us so much smarter than the FBI was then, people tend to forget that this guy had a flippin bomb and was threatening to BLOW THEM UP - or they thought he did and that is enough. On the question of oxygen, if that conversation came from Geoff Gray - I'm not convinced that he didn't paraphrase and embellish some of the conversations in the book. (Not intentional maybe, but literary license to make the story read better) I've found quite a few discrepancies against what is in the publicized records, ckret's statements and GG's book. Not to mention that GG just ran with the whole Kenny paid over 14,000 in cash for a house without checking into that. My point being if you can be that cavalier about something that is a primary basis for KC being Cooper, I don't know - just doesn't inspire much trust in the rest of the book. But that's just me... Cooper Info - 70% REDUCTION - POST XMAS FIRE SALE!@ GET IT WHILE ITS HOT OR NOT. we need to clear our shelves to accommodate future Cooperland myths at 20,000x what it cost us to make. Let us know your needs! We are here 24/7. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #45464 December 29, 2013 MarkBennett***There are known gnomes. There are unknown gnomes. There are also unknown ungnomes It is the unknown ungnomes that will sneak up behind you and bite you on the ass. So, I'll post the partial gif of my suspect (older photo), I have removed the last three frames to protect my photo but this is 90% there... open this in a browser and hit refresh,, focus on specific areas during the transition, the eyes, nose, forehead, jawline, lips.. this was only an overlay to transition from 100% the hijacker sketch to 100% my suspect. I defy anyone to come up with a better match from anyone anywhere in the world. You will notice that the ears are off just slightly, everything else is bang on.. notice the turkey neck Bill Mitchell mentioned. The disclaimer, this ONLY proves that my suspect is an excellent match to the sketch of the hijacker. Coincidental. A single piece in the circumstantial puzzle… there are many more… THE BIGGEST I HAVEN"T DISCLOSED. LET THE HUNGER GAMES BEGIN>>> The guy in that photo looked very familiar to me. It finally hit me -- Christopher Walken! Does anyone else see that? with a little photo shopping 101 what the hell - Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Robert99 50 #45465 December 29, 2013 RobertMBlevins In the case of DB Cooper, I don't see any evidence of a conspiracy, either. Errors in the investigation, a failure to consider that it could have been an inside job, (Himmelsbach says this was NEVER considered for a moment by the FBI), and poor planning on the ground in Seattle. They had a few hours to do more than just get the money and give him the parachutes. They failed miserably in coming up with anything that would have assisted in actually identifying Cooper while they had him on the plane. One way would be to instruct the crew while the jet was circling Seattle that somehow, anyhow, they needed to get Cooper's fingerprints. If they had done this, it is very likely the case would have been solved long ago. Or trying to surreptitiously get a quick picture of him with a small camera. Or...placing the money in two containers. One large, one small, with extra room in the larger container. This way, his transfer of the money would have left prints. Or...keeping the chute instructions after making sure he handled them first. All KINDS of possibilities presented themselves, and yet the FBI just plain dropped the ball on this one. . . . . . We have oxygen on board. Cooper: I know where it is. If I need it, I will get it. That statement alone is suspicious. Was this portable O2 located out of sight of passengers? If so, HOW exactly did Cooper know where it was? Was portable O2 kept in different locations depending on the particular airline? I would have asked those questions right away, were I an FBI agent in Seattle back in 1971. Yet the FBI never did. If the answers are: 1) The oxygen bottle(s) are located out of sight of passengers, and 2) Kept in different locations depending on the airline, then this points to someone who either worked for the airline or was familiar with NWA 727's. Blevins, Here we go again! If you had taken time to read Himmelsbach's book, you would know that the FBI had initially been directed to "assist" NWA in whatever manner NWA wanted to do. The FBI did NOT have charge of the initial response in Seattle. So if the events in Seattle were screwed up, it was by NWA. Don't blame the FBI for NWA's mistakes, assuming any "mistakes" were made by anyone in Seattle. Since you don't have any law enforcement experience or training in the first place, all of your advice to the FBI 42 years after the hijacking is just another example of your self-serving posts. On the matter of the oxygen bottles, you don't know what you are talking about there either. In the early 1970s yellow oxygen bottles were routinely carried in the cabins of jet airliners and I spent quite a bit of time sitting close to them. The yellow oxygen bottles were low pressure (about 400 PSI, that is why they were painted yellow) and were portable. They were used to provide the flight attendants with a mobile oxygen supply as they moved about the cabin during decompressions at altitude. In case of a passenger medical emergency, they could also be used to provide more oxygen to that passenger than would be available from the normal cabin air. These oxygen bottles were normally mounted on a bulkhead and/or at one end of the cabin or another. And they were NOT hidden. They were mounted in plain sight and had fast mounting releases so that the flight attendants could grab them and get to where the problem was in a hurry. All Cooper was telling Tina was that he knew what those yellow bottles contained. All this means is that Cooper had enough aviation experience to know where the oxygen was if he needed it at 10,000 feet. This was a couple of thousand feet higher than the normal cabin pressure altitude in that era which was usually about 8000 feet or less. Your statements about how you wanted the FBI to do your homework in the KC matter have been deleted from the above. You and Jo Weber using the FBI as a whipping boy for apparently not doing anything to support your allegations about KC and Duane Weber is just another example of how shameless both of you can be. Robert99 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
smokin99 0 #45466 December 29, 2013 FLYJACK There are known gnomes. There are unknown gnomes. There are also unknown ungnomes It is the unknown ungnomes that will sneak up behind you and bite you on the ass. So, I'll post the partial gif of my suspect (older photo), I have removed the last three frames to protect my photo but this is 90% there... open this in a browser and hit refresh,, focus on specific areas during the transition, the eyes, nose, forehead, jawline, lips.. this was only an overlay to transition from 100% the hijacker sketch to 100% my suspect. I defy anyone to come up with a better match from anyone anywhere in the world. You will notice that the ears are off just slightly, everything else is bang on.. notice the turkey neck Bill Mitchell mentioned. The disclaimer, this ONLY proves that my suspect is an excellent match to the sketch of the hijacker. Coincidental. A single piece in the circumstantial puzzle… there are many more… THE BIGGEST I HAVEN"T DISCLOSED. LET THE HUNGER GAMES BEGIN>>> lol...I'm with the 377. I think you and Jo have perfected the art of the tease. I'm not getting anymore out of the transition than what you've already posted, but that's just me. Edited to add - this does not mean that I don't see the likeness - just that I don't see it any better than with the original attachment. Lol...such secrecy...If I remember correctly wasn't teamwork a big part of why the hero on hunger games won? Seriously, though...imo...this is another reason that the case will never be solved without a forensic or physical evidence find. Everyone is so "ungnomish" , competitive, and afraid of being "scooped" that no one will ever be declared "the winner' without evidence. I'm talking prints, a body, a chute, or a twenty. But good luck! but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FLYJACK 725 #45467 December 29, 2013 smokin99 ***There are known gnomes. There are unknown gnomes. There are also unknown ungnomes It is the unknown ungnomes that will sneak up behind you and bite you on the ass. So, I'll post the partial gif of my suspect (older photo), I have removed the last three frames to protect my photo but this is 90% there... open this in a browser and hit refresh,, focus on specific areas during the transition, the eyes, nose, forehead, jawline, lips.. this was only an overlay to transition from 100% the hijacker sketch to 100% my suspect. I defy anyone to come up with a better match from anyone anywhere in the world. You will notice that the ears are off just slightly, everything else is bang on.. notice the turkey neck Bill Mitchell mentioned. The disclaimer, this ONLY proves that my suspect is an excellent match to the sketch of the hijacker. Coincidental. A single piece in the circumstantial puzzle… there are many more… THE BIGGEST I HAVEN"T DISCLOSED. LET THE HUNGER GAMES BEGIN>>> lol...I'm with the 377. I think you and Jo have perfected the art of the tease. I'm not getting anymore out of this"transition" than what you've already posted, but that's just me. Lol...such secrecy...If I remember correctly wasn't teamwork a big part of why the hero on hunger games won? Seriously, though...imo...this is another reason that the case will never be solved without a forensic or physical evidence find. Everyone is so "ungnomish" , competitive, and afraid of being "scooped" that no one will ever be declared "the winner' without evidence. I'm talking prints, a body, a chute, or a twenty. But good luck! Well, I intend to disclose the identity "FREE" but not until I have his prints and possible DNA in my possession, the only way to exclude, until then I can't trust anyone.. and I don't think that a team can take my research any further than I have due to him being a foreigner. It isn't about being a winner, it is about some idiot screwing up the ability to obtain prints and possible DNA. I have thought about a nondisclosure agreement for help in research but it doesn't seem feasible.. it is purely circumstantial until we prove he was on that plane… so maybe my suspect is just an amazing set of coincidences… but WHAT-IF I just forgot about it. We would never know. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FLYJACK 725 #45468 December 29, 2013 georger******There are known gnomes. There are unknown gnomes. There are also unknown ungnomes It is the unknown ungnomes that will sneak up behind you and bite you on the ass. So, I'll post the partial gif of my suspect (older photo), I have removed the last three frames to protect my photo but this is 90% there... open this in a browser and hit refresh,, focus on specific areas during the transition, the eyes, nose, forehead, jawline, lips.. this was only an overlay to transition from 100% the hijacker sketch to 100% my suspect. I defy anyone to come up with a better match from anyone anywhere in the world. You will notice that the ears are off just slightly, everything else is bang on.. notice the turkey neck Bill Mitchell mentioned. The disclaimer, this ONLY proves that my suspect is an excellent match to the sketch of the hijacker. Coincidental. A single piece in the circumstantial puzzle… there are many more… THE BIGGEST I HAVEN"T DISCLOSED. LET THE HUNGER GAMES BEGIN>>> The guy in that photo looked very familiar to me. It finally hit me -- Christopher Walken! Does anyone else see that? with a little photo shopping 101 what the hell - My image was not done in photoshop, not manipulated, not distorted in any way, it was one image laid over another then a gif created to show the alignment of features, shapes. My suspect always wore a tie, was exposed virtually daily to all those particles found on the tie AND has a proven connection to "Dan Copper", had WW2 Europe military experience and has aviation knowledge among other things.. Circumstantial YES,,, Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
smokin99 0 #45469 December 29, 2013 FLYJACK ******There are known gnomes. There are unknown gnomes. There are also unknown ungnomes It is the unknown ungnomes that will sneak up behind you and bite you on the ass. So, I'll post the partial gif of my suspect (older photo), I have removed the last three frames to protect my photo but this is 90% there... open this in a browser and hit refresh,, focus on specific areas during the transition, the eyes, nose, forehead, jawline, lips.. this was only an overlay to transition from 100% the hijacker sketch to 100% my suspect. I defy anyone to come up with a better match from anyone anywhere in the world. You will notice that the ears are off just slightly, everything else is bang on.. notice the turkey neck Bill Mitchell mentioned. The disclaimer, this ONLY proves that my suspect is an excellent match to the sketch of the hijacker. Coincidental. A single piece in the circumstantial puzzle… there are many more… THE BIGGEST I HAVEN"T DISCLOSED. LET THE HUNGER GAMES BEGIN>>> lol...I'm with the 377. I think you and Jo have perfected the art of the tease. I'm not getting anymore out of this"transition" than what you've already posted, but that's just me. Lol...such secrecy...If I remember correctly wasn't teamwork a big part of why the hero on hunger games won? Seriously, though...imo...this is another reason that the case will never be solved without a forensic or physical evidence find. Everyone is so "ungnomish" , competitive, and afraid of being "scooped" that no one will ever be declared "the winner' without evidence. I'm talking prints, a body, a chute, or a twenty. But good luck! Well, I intend to disclose the identity "FREE" but not until I have his prints and possible DNA in my possession, the only way to exclude, until then I can't trust anyone.. and I don't think that a team can take my research any further than I have due to him being a foreigner. It isn't about being a winner, it is about some idiot screwing up the ability to obtain prints and possible DNA. I have thought about a nondisclosure agreement for help in research but it doesn't seem feasible.. it is purely circumstantial until we prove he was on that plane… so maybe my suspect is just an amazing set of coincidences… but WHAT-IF I just forgot about it. We would never know. I wouldn't be so quick to doubt the prowess of some of us in finding stuff, but idiots and egos do abound so you probably have a valid point there. but....A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.....Winston Churchill Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #45470 December 29, 2013 Robert99*** In the case of DB Cooper, I don't see any evidence of a conspiracy, either. Errors in the investigation, a failure to consider that it could have been an inside job, (Himmelsbach says this was NEVER considered for a moment by the FBI), and poor planning on the ground in Seattle. They had a few hours to do more than just get the money and give him the parachutes. They failed miserably in coming up with anything that would have assisted in actually identifying Cooper while they had him on the plane. One way would be to instruct the crew while the jet was circling Seattle that somehow, anyhow, they needed to get Cooper's fingerprints. If they had done this, it is very likely the case would have been solved long ago. Or trying to surreptitiously get a quick picture of him with a small camera. Or...placing the money in two containers. One large, one small, with extra room in the larger container. This way, his transfer of the money would have left prints. Or...keeping the chute instructions after making sure he handled them first. All KINDS of possibilities presented themselves, and yet the FBI just plain dropped the ball on this one. . . . . . We have oxygen on board. Cooper: I know where it is. If I need it, I will get it. That statement alone is suspicious. Was this portable O2 located out of sight of passengers? If so, HOW exactly did Cooper know where it was? Was portable O2 kept in different locations depending on the particular airline? I would have asked those questions right away, were I an FBI agent in Seattle back in 1971. Yet the FBI never did. If the answers are: 1) The oxygen bottle(s) are located out of sight of passengers, and 2) Kept in different locations depending on the airline, then this points to someone who either worked for the airline or was familiar with NWA 727's. Blevins, Here we go again! If you had taken time to read Himmelsbach's book, you would know that the FBI had initially been directed to "assist" NWA in whatever manner NWA wanted to do. The FBI did NOT have charge of the initial response in Seattle. So if the events in Seattle were screwed up, it was by NWA. Don't blame the FBI for NWA's mistakes, assuming any "mistakes" were made by anyone in Seattle. Since you don't have any law enforcement experience or training in the first place, all of your advice to the FBI 42 years after the hijacking is just another example of your self-serving posts. On the matter of the oxygen bottles, you don't know what you are talking about there either. In the early 1970s yellow oxygen bottles were routinely carried in the cabins of jet airliners and I spent quite a bit of time sitting close to them. The yellow oxygen bottles were low pressure (about 400 PSI, that is why they were painted yellow) and were portable. They were used to provide the flight attendants with a mobile oxygen supply as they moved about the cabin during decompressions at altitude. In case of a passenger medical emergency, they could also be used to provide more oxygen to that passenger than would be available from the normal cabin air. These oxygen bottles were normally mounted on a bulkhead and/or at one end of the cabin or another. And they were NOT hidden. They were mounted in plain sight and had fast mounting releases so that the flight attendants could grab them and get to where the problem was in a hurry. All Cooper was telling Tina was that he knew what those yellow bottles contained. All this means is that Cooper had enough aviation experience to know where the oxygen was if he needed it at 10,000 feet. This was a couple of thousand feet higher than the normal cabin pressure altitude in that era which was usually about 8000 feet or less. Your statements about how you wanted the FBI to do your homework in the KC matter have been deleted from the above. You and Jo Weber using the FBI as a whipping boy for apparently not doing anything to support your allegations about KC and Duane Weber is just another example of how shameless both of you can be. Robert99 ... correction to the above ... "shameless and ineffectual" But your words will not phase them. That isn't why they are here or what they are about even remotely. In fact criticism seems to feed their ego's! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MarkBennett 5 #45471 December 29, 2013 georger ******There are known gnomes. There are unknown gnomes. There are also unknown ungnomes It is the unknown ungnomes that will sneak up behind you and bite you on the ass. So, I'll post the partial gif of my suspect (older photo), I have removed the last three frames to protect my photo but this is 90% there... open this in a browser and hit refresh,, focus on specific areas during the transition, the eyes, nose, forehead, jawline, lips.. this was only an overlay to transition from 100% the hijacker sketch to 100% my suspect. I defy anyone to come up with a better match from anyone anywhere in the world. You will notice that the ears are off just slightly, everything else is bang on.. notice the turkey neck Bill Mitchell mentioned. The disclaimer, this ONLY proves that my suspect is an excellent match to the sketch of the hijacker. Coincidental. A single piece in the circumstantial puzzle… there are many more… THE BIGGEST I HAVEN"T DISCLOSED. LET THE HUNGER GAMES BEGIN>>> The guy in that photo looked very familiar to me. It finally hit me -- Christopher Walken! Does anyone else see that? with a little photo shopping 101 what the hell - Thank you! I've always wanted my own preferred suspect, so I can post long and repetitive arguments on my preferred suspect. How do we know Christopher Walken was DB Cooper? 1) He matches the description 2) He may seem too young, but he's the same age as Richard Floyd McCoy 3) He has had proximity to other mysterious events -- such as the drowning of Natalie Wood 4) As a professional actor, he would have experience altering his appearance and his voice Yep! I finally fit in! I now have a suspect. Be sure to check back here hourly for my latest updates! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
georger 247 #45472 December 29, 2013 RobertMBlevins Impossible to explore your suspect. Not enough information provided. Bing Crosby matches the DB Cooper sketch. That's a bit of a joke that's been used before in Cooperland. In other words, without a name, without a basic history to check, it is impossible to present as an actual suspect. The upside is that when you decide to do this, your suspect will probably be listed on the Wiki DB Cooper page with the others. you mean: listed by YOU! since you are self-appointed IN CHARGE OF ........ COOPERLAND! This Cooperland you keep referring to and citing. Where is it? Who is it? Except between your ears? You don't know anything about anything! You are simply creating then playing back-stories you alone create. You sure don't seem to know or care what anyone else thinks! Who's the BIGGEST CHUMP in Cooperland? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FLYJACK 725 #45473 December 29, 2013 MarkBennett *********There are known gnomes. There are unknown gnomes. There are also unknown ungnomes It is the unknown ungnomes that will sneak up behind you and bite you on the ass. So, I'll post the partial gif of my suspect (older photo), I have removed the last three frames to protect my photo but this is 90% there... open this in a browser and hit refresh,, focus on specific areas during the transition, the eyes, nose, forehead, jawline, lips.. this was only an overlay to transition from 100% the hijacker sketch to 100% my suspect. I defy anyone to come up with a better match from anyone anywhere in the world. You will notice that the ears are off just slightly, everything else is bang on.. notice the turkey neck Bill Mitchell mentioned. The disclaimer, this ONLY proves that my suspect is an excellent match to the sketch of the hijacker. Coincidental. A single piece in the circumstantial puzzle… there are many more… THE BIGGEST I HAVEN"T DISCLOSED. LET THE HUNGER GAMES BEGIN>>> The guy in that photo looked very familiar to me. It finally hit me -- Christopher Walken! Does anyone else see that? with a little photo shopping 101 what the hell - Thank you! I've always wanted my own preferred suspect, so I can post long and repetitive arguments on my preferred suspect. How do we know Christopher Walken was DB Cooper? 1) He matches the description 2) He may seem too young, but he's the same age as Richard Floyd McCoy 3) He has had proximity to other mysterious events -- such as the drowning of Natalie Wood 4) As a professional actor, he would have experience altering his appearance and his voice Yep! I finally fit in! I now have a suspect. Be sure to check back here hourly for my latest updates! and some wonder why I don't share the name here… for vetting,, .. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MarkBennett 5 #45474 December 29, 2013 FLYJACK ************There are known gnomes. There are unknown gnomes. There are also unknown ungnomes It is the unknown ungnomes that will sneak up behind you and bite you on the ass. So, I'll post the partial gif of my suspect (older photo), I have removed the last three frames to protect my photo but this is 90% there... open this in a browser and hit refresh,, focus on specific areas during the transition, the eyes, nose, forehead, jawline, lips.. this was only an overlay to transition from 100% the hijacker sketch to 100% my suspect. I defy anyone to come up with a better match from anyone anywhere in the world. You will notice that the ears are off just slightly, everything else is bang on.. notice the turkey neck Bill Mitchell mentioned. The disclaimer, this ONLY proves that my suspect is an excellent match to the sketch of the hijacker. Coincidental. A single piece in the circumstantial puzzle… there are many more… THE BIGGEST I HAVEN"T DISCLOSED. LET THE HUNGER GAMES BEGIN>>> The guy in that photo looked very familiar to me. It finally hit me -- Christopher Walken! Does anyone else see that? with a little photo shopping 101 what the hell - Thank you! I've always wanted my own preferred suspect, so I can post long and repetitive arguments on my preferred suspect. How do we know Christopher Walken was DB Cooper? 1) He matches the description 2) He may seem too young, but he's the same age as Richard Floyd McCoy 3) He has had proximity to other mysterious events -- such as the drowning of Natalie Wood 4) As a professional actor, he would have experience altering his appearance and his voice Yep! I finally fit in! I now have a suspect. Be sure to check back here hourly for my latest updates! and some wonder why I don't share the name here… for vetting,, .. Well, I'm kidding, obviously. But, I don't know why you don't share your name. There's not likely to be financial rewards and if you had the right guy, you certainly would be recognized by this board. There's just a lot of gamesmanship on this board, so I added my own, tongue in cheek. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Robert99 50 #45475 December 29, 2013 Blevins writes: There is a difference between just saying you know a certain person is the hijacker, and actually PRESENTING EVIDENCE about it that includes testimony from CURRENTLY LIVING WITNESSES. Big difference. R99 replies: Do you consider your KC real estate claims to be evidence? Blevins writes: Not only that, but I said I didn't know where they kept the extra O-2 on 727's. I only asked a question about it. And that question was perfectly valid IF the O-2 bottles were NOT in plain sight. That was the whole point. R99 replies: The oxygen bottles are NOT "extra O-2". They are required equipment. And there is other required equipment in the cabin that you apparently are not aware of. In any event, the oxygen bottles have already been discussed to death here over the last several years. Blevins writes: If it turns out that Kenny Christiansen was indeed DB Cooper, that statement by Himmelsbach will always come back to haunt the FBI. It would mean one of the big reasons they never solved the case was because they were looking in the wrong place. R99 replies: Relax. Neither Himmelsbach nor the FBI have to worry about KC being the hijacker. Robert99 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites